• 10 hours ago


00:00Time now for you to test your writing skills on The Next Line.
00:09Hey, hey, hey. Guess who just got back from the plastic surgeon.
00:13Get in here and let me have a look at you.
00:15And here, ready with his next line, our host, Kevin Frank.
00:20Thank you. Thank you. Welcome to The Next Line.
00:24Thank you. The last line was, let me have a look at you.
00:28The next line is, you look great as a woman.
00:31That's how our game is played.
00:33Our contestants are asked to select the correct next line
00:35in five somewhat unusual situations.
00:37It's fun, it's fast, and now let's meet our experts.
00:40Are you sure you want to do this, Kevin?
00:42Okay then, expert number one, Veena Sood.
00:47Expert number two, Mr. Neil Crow.
00:52Followed by Janelda Williams.
00:57And our expert number four, Pete Barbute.
01:03Welcome, panelists. Now we've met our panelists.
01:06Now let's meet our contestants.
01:08Today on the show we have Irene, Bob, Joyce, and Jim.
01:11Welcome to the show.
01:14Welcome to the show, Jim.
01:16Tell us, what do you do for a living?
01:18I work for a drug store in town.
01:20I don't sell drugs, but I carry them.
01:22And the rest of the time I hang out at Kids Beach.
01:24And I'd like to say hi to the Kids Beach crowd.
01:26They're out there. Hi, guys.
01:28They have a television out on the beach?
01:30Oh, they do. They have radios and everything.
01:32Sounds like a great beach. Good luck on today's show.
01:34And Joyce, welcome. What do you do for a living?
01:36I work for a major food store.
01:38And my hobbies are karaoke singing and shopping.
01:42Well, we've got some singing and shopping as well.
01:46Maybe you can join in later.
01:48Bob, welcome to the show. What do you do for a living?
01:50I'm self-employed. I've got a clothing agency business.
01:53So you're an agent for clothes?
01:55Good. And you take 15%?
01:5720, sometimes.
01:59I'm glad you're not my agent.
02:03And Irene, welcome to the show.
02:05What do you do for a living?
02:07I'm a realtor with a major real estate company.
02:09And we won't use the name, right?
02:11No. I'm an ex-school teacher, part-time mother.
02:13And I write personal poetry.
02:15And we have a real surprise for you right now, Kevin.
02:19Oh, and what would be that surprise?
02:21Are you ready?
02:25One, two, three, four.
02:27My friends think it's really fine.
02:29I should be on the next line.
02:31So they're here to cheer me on.
02:33I'm in the drip. I'm gone!
02:37That's great!
02:41Kind of a rap thing.
02:43Very nice.
02:45I think we've lost you, and you already have an agent.
02:47Well done.
02:49Well, if you think that that's real fine,
02:51we're going to sing the very next line.
02:53And we're going down to the town after this,
02:55and then we're going to see what happens next.
02:57Keep going! Keep going!
02:59We have the audience in here.
03:01Well, everybody's settled.
03:03Let's start with our game here.
03:05We're going to show you a film clip.
03:07It's going to freeze on one line of dialogue.
03:09Their job is to give you the next line,
03:11and your job is to wager on the panelist
03:13you think is giving you basically the correct next line.
03:15We're going to start you all off with 100 points.
03:17The odds in this first round are even at one to one.
03:19And you can wager up to half your points.
03:21One more thing, there are five rounds in this whole game.
03:23If you're correct all five times,
03:25we're going to give you this.
03:27You will win a fabulous set of hand-knit
03:29pallets and sweaters from the exclusive Tuak collection.
03:31Traditional native patterns
03:33timelessly crafted in pure wool.
03:35Tuak, the only one.
03:37And then, set your sights on a pair of Bushnell binoculars
03:39from the Spectator series.
03:41The perfect sport binocular, Bushnell.
03:45Thank you. All right.
03:47Shall we? Let's have a look at our very first clip.
04:17How do you feel?
04:29There you have it.
04:31The last line is, how do you feel?
04:33Actually, that was the first line, too.
04:35And now let's go to our experts and find out
04:37what they think the next line is.
04:39We're going to start with Veena.
