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00:00:00Tonight, a global stage takes center stage.
00:00:29This is monumental any way you look at it.
00:00:33Tonight, history unfolds.
00:00:36Game changer in every sense of the word.
00:00:38And legends rise.
00:00:41Live from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, welcome to WWE Super Showdown.
00:00:47Tonight is about epic battles.
00:00:53And over the top rope battle royal.
00:00:55The largest in WWE history.
00:01:01Unfinished business.
00:01:05Triple H versus Randy Orton, another brutal chapter to their incredible rivalry.
00:01:11This right here has been a long time coming.
00:01:15A lot of people have tried to put me down.
00:01:17They're all gone.
00:01:19The power to be positive.
00:01:21I'm going to beat Kofi for the WWE title.
00:01:26This should be me.
00:01:28Dolph Ziggler tried to end me, but guess what?
00:01:30I'm still here and I'm still standing tall.
00:01:34Empires collide.
00:01:36You don't stand a chance in this ring with me.
00:01:38I'm going to pick your little spoiled ass up and I'm going to pull you through this match.
00:01:43I'm not only going to beat you, I'm going to beat some respect into you.
00:01:50The passion to burn it down.
00:01:52I'm out here trying to be a champion that inspires people.
00:01:56You're standing in this ring living your childhood dreams.
00:02:00Well, I'm the dream crusher and I'm taking your universal championship.
00:02:05I'm going to be a champion everyone around the world can be proud of.
00:02:11The purveyors of paranoia.
00:02:25And making history.
00:02:27Two of the most dominant forces for the first time ever.
00:02:30The Undertaker and Goldberg will collide.
00:02:33Our first match will be your last.
00:02:36Goldberg, you're next.
00:02:40The rest in peace.
00:02:48It is going to be absolutely awesome.
00:02:50The international pay-per-view event from Jeddah.
00:02:52It's just the tip of the iceberg.
00:03:02Tonight is all about exceeding every expectation.
00:03:07Tonight is WWE Super Showdown.
00:03:18And now, live from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
00:03:22WWE Network proudly presents Super Showdown.
00:03:36It's burning down.
00:03:38It's burning high.
00:03:40The ashes fall.
00:03:42The legend's rising.
00:03:44It's burning out.
00:03:46The fire will rise.
00:03:48The ashes fall.
00:03:50The legend's rising.
00:03:55It is a night of beasts and beast slayers.
00:03:58And legends and icons.
00:04:00And magical champions.
00:04:02You are looking live at a jam-packed King Abdullah Sports
00:04:05City Stadium in Jeddah.
00:04:07In the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
00:04:09This is WWE Super Showdown.
00:04:32He is the ever-resilient beast slayer.
00:04:46The universal champion, Seth Rollins.
00:04:50We can talk about that resiliency of Seth Rollins.
00:04:54We've got to wonder what shape he champs in tonight.
00:04:57The resilience of the champion is going to be put to the test tonight.
00:05:01We know that Seth is banged up.
00:05:03He's beat up, but he's optimistic as he looks to defend his universal
00:05:07championship against Baron Corbin.
00:05:13Seth Rollins made a vow to himself and the WWE Universe to be here at
00:05:17Super Showdown to follow through with his agreed-upon championship
00:05:21defense against Baron Corbin.
00:05:23Seth feels an obligation to the WWE Universe to be the fighting
00:05:27champion that he promised to be.
00:05:29Well, let's take you back to last Monday night on Raw.
00:05:32After an end of days for Baron Corbin, after a heated argument left
00:05:35Seth Rollins wounded and weary, setting the stage for a heinous,
00:05:39merciless assault from Mr. Money in the Bank, Brock Lesnar.
00:06:00Oh, my god!
00:06:25That was earlier this week, Monday night.
00:06:28And Seth Rollins, you see, bandaged up, battered and bruised to defend his championship.
00:06:34Nonetheless, Seth Rollins is here.
00:06:37He's spent a considerable amount of time since he got off the plane trying to get his body right.
00:06:42Spending time in the trainer's room trying to make sure he's as close to 100% as he possibly can be.
00:06:47But we're about to find out if that's even close to possible.
00:06:50And Corbin's got that bullseye ready to go.
00:06:58The Lone Wolf has dreamed about being Universal Champion for months and months and months.
00:07:09Ever since he was commissioner of Monday Night Raw late last year.
00:07:14In fact, it was his job as commissioner that Seth Rollins called him out on
00:07:18that really started what's become a very intense rivalry.
00:07:22Just this past week, Baron Corbin christened himself the Dream Crusher
00:07:26intent on stopping Seth Rollins' dream of being Universal Champion.
00:07:31Seth Rollins, with purpose, stares at his opponent tonight.
00:07:36The man who won a fatal four-way match to be here, Baron Corbin,
00:07:40as they battle for the Universal Championship.
00:07:43Hello everybody and welcome to ringside here at King Abdullah Sports City Stadium
00:07:46in Genesaudi Arabia.
00:07:48Michael Cole, Corey Graves from Raw and SmackDown
00:07:50Renee Young from Monday Night Raw.
00:07:52Marhaba Saudi Arabia, we are so excited to be here in Jeddah tonight.
00:07:56Also here tonight, our Arabic announced team.
00:07:58You can't have a potential rock party without some special guests.
00:08:01Please say hello to Sultan Al-Rahabi, Faisal Al-Mughaisib and Jude Al-Dijani.
00:08:07And I thought Renee would butcher it, but Corey did.
00:08:10As-salamu alaykum, I'm Jude.
00:08:12Today, with Sultan and Faisal.
00:08:14Today is more than just a show.
00:08:17Today we have Goldberg with The Undertaker for the first time in history in Jeddah.
00:08:48A man who was the acting general manager of Monday Night Raw.
00:08:53A multiple-time Golden Gloves boxing champion.
00:08:58A United States champion.
00:09:01A Money in the Bank winner.
00:09:04The man who defeated Kurt Angle in his farewell match at WrestleMania.
00:09:11And who claims to be Jeddah's favorite son, Barrett Corbin.
00:09:35And his opponent, from Davenport, Iowa.
00:09:41Weighing in at 217 pounds.
00:09:45He is the Universal Champion.
00:09:52Seth Rollins.
00:10:00Seth Rollins defending the Universal title versus Barrett Corbin.
00:10:04To kick off WWE Super Showdown tonight.
00:10:07The clash of two former Money in the Bank contract winners.
00:10:11Seth Rollins would go in to cash in his contract in one of the greatest moments of all time at WrestleMania.
00:10:17Back in 2015, in a match that Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns were involved in.
00:10:20Barrett Corbin, he squandered his opportunity at a cash-in.
00:10:24Tonight, they meet for the Universal title.
00:10:26But now that very same Money in the Bank contract has become the bane of Seth Rollins' existence.
00:10:30There is a man that holds the contract by the name of Brock Lesnar.
00:10:34Who has cast a shadow over every aspect of Seth Rollins' career and life for the past several weeks.
00:10:39And we look at these taped up ribs.
00:10:41I mean, this could very well be the night that Barrett Corbin gets it done.
00:10:44Becomes the new Universal Champion.
00:10:46And on this grand stage, this is exactly what he wants.
00:10:49And I'll be interested to see if, just like that.
00:10:51If Barrett Corbin, a former Golden Gloves boxing champion.
00:10:54If he goes to the body with body shots.
00:10:56And Rollins realizing that has to play defense.
00:10:59And now tries to take the fight to Corbin.
00:11:01And Corbin is stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing.
00:11:03He knows just where to target.
00:11:05Corbin focusing immediately.
00:11:07Cutting off Seth Rollins with a knee to the midsection.
00:11:10Hit by Rollins!
00:11:11Corbin might want to get it done quick.
00:11:13But not with Seth Rollins in the ring.
00:11:15Rollins landing on his ribs.
00:11:17Also a banged up wrist perhaps as he lands on the apron outside the ring.
00:11:21Here's an interesting question as well, Corey.
00:11:23What if Corbin beats Rollins tonight?
00:11:25Would Brock Lesnar look to cash in on Corbin here?
00:11:29And Rollins hits hard!
00:11:31We might get the answer to that sooner than later if Corbin can keep up this pace.
