• 1 hour ago


00:00:00Tonight, a lot of guys are going to be fighting for a lot of different reasons.
00:00:06My reason?
00:00:08Tonight, young boys and girls across the world are going to watch a guy that looks just like
00:00:13them and has a name just like theirs compete in WWE's largest battle royal in history.
00:00:19It's going to inspire them.
00:00:20They're going to watch him fight and claw his way through any adversity.
00:00:26It's going to inspire them.
00:00:28They're going to watch as his hand gets raised.
00:00:34It's going to inspire them.
00:00:41Oh, to be left so lonely in the sands of Arabia.
00:00:44It seems that despite the fact that I am US Champion, no one was willing to step up and challenge me.
00:00:53So tonight, we set our sights on a different goal.
00:00:56The largest battle royal in WWE history.
00:01:01I can't think of a better accolade to go along with my many than throwing each and every
00:01:07man over that rope and claiming what should be rightfully mine.
00:01:16Well, someone's dream is going to come true tonight.
00:01:17Will it be Samoa Joe's?
00:01:19Very good chance.
00:01:20You can never bet against the United States Champion, Samoa Joe, as dangerous as any of
00:01:24the 50 men in that ring.
00:01:25Speaking of dreams coming true, it was an 11 year journey for Kofi Kingston, and he
00:01:31reached the pinnacle at WrestleMania, winning the WWE Championship.
00:01:36Well, tonight, he must defend against a bitter and jealous man named Dolph Ziggler, a man
00:01:43who believes he should have had his WrestleMania moment.
00:01:49Kofi did it!
00:01:51Kofi is champion!
00:01:5211 long years!
00:01:53It is time for a change!
00:01:54It should have been me.
00:01:55It's Dolph Ziggler!
00:01:56Kofi won the WWE title and it should have been me!
00:02:01I can't believe it!
00:02:17After 11 long years, Kofi,
00:02:48became an overnight success and he walked in to Wrestlemania
00:02:57and he won the WWE title and it should have been me at Super Showdown. I'm going to beat Kofi
00:03:06for the WWE title because I have to. Each one of you will admire me and respect me and you will love me.
00:03:22Should be me.
00:03:28Dolph Ziggler tried to end me but guess what Dolph Ziggler didn't finish the job.
00:03:36I thought that over the past 11 years of my career here I thought that I had seen it all.
00:03:41I thought that I had done it all.
00:03:46As amazing as it was to win the WWE title, what is most important to me is to be able to inspire
00:03:54people to believe in themselves, to believe that anything is possible. Kofi,
00:04:08this is about me. I gave everything to all of you. It's you who wins the WWE championship and it should
00:04:22be me. You keep on saying that it should have been you. It will never be you.
00:04:31What happens when I take that WWE title from you? It should be me. It will be me.
00:04:52I think there's one word that you can use to describe Dolph Ziggler and that would be
00:05:05obsession. I would agree with that 100 percent obsession but sometimes obsession can serve as
00:05:12the best motivation and a motivated Dolph Ziggler is the best Dolph Ziggler. He has been to the top
00:05:18of the mountain before cashing in his money in the bank contract to become world heavyweight
00:05:23champion. Dolph knows what it takes. Did he bring it tonight? We're about to find out. Guys, I got
00:05:29to add emotional onto that list. I mean this man, I've never seen him at the breaking point he's at
00:05:34now. I've known Dolph a long time. He's carried a chip on his shoulder for years and years but the
00:05:40state that this man is in now feeling that he should be in the shoes that Kofi Kingston's in
00:05:45now. I've never seen an emotional Dolph Ziggler like this. I think that's a very valid point
00:05:50Renee. We're about to find out if the emotion will make or break Dolph Ziggler tonight.
00:05:55It's a massive opportunity at hand. It's a new day. Yes it is.
00:06:13we're about to find out if Kofi Kingston's fairytale run will continue past Super Showdown.
00:06:20What some would call an unlikely WWE champion has succeeded at the very highest level
00:06:25since Wrestlemania. But you have to ask is Kofi feeling the heat? Is the exhaustion starting to
00:06:32play to be a factor? And I mean that in the grand scheme as being one of the biggest targets in all
00:06:37of WWE. Eventually it catches up to everybody. It's Kofi's time now. You gotta talk about the
00:06:42target that Dolph Ziggler puts firmly on Kofi Kingston. That brutal attack week after week
00:06:48on Kofi Kingston. What has that done? You know Kofi Kingston returned last week from his first
00:06:53trip to his homeland of Ghana in nearly 30 years. And Kofi said that it gave him a new perspective
00:06:59on life. And he said it feels like he's bringing purpose now. That he's completely different than
00:07:04he has been over the past few months. That he knows where he came from. He knows who he is.
00:07:09He knows what he needs now to stay on top for everyone who ever believed in themselves. And
00:07:15that's what Kofi Kingston is all about. Trying to leave his footprint around the globe. And
00:07:19I mean even looking right now. How do you think the Saudis feel about Kofi Kingston?
00:07:22Have you ever had him? They're gonna feel good about him. I mean Kofi Kingston feels rejuvenated.
00:07:27You're at the top of your game and you get that extra bit of inspiration. The following contest
00:07:32scheduled for one fall is for the WWE Championship. Introducing the challenger
00:07:42residing in Hollywood, Florida and weighing in at 218 pounds.
00:07:58And his opponent accompanied by Xavier Woods.
00:08:03He is the WWE Champion. Kofi Kingston.
00:08:25And that's what it's about. The prestigious WWE title. The most important championship
00:08:31in the world today. As Kofi Kingston looks to defend against Dolph Ziggler. These two superstars
00:08:38very very familiar with one another. Dolph Ziggler in his opinion has had Kofi Kingston's number
00:08:43throughout the duration of both of their careers. Can Dolph find that number tonight? And how
00:08:48evenly matched are these two guys? And talking about this rivalry. This matchup now means that
00:08:53Kingston and Dolph have faced each other for all major titles with the exception of the Universal
00:08:58here in WWE. The US title, the Intercontinental Championship tag team titles and tonight the
00:09:03WWE gold. The first time that Dolph Ziggler won the Intercontinental title and the United States
00:09:08title was off Kofi Kingston. Dolph Ziggler made a shocking return to WWE after taking some time
00:09:15off working on some other projects but immediately jumped the line with his aggression. He inserted
00:09:21himself into this WWE Championship picture in short order just a few weeks by really bringing
00:09:27the fight to Kingston and getting the champ's attention. And Kofi Kingston being the fighting
00:09:30champion he is said bring it on Dolph. And Kingston showing a lot of aggression here tonight as he
00:09:36looks to knock off Dolph Ziggler a two-time world champion. I don't think that Dolph Ziggler feels
00:09:40like he needs to get in the line. He's been here in WWE for a long time. He's not going to stand
00:09:45behind anybody else. He'll take any opportunities. Dropkick cover by Dolph with both legs and a kick
00:09:50out by Kingston. That might be Dolph Ziggler's mindset Renee you're absolutely right but the
00:09:54WWE Championship picture is crowded. There's arguably more elite talent now than there ever
00:09:59has been before on both Raw and Smackdown Live. So for Dolph to come in and get that deep under
00:10:04the skin of Kofi Kingston is a real testament to the mind games of Ziggler. Neckbreaker by
00:10:09Dolph hook of the leg kick out by the champ. We have a ton of depth here right around the
00:10:13WWE Championship picture but nobody believes that they're as good for it as Dolph Ziggler.
00:10:17Cover here. Cover again by the number one contender and a kick out by Kingston. But that's exactly
00:10:23what it takes to be champion. You have to believe that you are the only one worthy of holding it.
00:10:28Dolph is determined to prove that tonight. Well he called Kofi's championship reign a sham.
00:10:35Said he wants to undo the legacy of Kingston here tonight.
