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00:00:00The tallest building in Jed of Saudi Arabia, that is the headquarters business park tower at 790 feet, but it's been an incredible atmosphere here all week.
00:00:08Oh my gosh, it's been unbelievable here in Jed, and the WWE universe here is palpable.
00:00:13Yeah, and you take a look at the actual temperature here inside the stadium, it's 94 degrees, but down here on the floor, around the ring, where we're sitting and all these great WWE fans are sitting, where the superstars are competing in, the real feel is 101 degrees.
00:00:30It feels like it's about 1,000 degrees, I think we all are.
00:00:34I'm fired up, as is the entire WWE universe, for what is yet to come tonight.
00:00:40The WWE Hall of Famer, Goldberg, clashes with The Undertaker tonight.
00:00:46So many incredible moments tonight at Super Showdown, and if there is one person known for incredible moments, it is my guest, the WWE Champion, the New Day's Kofi Kingston.
00:01:01Hey! Yeah!
00:01:08And Octavia Woods, I also exist.
00:01:10Sorry, I exist.
00:01:12Kofi, when Dolph Ziggler made his return from his extended absence, he made it clear that he returned specifically to take the WWE Championship away from you.
00:01:21Now, with everything you've been through physically the last few weeks, are you at all concerned that you cannot match his intensity?
00:01:29Am I not intense?
00:01:32Come on, Tyson, you need a lot more than just intensity when you come to a fight.
00:01:36This match for me tonight is about more than just the WWE title.
00:01:40Okay, look, two weeks ago, Dolph left me beaten, battered.
00:01:45I had to be carried out on a stretcher, and I could have chosen to remain on that stretcher.
00:01:49But I said, nah, I forced myself to my feet to stand tall and let everybody know what a champion is supposed to do.
00:01:56Will you really break it down?
00:01:59Kofi Kingston is much more than a champion.
00:02:02Kofi Kingston is a hero.
00:02:05Did you see the footage of when he landed in his home country of Ghana?
00:02:09It was incredible.
00:02:10You see everybody freaking out.
00:02:11It was.
00:02:12Bro, it was so amazing.
00:02:14And honestly, it was the best kind of preparation that I could have possibly had for this match tonight.
00:02:19Because while Dolph is fighting with all this newfound intensity, I'm fighting with purpose.
00:02:24I know where I'm from.
00:02:26I know who I am.
00:02:27And most importantly, I know exactly what I need to stay on top.
00:02:31And it's for everybody who has ever had a dream.
00:02:34Everybody who has ever fought for something.
00:02:36Everybody who has ever believed in themselves.
00:02:39Dolph has been obsessing over my career.
00:02:41He's been obsessing over all my great moments.
00:02:44Well, tonight, I'm going to give him another great moment to obsess over.
00:02:47The moment where Dolph didn't get the job done.
00:02:51And I remain your WWE World Heavyweight Champion.
00:03:04Let's go, baby.
00:03:05Let's do this.
00:03:06Come on, man.
00:03:07Let's go, Kof.
00:03:08Let's go, Kof.
00:03:09Let's go, Kof.
00:03:10Let's go.
00:03:12Kofi Kingston fired up tonight.
00:03:14Will his magical ride continue at Super Showdown?
00:03:18I hope he gave a little bit of that magical love to these three gentlemen.
00:03:26The following contest is a three-on-one handicap match.
00:03:33Introducing first, Lince Dorado, Kalisto, and Grand Metalik, Lucha House Party.
00:03:42You know, guys, three-on-one or not, the Lucha House Party has their work cut out for them tonight.
00:03:48And they know it.
00:03:49So this past Monday night on Raw, they decided to take the fight to Lars Sullivan, the Greek.
00:03:53And for a few moments, they held their own.
00:03:57They don't want to take you to what happened on SmackDown Live.
00:04:00It was the first time ever that Lars Sullivan granted an interview with WWE.
00:04:05And he made a bit of a prediction for tonight.
00:04:10Three blind mice.
00:04:12Watch how they run.
00:04:15Watch how they're caught.
00:04:17Watch how their tails are ripped apart with my bare hands.
00:04:24And a beautiful portrait is painted with their bodily fluids.
00:04:36If the destruction Sullivan caused at this point wasn't already disturbing enough,
00:04:40to get a glimpse into the mind of the freak is downright terrifying.
00:04:45And their opponent, from the Rocky Mountains, weighing in at 330 pounds, Lars Sullivan.
00:05:11So for the first time in WWE, Lars Sullivan will have a match.
00:05:17A three-on-one match for the 6'3", 330 pound freak.
00:05:24Sullivan prepared the Lucha House Party to three blind mice.
00:05:27And unfortunately for the House Party, Lars Sullivan's a human being with hands the size of bear traps.
00:05:33This could get ugly in a hurry.
00:05:35And how often do we ever say in a three-on-one handicap match that the one is the one that we should all be the most terrified of?
00:05:42That never happens.
00:05:43I was terrified just listening to the interview with Lars Sullivan this past week.
00:05:47I passed the guy in the hallway and ducked the other way.
00:05:50Look at the eyes and the stare from this man.
00:05:54A one-man wrecking crew.
00:05:58We learned on SmackDown that he's obviously a very intelligent, well-spoken person.
00:06:05But we've also seen the horrific and the horrific rage.
00:06:09You said the magic word, Cole.
00:06:11Lars Sullivan's a person.
00:06:12For his entire life, he has been looked at and referred to as a freak.
00:06:16And that has boiled over into the destruction we see here in WWE.
00:06:20You see the way that word triggers him.
00:06:21And this is Kalisto starting things off for the Lucha House Party.
00:06:24Teaming with his partners, Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado.
00:06:26Kalisto, a former United States champion.
00:06:28Former tag team champion as well.
00:06:30But I guarantee he's never been in the ring with the likes of The Freak in a match-up.
00:06:34What we're seeing right now is the speed possessed by Lars Sullivan.
00:06:38For a man over 300 pounds, he's incredibly quick on his feet.
00:06:43That's one of the things about Lars.
00:06:44He's an all-around athlete from everybody you talk to.
00:06:46This man is powerful.
00:06:48He's quick.
00:06:49He's agile.
00:06:52He is cerebral as well.
00:06:55As Lars stares down at Kalisto.
00:06:58Looking to make an impact in this sanctioned match-up.
00:07:02Very intimidating presence.
00:07:04And look at this.
00:07:05Kalisto bounced off the top turnbuckle.
00:07:07So, Corey, if you're the Lucha House Party, what do you do?
00:07:11Well, listen.
00:07:12If they want any chance of even competing against Lars Sullivan,
00:07:15they need to make frequent tags.
00:07:17Which I would not assume Sullivan would make easier for them.
00:07:21Obviously, The Freak is just ready for battle.
00:07:23We've got Lince Dorado.
00:07:25I would say, ordinarily, use your quickness.
00:07:27But I don't know as fast as Lucha House Party are,
00:07:30if they are that much quicker than Lars Sullivan.
00:07:33We've got to talk about the guts of the Lucha House Party.
00:07:35This is not...
00:07:37Do not equate lack of brains with excess guts.
00:07:41The fact that Lucha House Party...
00:07:42I don't think he'll ever get the job done.
00:07:43Lince Dorado bringing the fight to Lars Sullivan.
00:07:45I don't know what match you're watching, but I'm about to see.
00:07:48Palming Dorado.
00:07:51Sullivan nearly put his fist through the chest of Lince Dorado.
00:08:00And the power again.
00:08:02Dorado, who's known for his cat-like agility.
00:08:05So quickly, Lars Sullivan just changes the dynamic of the matchup.
00:08:08Trying to fight out of this now is Dorado and Lars Sullivan.
00:08:13Oh my God!
00:08:14Just sent over the top rope with authority.
00:08:21There's some sort of strategy going on here.
00:08:23I'm not quite sure what you can do.
00:08:26All you can do is watch Lars Sullivan.
00:08:28He obviously has a plan.
00:08:29Sullivan knows exactly what he's going to do next.
00:08:33When you possess the sort of athleticism and power that The Freak does.
00:08:37Get out of the way!
00:08:39Dorado wiped out.
00:08:43Incredible speed.
00:08:45By a man over 300 pounds.
00:08:48Look at him.
00:08:51And the Lucha House Party trying to rally the-
00:08:53I swear, Lars Sullivan's like something Hannibal Lecter dreamed up in a laboratory.
00:08:57Good point.
00:08:58Modern-day Frankenstein.
00:09:00Oh, he just-
00:09:01Oh my God, one hand knocks Kalisto off the apron.
00:09:04Frankenstein's monster with Dr. Frankenstein's intellect.
00:09:07Graham Metalika didn't seem too quick to want to get into this match.