00:11:34Rollins is in trouble out of the gate.
00:11:36And this has been a great strategy by Corbin to attack the injured midsection of Seth Rollins.
00:11:42Beat down by Brock Lesnar in a steel chair this past Monday night.
00:11:46Now that Corbin would want to get this done quick.
00:11:48But it seems he wants to take his time and just pick apart the universal champ.
00:11:52I can't overstate the respect you need to have for Seth Rollins.
00:11:56For showing up willingly and fighting and defending his championship.
00:11:59But Seth Rollins is a human being.
00:12:01His body can only take so much.
00:12:03And Baron Corbin is intent on picking apart the universal champion.
00:12:06And again, boots right to the ribs of Rollins.
00:12:08I don't know if this fighting spirit that we know from Seth Rollins is going to arrive to the occasion here tonight.
00:12:13There's a real contrast in motivations when you look at these two superstars.
00:12:16You've got Seth Rollins who excels when his back is against the wall.
00:12:20Baron Corbin feels like he's the uncrowned universal champion.
00:12:23He feels like he's got this thing won.
00:12:25And he doesn't want to let himself down.
00:12:27And again, Corbin dominating the early going.
00:12:29Rollins trying to do what he can to fight through the pain.
00:12:33And Graves, when your ribs are taped up like that, how quick does your breath get taken away from you?
00:12:37Oh, it takes one strike, Seth Rollins.
00:12:39Oh my goodness.
00:12:40Offense is effective.
00:12:42If you can't, cover here by Corbin for the championship.
00:12:44And Rollins forced to kick out.
00:12:46And again, when you kick out, Corey, it forces you to use your core.
00:12:49So many offensive maneuvers.
00:12:51And as we just saw, defensive maneuvers requires your core strength.
00:12:54So much of Seth's offense is based around that.
00:12:57Take away the ability to base from the core, to use your core ability.
00:13:02It severely limits Seth Rollins.
00:13:04Not to mention the ability to breathe, first and foremost.
00:13:07And not to mention, he is in the ring with one of the most dangerous competitors in WWE today.
00:13:12Baron Corbin cares about nobody but himself.
00:13:15He's going to show no mercy here tonight against Rollins.
00:13:18A little fight from the champ.
00:13:20The champ fighting out of the corner.
00:13:22Trying to drive Corbin back, but again, Baron using his strength and power.
00:13:27Look at the athleticism of Corbin.
00:13:29And what agility by Baron.
00:13:30Corbin in the clothesline of the champ.
00:13:32Stacks him up for the title.
00:13:34And a kick out by Seth at two.
00:13:36Seth Rollins will fight until there's absolutely no breath left in his lungs.
00:13:39The trouble is, tonight, there might be a limited supply of breath.
00:13:42Yeah, the trouble is, at what point does that kick in?
00:13:44I mean, Seth Rollins has already been through it.
00:13:46We're a few minutes into this.
00:13:48Baron Corbin just using a slow, methodical pace.
00:13:54There is no rush.
00:13:55No hurry.
00:13:56A victory is a victory, no matter how long it takes.
00:13:59And the other thing about Seth, guys, is we have got really no indication of how badly injured Rollins was.
00:14:04Baron Corbin's also sitting here trying to intimidate the official.
00:14:07I mean, he's using every tool in Radley's back pocket.
00:14:10This is a very effective tool right now.
00:14:12Corbin just using his power to just inflict more damage on the midsection of Seth Rollins.
00:14:17Big right hand.
00:14:18Just squeezing the breath out of the Universal Champion.
00:14:21Stacks the entire weight of his body on the midsection of Rollins.
00:14:24And then delivers some right hands to the ribs.
00:14:26Watch Rollins.
00:14:28Rollins is sucking for air.
00:14:30Look at Baron Corbin just using his chin as added pressure on the midsection of Seth Rollins.
00:14:35Incredibly painful on what could be fractured ribs.
00:14:38We don't know.
00:14:39Seth Rollins has been keeping his cards very tight to the vest.
00:14:41He's a friend of mine.
00:14:42I asked him how he was feeling today.
00:14:43He gave me the typical, I'll be fine.
00:14:45Yeah, and that was the point we made before.
00:14:47I tried to talk to the trainer earlier today, and the trainer basically said,
00:14:49Hey, he quickly looked at Seth.
00:14:51Seth threw him off, said he was ready to go and defend here tonight.
00:14:54And we also had Brock Lesnar make it abundantly clear on Monday Night Raw.
00:14:58Friday, this is his night.
00:15:00Lesnar is lurking somewhere as Corbin delivers the side suplex.
00:15:04Cover now.
00:15:05Is it enough to put him away?
00:15:07Hooks the leg on Rollins.
00:15:08Kick out again at two.
00:15:10You're right, Rene.
00:15:11Brock Lesnar did declare that Friday was his night.
00:15:13But based on recent history, you can't exactly count on everything that he and Heyman said.
00:15:18Yeah, the point is, though, that Brock said it this time, not Paul Heyman.
00:15:24What's the difference, Rene?
00:15:25Why would you have an advocate?
00:15:28Let's not discount the work that Baron Corbin has put in preparing for this matchup.
00:15:32We've been focusing so much on a weakened Seth Rollins.
00:15:35Corbin's training harder than ever.
00:15:37Baron Corbin realizes this is the single biggest opportunity of his career to this point.
00:15:41And he did win a fatal four-way elimination matchup to get to this point tonight.
00:15:45Corbin has all the momentum, perhaps, coming into this matchup.
00:15:48Oh, wow.
00:15:49Rollins able to land on his feet to step up into Gary Drops Corbin.
00:15:52And what this does is buy Rollins some critical time to try to regroup here.
00:15:58Rollins right now just focusing on catching his breath.
00:16:00Rollins still writhing in pain.
00:16:03And the way this match is going, Rollins is going to need a quick strike.
00:16:07To try to keep Corbin down.
00:16:09Rollins does have the stomp in his arsenal, which we've seen take down Brock Lesnar in the past.
00:16:14Could potentially do the same to Corbin.
00:16:17But it's a matter of, will Rollins have enough to execute that maneuver?
00:16:21Seth fighting back a shot to Corbin.
00:16:23He perhaps has Corbin in a bit of trouble now.
00:16:26Rollins, the champion, fighting back.
00:16:28And here are the guts and the determination and the heart we talk about with Seth Rollins.
00:16:32The very spirited champion.
00:16:35Discus elbow connected right on the jaw of Baron Corbin.
00:16:39Got that boot up.
00:16:40Said his favorite son is rocked.
00:16:44Rollins with the second rope will land on his feet.
00:16:46Try to build a little momentum.
00:16:49Oh, there's the swing blade and down goes Corbin.
00:16:53Now the fact that we're getting to see this side of Seth Rollins.
00:16:55What left does he have in the tank?
00:16:57He can close this out.
00:16:58You see the look in Seth Rollins' eyes.
00:17:00He believes he has enough to finish the job.
00:17:02He's got this momentum on his side right now.
00:17:04Got to capitalize.
00:17:05Well, Seth Rollins is fueled by a fire inside called passion.
00:17:08And there's an example as he drives Corbin into the announce table with the dive to the second ropes.
00:17:14Can Rollins capitalize it?
00:17:16Corbin wisely rolls out of the ring.
00:17:19Yeah, but Corbin's not safe out there either.
00:17:21Another dive and this time Corbin goes down.
00:17:24Universal champion defending like a man possessed right now.
00:17:28Seth Rollins looks like he's running on pure adrenaline right now.
00:17:31Adrenaline's a hell of a thing, Renee.
00:17:35Aaron Corbin in peril at the moment.
00:17:38He's got to feel his opportunity slipping through his fingers.
00:17:40You got to love this attitude by Rollins.
00:17:42He doesn't want to take a count out victory.
00:17:44He wants to pin Corbin and shut him up once and for all here tonight.
00:17:48Top rope for the champion, but Corbin meets him there.
00:17:53Plucking the champion from the top rope.
00:17:55And there's quote.
00:17:56Oh, oh, oh, this is it.
00:17:59And a kick out at two by Corbin.
00:18:00Rollins almost had him.
00:18:02Kick to the face.
00:18:04Cover again by the champion.