00:10:39Listen I would chalk that up to mind games. We know how much work Dolph Ziggler has put in here
00:10:44in his WWE career. How much respect he has for these championships. For this business. Dolph
00:10:50is simply playing mind games with a very powerful prominent man in Kofi Kingston right now. Yeah but
00:10:55also bold words. Dolph Ziggler walked away. Cover here. Shoulders down again. Adam wrapped up and
00:10:59Kingston had a kick at two. Dolph Ziggler is the one that left. He's the one that had that chip on
00:11:03his shoulder and thought that he deserved more. Deserved things outside of WWE. Now he's come
00:11:07back to try to get it all. Look at this. Just raking at the eyes of Kingston. Not to be disqualified
00:11:14because remember Kofi's got champion's advantage here tonight. Dolph has to pin or submit Kingston
00:11:19to win the championship.
00:11:30Kofi Kingston hasn't really had much of an answer for anything that
00:11:32Dolph has attempted at this point. Ziggler just having his way with the champion.
00:11:41Dolph Ziggler says not tonight. It's not the night for the New Day Rocks chants and
00:11:45Ziggler now would love to put Kingston away here early. Snapmare takedown of Kingston. Ziggler
00:11:51measuring his man. Oh an elbow right to the chest. Cover again on the champ for the title. Kick out
00:11:56at two. Gotta give it to Kofi Kingston though. I mean he'll take on any comer as soon as Brock Lesnar
00:12:01won that money in the bank contract. Oh there have been a great deal of near falls to this point by
00:12:07Dolph Ziggler. I think we 10, 12 near falls already. Dolph Ziggler realizing it only takes one pinfall
00:12:13attempt to capture the championship and every time Ziggler forces Kingston to kick out it makes
00:12:18the champ exert a little more energy. You're wearing Kofi down slowly but surely. It's a very effective
00:12:24strategy to this point by Dolph Ziggler. Getting some love here from the WWE Universe and Jetta.
00:12:28This is that strong wrestling background possessed by Ziggler just riding Kingston. All of Dolph's
00:12:33body weight forcing the champion to to carry Dolph around with him. Any movement Kofi makes he has to
00:12:39make with Dolph on his back. The longer this goes into the mat deeper into a matchup this goes the
00:12:46more effective it is. And look at Ziggler. And Kofi with a right hand. Smart move stomp to the knee but
00:12:57and another one.
00:13:03And Dolph enjoying this dominating the WWE champion.
00:13:10Whipped into the corner with authority to hit hard.
00:13:15And now Xavier Woods rallying the WWE Universe and also trying to rally his buddy Kofi Kingston
00:13:23the WWE champion. There's a bit of a look of concern in the eye of Xavier Woods to this point.
00:13:29This has been a very one-sided affair.
00:13:30Headbutt by Dolph. Looking for the zigzag. Kofi able to hang on and shoot Dolph away at least
00:13:40momentarily. And Kofi takes out Ziggler and here comes Kingston. Look at a fight back in this
00:13:44matchup. Dropkick caught him on the chin. WWE champion picking up some steam. Down goes Ziggler.
00:13:52Kofi Kingston starting to roll.
00:13:55Kingston with a boom drop.
00:14:05You know what Kofi is going to be looking for. The trouble in paradise kick.
00:14:08His go-to move has helped him win and retain the WWE championship on numerous occasions.
00:14:13Could Dolph be the next to fall? Smart move by Dolph. Yeah, stepped through the ropes.
00:14:20I caught Kofi there with an elbow. Ziggler plants Kingston. Face first. Is that a good
00:14:25way to do it? WWE title. Shoots the half cover. Shoulders down. Kick out of two by the champion.
00:14:34Kofi took a lot of offense out on Dolph Ziggler over the past few minutes.
00:14:41Ziggler a little slower to recover than usual.
00:14:43Kingston still feeling the effects of Dolph's offense to this point.
00:14:47And Dolph just keeps bringing it on to Kofi. And both of these superstars, cardiovascular machines.
00:14:52Oh, it's insane. Oh, goodness. Next love. I mean, you see Kofi Kingston goes to Ghana and still
00:14:57makes time to get in those workouts. Hit that cardio. World-class athletes.
00:15:04Xavier understanding the situation here is dire. Dolph Ziggler with Kofi Kingston,
00:15:09the champion. Once again, gouging at the eyes of the champion and doing the,
00:15:15making sure that his body was in between Kofi's eyes and the referee. So the official could not
00:15:19see that happen. That's something you only learn with experience, which Dolph Ziggler has a plethora
00:15:23of. Big right hand. Kingston in a perilous situation. It's about to get worse. You have
00:15:32to wonder if Dolph feels the disadvantage of that. I mean, he's got a lot of experience.
00:15:37You have to wonder if Dolph feels the disadvantage having Xavier Woods on the outside.
00:15:41Dolph Ziggler is a man all on his own inside the ring, looking for a superplex.
00:15:47Kofi trying to fight his way out of it. You can't ever discount having Xavier Woods on the outside,
00:15:53whether it be for morale purposes or otherwise. Besides getting in the head of Dolph Ziggler.
00:15:57Oh, the long way down. Kingston now taking perch on the top rope. Kofi Kingston cross body.
00:16:13And Dolph went for the Famouser. Kofi picked him out of midair.
00:16:17Dolph able to go through. Now he rolls down, shoulders down. Kofi able to stack up Dolph now.
00:16:21Dolph shoulders down. Ziggler now into a penny combination. Kofi able to roll through. Ziggler.
00:16:29Kofi caught him. Cover by Kingston. Oh, I thought he had it. That was like two and a half.
00:16:39Great flurry of offense from the WWE champion, but not enough to keep the challenger down.
00:16:45You take another look at this. Kofi Kingston with the SOS. Notice he didn't hook his right
00:16:50leg as he ordinarily does to deliver the extra impact of the leg sweep. Maybe not as effective
00:16:57on the SOS as Kingston would have liked. Maybe that's why Dolph is still in this fight. I don't
00:17:01think I've seen Dolph more determined for his history than he is right now. He caught Kofi
00:17:07right between the eyes. Dolph's ready for the glory. Stand atop the mountain.
00:17:12And now Kofi Kingston going to climb up top as Ziggler is set to the floor. The WWE champion
00:17:19launches himself. Cross ball right on at Ziggler, taking him out outside the ring.
00:17:25Why did that take out of Kofi? Yeah, you're absolutely right. I think Kofi Kingston's
00:17:29lower back caught the knee of Ziggler upon impact. I definitely think Dolph took the worst of that
00:17:35collision, but definitely took a little bit out of Kingston. Take a look at this.
00:17:39That is a great height to crash down from. I believe the knee, you can see Kofi grasping
00:17:46his lower back almost immediately. And now Dolph driving Kofi into the barricade.
00:17:52And now into the steps. But again, Ziggler's got to get Kingston back in the ring.
00:17:56He can only win the title inside the ring. Well, the 100 degree plus temperature is taking its
00:18:03toll on everybody. Even these two athletes who are incredible. Cardio shape. Good night, Woods.
00:18:09Super kick to Woods. That's one way to eliminate the X-factor. Super kick, it's lights out.
00:18:16Dolph now, all he needs to do is get Kofi back in the ring, but it seems like
00:18:21the super kick just ticked off the champion.
00:18:24Dolph Ziggler's now the one in trouble. And Kofi Kingston looks to put Ziggler away.
00:18:35Nobody home. Ziggler rolled out of harm's way. Trouble in paradise missed.
00:18:39Ziggler's got him. Roll up by Dolph. Shoulders are down. Kofi able to kick. Xavier Woods on the
00:18:47payback. Into trouble in paradise on Ziggler. And Kofi Kingston returns.
00:18:49Here is your winner and still the WWE Champion, Kofi Kingston.
00:19:11Certainly an impressive retention by the WWE Champion, Kofi Kingston. But you got to give
00:19:17a little bit of an assist to Xavier Woods. Even for the moment, keeping Dolph Ziggler distracted.