04:41Well, as you can probably remember,
04:43this is a piece from Cyrano de Bergerac.
04:45It's about three musketeers, and they're fighting over a woman.
04:47And in the period of 1720,
04:49when this is depicted,
04:51when you win the sword fight,
04:53you win the woman.
04:55And so he says, I feel like a wench.
04:59Okay, so Veena says the next line is,
05:01I feel like a wench.
05:03Neil, what do you think?
05:05It wasn't a wrench.
05:07This is, of course, that great classic film,
05:09Cyrano de Bergerac, starring José Farrar.
05:11And it's a buccaneer film, as you see.
05:13There's a lot of swashbuckling and whatnot.
05:15And he's just finished dueling
05:17with two or three dozen of these buccaneers.
05:19And the guy says, how do you feel?
05:21He says, I feel like a million bucks.
05:25Neil says the next line is,
05:27I feel like a million bucks.
05:29Wouldn't it be francs if it was in France?
05:31No, no, bucks, buccaneers.
05:33Oh, right. Okay. Thank you so much.
05:35What happens is,
05:37you don't know if the three people
05:39that he's actually fighting are women.
05:41And that was revealed earlier in the clip,
05:43but you didn't get a chance to see that.
05:45So he says, how do you feel?
05:47He says, pleasantly exhilarated.
05:49Pleasantly exhilarated, according to Tanelda.
05:51Now let's go down to Pete.
05:53It's not how do you feel.
05:55Pete's shocked.
05:57She's such an animal.
05:59Actually, if you've seen Cyrano,
06:01you know that the entire thing,
06:03it's a linguistic
06:07The whole movie is based on
06:09puns and the wonderful use
06:11of the English language and so forth.
06:13And all of the swords that he
06:15dispensed with there, then he threw away his own
06:17sword. And the guy walks up and he says,
06:19how do you feel? And in a pun there,
06:21Cyrano, played by Indeed José,
06:23looks at him and he says, a bit out of swords.
06:25That's out of swords.
06:27A bit out of swords.
06:2980 points for that, Pete.
06:31We've got some folks in the audience, but they can't play.
06:33Contestants, place your bets on the panelist
06:35you think is giving basically the correct next line.
06:37The last line was, how do you feel? Vena?
06:39I feel like a wench. Neal?
06:41I feel like a million bucks. Donalda?
06:43Pleasantly exhilarated. Pete?
06:45A bit out of swords. There you have it.
06:47We're waiting for all the bets to be in.
06:49Bobby can lift you up.
06:51Only the cat on the end.
06:53He's the only cat betting money.
06:55Let's find out if he
06:57in fact bet on the right one. May we see
06:59the actual next line?
07:33How do you feel?
07:35Pleasantly exhilarated.
07:37There you have it.
07:39Donalda had the correct next line.
07:41We are looking for Donalda's name.
07:43We're going to start here with Irene.
07:45Irene, you wagered 10 points. We'll add that to your score.
07:47We're looking for Donalda. Who did you bet on?
07:49I voted for Pete.
07:51I wanted Donalda, but I like
07:53puns, so I had to change to Pete.
07:55I see. You voted on Pete.
07:57Bob, you wagered 10 points. We'll add that to your score.
07:59Who did you bet on?
08:03You also wagered 10 points.
08:05We're looking for Donalda's name. Who did you wager on?
08:09It was very convincing, wasn't it?
08:11Now let's go down to Jim. A very large wager.
08:1340 points. We're looking for Donalda's name.
08:15Who did you bet on?
08:17Vena. She thinks a lot like me.
08:19Well, that's round one. We'll be back with round two
08:21where we increase the odds to two to one
08:23right after these messages.
08:29This beautiful little girl is Annie.
08:31She lives with her family overseas in this horrible slum.
08:33Annie's parents are so poor
08:35they can't even afford a decent pair of shoes
08:37to protect her feet from these
08:39rocky, filthy streets.
08:41Hello. I'm Walter Coppedge for Children International.
08:43Please, call the number
08:45on your screen now.
08:47We'll send you this information kit absolutely free
08:49without any obligation
08:51with a photo and family history of a special
08:53little boy or girl who needs your love.