00:09:11What can you say about-
00:09:12Got his leg torn clean off of his body.
00:09:19The Freak is smiling.
00:09:20He sees kick.
00:09:21He sees the red emanating from his mouth.
00:09:23He tastes his own blood and it makes him smile.
00:09:26And Graham Metalika lands on his feet.
00:09:28They're going to change the complexion a little bit.
00:09:30Trying to use his quickness.
00:09:32That handspring elbow caught Lars in the jaw.
00:09:35Now a couple of kicks and Sullivan may be stunned.
00:09:37That was made Kalisto legal.
00:09:40Picked out of midair.
00:09:42Kalisto though lands on his feet.
00:09:44There's the great balance ability of a Kalisto.
00:09:53Just blasted out of midair.
00:09:59Density in the eyes of the Freak.
00:10:01Take one more look at this.
00:10:03Kalisto, that's an attempt to get right there.
00:10:05Kalisto and the Lucha House Party realize they're going to have to take a high risk.
00:10:09They're going to have to pull something out of their hats.
00:10:11Lars sent off the top rope right in front of us.
00:10:13And he hit the floor.
00:10:14I could feel that thud through the ground.
00:10:16And look at Lars.
00:10:17Trying to shake out cobwebs perhaps.
00:10:19He may be stunned or maybe not.
00:10:24Lars was knocked off his feet.
00:10:26And I believe the Lucha House Party are going to pay.
00:10:34Kalisto fighting as hard as he possibly can with whatever's left inside.
00:10:38But good lord.
00:10:42Just slinging Kalisto down.
00:10:49Hush has fallen over the stadium here as everyone just uncomfortably watches the destruction.
00:10:55What is anyone supposed to do when you see Lars Sullivan inside the ring?
00:10:58This is a man you don't see on a regular basis.
00:11:02No one's seen anything like this before in their lives.
00:11:05Frightening. It's like a modern day horror story.
00:11:11You gotta be kidding me.
00:11:13Sullivan is going to head up to the top rope.
00:11:17Lars Sullivan.
00:11:19330 pounds in the Lucha House Party.
00:11:22Take advantage.
00:11:23And now Sullivan's down again in the Lucha House Party.
00:11:26Metalik and Dorado trying to take out Lars Sullivan.
00:11:31And the Lucha House Party going to be disqualified.
00:11:33Obviously the Lucha House Party realize they're in an unwinnable situation.
00:11:36You have to gang up three at a time to have any chance against this.
00:11:40They took Lars Sullivan down.
00:11:42Sullivan's down and his legs are tied up.
00:11:44And now the Lucha House Party fighting with everything they have.
00:11:47Sending a message.
00:11:51Dorado for the top rope.
00:11:54To Sullivan and Sullivan's in trouble.
00:11:56And the Lucha House Party are taken to the freak.
00:11:59Here comes Grand Metalik.
00:12:02The king of the ropes delivers an elbow.
00:12:04And Lars Sullivan has been taken out by the Lucha House Party.
00:12:10I wouldn't say taken out.
00:12:11I mean Sullivan already back up to his knees.
00:12:15The most taken out we've ever seen him in.
00:12:16You gotta give it to the Lucha House Party.
00:12:18I don't know how many human beings could take that assault by three superstars and get back up this quickly.
00:12:23Oh no.
00:12:25The Lucha House Party better run.
00:12:29Grand Metalik.
00:12:30Oh my god.
00:12:31Oh what a back drop.
00:12:34And now Kalisto run over.
00:12:38And let's say Dorado taken down.
00:12:42And I don't believe the freak's destruction's over yet.
00:12:49Onto the steel.
00:12:55We gotta try to get control of this freak.
00:13:00We could be here all night.
00:13:01Sullivan just, he's not gonna stop till he's finished.
00:13:03Till he gets what he wants.
00:13:06And it's obvious.
00:13:07Sullivan wants to destroy the Lucha House Party.
00:13:09Lince Dorado was caught in midair and now planted on the apron.
00:13:18Lars Sullivan has crashed the party.
00:13:24Expelling the Luchas here tonight.
00:13:29Flat out destruction by the freak.
00:13:35Laughing at the Lucha House Party just laying waste on the floor.
00:13:40Here we go in the early going to this matchup.
00:13:42Sullivan just manhandling all three members of Lucha House Party.
00:13:47Nearly slamming Kalisto to the center of the earth.
00:13:50Yeah, and it got to the point, Corey, where the Lucha House Party realized it was gonna take three men to try to take out Lars Sullivan.
00:13:56But even that didn't work.
00:13:58This is, oh God, hard to watch.
00:14:01It was uncomfortable.
00:14:03But likely a sight we need to get used to.
00:14:06The freak running a rough shot over WWE because quite frankly, who the hell's gonna stop him?
00:14:21The Man, the Myth, and the Legend.
00:14:23We are lucky to be joined by Paul Triple H, Sullivan.
00:14:27So excited you guys are here.
00:14:28This whole week is just one big adrenaline rush.
00:14:33Oh, this is like a dream.
00:14:40This is your time.
00:14:41It's your time.
00:14:42It's your time.
00:14:43It's your time.
00:14:44It's your time.
00:14:45It's your time.
00:14:46It's your time.
00:14:47It's your time.
00:14:48It's your time.
00:14:49This is your time.
00:14:50Your future to take.
00:14:53Let's do this.
00:14:56It's a busy week.
00:14:59But it's what you live for.
00:15:09More about Triple H in just one moment, but Corey, I've got to ask you about Lars Sullivan.
00:15:12How do you stop him?
00:15:13How do you stop him?
00:15:14He's a human wrecking machine.
00:15:15I don't think you do.
00:15:16We just saw three world-class competitors in Lucha House Party.
00:15:19He absolutely manhandled at the same time.
00:15:22No one is going to stop the freak anytime soon.
00:15:24Well, coming up next, ladies and gentlemen, the renewal of one of the greatest rivalries in WWE history.
00:15:3027 world titles between them.
00:15:33Two Surefire Hall of Famers for their individual accomplishments.
00:15:38It is the Apex Predator, Randy Orton.
00:15:41The Game, Triple H.
00:15:43They meet one-on-one for the first time tonight in nearly a decade.
00:15:52Randy Orton, the coal that will be squeezed into the next diamond.
00:15:57Triple H ruined my life.
00:15:59So I made a vow to ruin his.
00:16:03This is personal.
00:16:09Get a look at greatness.
00:16:12In case you've forgotten, let me tell you just who the hell I am.
00:16:18Decades of dominance.
00:16:20The destiny begins now.
00:16:22Big things in the future for Matt Youngster.
00:16:24Triple H has realized his dream.
00:16:26The youngest world champion.
00:16:28Two-time Rumble match winner.
00:16:3013-time world champion.
00:16:3314-time WWE champion.
00:16:36Vanquishing the best.
00:16:41The Game.
00:16:47Raising the Game.
00:16:49Ascending to the Apex.
00:16:55I had to scratch and claw until I became the guy.
00:17:03I am willing to do whatever it takes.
00:17:27The cerebral assassin.
00:17:29As deadly as they come.
00:17:32No remorse.
00:17:34I am more dangerous than I have ever been.
00:17:37No morality.
00:17:39Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat.
00:17:44One objective.
00:17:48To stand above all.
00:17:53In this industry, just like in life,
00:17:56everything evolves.
00:18:00The Viper.
00:18:06The King of Kings.
00:18:10Their evolution continues.
00:18:16Or perish.
00:18:20A lot of people have tried to put me down.
00:18:23They're all gone.
00:18:25You are not the one.
00:18:28You'll see that there is nothing more lethal than the three most destructive letters.
00:18:37The rivalry renewed.
00:18:39Triple H and Randy Orton.
00:18:49I am the one!
00:19:06Make your choose and your religion.
00:19:09Your desire to keep you safe.
00:19:13The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:19:16Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri,
00:19:19weighing in at 250 pounds,
00:19:23he is the Apex Predator,
00:19:28Randy Orton!
00:19:35The legend killer has come to Super Showdown tonight to usurp a legend.
00:19:42Randy Orton, ever so bitter,
00:19:44has never forgotten what Triple H did to him when he was a young man,
00:19:49came up in the group Evolution, along with Batista,
00:19:51led of course by Triple H and Ric Flair,
00:19:54when Triple H would dump the young upstart star.
00:19:58He would go on to form his own group and become one of the greatest of all time.
00:20:02One of the greatest rivalries,
00:20:04longest running rivalries ever in WWE,
00:20:07will write a new chapter tonight.
00:20:09Will the Viper vanquish the game once and for all?
00:20:18I know Renee, you had the opportunity to,
00:20:20and we send out our well wishes to the recovery,
00:20:23that Nature Boy Ric Flair,
00:20:24but you had the opportunity to talk to the two-time Hall of Famer
00:20:26about this match tonight between Randy and Triple H.