00:19:25Being there for morale for his brother in New Day, Kofi Kingston. But hats off to both competitors.
00:19:32A grueling battle for the WWE title. Well, remember Dolph Ziggler had delivered a super
00:19:38kick to Xavier Woods outside the ring when he was checking on Kofi. So Xavier would have been
00:19:42a payback and it helped Kofi Kingston retain. Okay, so maybe it's not just a little bit of
00:19:47credit. It's a gigantic bit of credit to Xavier Woods. But he gets the job done coming to the aid
00:19:53of his New Day brother. Hats off to both these incredible superstars fighting through the heat.
00:19:58And hats off to all of the passionate fans here of the WWE Universe who are here with us through
00:20:04every battle, every grueling pinfall attempt. What a night it has been thus far at Super Showdown.
00:20:10And there's still so much more to come. And Jed is on their feet. I mean,
00:20:14a hundred plus degrees in here and you can still feel that energy.
00:20:24Dolph Ziggler being helped out of the stadium here tonight as Kofi Kingston
00:20:28retains the WWE Championship and the celebration is underway.
00:20:41Congratulations to Kofi Kingston. His magical ride continues.
00:20:58Dolph, this has got to be a crushing loss for you following an extended break from in-ring
00:21:04competition. Do you feel the break was too long? No, no. I know how I can go always. My stamina
00:21:12has never been questioned. We all thought, I thought, I thought, I thought Kofi was a hero.
00:21:18I thought he did it the right way. I thought he earned his shot. He's a fighting champion.
00:21:23But now we all know, oh, everyone can see Kofi is nothing but a coward.
00:21:31Well, Dolph, there are some who would say that after everything you've done to Kofi Kingston,
00:21:35you deserve what happened here tonight. Excuse me? Excuse me? In this match, I outperformed,
00:21:46out finessed, out clinic, out wrestled the best WWE Champion in history. I was the better man.
00:21:56It should be me, but no, no, no, no. His buddy, he has a buddy watching his back. That's how you
00:22:01learn, right? Someone taking care of all your business for you, doing your dirty D's behind
00:22:05everyone's back. I should be the WWE Champion right now because it should be me. But I demand,
00:22:14I demand another match with Kofi and no friends,
00:22:18no allies, no one comes in and no one goes one-on-one, one-on-one.
00:22:30I want Kofi Kingston in a steel cage.
00:22:34And Kofi Kingston has no idea, Corey, that that challenge was made. Dolph wants Kingston
00:22:45in a cage if they make it official. Kofi wants to be a fighting champion, but after the battle
00:22:50we just saw the fight Dolph brought, I don't know if that's a smart decision for Kingston
00:22:54to step in a cage with a very game Dolph Ziggler. My name is too big to start small.
00:23:05She was the first real major superstar we had.
00:23:08From the very beginning, I was setting out to do something that no one had ever done.
00:23:14When she came back from the WrestleMania moment with Rock, I saw her get the bug bed.
00:23:24Everything in her life has been leading up to her getting the WWE because this was her destiny.
00:23:28I had this huge opportunity and I had to succeed not just for myself but for all the women that
00:23:34would come after me. The pressure was on more than ever. I became obsessed with proving everyone
00:23:39wrong. Revolutionary, the year of Ronda Rousey. Special encore presentation immediately following
00:23:45Super Showdown. Streaming only on WWE Network. A number of WWE officials and of course the
00:23:54McMahon family here tonight. It's going to be interesting to find out if we get an answer on
00:23:57whether or not that Dolph Kofi steel cage match for the WWE title will be made official. Changing
00:24:03gears now from the WWE Championship to the Universal Championship. We kicked off the night
00:24:08tonight with the Beast Slayer, Seth Rollins, defending the Universal title against Baron
00:24:12Corbin. Corey, the motto of this match was frustration for Corbin. Baron Corbin came
00:24:18within an eyelash on multiple occasions of becoming the WWE Champion, but you said it.
00:24:23The frustration would be the downfall of Baron Corbin and the referee had finally heard enough.
00:24:33And off this argument, Seth Rollins would roll up Corbin and take advantage
00:24:37and retain the Universal title. Rollins celebration didn't last long however.
00:24:42Baron Corbin so angry and upset came into the ring and delivered the end of days to Seth Rollins.
00:24:49What happens next? We all knew he was here. We all knew he promised to cash in. We all know that Mr.
00:24:54Beast of the Bank Brock Lesnar was going to head to the ring. But Paul Heyman and all of his excitement,
00:25:01his sureness that he was about to be the advocate for the Universal Champion once again
00:25:06would trip and send the Money in the Bank briefcase to the center of the ring allowing Rollins
00:25:10to deliver a low kick and then avenge this past week's attack. And the importance of this Corey
00:25:16is the fact that Brock Lesnar never cashed in the contract. The bell never rang. The match was never
00:25:23underway and Seth Rollins with a brutal assault on Brock Lesnar and would finish it up with this.
00:25:29A massive stop. Face first right onto the briefcase. So what this means is this. Seth Rollins is still
00:25:37your Universal Champion. However, Brock Lesnar is still Mr. Money in the Bank. That target still
00:25:43on Seth Rollins, his head on a swivel and just the beat down that he took earlier tonight.
00:25:48Baron Corbin thinks he'll be looking bleak for Seth. I'm not so sure it's on a swivel. I think
00:25:52Seth Rollins may have a lot of sleepless nights. Have you guys have cooled down yet? No. If you
00:25:56haven't noticed, I'm slowly undressing as the night progresses. We are in the jet of Saudi
00:26:00Arabia. The one thing I can say is I want to talk about the passion of the WWE fans here
00:26:06in Saudi Arabia for tonight's Super Showdown.
00:26:15The heat is not going to back us down. We're coming to the best show
00:26:19in the world. It is hot, but it can't be hotter than the WWE. It's hotter than
00:26:23Dead Valley. It's super hot today, but I won't miss Super Showdown forever.
00:26:28I don't think I can describe in words how excited I am for this. Oh man, I'm super excited.
00:26:40No pun intended to Super Showdown. You can give me all the money in the world and I will not miss
00:26:44Super Showdown.
00:26:54Goldberg, you're next.
00:27:08Well, I'll tell you the dedication of the WWE Universe here and the passion they've shown to
00:27:14sit out here in 100 degree heat for three hours and enjoy this event.
00:27:18Nobody's more excited than our superstars. No matter what the climate, no matter what
00:27:22the country is, our superstars look forward to doing what they do best,
00:27:25leaving it all in the ring for the WWE Universe.
00:27:28The following is the 50 man over the top rope battle royal. The largest battle royal in WWE history.
00:27:4550 men will start in the ring. Elimination to occur when a superstar is thrown over the top
00:27:50rope with both feet hitting the floor. The last superstar remaining in the ring will be declared
00:27:57the winner.
00:28:04Time to make some history. What a massive opportunity. Talk about bragging rights.
00:28:11Talk about an opportunity that would surely lead to new larger opportunities within WWE. Maybe a
00:28:16championship match of some sort. Certainly a little influence with where your career is going
00:28:21to win the largest battle royal ever at WWE. You said the word gaggle earlier. I think
00:28:27that's exactly what's happening here. A gaggle of WWE superstars, 50 men stepping into this
00:28:33battle royal. Man, I hope this ring holds up. Including the A-lister. Earlier tonight,
00:28:41vowed he would win it. Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 221 pounds and residing
00:28:50in Hollywood, California. The Miz. It is getting crowded in here already. The Miz
00:29:02never wanted to share the spotlight.
00:29:08This is an entrance befitting of an A-lister. I'll admit that. He deserves it. I mean,
00:29:12look at the terror the Miz has been on lately. Yes, he did not win that fatal four-way rope
00:29:18championship match, but he has been on an absolute wreck. Unfortunately for Miz,
00:29:22as many people are in the ring, there's no room for his ego.