00:18:05Is it enough here to put Baron away in a near fall at two?
00:18:09Now Baron Corbin didn't think he was going to get this kind of fight tonight.
00:18:11I think he thought he had Seth Rollins in the bag with those taped up ribs.
00:18:14Corbin could be guilty of resting on his laurels to an extent.
00:18:17Not expecting the best that Seth Rollins had to offer.
00:18:19But at this point you have to be impressed with the fight that Seth Rollins has been able to bring.
00:18:24The pace he's maintained these past few minutes.
00:18:26Yeah, Rollins feeding off the adrenaline and the WWE fans here at Super Showdown.
00:18:34Rollins trying to fire himself in the WWE universe up.
00:18:40Corbin could be moments away from disaster.
00:18:43Rollins has, oh, and Baron Corbin again moved out of the way.
00:18:47And Corbin caught him with an elbow to the jaw.
00:18:50And now Baron Corbin looking to put Rollins away.
00:18:53Oh, right to the midsection.
00:18:55Cover for the Universal Championship.
00:18:57Rollins at two and a half.
00:18:59Just barely.
00:19:01Talking about adrenaline a few minutes ago, Renee.
00:19:03It works both ways.
00:19:04Baron Corbin obviously finding a sudden surge.
00:19:07We almost just had a new Universal Champion.
00:19:09This has been Baron's problem in the past.
00:19:11The frustration building.
00:19:12Instead of yelling at the ref, he should be continuing to attack the banged up Rollins.
00:19:16Baron Corbin obviously thought the official's count was slow.
00:19:19But take another look at this incredible impact.
00:19:23Driving Seth Rollins with that added rotation.
00:19:26And let's look at the count here.
00:19:28Oh, yeah, Rollins clearly getting up before a count.
00:19:31Rollins certainly got up.
00:19:32But I mean, I'm not going to say that the referee didn't hesitate a little bit.
00:19:35And Corbin again into the corner.
00:19:37Splashing Rollins.
00:19:39And there's the quickness of the champion.
00:19:43Rollins has Corbin where he wants him.
00:19:44He's going to go for the stomp.
00:19:45And Corbin quickly back to his feet.
00:19:47And here we go!
00:19:48Deep six.
00:19:49Deep six by Corbin.
00:19:52Hooks the leg on Rollins to win the Universal Championship.
00:19:54And an air fall again.
00:19:58Man, you have got to give Seth Rollins so much credit here tonight to continually kick out.
00:20:04But don't discredit Baron Corbin for the fight that he has brought to the Universal Champion.
00:20:10Coming within a half a second of dethroning Seth Rollins.
00:20:14Baron Corbin certainly brought his A-game tonight.
00:20:16If it weren't for the frustration, as we're seeing again.
00:20:21How many times do I have to tell you?
00:20:24Count to three!
00:20:26It should be over!
00:20:31Corbin extremely angry.
00:20:36The fact that Rollins kicked out of the deep six.
00:20:41Rollins lands on his feet.
00:20:43That's what took Rollins out on Monday night.
00:20:46A high elbow.
00:20:47Corbin knocked out of the ring.
00:20:48It was a rare misstep on that slide around the ring post that could have cost Baron Corbin.
00:20:53Corbin knows.
00:20:54He's going to get himself disqualified.
00:20:55This doesn't make any sense.
00:20:59If he's disqualified, Rollins keeps the championship.
00:21:10The official admonishing Corbin.
00:21:12Corbin's caught in the heat of the moment.
00:21:14Stop telling me what to do!
00:21:16I know how to do my job!
00:21:18You know how to do yours?
00:21:21You know how to do your job?
00:21:23Who do you think you are?
00:21:25I'm the winner!
00:21:27From behind, Rollins rolling up Corbin's shoulders down.
00:21:30Rollins wins it!
00:21:31Oh my gosh!
00:21:34Here is your winner, and still the Universal Champion, Seth Rollins!
00:21:45Seth Rollins retains.
00:21:48What a turn of events here tonight.
00:21:51Baron Corbin's frustrations caused him to squander the biggest opportunity of his career.
00:21:57In the back of the line, Corbin.
00:22:00But what about the resilience of Seth Rollins here tonight?
00:22:05Hey, hey!
00:22:06Uh-oh, Corbin out behind.
00:22:07Corbin with an end of days after the match is over.
00:22:12A frustrated Corbin attacks Rollins after the match.
00:22:17To be fair, Baron Corbin really shouldn't be frustrated with anyone but himself.
00:22:22Oh no!
00:22:23Rollins! Seth Rollins just suffered an end of days!
00:22:28And here comes the beast in the back!
00:22:31Steel chair in hand!
00:22:33Brock Lesnar marching to the ring!
00:22:36Rollins is a sitting duck.
00:22:38Brock Lesnar promised Friday, I'm gonna do it Friday.
00:22:42And Lesnar is heading to the ring to cash in money in the bank.
00:22:47He said last week there was no way Rollins was leaving Jetta as the Universal Champion.
00:22:51He overcame the first pass.
00:22:53This one's downright impossible.
00:22:55Can you imagine if you're Seth Rollins?
00:22:57Brock Lesnar could not pick a more opportune time.
00:23:00Universal Champ just laid out in the middle of the ring.
00:23:03This is it.
00:23:04And can you imagine if you're Rollins?
00:23:06And can you imagine if you're Rollins?
00:23:08What you're thinking, what you're feeling right now.
00:23:10As the beast is on the apron.
00:23:12With a steel chair in hand.
00:23:13And the money in the bank contract in his advocate's hand.
00:23:16The beast Brock Lesnar has Rollins in his sights.
00:23:21Oh my god, Heyman just-
00:23:22Heyman's so excited he-
00:23:24A low blow by Rollins!
00:23:26A low blow by Rollins, reminiscent of WrestleMania.
00:23:30The way he won the championship.
00:23:33Heyman tripped on the ropes.
00:23:34He dropped the money in the bank briefcase.
00:23:36And that distraction allowed Rollins to deliver a low blow to the beast.
00:23:41That's what it took at WrestleMania now.
00:23:43Rollins with a steel chair.
00:23:44Rollins returning the favor.
00:23:48Rollins remembers what Lesnar did to him Monday night on Raw.
00:23:52And now, steel chairs to the spine of Lesnar.
00:23:56And the key here, ladies and gentlemen, is that the bell never rang.
00:23:59The cash-in hasn't happened.
00:24:01Seth Rollins is unloading on Mr. Money in the Bank Lesnar.
00:24:11Lesnar trying to preserve his contract.
00:24:13The beatdown continues.
00:24:15Worried about preserving his body.
00:24:19Rollins barking at Lesnar.
00:24:21Making him pay for Monday night.
00:24:24How does it feel?
00:24:25How does it feel, you big ugly son of a bitch?
00:24:33Lesnar trying to use the briefcase for some sort of protection.
00:24:46And I don't believe Rollins is done.
00:24:50Rollins with a stomp on the briefcase!
00:24:59And tonight, it's the Universal Champion Seth Rollins
00:25:03sending an emphatic statement to Brock Lesnar.
00:25:07Think before you try to cash in.
00:25:11That contract was not cashed in.
00:25:13He didn't get the job done tonight.
00:25:15Seth Rollins still our Universal Champion.
00:25:18I believe Corey, Brock, and Heyman had every intention of cashing in here tonight.
00:25:22But when Heyman tripped on the ropes and dropped the briefcase,
00:25:26the distraction allowed Rollins to attack.
00:25:28For the moment, Seth Rollins survived.
00:25:30But what goes around comes around.
00:25:32If we take another look at this,
00:25:34Paul Heyman, so excited, knowing he was about to cash in
00:25:37to be the advocate for the Universal Champion,
00:25:39once again, loses his footing.
00:25:41And it almost proved to be disastrous.
00:25:44But Seth Rollins again went low, much like he did at WrestleMania.
00:25:47And then payback and retribution for what Brock Lesnar did to Seth Rollins Monday night on Raw.
00:25:53Rollins beat the hell out of The Beast.
00:25:55Rollins got a little bit of redemption,
00:25:57paying back Lesnar for the beatdown this Monday.
00:26:00But when it comes to Brock Lesnar,
00:26:03The Beast does not like to be one-upped ever.