00:20:29I did, of course I wanted a prediction,
00:20:30and Ric said both will be two-time WWE Hall of Famers.
00:20:34Randy will break that 16-time championship reign.
00:20:37Hunter stays ready 24-7, 365,
00:20:40but he is betting on Hunter to reach deeper into that bank of wisdom
00:20:43and walk away victorious tonight.
00:20:45One of those bothers, Randy Orton,
00:20:47that a lot of people would say that without Triple H
00:20:49and the game's tutelage,
00:20:51Randy Orton may never have reached the heights that he did in his career.
00:20:54Orton is here to remove any doubt that he did this on his own,
00:20:58and he carved out his own path to WWE history.
00:21:01And I'm one of those who believes Randy Orton
00:21:03would have reached these heights.
00:21:05The fact that he's a third-generation superstar,
00:21:08his dad, the great Cowboy Bob Orton,
00:21:11this man, Randy Orton, has gone on in his career
00:21:15to win 13 world titles,
00:21:19only three men in history have held more.
00:21:22One of them, the man he faces tonight,
00:21:25the four-time Triple H.
00:21:27Well, as our good friend JBL likes to say,
00:21:29if you were to build a sports entertainer from the ground up,
00:21:32it would look exactly like Randy Orton.
00:21:39Randy Orton, a two-time Royal Rumble winner,
00:21:44a Money in the Bank contract winner,
00:21:46the youngest world champion ever at 24 years old.
00:21:51I'm feeling the heat.
00:21:57Randy Orton!
00:22:04Randy Orton!
00:22:10Randy Orton!
00:22:27Randy Orton!
00:22:36Randy Orton!
00:22:49Randy Orton!
00:22:57Randy Orton!
00:23:05Randy Orton!
00:23:12Randy Orton!
00:23:21Randy Orton!
00:23:27Randy Orton!
00:23:43And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut,
00:23:47weighing in at 265 pounds,
00:23:52The King!
00:23:56Triple H!
00:24:03Well, you know it's a WrestleMania-caliber event
00:24:06when Triple H has a badass entrance like that.
00:24:09The game is focused. He's ready to go and take on Orton.
00:24:13Triple H realizes the task at hand.
00:24:15The game knows how good Randy Orton truly is.
00:24:19Thus, the mind games begin from the get-go.
00:24:23The long entrance, the slow, methodical pace.
00:24:26The game is already in play, dictated.
00:24:30Look at the eyes of the Viper.
00:24:32But this is nothing Randy Orton hasn't experienced before.
00:24:36If there's anyone who could be close to immune
00:24:39to Triple H's mind games, it's the Apex Predator.
00:24:42And we see Triple H, the COO here of WWE,
00:24:46work with him day in, day out.
00:24:48But when that man walks into the ring as the game,
00:24:50you can't help but get juiced up.
00:24:52He's over-minded of everything that big man has built here in WWE.
00:24:55He is a 14-time world champion.
00:24:58He's won two Royal Rumble matches.
00:25:00He's a former king of the ring.
00:25:09And in many ways, the heart and soul of WWE and Triple H tonight.
00:25:13We'll meet Randy Orton for the first time in one-on-one action
00:25:17since back in March of 2010.
00:25:21And when you think about this rivalry,
00:25:23if you think about the matches that these two men have competed in
00:25:26against one another over the years,
00:25:29you think of three stages of hell
00:25:31in a major triple threat match at the Night of Champions.
00:25:34You think of a fatal four-way matches.
00:25:36You think of steel cages.
00:25:38You think of 2004 and their first major one-on-one match
00:25:41where Triple H beat Randy Orton to the world championship.
00:25:44And you think about this rivalry,
00:25:46you think about the fact that Triple H has won the title
00:25:49and Triple H has won the title.
00:25:51You think about the fact that Triple H has won the title
00:25:54and Triple H has won the title.
00:25:56You think about the fact that Triple H has won the title
00:25:59and Triple H has won the title.
00:26:01You think about the fact that Triple H has won the title
00:26:04and Triple H has won the title.
00:26:06You think about the fact that Triple H has won the title
00:26:09and Triple H has won the title.
00:26:12And tonight marks the first time Triple H is in action
00:26:16since knocking off another former Evolution stablemate,
00:26:20Batista, back at WrestleMania.
00:26:22This is the kind of matchup that's changing the electricity
00:26:25here tonight in Jeddah.
00:26:26You can feel it.
00:26:27It's intense.
00:26:28NXT! NXT! NXT!
00:26:30And, of course, the NXT chants from the WWE fans
00:26:34here in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
00:26:36Triple H, the brain, the man who out-formed NXT.
00:26:39Made it what it is today, but tonight it is not about that.
00:26:41It is about combating Randy Orton in this matchup here
00:26:45on the grand stage of Super Showdown.
00:26:47Randy Orton made it crystal clear.
00:26:49He wanted Triple H to leave the suit and tie in the boardroom.
00:26:52This is two of the best competitors of all time
00:26:55doing battle on a grand stage.
00:27:03Triple H told Orton this past Monday night
00:27:05that many have tried to take me down.
00:27:07None have succeeded.
00:27:08And then he told Randy,
00:27:10you are not the one.
00:27:12We'll see if that's the case.
00:27:13Orton and Triple H lockup matchup underway here
00:27:16at Super Showdown.
00:27:17Knowing how volatile Randy Orton can be,
00:27:19knowing his personality,
00:27:21that statement from Triple H that Randy Orton is not the one
00:27:24could be fueling the Viper right now.
00:27:26That could be what Orton is obsessing over
00:27:28and driving him here tonight.
00:27:30And make no mistake about it,
00:27:31the cerebral assassin, Triple H,
00:27:33underneath the mask of Triple H
00:27:35the cerebral assassin, Triple H,
00:27:37understands Randy Orton's temper,
00:27:40understands how quickly Randy Orton can pop off
00:27:43and come out of his game.
00:27:44And Triple H hopes to take advantage of that tonight.
00:27:47When I talk about the legend killer
00:27:48adding another notch on his belt tonight
00:27:50would be a huge victory for Randy Orton.
00:27:55For Triple H, Corey,
00:27:56who obviously is not in the ring full time
00:27:58this time of his career.
00:27:59Randy Orton still is.
00:28:01What does Triple H need to do tonight against Orton?
00:28:03It's about legacy.
00:28:04Triple H right now is protecting what he has built
00:28:06throughout his career in WWE.
00:28:08Randy Orton is still carving out his own legacy,
00:28:11as impressive as it already is.
00:28:13Triple H needs to be cautious,
00:28:15be careful,
00:28:16because just like any superstar,
00:28:18Orton is waiting for Hunter to make a mistake.
00:28:20Take down by Orton,
00:28:21and look at Triple H,
00:28:22able to counter as well,
00:28:23and we saw that in the early moments there.
00:28:25Triple H not trying anything fancy,
00:28:27very traditional mat wrestling approach,
00:28:29because the game realizes,
00:28:31the minute he slips up,
00:28:32the Viper's gonna be there to capitalize,
00:28:34and vice versa.
00:28:35I've had the distinct honor of being able to call
00:28:37most of Randy Orton's matches over the years
00:28:40since he debuted here in WWE back in 2004,
00:28:43and I know,
00:28:44knowing Randy,
00:28:45I know how much it bothers him,
00:28:46how much it irks him,
00:28:47that when they talk about the great champions of WWE,
00:28:50there's always the mention of John Cena
00:28:52and Ric Flair,
00:28:5316 time champions,
00:28:54and Triple H,
00:28:55a 14 time champion,
00:28:56but Randy Orton's almost an afterthought,
00:28:58despite the fact that he's won 13 world titles.
00:29:01Well, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact
00:29:03that Randy Orton is still regularly visible.
00:29:05Randy Orton competes week after week
00:29:07as a member of SmackDown Live,
00:29:09and on events like this,
00:29:10you almost take it for granted,
00:29:11you almost forget how great Randy Orton truly
00:29:14has already become,
00:29:15and what he's capable of being.
00:29:16Randy Orton is so seamlessly good at what he does,
00:29:20it's easy to kind of forget about all the athletes he's done,
00:29:22he's also not the one to sit around and tell everybody
00:29:24and boast about how awesome he's been,
00:29:26he just shows up and does the work.
00:29:27That's a great point, Renee,
00:29:30it's perfect,
00:29:31I mean, to describe Randy,
00:29:32it's how he fits in,
00:29:33it's what he's about,
00:29:34as Triple H has said across the ring,
00:29:36shoulder tackle takes down Orton.
00:29:41And Triple H,
00:29:44Randy Orton,
00:29:45uh-oh, uh-oh, telegraphed,
00:29:46that was for the pedigree,
00:29:47Orton with the RKO!
