• 3 minutes ago


00:00$ale of the Century.
00:18From resorts in Atlantic City, it's Rockos!
00:22It's memorable, it's menacing,
00:25it's so magnificent, it's magical,
00:28it's maniacally amazing, Jonathan!
00:37All right.
00:43Are you all ready to raise a ruckus?
00:51Let me see this.
00:52Oh, man, you know, some people want you to pick money so bad,
00:56they will go to a print shop and have something beautiful
01:02like this made.
01:04Well, pick me Groucho.
01:08Now, had you said pick me amazing Jonathan,
01:10you would have been up here, but no.
01:14That ain't bad, old man.
01:16Well, we are going to do something so strange.
01:24Where's that envelope?
01:25Drop that envelope down.
01:26Where is it at?
01:27Drop it down.
01:28I've made a prediction before this show started
01:31of what you guys are going to say to me right now.
01:34There is no way to get to this prediction.
01:37I want Charlene or Helen,
01:38would you bring out a magic marker?
01:40We are going to construct a sentence,
01:42and that sentence, well, let's just pay people
01:45to construct a sentence.
01:46You guys want to help me?
01:47Let's have a hand for Helen, ladies and gentlemen.
01:56Okay, you want to write or do you want me to write?
01:58I'll write, I'll write.
01:59Okay, let's do this.
02:01We'll start with the word I.
02:03It's very simple, I, stand up, sir.
02:08Here's $50, give me a word.
02:11I like, okay, let's just go,
02:12can we go out into the crowd on this?
02:15You, stand up, I like what?
02:27I'm not a big Redskins fan.
02:32I like Redskins.
02:36The football team, right?
02:37Okay, you're not making a statement
02:39as to your lifestyle.
02:41All right.
02:45All right.
02:46I like Redskins potatoes.
02:47Oh, she changed it to potatoes.
02:48That's good, I like that.
02:50I like Redskins potatoes.
02:53Okay, now I'm going to add the word on and you.
03:01I like Redskins potatoes, on, take the $50,
03:04give me any word that you can think of.
03:06On, on, pleats?
03:10It's funner on, it's funner on pleats.
03:12On plates.
03:14Now, for the final one.
03:19For this final word, where's the paper?
03:22I have a ball of paper.
03:24Somebody catch this.
03:26Who's got it?
03:27The guy?
03:28Okay, come on up here for a second,
03:30take your $50 because you caught it.
03:31Come on, come on, come on.
03:35Now, give me the final word, anything at all.
03:39Give me the final word.
03:40I like Redskins potatoes, on, pleats.
03:43Give, what?
03:44Any word, just make it up off the top.
03:46God, you're cute.
03:47I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you remind me of somebody I know.
03:54Give me a word.
03:58Dujour, how would you spell, D-U-J-O-U-R.
04:03Okay, now, in this envelope, above my head,
04:08I have predicted what you guys were going to say.
04:11I like Redskins potatoes, this is not gonna be easy,
04:14on, pleats, dujour.
04:16Now, bring out a chair so I can reach this.
04:19You hold this, go ahead.
04:20I want you to verify this, nothing is going to change.
04:23Okay, can I just pull that down or do I need scissors?
04:26I can just pull it down, okay.
04:27Watch me, if I fall, catch me,
04:29like the gentle feather I will be when I land on your head.
04:34Okay, oh, it's on a clipboard.
04:36Okay, good, now, get this out of the way
04:38so that nobody can get hurt.
04:40Now, watch this, I'm ripping open this,
04:44and inside of the envelope is a piece of paper, no tricks,
04:49I'm not doing any switches, ladies and gentlemen.
04:52I predicted, I like Redskin potatoes,
04:57on, pleats, dujour.
05:00You got that?
05:08Okay, we will be back, we are going to a commercial,
05:12and we got some fun, fun, fun games for you all.
05:17Stick around, everybody.
