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00:00Here comes the money!
00:02Here we go!
00:21Look at the confidence on the face of the best in the world.
00:25The moment of truth has arrived.
00:27I want some of that. Spread the wealth around.
00:30Listen, maybe if you weren't spending all your time begrudging Shane McMahon as the best in the world
00:36and talking negatively about the family that pays your bills, Brene,
00:40maybe you could get some of that money.
00:42You're right, maybe I should rethink my strategy.
00:45Listen, Shane is called the best in the world because he won the World Cup tournament back in November.
00:50Therefore, yes, he is the best in the world.
00:53He replaced an injured Miz in that matchup.
00:55It was a controversial way in which he won.
00:57Are you trying to tell me that Andy Ruiz isn't the World Heavyweight Champion
01:01because he wasn't the originally scheduled opponent?
01:03He knocked the guy out.
01:04Yeah, exactly. Shane McMahon beat the entire field as a replacement.
01:08So he is therefore the best in the world.
01:20Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the best in the world!
01:38Shane McMahon!
01:49I'm sure Greg Hamilton probably gets a bonus every time he nails that note.
01:52It's pretty incredible. Shane McMahon takes care of those who are loyal to him.
01:58Including this man.
02:08And they begin playing to the ring, Drew McIntyre!
02:20Yeah, this man, the Scottish psychopath who Shane McMahon calls his friend.
02:25I believe the business relationship is a bit different than just being friends.
02:29I think much like the revival, I think Drew McIntyre wants to rub elbows with the boss,
02:34The boss gets some of that privilege Shane O'Man talks about all the time.
02:37It has nothing to do with privilege.
02:39Drew McIntyre came to WWE to eliminate complacency.
02:43The Scottish psychopath is very wisely making himself visible to those in power.
02:48Drew knows to receive future opportunities at championships,
02:52at whatever it is that he desires,
02:54having Shane McMahon by your side can only help your cause.
02:58A good thing for Shane is that Drew McIntyre just loves to fight.
03:01He doesn't care who it is or when it is.
03:03Well, and he also has an issue with Roman Reigns,
03:05the man who he meets in two weeks from Sunday at the Stomping Grounds pay-per-view event.
03:10It'll be McIntyre and Reigns one-on-one.
03:12This numbers game is not going to bode well for the Big Dog.
03:34Here comes the Big Dog!
03:52Roman Reigns is all business.
03:57The Big Dog has never backed down from a fight a day in his life,
04:00but tonight, maybe he should have thought twice.
04:03Yeah, the situation is, is...
04:18The situation here is that the Big Dog's at the top of the food chain,
04:21and that pisses Shane McMahon off.
04:23Um, excuse me, Shane McMahon owns the food chain, Renee.
04:28But Roman Reigns, and the question is, is,
04:31what type of shape is Roman Reigns in?
04:33Can he be 100% tonight because of the beatdowns by McIntyre
04:37and The Revival and Shane McMahon over the past number of nights?
04:41On both Monday night and Tuesday night,
04:43the Big Dog fell victim to brutalization by Shane McMahon and his friends.
04:48The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
04:51Making his way to the ring, from Pensacola, Florida,
04:56weighing in at 265 pounds,
05:01Roman Reigns!
05:09But listen, the one thing about Shane McMahon,
05:11say what you want about Shane, you cannot take Shane McMahon lightly.
05:16He has accomplished some unbelievable things in his career.
05:19Think about the men that Shane McMahon has been in the ring with
05:23throughout the years.
05:24The likes of, well, The Rock,
05:26and how about Stone Cold Steve Austin,
05:29The Undertaker, Big Show, D-Generation X.
05:33In addition to the experience that Shane surely gained
05:36competing against those legends and hall of famers,
05:39Shane McMahon will do anything, anything,
05:43to immerse victorians, especially when it's this personal.
05:48This personal on this big of a stage here tonight in Cheddar.
05:53There are going to be some fireworks when the bell rings on this one,
05:57I can guarantee it.
05:58Deeply personal, two physical competitors,
06:01the Scottish Psychopath lurking at ringside,
06:04this could get out of hand in a hurry.
06:07Roman Reigns will not back down,
06:10as Shane McMahon stands behind McIntyre,
06:14but it won't be the case once the bell rings.
06:16So here we go,
06:34Reigns and Shane McMahon,
06:36one-on-one here tonight at Super Showdown.
