• 10 hours ago


00:00I'm Bob Gowen. These people came to the mall today thinking they were just gonna do a little
00:07shopping, but I think some of them are gonna get more than they bargained for. As a matter
00:11of fact, one of these people was born lucky, and they're gonna have a chance at $2,000
00:15to spend right here in the mall. Let's see who we can find. How about you, right here?
00:20Come on up here, pal. What's your name?
00:22My name's Lori Kaufman.
00:23You wanna win some money?
00:24Oh, yeah.
00:25Oh, Larry, you've come to the right place.
00:26It's a microwave cookbook.
00:27Oh, lovely.
00:28Okay, who's next? Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:36Who is it? You? You? You?
00:40Don't hurt yourself. What's your name?
00:43Jackie Barrett.
00:44You wanna win $2,000?
00:45Yes, I do.
00:46Oh, Jackie, good.
00:47Put on some Crocodile Dundee.
00:48It's a Bobby Duffer.
00:50Okay, let's find somebody else.
00:52Wait, wait, wait. Who do I want? Who do I want? Who?
00:56How about her? Right here.
01:01What's your name?
01:02Nancy Freeman.
01:03Nancy, you're a lucky woman?
01:04Yes, I'm a lucky woman.
01:05Oh, good. Okay, put on a tiara.
01:07It's a princess-style head warmer.
01:11One more. One more. I need somebody with a big smile. A big, big smile.
01:17Right here. Right here. Right here. Come on up here. Beautiful smile. What's your name?
01:22My name is Kim Hewitt.
01:23Are you a lucky woman, Kim?
01:25Oh, good. Jono, give her something.
01:26That's a nice picture. Nice picture for you.
01:28Oh, lovely. Okay, that's it. Those are our four players.
01:31Now, we figure out who's born lucky. Come on.
01:34Today, from the gallery at Tyler in Riverside, California,
01:38it's time for the only game show in America that comes to your local mall.
01:42Born Lucky.
01:44And now, once again, the host of Born Lucky, Bob Gowen.
01:50What's going on?
01:52I don't know. Is he getting married or is he getting buried? I'm not sure which.
01:57These are our four players today. Congratulations on getting this far.
02:00Now, you're gonna be winning money here, players, that you're gonna be able to spend right here in the mall.
02:05We call it mall money. I have a lot of it for you, so good luck.
02:08Because here in the first round, each of you will play a game where you can win up to $100 in mall money.
02:13The two players who win the most money are gonna go on to our challenge round and face off against each other.
02:18Whoever survives that goes to the championship round, and there is $2,000 in mall money at stake there.
02:24So, good luck to all four of you.
02:25Hope it works out. Warren, we'll start with you. Come on over here.
02:29Nice to see you, Warren.
02:30Nice to see you.
02:31Do you do the cooking at home?
02:32A little bit.
02:33You do?
02:34A little bit.
02:35You have this microwave cookbook here, so you obviously, I mean, you're a single guy.
02:38You probably microwave a lot of foods, right?
02:40Well, for me, the instructions, even in a microwave cookbook, are terrible because I can burn anything.
02:47I can overcook anything.
02:49We have five dishes here that I have cooked in a microwave, and I've cooked them a little bit too long.
02:54In a moment, I'm gonna show you the dish.
02:56All you have to do is tell me what the food was before I cooked it.
03:01That's it.
03:02You have three seconds for each answer.
03:04Each one is worth $20 to you, okay?
03:07So, let's take a look.
03:08How about this first one?
03:11Oh, golly.
03:12What was that before I cooked it?
03:14It looks like marshmallow.
03:15It is.
03:17Good for you.
03:18All right.
03:20A better cook than I thought.
03:23How about that?
03:24You think that was raisins before I cooked it?
03:26Well, they're raisins now, but they were grapes before I cooked it.
03:29That's what we want to know.
03:30Before I cooked it.
03:31Oh, that's right.
03:33The third one here.
03:34Oh, man.
03:35Look at this.
03:36What is that, or what was it before I cooked it?
03:37It looks like cheddar cheese.
03:38You think it's cheese?
03:39It is cheese.
03:40Good for you.
03:41That's two out of three.
03:46What do you think that used to be?
03:48Oh, man.
03:49That looks like strawberries.
03:50It looks like a biology project, but yeah, it is strawberries.
03:54Well done.
03:55You have three out of four.
03:57What do you think that used to be?
03:59That looks like a banana.
04:01It is, or was, a banana.
04:03Good for you.
04:04That means you got four of them, and that means 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 dollars
04:12to spend here in the mall, and here's something you won't have to spend money on.