05:18Pound for pound, Rutgers gives you more value
05:21than any other TV show in our price range.
05:26Game Show Network is hitting a re...
05:30All right, all right, all right.
05:33Well, we got some fun stuff planned for you today,
05:36as you can kind of see without knowing what's going on.
05:39We are going to now play a game called the Tub Race.
05:43We are going to pit two college teams against each other.
05:47I think we know, Rutgers.
05:50What's the other team?
05:52Yeah, all right, let's bring them out
05:54and meet our contestant.
05:56They're blindfolded, they are blindfolded.
06:03Jim Bradley.
06:05Yes, John.
06:06Tell us what they are going to have to do.
06:08Okay, Jonathan, the blue and the red tub riders
06:10have to maneuver their laundry tubs
06:11around the ruckus freeway,
06:14using their blindfolded partners for propulsion.
06:17The first team to complete the events
06:18and cross the finish line will win $500.
06:23We got Rutgers and Glassboro.
06:25Nice to meet you guys.
06:26All right, well, who's going to be in the tub?
06:29You're going to be? Get in, get in the tub.
06:31Okay, Rutgers in red, Glassboro in blue.
06:35Yeah, put your legs over,
06:36that seems to be the best way.
06:38Now, you are going to be propelled
06:40by the blindfold drivers,
06:41so you have to tell them left, right, backwards, forwards.
06:44The Frisbees is the first one you got to go for.
06:48Now, this is tricky.
06:49You got to pick the Frisbees up.
06:51These are going to be worth money
06:54when you cross the finish line.
06:56Whoever has the most will give them $100 per Frisbee.
06:59Are you ready?
07:03I want everybody to do this.
07:06This is the obstacle.
07:07On your mark, get set, go.
07:08On your mark, get set, go!
07:13Okay, you guys can bump each other.
07:15You guys can bump each other.
07:17Oh, yeah.
07:19Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit.
07:23As soon as the horn beeps.
07:25As soon as the horn beeps, you must move on.
07:28Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit.
07:33Yes, yes.
07:34The red team, the red team is going.
07:36Go, get him, get him, get him.
07:38Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit.
07:42Oh, you won. He's going.
07:43Hit, the horn beeps.
07:44That's it, go to the next one.
07:46Now, they must get the Frisbee in the window.
07:49The first one to get the Frisbee in the window
07:51moves on to the next event.
07:53Yes, go, go, go, go.
07:55Go over to here now, go over here.
07:58The first one to knock over the shampoo bottle wins.
08:02You got to knock over the red one.
08:03He knocked over the green.
08:04You both advanced, you both advanced.
08:07Okay, now you have to get the bar of soap.
08:09You have to get the bar of soap out with the Frisbee.
08:12If you lose your Frisbee in the water, it stays there.
08:15Okay, oh, you got to use the claw
08:18to use the Frisbee to get the soap.
08:21Go to the right, go to the right,
08:22back and to the right, back and to the right.
08:23Oh, he's going off the stage.
08:25He's going to knock him off into the stage area.
08:27Back up, back up, back up.
08:30Okay, did you get the bar of soap out with the Frisbee?
08:33Oh, no, you have to use the claw.
08:36You have to use the claw, you guys.
08:38Oh, yeah, that's a little harder, isn't it?
08:42And now, and now the finish line.
08:46Strength, strength, strength, strength.
08:48Who is going to get the $500?
08:50Who is going to get the $500?
08:52Bump each other, bump each other, bump each other.
08:55Rutgers is the winner.
09:00Rutgers, Rutgers.
09:04You guys win.
09:06Come on over here, both of you.
09:08How many Frisbees you got?
09:10You got one left.
09:11After all this stuff, they got one Frisbee left.
09:13We add that to the $500 for crossing the line.
09:15That's a total of $600 to the Rutgers team.
09:19We got one, two, three.
09:22We got one, two, three.
09:25There you are.
