• il y a 18 heures
00:00All right, it's mid 2024. So you know what that means? Another new version of iOS coming
00:08to an iPhone near you. So I've been testing the newest version of iOS 18 on my iPhone
00:13for the past couple of weeks now. It's been in beta and now that the public beta is out,
00:17you too can test it on an iPhone before it comes out for everyone in September. But there
00:22is some interesting stuff in this version. Now, last year, I remember talking about how
00:27almost every single one of those new features was super ecosystem based. Like they depend
00:32on having a friend with an iPhone or having some other Apple device in your life. But
00:37it's kind of the opposite with these. They're all just basically new features to the iPhone
00:41anyway. So I'd love to see that. Now for this video, the one thing I'm leaving out is Apple
00:45intelligence stuff. That's like an entire separate bucket of stuff that, to be honest,
00:51hasn't really been available for me to test in the pre-release betas. So I'm gonna make
00:54a separate video just about that stuff as soon as it's actually testable. So be sure
01:00to get subscribed to see that when I actually drop that video. But this video is a top five
01:06of everything else. All right, number five, the new control center. So I have this at
01:10number five because while there is a good amount of new stuff here, I don't know if
01:15I like all of the new changes, but let me know what you think. So when you pull down
01:19from the corner, the new control center is first of all, a little bit more colorful and
01:23it's paginated. It's three pages now. I'll honestly probably never really use the second
01:28two pages, but they are a full page visualizer for whatever media is playing. And then a
01:32list of all these one touch toggles for your basic connectivity. But actually it turns
01:37out this full page list is really just an expanded version of what you already had on
01:41the first page. So you can get there with a couple more taps, but okay. So on that first
01:45page, if you hit the plus button in the corner, it shows a grid and then you can play with
01:49the size and placement of anything that has a tab in that bottom corner. So they all
01:54kind of have these predefined sizes that they morph between. So you can mess around here
01:58with, you know, basically designing your perfect layout for your control screen. You can add
02:03new controls and there's a whole massive list of them to search through here and surface
02:06things that you do often. And right now, these are basically all Apple app controls. What
02:12I'm more interested in though is, I mean, these are all controls, like I said, not widgets.
02:17So they're for controlling things very directly, like turning on wifi or turning up the brightness.
02:23And so Apple has said that third party apps are going to be able to build in controls
02:26as well. So there's none here now, but I very much look forward to like a one touch turning
02:31on the AC in the car or one touch opening up the barcode scanner in my calorie tracker
02:37app or something like that. So just having more controls surfaced in here, that's going
02:42to be pretty sweet. We've also noticed this new flashlight control, which when you click
02:46it allows you to control both the intensity and the beam width of the torch. For some
02:52reason, the intensity part definitely works. The beam width, I don't know if I'm as convinced
02:57on that one, but I guess it's still really cool UI. Oh, also there's a new button up
03:01here to turn off your phone, kind of like Android added a while ago in the settings.
03:06But also you can now finally change the controls on your lock screen now from the default,
03:12which have been the flashlight and the camera for forever. You can hold down, customize,
03:17lock screen and get in there and go to town. Again, I hope there's third party ones that
03:21end up here, but there's already a ton of options. I'm excited to set mine to my to-do
03:25list app someday. But that brings us to number four, the number four best new iOS 18 feature.
03:29And that's the passwords app. You know, every once in a while, there's just a new update
03:32that installs a new app on everyone's phones and just drops it on your home screen. So
03:36this is one of them. But essentially what this is, is just breaking out all of the password
03:40tools that were previously buried in the settings on the phone and making it an app.
03:45So your iPhone's been saving your passwords for a while now, saving wifi passcodes, remembering
03:49all this stuff. This app is just a super simple way of finding it all in one place, searching
03:53through that stuff and making sense of it. Plus it also supports some new features. So
03:57there's two factor authentication and pass keys. And then there's a couple extra things
04:01on top that may be good enough to get you to switch from whatever password manager app
04:07you're using on your iPhone to Apple's passwords app. So at the bottom left, you can create
04:12shared passwords and pass keys within a group of trusted contacts. Works with other people
04:17with iPhones anyway. And then when you're signing up for some new account somewhere,
04:20it'll do the same thing it always does. It offers a super secure password and then offers
04:24to remember it for you. But what I found interesting is it doesn't really have like a master password.