04:17It's a freebie, and it is some pasta.
04:19There's more to it than just that, Johnson.
04:21Pasta Mama brings convenience to gourmet cooking with its designer line of pasta.
04:25Everything from fettuccine Alfredo to their line of dessert pasta and sauces from Pasta Mama.
04:32All right, great.
04:33You're off to a good start with 80 dollars there.
04:35Go ahead and take a seat.
04:36And Jackie, you come out here.
04:38How you doing, Jackie?
04:39I'm excited.
04:40I bet you are.
04:41You're from America.
04:42You were born and raised here.
04:46Well, Jono, come on in here, would you please?
04:47No, Jono's from Australia.
04:48Did you know that?
04:50Hello, Jackie.
04:53G'day, Bobby.
04:54G'day, Bob.
04:55Yeah, yeah, he's a Bobby Casler, isn't he?
04:56Well, you know, Australians have a language of their own, basically.
04:58They can say things to us Americans we have no idea what they're talking about.
05:01Like, if they say, throw a shrimp on the Barbie, it doesn't mean throw a shrimp on a Barbie doll.
05:07It means put a shrimp on a barbecue, right?
05:10Well, in a moment, Jonathan is going to read you an Australian expression, and I will give
05:15you a choice of two translations to that expression.
05:19You have to tell me which one you think it is, okay?
05:22Which one you think is the actual meaning.
05:24Every time you get one right, it's worth $20 in wallet money, and we'll be able to put
05:27a shrimp on the Barbie.
05:28On the Barbie.
05:29Yeah, yeah.
05:30You know, it's a famous Aboriginal name, Jackie-Jackie.
05:32Is it?
05:33Oh, yeah.
05:34A famous Aboriginal name.
05:36Then it's in her blood.
05:37Let's see how well she does.
05:38Bring her the first one, Jono.
05:39I'm a true blue digger.
05:40You're a true blue digger.
05:43Does that mean you're an authentic Australian person or a breed of Australian dog?
05:48The first one.
05:49You think it's authentic Australian person?
05:51A person.
05:52Is that it?
05:53Absolutely correct.
05:55Put a shrimp on Barbie.
05:56Oh, you've got the hang of it.
05:59Give her a second one.
06:00Number two.
06:01Go for your life, mate.
06:03Go for your life, mate.
06:05Go for your life.
06:06Or the way he said it.
06:07Does it mean jump out of the way or help yourself?
06:10Help yourself.
06:11Help yourself.
06:12Is that it?
06:15Put a shrimp on Barbie.
06:16Okay, number three, Jono.
06:18You better shoot through.
06:20You better shoot through.
06:21You better shoot through.
06:22Does it mean okay, it's okay to cut in line or you better get out of here?
06:26It's okay to cut in line.
06:28No, it's not.
06:29It'll get a shrimp on Barbie.
06:30It means you better get out of here.
06:32Give me the fourth one.
06:33He's a guaranteed go.
06:36He's a guaranteed go.
06:38I was going to say that.
06:39He's a guaranteed go.
06:40Does that mean he's a good lover or he's the marrying type?
06:46He's the marrying type, I think.
06:48Oh, come on.
06:50He's a guaranteed go.
06:51Okay, no shrimp there.
06:52Give me the last one, Jono.
06:53That's me, baby.
06:54That's what I'm saying.
06:55The word is out.
06:57He's a couple of snags short of a Barbie.
06:59He's a couple of snags short of a Barbie.
07:02Does that mean he's not too smart or he's short on cash?
07:06I would say short on cash.
07:10He's a couple of snags short of a Barbie.
07:12What is a snag?
07:13It's a sausage.
07:14It's a rhyming slang for a surprise bag because you never know what's in a sausage.
07:17Well, excuse me.
07:18That's more answers than I needed.
07:19Excuse me.
07:20I've got two, Jackie.
07:21I've got a sheet of 10, 20, 30, $40 to spend here in the mall and a nice prize for you.
07:26What's it going to be?
07:27Some beautiful clothing.
07:29Jono, hurry.
07:30Stop patting and tell her.
07:32It's a $100 gift certificate from Ames, a stylish selection of high-fashion women's clothing.
07:36It's Ames, of course, at the Galleria at Tyler.
07:41Okay, $40 for Jackie and $80 for Laura.
07:44Hardest spend in the mall.
07:45Now we have to find out about these two folks, Kim and Nancy.
07:48How will they do?
07:49We'll find out right after this with more, more luck.
07:51Good luck.
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09:02All the nice people spending the afternoon with us here at the Galleria at Tyler.
09:05We're back with more born lucky so far.