00:29:25Room for this man though. Next from Huntington Beach, California, weighing in at 282 pounds,
00:29:32he is the United States champion, Samoa Joe. Put some respect on his name,
00:29:40the United States champion. This guy will turn a brick wall into a door if need be.
00:29:46Make room. Momentum with Rey Mysterio having to relinquish the United States championship
00:29:50to Samoa Joe last week. From Lucerne, Switzerland, weighing in at 242 pounds,
00:29:56Cesaro. Yes, Cesaro with a chip on his shoulder after his battles with Ricochet as of late.
00:30:02Cesaro got to be an odds-on favorite to win this entire thing and a former winner of the Andre the
00:30:07Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania. Cesaro knows exactly what he's getting into.
00:30:11Titus. Uh-oh. I hope he puts some Velcro on his boots. From Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 270
00:30:18pounds, Titus O'Neil. And he's going to run down. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like a plane
00:30:25landing. Incoming. Last year it was Titus World. Slide to the Greatest Royal Rumble. Titus O'Neil
00:30:32got it done tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, Elias.
00:30:41I'm going to talk about some star power. Hello, I am Elias.
00:30:50And I have one question for everybody here tonight.
00:31:06Who wants to walk with Elias?
00:31:11Well, it is the biggest battle royal in the history of the WWE, and I have a pre-celebratory
00:31:17song. This one happens to go out to the 49 losers in the ring. I just need everyone here
00:31:25to silence their cell phones, hold their applause, but most importantly, shut your mouths.
00:31:48In fact, I think I'm going to throw you out first.
00:31:55We got Samoa Joe, The Miz, and Titus. No matter how hard you dream, you'll never be Elias.
00:32:05Because I'm the center of my world.
00:32:06And as for the rest of you, well, you should get out now, because it's Elias' night unless you
00:32:20figure out how to eliminate me. And that's not going to happen since none of you have the talent
00:32:28that Elias has. Thank you. Good night. And I love none of you.
00:32:40And Miz is going to send Elias into a sea of 48 other superstars. Battle royal underway.
00:32:46Look at that mass of humanity. You're eliminated when you go over the top rope and both feet hit
00:32:51the floor. Last man standing has bragging rights. I've never seen anything like this.
00:33:03Samir Singh just got tossed. Here goes Samir. He's getting body surfed over the top. Yes,
00:33:10you're the lone Bollywood star. Chloe left. Hey, listen, you know, it's lonely at the top.
00:33:14There goes Carl Anderson. Is there a strategy for this? What do you do?
00:33:19You want to stand alone. Eric Young. Oh, my God. Humberto Carrillo.
00:33:24What a handsome. There are bodies flying everywhere. Shinsuke Nakamura's in there.
00:33:30Well, it's an all-star field for this battle royal. It's starting to thin out, however.
00:33:33There's some serious beef in that ring right now. Look at Otis and Cesaro going back and
00:33:39forth. Pucker, heavy machinery's in there. Got the Viking Raiders. Samoa Joe, Mojo,
00:33:44Rezor and Akam of AOP. I mean, wow, there goes Superkick. I think he's about to meet the floor.
00:33:51He's done. Big Luke Gallows out here got eliminated right in front of us.
00:33:55There are bodies flying everywhere. He's holding on for dear life right now.
00:34:00He's really got to sit back and watch. It's a sea of humanity. Look at
00:34:08this. This is a really different situation scenario for any of these superstars.
00:34:12You're limited in your ability to even execute offense. You can't properly rear back to throw
00:34:16a punch a lot of the time. You're so crowded in there. I mean, this is really, really unusual.
00:34:21A number of eliminations occurring now. And remember, there are tag teams in this match,
00:34:25but it's every man for himself. Although both members of the B team are now out.
00:34:30An underdog could very easily win this match if there's so much humanity. It's more or less
00:34:35trying to figure out a way to stay out of harm's way.
00:34:37He's got Sinkara in there we haven't seen for a while.
00:34:42Yeah, part of the 205 live roster, the cruiserweight division.
00:34:46Matt Hardy inside the ring there. No way, Jose.
00:34:55Trying to hang on. That was Ali, I believe. You can see Rowan, a superstar that large,
00:35:01the size of a Redwood. It's easy for a man the size of Rowan to throw another superstar
00:35:06out of the ring, but you're also a target when you're one of the bigger men in the ring.
00:35:11A lot of times you find yourself the victim of being ganged up on.
00:35:14Loose about to be eliminated. Matt Hardy and Tony Nese set for a ride. He's the cruiserweight
00:35:19champion from 205 live. Samoa Joe just looking who to pick apart. Got Johnson's the lucky man.
00:35:27Ali trying to hang on, looking to make an impact here, inspire some of the WWE universe.
00:35:32And Apollo Crews has, I believe, Miz across his shoulders. Miz is in trouble. And again,
00:35:37you have to go over the top rope and both feet have to hit the floor in order to be
00:35:41eliminated from this battle royal. Oh, huge need from Eric. The Viking Raiders.
00:35:49Just think we're making history too. Calling the first ever 50 man over the top rope battle royal.
00:35:54I thought you meant because I lost 11 pounds since we came on the air. I could use it.
00:35:59I have no more water weight left in me. I will look very chic when we get back home.
00:36:04And look at the, uh, the battle continues. Uh, there are, uh, superstars everywhere.
00:36:10Number were eliminated early and now things have settled down a bit.
00:36:16You give me an estimate. How many people are left? Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:36:20I'd say halfway. Look at these three tandems.
00:36:23We've got the Viking Raiders. We've got heavy machinery and AOP got a three-way standoff
00:36:32between tag teams. It's blowing up heavy machinery. Uh, all six AOP Acom's returned
00:36:40from his knee injury. Viking Raiders. Oh, it was like Tucker might be taking a trip. Courtesy of
00:36:48Reza and Acom. Oh my good Lord. Oh, he hit hard. And now from behind Eric and Ivar from behind
00:36:56let's send Acom over the top. This is a match. If I would pay good money to watch in the future,
00:37:00any pairing of these two, they're going to raise are still in this. Well, it was
00:37:07Viking Raiders clearing a path. Good strategy. When you've got one ally in this matchup,
00:37:14it clearly increases both. Hey, what is Titus has been hiding.
00:37:21That's not a bad strategy. Well, maybe we should use that strategy back.
00:37:32And Titus dropped Ivar and Eric. Hi Apollo.
00:37:38Big boot for Shelton Benjamin. Titus is all fired up.
00:37:44Titus trying to strike anything that moves. The problem is there's so many people,
00:37:47you can't tell who's what. There's almost just got tossed by Zack Ryder.
00:37:51Oh, look at the freakish power of Titus O'Neil. We almost forget about how strong he is.
00:38:08Still hanging in there. Ricochet. Ricochet in trouble.
00:38:13Xavier Woods. I didn't have much time to celebrate with both of you, but there goes
00:38:18the outside. Titus O'Neil. Look at Titus go. Titus O'Neil just eliminated both Viking Raiders.
00:38:24Hell yeah, Titus. Negative experience for Ivar and Eric.
00:38:28Going to see if Titus Worldwide, is Titus Worldwide still in business? No,
00:38:32it went out. I was pretty sure after Titus Worldfly, the, uh, took a big hit. He filed
00:38:36chapter 11. Ali and Jeopardy are getting eliminated once again. Robert Roode working
00:38:41away on him. Robert Roode wants a 24-7 champion. Titus O'Neil, by the way, the inaugural 24-7
00:38:47champion. Well, it's kind of strange because there have been 41 champions. Titus O'Neil is gone.
00:38:53Done. Goodbye. Rowan still in the corner of the ring, holding it down, handling his business.
00:39:01The field beginning to thin somewhat. I mean, that's not saying much when you start with 50
00:39:06superstars. I like that Xavier Woods made his way back out here.