04:29It just seems on the iPhone to default to face ID. So if you've got face ID on your
04:34iPhone, it'll ask for that to log in no master password. Really the main reason I'm not going
04:40to be using this app is because I still daily an Android phone. And of course they did not
04:44make an Android version of this passwords app. They did make a Mac app and they also
04:48did make a Chrome extension, which is interesting, but yeah, no Android app. And I still log
04:53into a bunch of stuff on Android. So it's not for me, but number three is going to have
04:58to be the new home screen customization. Some of you might've expected this to be higher
05:04like number one or number two, but I have my reasons and maybe let me know if you agree
05:08with them. So the day has finally come. There is new customization stuff available to iPhone
05:14home screens, kinda. I mean, there's some good stuff and also some weird stuff. I'll
05:17start with the stuff I like. Here's the easy part. iPhone users can now put their icons
05:23anywhere on their home screens that they want. Welcome to 2024 iPhone users. Who's got it
05:30better than you? Now everything still snaps to the grid of course, but now you can actually
05:34put icons on the right side or the bottom of your home screen where they'll actually
05:39be reachable and they won't have to snap back up to the top. How cool is that? First they
05:43give you widgets, now they give you this. It's unbelievable stuff. But now, okay, if
05:46you want to customize even further, you hold down on anywhere on the home screen and there's
05:50a little edit button at the top. You hit that and then you hit customize. And then this
05:55is it. This is the entire home screen customization menu now for the iPhone. So you can go dark
06:01mode, which tints your wallpaper a little darker and then sets your icons out of a dark
06:05mode version to dark mode. Or you could set light mode, which is the opposite. It sets
06:08your icons to light and it tints your wallpaper light and then automatic. But there's also
06:13this large button here, which just makes all of your icons larger, but then also removes
06:17the text. Honestly, kind of clean, not going to lie. But then there's this tinted button,
06:21which feels kind of cursed. So this is already kind of a weird looking icon. When you click
06:27it, it lets you tint the color of all the icons on your home screen to a single matching
06:32color, which sounds kind of cool in theory to match your wallpaper. And actually there's
06:38even a color picker to drop exactly the same color that you're using from your wallpaper
06:44as your tint color. But there's just something about this tint that I can't quite get right.
06:50I haven't gotten any combination to really look that good at all. Now there's been some
06:55updates on this since the first beta, still doesn't look great. It looks better than before,
07:01but here's what I think is going on here. There are certain apps that are pretty simple
07:07and high contrast icons that look fine. Some of them are Apple apps, some of them are third
07:12party apps. And then especially Apple widgets. Look at this weather widget. That looks great.
07:18That looks really solid with this nice accent color because it keeps everything really readable.
07:22But then there are also some third party app icons and widgets that just look completely
07:26illegible. Like they may need to be updated to support this tinting thing in a more contrasty
07:33way. So it's the mixing of these two that look weird. Like even on my home screen, look
07:38at Carrot, like the weather app or Superlist. They look worse than the rest of the icons
07:42on my home screen. I think the standard that they're aiming for is like a dark gray background
07:46with a tinted glyph in the middle instead of the whole thing being tinted. So it is
07:50what it is. I will also say Google has also tried this with Material You in Android and
07:56it also kind of went weird in its own different unique way. Basically it would set all the
08:00icons to a monochrome version, but if an app didn't support it, it just didn't change.
08:04So a lot of people had a mix of monochrome icons and colorful icons, which also doesn't
08:09look good at all. So I guess the tinting method could be considered a workaround. I'm sure
08:14people will play with this more. Icons will continue to get updates. I'm sure someday
08:17maybe it'll look great for some people, but I haven't seen that yet. But all right, number
08:21two for me is the little things. Again, there are a bunch of tiny little things and small
08:26features that individually are not huge, but they'll kind of feel like they add up to a
08:31bunch of useful things in the end. A lot of them didn't even make the keynote, but like
08:35game mode, for example, they talked about this. We know that when you have a game open,
08:39it gives it CPU priority and minimizes Bluetooth latency for any wireless headphones or controllers.
