• yesterday
in a future Los Angeles where cops are forbidden to carry weapons, a maverick cop breaks all the rules to bring down a wanted man with super human strength
00:00:30I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:32I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:34I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:36I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:38I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:40I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:42I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:44I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:46I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:48I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:50I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:52I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:54I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:56I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:00:58I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:01:00I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:01:02I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:01:04I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but I'm going to have to do it.
00:01:06I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
00:01:24No one thought it would happen.
00:01:26This is the future.
00:01:28Los Angeles, California
00:01:30In an effort to stem the rising tide of crime,
00:01:32congress passed an
00:01:33forbidding the manufacture and sale of firearms.
00:01:36No one can carry a gun, not even the police.
00:01:53Watchman at the gate.
00:01:54Evacuate everyone to the three mile radius.
00:01:56Keep the news crew standing by.
00:01:58If this thing goes our way, I want them brought back in first.
00:02:01What do you got?
00:02:02The LRP scan indicates a high probability
00:02:04that this bomb's plastic, and it's
00:02:05located at the top of that tower.
00:02:07And our suspect?
00:02:08He's still sitting up there with the bomb, sir.
00:02:11Sir, let me take him, huh?
00:02:13I can hit him.
00:02:14You still got the remote detonator?
00:02:16Looks like a baby holding a rattle.
00:02:19Sir, I can hit this guy.
00:02:20Come on, sir, let me take him, huh?
00:02:21Yeah, and you missed.
00:02:22Just asked the city goodbye, no thank you.
00:02:25I called in the psych squad.
00:02:26Called in the psych squad, sir?
00:02:27Why would you do that?
00:02:29Psychotic plants a bomb in the middle of a petroleum refinery
00:02:31in the middle of the city, and says
00:02:33he's going to blow it up unless we execute some demons that
00:02:35are hunting him?
00:02:35I think that's a fucking desperate situation here.
00:02:38Don't you think, Morris?
00:02:39Yes, sir.
00:02:41Who are we calling in, sir?
00:02:47Oh, come on, we can't be that desperate, sir.
00:02:49I mean, the guy's a fucking psycho, all right?
00:02:50Well, then I guess it takes one to catch one.
00:02:52Anybody see the son of a bitch?
00:02:57Yeah, there he is right now.
00:03:07Alpha Charlie Baker, Tucker, do you read me?
00:03:10Alpha, engage.
00:03:11I've lost him.
00:03:12Please communicate with Tucker.
00:03:13I'm on my way.
00:03:16Nearing weapon one level, do you read me?
00:03:18This is Charlie.
00:03:19Alpha's in.
00:03:20Come in, please.
00:03:26Well, hello, Tucker.
00:03:27You look like shit, as usual.
00:03:29Thank you, Kelsey.
00:03:31Where's the loon?
00:03:33He's over there in the tower.
00:03:36Now, listen, Tucker, you're not going to make him mad, are you?
00:03:39I mean, he's got a bomb with a remote detonator
00:03:42in the tower there.
00:03:43And all these pipes here are full of natural gas.
00:03:46Relax, Commander.
00:03:47I'm just going to talk to the man.
00:03:50Yeah, well, the detonator's a radio transmitter.
00:03:51Just get it away from him so he can't trigger the bomb,
00:03:54all right?
00:03:59Hey, look at the time you're down there.
00:04:00What the hell are you looking at?
00:04:01Get out of here.
00:04:32Eagle, do you read me?
00:04:34Read you, sweetie.
00:04:36Eagle, you know I hate being called that.
00:04:38Would you just stick to business and read me the stats, please?
00:04:42Well, the incident analysis was based on initial eyewitness
00:04:44reports and FBI top-sheet data.
00:04:46But the computer's guessing your man is Mr. Pantalei, ex-Army,
00:04:51demolitions expert, medical discharge.
00:04:55And the site profile's borderline.
00:04:57The Army says he stole some plastic,
00:04:58but they can't prove it.
00:05:00No bust since he's been out.
00:05:02He's been working as a chauffeur at the Chrysalis Agency
00:05:04for the last eight months.
00:05:06Real high-rent job.
00:05:07Any priors before the Army?
00:05:09Any deal, that's all.
00:05:11The onsite scans indicate there's enough plastic in that
00:05:13bomb to fly you to the moon.