06:39Right out of the gate, McIntyre running interference.
06:41Yeah, the distraction by McIntyre,
06:43and Shane quickly onto the attack of Roman Reigns,
06:45understanding that he needs to end this match early.
06:48Oh, this makes you wonder about the state that Roman Reigns is in,
06:50from those beatdowns you were talking about earlier.
06:52And you have to also wonder about the official.
06:54You saw Shane McMahon already bending some rules
06:57in the beginning of this matchup.
06:58How much will Charles Robinson allow to happen in this match?
07:01Knowing that Shane, just like this,
07:02knowing that Shane is Charles Robinson's boss.
07:05It has nothing to do with Shane being Charles Robinson.
07:07Come on!
07:08It's got everything to do with Shane being very familiar
07:11with what he can legally get away with.
07:13Maximize the five count.
07:14You can do a lot of damage to an opponent
07:16in a quote-unquote illegal holder situation.
07:19Shane now just teeing off.
07:21What a right by Roman,
07:22exploding out of the corner after Shane McMahon.
07:25I mean, Shane is in the ring tonight
07:27with a three-time WWE champion.
07:30A man who once eliminated 12 men in one Royal Rumble match.
07:34The big dog Reigns,
07:35who goes shoulder first into the steel post.
07:37It's a potentially broken big dog.
07:40We've seen what Roman has been forced to endure
07:43over the past several weeks.
07:44Shane McMahon now exploiting the damage already caused.
07:48I know about the fight that the big dog has.
07:50And I mean, this man returned from being treated for leukemia.
07:53Look at what he's done since he's returned.
07:55I mean, he's in a bad way right now with Shane,
07:56but he's still proved that he's got that fight.
07:58Oh, and again, posted on the other side of the ring
08:00and dropped outside.
08:01And that's very dangerous.
08:02Of course, with McIntyre lurking at ringside.
08:06Shane doing his best to keep Charles Robinson's attention
08:10And McIntyre with a cheap shot to Reigns.
08:14And Shane McMahon wisely, as Corey mentioned,
08:17had the referee distracted.
08:20Shane grew up in this business.
08:21He knows a lot of dirty tricks,
08:23a lot of little ways to get in the back door.
08:26Shane crawls, crawls, cover.
08:27I thought he was going to go for the cover.
08:29And again, a blatant choke in front of the official.
08:31Now I can see that being a little questionable.
08:34And this goes back to the steel cage match against Miz last month.
08:38The officials allowed Shane to get away with a lot in that matchup.
08:41And there, now a side Russian leg sweep.
08:44Cover now on Reigns.
08:45Shoulders down, kick out by the Big Dog.
08:47It's a steel cage match.
08:48What are you talking about?
08:49That leniency in a steel cage match?
08:51Shane McMahon won, as far as I can recall.
08:53Yeah, okay, he did.
08:54And I give you that.
08:55He slipped away from the Miz.
08:56But nonetheless, tonight it's about Roman Reigns.
08:58And Shane now teeing off with the right hands to the Big Dog.
09:01Very confident.
09:02Shane McMahon vowed to make Roman Reigns tap out
09:04for the first time in his career.
09:06Yeah, there's no doubt, though, what Shane is capable of.
09:08I mean, we saw this man jump off a hell in a cell
09:10and go through the announce table.
09:12He's jumped off a titan tron before.
09:14Oh, and Reigns drops Shane again.
09:16And there's a big clothesline.
09:19You can't forget what starts the genesis of this entire issue
09:22was Roman Reigns punching Shane's father in the face.
09:25And there's a back elbow by Shane.
09:27That's vintage Shane right there.
09:29Hooks the leg on Reigns, who kicks at it, too.
09:31It doesn't get any more deeply personal than what Roman did
09:34to the chairman of our company, Mr. McMahon.
09:37Shane McMahon now with the blows, the cross faces to Reigns.
09:43And Roman Reigns said he wanted to make a statement
09:45the first time he appeared on SmackDown Live.
09:47That's not the kind of statement that behooves a top superstar.
09:50That was disrespectful to our company.
09:52I agree with you.
09:54Listen, I'm not saying it wasn't disrespectful.
09:56I'm not saying the man should have struck the chairman of the company.
09:58I believe Roman Reigns was probably in the wrong that night.