08:45That's the really simple thing, but it's nice. The photos app also got a redesign, but I
08:49also am more impressed with the smart search inside of photos. It works much better. So
08:54if I search for something like license plate, for example, not only does it recognize and
08:58find all the photos in your gallery with license plates, but it also gives you these suggestions
09:02to narrow it down to find the exact one that you're looking for. And it actually works.
09:07I've also noticed they added a bunch of shortcuts to Shazam everywhere, including an action
09:12button preset as one of the new defaults in the settings app. This wasn't here before.
09:16I thought that was interesting. And then I Googled it and apparently Apple bought Shazam
09:20not that long ago, which I totally forgot about. So there you have more of that. And
09:24RCS support does appear to finally be live on the iPhone in 2024. It's going great.
09:34Now, as I predicted, it is still a green bubble, but you can now finally text between
09:41any modern Android phone and an iPhone and actually get high quality media. I sent myself
09:46a three megabyte image file from the iPhone and I got a full quality three megabyte image
09:50on Android. And there's also now typing indicators and read receipts now. Reactions seem to be
09:55working well. So it's not fully integrated into a blue bubble iMessage like maybe some
10:01people were hoping, but Apple can now say that they finally did it. And now that person
10:07from that one interview doesn't have to buy his mom an iPhone. But then number one, the
10:12number one best new feature in iOS 18, bro, it's a calculator. It's actually the calculator.
10:19Now you might have thought this was just an iPad thing because we all saw this get demoed
10:22at the keynote in iPadOS 18, but it actually is on the iPhone as well. So as a default,
10:28when you open up the calculator app, it just looks like a basic calculator. This looks
10:31very familiar. But at the bottom left, there's this little toggle where you can switch to
10:35a scientific calculator. Okay, pretty classic. Or you can switch to this new thing called
10:40math notes. And now it basically looks like a notes app. So you can create a new note
10:45and literally just start handwriting math notes. Literally, you can write an equation.
10:51And if you happen to write that equal sign, it can automatically solve that equation for
10:55you and keep it updated as you continue writing or typing. It's pretty sick. There are also
11:00all kinds of other things it can do from variables to graphs. It's basically doing everything
11:06I was asking Wolfram Alpha to do lately. But a kind of underrated part of this is how it
11:11feels very well considered. And it's also syncing across devices just like as a bunch
11:15of notes. So your calculator just kind of gained a notes section. So if you add a bunch
11:20of stuff to notes on your iPhone, the iPad with the calculator has all the same notes
11:25and you can edit them on the other device. If you happen to redefine a variable lower
11:30down in the same note, then it actually knows then from that point on to treat that variable
11:35as the new value you gave it, but keeps the old value for everything above it. It's it's
11:40very well impressively thought out. Now, obviously, this stuff is going to be easier with a bigger
11:43screen and with an Apple Pencil. But man, I was doing all this stuff in school with a
11:50paper notebook and a TI 84. So at the risk of sounding kind of old, I totally wish I
11:55had something like this when I was in school. It's very impressive. It's doing so many things.
12:00It's recognizing my handwriting. It's obviously answering the equations I'm asking of it,
12:04but it's also writing the answers in my own handwriting. And then it's straightening everything
12:09up and it's making everything searchable and indexable through not just that math notes
12:14app and all the devices but across my whole phone. So it's pretty sick. I'm impressed
12:19by this more than anything else I've seen in iOS 18. So that's why it's my number one
12:22feature in iOS 18. But there's your whole top five. But like I said, get subscribed
12:27to see a deep dive into Apple intelligence because this is the thing that kind of permeates
12:31the entire iPhone and Apple's whole ecosystem. So that video is coming up soon. And that's
12:36been it for this. Thanks for watching. Catch you in the next one. Peace.