• il y a 18 heures
00:00Hey what's up guys, MKBHD here and iOS 14 is here. It was just revealed at WWDC yesterday
00:11and I've had this beta on my iPhone, this very early developer beta for about a day
00:16now and after using it for that time, there's actually a lot here, both big and small. So
00:21this is the first look and hands-on at the features and what to expect for this OS that
00:26will eventually hit all your iPhones in fall and September around then when it comes out,
00:31brought to you by the six-color shirt of course. Also, happy pride month.
00:35So right off the top, I just want to say the memes were pretty strong about Apple taking
00:38a lot of old features from Android in this release. I made the jokes, we all made the
00:43jokes but aside from all that, I think we should ask ourselves, why now? Like why are
00:49we just getting widgets instead of like eight years ago when they could have added widgets
00:53to iOS and after actually using it, I'm feeling like the answer is they wanted to get a couple
00:58extra things right to put on top of it and it's not like it's better than the Android
01:03version but there's some stuff that they do their own way. You'll see what I mean.
01:06So first up is the new home screen. We've all heard about it, we've all seen the widgets
01:10by now but let's just go over everything. First of all, there's the new app library
01:15which is a space all the way at the end to the right of all the home screens that's literally
01:19just a big list of all your apps but automatically organized. This is basically the first time
01:24iOS has had like an app shore where everything's in one place. It took a decade but it's finally
01:30here and inside of that, there's just a straight up alphabetical searchable list if you're
01:34into that too. Now, you can still pull down to search from anywhere on the home screens
01:39if you want to find apps that way and actually adds more results from the web and from Siri
01:43but hopefully you'll need to use this a lot less. And then of course, finally, widgets.
01:49Now, it's still not quite Android level where you can put them like anywhere you want and
01:54change them to whatever size you want. It's not the same thing. Like you can't put a widget
01:58in the middle of a home screen. It has to be either on the left side or the right side
02:03which is kind of a bummer and you can't put it alone on the right without anything to
02:06the left of it. So it's still restricted in a very iPhone way as you can tell but at
02:11least you can long press, hit that plus button and break out into all these new widgets
02:16and add them to any home screen with some degree of freedom. You see there's different
02:19sizes. All of the widgets here in iOS 14 off the bat are all first party Apple apps and
02:25there's a nice variety with different sizes and functionalities but we are expecting third
02:29party apps to be coming as well. And that to me is exciting to finally be coming to
02:33the iPhone and I'm looking forward to having my Tesla widget where I can unlock the trunk
02:38of my car just from the button or open the charge port or even just have a widget of
02:43my Google calendar instead of an Apple calendar. So okay now Apple's added the fundamentals
02:48of widgets are on the home screen. So now on top of that they've added a couple interesting
02:52little dynamic nuances and extra things you can do with that. First of all there's a widget
02:57you can add called smart stack where once you add it it's basically a carousel of several
03:02common widgets and you can scroll through them manually or have them change automatically
03:07based on predictions it's made for you. And while that's neat I didn't really think I
03:11would use this until I found out you can edit smart stacks and remove unwanted or useless
03:17widgets from this carousel. But I think even cooler is the method of adding or creating
03:24your own smart stacks. You can do this anytime you want. So if you want to create a stack
03:27you can add two widgets on top of each other that are the same size. So hold and drag that
03:33second widget on top of the first widget drop it on top and it becomes a scrollable
03:40stack and then you can continue to add more and then you can edit to make it a smart stack
03:45or just keep it this way. That is pretty nice. And then another thing long overdue from iOS
03:50that you can now do because you have an app drawer is hiding home screens. So let's say
03:55you have a couple apps that you don't use that much. It's classic iOS. A bunch of apps
03:59you don't use but you don't want to delete them just in case you want to use them once
04:03in a while. Okay. So instead of putting them all in like a random folder that just sits
04:08at the end of one of our home screens now that there is an app drawer in iOS you can
04:13just hold down to edit click the dots at the bottom and then just uncheck to hide an entire
04:18page. Boom. Now you never have to see those apps taking up space on your home screens
04:23again. You can now actually make a whole iOS home screen setup with no apps and just one
04:28page of widgets if you wanted to. So overall this home screen stuff is definitely the biggest
04:32change in iOS. Then we have a bunch of changes in this category that we'll call compact UI.
04:38So in previous versions of iOS there are plenty of things, plenty of actions that just unnecessarily
04:43take up the entire screen. Now they're all fixed. So now when you get a phone call or
04:49a FaceTime call for example, it won't just dominate the whole screen anymore. It'll just
04:53give you another dropdown notification from which you can easily hide it and keep doing
04:57what you're doing. It'll keep ringing or you can accept or reject right away. That's
05:02good compact UI. And then once you're actually on a FaceTime, you can actually swipe up,
05:07go home and do other things. And the FaceTime continues, doesn't pause your video. It keeps
05:12the camera up and working. You can look something up, grab a phone number, whatever you were
05:16going to do. It doesn't have to pause and you can move around that picture in picture
05:21as long as you're doing all that. And speaking of picture in picture, it's just generally
05:25more widely supported throughout the entire OS now. So whether you're watching a movie
05:29in Apple TV in that app or just any video in Safari really, it's pretty straightforward.