10:01But the hypocritical Shane McMahon to talk about somebody
10:03striking a man's father when he did that to the Miz's dad.
10:05Come on.
10:06That's over.
10:07You guys keep bringing up distant history.
10:09You're the one that brought up Mr. McMahon.
10:11Here's the cover, cover, and Roman kicks out.
10:13Yeah, because Shane McMahon is fighting on behalf of the honor of his father,
10:16who happens to be a global treasure.
10:18Thank you very much.
10:19It has a lot more than just that, Corey.
10:21It has to do with the fact that Shane McMahon has eaten up with himself,
10:24that he believes he truly is the best in the world.
10:26He carries this World Cup trophy everywhere.
10:29Believe me, I've seen it.
10:30Private jets around the world, he carries it with him.
10:32That's what Shane McMahon does.
10:33This is about his ego, feeding his ego.
10:36I find it to be extremely impressive.
10:38The universal champion travels with his title.
10:40The intercontinental champion travels with his title.
10:42What's wrong with carrying around that beautiful piece of artwork,
10:44the best in the world trophy?
10:46Shane's an absolute ego maniac.
10:48He's the kind of guy that updates his own Wikipedia page.
10:50But the one thing I will give Shane now is he has Roman Reigns grounded.
10:54The chin lock has Roman Reigns in trouble as McIntyre looks on.
11:00He doesn't update his own Wikipedia page.
11:02Now, he has people for that.
11:03You do, I'm sure.
11:06The big guy doing his best to fight back into this one.
11:09Shane just trying to wear Roman Reigns down.
11:12Roman Reigns took such a beat down on Monday night and Tuesday night,
11:15but he's still got that fight left in his tank,
11:18taking it out on Shane McMahon.
11:20Roman Reigns has been fighting.
11:21He's been a battler his entire life.
11:24And Roman now taking the fight to Shane.
11:27Roman takes everything very personally.
11:29I understand that and I respect that.
11:30He claims this as his yard for a reason.
11:33Down goes Shane.
11:34The big dog will stop at nothing to defend it.
11:37But as we've said time and time again, it might be Roman Reigns' yard.
11:40It's the McMahon's universe.
11:43Roman Reigns, as we take another look at this.
11:46Boom, right to Shane.
11:48Roman Reigns is a man who is defined by both physical and mental toughness.
11:54And right now he's digging down deep.
11:57Cut him off at the waist.
11:58And Shane, cover.
12:00Is it enough to put Roman away?
12:01And a kick out.
12:02And I got to give Shane that.
12:03That was impressive.
12:04Shane connected with a chop block while Roman Reigns was midair.
12:08Time will tell what sort of damage was inflicted,
12:10but you can see automatically Reigns clutching for his knee.
12:14Check this out.
12:15Great wherewithal by the best in the world.
12:18Just picking Roman out.
12:19Oh, look at this.
12:20Shane's looking for the triangle submission.
12:21He said he was going to tap out Roman Reigns for the first time in Reigns' career.
12:25And will it happen here tonight at Super Showdown?
12:27Shane trying to lock it in.
12:29Shane not quite able to finish the submission,
12:31able to hook his calf in front of his foot.
12:33Roman's fading.
12:35Roman's got massive shoulders and a thick neck,
12:37making it quite difficult to finish this submission.
12:39But can you imagine if Shane taps out Roman Reigns here?
12:42We would never hear the end of it.
12:44Shane McMahon would crawl about this forever.
12:46And Reigns trying somehow, but he's got nowhere to go.
12:49He's in the middle of the ring.
12:50He's got to try to power out of this.
12:52Here comes the strength of Roman Reigns.
12:54Roman's able to turn his body weight to minimize the pressure,
12:56but lifting Shane up.
12:59The power of the big dog.
13:01Down he goes.
13:02Cover of the powerbomb.
13:04Is it enough?
13:05Kick out by Shane.
13:11What a match.
13:12What, if anything, does Roman Reigns have left?
13:15Just think of the power that Reigns had to expend to lift Shane McMahon
13:20before driving him down to the mat with a powerbomb.
13:23What a move by Shane.
13:24Taking a second to compose himself on the outside.
13:27But at the back of your screen,
13:29you can see the Scottish psychopath keeping a close eye on everything.
13:33McIntyre so dangerous.
13:35And again, getting involved in this match and driving Reigns into the barricade.