00:29:49That RKO can rock you to your core
00:29:52if you give that opening.
00:29:53That smile,
00:29:54one of respect for Randy.
00:29:55There's a warning shot across the bow from the Viper,
00:29:58uh, from both men.
00:29:59Triple H going for the pedigree as well.
00:30:06You think about those wheels turning inside the head of Randy Orton,
00:30:09inside the head of the Viper,
00:30:11bad news for anybody across the ring from him.
00:30:13And this is indeed awesome,
00:30:14I mean, these two men,
00:30:15we never thought we'd see this match again,
00:30:17it's been almost a decade,
00:30:18and yet we have the great honor to be able to be here
00:30:22and call it tonight.
00:30:23This is like watching two master chess players at work.
00:30:27Strategy plays a part in every match,
00:30:30but never more so than when you've got two competitors of this caliber,
00:30:33Triple H and Randy Orton,
00:30:34both looking to outthink one another
00:30:36as much as land a quick right to change the pace of things.
00:30:40That right there is vintage Orton,
00:30:42didn't care about the lock-up, the hold,
00:30:44he turned around and he punched Triple H in the face.
00:30:48That can be one of those things that can catch you,
00:30:50if you're Triple H and you worry about manipulating the anatomy,
00:30:53just that slight opening,
00:30:54Orton was looking for a right hand that connected
00:30:56and stopped the game dead where he stood.
00:31:00What about the momentum that Triple H must be riding
00:31:02after putting away Batista?
00:31:05Into the post goes Randy Orton,
00:31:07and this could be an opening for the game Triple H.
00:31:09You could make that argument, Renee,
00:31:11but that was several months back,
00:31:12think of what Randy Orton has accomplished week after week
00:31:14on SmackDown Live, on WWE live events around the globe,
00:31:18Randy hasn't taken any days off,
00:31:19he is as sharp as he ever has been.
00:31:21And then when you look at Triple H,
00:31:23I mean, and the amazing physical condition
00:31:26that the game keeps him in, himself in,
00:31:28despite the fact that he's not competing on a daily basis.
00:31:30As the Nature Boy said, I mean, he is match ready
00:31:33for the 365.
00:31:36Orton, in his left hand, banged hard off the barricade.
00:31:42You have to wonder what Triple H has in his mind.
00:31:45Oh, as he now begins to attack that arm,
00:31:48off the steel steps now.
00:31:51Always a step ahead,
00:31:53always thinking what he's gonna do next.
00:31:55Triple H is gonna find a weakness and exploit it.
00:31:57Oh, and again, the shoulder off the post,
00:31:59and to your point, Corey,
00:32:01Randy Orton, throughout his entire career,
00:32:03has had a history of shoulder problems,
00:32:05even when he was a young superstar.
00:32:07Triple H understands that,
00:32:09and that's been the focus of this attack.
00:32:11You would have to imagine, in Triple H's mind,
00:32:13that was a target coming into this match.
00:32:14Before the bell even rang, I assure you,
00:32:16the game was thinking, what can I attack?
00:32:18What is the weakest point on the Viper?
00:32:20Off the apron, and now Triple H is in the zone,
00:32:23he's focused, he's got Orton where he wants him,
00:32:25and Triple H is very, very dangerous
00:32:28at this juncture of the match.
00:32:31Listen to this.
00:32:35Orton's hand and wrist and forearm.
00:32:38And Randy, just a few feet away from us,
00:32:40is obviously in serious, serious pain
00:32:43as Triple H looks to take the fight to him here,
00:32:45outside the ring.
00:32:47Meanwhile, Triple H goes to the announce table.
00:32:51Triple H spied first on our announce table.
00:32:54On the monitors.
00:32:55Yeah, I was gonna say, one of the things
00:32:57you probably didn't get a chance to see
00:32:59is Triple H's spine went right into the corner
00:33:02of one of our television monitors here,
00:33:04and it caught him hard in the kidney area,
00:33:06and Triple H is now in deep trouble.
00:33:08As he marks on his back from here.
00:33:10Referee approaching the count of seven
00:33:11as we take another look at this.
00:33:13Almost as if Orton was luring in Triple H,
00:33:16waiting for the game to get close enough to strike.
00:33:19That's exactly what the Viper did.
00:33:20And again, the hood on this announce table,
00:33:22not just for decoration.
00:33:24It's there to keep the monitors out of harm's way,
00:33:26but Triple H still hit that one hard.
00:33:28And now Randy Orton turns the attack back to the game.
00:33:31And Triple H blocks.
00:33:33Randy tried to send him into the steel steps.
00:33:38A reversal by the Viper.
00:33:39Again, shoulder first into the steps.
00:33:42Gotta worry about that peck of Triple H as well
00:33:44toward a super showdown last year.
00:33:46Well, there's a reason this man's called the Apex Predator.
00:33:49Because he's the king of the food chain here at WWE,
00:33:52and he's showing you why.
00:33:55Orton went to a cover here.
00:33:56Cover now on the game.
00:33:59And Triple H able to kick out,
00:34:01but Randy goes right back to his injured arm,
00:34:03trying to get some blood flowing back into the arm
00:34:05that Triple H has been attacking for the both.
00:34:07Oh, jump.
00:34:08Vicious stomp by the Apex Predator
00:34:11to the right hand of the game.
00:34:12Very smart strategy.
00:34:14That's gonna limit Hunter's ability to punch
00:34:16to complete submission holds.
00:34:20And this here is classic.
00:34:22When Randy Orton sets up his opponent
00:34:24for the Orton Stomp.
00:34:26This is when Orton just gets plain sadistic on his opponents
00:34:30and loving every minute of it.
00:34:34The Orton Stomp so effective for a litany of reasons.
00:34:36One being the actual body parts that Orton targets.
00:34:39Ankles, knees, joints, fingers.
00:34:43Small digits.
00:34:45Randy Orton just inflicting maximum damage
00:34:48with a singular stomp for a series of.
00:34:50And Orton stomping away again.
00:34:53Every one with a purpose.
00:34:57Psychological as...
00:34:58Oh, cover, cover, and a kick out.
00:35:04Orton still trying to work the feeling back into his left arm,
00:35:06which was damaged by Triple H,
00:35:08but it has been all Viper for the past few minutes.
00:35:11Yeah, now he's locked in.
00:35:12And now he's wearing down Triple H.
00:35:14And let's not forget, guys,
00:35:15the last time that we were here in Saudi Arabia,
00:35:17Triple H suffered a serious injury.
00:35:19A torn pec that he had to rehab
00:35:21and finally get back in time for WrestleMania
00:35:23for the match with Batista.
00:35:25But again, Triple H is being worn down now
00:35:28by Randy Orton, who may be in much better ring condition.
00:35:31Triple H is fading fast.
00:35:34Could be argued Orton's in better ring shape.
00:35:36As I said before,
00:35:37always a full-time competitor here in WWE.
00:35:39But you have to wonder
00:35:41how much of what Randy Orton is using against Triple H
00:35:44was taught to him by the game.
00:35:46Orton was under the tutelage of Hunter for how long?
00:35:50Well, I...
00:35:51Not to interrupt, Corey,
00:35:52I agree with part of that.
00:35:53But the fact is,
00:35:54is Randy Orton has moved on a long way away from Triple H.
00:35:57That was a long time ago.
00:35:59Years and years ago.
00:36:00And Randy Orton's become his own superstar.
00:36:02He's become his own individual
00:36:03with his own style and his own talent.
00:36:05I think we're seeing that on display tonight.
00:36:07I agree with you completely,
00:36:08but there are some things you learn from a mentor
00:36:10that you can never unlearn
00:36:11that almost become inherent movements,
00:36:13whether it be an offensive style
00:36:15or little trips within the matchup.
00:36:17Or if you fall into any old habits
00:36:18after a decade apart,
00:36:19I mean, that could very easily come into play here.
00:36:23Randy just wearing Triple H down.
00:36:26That sinister grin on his face like he's enjoying it.
00:36:29Triple H trying to fight back and get back to his feet.
00:36:36Hey, don't spot that!
00:36:37There you go, bending the rules a little bit.
00:36:40Grabbing the game by the beard
00:36:41before a hellacious clothesline.
00:36:45And to your point, Renee,
00:36:46I don't know that either of these superstars
00:36:47have any necessarily old habits.
00:36:49Certainly not bad habits.
00:36:50You don't reach this pinnacle of sports entertainment
00:36:53without being the best.
00:36:54Cover, cover, cover!
00:36:55By Randy to try to knock off Triple H in a kickout.
00:36:58Is this the type of match you expected at this juncture?
00:37:00100% to this point.
00:37:02Slow, methodical, strategic.