00:26:06Seth Rollins is still the biggest target in WWE.
00:26:09And The Beast still has the money in the bank contract.
00:26:12And Seth Rollins is still the Universal Champion.
00:26:17What an effort tonight by The Beast Slayer.
00:26:21Seth Rollins.
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00:26:54Today only.
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00:27:23Don't wait.
00:27:27At WWE Stomping Grounds.
00:27:29Streaming live on WWE Network.
00:27:31Sunday, June 23rd.
00:27:337 Eastern.
00:27:344 Pacific.
00:27:39But tonight it's about WWE's Super Showdown.
00:27:43We are live at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
00:27:46That, of course, the airport.
00:27:48Now you take a look at King Fahd's Fountain.
00:27:50The tallest fountain in the entire world.
00:27:52Jam-packed here tonight for Super Showdown.
00:28:00And there is Brock Lesnar.
00:28:02The victim of the attack by Seth Rollins with a steel chair moments ago.
00:28:06Rollins has successfully defended his Universal Championship tonight.
00:28:09Lesnar not being able to even do a catch-up.
00:28:11I don't know if you got to see the left elbow of Brock Lesnar after the chair shots from Seth Rollins.
00:28:16It's already turning black and blue.
00:28:18I mean, The Beast could have suffered some serious damage.
00:28:21Courtesy of Seth Rollins and his attack at the chair.
00:28:25Look at the lump already starting to swell.
00:28:32There's some definite damage done there by the Universal Champion.
00:28:38Even at less than 100%, I don't know if anybody can stop The Beast.
00:28:43Seth Rollins did as good a job as he could have.
00:28:59Unfortunately for Seth Rollins, The Beast in the bank.
00:29:02Brock Lesnar is going to leave Jeddah the same way he arrived.
00:29:05In possession of a guaranteed championship match-up at the moment of his choosing.
00:29:12Seth Rollins escaped tonight, but how long can he run for?
00:29:17Of course, Brock Lesnar did not cash in again tonight.
00:29:20But unlike Monday, tonight was not by his choice.
00:29:24Brock Lesnar, as Corey mentioned, still missed your Money in the Bank.
00:29:27Seth Rollins still the Universal Champion.
00:29:29And you cannot talk too much about what Seth Rollins was able to accomplish here tonight.
00:29:34He vowed to come to Super Showdown and live up to his word, defend his Universal Championship.
00:29:38He did that successfully against Baron Corbin.
00:29:40And still survived The Beast tonight.
00:29:42It is now time for our second championship match-up of the evening.
00:29:46This one for the Intercontinental title.
00:29:58The following match is scheduled for one fall and he's four.
00:30:01The Intercontinental Championship!
00:30:07Introducing the challenger, from Tomas Palacio, Durango, Mexico.
00:30:11Weighing in at 250 pounds.
00:30:19Andrade with a great opportunity here tonight against the man who I believe Andrade has the number of.
00:30:25That is Finn Balor.
00:30:29Take you back to what this past Tuesday night on SmackDown Live.
00:30:32It was supposed to be Andrade and Apollo Crews.
00:30:34Match-up really never got underway.
00:30:36We've seen Andrade's temper at work before.
00:30:38But Apollo Crews felt the wrath of an extremely motivated, very ready Andrade.
00:30:44Until Finn Balor would enter the ring.
00:30:47Yeah, Finn Balor would come after Andrade.
00:30:50Setting the stage for tonight.
00:30:52And as Balor would look to take out Andrade and send a message.
00:30:56Zelina Vega would pay dividends.
00:30:58And Andrade has done what he's done to Finn Balor for the past couple of months, Corey.
00:31:01And that is take him out.
00:31:03Andrade has said for months, basically since arriving in WWE, that he is the future.
00:31:09Tonight, what a better opportunity can you get than this stage, Super Showdown.
00:31:14By defeating the Intercontinental Champion.
00:31:17This could very well be the coming out party, of course, for Andrade.
00:32:16It is snowing in the desert.
00:32:18And his opponent, from Prairie County, Wicklow, Ireland.
00:32:21He is the Intercontinental Champion.
00:32:25The T-Man, Finn Balor!
00:32:55Finn Balor!
00:33:25Finn Balor!
00:33:55Finn Balor!
00:34:19So why does Finn Balor become the demon?
00:34:22Finn told me that his personality changes when the war pang goes on.
00:34:26That it releases his inner demon.
00:34:29He becomes more aggressive.
00:34:31And we see that side of his personality.
00:34:33And he becoming the demon tonight, it shows that Finn Balor has all the respect in the world for his opponent, Andrade.
00:34:41And for two men that have battled around the globe, in Japan, in Mexico, here in WWE,
00:34:46Finn Balor knows in order to defeat Andrade here tonight, he must show up as the demon.
00:34:51You mentioned the level of respect it takes for Finn to summon the demon.
00:34:54It becomes emotionally exhaustive for Finn to go to that place.
00:34:58He's got to channel all the pain, all the torment he's ever experienced in his life,
00:35:02and focus it toward an all-out barrage against his opponent, which Andrade has brought out tonight.
00:35:08And this is for the Intercontinental Championship, and there's no doubt that Andrade has been putting the stars on notice on SmackDown Live.
00:35:15He could be a future champion, and it could happen tonight.
00:35:18And the question we mentioned before is, does he have Finn Balor's number?
00:35:21He pinned Balor one-on-one a couple of months ago.
00:35:24He pinned Finn Balor in a fatal four-way match in this past week.
00:35:27We saw the damage he was able to do to Finn.
00:35:29But this, however, is the demon.
00:35:31You're exactly right.
00:35:32I would say, yes, Andrade has Finn Balor's number, but this is Andrade's first experience with the demon.
00:35:37Andrade realized what he would be up against on paper.
00:35:41But it's another thing completely to step in the ring, to stare across the 20 feet at Finn Balor.
00:35:48Oh, did you hear that?
00:35:49But Andrade, you've known Andrade, Corey.
00:35:51Is he one that would be intimidated by the likes of the demon?
00:35:54Cover by Balor, and a kickout.
00:35:56Ordinarily, I would say no.
00:35:58Definitely not on paper.
00:36:00Again, it's an entirely different animal to stand in the ring across from the demon.
00:36:05You may prepare as well as you can mentally and emotionally for the demon.
00:36:10But until you do battle with it, you never truly know what it's like.
00:36:13Look at the superstars that have been in the ring against the demon.
00:36:16Oh, Andrade making some moves.
00:36:18Oh, and a knee caught him in the jaw.
00:36:20And now Andrade looking to put the demon away.
00:36:23Looking perhaps for the hammerlock DDT.
00:36:26But Balor able to counter.
00:36:28There's the basement dropkick.
00:36:32And to the point of Finn Balor and the demon, it's intimidation.
00:36:36It's mind games during the fight.
00:36:39I mean, think of the greats that have done that.
00:36:41The Undertaker, they have an aura about them that stand across the ring from you
00:36:44and intimidate you from the beginning, Belle, from even before.
00:36:47That's what the demon is all about.
00:36:49I think the demon's in the head of every superstar back there in the locker room.
00:36:52People know he's undefeated here in WWE.
00:36:55It's big guns here tonight.
00:36:57To get back to your point, Corey, there's no one as intimidating as The Undertaker.
00:37:00Oh, I completely agree, yes.
00:37:02Use the best example possible.
00:37:04And here's Finn Balor now off the apron.
00:37:07By Andrade.
00:37:08And spied first.
00:37:09He hit the apron.
00:37:10And now Andrade looks to attack.
00:37:12Andrade, that hybrid of the Lucha Libre, Japanese and American styles.
00:37:16And it's on display here tonight.
00:37:18The top rope with a missile dropkick.
00:37:19Down goes the demon.
00:37:20Cover for the Intercontinental title and a kickout by Balor.
00:37:24Andrade did a great job of weathering the early storm from Balor.
00:37:27And now Andrade's got his opportunity to take full control.
00:37:32Andrade, a third-generation competitor from Mexico.
00:37:36Spent considerable time, had a great deal of success in Japan.
00:37:39Oh, a nice snap suplex.
00:37:40Just like Finn Balor.
00:37:41Oh, this is Andrade looking perhaps for another one.