09:07Lauren has $80 in mall money.
09:09Jackie with $40.
09:10Nancy and Kim get a chance now.
09:12Nancy's first.
09:13Come on, Nancy.
09:14Come here.
09:16Nice to see you.
09:17Nice to see you.
09:18You know how when you dress up for a date, have you ever dressed up for a date and your date didn't tell you how you were supposed to dress and you showed up completely wrong?
09:26That's what we're about here.
09:27We have three outfits right here.
09:29One is for the beach.
09:31One is for the office here.
09:34And one is a little bit more formal.
09:36Now when I say go, you're going to put on one of these outfits and jump over onto that piece of carpeting over there.
09:41Jonathan's going to open the door for your mystery date or possibly dream date.
09:45Who knows?
09:46If the outfit on the person behind that door matches the one that you're wearing, he's going to hand you a bunch of flowers.
09:52You shove them in this vase over here, and it's worth $20 to you.
09:55You're going to have five different outfits to match up.
09:58If they're wrong, if you're not wearing the right one, you have to run back here, put on the right outfit, and come back and get the vase or the flowers to put in the vase.
10:05You got that?
10:06I've got it.
10:07Good, because I'm confused.
10:08You explain it to me later.
10:09Okay, but there are five of them.
10:10You get $20 for each one.
10:11You have to get them all in 60 seconds, okay?
10:14So you're up against the clock.
10:15Get on over here.
10:16We'll start you right there.
10:18Let's put 60 seconds on the clock.
10:20Good luck to you, Nancy.
10:22And go.
10:23Oh, she's going formal.
10:25Go, go.
10:27No, that's wrong.
10:28That's wrong.
10:29He's going to the beach.
10:30Stay there.
10:31Stay there.
10:32Stay there.
10:33Don't go anywhere.
10:34Yeah, don't go anywhere.
10:35She's getting dressed.
10:36Hurry up, Nancy.
10:37The clock's running.
10:40He's going to try that formal wear again.
10:45No, that's the wrong one.
10:47What's wrong with you?
10:48Come on.
10:49Yeah, put it on.
10:52Great, okay, great.
10:53That's two.
10:54You have 30 seconds.
10:55He's going to the beach.
10:56Oh, she's going to try the beach again.
10:59Is that the beach?
11:00No, it's formal wear.
11:01It's formal wear.
11:02Formal, formal.
11:04Yeah, there you go.
11:05Put on the formal wear.
11:07Put the flowers in the box.
11:0915 seconds.
11:14Got to put on the jacket.
11:15Hurry up.
11:16Okay, open the door, Johnno.
11:18Yeah, that's good.
11:19That's more.
11:20You have four seconds.
11:21Four seconds.
11:23No, you ran out of time.
11:25Ran out of time, but you did very well.
11:27You got four out of the five.
11:29That means you got $80.
11:31Nancy, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.
11:37Let me get you a nice prize, too.
11:39What's it going to be?
11:41Is it going to be some patio furniture?
11:44You bet it is.
11:45Tell her, Johnno.
11:46The Bay Breeze Series from the Lloyd Loom
11:48all-weather perma wicca patio furniture
11:51designed to complement any outdoor setting.
11:53Beauty and comfort furnished by Lloyd Flanders.
11:56Nice job.
11:57You have $80.
11:58You're tied for the lead, Nancy.
12:00Good work.
12:01Take a seat, and let's get Kim to come over here.
12:02Come on, Kim.
12:03Hi there.
12:04How are you?
12:05I'm good.
12:06How are you?
12:07I'm fine.
12:09Well, you know, we're talking about famous people here, okay,
12:10and famous nicknames.
12:11A lot of famous people have a nickname
12:12that is associated with them.
12:14For example, if I asked you guys,
12:15now listen carefully, kids.
12:17If I asked you, who was Honest Abe,
12:19who would that be?
12:20Abraham Lincoln.
12:22See how easy this is?
12:24In a moment, I'm going to give you a famous nickname.
12:26I'll show you the faces of two people
12:28whose nickname that might be.
12:30All you have to do is tell me who that person really is
12:33associated with the nickname, okay?
12:35You have three seconds for each answer,
12:36each one worth $20.
12:38Good luck to you.
12:39Let's take a look at your first one.
12:42The nickname is The Donald.
12:45Was that Donald Trump or Donald Sutherland?
12:47Donald Trump.
12:48You think it's Donald Trump?
12:49You're right.
12:50It is.
12:51Good for you.
12:52How about Material Girl?
12:54Is that Demi Gibson or Madonna?
12:55You don't even let me give you the choices.