09:26Rutgers is the winner.
09:27Welcome back, guys.
09:31While Rutgers takes a break,
09:32you might want to study the following commercials
09:34very carefully for hidden messages.
09:41Want to know...
09:42And those commercials didn't hurt a bit, did they?
09:46What we're going to do is we're going to play a game
09:48called On the Roll.
09:49We have two teams, one red, one blue.
09:52Let's bring them out, please,
09:54and meet our new Rutgers contestants.
09:56Wow, wow, wow.
10:01Good, good.
10:03Well, we've got one good-looking team
10:05and we got one really ugly team.
10:06I'll let you guys figure that one out.
10:08Well, oh, what do we got for me?
10:12Why? Oh, okay, yeah, we'll do a cool trick.
10:14That's fine.
10:15Well, let's use...
10:17Let's use you.
10:18You look good. Come on over.
10:20Oh, my God, you look like our makeup ladies.
10:22Where's... Bring her out here for a second.
10:24You look just like our makeup lady.
10:25Hold this for a second.
10:26What we're going to do is...
10:29Well, you're not like... Give me that.
10:31You're like Darth Vader with the laser ray.
10:33Vroom, vroom.
10:36I'll hold it.
10:37What's your name?
10:38Mary Kay. Mary Kay?
10:40You're like our makeup lady and your name's Mary Kay.
10:42Wow, wow, wow.
10:45Ha, ha, ha, ha.
10:47Okay, Mary Kay,
10:50I'm going to be your little spool dispenser.
10:52Go ahead and take about as much off as you usually use.
10:55Ha, ha, ha, ha.
10:56All right, that's good enough.
10:58What I'm going to do is I am going to put this in my hand.
11:02You want to hold the microphone
11:03if you don't do the laser ray thing again?
11:04All right, just down there like it's a microphone
11:07because it is.
11:08Now, I'm going to place this in my hand.
11:10You blow on it and it'll be gone, okay?
11:13Nobody else is going to see how I do this either.
11:15Here we go. Ready?
11:17Blow on it, Mary Kay!
11:18It's completely gone.
11:20Isn't that neat?
11:21I know it is neat.
11:22Wait, we'll do it again. We'll do it again.
11:25This time we'll use a bigger ball
11:26just so that maybe she'll catch it.
11:28Okay, I'm going to place it in my hand.
11:30You blow on it. It'll be gone, okay?
11:32You ready? Here we go.
11:34Blow on it, Mary Kay!
11:35It's completely gone.
11:37No, it's not up there. We'll try it again.
11:39One more time, though.
11:41One more time to give you the full advantage
11:44you've seen these days.
11:46Now, here we go.
11:47I roll it into a big ball, okay?
11:50Now, I'm going to place it in my hand.
11:52You blow on it. It'll be gone.
11:54Okay, blow on it!
11:57You don't know how it's done, do you?
11:59Turn around and look.
12:02I guess that went right over your head, didn't it?
12:04All right.
12:05Now, Jim Bradley, tell us
12:07what all our contestants are going to do.
12:08Okay, Jonathan, our two teams are racing
12:10to unravel their rolls of TP.
12:12Letters are hidden on the tubes in the middle of the rolls,
12:15and those letters spell out a word.
12:16The team that unscrambles the word
12:18and puts the tubes on the pole in order
12:20will win and split $600.
12:25They have to do it from top to bottom.
12:28Whatever the word is,
12:29it has to be the first letter on the top.
12:31What's TP, Jim? That's where Indians live.
12:33We call it toilet paper here in Jersey.
12:35Are you ready?
12:37Contestants, the best way to do this, we found,
12:39is to throw it up in the air and make a mess.
12:42Stay kind of, stay where your positions are.
12:44Yeah, throw it up and get it.
12:45The faster you can unroll it, the more you're going to win.
12:47On your mark, get set, go!
12:49Say it's only a game.