08:55In just a few days, your kit will arrive
08:57in the mail, and you can read all about your child.
08:59Her health, her family, and living conditions.
09:01You can hold her picture in your hand
09:03and learn how you can change her life.
09:05Then, if you decide to become her sponsor,
09:07your monthly gift is only $12.
09:09Your $12 a month
09:11will help provide reliable medical care,
09:13including annual checkups
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09:23In return, you will receive the love of your child
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09:27Each year, you'll receive personal letters
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09:31All this for just $12 a month.
09:33This affordable program is possible
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09:39If you could help change
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09:47With Children International, you can.
09:49But remember,
09:51don't send any money now.
09:53Just call the number on your screen
09:55to get your free information kit.
09:57There is absolutely no obligation.
09:59Your love and support can do so much
10:01for one special child like Annie.
10:03Please, call now.
10:05For free information
10:07on how to help a child like Annie,
10:09call 1-800-241-0700.
10:11Operators are standing by.
10:13Find out how you can change
10:15one child's life with simple
10:17but important things like a pair of shoes.
10:19That's 1-800-241-0700.
10:21Please, call now.
10:25We're back.
10:27It's time for round two.
10:29And contestants, in this round,
10:31we've increased the odds to 2-1.
10:33It's still anybody's game.
10:35And remember, you can wager up to half your points.
10:37Now, this segment, we did a very silly thing.
10:39We let these people loose in the streets
10:41and we videotaped them.
10:43And again, we're going to stop it on a line of dialogue.
10:45They will suggest the next line.
10:47Your job is to wager on the panelist
10:49that gives you basically the correct next line.
10:51And I should warn you,
10:53although one or more of our panelists
10:55may appear in this clip,
10:57they're under no obligation to tell the truth.
10:59So keep that in mind and let's roll our
11:01loony in the street.
11:03Oh, oh, oh, oh!
11:05At last, water!
11:07And you know, speaking of water...
11:09Abbott, the last line is
11:11speaking of water.
11:13Now let's go to our experts.
11:15We'll start with Neil this time.
11:17Well, this is Vena, of course,
11:19doing a wonderful character.
11:21And what she's saying is, speaking of water,
11:23don't you think it's about time
11:25they took the instructions off shampoo bottles?
11:29Okay, Neil suggests that's the next line.
11:31Now let's go over to Danelda.
11:33How you, in all good conscience,
11:35can waste these people's time?
11:37You see, that woman's very British,
11:39very conservative.
11:41She's trying to abandon that background.
11:43She says, let's all go skinny dipping.
11:45All right, so Danelda suggests
11:47the next line is, let's all go skinny dipping.
11:49The next line,
11:51and she is being very British,
11:53is this very snotty line
11:55where she says, speaking of water,
11:57I never drink it because I know what fish do in it.
12:01Okay, so that's Pete's suggestion
12:03for the next line.
12:05Let's go to Vena now.
12:07Folks, folks, trust me, that was me up there.
12:09I remember what I said. I did it.
12:11I said, speaking of water, I was doing a joke
12:13on pregnancy, speaking of water,
12:15mine just broke.
12:17There you have it, four possibilities.
12:19One of those is basically correct.
12:21The odds are two to one in this round,
12:23so place your bets.
12:25Let's do a quick recap. The last line was,
12:27speaking of water, Vena? Mine just broke.
12:29Neil? Don't you think it's about time
12:31we took the instructions off shampoo bottles?
12:33Danelda? Let's go skinny dipping.
12:35Pete? I never drink it because I know
12:37what fish do in it. There you have it.
12:39Are all bets in, Jim?
12:41Okay, all bets are in. Let's roll the clip
12:43and find out that actual next line.
12:45Oh, oh, oh, oh.
12:47At last, water.
12:49And you know, speaking of water,
12:51don't you think it's about time they took
12:53the instructions off of shampoo bottles?
12:55There you have it.
12:57Neil has the correct next line.
12:59We are looking for Neil's name. Two to odds in this round.
13:01We're going to start with Bob. Bob, you wagered 30 points.