00:05:15So I'd want the next shelf if I were you.
00:05:17Otherwise, it's been nice working with you.
00:05:20Well, if I get vaporized, Tinker,
00:05:21would you remember to feed my doggy?
00:05:23You don't have a dog.
00:05:25Yeah, well, that lets you off the hook.
00:05:27This is Cage.
00:05:28Do you read?
00:05:29Yes, sir, I do.
00:05:30Quit screwing around, Tucker.
00:05:31Get it done.
00:05:32Yes, sir, I will.
00:05:34And this time, don't make a scene.
00:05:35Just follow orders.
00:05:38I always follow orders, sir.
00:06:00Hey, Jackson.
00:06:02Now, Jackson.
00:06:09I'm a police negotiator, pal.
00:06:11Now, you wanted to talk to somebody in charge,
00:06:13well, I'm in.
00:06:16You don't got me.
00:06:17You look like shit.
00:06:21Hey, Tinker.
00:06:22You got a minute?
00:06:23Yeah, sure.
00:06:24You don't got me.
00:06:25You look like shit.
00:06:29Now, look, I'm empowered to represent
00:06:31the people of this city.
00:06:33If you wanted to negotiate, well, start talking.
00:06:37I want you to do exactly what I tell you to do.
00:06:44We don't want you to do it, man!
00:06:45All right, all right.
00:06:47The way that pushes the button.
00:06:49And you know what might happen, Jackson?
00:06:53Yeah, you're gonna blow me, you,
00:06:56and the rest of these people to kingdom come.
00:06:59We'll figure that out.
00:07:00You're not afraid, huh?
00:07:02No, I ain't.
00:07:04Why not?
00:07:06Because I know you and me, we can work this thing out, see.
00:07:09Now, just tell me what you want.
00:07:12I want you to take the edema's away from me, man.
00:07:15And I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll,
00:07:17I'll give you this bomb now.
00:07:19This sounds like a drag on the shit around here, man.
00:07:23Now, maybe you are a demon yourself, huh?
00:07:27Maybe you've got a demon inside of you.
00:07:29What are you talking about?
00:07:31Well, I mean, uh,
00:07:34endangering the lives of a whole city of innocent people,
00:07:37that sounds pretty demonic to me.
00:07:38How about you?
00:07:40All you have to do is give me that detonator, pal.
00:07:45Why should I do that?
00:07:47Prove you're not one of them.
00:07:49How else can I trust you?
00:07:54Come on.
00:08:00Give me the detonator.
00:08:06No guard.
00:08:08See that?
00:08:10There's your good guy!
00:08:12Give me the detonator.
00:08:17Give me the detonator.
00:08:27Yeah, come on.
00:08:29Hold your head up in the air.
00:08:48Sleep tight, pal.
00:09:06Commander Gage?
00:09:08Read you, Tucker. Is it safe to come in?
00:09:10He's out cold.
00:09:12You can bring the circuits in now, sir.
00:09:15These tranquilizer guns work great.
00:09:19This guy was tough, but I got him.
00:09:21Where's the suspect, Tucker?
00:09:23They're setting up the cameras.
00:09:28We want him to be brought in now.
00:09:30Is everything under control?
00:09:36Get the maniac out here so we can have a photo opportunity.
00:09:40Right away, sir.
00:10:05Come on!
00:10:09Come on!
00:10:11Come on!
00:10:13Come on!
00:10:58Guess what I have.
00:11:03I have a gun.
00:11:12This is a gun.
00:11:14I want the suspect down here now!
00:11:16That's an order!
00:11:18I always follow orders.
00:11:59Damn it!
00:12:01I can't see now.
00:12:03Why don't you warn me next time?
00:12:06Bend your right leg some more.
00:12:08I'm not bad.
00:12:10You know, it's just bullshit.
00:12:12I could live in a $2 million home.
00:12:14I don't need that.
00:12:16And I can work.
00:12:18You know, I'm not helpless.
00:12:20I can do a little sushi thing.
00:12:22It's just beautiful.
00:12:28Are you sure you know where you're going?
00:12:31Yes, Mrs. Granger.
00:12:34Where are we?
00:12:37I don't know this area at all.
00:12:48What are we doing up here?
00:14:38What you doing there, Freud?