00:37:44And a third one.
00:37:46Paying homage to one of his heroes, Eddie Guerrero.
00:37:49But Balor does not allow the third suplex to happen.
00:37:53And now it goes.
00:37:54Andrade delivering it.
00:37:55Cover now for the Intercontinental title and a kickout by the champion.
00:37:58This is a matchup all week I've been excited about.
00:38:00I think we're going to see a lot of the trademark technical abilities
00:38:04that really define the Intercontinental championship over the years.
00:38:06These are two of the most technically sound, able competitors on the entire roster.
00:38:10It's been called the workhorse championship, so to speak.
00:38:13And Balor, a very proud Intercontinental champion.
00:38:16A title that's been held by more than a dozen WWE Hall of Famers over the years.
00:38:22And Balor would love to keep the title here tonight.
00:38:25Got to give it to Andrade, trying to keep the demon down.
00:38:28Trying to take away his arsenal as soon as he gets moving.
00:38:31Andrade, of course, really made his name on SmackDown Live
00:38:34with a tremendous rivalry with Rey Mysterio.
00:38:38Some unbelievable matches.
00:38:40Oh, look at this.
00:38:41What's Andrade got in mind here?
00:38:43Oh, man!
00:38:44Plants the demon.
00:38:45This could be it.
00:38:46Balor hit hard.
00:38:47Andrade, cover, and a kickout by the demon Finn Balor.
00:38:52Andrade realizes what he's dealing with.
00:38:54No wasted motion.
00:38:55Right into a deep rear chin lock.
00:38:57Keeping Balor as close to the ground as possible.
00:39:00Andrade going to put all of his body weight on there
00:39:02and try to wear the demon down.
00:39:07Where we've seen the demon Finn Balor at his most effective recently
00:39:10is when the pace quickens.
00:39:12You are looking from high above the King Abdullah Sports City Stadium
00:39:16here tonight in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
00:39:18the host of WWE Super Showdown.
00:39:24Andrade, dropkick by Balor right on the chin.
00:39:27I'll tell you, everywhere we've gone in Jeddah this week,
00:39:29the WWE Universe has been so excited for this event here tonight.
00:39:33Everyone's been so accommodating here.
00:39:35We've had an awesome time in Jeddah so far.
00:39:37And now Andrade looks to make it back to his feet,
00:39:39but he was stunned by that dropkick by Balor.
00:39:43You have to give credit to Andrade even to this point,
00:39:45lasting this long, getting this deep into the matchup with the demon.
00:39:48Andrade knows what's at stake for him to cement himself,
00:39:51to put himself on the map here in WWE and win that Intercontinental title.
00:39:55Double clothesline.
00:39:56Neither man drops.
00:39:59Balor sends Andrade over the top rope.
00:40:03Nasty fall to the outside from the challenger.
00:40:05Andrade could be in the danger zone.
00:40:09The demon's about to take flight.
00:40:11And the demon flies and down goes Andrade.
00:40:14That is a thing of beauty.
00:40:19This is what Andrade wanted to avoid,
00:40:21letting the demon pick up speed, pick up the pace.
00:40:25When Balor can channel all of his aggression, he's hard to stop.
00:40:29We see the result of the demon flying to the outside.
00:40:32Nasty crash landing on top of Andrade.
00:40:36Brutal kick.
00:40:37Vicious side of the demon.
00:40:38Oh, yeah, and it's coming out now,
00:40:40that aggressive side of his personality as we talked about earlier.
00:40:43The demon heading to that next level.
00:40:48Oh, and listen to that.
00:40:49Not about to slow down.
00:40:51Keep the foot on the gas pedal.
00:40:54Well, again, it just goes to show you
00:40:56how much respect Finn Balor has as a competitor for Andrade,
00:41:00knowing to bring the demon tonight.
00:41:06Balor realizes he's in for a fight.
00:41:08His Intercontinental Championship is in jeopardy.
00:41:11And there, oh, what a kick by Andrade!
00:41:13And the demon is stunned.
00:41:15And now the challenger for the Intercontinental Championship.
00:41:19Go for it once again.
00:41:20Oh, Balor this time able to counter.
00:41:22Incredible core strength by Finn, able to counter that.
00:41:25Oh, Balor connecting.
00:41:27And Finn Balor looking to put him away.
00:41:32Balor with a...
00:41:33Oh, my God, spiked him.
00:41:36Big time.
00:41:37Cover again to retain the title and a kick out by Andrade.
00:41:41Take a look.
00:41:42Earlier on, Finn Balor soaring through the skies of Jeddah,
00:41:45laser focused and crashing down on the challenger, Andrade.
00:41:49That's why social media is abuzz tonight with hashtag
00:41:52W-W-E-S-S-D because of moves by Finn Balor.
00:41:58Gentlemen, Finn Balor is left in the United States.
00:42:00He got the demon here tonight.
00:42:02Went for the sling blade and Andrade was able to block it.
00:42:05And caught demon with a chop.
00:42:08Sling blade this time!
00:42:14Andrade back to his feet and Balor looking to rally.
00:42:18That'll stop him.
00:42:19You're absolutely right.
00:42:20Wait a minute.
00:42:23Maybe not.
00:42:24He just fired him up.
00:42:26That almost put him down, though.
00:42:27That back elbow by Andrade will drop any...
00:42:30Andrade better keep going.
00:42:33The demon back to his feet.
00:42:34Andrade now across the ring, right across the back of the neck.
00:42:37And now the demon's down in the corner.
00:42:39Andrade looking to fire it up.
00:42:42The demon's seeing shadows, courtesy of Andrade.
00:42:46And the double knees by Andrade.
00:42:47Cover to win the Intercontinental Championship right here tonight at Super Showdown.
00:42:52And Balor stays alive.
00:42:56This is where Andrade can't afford to get frustrated.
00:42:58If we learned anything tonight, particularly from Baron Corbin,
00:43:01it's in a championship situation, frustration can be the downfall of anybody.
00:43:07Let's take another look at this beautiful athleticism.
00:43:10Both knees right across the back of the demon's neck.
00:43:13And right now, Andrade taking it up to the high rent district.
00:43:17Andrade to the top rope, looking to put him away.
00:43:19Moonsault landed on his feet, came through, but got caught.
00:43:22I believe the knee caught him.
00:43:24Counter for counter.
00:43:25Andrade amazingly able to adapt in midair and deliver a standing moonsault.
00:43:29But the demon was a step ahead.
00:43:31Balor was moving the other way.
00:43:32Watch this. Moonsault by Andrade.
00:43:34And he lands on his feet.
00:43:35Now watch this right there.
00:43:38Both the knees of Finn Balor right to the sternum of the challenger.
00:43:43Now Balor pulling himself back up.
00:43:46Shoulder to the midsection.
00:43:48And Balor fighting back kick.
00:43:50Andrade blocked.
00:43:53Sharp elbows right on the ear.
00:43:55I don't think Andrade plans on going home empty-handed.
00:43:57Oh my god!
00:43:58Sunset flip went for the powerbomb.
00:44:00Balor able to hang on.
00:44:01That would have been the end of the demon right there.
00:44:10Balor chucking the challenger inside the ring.
00:44:12And now Balor going up top.
00:44:16Top rope for the demon.
00:44:18Right to the back of the neck.
00:44:20And it caught him hard.
00:44:21Did you see the whiplash on Andrade?
00:44:23Cover here.
00:44:24Kick out by the challenger.
00:44:26Credit to Andrade for staying in the fight after that maneuver.
00:44:31The demon's laser precision on display once more.
00:44:34All the way from the top rope.
00:44:35Crashing right down across the back of the neck of Andrade.
00:44:43The demon now looking for that sixth gear.
00:44:47Figuring out how to close the deal and retain his Intercontinental Championship.
00:44:50Could this be it?
00:44:52Andrade though.
00:44:53Balor rolled through.
00:44:54Shoulders down.
00:44:55Now it's Andrade's turn.
00:44:56Double knees.
00:44:57Caught Balor in the face.
00:44:59And Andrade looking for his finishing maneuver here.
00:45:02Hammerlock DDT.
00:45:03Oh god!
00:45:04That's it!
00:45:05For the championship!