00:39:10Well, there goes Buddy Murphy, former Cruiserweight champ.
00:39:15Matt Hardy. Xavier back in the ring. Hey, Matt Hardy once won the Andre the Giant Memorial
00:39:20Battle Royal, so he's got a big opportunity here. Cesaro, a former Memorial, uh, Andre the Giant
00:39:26Memorial Battle Royal winner. Shelton Benjamin. Otis Watchton. And Shelton eliminated.
00:39:39Oh, look at Otis right now. Look at this.
00:39:42Rusev. And his former ally. Shinsuke Nakamura. Remember when he won Royal Rumble.
00:39:48Ah, Coquina Clutch on one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions. And Zack Ryder now
00:39:53coming to his partner's aid. And Ryder up over the top. He's eliminated. Oh, way to go. And Kurt
00:39:59Hawkins, like the Mets, hits the floor hard. The United States champion just eliminated both of
00:40:04the reigning Tag Team Champions. Hear that connection from Joe. Now he can at least start
00:40:11to make out some of the superstars in the ring. Ali's still hanging in there.
00:40:14Well, Cedric Alexander's still in there, too.
00:40:19Oh, German suplex delivered by Chad Gable. Unorthodox strategy in a crowded battle Royal
00:40:23Ring. Shinsuke Nakamura from behind.
00:40:30Oh, my God. Liger kick by Chad Gable. Breaks down Nakamura.
00:40:37A revival working together in the corner against the Usos.
00:40:45Looking to even the score from what happened on the Super Showdown kickoff show. Oh, Jinder
00:40:49Bahal's about to get tossed. Jinder in trouble up on the top rope. Jinder's a multi-time 24-7
00:40:57champion. Elias is the youngest 24-7 champion of all time. He's still in this. The youngest?
00:41:05Yeah, of all time. Not quite sure, but I know he's the youngest. And now Gable eliminated.
00:41:15And now Shinsuke Nakamura. Apollo with a step up enziguri. And now Cesaro. And who's going at it?
00:41:26You're the one with the good eyesight, Cole. I can't tell what's happening. Apollo Cruz
00:41:29was just eliminated. And now Samoa Joe, the United States champion in trouble in the corner.
00:41:36Lady Valida going against Samoa Joe. Ricochet as well. Both these superstars trying to eliminate
00:41:40Samoa Joe. Meanwhile, a huge row in one half of the SmackDown Tag Team Champions still in this
00:41:47match as well. A couple of dark horses still hanging in there. A lot of likely competitors
00:41:53that make a big impact. Look at this. Rusev and Nakamura trying to work together on Otis, but
00:41:59that's just too much humanity. Otis is as wide as he is tall. Very difficult to see.
00:42:08Uh-oh. Ricochet in trouble. Hanging on. Ricochet. It's hard to use high-risk offense in this type
00:42:15of matchup, but Ricochet did. Jinder Mahal is out. Ricochet doesn't need much room to
00:42:20make some magic happen. First estimate now, how many men are left in this match.
00:42:41And now Elias and Miz and Rusev getting involved.
00:42:51Sometimes the sun come up here in Jeddah, Cole. Do you think we'll have a winner by then?
00:43:02Well, it is now 12.08 in the morning in Jeddah. Well, this young man's about to lose an eyeball.
00:43:08Perfect. Mansoor, NXT superstar, actually from right here in Saudi Arabia from Riyadh. I talked
00:43:16to Mansoor earlier. He's got about 30 family members here today. Well, that'd be disappointing.
00:43:20Won his first match on NXT a few weeks ago. And here's Otis now. Oh, and there goes Shinsuke and
00:43:26Rusev, who formed quite the alliance. Oh, no. Now is not the time. Hell yeah, it is. This is
00:43:34the perfect time. The Caterpillar. Oh, yeah. Otis meet Rowan.
00:43:47Redwood eliminates half of heavy machinery. And get him a chair over here if you want.
00:43:53And now it's Rowan's opportunity to try to dominate in this matchup with Xavier Woods.
00:43:58Oh, Rowan looking for the iron claw. There it is.
00:44:00Look at Xavier Woods' body. All the wind driven out of it.
00:44:05Now, Rowan unceremoniously dispatching of Woods, taking out Otis once again.
00:44:12Rowan, of course, one half of the SmackDown Tag Team Champions. Here are the Usos, former six-time
00:44:18tag champs. Saw them earlier tonight at the kickoff show with a win over the Revival as
00:44:22they eliminate Rowan. Oh, there go the Revival getting even. And now Matt Hardy with a twist of
00:44:28And now Matt Hardy with a twist of faith.
00:44:33There goes Dash Wilder. Now Scott Dawson gonna try his...
00:44:36And Matt Hardy with a twist of faith to Dawson. Matt Hardy's on the chair.
00:44:43Scott Dawson is out of this match. So is Matt Hardy. Cedric Alexander looking to eliminate
00:44:48Cesaro, but the Swiss Cyborg hanging on with everything he's got left. I believe there's 11
00:44:53now left in this match. Cedric Alexander, new to Monday Night Raw from the 205 Live roster at one
00:44:59point in his career. Oh, you heard that elbow. And Alexander, love to eliminate Cesaro here.
00:45:10Break of the eyes. Better in maneuver than in a battle royal scenario. Oh, we're going swinging.
00:45:16Is there room for that? Look like a human weed whacker. Stopping people down at the legs.
00:45:23I don't know if that's the greatest strategy, even if you are Cesaro. Making yourself busy
00:45:30makes you very vulnerable to a ring full of opponents trying to throw you out.
00:45:34Cara looking to capitalize.
00:45:39Zin Cara and Cesaro flying. Shinsuke Nakamura.
00:45:48Zin Cara looking great.
00:45:49Zin Cara dumped out to the apron.
00:46:04Zin Cara trying to find his way back in.
00:46:12You want to try that again? No, I don't. Hey, listen, I've called like 41 hours of wrestling
00:46:21this week. Oh, Shinsuke Nakamura now after connecting with the Kinshasa. Zin Cara with
00:46:29a kick eliminates Zin. We didn't give him luck anyway. That was your fault, Graves. I'll take it.
00:46:34Oh, and now it's Rusev over the top rope. Iron vocal cords have failed me. Zin Cara
00:46:41eliminated as well. Robert Roode going to eliminate the Miz. This could be a glorious
00:46:47battle royal. We have eight men remaining in this battle royal. Went for the skull crushing finale.
00:46:56Weird now, sense Miz. Oh, he hit hard.
00:47:01That movie star face. We need like 12 more marine films. Look at this. Cesaro,
00:47:09the power of Cesaro. I think Miz is all slippery. And Miz now kick right to the midsection.
00:47:17I can't believe Miz stole these from Daniel Bryan.
00:47:30Miz with a kick to Elias and now setting up Cesaro. Who ducks underneath Cesaro now from behind.
00:47:36Miz over the top rope stays in it. Remember both feet have to hit the floor. Elias
00:47:42almost eliminated himself. Elias hanging on.
00:47:47Miz eliminated with a big knee to the face. Don't forget, we still got Samoa Joe in this one.
00:47:52We got Samoa Joe. We got Ali. We got Ricochet.
00:47:58You're absolutely right. Six are left. Five must go.
00:48:02Onsure bringing the fight to the United States champion.
00:48:06Gotta give him credit. I'm not sure Samoa Joe is the one I would go after, but
00:48:11you're looking to make an impact. You gotta go after the biggest guy, Cole.
00:48:16Ali connects with a beautiful drop kick.
00:48:21Now all these supers have a little bit more breathing room, a little more room to work with
00:48:24within the confines of the ring. Launch lands on the apron. Remember both feet have to hit the
00:48:29floor. Cesaro pinned in the corner. Ali with a kick. Cesaro stunned. Face first goes Cesaro.
00:48:39Comes Ricochet. Down goes Cesaro.
00:48:46Joe just flattening Ali and Ricochet. No style points there for the U.S. champion.