00:37:05Neither one of these superstars
00:37:06wants to be the one to make the first mistake.
00:37:09There have been little slip-ups even to this point
00:37:11that have been capitalized on each and every time.
00:37:14These are two of the most dangerous superstars
00:37:16in the history of WWE.
00:37:19Yeah, you're not gonna see Randy Orton or Triple H
00:37:22throwing many missile drop kicks off the top rope
00:37:24as you look on again here tonight.
00:37:26Jam-packed crowd at King Abdullah Sports City Stadium
00:37:29in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
00:37:31for WWE Super Showdown.
00:37:34A lot of superstars spend their entire careers
00:37:36trying to perfect or master a certain style of wrestling.
00:37:40These are two men who have perfected their own styles.
00:37:43They know what works for them.
00:37:44They know what doesn't.
00:37:46It's almost executing a game plan by the ABCs.
00:37:49So precise, so perfect,
00:37:51and the ability to adapt at any moment.
00:37:54You think of the deep arsenal both these superstars have.
00:37:57I mean, that RKO, when it strikes,
00:37:59it comes from out of nowhere.
00:38:00I mean, that perfect timing of Randy Orton
00:38:02is not something you can just learn.
00:38:07Randy Orton, look at the blows.
00:38:09And Triple H fighting back as well.
00:38:12Lefts and rights from Triple H,
00:38:14but Orton answering back with a shark right of his own.
00:38:18Might have caught the game right on the bridge of the nose
00:38:20with the last one.
00:38:25Oh, high knee connects!
00:38:31And now Randy Orton and Triple H
00:38:33digging down deep at this point in the matchup.
00:38:36Critical moment!
00:38:38And Randy Orton down to his knees.
00:38:44Orton able to reverse at the last moment.
00:38:47Oh, bounce face first off his knees!
00:38:52Triple H slowly but surely regaining his footing
00:38:54within the matchup.
00:38:56But a lot has been taken out of the game to this point.
00:39:03That's just like a...
00:39:05Uh-oh, here comes the pedigree!
00:39:06Looking for the pedigree.
00:39:07Randy Orton now able to counter.
00:39:12And he sends Triple H into the corner!
00:39:14Chatapult nearly caught the top of the ring post.
00:39:17The game is in jeopardy.
00:39:19Maybe not!
00:39:21Maybe not!
00:39:22Triple H cover for the win!
00:39:24And a kickout by Orton.
00:39:27That's like a nasty game of chess.
00:39:29Like you said, Graves,
00:39:30neither one of these men wants to make any kind of mistake.
00:39:32Give anybody a bit of space.
00:39:34Obviously both men preparing for one another.
00:39:37Spectacular finishing maneuvers.
00:39:39Triple H watching for the RKO.
00:39:41Randy Orton obviously had the pedigree well scouted there.
00:39:46If either man connects,
00:39:48that could be what this matchup comes down to.
00:39:50Who does it first?
00:39:51It's been a punishing match.
00:39:52Both men exhausted at this point in time.
00:39:54Who is going to be able to strike?
00:39:56Who's going to be able to put the other away?
00:40:00Triple H looking for it once again.
00:40:02Randy Orton trying to counter.
00:40:04And he's able to launch Triple H out to the apron.
00:40:06Yeah, lands on the apron.
00:40:08Right hand blocked.
00:40:09Randy Orton with a right of his own.
00:40:12This isn't where the game wants to be.
00:40:18Randy Orton.
00:40:19And Triple H just ready for it.
00:40:21Yeah, Triple H being able to fight out of it.
00:40:24Orton wanted that Heyman DDT.
00:40:26And a dropkick.
00:40:27And Triple H down to the apron.
00:40:30Both of these superstars so familiar with one another
00:40:33and each other's offense.
00:40:34You're going to see counters to counters.
00:40:37Blocked maneuvers.
00:40:38And as we just saw,
00:40:39a beautiful dropkick from the Viper.
00:40:44Both men are down.
00:40:45This is now a critical moment in this classic matchup.
00:40:49Orton's up to his feet first.
00:40:51The WWE Universe starting to make their way to their feet
00:40:54throughout this stadium.
00:40:55Realizing the special battle we are witnessing right now.
00:41:00And Randy Orton placing Triple H up on the top rope.
00:41:03And what does Orton have in mind here?
00:41:05We've seen Randy Orton execute a picture-perfect superplex.
00:41:09An homage to his father, The Ace.
00:41:12Put away quite a few opponents.
00:41:14Could Triple H be the next to join that list?
00:41:17What an imposing sight when you see Randy Orton
00:41:21standing over you when you're on the top rope.
00:41:26Another right hand connects.
00:41:30Orton softening up Triple H for,
00:41:32as I said,
00:41:33what I'd imagine was a superplex.
00:41:35But what's the game got in mind?
00:41:37Triple H able to counter momentarily.
00:41:39Randy went for the RKO.
00:41:40From behind.
00:41:41And Triple H,
00:41:43counter momentarily.
00:41:44Randy went for the RKO.
00:41:45From behind.
00:41:46Clubbing blow.
00:41:47Back of the neck.
00:41:48Orton's down.
00:41:49Triple H able to regroup here.
00:41:54To be able to think on your feet that quickly
00:41:57in the clutch as Triple H just did.
00:41:59Delivering a strong blow from behind.
00:42:03Bought the game some much needed time to recover
00:42:06and replan his game.
00:42:23Here's to you, Randy.
00:42:25Slap by Orton.
00:42:28That shoulder still working on it.
00:42:30Out of the cover.
00:42:31Hooks the leg and Triple H
00:42:33able to kick out at two.
00:42:35I can just see the effects of the shoulder that
00:42:37Triple H was just tearing apart earlier.
00:42:40Hunter getting overconfident for just a split second.
00:42:44Enjoying the fruits of his labor.
00:42:46Nearly cost the game the matchup.
00:42:48The Viper so quick.
00:42:50So sudden.
00:42:51And so impactful.
00:42:52Watch the speed and the torque on his power slam.
00:42:55Yeah, the ever rebellious Triple H
00:42:57but he was met by the classic Orton power slam.
00:43:00But Randy not able to put Triple H away.
00:43:02You can still see, favoring the left arm, the left shoulder
00:43:05that Triple H worked out earlier on in the match.
00:43:13Once again, the game in no man's land.
00:43:15This is exactly where Randy wants him.
00:43:21The eyes of the Viper.
00:43:25There may be nothing Triple H can do now
00:43:28to combat this.
00:43:31Vintage Orton with a DDT!
00:43:34But again,
00:43:36Orton wincing in pain
00:43:37from the damage suffered to his left shoulder.
00:43:41Guys, I think Triple H might be out.
00:43:45The game is barely even stirred
00:43:47since Randy spiked him with a DDT.
00:43:49Yeah, Triple H has absorbed a tremendous amount of punishment
00:43:53here tonight in this match.
00:43:55Hang on.
00:43:56And Randy Orton may be going to that place.
00:43:59The place the Apex Predator loves to visit.
00:44:11Stalking his opponent!
00:44:13The Viper is coiled
00:44:15and ready to strike.
00:44:19Triple H slowly
00:44:21trying to make it back to his feet.
00:44:28Randy Orton in position.
00:44:31Setting up the-
00:44:32Here it comes!
00:44:33Triple H away, RKO blocked by The Game.
00:44:35And The Game with a Spinebuster!
00:44:37Cover on Orton
00:44:38for the win!
00:44:39Kick out at two by Randy Orton!
00:44:43Triple H trying again, second cover.
00:44:45And Orton at two again!
00:44:47A near fall for The Game.
00:44:50A third time, almost caught the-
00:44:51Oh no, here we go!
00:44:52Randy rolled him up, no, shoulders down.
00:44:54Almost had him.
00:44:55Triple H now looking for a crossface.
00:44:57Crossface is in.
00:44:59Middle of the ring, Orton with nowhere to go.
00:45:02And the question is, will Randy Orton
00:45:04tap out to Triple H
00:45:06at Super Showdown?
00:45:10Triple H has the hold clasped
00:45:12right across the bridge of Randy Orton's nose
00:45:14and his eyes, making it difficult
00:45:16for The Viper to see where he's at.
00:45:18Preventing a rope break.
00:45:20You gotta wonder, it's very, very hot here.
00:45:22These gentlemen are sweating profusely
00:45:24and you gotta wonder if that's gonna affect the grip
00:45:26of Triple H.
00:45:27Or the damage that Randy Orton inflicted earlier.
00:45:31We saw the Orton stomp to both hands of Triple H
00:45:33but for the moment, The Game's fingertips
00:45:35seem to be holding up fairly well.
00:45:37Quite knuckling it at this point.
00:45:39Randy Orton back to his knees.