13:03We'll add 60 to your score if Neil's name is in there.
13:05Who did you bet on? Neil.
13:0760 to your score.
13:09Joyce, you wagered 20 points.
13:11We'll add 40 to your score. We're looking for Neil.
13:13Pete, you wagered on Pete.
13:15Now over to Jim.
13:17You wagered on Pete.
13:1910 points off your score.
13:21Now down to Irene. You wagered 20 points.
13:23We're looking for Neil's name. Who did you bet on?
13:27Well, that's round two.
13:29We're going to start round three, but first, let's listen to this.
13:31While in Vancouver,
13:33celebrities and guests of the next line
13:35stay downtown at the Century Plaza All Suite Hotel.
13:37For Vancouver's best value
13:39and accommodation, call and ask for the
13:41TV viewers rate. Kevin?
13:45Thank you. All right, we're back.
13:47And this is round three, and the odds in this round
13:49are still two to one.
13:51Right now we have Bob
13:53in the lead with 150 points.
13:55We're still looking for our winner. Now this clip
13:57is our man in the street clip.
13:59Actual people are going to be reading something to you,
14:01and we're going to freeze it. You're going to hear four suggestions
14:03for the next line. Your job, again,
14:05still to wager on the panelist you think
14:07is giving basically the correct next line.
14:09Our man in the street clip.
14:11Pooler Jones,
14:13Lazy Plate, Jane Hill,
14:15Buckthorn, and Underwood
14:17Jack are all names for various
14:19types of...
14:21There's the last line, names for
14:23various types of, and now let's go to our
14:25experts. We're going to start with Donelda.
14:27Barbed wire.
14:29That's it.
14:31Just barbed wire.
14:33She's really selling that.
14:35That might be correct. Let's go to Pete.
14:37I'm afraid these people will know this.
14:39It's types of cheeses.
14:41Types of cheese.
14:43Types of cheese. All right, let's go to Veena.
14:45I was in the Maple Canadiana market
14:47the other day. It's types of
14:49pancake syrup. Types of
14:51pancake syrup from Veena. Neal, what do you think?
14:53Beneath this rugged exterior,
14:55I have a very tender skin, and these are
14:57types of skin rashes.
14:59Types of skin
15:01rashes. There's
15:03four possibilities. One of those is correct.
15:05Place your bets, two to one odds.
15:07Let's do a quick recap.
15:09These are names for various types of...
15:11Veena? Pancake syrup.
15:13Neal? Skin rashes. Donelda?
15:15Barbed wire. Pete? Cheese.
15:17Cheese, okay. One of those is
15:19correct. Let's wait for
15:21Irene to place her bet. No pressure.
15:25There it...
15:27We didn't see that. Now let's run
15:29our clip and find out the actual next line.
15:35Neal, Buckthorn, and Underwood Jack
15:37are all names for various types
15:39of barbed wire.
15:41There you have it. Barbed wire is the
15:43next line. We are looking for Donelda's name.
15:45We're going to start down with Joyce
15:47this time. Joyce, you wagered 20 points.
15:49We'll add 40 to your score. We're looking for Donelda's
15:51name. Who did you bet on? Veena again.
15:55Let's go over to Jim now. Jim, you wagered
15:5710 points, a little more conservative this time.
15:59We're looking for Donelda's name.
16:01Who did you bet on? Veena.
16:05You like her dress. Interesting.
16:07Now let's go to Irene. She was the last
16:09to bet. Maybe it's correct. You wagered
16:1120 points. We'll add 40 to your score. Who did you wager on?
16:15Veena. Very convincing, Veena.
16:17Over to Bob. Here's your chance to really add
16:19to your score. We'll add 80. Who did you
16:21bet on? Donelda.
16:23That's right.
16:27We'll be back in one hour and four
16:29right after this.
17:03So, Wayne, what's next
17:05in your quest for points? I really want to try
17:07boxing. Oh, pugilist.
17:09Hey, I'm Wayne. That's nice.
17:11The Great One has managed to elude every single
17:13punch, Roger. The champion's throwing everything.
17:15Hooks, uppercuts, left hooks.
17:17Gretzky's just ducking everything. It's unbelievable.