00:45:06To win the Intercontinental title!
00:45:13Andrade thought he had Balor won.
00:45:16Watch this.
00:45:17Andrade had every reason to believe that he was the new Intercontinental Champion.
00:45:22He's felled countless opponents with that very maneuver.
00:45:25But the demon fights on.
00:45:27The Hammerlock DDT from Andrade.
00:45:29But not successful here tonight as the demon is able to stay alive in this match.
00:45:38This is where champions are made.
00:45:39Getting into the deep water.
00:45:41Who's got the endurance?
00:45:42Who has the tricks left up their sleeve?
00:45:45They're in the depths now.
00:45:49Set flying.
00:45:50And now Balor.
00:45:52He's got him where he wants him.
00:45:53Drives him into the corner.
00:45:55The demon's picking up speed here.
00:46:02Balor out to the apron.
00:46:05Trying to will his way to the top.
00:46:08Andrade's in the drop zone.
00:46:10But Andrade back up to his feet again.
00:46:13I would be surprised, but I wouldn't be shocked.
00:46:18Andrade could be the one.
00:46:19The very first one to defeat the demon.
00:46:23That would give credence to all the claims Andrade's made.
00:46:26Look at this.
00:46:27Andrade lands on the top rope.
00:46:29Balor looking to...
00:46:31To somehow...
00:46:32Face first!
00:46:33The DDT!
00:46:34Demon from the top rope.
00:46:35And now what does he do?
00:46:36He's got Andrade where he wants him.
00:46:38Heads up to the top rope.
00:46:39Now for Balor!
00:46:40Finn Balor!
00:46:41Gonna fly!
00:46:42Coup de Grace!
00:46:45Cover by Balor!
00:46:47Retains the Intercontinental title!
00:46:52Here is your winner and still
00:46:54the Intercontinental Champion
00:46:58Finn Balor!
00:47:02Incredible battle by both competitors
00:47:04for the right to claim the Intercontinental Championship.
00:47:07I have to ask the question.
00:47:09If Finn Balor did not bring out the demon tonight
00:47:12after what we saw from Andrade
00:47:14would Finn still be champion?
00:47:16I think regardless of anything
00:47:18Andrade's star is on the map.
00:47:20That star will just continue to ascend here in WWE.
00:47:24Both superstars brought their A-game.
00:47:26Andrade looked to take it high risk
00:47:28but Balor able to counter from the top rope.
00:47:32That is so difficult to do as a competitor.
00:47:35Plants the challenger
00:47:37and it was all but over for Andrade.
00:47:41Balor soaring through the skies of Jeddah
00:47:44delivering the Coup de Grace
00:47:46from incredible height
00:47:47with otherworldly impact
00:47:49driving all the wind out of the lungs of Andrade
00:47:53and the demon Balor retains.
00:47:57The demon Balor
00:47:59yet to take defeat
00:48:01and he's still your Intercontinental Champion!
00:48:06Well guys can you think about
00:48:11the prestige
00:48:13of being able to defeat 49 other men
00:48:17and the 50 men over the top rope
00:48:20Battle Royal the largest in WWE history.
00:48:23Well throughout the night
00:48:24we're going to hear from some of the superstars
00:48:26competing in this Battle Royal tonight
00:48:28and hear what they have to say
00:48:29about possibly winning the big prize.
00:48:35All the superstars have the opportunity
00:48:37to create history
00:48:39but only one man will.
00:48:41I've won a lot of championships.
00:48:44I've main evented WrestleMania.
00:48:46I mean I am the star of Miz and Mrs.
00:48:49but I have never won the largest Battle Royal
00:48:51in WWE history.
00:48:53So to all 49 superstars
00:48:54that will be in the ring with me tonight
00:48:57all the Samoa Joes, bye!
00:49:00All the Shinsuke Nakamura's, bye!
00:49:03Murphy, Axel, Dallas, bye, bye, bye!
00:49:06But this isn't an in-sync dance, no!
00:49:09The only dance 49 people will be doing
00:49:11is the up and out!
00:49:13The up and out!
00:49:15Up and out! Up and out!
00:49:17Because I will create history
00:49:19because I'm the Miz
00:49:21and I'm...
00:49:32Tonight the modern day Maharaja
00:49:34cements his legacy as 49 other superstars
00:49:37go over the top rope
00:49:38and I've become the winner
00:49:40of the largest Battle Royal in WWE history
00:49:42and not only that
00:49:44as you may have seen on the flight over to Jeddah
00:49:46I lost my 24-7 title.
00:49:50What do I plan on doing?
00:49:52After I win the largest Battle Royal on the flight back
00:49:54I'm going to find our truth
00:49:56and reclaim my 24-7 title.
00:50:05And that is still to come later on tonight
00:50:07the largest Battle Royal in WWE history
00:50:10the 50 man over the top rope Battle Royal.
00:50:14We said tonight we were going to see beasts, icons and legends
00:50:17and we want to take a second to send a special thank you
00:50:19to God Smack for when legends rise
00:50:21it's an official theme song of WWE Super Showdown
00:50:24from the album When Legends Rise
00:50:26available right now on iTunes and Spotify.
00:50:29You guys know it was right here in Saudi Arabia
00:50:31at WWE Crown Jewel last November
00:50:34where Shane McMahon would end up in finals
00:50:36in the WWE World Cup Tournament
00:50:38would win in controversial fashion
00:50:40and become the best in the world.
00:50:42Well up next Shane looks to knock off the Big Dog
00:50:45who changed the landscape of WWE
00:50:47during the Superstar Shake-Up.
00:50:51You only get one shot at making a first impression
00:50:57so I figured on my first night on Smackdown Live
00:51:01I'd do exactly that.
00:51:06I'm just out here to remind you
00:51:08that the McMahon family owns all the land.
00:51:13No, your daddy owns the land.
00:51:21Roman Reigns, you hit my father Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
00:51:27My father is one of the greatest men that have ever lived.
00:51:31My father Vince is like a national treasure.
00:51:34What type of man hits another man's father like that?
00:51:39And there's going to be repercussions.
00:51:42And look at, wait a minute, Shane McMahon!
00:51:45Shane McMahon!
00:51:49The issues have carried over to Monday Night Raw
00:51:52laying waste to an already battered Big Dog.
00:51:55I'm not the best in the world because I won a trophy.
00:51:59I'm the best in the world because I was born that way.
00:52:03See Roman, I am sick and tired of you walking around here
00:52:07you thinking you can break all the rules.
00:52:09You see the McMahon family has been putting food
00:52:12on your entire family table for generations.
00:52:16When you came down here and hit the chairman of our company
00:52:20you bit the hand that feeds you.
00:52:23I don't know about y'all, but I hate spoiled rich kids.
00:52:27If you have beef with me, I say we squash it right here in this ring tonight.
00:52:32Wow, Shane's ready to go!
00:52:34I do what all spoiled rich kids do
00:52:37and I do what I want, when I want.
00:52:40The best in the world!
00:52:50But I accept your challenge
00:52:52and that is going to happen at Super Showdown.
00:52:56After Super Showdown, you're going to say what everybody else says around here.
00:53:04I just got my ass kicked by Roman Reigns.
00:53:11There is nothing between Shane McMahon and Roman Reigns.
00:53:17Claymore for Drew McIntyre!
00:53:20The last thing that you will be hearing at Super Showdown is this.
00:53:25The winner of this match and the best in the world!
00:53:32Shane McMahon!
00:53:39At Super Showdown, I'm not only going to beat you,
00:53:42I'm going to beat some respect into you.
00:53:57Here comes the money!
00:53:59Here we go!
00:54:18Look at the confidence on the face of the best in the world.
00:54:22The moment of truth has arrived.
00:54:24Give me some of that money! I want some of that!
00:54:26Spread the wealth around!
00:54:28Listen, maybe if you weren't spending all your time
00:54:30begrudging Shane McMahon as the best in the world
00:54:33and talking negatively about the family that pays your bills, Renee,
00:54:37maybe you could give some of that money.
00:54:39You're right, maybe I should rethink my strategy.
00:54:42Listen, Shane is called the best in the world
00:54:44because he won the World Cup Tournament back in November.
00:54:47Therefore, yes, he is the best in the world.
00:54:50He replaced an injured Miz in that matchup.