00:14:42You hungry, huh?
00:14:44Jelly donut?
00:14:48I don't know.
00:14:54In you go.
00:14:59In you go.
00:15:12Glory, glory, hallelujah.
00:15:17Teacher hit me with the ruler.
00:15:22I met her at the door with a load of 44.
00:15:26Your teacher won't hit me no more.
00:15:30I met her at the door with a load of 44.
00:15:34I'll teach her no more.
00:15:44Hi, 40.
00:15:46It's an exciting new way to begin your day.
00:15:53Hello, handsome.
00:15:55Are you looking for a good time?
00:15:57Because if you are,
00:15:59Mona wants you.
00:16:02Mona, Mona.
00:16:04Do you love me?
00:16:06If you do,
00:16:08please dial...
00:16:20Help me, Clarence!
00:16:22Get me back!
00:16:25Get me back! I don't care what happens to me!
00:16:28Get me back to my wife and kids!
00:16:31Help me, Clarence, please!
00:16:35I want to live again!
00:16:37We interrupt this program for a special bulletin.
00:16:39Mrs. Claudia Granger, wife of prominent local businessman Howard Granger
00:16:43and co-owner of the Downey Corporation,
00:16:45has been found brutally murdered in the hills above the city.
00:16:49So far, police say there are no known suspects in the case.
00:16:52The bizarre bullseye drawn with the victim's own blood suggests to investigators
00:16:56that the murder may be related to the slaying of Mrs. Jennifer Graham two weeks ago.
00:17:01Her torso was slashed in a pattern of concentric circles.
00:17:05The police are so far denying any connection with the similar murder of Mrs. Jennifer Graham,
00:17:10whose body was also marked with a bloody bullseye.
00:17:13Mr. Granger has posted a $10,000 reward for information about this crime.
00:17:18Please call the police at the number you see at the bottom of the screen.
00:17:21I'm Brian Thomas for INN News. Now back to our regular program.
00:17:41Well, hello, boys. I thought Halloween was over.
00:17:44Fuck you, Tucker.
00:17:46You know, Kelsey, you really need to learn how to express your inner feelings.
00:17:52Now, as for you, Morris, you need to learn how to keep them bottled up inside.
00:17:57Oh, well, I was just on my way.
00:18:02Okay, what are you guys going to do, carry me?
00:18:04No, we're going to frisk you.
00:18:08You know, Kelsey, I always thought you had homoerotic tendencies.
00:18:12Fuck you, Tucker.
00:18:14Okay, what are you guys looking for?
00:18:15An illegal drug.
00:18:17Yeah, you got a warrant?
00:18:19I'm going to search your apartment.
00:18:25Hey, Kelsey, while you're at it, will you make up my bed?
00:18:29Fuck you.
00:18:38You're the spokesperson. You tell them what they want to hear.
00:18:40Tell them we got some leads and we're checking them.
00:18:42You know something? I said no.
00:18:44Send that son of a bitch in here.
00:18:57Take a seat, officer.
00:18:58Thank you, sir.
00:19:03You look like you slept in the toilet.
00:19:05Thank you, sir.
00:19:13Did you read the Graham and Granger reports yet?
00:19:15Uh, yes, sir, I did.
00:19:18And you're on the case.
00:19:22This is top priority.
00:19:23If you trip on your dick, the whole department stumbles.
00:19:25Anything else, sir?
00:19:27Yeah, got the final results of Luther Vantelli's autopsy.
00:19:30You were right. It's a new chemical.
00:19:32The lab boys think it's a distant cousin of PCP.
00:19:36They codenamed it Umbra.
00:19:38It partly neutralized the muscle relaxant.
00:19:40That's why he kept coming.
00:19:46Accelerates the metabolism, collects in the cerebrum.
00:19:52The part of the brain that controls the intelligence.
00:19:55Yeah, well, if you like that, you'll love this.
00:19:59Possible description. A hooker called it in.
00:20:01Said some John paid her to pose in the same position we found the victim in.
00:20:05Even used phony blood to draw the bullseye pattern.
00:20:07Could be a wacko imitating the Graham killing.
00:20:10Or our suspect is practicing for another kill.
00:20:13I got Henkel running cross-refs on the face, but no positive ID.
00:20:17If this is our man, we got a turbocharged fruit loop here.