17:19Wayne, you don't get no points, you don't
17:21throw any punches. I've always won without
17:23fighting. Do you want points?
17:25Want to win in Durango? Got an ESO
17:27Extra Card? So use it. Now you can win
17:29and earn at ESO.
17:31Uh-oh, Wayne's still smiling. Swipe the card,
17:33win and earn.
17:35Maybe it's the unions, big business.
17:37Maybe it's the KKK and the skinheads.
17:39Maybe it's the daughters, maybe it's the sons.
17:41Maybe it's the brothers with the mothers with the guns.
17:43Come on, people now.
17:45Smile on your brother.
17:47Everybody get together.
17:49The artist of the decade
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18:21And enjoy your ride.
18:23Enjoy your ride.
18:25Enjoy your ride.
18:27For your free 300-page
18:29Louisiana tour guide and FrancoFed
18:31events calendar, call the number
18:33on your screen today.
18:37Come as you are.
18:39Leave different.
18:41Y'all got to love that Cajun flavor shop.
18:43Good job.
18:45We're back.
18:47And we're going to start round four.
18:49Bob has a commanding lead of 230 points.
18:51But the odds in this round have been
18:53increased to five to one.
18:55And the dialogue has been changed.
18:57We call this messed up movies.
18:59Your job is to pick the next line
19:01from four suggestions.
19:03Five to one odds.
19:05Let's show our mangled movie.
19:07Hey, hey, hey.
19:09Guess who just got back from the plastic surgeon.
19:11Get in here and let me have a look at you.
19:13What do you think, huh?
19:15Oh, those new shoulders look fantastic.
19:17New cheeks, too. Try them.
19:19New cheeks? Why, they look real.
19:21Oh, yeah. Go on.
19:23Nice rubber. Nice touch.
19:25Now let's go to our experts.
19:27And we're going to start with Pete.
19:29The next line is,
19:31what did you do with the old parts?
19:33Okay, what did you do with the old parts
19:35is Pete's suggestion for the next line.
19:37Veena, what do you think?
19:39Well, I think that because he's talking
19:41about all the different, you know,
19:43injected things that he's had put into his face,
19:45he's probably going to refer to more stuff.
19:47So he's going to say, yeah,
19:49silicone chin, too.
19:51Pete's suggestion for the next line,
19:53silicone chin, too. Neal.
19:55Well, sorry, Veen, but the key here
19:57is the word rubber, of course.
19:59Rubber, nice touch, and he pinches his chin
20:01and he says, is that steel-belted or radial?
20:03Okay, that's Neal's suggestion.
20:05Let's go to Donelda.
20:07If you look at the clip, you can see
20:09that he's actually staring now at his lips.
20:11And what he says is, is that collagen?
20:13Why don't you give me a kiss?
20:15Is that collagen?
20:17Why don't you give me a kiss is Donelda's suggestion.
20:19Basically correct. Five to one odds in this round.
20:21Contestants, place your bets.
20:25Any time, Irene.
20:29You have to bet before you see it.
20:31Then it wouldn't be a game.
20:35All bets are in. Let's roll that clip
20:37and find out the actual next line.
20:39Hey, hey, guess who just got back
20:41from the plastic surgeon.
20:43Get in here and let me have a look at you.
20:45What do you think, huh?
20:47Your shoulders look fantastic.
20:49New cheeks, too. Try them.
20:51New cheeks? Why, they look real.
20:53Oh, yeah, go on. Rubber.
20:55Nice touch.
20:57Yeah, silicone chin, too.
20:59There you have it. Silicone chin, too.
21:01That's Veena's next line.
21:03So we are looking for Veena's name.
21:05We're going to start down with Jim.
21:07Five to one odds. We'll add 50 to your score.
21:09We're looking for Veena. Who'd you bet on?
21:11Neal, I like rubber.
21:13He likes rubber.
21:15We'll add 50 to your score. Who'd you bet on?
21:17Not Veena.
21:19Not Veena.
21:21Over to Bob. You wagered 90 full points.
21:23We'll add 400.
21:25No, I'm sorry, 450.