00:48:52Joe just battering these two high flyers. Ali hanging on. Sit over the top rope. Still in
00:48:59this match. Samoa Joe with a big right hand. Ali lands on the apron. Still alive, however.
00:49:05Ricochet now from behind. Looking to eliminate Samoa Joe.
00:49:13Joe looking to dominate now. The United States champion sends Ricochet over,
00:49:18who now lands on the apron yet again. Ali catches Joe. Oh, here we go. He's not going to try a
00:49:26suplex from there. He can't do it on his own. Ricochet gonna help out maybe. No way, no way,
00:49:32no way. Samoa Joe over the top rope and he hits the floor. Joe's eliminated by Ricochet and Ali.
00:49:42You look at all those disbelief on the face of Ricochet and Ali as well, but look out.
00:49:47Cesaro eliminated Ali and Ricochet. A little payback to Cesaro. And now Mansour
00:49:52eliminating Cesaro and Elias from behind. And it's down to Elias and Mansour. Mansour of course
00:49:59here in Saudi Arabia as Elias now looks to knock off the hometown favorite.
00:50:06Elias called his shot. He's going to follow through.
00:50:13Elias looking to win. The 50 man over the top rope battle royal.
00:50:19Super kick connects by Mansour. Elias is stunned. Elias reversal. Mansour lands on the apron. He's
00:50:27still in it. He didn't hit the floor.
00:50:39I can't believe it. Oh my god. Here is your winner, Mansour.
00:50:48Oh, look at this place. The underdogs get it. Jumps into the crowd hearing Jody,
00:50:56that all the family members in town, this man wants to make an impact. He has made history.
00:51:01Elation has taken over the stadium. Mansour does the unthinkable. You know,
00:51:08we've talked a lot about dreams coming true tonight and this is a dream come true for this
00:51:12young man, his biggest fan, his brother. He basically told Mansour that you can do this,
00:51:20that you can become a star in WWE. I saw an interview Mansour did for WWE.com where he said
00:51:28someday I want to be a hero for all the youth of Saudi Arabia, for everyone in Saudi Arabia.
00:51:35He just did it. Unbelievable. It's a million degrees out here and I have goosebumps.
00:51:42Look at the who's who of who Mansour just survived.
00:51:48I mean the names go on and on and on.
00:51:57The last one eliminated and then the celebration, the elation.
00:52:07Disbelief, shock.
00:52:11You were born in Riyadh. How does it feel to return to your home country
00:52:25and win the most prestigious battle royal in WWE history?
00:52:41This moment, I don't have the words to describe
00:52:58how important this moment is to me, how important it is to us.
00:53:03One year ago at the Greatest Royal Rumble, I was a WWE prospect. I stood in this ring.
00:53:12I stood in this stadium. I stood in Jeddah.
00:53:25Back then, I didn't know where I would end up. I was just a rookie.
00:53:29I didn't know where I would end up. I was just a rookie with a dream.
00:53:34A dream to make it as a WWE superstar. A dream to represent my country proudly all over the world.
00:53:52I won the most historic battle royal in WWE history and my dream came true.
00:54:38Abdul Aziz.
00:54:54What a story here tonight at Super Showdown. I'm not crying, you're crying.
00:55:01I don't have any tears left. There's literally no fluid in my body.
00:55:05What a night. Can you imagine what that must feel like?
00:55:13The emotion to do this in front of your home country.
00:55:18To become the first Saudi Arabian superstar signed to WWE and to be able to do this.
00:55:25Big celebration tonight in Jeddah. What a scene it was.
00:55:30Congratulations, The Hot Store.
00:55:36Today only. Buy one t-shirt, get one for a dollar. Only at wweshop.com.
00:56:07It's time to kick ass
00:56:21and take reigns at WWE Stomping Grounds.
00:56:29Streaming live on WWE Network Sunday June 23rd 7 Eastern 4 Pacific.
00:56:37The next time we come your way live on pay-per-view streaming on the WWE Network two weeks from Sunday
00:56:44it is WWE Stomping Grounds. It's time to kick ass and take names and boy we have quite the night
00:56:51working its way toward you when I'm talking about the SmackDown Women's Championship.
00:56:56You know thanks to the wild card rule Alexa Bliss won the triple threat match on SmackDown
00:57:00Live and she will face Bayley for the SmackDown Women's Championship. Earlier tonight the
00:57:06big dog Roman Reigns came up short against the best in the world in no small part thanks to the
00:57:11Scottish psychopath Drew McIntyre at Stomping Grounds. Reigns versus McIntyre. We're also going
00:57:17to have a match for the Raw Women's Championship. Lacey Evans the sassy southern belle who's lost
00:57:23Becky Lynch the SmackDown Women's title has her opportunity to try to take out Becky Lynch
00:57:29the man and Lacey Evans at WWE Stomping Grounds and Renee we now know this is official a rematch
00:57:35coming. Yeah after everything that went down tonight the Universal Championship matchup
00:57:40Baron Corbin gets another shot at Seth Rollins in his Universal Championship. Ask and you shall
00:57:47receive. Kofi Kingston will defend his WWE Championship against Dolph Ziggler inside of a
00:57:55steel cage. It takes place two weeks from Sunday on the WWE Network.
00:58:04Well we still got our main event here tonight on Super Showdown and it's up next and what can you
00:58:10say two legends two icons two of the greatest of all time the Undertaker versus Goldberg first time
00:58:21ever. How on earth are you gonna stop this guy?
00:58:30We have never seen a man quite like this.
00:58:37He is truly superhuman.
00:58:41You're not gonna find any man but any sport more intense than Goldberg.
00:58:49He is the epitome of Wrestlemania.
00:58:54Put another mark in the win column. Goldberg remains unbeaten.
00:59:01The Undertaker's legend grows.
00:59:05The greatest champion in WCW history.
00:59:09The phenom, the iconic Goldberg.
00:59:53I don't want the family man. I want the unstoppable icon Goldberg.
01:00:15I will claim your soul for all of eternity.
01:00:20It's burning down. It's burning down.
01:00:23Undertaker, I can guarantee you, you're gonna get that ass kicking Goldberg.
01:00:29We will all find out once and for all who the better man is.
01:00:36Goldberg, you're next.
01:00:40Undertaker, rest in peace.
01:00:50He's burning it up.
01:00:57The Undertaker will take on Goldberg for the first time ever.
01:01:20Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:01:30Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:01:36Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:01:42Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:01:48Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:01:52Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:01:56Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:02:00Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:02:04Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:03:54You know, there's only one person in the history of WWE to win the,
01:03:59I should say in all of sports entertainment, to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship,
01:04:05the Universal Title, and the WWE titles.
01:04:08You're looking at him, the Hall of Famer, the man known as Goldberg.
01:04:15The iconic face of WCW through the infamous Monday Night War
01:04:20is a true stalwart of all things WCW.
01:04:23This is an absolutely incredible match.
01:04:26The fact that this is even taking place is a little bit surreal.
01:04:31Goldberg said we will find out who the better man is in Undertaker.
01:04:35You're the next one to rest in peace.
01:04:48He burst on the scene in sports entertainment in 1997, 1998.
01:04:52He had an undefeated streak of 173-0.
01:04:58Two years back, Goldberg staged one of the greatest comebacks in the history of sports entertainment,
01:05:03returning and shocking the WWE Universe by knocking off Brock Lesnar.
01:05:09He would go on to win the Universal Title and then face Lesnar
01:05:13in one of the hardest hitting matchups we've ever seen in WrestleMania history.
01:05:18Lesnar is a man to end the infamous WrestleMania streak of The Undertaker.
01:05:23You've got to imagine how much that's in the head of The Undertaker.
01:05:26You think it is?
01:05:28Certainly could be.
01:05:48The Undertaker is back!
01:05:50The Undertaker is back!
01:05:52The Undertaker is back!
01:05:54The Undertaker is back!