00:20:20Here's the whole enchilada.
00:20:22The connection between Luther Vantelli and our killer.
00:20:25I want you working in isolation on this.
00:20:28Nobody except you, me and Henkel will know this guy could be a repeater.
00:20:32Otherwise the media will blow this thing out of proportion
00:20:34and make this job a bigger pain in the ass than it already is.
00:20:37I'm the wrong man for the job, sir.
00:20:39What are you talking about?
00:20:41I mean the suspect probably slipped Luther Vantelli the drug to whack him out.
00:20:45Which means he knew the Grangers well enough to know when Mrs. Granger was getting back into town
00:20:49and who their chauffeur was.
00:20:51That's premeditated murder.
00:20:53That's murder one. That means I'm the wrong man for the job.
00:20:56I only handle crazies.
00:20:58Our suspect still fits the legal profile of a crazy.
00:21:01And you're the best man to predict his pattern.
00:21:03And bring him in so he doesn't have a chance to act it out again.
00:21:06But no other cops and no press except Henkel.
00:21:09And you'll have priority access on your usual code of frequency.
00:21:12Anything else?
00:21:17What am I supposed to do when I run into this geek?
00:21:20Tap dance?
00:21:22You listen to me, Tucker.
00:21:24I'm not gonna alter any more autopsy reports just to cover your ass.
00:21:28If you shoot somebody for any reason,
00:21:30I'm gonna turn you over to the Wolves.
00:21:32All right? Bad PR or not.
00:21:34Now, you're gonna be issued a new stinger.
00:21:36Used properly, that should do the trick.
00:21:38Look, if the suspect is taking the same drug Luther Pantelli is,
00:21:41these tranquilizers won't do diddly.
00:21:43We're not as dumb as you think we are, Tucker.
00:21:46The lab boys doubled the doses.
00:21:49A couple of well-placed shots should do the trick.
00:21:52That should be enough.
00:21:54Anything else?
00:21:56No. What more could a guy want?
00:21:59Get the slime, Tucker.
00:22:01Before he has a chance to kill again.
00:22:03That makes us all look like clowns.
00:22:05Yeah, we wouldn't want to start a trend now, would we?
00:22:08Excuse me, I want to talk to you about Luther Pantelli.
00:22:11Andrea, I don't have time. Besides, that's over and done with.
00:22:14Not quite. His case has been assigned to my committee for investigation.
00:22:18Um, this is Andrea Layton.
00:22:20She's with the prosecutor's office.
00:22:22And chairperson of some, uh, arrest procedure committee or something like that.
00:22:26We're a city-authorized watchdog committee
00:22:28rooting out those officers who have not yet adjusted to new arresting procedures.
00:22:32And if we don't stop these abuses against suspects,
00:22:34we won't be able to successfully prosecute.
00:22:41Who are you?
00:22:43Uh, this is Officer James Tucker.
00:22:45The notorious James Tucker?
00:22:48You know, there's a rumor going around that you have an illegal weapon,
00:22:51and you used it to violate Luther Pantelli's civil rights.
00:22:55That's very funny. Isn't that funny, Commander?
00:22:58A lab tech in forensics says the autopsy was altered.
00:23:01His body was cremated.
00:23:03So you squeaked by this time, but next time, I'm going to put you away.
00:23:07Yeah, why don't you try putting the criminals away, Miss Layton?
00:23:10Oh, I put a lot of criminals away, Mr. Tucker.
00:23:13Yeah, you put them out in the clinics, you give them a few behavior-minded shots,
00:23:16and boom, they're out cruising the streets again.
00:23:18That's not my fault. That's the law.
00:23:21No, that's compromise.
00:23:23You can't take the heat. Get out of the system.
00:23:26Why don't I start by getting out of the room?
00:23:44Eagle, come in.
00:23:46Eagle, do you have a match for me yet?
00:23:49Inkle, you're breaking up.
00:23:55I mean, your signal is breaking up.
00:24:01A what?
00:24:07Inkle, have you ever thought about going out with women?
00:24:18Not my type.
00:24:20All right.
00:24:21What about the blood?
00:24:22Type A neg.
00:24:24She must have scratched him because they found it under her fingernails.
00:24:27Okay, keep me posted, buddy.
00:24:29Love to.
00:24:30By the way, I make a great meatloaf.