00:45:40Needs to try to somehow get back to a vertical base
00:45:42or make it to the rope for a break.
00:45:46Triple H's grip
00:45:48to finish the submission
00:45:49not quite what he hoped it would be.
00:45:51Orton only a few short inches away
00:45:53from the bottom rope
00:45:54but I don't think Orton realizes.
00:45:55I don't think he sees where he is in the middle of the ring.
00:45:58Randy Orton.
00:45:59If Randy could stretch out his right leg
00:46:01he could probably break the submission.
00:46:02Yeah, but to Renee's point, I don't think he has any clue.
00:46:04He's that close to the rope
00:46:05and Triple H with the crossface still locked in.
00:46:09Randy's just feeling his way around.
00:46:12This is what a veteran
00:46:13the caliber of Randy Orton is capable of.
00:46:15Reaching out, reaching out for the bottom rope
00:46:17a fingertip away
00:46:18and now he finally makes it
00:46:20and it's going to force the break.
00:46:21Yeah, but how much damage was done to the shoulder of Orton
00:46:24in that submission
00:46:25plus an extra few seconds before the referee
00:46:27forced the hold to be broken.
00:46:28And dragging Triple H's body around the ring.
00:46:32Trust me, tomorrow morning
00:46:33both of these men will know they were in a fight.
00:46:41Many in their careers.
00:46:43What next?
00:46:44What does Triple H still have up his sleeve
00:46:46at this point in the game?
00:46:47Even this deep in the matchup
00:46:48both of these superstars have wrestled nearly perfect matches.
00:46:51I mean, very few mistakes
00:46:53and the ones that have been committed
00:46:54have been capitalized on.
00:46:55And again, now the injured arm of Randy Orton
00:46:57looking to wrestle him back down the middle
00:46:59went for the arm
00:47:00went for the RKO again
00:47:01Triple H kicked to the midsection
00:47:03Pedigree time to Randy Orton
00:47:07Back body drop
00:47:08Roll through
00:47:09Randy Orton with an RKO
00:47:13An RKO
00:47:17Orton's going to shoot the half
00:47:18Here's the cover
00:47:19Hooks the leg on Triple H
00:47:21and a kick out by the game
00:47:23The legend killer almost sealed the deal
00:47:26Orton wasn't looking for almost
00:47:28he was looking for a sure thing
00:47:30Great counter to the pedigree
00:47:32Orton rolls through
00:47:33and just this quickly
00:47:36from out of nowhere
00:47:38put the game down
00:47:39but the game was not ready
00:47:41to stay down
00:47:44Orton and Triple H
00:47:47look exhausted
00:47:49Who has what it takes
00:47:51to dig down deep
00:47:53to dig down deep
00:47:55maybe one more time
00:47:57Orton certainly favoring that left arm
00:47:59At this point if Orton or Triple H
00:48:01dig down any deeper
00:48:02they're going to strike oil
00:48:03These two have thrown everything they have
00:48:05at one another
00:48:06The battles these two have had
00:48:08over the years
00:48:09and it's come down to this tonight
00:48:20The apex predator standing over his fallen prey
00:48:24Could just be a matter of time
00:48:26Oh, no
00:48:27You don't think
00:48:28Oh my
00:48:29Harkening back to the younger days
00:48:32of Randy Orton
00:48:33The reason he became called
00:48:35The Legend Killer
00:48:37Orton setting up perhaps for the punch
00:48:39The most ruthless maneuver in WWE that has taken out so many men.
00:48:45So many legends over the years.
00:48:47Will Triple H be next?
00:48:49Triple H no able to block.
00:48:50And now the gang's face has changed.
00:48:56Triple H, pedigree time, pedigree to Orton.
00:49:02Triple H into the cover, hook of the leg, Mike kicks out.
00:49:07Are you kidding me?
00:49:08No one here can believe what they just saw.
00:49:15There is a collective look of disbelief on the face of the WWE universe right now.
00:49:21Randy Orton looking for the punt that would surely have finished Triple H off.
00:49:25But Triple H had other plans, was ready for Orton's tactics, and
00:49:30delivered the pedigree, which somehow, some way, Randy Orton would survive.
00:49:36But what now?
00:49:41What's next?
00:49:41I mean, I think everybody here in Jeddah is wondering that same thing.
00:49:45What do these two men have left in the tank this far into the game?
00:49:53Tremendous show of respect from the WWE fans here in Jeddah for these two legends.
00:50:02Randy Orton just crawling over here at ringside.
00:50:06The fact that Randy Orton's still moving after eating a pedigree from the game is
00:50:10impressive in and of itself.
00:50:13And now Triple H, Triple H still stalking Orton.
00:50:16Randy Orton with a right.
00:50:19Orton once again gonna drive the game through the table.
00:50:22Triple H this time able to counter, able to block.
00:50:26And now it's Triple H that sends Randy Orton out of the table.
00:50:30Payback to the Viper.
00:50:36Now Triple H isn't done.
00:50:39Triple H gonna go for it for a second time.
00:50:46And Triple H a third time.
00:50:49A spine rattling slam.
00:50:52Three of them on the announce table.
00:50:55And now the rage of Triple H is coming out.
00:51:01As the game delivers Orton to the announce table for a fourth time.
00:51:05A fourth straight time.
00:51:09Orton brought the big fight and has awakened the devil inside the game.
00:51:15Now the wrath of the cerebral assassin being felt by the Viper.
00:51:22Remember Triple H gotta get Orton back in the ring to put the Viper away.
00:51:30And this is where the King of Kings is most dangerous.
00:51:33Feeling confident, feeling unstoppable.
00:51:39And a vulnerable Orton in the middle of the ring.
00:51:44Now the King of Kings where he wants to be.
00:51:49Out of nowhere, Randy Orton with a Vintage RKO and a win out of the game.
00:51:59Here is your winner, Randy Orton.
00:52:05What a match.
00:52:08Absolutely incredible.
00:52:10Two of the greatest to ever do it stepped in the ring.
00:52:21Both ready for war.
00:52:24They fought tooth and nail and gave it everything they had.
00:52:28But tonight the pendulum swings in the favor of the Apex Predator.
00:52:33Thanks to the three most devastating letters in sports entertainment.
00:52:39There is a reason that Randy Orton is one of the all-time greats.
00:52:45There's a reason he's won 13 world titles.
00:52:48There's a reason he's called the legend killer.
00:52:53The Viper, Randy Orton.
00:53:01Earlier on in the matchup, Triple H looking for a pedigree which Randy Orton was ready for.
00:53:06A great counter and the first RKO takes down the King of Kings.
00:53:13But Triple H would survive.
00:53:16Yeah, the Triple H would set up Randy Orton for the pedigree.
00:53:19And we thought that was there.
00:53:21But again, what resilience by Randy Orton, the Viper tonight.
00:53:25This is pure guile by both superstars to make it this deep into the matchup.
00:53:30The Triple H got a little bit too overconfident.
00:53:34Felt a little too unstoppable.
00:53:37And the Apex Predator reminded the game all about the RKO.
00:53:49The slick, sly style of Randy Orton on display again here tonight.
00:53:59What can you say?
00:54:02Truly a special feeling any time you get to see two honestly timeless superstars,
00:54:07the caliber of Triple H, of Randy Orton, collide on a stage this big.
00:54:12I mean, as if the night couldn't get any bigger, it somehow has.
00:54:15Well, Cole, you talked about Randy Orton wanting to be considered one of the all-time best.
00:54:19I mean, tonight matches like that are going to put him in that top spot.
00:54:22Absolute thrill to have called a match of these two legends again here tonight.
00:54:27Well, switching gears, I want to talk about the new championship here in WWE.
00:54:32The 24-7 title. Now, as champion, you have to defend that title 24 hours a day,
00:54:37seven days a week, anywhere, not just in the arena.
00:54:40It's going to happen on a golf course. It's going to happen in a bowling alley.
00:54:42As long as you have a referee.
00:54:44It could even happen at an airport.
00:54:45I want to show you and take you back to earlier this week.
00:54:48All the WWE superstars got on a 747 to fly from San Antonio, Texas,
00:54:54nine hours to Frankfurt, Germany, where we had to stop over before coming here to Jeddah.
00:54:59R-Truth, during the stopover, decided to go out to the tarmac to get some fresh air and make a phone call.
00:55:05This is what happened.
00:55:09Now, looking from behind, Jinder Mahal with a referee in tow, sneaking up,
00:55:13rolling up R-Truth and Corey winning the championship.
00:55:17This is the luxury of having a WWE official while you're traveling
00:55:20and a downfall of being WWE 24-7 champion.
00:55:23The title is always on the line and Jinder Mahal would escape.
00:55:27Yeah, the new 24-7 champion would rush back onto the plane and lock himself in the bathroom with his title.