01:05:56The Undertaker is back!
01:05:58The Undertaker is back!
01:06:00The Undertaker is back!
01:06:02The Undertaker is back!
01:06:04The Undertaker is back!
01:06:06The Undertaker is back!
01:06:08The Undertaker is back!
01:06:10The Undertaker is back!
01:06:12The Undertaker is back!
01:06:14The Undertaker is back!
01:06:17The Undertaker is back!
01:06:19The Undertaker is back!
01:06:21The Undertaker is back!
01:06:23The Undertaker is back!
01:06:25The Undertaker is back!
01:06:27The Undertaker is back!
01:06:29The Undertaker is back!
01:06:31The Undertaker is back!
01:06:33The Undertaker is back!
01:06:35The Undertaker is back!
01:06:37The Undertaker is back!
01:06:39The Undertaker is back!
01:06:41The Undertaker is back!
01:06:43The Undertaker is back!
01:06:45The Undertaker is back!
01:06:47The Undertaker is back!
01:06:49The Undertaker is back!
01:06:51The Undertaker is back!
01:06:53The Undertaker is back!
01:06:55The Undertaker is back!
01:06:57The Undertaker is back!
01:06:59The Undertaker is back!
01:07:01The Undertaker is back!
01:07:03The Undertaker is back!
01:07:05The Undertaker is back!
01:07:07The Undertaker is back!
01:07:09The Undertaker is back!
01:07:11The Undertaker is back!
01:07:13The Undertaker is back!
01:07:15The Undertaker is back!
01:07:17The Undertaker is back!
01:07:19The Undertaker is back!
01:07:21The Undertaker is back!
01:07:23The Undertaker is back!
01:07:25The Undertaker is back!
01:07:27The Undertaker is back!
01:07:29The Undertaker is back!
01:07:31The Undertaker is back!
01:07:33The Undertaker is back!
01:07:35The Undertaker is back!
01:07:37The Undertaker is back!
01:07:39The Undertaker is back!
01:07:41The Undertaker is back!
01:07:43The Undertaker is back!
01:07:45The Undertaker is back!
01:07:47The Undertaker is back!
01:07:49The Undertaker is back!
01:07:51The Undertaker is back!
01:07:53The Undertaker is back!
01:07:55The Undertaker is back!
01:07:57The Undertaker is back!
01:07:59The Undertaker is back!
01:08:01The Undertaker is back!
01:08:03The Undertaker is back!
01:08:05The Undertaker is back!
01:08:07The Undertaker is back!
01:08:09The Undertaker is back!
01:08:11The Undertaker is back!
01:08:13The Undertaker is back!
01:08:15The Undertaker is back!
01:08:17The Undertaker is back!
01:08:19The Undertaker is back!
01:08:21The Undertaker is back!
01:08:23The Undertaker is back!
01:08:25The Undertaker is back!
01:08:27The Undertaker is back!
01:08:29The Undertaker is back!
01:08:31The Undertaker is back!
01:08:33The Undertaker is back!
01:08:35The Undertaker is back!
01:08:37The Undertaker is back!
01:08:39The Undertaker is back!
01:08:41The Undertaker is back!
01:08:43The Undertaker is back!
01:08:45The Undertaker is back!
01:08:47The Undertaker is back!
01:08:49The Undertaker is back!
01:08:51The Undertaker is back!
01:08:53The Undertaker is back!
01:08:55The Undertaker is back!
01:08:57The Undertaker is back!
01:08:59The Undertaker is back!
01:09:01The Undertaker is back!
01:09:03The Undertaker is back!
01:09:05The Undertaker is back!
01:09:07The Undertaker is back!
01:09:09The Undertaker is back!
01:09:11The Undertaker is back!
01:09:13The Undertaker is back!
01:09:15The Undertaker is back!
01:09:17The Undertaker is back!
01:09:19The Undertaker is back!
01:09:21The Undertaker is back!
01:09:23The Undertaker is back!
01:09:25The Undertaker is back!
01:09:27The Undertaker is back!
01:09:29The Undertaker is back!
01:09:31The Undertaker is back!
01:09:33The Undertaker is back!
01:09:35The Undertaker is back!
01:09:37The Undertaker is back!
01:09:39The Undertaker is back!
01:09:41The Undertaker is back!
01:09:43The Undertaker is back!
01:09:45The Undertaker is back!
01:09:47The Undertaker is back!
01:09:49The Undertaker is back!
01:09:51The Undertaker is back!
01:09:53The Undertaker is back!
01:09:55The Undertaker is back!
01:09:57The Undertaker is back!
01:09:59The Undertaker is back!
01:10:01The Undertaker is back!
01:10:03The Undertaker is back!
01:10:05The Undertaker is back!
01:10:07The Undertaker is back!
01:10:09The Undertaker is back!
01:10:11The Undertaker is back!
01:10:13The Undertaker is back!
01:10:15The Undertaker is back!
01:10:17The Undertaker is back!
01:10:19The Undertaker is back!
01:10:21The Undertaker is back!
01:10:23The Undertaker is back!
01:10:25The Undertaker is back!
01:10:27The Undertaker is back!
01:10:29The Undertaker is back!
01:10:35The Undertaker is back!
01:10:37The Undertaker is back!
01:10:45The Pale Rider has returned!
01:10:48The Phenom, the Undertaker!
01:10:50As he steps through the ropes,
01:10:52to go face to face
01:10:54with Goldberg
01:10:56for the very first time!
01:10:59Last Monday, Undertaker promised that while it's the first time these two will meet, it
01:11:08will be the last time for Goldberg.
01:11:13And what's interesting about this matchup is that for many, many weeks and many, many
01:11:18years in the late 1990s, these two men did battle, but never against one another.
01:11:24They did battle on their respective shows of Monday Night Raw and Monday Night Raw in
01:11:28the Monday Night Wars.
01:11:30They were pillars of their shows, reasons that their shows were successful.
01:11:34And here tonight, for the first time, they do battle at Super Showdown.
01:11:38There are very few true dream matches left in this business.
01:11:42This is one of them.
01:11:44Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall.
01:11:50Introducing first, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 285 pounds, he is a WWE Hall
01:12:06of Famer, GOLDBERG!
01:12:20And his opponent, from Death Valley, and weighing in at 309 pounds, The Undertaker!
01:12:46At first glance, I did not see any fear, any intimidation in the eyes of Goldberg,
01:12:52which might be the first time I could say that about any of The Undertaker's opponents.
01:12:56It is a big fight in our main event at Super Showdown.
01:13:00Goldberg, Undertaker, staring across the ring at one another for the very first time.
01:13:06Goldberg standing his ground, taking the center of the ring.
01:13:10Goldberg beckons you answer his call.
01:13:26Oh my, taking The Undertaker's rest in peace.
01:13:32Undertaker with a right on the jaw, and Goldberg with a spear!
01:13:36A spear by Goldberg!
01:13:38This is unbelievable!
01:13:40Undertaker's in trouble!
01:13:42Goldberg has him where he wants him!
01:13:44Goldberg now with another spear!
01:13:46A second one!
01:13:47Cover on Taker!
01:13:48Hook of the leg!
01:13:49Kick out at two!
01:13:52Goldberg looking to finish things off early here, with two heavy spears!
01:14:00Welcome to The Undertaker's world, Goldberg!
01:14:04This is still surreal, two generational talents.
01:14:07This is like watching Muhammad Ali fight Mike Tyson.
01:14:10Goldberg missing with a right hand.
01:14:12Here we go!
01:14:13Undertaker, Goldberg trying to power out of a possible choke slam by The Phenom.
01:14:19If anybody can overpower The Deadman, it's Goldberg.
01:14:23This is what Undertaker asked for!
01:14:25Rolls through, Goldberg now, takes Undertaker down.
01:14:28Knee bar!
01:14:30Goldberg doesn't have it.
01:14:31Trying to use a submission here to tap Undertaker out.