00:24:33When are you coming over to my house for dinner?
00:24:35When I decide to get my sex change operation.
00:24:38You don't know what you're missing.
00:24:41I make a great spinach quiche.
00:24:43Thank you, Inkle.
00:24:44Over and out.
00:24:46Over and out
00:25:16I don't know what to do
00:25:18I don't know what to do
00:25:20I don't know what to do
00:25:22I don't know what to do
00:25:24I don't know what to do
00:25:26I don't know what to do
00:25:28I don't know what to do
00:25:30I don't know what to do
00:25:32I don't know what to do
00:25:34I don't know what to do
00:25:36I don't know what to do
00:25:38I don't know what to do
00:25:40I don't know what to do
00:25:42I don't know what to do
00:25:44I don't know what to do
00:26:14I don't know what to do
00:26:16I don't know what to do
00:26:18I don't know what to do
00:26:20I don't know what to do
00:26:22I don't know what to do
00:26:24I don't know what to do
00:26:26I don't know what to do
00:26:28I don't know what to do
00:26:30I don't know what to do
00:26:32I don't know what to do
00:26:34I don't know what to do
00:26:36I don't know what to do
00:26:38I don't know what to do
00:26:40I don't know what to do
00:26:42I don't know what to do
00:26:44I don't know what to do
00:26:46I don't know what to do
00:26:48I don't know what to do
00:26:50I don't know what to do
00:26:52I don't know what to do
00:26:54I don't know what to do
00:26:56I don't know what to do
00:26:58I don't know what to do
00:27:00I don't know what to do
00:27:02I don't know what to do
00:27:04I don't know what to do
00:27:06I don't know what to do
00:27:08I don't know what to do
00:27:28Inkle, this is Tucker
00:27:30I'm out at the ranger's scene and guess what I found
00:27:32a vital piece of evidence with a suspect to match
00:27:34Inkle I need a car, how did you find it?
00:27:36Tucker, I can't read you
00:27:38I can't read you.
00:27:39Eagle, do you copy?
00:27:47Eagle, if you read me, I need a backup unit out at the Granger scene immediately.
00:27:52I'm going after the suspect.
00:27:54Tucker, I can't read you.
00:28:04You looking for something, pal?
00:28:29Die, you son of a bitch.
00:28:38Go, go, go.
00:29:10Hey, man.
00:29:11What do you think you're doing?
00:29:17Hey, this is private property.
00:29:19Are you crazy?
00:29:38Go, go, go.
00:30:08Go, go, go.
00:30:38Go, go, go.
00:31:08Go, go, go.
00:32:38Go, go, go.
00:33:38Go, go, go.
00:34:08Go, go, go.
00:34:38Oh, shit.
00:35:08Go, go, go.
00:35:38Go, go, go.
00:36:09Go, go, go.
00:36:24This is priority code.
00:36:26Alpha Larry Charlie Tucker EF876.
00:36:29Eagle, do you read?
00:36:30I've got the suspect and physical evidence linking him to the crime.
00:36:33Are you alright?
00:36:35I am now.
00:36:36Hey, uh, thanks for worrying.
00:36:38I do worry, sweetie.
00:36:40Got a lot of circumstantial here indicating the psycho status congruent for the required motives of the crime.
00:36:46What does that mean?
00:36:48It means the bastard probably killed Graham and Granger both.
00:36:52Open and shut case.
00:36:56You better have him send the SWAT out over the old chemical factory.
00:37:03And you better tell him to send along some more trinks while you're at it.
00:37:06Hey, Tucker.
00:37:07I haven't worked in this department for two years.
00:37:09When are we gonna meet?
00:37:11Over and out.
00:37:15Tell Officer Tucker he did a damn good job.
00:37:17Yes, sir.
00:37:18I'll tell him, sir.
00:37:19Thank you, sir.
00:37:23Send the son of a bitch in here.
00:37:30Have a seat.
00:37:37Take a donut.
00:37:46The commissioner can't believe how quick you brought this guy in.
00:37:49And without guns.
00:37:50You're good, Tucker.
00:37:51You're good.
00:37:52You're good.
00:37:53You're good.
00:37:54You're good.
00:37:55You're good.
00:37:56You're good.
00:37:57And without guns.
00:37:58You're good, Tucker.