12:50Oh, that's the way to do it.
12:51Ooh, 4th of July.
12:53Oh, say, can you see?
12:57All right, when you unroll,
12:58when you finally get to the bottom of the roll,
13:01find out what letter is on the spool,
13:02on the inner spool,
13:04and put it there on your little spindle.
13:06Okay, but you guys are making a mess.
13:08They all are staying after school to clean this up.
13:12Oh, I think this blue team, this blue team...
13:14Oh, we got one. The red team's got one.
13:16The blue team's got one.
13:17That's pretty much equal. Push them down.
13:19Push them all down. Yes, good.
13:21Blue team's got three.
13:22Oh, look at them hunting search over here.
13:24There's one for the red team.
13:25Okay, then you have to unscramble the word
13:27and find out what the word is.
13:29We do not want the audience...
13:31We do not want the audience to tell them what it is,
13:32if you know.
13:33Okay, what is the word? What is the word?
13:35Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up.
13:37Don't say anything. Don't say...
13:39Oh, I think they found it.
13:41I heard one of the blue people.
13:43We want the top letter on the top.
13:45Oh, well, there it is.
13:50You were stupid.
13:51You were as stupid as the word.
13:54Oh, no.
13:56Sometimes I fool myself on this trip.
13:59There it is. Congratulations.
14:01We are going to pay the winners now,
14:03and we're going to a commercial.
14:04Let's give the winner the money.
14:06We'll be right back after this.
14:08$ale of the Century is your home.
14:11Put on your picking caps,
14:12working shoes and body armor.
14:15Reach for the stars is next.
14:18$ale of the Century is your home.
14:21$ale of the Century is your home.
14:24$ale of the Century is your home.
14:27$ale of the Century is your home.
14:30Once again, for your pleasure,
14:33the amazing Jonathan.
14:38We are back.
14:40We are back, and it is time to play...
14:46Oh, knock it off.
14:48We are back. Let's meet our contestants.
14:50We got Jenny. How are you?
14:51Can I call you Jenny?
14:53You don't mind? Okay.
14:54We have Odie.
14:56And we have Sherry.
14:58Jim Bradley.
15:01Yes, sir. Tell us about Reach.
15:02What'd you do, Jim?
15:03Okay. When a player answers
15:05a toss-up question correctly,
15:06they get a chance to run to a star.
15:08They control the universe
15:09as long as they can perform the stunts
15:11and answer your questions correctly.
15:13As soon as they miss,
15:14it's a chance for someone else to reach for a star.
15:18Okay. Are you guys ready?
15:20All right. Put your hands above your buzzers.
15:21Get ready. Let's start the clock now.
15:23Go. Complete the title of this famous novel.
15:25War and...
15:28Sherry. Peace is correct.
15:29Go. Reach for the star.
15:30Bring it back to me.
15:31This is a stunt, and it's worth $300
15:34if you successfully perform it.
15:36Stand here in the square, Sherry.
15:38What you got to do is throw one,
15:39just one of the three bears,
15:41in the swinging child's chair.
15:44Bang. Oh, no.
15:45Get another star.
15:46That was amazing.
15:48That was amazing.
15:49$200 question.
15:50In which state would you find
15:51the Church Hill Downs race track?
15:54Kentucky is right. Reach for another star.
15:56This is a stunt, and it's worth another $300
15:59if she successfully does it.
16:00One of these apples has marbles in it.
16:02Find the apple. Which one?
16:03Watch the fingers there.
16:04Charlene's almost...
16:05Oh, you got it.
16:07That's the one.
16:08Thanks. Okay, good.
16:09Oh, this is worth $150.
16:13In what sport did Dorothy Hamill win fame?
16:15Ice skating.
16:16Ice skating is right. Go.
16:17Good. It's a stunt.
16:18Worth $1,000.
16:22Okay, all you got to do is
16:24hold the sugar bag on your head,
16:26and Helen will pull the cork out.