13:39Oh, wait a minute.
13:40And post to the face of McIntyre.
13:43I think it was to the quads of the Scottish psychopath.
13:46Look out, guys.
13:47And Roman Reigns with a superman punch.
13:50McIntyre's down.
13:51And now Shane with a big right of his own from Reigns.
13:56With a couple of heavy right hands,
13:58Roman turned the complexion of this matchup around.
14:01Oh, and again, veteran maneuver.
14:04And Shane with a spear.
14:06A spear.
14:07How humiliating.
14:08With his own move.
14:09And Roman kicks out at two and a half.
14:12Got to give it to Shane McMahon here.
14:13I mean, he's got a ton to work with here tonight.
14:16He's bringing out that veteran status.
14:17Take a look at this again, though.
14:19We saw it this week multiple times.
14:21And the third time, unfortunately for Shane, was not the charm.
14:25The big dog's still in this fight.
14:27But the best in the world is putting it to him.
14:31And despite the fact that Shane has been, you know,
14:33manipulating some of the rules within the ring.
14:36I mean, when he's fighting, he's bringing it.
14:38Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
14:40We could be seeing a best in the world, coast to coast, in the future.
14:46Shane vowed tonight that he was going to take out Reigns.
14:49Oh, wait a minute.
14:50Superman punch off the top rope.
14:52Reigns covered.
14:53And Shane isn't enough for the win.
14:55And Shane somehow gets the shoulder up.
14:59Even disbelief on the face of Roman Reigns who caught Shane flush.
15:03Look at the height.
15:05Full extension.
15:08Right on the ear.
15:10He spent so much time telling everyone what their next move was going to be.
15:13Makes it easy to suss it out.
15:19And Roman Reigns starting to get into that zone.
15:24This is what Shane wanted to avoid.
15:29Shane is in for it right now.
15:31Can barely get to his feet.
15:34He's not going to stay there long.
15:37Here it comes.
15:39Shane with a kick right to the face.
15:41But a right hand.
15:42Drops Shane.
15:43And Shane hit the official.
15:44And McIntyre with a Claymore.
15:46McIntyre with a Claymore.
15:48The official was blinded.
15:50He didn't see it.
15:51And Shane steals the win.
15:55Here is your winner, the best in the world,
15:59Shane McMahon.
16:02Now listen, Shane Lee, that was a great effort by Shane in the match.
16:06But come on, he had no business beating Roman Reigns.
16:09How do you know, Paul?
16:10Do you know the match was over?
16:12Did you hear the bell ring?
16:14It was still an active contest.
16:15Yes, there was an assist by Drew McIntyre.
16:18But that's what happens when friends stand up for friends.
16:21This is ridiculous.
16:22This is dumb showboating.
16:24Well, and here's the issue for Roman Reigns.
16:26Two weeks from Sunday at WWE Stomping Grounds on the WWE Network,
16:32Roman Reigns may have bit off more than he can chew
16:36when it comes to Drew McIntyre.
16:38Because there are old wounds, Corey,
16:40that Drew McIntyre is still feeling thanks to Roman Reigns.
16:44Let's not talk about next week.
16:45Let's talk about the best in the world.
16:49Congratulations to Shane O'Mac.
16:52What a victory.
16:53This was monumental.
16:56All thanks to the shotty psychopath being in his corner.
17:00I'll show you what happened at the end of the matchup.
17:02The right hand and the official temporarily blinded,
17:07by McIntyre.
17:08Shane McMahon, right place, right time, would take advantage.
17:11We could lay an iota of blame on Charles Robinson
17:14for not necessarily being in the proper position.
17:17Regardless, when the official that was sanctioned to compete in this matchup
17:21came to, he saw Shane McMahon on top of Roman Reigns
17:25in a decisive victory for the best in the world.
17:28And the celebration for Shane McMahon begins.
17:33It's going to be a great plane ride back home.
17:35I can't wait.
17:38Look at this.
17:39Both Roman and Shane looking to connect with rights.
17:41Both connect right there.
17:44Inadvertent blow from the best in the world.
17:47Charles Robinson just knocked down.
17:52Roman Reigns is like, okay, you got me tonight.
17:55Shane McMahon thanks to Drew McIntyre with a victory over Roman Reigns.
18:02Shane, okay.
18:04Thanks to the world.