12:57It is Madonna, yes.
13:01We have Elvis and we have Bruce Springsteen.
13:04Whose nickname is The Boss?
13:07Bruce Springsteen.
13:08Right you are.
13:09That's three in a row.
13:13Dean Martin and James Dean.
13:14Who is known as Dino?
13:16James Dean.
13:17Nope, nope.
13:18That was Dean Martin.
13:19We stumped you on that one.
13:20Okay, last one.
13:22We have Bette Midler and we have Marilyn Monroe.
13:26Who is known as The Divine Miss M?
13:29Marilyn Monroe.
13:30No, no.
13:31It was Bette Midler.
13:32Oh, you started out like a house on fire there.
13:34We kind of stalled on the last two.
13:36But you got three.
13:37That means $60, $10, $20, $30, $40, $50, $60 to spend here in the Dome.
13:43And how about a great prize?
13:45Everybody else is like theirs so far.
13:47You want some lamps?
13:49You do?
13:51Tell her, Johnna.
13:52Miller Imports, Armani Design and Table Lamp Collection.
13:54Handcrafted in Italy.
13:55Marble platform on wooden base and handmade silk shades.
13:58Quality and elegance from Miller Imports.
14:01Everybody has some money to spend here in the mall today,
14:04but we have two people who are going to be challengers.
14:06One of them, Lauren, with $80.
14:08Good for you.
14:09Come on over here.
14:10Here is Nancy with $80.
14:12Kim, thank you very much.
14:13You're a good sport.
14:14Some nice ladies.
14:15Jackie, you too.
14:16Enjoy the rest of the day here at the mall.
14:17Don't go away because now we're going to find out whether it's Lauren or Nancy
14:20who's going to go on for a shot at $2,000 to spend here in the mall.
14:25Don't go away.
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16:00Millions of viewers are captivated by NBC's mysterious ways.
16:04Oh, my God!
16:06Because in spite of what we know...
16:08He's still here with me.
16:09He died a year ago.
16:10There's a rational explanation.
16:12Or what we only sense.
16:14She had the gift.
16:15Some questions have no answers.
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17:25That's more like it.
17:27That's more like it, come on.
17:32You're watching PAX TV.
17:34A friend of the family.
17:38Okay, welcome back to Born Lucky.
17:41We have our two challengers here, Nancy and Lauren,
17:43who so far have $80 apiece in mall money,
17:45but now we're gonna determine who goes on to the championship round
17:48and has a shot at $2,000 to spend.
17:50You're in the Galleria, Tyler.
17:52Good luck to both of you.
17:53Now, this is the challenge round.
17:54Before I tell you how the game's played,
17:56I want you to listen carefully to me,
17:57because you're gonna bid against each other
17:59to determine who plays this game.
18:01Now, I don't know about you guys,
18:02but whenever I try to fix something at home,
18:04I mess it up.
18:06It's worse than when I started.
18:07Now, in this game,
18:08you're gonna have to do a little home project.
18:11You have to wallpaper this wall.
18:14Now, you don't have to worry about how it looks.
18:16All you have to do is get the wallpaper up there.
18:18You take the wallpaper, you wet it in this trough,
18:21you unroll it, and you stick it up here vertically.
18:24All you have to make sure that you do
18:26is that the wallpaper doesn't touch the floor.
18:29It has to go through there and not touch the floor.
18:31You have 60 seconds to get as many rolls of wallpaper
18:34on that wall as you can.
18:35So how many do you think you can do in 60 seconds?
18:38Lauren, you have to start with at least two.
18:40I think I can do two.
18:41Okay. Nancy?
18:43Four, she says.
18:47Six, Lauren.
18:52Go for it.
18:53You don't think he can do seven in 60 seconds?
18:54He said he can do eight, right?
18:56No, he said seven.
18:57I can do seven.
18:58No, he's gonna do seven.
18:59How many can you do?
19:00That's the question.
19:02How many?
19:03I'll go eight.
19:04You'll go eight.
19:05That's a letter.
19:06You're not gonna try nine?
19:08Oh, man, okay.
19:10Nancy, come on.
19:11Come on.
19:12We have eight is your bid.
19:1360 seconds on the clock.
19:14You know how this works now, right?
19:16Can I go?
19:18Oh, she's going for the multiple flip.
19:24Wow, she's sloppy.
19:2640 seconds.
19:27That's three.
19:29Water's flying everywhere.
19:30Under 30 seconds.
20:00That's five!
20:01Three more!
20:02Upside down.
20:03Yeah, you want the pattern to show.
20:0415 seconds.
20:08Yeah, that's 16.
20:12Five seconds.