21:27If Veena's name is in there, who'd you bet on?
21:31Okay. Over to Irene.
21:33Irene wagered 10 points. We'll add 50 to your score.
21:35Who'd you bet on?
21:37The only time, not Veena.
21:39Oh, Pete. Interesting.
21:41We're going to be back with round five
21:43in just a moment.
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23:41Just point and click. It's easy.
23:43Try it with me.
23:45Click on, click off. On, off.
23:51Good luck, everybody.
23:55We're back. It's time for the last round of the day.
23:57Contestants, in this round,
23:59we have increased the odds to 10-1.
24:01We are looking for our winner.
24:0390 points if you have them.
24:05Of course, I'm only talking to Bob.
24:07Now, this segment features
24:09the musical talents of our very own
24:11Pete Barbutti
24:13and the lyric writing talents of our panelists.
24:15Pete is going to play
24:17a song for you. You're going to hear
24:19four versions of the next line.
24:21Your job is to wager on the panelists that gives you
24:23or what you think is the correct next line.
24:25Pete, if you please.
24:31What kind...
24:33No, I'm sorry. That's the wrong one.
24:37Grapefruit is not a food for me.
24:39I tell you,
24:41grapefruit is not my cup of tea.
24:45I eat it for my hips,
24:47but how it burns my lips.
24:53There's one.
24:55Grapefruit is not a food for me.
24:57I tell you,
24:59grapefruit is not my cup of tea.
25:03You should always eat the rind,
25:05because it's good for your behind.
25:11Grapefruit is not a food for me.
25:15I tell you,
25:17grapefruit is not my cup of tea.
25:19When I eat it with a guest,
25:21it ends up on my chest.
25:29Grapefruit is not a food for me.
25:31I tell you,
25:33grapefruit is not my cup of tea.
25:37I will splash it in my eye,
25:39or spill it on my tie.
25:41Grapefruit is not a food for me.
25:45There you have it, contestants.
25:47Four possible next lines, ten to one odds.
25:49Place your bets.
25:51There we have it.
25:53All bets are in.
25:55And now, to reveal the correct next line,
25:57the correct one.
25:59Grapefruit is not a food for me.
26:01I tell you,
26:03grapefruit is not my cup of tea.
26:05I will splash it on my tie,
26:07or squirt it in my eye.
26:11Grapefruit is not my cup of tea.
26:15Who was that?
26:17That was Pete's.
26:19So we are looking for Pete's name, ten to one odds.
26:21We're going to go down to Jim.
26:23Jim, you wagered 30 points.
26:27Let's go down to Joyce.
26:29Joyce, you wagered your full 40 points.
26:31We'll add 400 to your score.
26:33We're looking for Pete's name.
26:35Who did you wager on?
26:37Down to Irene.
26:39Irene, you wagered 40 points.
26:41We'll add 400 to your score.
26:43Who did you bet on?
26:47Bob, you have 140 points.
26:49We'll add 300 to that if, in fact,
26:51you bet on Pete.
26:53With 140 points, Bob wins today.
26:57You've won an exciting
26:59sun and fun houseboat vacation.
27:01Fish, swim, relax on beautiful Shishaw Lake.
27:03Your sun and fun houseboat is fully equipped.
27:05Unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.
27:07Sun and fun houseboat vacations.
27:09Congratulations, Bob.
27:11Let's hold on.
27:15Okay. Congratulations, Bob.
27:17You are the winner today.
27:19Irene, Joyce, Jim, thank you for being on today's show.
27:21And thank you, panelists, for hitting those wonderful necklines.
27:23We'll see you next time
27:25on The Next Line. Bye-bye.
28:05Each of our partying contestants
28:07will receive a gift package from Grimm's
28:09finest sausage, your assurance of quality.
28:11Celebrity catering has been provided
28:13by Edinburgh Post Restaurant in Vancouver,
28:15the finest in English and North American cuisine.
28:43Experience the 4077th
28:45all over again.
28:47Join Hawkeye, BJ, and Hot Lips
28:49for two episodes of MASH,
28:51weekdays starting at 4 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Pacific,
28:53only on Prime,
28:55Canada's entertainment network.