00:54:52It was a controversial way in which he won.
00:54:56Are you trying to tell me that Andy Ruiz isn't the World Heavyweight Champion
00:54:59because he wasn't the originally scheduled opponent?
00:55:01He knocks the guy out.
00:55:02Yeah, exactly. Shane McMahon beat the entire field as a replacement.
00:55:06He is therefore the best in the world.
00:55:18Ladies and gentlemen,
00:55:22the best
00:55:23in the
00:55:47I'm sure Greg Hamilton probably gets a bonus every time he nails that note.
00:55:50It's pretty incredible.
00:55:51Shane McMahon takes care of those who are loyal to him.
00:55:56Including this man.
00:56:07And they begin playing to the ring,
00:56:09Drew McIntyre!
00:56:11Yeah, this man.
00:56:12The Scottish psychopath who Shane McMahon calls his friend.
00:56:16I believe the business relationship is a bit different than just being friends.
00:56:20I think much like the revival,
00:56:22I think Drew McIntyre wants to rub elbows with the boss,
00:56:25get some of that crippling Shane-O-Man talk about himself all the time.
00:56:28To do what?
00:56:29To do what?
00:56:30To do what?
00:56:31To do what?
00:56:32To do what?
00:56:33The crippling Shane-O-Man talk about himself all the time.
00:56:35To do what?
00:56:36To do what?
00:56:37To do what?
00:56:38To do what?
00:56:39To do what?
00:56:40To do what?
00:56:41To do what?
00:56:42To do what?
00:56:43To do what?
00:56:44To do what?
00:56:45To do what?
00:56:46To do what?
00:56:47To do what?
00:56:48Drew McIntyre came to WWE to eliminate complacency.
00:56:49The Scottish psychopath is very wisely making himself visible to those in power.
00:56:50Drew knows to receive future opportunities at championships,
00:56:51at whatever it is that he desires.
00:56:52Having Shane McMahon by your side can only help your cause.
00:56:55help your cause.
00:56:56A good thing for Shane is that Drew McIntyre just loves to fight, he doesn't care who it
00:57:00is or when it is.
00:57:01Well, and he also has an issue with Roman Reigns, the man who he meets in two weeks
00:57:05from Sunday at the Stomping Grounds pay-per-view event, it'll be McIntyre and Reigns one-on-one.
00:57:10This numbers game is not going to bode well for the Big Dog.
00:57:32Here comes the Big Dog!
00:57:40Roman Reigns is all business!
00:57:45Big Dog has never backed down from a fight a day in his life, but tonight, maybe he should
00:57:49have thought twice.
00:57:50Yeah, the situation is, is...
00:57:53The situation here is that the Big Dog is at the top of the food chain, and that pisses
00:57:55Shane McMahon off.
00:57:56Um, excuse me Shane?
00:57:58That's not gonna help him.
00:58:00Yeah, the situation is
00:58:16Situation here is that the big dogs at the top of the food chain that pisses Shane McMahon off
00:58:21Excuse me Shane McMahon owns the food chain Renee
00:58:26Roman Reigns and the question is is what type of shape is Roman Reigns in can he be 100% tonight because of the beatdowns
00:58:33By McIntyre and the revival and Shane McMahon over the past number of nights on both Monday night and Tuesday night
00:58:40the big dog fell victim to
00:58:43Brutalization by Shane McMahon and his friends
00:58:49Making his way to the ring from Pensacola, Florida
00:59:06But listen the one thing about Shane McMahon say what you want about Shane you cannot take Shane McMahon lightly
00:59:13He has accomplished some unbelievable things in his career
00:59:16think about the men that Shane McMahon has been in the ring with up throughout the years the likes of
00:59:23Rock and how about stone-cold Steve Austin the Undertaker?
00:59:28big show
00:59:29Degeneration X and in addition to the experience that Shane surely gained competing against those legends and hall-of-famers
00:59:36Shane McMahon will do anything
00:59:40Anything to immerse victorious, especially when it's this person
00:59:44They're gonna be some fireworks when the bell rings on this one, I can guarantee it
00:59:49Deeply personal to physical competitors. The Scott is psychopath lurking at ringside. This could get out of hand in a hurry
00:59:57Roman Reigns will not back down as Shane McMahon stands behind
01:00:03McIntyre, but it won't be the case once the bell rings
01:00:06So, here we go reigns in Shane McMahon one-on-one here tonight at Super Showdown
01:00:11it won't be the case once the bell rings. So here we go. Reigns and Shane McMahon one-on-one
01:00:35here tonight at Super Showdown. Right out of the gate, McIntyre running interference.
01:00:39Yeah, the distraction by McIntyre. And Shane quickly onto the attack of Roman Reigns,
01:00:43understanding that he needs to end this match early. Oh, this makes you wonder about the
01:00:47state that Roman Reigns is in from those beatdowns you were talking about earlier.
01:00:50And you have to also wonder about the official. You saw Shane McMahon already bending some rules
01:00:54in the beginning of this matchup. How much will Charles Robinson allow to happen in this match?
01:00:58Knowing that Shane, just like this, knowing that Shane is Charles Robinson's boss.
01:01:02It has nothing to do with Shane being Charles Robinson's boss. It's got everything to do with
01:01:06Shane being very familiar with what he can legally get away with. Maximize the five count.
01:01:12You can do a lot of damage to an opponent in a quote-unquote illegal holder situation.
01:01:17Shane now just teeing off. What a right by Roman, exploding out of the corner
01:01:21after Shane McMahon. I mean, Shane is in the ring tonight with a three-time WWE champion.
01:01:27A man who once eliminated 12 men in one Royal Rumble match. The victor Reigns who goes shoulder
01:01:33first into the steel post. It's a potentially broken Big Dog. We've seen what Roman has been
01:01:39forced to endure over the past several weeks. Shane McMahon now exploiting the damage already
01:01:44caused. I know about the fight that the Big Dog has. And I mean, this man returned from being
01:01:49treated for leukemia. Look at what he's done since he's returned. I mean, he's in bad way right now
01:01:53with Shane, but he's still proved he's got that fight. Oh, and again, posted on the other side
01:01:56of the ring and dropped outside. And that's very dangerous. Of course, with McIntyre lurking at
01:02:02ringside. Shane doing his best to keep Charles Robinson's attention for the moment. And McIntyre
01:02:09with a cheap shot to Reigns. And Shane McMahon wisely, as Corey mentioned, had the referee
01:02:15distracted. Shane grew up in this business. He knows a lot of dirty tricks, a lot of little
01:02:22ways to get in the back door. Shane crawls, crawls, cover. I thought he was going to go for the cover.
01:02:26And again, a blatant choke in front of the official. Now I can see that being a little
01:02:31questionable. And this goes back to the Steel Cage match against Miz last month. The officials
01:02:36allowed Shane to get away with a lot in that matchup. And they're now a side Russian leg
01:02:41sweep. Cover now on Reigns. Shoulders down, kick out by the Big Dog. It's a Steel Cage match. What
01:02:46are you talking about? That leniency in a Steel Cage match? Shane McMahon won as far as I can
01:02:50recall. Yeah. OK, he did. And I give you that. He slipped away from the Miz. But nonetheless,
01:02:54tonight it's about Roman Reigns and Shane now teeing off with the right hands to the Big Dog.
01:02:58Very confident. Shane McMahon vowed to make Roman Reigns tap out for the first time in his
01:03:02career. Yeah, there's no doubt, though, what Shane is capable of. I mean, we saw this man
01:03:06jump off a hell in a cell and go through the announce table. He's jumped off a titan tron
01:03:10before. Oh, and Reigns dropped Shane again. It is a big clothesline. You can't forget what
01:03:17start the genesis of this entire issue was Roman Reigns punching Shane's father in the face.