00:55:33The plane then took off for its final leg, six hours, to Jeddah.
00:55:37And then this would happen, 39,000 feet above the Red Sea.
00:55:42Jinder Mahal said, hey, all the superstars have gone to sleep,
00:55:46so I'm going to slowly make my way back to my seat and get some shut-eye.
00:55:50Creeping while they're sleeping.
00:55:53Now, granted, this was like, what, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock in the morning, right?
00:55:56I mean, he's off the time zone. They don't have a clue.
00:55:59R-Truth was on the hunt.
00:56:02He was looking for Jinder Mahal and looking for the opportunity to maybe regain his coveted 24-7 championship.
00:56:09Ever the proud champion, Truth.
00:56:12Truth has spent the last several weeks as a target, maybe the biggest in WWE.
00:56:17And now he finds himself in the unfamiliar territory of Challenger from the 24-7 title.
00:56:23And then, this is pretty incredible.
00:56:26R-Truth finally finds Jinder Mahal.
00:56:30There's a referee behind Truth.
00:56:32R-Truth actually covers Jinder Mahal in his seat.
00:56:38The referee counts on the headrest.
00:56:40R-Truth wins the 24-7 championship.
00:56:44R-Truth wins the 24-7 championship.
00:56:4624-7 TV champion!
00:56:51I was asleep.
00:56:52It's 24-7. It doesn't matter.
00:56:54Now, R-Truth realizes now that all the superstars on the plane are eligible to win the title.
00:56:59So, the chase is on.
00:57:00And R-Truth will run upstairs in this 747 to try to get away.
00:57:04Well, to this point, I was passed out, sound asleep, until I heard Truth run past,
00:57:09followed by a gaggle of WWE superstars, all attempting to knock him off and take his 24-7 championship.
00:57:15So, Truth did the smart thing.
00:57:17He locked himself in the restroom.
00:57:18I don't need you to do that.
00:57:20He talks to his title.
00:57:33I'm hoping to get a word with...
00:57:35You better be talking about what just happened to me.
00:57:38Did you see that?
00:57:39No, I don't actually want you to answer.
00:57:41Everybody saw that.
00:57:42Everybody knows that was wrong.
00:57:45A referee cost me that match.
00:57:48He put his hands on me, and that coward Seth Rollins took advantage.
00:57:52What are you gonna do about it?
00:57:54Again, I don't actually want you to answer.
00:57:56I want you to get somebody who can actually do something about it.
00:58:00A WWE official referee just cost me the biggest match of my career.
00:58:06And the Universal Championship.
00:58:08And I'm not gonna stand for it.
00:58:10Heads are gonna roll.
00:58:19Well, Corbin extremely upset after what happened earlier tonight,
00:58:21when Seth Rollins retained the Universal Championship.
00:58:26Are you guys ready for this battle?
00:58:28Two mammoths set to clash.
00:58:32I cannot wait to see what these two superstars bring to the table.
00:58:35We saw that arm-wrestling match last week on Monday Night Raw.
00:58:38Well, we're gonna see it again here in a minute, so don't give it away, Renee.
00:58:40Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. My bad.
00:58:42Look at the physique on this man.
00:58:44The almighty Bobby Lashley.
00:58:46A certifiable badass.
00:58:48Here to prove supremacy over the monster tonight.
00:58:51Truly a specimen.
00:58:52I mean, just looking at this, he's barely human at this point.
00:58:54Look at that body.
00:58:55He's a two-time Intercontinental Champion.
00:58:58Former United States Champion.
00:58:59Once held the ECW title.
00:59:01In fact, twice.
00:59:04Look at the body on this guy.
00:59:06Bobby Lashley's got the kind of physique that'll make you just give up going to the gym.
00:59:09Because you'll never look this good.
00:59:10Will he, too?
00:59:16Good God.
00:59:20Like a work of art and motion.
00:59:24He looks like a standout, huh?
00:59:27You're absolutely right.
00:59:29A few more years from now, they may rename him to Lashley.
00:59:34The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:59:36Introducing first, from Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 260 pounds,
00:59:43the almighty Bobby Lashley!
00:59:50So, Renee was talking about the arm wrestling contest that we had this past Monday night on Raw,
00:59:55and it was between Bobby Lashley and his opponent tonight,
00:59:58the monster among men, Braun Strowman.
01:00:00And I wasn't sure who I was going to pick in this match, Corey, but it was pretty competitive.
01:00:05Listen, it was back and forth, Lashley and Strowman both nearly picking up the wins
01:00:09on multiple occasions before Strowman toppled Lashley, but it wasn't over.
01:00:13Yeah, Bobby Lashley was extremely upset.
01:00:16Now, much like here in Jena tonight, well, not quite like this, but almost,
01:00:19it was very sweaty in the arena.
01:00:21They had used chalk, and Bobby Lashley would take advantage,
01:00:24throwing the chalk in the eyes of Braun Strowman,
01:00:27and Bobby Lashley sending a message using Strowman's own move,
01:00:31the running powerslam against him.
01:00:32How impressive is that? Bobby Lashley able to hoist Braun Strowman up on his shoulder
01:00:37and deliver Strowman's own maneuver.
01:00:39I am curious to see what the almighty has planned tonight.
01:00:44I want to see what that did to the mindset of Braun Strowman.
01:00:46Can you imagine what's going through his head right now?
01:00:50If you're talking about people that can match Braun Strowman strength for strength,
01:00:54Bobby Lashley can do it.
01:00:56Plus, I would actually give the edge in the agility department to Bobby Lashley.
01:01:00This is going to be interesting for sure.
01:01:15And his opponent, weighing in at 385 pounds,
01:01:22Braun Strowman!
01:01:27The monster among men.
01:01:31It's been really fascinating all week, but wait a minute, this is uncalled for.
01:01:34Yeah, screw the pageantry.
01:01:36Oh, that's Lashley's posing platform.
01:01:38Get to some fighting.
01:01:42Look at this.
01:01:43He just destroyed the platform.
01:01:48Pretty incredible watching Braun Strowman interact with the fans
01:01:52here in Jeddah for the past few days.
01:01:53Just seeing a human being the size of Braun Strowman captures the imagination.
01:01:59The guy's like a superhero walking around the streets of Jeddah.
01:02:02I want you guys to check out the scale of the tape between these two mammoth men.
01:02:09Two absolute powerhouses.
01:02:11Strowman, obviously, with the edge as far as height goes.
01:02:14And weight.
01:02:15But comparable in every other department.
01:02:18Only a slight one-inch difference in bicep size.
01:02:21Look at the bench press.
01:02:22Incredibly impressive on both parts.
01:02:25And I'm going to tell you what I'm going to give the edge to Bobby Lashley.
01:02:28The fact he lives and trains in Denver, Colorado, living at a high altitude.
01:02:32The longer this matchup goes, the more it benefits Lashley in his cardiovascular condition.
01:02:38He's going to try to drag Braun into the deep water, see if Strowman can swim.
01:02:41Oh, it's 100 degrees at ringside.
01:02:43It's like wrestling in a sauna here as well.
01:02:45What about the difference of the wingspan between Braun and Bobby though?
01:02:48I mean, you throw in haymakers like Braun, if you land one of those,
01:02:50that could rock Bobby Lashley.
01:02:52So, Strowman and Lashley one-on-one here tonight for the very first time at Super Showdown.
01:02:59Bobby Lashley says that Braun Strowman caused an opportunity to wrestle for the Universal Championship
01:03:04when he wrestled him out of the arena.
01:03:07I can't forget it, Lashley.
01:03:08Lashley was one of the trio that put Braun Strowman on the shelf by shattering his elbow
01:03:13alongside Baron Corbin and Drew McIntyre several months back.
01:03:16Look at the version of Braun Strowman we got when he returned healthy.
01:03:19This guy's in the best shape of his entire career.
01:03:21Again, it's 90 degrees outside here in Jeddah.
01:03:24A million in my dress.
01:03:26But it feels like 100 here down at ringside as Lashley and Strowman clash.
01:03:33Shoulder tackle does not budge Braun.
01:03:36You got to wonder if this heat is going to adversely affect these two behemoths.
01:03:40As I said, I think Lashley's general training regimen in the altitude of the Rocky Mountains
01:03:45could behoove him in this situation.
01:03:47Talk about the speed and the agility of Bobby Lashley.
01:03:49He's not going to do much when you're running into a brick wall.
01:03:54Strowman telling Lashley, you got to do better than that.
01:03:56Here we go.
01:03:56Lashley wants the old test of strength.
01:04:02Greco-Roman knuckle lock.
01:04:06This is when that height of Braun Strowman could come into play.
01:04:09Yeah, but the power of Bobby Lashley.
01:04:12Do not sleep on Lashley.