01:14:35Unique offense by Goldberg!
01:14:37Undertaker using his long reach to try to get to the bottom rope.
01:14:42Goldberg said he was bringing that iconic ass-kicking guy.
01:14:46I believe Goldberg understands, the longer this match goes, the better it helps The Undertaker.
01:14:51So Goldberg wants to put The Phenom away early.
01:14:53Goldberg has something of a heel hook applied right now.
01:14:56Undertaker able to reach the bottom rope.
01:14:58Using the long arms to force the break, but has the damage been done on The Phenom?
01:15:02Very well made.
01:15:03Well-placed knee bar.
01:15:05Submission like that could do irreparable damage to someone's knee.
01:15:09Goldberg looks like a million bucks tonight.
01:15:11Undertaker whips across the ring, hits the turnbuckle hard.
01:15:14Here comes Goldberg.
01:15:15Nobody home, he posted.
01:15:16Goldberg hit the post hard.
01:15:18Goldberg came in, full speed ahead, and met the turnbuckle.
01:15:25And I believe, Goldberg may have been busted open when he went into the corner, and he was.
01:15:31Goldberg hit so hard that he was busted open on his forehead, and now Undertaker will stalk Goldberg.
01:15:39This is not somewhere Goldberg wants to be with the best pure striker in WWE history.
01:15:45Just able to tee off.
01:15:46Yeah, right hand to Goldberg.
01:15:48Any one of these heavy hands can turn your lights out.
01:15:51Just one knockout blow for The Undertaker is all it's going to take, and the myth of Goldberg is shattered.
01:15:57Goldberg's wife and his son here to cheer him on.
01:15:59They're not going to want to watch this.
01:16:01The Undertaker right now looking to dominate, try to take control of this match.
01:16:05It was Goldberg early.
01:16:07It's Undertaker right now.
01:16:10This is where the phenom excels.
01:16:12Able to pick apart his opponent strike by strike, methodically wearing down Goldberg.
01:16:17Yeah, my opinion, the best pure striker in the history of WWE.
01:16:23Oh, and a shoulder.
01:16:25Blood in the water, Undertaker's going to work.
01:16:27Goldberg trying to fight back.
01:16:30There is no quitting, Goldberg, but the longer this match goes, the more it's going to favor The Undertaker.
01:16:35Goldberg came out of the gate 100 miles an hour, delivering two hellacious spears.
01:16:40But the Deadman...
01:16:41Oh, here we go.
01:16:43Undertaker going to the top rope.
01:16:46Going to treat us to some old school here tonight.
01:16:49Going to cross the back of the neck.
01:16:53Goldberg's down, the official checking on Goldberg.
01:16:56Here we go.
01:16:57Undertaker, is he closing in on a victory?
01:17:04And Goldberg wisely back to the ropes.
01:17:07Goldberg might be out on his feet right now.
01:17:10Just allowing The Undertaker time to stalk.
01:17:14The Reaper in way.
01:17:17The Reaper in waiting.
01:17:22Goldberg, hoisted high, chokeslam!
01:17:33And Undertaker said, let's put this one away.
01:17:39Undertaker measuring Goldberg.
01:17:41Goldberg, Goldberg now, up by The Undertaker.
01:17:45The power of The Deadman, center of the ring.
01:17:51Tombstone Piledriver!
01:17:56And tonight at Super Showdown, Goldberg kicked out.
01:18:03Goldberg somehow kicked out of the tombstone, and Undertaker can't believe it.
01:18:08Nobody believes it.
01:18:09There's an eerie quiet in here right now.
01:18:12Goldberg is back on his feet.
01:18:16What does Goldberg have left?
01:18:20Whatever Goldberg has left, Undertaker's intent on taking it out of him.
01:18:29Goldberg teeing off, I should say Undertaker teeing off on Goldberg.
01:18:33First a shot to the face and now the body shot.
01:18:35Big heavy rights and lefts from The Deadman.
01:18:37Goldberg appears to be running on just instinct right now.
01:18:40Unfortunately for Undertaker, Goldberg's instinct is intensity.
01:18:45Both men down, center of the ring. What a collision.
01:18:48Who gets up first?
01:18:49Does anyone get up?
01:18:54Both of these legends have taken each other's best shots and kept fighting on.
01:19:00This is a critical point in the match after this collision here.
01:19:03Which Superstar will make it back to his feet.
01:19:08Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!
01:19:14The WWE Universe showing their respect for these two legends in the ring.
01:19:19Here at King Abdullah City Stadium in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
01:19:23Goldberg amazingly the first to his feet.
01:19:26But I don't know if Goldberg wants to trade hands with The Phenom.
01:19:30You talked about the striking ability of The Undertaker.
01:19:33He's putting on a clinic right now.
01:19:35Goldberg's gone his feet.
01:19:38Back toward the corner.
01:19:40Goldberg hasn't even been getting his hands up to protect himself from the strikes of The Undertaker.
01:19:45Here comes The Undertaker into the corner and splats to Goldberg.
01:19:51Goldberg running on instinct only.
01:19:54Snake Eyes!
01:19:56Bounced off the top turnbuckle. Here comes the...
01:19:58Oh! Another spear!
01:20:04A third massive spear from Goldberg connects.
01:20:08How is The Undertaker still stirring?
01:20:16You don't think.
01:20:20He can't. There's no way.
01:20:22There's no way Goldberg's gonna be able to do this to The Undertaker.
01:20:25No way!
01:20:27Goldberg wanted that jackhammer. Didn't get all of it.
01:20:30But he got some of it. And is that enough?
01:20:33Chalk that up to blood loss. Chalk that up to exhaustion.
01:20:37Cover by Goldberg. Did he get it?
01:20:40Taker's still in this.
01:20:42Taker kicked out before the count of three.
01:20:46Undertaker amazingly surviving three spears and a jackhammer.
01:20:52Here comes Goldberg. He's not done.
01:20:57Goldberg looking to put Undertaker away.
01:21:03Measuring his man.
01:21:05Goldberg going for it again.
01:21:08Oh, he was looking for the Tombstone Piledriver, I believe.
01:21:11Trying to beat Undertaker with his own move.
01:21:13But Goldberg didn't have anything left.
01:21:15Goldberg has lost a lot of blood.
01:21:17And now Undertaker with a choke slam to Goldberg.
01:21:20Here's the cover by The Deadman.
01:21:23And it's over!
01:21:25Undertaker with the win!
01:21:27Here is your winner, The Undertaker!
01:21:34Undertaker realizes he was in a battle.
01:21:37Three spears, a jackhammer.
01:21:40Goldberg went for the Tombstone Piledriver.
01:21:43To try to beat The Undertaker with his own move.
01:21:46He couldn't do it.
01:21:47And The Undertaker was able to put Goldberg away.
01:21:50Goldberg brought the big fight.
01:21:52But The Undertaker was prepared.
01:21:54Goldberg losing a lot of blood throughout that battle.
01:21:57Just couldn't hang any longer.
01:21:59And The Deadman exerts supremacy.
01:22:04These two icons left absolutely everything they have in that ring.
01:22:14The Undertaker understanding what he went through here tonight.
01:22:18In a match that took decades to come about.
01:22:31Much deserved show of respect.
01:22:34For one of the greatest, if not the greatest of all time.
01:22:41Still taking souls and digging holes after all these years.
01:22:45There will only ever be one Undertaker.
01:22:57For almost 30 years, The Undertaker has reigned supreme at WWE.
01:23:15The Undertaker.
01:23:28We don't know how many of these moments remain for The Undertaker.
01:23:31So savor while you can.
01:23:33The Phenom takes Goldberg Rex in pace.
01:23:41These are the moments that will last for eternity.
01:23:45The Undertaker.
01:23:50The Undertaker.
01:23:55The Undertaker.
01:23:56Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen.
01:23:58At WWE Super Showdown.
01:24:01Good night from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
01:24:15Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