01:03:22There's a back elbow by Shane. That's vintage Shane right there. Hooks the leg on Reigns,
01:03:27who kicks out at two. It doesn't get any more deeply personal than what Roman did
01:03:31to the chairman of our company, Mr. McMahon. Shane McMahon now with the blows, the crossfaces
01:03:38to Reigns. Roman Reigns said he wanted to make a statement the first time he appeared on Smackdown
01:03:44Live. That's not the kind of statement that behooves a top superstar. That was disrespectful
01:03:49to our company. I agree with you. Listen, I'm not saying it wasn't disrespectful. I'm not saying the
01:03:53man should have struck the chairman of the company. I believe Roman Reigns was probably in
01:03:57the wrong that night, but the hypocritical Shane McMahon to talk about somebody striking a man's
01:04:01father when he did that to the Mrs. Dad, come on. That's over. You guys keep bringing up distant
01:04:06history. You're the one that brought up Mr. McMahon. Here's the cover, and Roman kicks out.
01:04:10Yeah, because Shane McMahon is fighting on behalf of the honor of his father, who happens to be a
01:04:14global treasure, thank you very much. Oh, come on. It has a lot more than just that, Corey. It has
01:04:18to do with the fact that Shane McMahon has eaten up with himself, that he believes he truly is the
01:04:23best in the world. He carries his World Cup trophy everywhere. Believe me, I've seen it. Private jets
01:04:28around the world, he carries it with him. That's what Shane McMahon does. This is about his ego.
01:04:32I think that's his ego. I find it to be extremely impressive. The universal champion travels with
01:04:36his title. The intercontinental champion travels with his title. What's wrong with carrying around
01:04:40that beautiful piece of artwork, the best in the world trophy? Shane's an absolute ego maniac.
01:04:45He's the kind of guy that updates his own Wikipedia page. But the one thing I will give Shane now is
01:04:49he has Roman Reigns grounded. The chin lock has Roman Reigns in trouble, as McIntyre looks on.
01:04:57Shane doesn't update his own Wikipedia page. Now, he has people for that. You do, I'm sure.
01:05:03Big Dog doing his best to fight back into this one. Shane just trying to wear Roman Reigns down.
01:05:09Roman Reigns took such a beat down on Monday night and Tuesday night, but he's still got that
01:05:14fight left in his tank, taking it out on Shane McMahon. Roman Reigns has been fighting,
01:05:18he's been a battler his entire life. And Roman now taking the fight to Shane. Roman takes everything
01:05:25very personally. I do understand that. I respect that. He claims this as his yard for a reason.
01:05:30Down goes Shane. The Big Dog will stop at nothing to defend it. But as we've said time and time
01:05:35again, it might be Roman Reigns' yard. It's the McMahon's universe. Roman Reigns, as we take
01:05:42another look at this, and boom, right to Shane. Roman Reigns is a man who is defined by both
01:05:48physical and mental toughness. And right now, he's digging down deep. Oh, the Superman punch,
01:05:54and Shane cut him off at the waist. And Shane, cover. Is it enough to put Roman away? And a
01:05:59kick out, and I gotta give Shane that. That was impressive. Shane connected with a chop block
01:06:03while Roman Reigns was midair. Time will tell what sort of damage was inflicted, but you can see
01:06:08automatically Reigns clutching for his knee. Check this out. Great wherewithal by the best
01:06:14in the world. Just picking Roman out of the sky. Shane's looking for the triangle submission. He
01:06:18said he was going to tap out Roman Reigns for the first time in Reigns' career. And will it
01:06:23happen here tonight at Super Showdown? Shane trying to lock it in. Shane not quite able to
01:06:27finish the submission, able to put his calf in front of his foot. Roman's fading. Roman's got
01:06:32massive shoulders and a thick neck, making it quite difficult to finish this submission. But
01:06:37can you imagine if Shane taps out Roman Reigns here? We would never hear the end of it. Shane
01:06:41McMahon would crawl about this forever. And Reigns trying somehow, but he's got nowhere to go. He's
01:06:46in the middle of the ring. He's got to try to power out of this. Here comes the strength of
01:06:50Roman Reigns. Roman was able to turn his body weight to minimize the pressure, but lifting
01:06:55Shane up, the power of the big dog. Down he goes.
01:06:59Cover off the powerbomb. Is it enough? Kick out by Shane.
01:07:08What a match. What, if anything, does Roman Reigns have left? Just think of the power that
01:07:14Reigns had to expend to lift Shane McMahon before driving him down to the mat with a powerbomb.
01:07:20Smart move by Shane, taking a second to compose himself on the outside. But at the back of your
01:07:25screen, you can see the Scottish psychopath keeping a close eye on everything. McIntyre
01:07:31so dangerous. And again, getting involved in this match and driving Reigns into the barricade.
01:07:38To the face of McIntyre. I think it was to the quads of the Scottish psychopath. Look out, guys.
01:07:44Roman Reigns with a superman punch. McIntyre's down. And now Shane with a big right of his own from Reigns.
01:07:53With a couple heavy right hands, Roman turned the complexion of this matchup around.
01:07:59And again, veteran maneuver. And Shane with a spear. A spear. How humiliating. With his own
01:08:06move and Roman kicks out at two and a half. Got to give it to Shane McMahon here. I mean,
01:08:10he's got a ton to work with here tonight. He's bringing out that veteran status. Take a look
01:08:15at this again, though. We saw it this week multiple times. And the third time, unfortunately
01:08:21for Shane, was not the charm. The big dog's still in this fight, but the best in the world is putting
01:08:25it to him. And despite the fact that Shane has been, you know, manipulating some of the rules
01:08:32within the ring. I mean, when he's fighting, he's bringing it. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. We could be seeing a
01:08:39best in the world, coast-to-coast, in the future. Shane vowed tonight that he was going to take out
01:08:46Reigns back to his feet. Oh, wait a minute. Superman punch off the top rope. Reigns cover on Shane.
01:08:51Is it enough for the win? And Shane somehow gets the shoulder up. Even disbelief on the face of
01:08:58Roman Reigns who caught Shane flush. Look at the height. Full extension. Pow. Right on the ear.
01:09:07Oh, you spend so much time telling everyone what your next move is going to be.
01:09:10Makes it easy to suss it out.
01:09:16And Roman Reigns starting to get into that zone.
01:09:21This is what Shane wanted to avoid.
01:09:26Shane is in for it right now. He can barely get to his feet. He's not going to stay there long.
01:09:34Here it comes. Shane with a kick right to the face. But a right hand. Drops Shane.
01:09:40And Shane hit the official. And McIntyre with a Claymore. McIntyre with a Claymore.
01:09:46The official was blinded. He didn't see it. And Shane steals the win.
01:09:52Here is your winner, the best in the world, Shane McMahon.
01:10:00Now listen, Shane, that was a great effort by Shane in the match. But come on,
01:10:04he had no business beating Roman Reigns. How do you know, Paul? Do you know the
01:10:08match was over? No. Did you hear the bell ring? No. It was still an active contest.
01:10:13Yes. There was an assist by Drew McIntyre. But that's what happens when friends stand up for
01:10:18friends. This is ridiculous. This is dumb showboating. Well, and here's the issue for
01:10:23Roman Reigns. Two weeks from Sunday at WWE Stomping Grounds on the WWE Network, Roman Reigns
01:10:30may have bit off more than he can chew when it comes to Drew McIntyre. Because there are old
01:10:36wounds, Corey, that Drew McIntyre is still feeling thanks to Roman Reigns. Let's not talk about next
01:10:43week. Let's talk about the best in the world. Congratulations to Shane O'Mac. What a victory.
01:10:50This was monumental. No, thanks to a shot and a psychopath being in his corner.
01:10:57Let's show you what happened at the end of the matchup. The right hand and the official
01:11:02temporarily blinded. Claymore by McIntyre. Shane McMahon, right place, right time would take
01:11:08advantage. We could lay an iota of blame on Charles Robinson for not necessarily being in the
01:11:12proper position. Regardless, when the official that was sanctioned to compete in this matchup
01:11:18came to, he saw Shane McMahon on top of Roman Reigns and a decisive victory for the best in
01:11:25the world. And the celebration for Shane McMahon begins. It's going to be a great plane ride back
01:11:32home. I can't wait. Look at this. Both Roman and Shane looking to connect with rights. Both connect
01:11:39right there. Inadvertent blow from the best in the world. Charles Robinson just knocked down.
01:11:49Roman Reigns is like, okay, you got me tonight.
01:11:53Shane McMahon thanks to Drew McIntyre with a victory over Roman Reigns.
01:11:58Best in the world.
01:12:06You're looking at the