05:35Once a video is full screen, just swipe up to go home and that video will shrink down
05:39and keep playing in this little picture in picture window. And then you can play with
05:43the size of that window, move it around to any corner and just keep doing whatever you
05:47were doing behind that picture. You can even swipe it over to the side to get rid of the
05:51visual for a minute, but the audio keeps playing in the background and then you can
05:54bring it back whenever you want, keep going. It really does feel more like true multitasking.
06:00And then lastly for compact UI, Siri, which in all previous versions of iOS used to always
06:05be this full screen takeover. Now in iOS 14 is just a little animation here at the bottom.
06:12Again, they've sort of adjusted it, but it's not perfect. So you can call up Siri the same
06:17way, long press the power button, and it's this smaller animation at the bottom of the
06:21screen. You ask it a question, it pops up an answer at the top of the screen where
06:25it can, but it doesn't let you interact with anything underneath directly without exiting
06:30Siri. So while yes, the animation is smaller and it doesn't take up the whole screen anymore,
06:35it still doesn't quite feel as much like the true multitasking where if they let me scroll
06:40an article underneath my Siri answer, nevertheless, you can still see what's underneath there
06:45if you need to reference it while you're talking to Siri. Then from there, there are
06:49a lot of little things, useful things, but little things. I think to categorize them,
06:55we'll put them into two buckets, straight from Android and genuinely new stuff that
07:02Google should copy. So straight from Android, that stock keyboard now finally has added
07:07emoji search. So instead of typing a word and hoping the right suggested emoji pops
07:11up, now you can just search for any emoji you want anytime, which has revived the age
07:16old question, is this emoji prayer hands or a high five? Apple's keyboard does not service
07:23it when you search for high five, but Google's does. Apple is team prayer hands, Google is
07:28team high five, which team are you on? Then there's a new stock translate app, which is
07:32nice to see. It only supports a smaller number of languages, looks like about a dozen right
07:36now, but I expect to see that list grow over time and it works great for quickly translating
07:40conversations between two people. And then finally, default email and browser apps will
07:44be able to be changed in iOS 14. Finally. Now it is, it's just email and browser apps,
07:52but those are the two that most people most often want to set as a different default.
07:56So I'm excited to get Chrome as my default browser and I am very excited to have something
08:00other than the useless to me mail app as my default mail app. Then we also saw app clips,
08:06which is like little snips of apps that you can quickly temporarily use when you don't
08:10have the whole app installed, but need to use some of its functionality. A lot of good
08:13stuff there, but then we'll move on to the super unique features that I haven't seen.
08:18Some of the stuff wasn't even talked about on stage, but you know, as people dig through
08:21the betas, we found some of it and it's good. I want to start with some accessibility settings.
08:27So in iOS 14, if you go into settings, accessibility, touch, and then back tap, you can now map
08:34a double tap or triple tap of the back of the phone to a shortcut. So I've mapped double
08:40tapping the back of my phone to open up Siri. So literally all I do is double tap the back
08:46and after about half a second, Siri pops up and then I think I did triple tap to take
08:50a screenshot and there it does. It's a slight delay, but it does work and it's kind of neat
08:55to have an extra thing mapped to the back of the phone. I kind of wish opening the camera
09:01was one of the available shortcuts.
09:03Hey, Editor Marques here, chime in with a quick update. You can actually set a Siri
09:09shortcut to run on that double tap of the back of the phone. And then you can set that
09:15shortcut to point to any number of things. So at this point, I literally have the shortcut
09:19set to open Google Assistant on a double tap, which is pretty hilarious. You could also
09:26have it open the camera or whatever else you really wanted to. Okay, back to the video.
09:31And then while we're at it, here's another really interesting accessibility feature,
09:35settings, accessibility, sound recognition. This will let you turn on notifications if
09:40the phone's mics recognize a sound that might be important. So it's meant for people hard
09:45of hearing, but could still be useful to anyone if it picks up a doorbell or a fire alarm
09:50or a faucet running that you forgot to turn off. That's pretty sweet. There's more Memoji
09:54customizations. They still don't quite look exactly like me, but at least you can add
09:58face coverings like masks, another sign of the times, along with that hand washing detection
10:03from the Apple watch. And then a privacy feature. Anytime, literally anytime an app starts using
10:08the camera, iOS shows a little green light to let you know that something is accessing
10:13the camera. And anytime the microphone is accessed, a little orange light. And then
10:17in the improved faster camera app, when taking a night mode photo, it gives you a gyroscopic
10:21guide to help you keep the phone still to take a better handheld picture. Another one
10:25is if you're FaceTiming and the AI detects that someone in that group FaceTime call is
10:30using sign language, it will move them up to the most prominent biggest spot. So everyone
10:35on the FaceTime can see the sign language. And there's also a ton of other things on
10:38Apple site from the pin conversations and messaging to cycling directions and EV navigation
10:44and maps. But clearly, really most of the good stuff it's in the details. Here's a list
10:50of all the iPhones getting iOS 14 in the fall. Again, likely around September, like
10:56they do every year. And so that's every iPhone since iPhone success. But overall, I think
11:02it's looking pretty good. I mean, it's still, it's not like a drastic UI overhaul. It's
11:05very clearly still an iPhone. Half the people who get this update will probably never use
11:10most of these features, but there's a lot of good ones baked in there for the nerds
11:13like who want to dig in and actually use that stuff. Let me know in the comments, which
11:18one's your favorite, or if you're an Android person, which one you'd like to see Google
11:22copy. Anyway, until the next one, thanks for watching. Catch you guys later. Peace.