16:27You fill that bowl to the top for me.
16:29Go. Oh, yeah.
16:31Oh, that, uh, yeah, yeah.
16:33Oh, I think she's gonna win herself $1,000.
16:37Good. Reach for another star.
16:42Oh, who played Tootsie?
16:44Uh, Dustin Hoffman.
16:45Yes, Dustin Hoffman.
16:46Good. She is the ruler of this universe, kids.
16:49All right, a stunt worth $200.
16:51All you have to do is lie on the floor
16:53out of the sugary mess.
16:55Well, there's no out of the mess on this stage.
16:57All right, diaper yourself. Go.
16:59Diaper yourself.
17:00Oh, yeah, they got to have the pin.
17:02We want to see the whole thing,
17:03and we want you to stand up and share it.
17:06Oh, she's not gonna make this one.
17:08She's not gonna even get the pin open on this one.
17:11She's not even gonna...
17:12No, stand up and go back to your buzzer.
17:14Oh, you big baby.
17:17Fire engine, scarlet, and crimson
17:20are all shades of what color?
17:21Jennifer, you're in the game, baby.
17:25Okay, this is a $200 question.
17:28Acorn, butternut, and zucchini
17:30are all what vegetables?
17:33Yes, squash, that's the variety you were looking for.
17:34Okay, $250.
17:36What does the M in Richard Milhouse...
17:38Oh, this blue one.
17:40No, okay, we'll give her that one.
17:43That one's hers.
17:44$300 stunt.
17:46All you have to do is now put the hat on,
17:48use the mirror, and we want...
17:50Geez, on every one of the crackers on this hat.
17:52If you miss, it's just gonna go on the hat.
17:56Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:57Okay, all right, all right.
18:00Oh, oh, oh, oh.
18:02She's gonna make it.
18:04Yeah, there isn't even one back there.
18:06What do you tell her, but she got all of them.
18:08Good, reach for another star.
18:10Bring it back to me.
18:13This is a $200 question.
18:14What color precedes the words opportunity,
18:16police, and rule?
18:19What color precedes the word...
18:21Oh, anyone else know?
18:23What color precedes...
18:24No, no one knows.
18:25Go back, we're gonna ask you another question.
18:27What city is home to the baseball team, the Brewers?
18:29What city has the Brewers?
18:31What city has the Brewers?
18:32Anybody, anybody?
18:34Oh, no, Milwaukee.
18:37Ace, love, and love are all terms in which sport?
18:41Oh, go, Jenny, you got it again.
18:43Reach for a star, this is worth $250.
18:45What famous canal connects the Atlantic
18:47and the Pacific Ocean?
18:49What famous canal?
18:51Oh, anybody else know?
18:53Oh, Otis. Panama.
18:54Panama, you are in the game, Otis.
18:56Oh, no, don't slip in the sugar.
19:00This is a stunt worth $400,
19:02which could put Otis in the game.
19:04We want you to throw the balloon up.
19:06Then, run, get the bucket, make it land in the balloon.
19:08You have to throw the balloon up first,
19:10then go get the bucket.
19:11Yes, that's the way, pop it up high.
19:12Get it, get it, get it.
19:13Oh, come on.
19:15Good, good.
19:16Reach for another star, Otis.
19:19Good, this is a $250 stunt.
19:21All you got to do, put the chicken between your legs,
19:23hop to the next chicken, all right?
19:26No, uh, uh, uh, uh.
19:28That's the time, it's run out, chicken legs.
19:32Which means that Sharon is ahead by $2,400.
19:40Yahoo, that was close, that was close.
19:43Thank you very much.
19:44All right, you are the winner, Sharon.
19:50And that is your game.
19:54Thank you all very much.
20:13Production assistance and accommodations
20:14for the Ruckus staff provided by Merv Griffin's Resorts Casino
20:18Hotel, Atlantic City.