01:04:14Right to the midsection and Strowman's down to a knee.
01:04:17Down on one knee.
01:04:20If Lashley can fully extend his arms and really maximize his grip, Strowman could be in trouble.
01:04:28Just look at the grip strength of Strowman.
01:04:31Change the days of Bruno Sammartino.
01:04:34Strowman lifting Lashley and Strowman rolls through the agility and there's some from Lashley as well.
01:04:41Talking about Lashley's agility.
01:04:42Who knew what Strowman was capable of?
01:04:44Strowman almost knocked Lashley out of his boots.
01:04:51And Braun splashing Lashley in the corner.
01:04:56Impressive closing speed of Strowman, but Lashley still a little too quick.
01:05:00He's got Strowman up the power of Lashley.
01:05:02Look at perhaps for that running power slam again.
01:05:05This could do it.
01:05:06An axe.
01:05:07Is it over?
01:05:07It's got to be.
01:05:08By Lashley on Strowman.
01:05:10Strowman has the power out of two and a half.
01:05:12It doesn't get any closer than that without the bell ringing.
01:05:15Now these two men could absolutely destroy the ring here tonight.
01:05:18How impressive is Lashley?
01:05:20Thank God it's already been reinforced for the 50-man battle royal still to come here tonight.
01:05:25But you're right, Renee.
01:05:26These two physical specimens doing battle.
01:05:29It's like something out of a Godzilla movie.
01:05:33Lashley pulling out all the stops, understands that he's got to do what he can to keep the monster among men off his feet.
01:05:40Like he has him now.
01:05:47Lashley as intense as they come.
01:05:51Not just power out of this man either.
01:05:53Tremendous amateur wrestling background.
01:05:55Been a former champion as we mentioned.
01:05:59Bobby's been dead set on proving everybody just why he's so good.
01:06:02Why he's so great at this ever since he returned to WWE.
01:06:05He's been on a mission.
01:06:06For legitimacy amongst competitors.
01:06:08You need not look any further than both of these superstars.
01:06:10Think of the incredible strongman career Braun Strowman had prior to stepping into a WWE ring.
01:06:15You talk about all of Lashley's wrestling accomplishments.
01:06:19His mixed martial arts background.
01:06:20I mean, these are two legitimate athletes doing battle right now.
01:06:24Lashley is taking the fight to Braun.
01:06:26He just took a squat from Strowman and delivered a squat of his own.
01:06:30And he's got Strowman down in the middle of the ring.
01:06:32I don't know why you're surprised.
01:06:33We've been saying it for months.
01:06:34Lashley is a certifiable badass.
01:06:37And I think right now even Strowman would agree.
01:06:39I cannot remember the last time we've seen Strowman in this dire straits.
01:06:43I don't know that we've seen a superstar that can match physical power with Braun Strowman in some time.
01:06:48Now, in one-on-one competition, we've never seen Braun Strowman like this.
01:06:52Look at Lashley.
01:06:53This is smart.
01:06:54Lashley just putting all of his body weight on Braun.
01:06:56Just wearing him down.
01:06:58And this actually allows Bobby a second to maybe minimize the amount of effort he's got to exert.
01:07:04Get his breath back.
01:07:06Get back into this fight.
01:07:07Keep himself fresher than Strowman.
01:07:08This could come down to who's got better endurance.
01:07:11And right now, it's Bobby Lashley.
01:07:13And Bobby looks like he's enjoying himself right now.
01:07:15Keeping down the monster.
01:07:16Not for long, though.
01:07:20Braun trying to fight back.
01:07:22Lashley again with a blow to the back of the neck.
01:07:24Bobby looking to pick up the pace.
01:07:25But a spinebuster!
01:07:27Oh, and Bobby landed hard on his shoulder.
01:07:30Bobby landed hard.
01:07:33Strowman with a second to regain composure.
01:07:36Now the shoulder tackle.
01:07:38And down goes Lashley.
01:07:39And this is what Lashley had to avoid.
01:07:41The monster building the momentum.
01:07:45And once again, here comes Braun!
01:07:48Like a freight train.
01:07:52Very wise move by Lashley.
01:07:53Rolling to the outside.
01:07:55And man, that side starts to pick up.
01:07:57Momentum starts to pick up.
01:07:58Speed is bad for whatever he runs into.
01:08:01Oh, no.
01:08:02Oh, no. Strowman.
01:08:04Strowman's calling for it.
01:08:05Bobby Lashley run over by the monster!
01:08:10And Strowman somehow—
01:08:11Oh, Strowman's going for round two!
01:08:13—is picking up speed.
01:08:16Here comes Strowman again.
01:08:18And down goes Lashley again!
01:08:23You've got to be impressed with the cardiovascular conditioning
01:08:25of a person the size of Braun Strowman this deep into a matchup.
01:08:29And Strowman's still coming forward strong.
01:08:31And no doubt about it, a splash in the corner to Lashley.
01:08:36And Strowman with a clubbing blow across the chest!
01:08:40Two gargantuan competitors still going at it.
01:08:49Jetto wants Bobby Lashley to get these hands.
01:08:53Lashley hoisted up!
01:08:54Slam by Strowman!
01:08:55Cover on Lashley!
01:08:57Hook of the leg! Is it enough?
01:08:58And Lashley kicks out at two.
01:09:01Credit to the toughness of Bobby Lashley.
01:09:04Braun Strowman with a look of disbelief on his face.
01:09:07I don't know that anyone's kicked out of Braun's power slam.
01:09:14Oh, and a shoulder to the post!
01:09:15And now it's Strowman that's in trouble!
01:09:17That's the problem with that momentum and that speed of a man that large.
01:09:20You miss your target, you're going to do damage to yourself.
01:09:24Lashley now realizes there's an opportunity at hand
01:09:29to catch his breath and strategize.
01:09:32And here comes Lashley with a new idea!
01:09:34Now it's Bobby Lashley's turn!
01:09:36Right into the barricade.
01:09:39Lashley almost put Strowman through the barricade.
01:09:42Lashley so impressive tonight, matching Braun Strowman move for move.
01:09:48On the outside, it disconnects. It could be lights out for Braun.
01:09:51Oh my god.
01:09:53Does Lashley have the power left? Yes!
01:09:55Oh my god! A suplex on the steel!
01:10:02If you had any doubt if this match went long,
01:10:05if these two guys were still going to have what it takes to pull off miraculous feats of strength,
01:10:10I think you just got your answer.
01:10:12Bobby Lashley.
01:10:14385 pounds.
01:10:16Cover! Cover by Bobby!
01:10:17Hooks the leg, is it enough to knock off a monster who kicks out at two?
01:10:20This deep into a matchup, for Lashley to be able to muster that sort of strength is superhuman.
01:10:26Go back to the well for more!
01:10:28Big hammer fist.
01:10:33What is Bobby thinking about now?
01:10:36Seems to be unfamiliar territory for Lashley.
01:10:39Again, we're lucky that this ring is already reinforced for that 50-man battle royal.
01:10:42Lashley up to the top rope, Braun Strowman going to meet him there.
01:10:47Lashley flying!
01:10:49Lashley's own momentum stood him straight up!
01:10:51Straight down!
01:10:55Braun's not finished with you!
01:10:57He's about to be.
01:10:58Strowman again, running power slam!
01:11:01That's it!
01:11:02One, two, three!
01:11:06That was a hell of a match.
01:11:08Here is your winner, Braun Strowman!
01:11:13I don't care what sport you're talking, there's nothing quite like two super heavyweights colliding at the highest level.
01:11:20And that's what we just got.
01:11:22Respect to Bobby Lashley for bringing a big fight.
01:11:25And hats off to the monster for enduring it.
01:11:28Bobby Lashley gave Braun Strowman a fight tonight.
01:11:31And Strowman nearly launched Lashley across the ring for his efforts.
01:11:35Crash landing for the almighty.
01:11:40Before Lashley could remember where he was.
01:11:44One power slam, and the end of the match.
01:11:48The match is over.
01:11:49The match is over.
01:11:50The match is over.
01:11:51The match is over.
01:11:52The match is over.
01:11:53The match is over.
01:11:54The match is over.
01:11:55The match is over.
01:11:56One power slam, and just for good measure.
01:12:00A second from the monster.
01:12:06Braun Strowman, the monster of all men, celebrates a hard-fought victory over Lashley.
01:12:13Look at this man, this monster.
01:12:20Who wants a sweaty t-shirt?
01:12:22Not me.
01:12:23Ladies and gentlemen, still to come tonight, who's going to have bragging rights?
01:12:28Of saying that they were the winner of the largest battle royal in WWE history.
01:12:3450 man over the top battle royal still to come tonight.
01:12:37We spoke with some of the men who hope to win this prestigious event.