20:19Oh, no.
20:20You almost got seven, and now they're starting to collapse on you.
20:25You didn't make it, but congratulations on your attempt.
20:27Thank you very much.
20:29Lauren, congratulations.
20:30Nice fitting.
20:31You're going on to the championship round.
20:32$2,000 at stake.
20:33It's coming up next.
20:34Don't go away.
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23:02Get a great free offer and have a great summer.
23:10All right, welcome back.
23:11We're here with our champion, Lauren, who so far has $80 to spend here in the mall,
23:15but now you have a shot at $2,000 to spend here in the gallery of Tyler.
23:19Good luck to you.
23:20You know, we obviously, we like to clown around a lot here at Born Lucky.
23:24So these five games are all dedicated to the circus, the big top.
23:28And no circus can begin without the ringmaster, Lauren.
23:31So you have to come over here in your first game, put on the ringmaster's hat and put
23:35on the jacket.
23:38Once you do that, you need to shoot the human cannon.
23:40And that's our Ken doll here.
23:41You just shove him into the cannon and launch him.
23:45That's what you have to do.
23:46Next, you'll come over here, take off your top hat, put on your pith helmet, and we are
23:50going to throw four animals through Jonathan's ring of fire.
23:55Just do it like that.
23:57You have to get four of those.
23:58Next, you'll come down here and it's time for the side show.
24:01And you're going to be the bearded lady.
24:02So you have to put on the beard and you have to put on the lady's wig.
24:07And then I'm going to give you a part of the name of something that you would find at the
24:12You have to complete that name.
24:13For example, if I said bearded, you would say lady.
24:18You need four of those.
24:19You come down here and it's time for the clowns act.
24:21So you put on the clown's wig, you put on the clown's red nose, and then I'm going to
24:26give you, you have these numbered horns here, I'm going to give you a sequence of numbers
24:30and you have to play that sequence on these horns.
24:33You have to get three of those.
24:35And then finally, you'll step over here.
24:37We have these three umbrellas for you.
24:38You have to put on this balancing hat, the acrobat's hat, put it on, take one of the
24:43umbrellas upside down, stick it on the inside of that hat, and then hold the other two umbrellas
24:48upside down in your hands so that you have all three of them balanced.
24:53That's it.
24:55All right.
24:56Good luck, Lauren.
24:57All right.
24:58You get $100 each time you get one complete, and if you get all five of them, it's $2,000.
24:59All right.
25:00You can pass on any of them that you like along the way, but in order to win the $2,000,
25:08you have to come back and finish that fifth stunt, and you can only pass on one of them.
25:12And you have to do it all in a minute and a half, Lauren, so let's put a minute and
25:15a half on the clock.
25:16Good luck.
25:17Root them on, gang.
25:18Lauren, go.
25:20All right.
25:21Get some hits on us.
25:22One, two, three, four.
25:23Don't hurt them, man.
25:25Put on the bearded lady's outfit.
25:26Now, you're going to finish this.
25:27Sword blank.
25:30Side blank.
25:33All right.
25:34All right.
25:35All right.
25:36All right.
25:37All right.
25:38All right.
25:39All right.
25:40All right.
25:41All right.
25:42All right.
25:43All right.
25:44All right.
25:45All right.
25:46All right.
25:47Fire blank.
25:50Fire blank.
25:57Let's go to the next one.
25:58Tight blank.
25:59Tight rope.
26:01Lion blank.
26:05Come on over here.
26:06Put on the clown's outfit.
26:07You have 47 seconds.
26:09Don't lose the nose there.
26:10Put that on.
26:11And play this.
26:12Five, one, three, two, four.
26:14Four, four, two, five, one.
26:16One, five, three, four, two.
26:18One, five, three, four, two.
26:21Balance them.
26:22You have 15 seconds.
26:23Oh, gotta get another hat.
26:24Seven seconds.
26:25Wrong. One, five, three, four, two.
26:30Right, okay, balance them.
26:36Yeah, 15 seconds.
26:39Oh, gotta get another hat.
26:45Seven seconds.
26:47Nope, not up there.
26:52So close, Lauren, so close, but you didn't get it.
26:55But you didn't complete four of them, that's $400.
26:57One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred
27:01dollars for you.
27:01Oh, yeah.
27:02Congratulations, you're a good sport
27:03and a good circus ring leader, or ring master,
27:06whatever they call it.
27:07Keep an eye out at your local mall.
27:09We might show up some day to find out whether or not
27:11you were born lucky.
27:12See you next time, everybody.
27:15Oh, yeah.
27:43Born Lucky is a Stone Stanley Production.