00:38:00I'm lucky, Commander.
00:38:01He almost killed me.
00:38:02Did you get the stats on Hinklepack Stillmore?
00:38:04Yeah, sure.
00:38:05Right here.
00:38:07Glenn Stillmore.
00:38:08Used to be the Downing Corporation's best chemist.
00:38:10Hasn't worked for a year.
00:38:11Nobody knows why.
00:38:13The Downing people aren't talking.
00:38:14Neither is Stillmore.
00:38:18What about his employment record?
00:38:20The employment records were destroyed in an accidental fire.
00:38:23But the important thing is that we know that Stillmore had the training
00:38:25and the know-how to make this umbra.
00:38:27And with what you found in that rat hole he was living in,
00:38:30the Stillmore should be put in a nice little lockbox for at least a couple of years.
00:38:34Now, you should be happy about that.
00:38:39What's the matter?
00:38:40You're not happy about that?
00:38:42What about the umbra?
00:38:43Why was he making it and why did he kill all those women?
00:38:46Look, Tucker, you got your man.
00:38:47The case is closed.
00:38:48Go home.
00:38:49Be happy.
00:38:50Go out and get drunk.
00:38:51I don't drink.
00:38:52Then have another donut.
00:38:53There'll be a commendation in this for you anyway.
00:38:58What about a raise?
00:38:59Ten o'clock tonight you're going to wear your commendation on the Sally Winfrey show.
00:39:04The Sally Winfrey show.
00:39:05The most popular talk show in town.
00:39:08Don't you ever watch television?
00:39:10Yeah, I watch old movies.
00:39:12Old movies.
00:39:14Well, because I got a stomach problem and I sit up at night drinking milk and eating donuts.
00:39:18Never mind, Tucker.
00:39:19Never mind.
00:39:20All right?
00:39:21Just be at the studio.
00:39:22I got a job.
00:39:23What for?
00:39:24You're going to talk about the gun ban.
00:39:27And how it doesn't decrease the ability of the police to enforce the law.
00:39:30Wait a minute, Commander.
00:39:32I am not the man for the job.
00:39:34Well, that's why the commissioner picked you.
00:39:36Because the man with your rep says it, the public will believe it.
00:39:39And that's good PR.
00:39:41Oh, so you want me to lie?
00:39:43No, Tucker.
00:39:44Damn it.
00:39:45I want you to speak for the department.
00:39:49Are you sure you want me to do this?
00:39:51Get cleaned up, all right?
00:39:52You're starting to smell like my wife's cooking.
00:39:58I got a slight plumbing problem.
00:40:00Fix it, Tucker.
00:40:02And put your uniform on tonight.
00:40:04Oh, sir, I don't have a uniform, so see, that's going to keep me from doing this job.
00:40:11That's an order, Tucker.
00:40:13I always follow orders, sir.
00:40:22I want to talk to you.
00:40:23I'm busy.
00:40:24It's official, Tucker.
00:40:25It's about the Stilmore arrest.
00:40:27If you want to talk to me, we're going to have to go to your place.
00:40:31Because I have to take a shot.
00:40:38You let Stilmore go?
00:40:40I can't believe it.
00:40:41Whose side are you on?
00:40:43It's not a question of sides.
00:40:45It's a question of legality.
00:40:47Look, I had probable cause to enter the premises.
00:40:50The earring melted, thereby rendering all evidence of pain in the case inadmissible.
00:40:55What about my visual ID of the suspect?
00:40:57It wasn't confirmed by a computer cross-ref at the time of the arrest.
00:41:00Under Section 14, that only gave you the right to request a search warrant.
00:41:04My communications were out.
00:41:06Why don't we plead special circumstances?
00:41:08I tried that.
00:41:09The DA said too many courts have been overturning convictions based on special circumstances.
00:41:13All we can do is get him for experimenting with unapproved chemicals.
00:41:17They'll wash out the umbra and surgically implant a government-issued downer.
00:41:21He'll be sleepwalking for a year.
00:41:23Andrea, this guy Stilmore is a hot-shot chemist.
00:41:26I mean, he's made a drug that neutralizes police stingers.
00:41:29If he can do that, he can make a drug to neutralize the downers.
00:41:32Now, he's been killing these women, and I don't know why.
00:41:35Nobody seems to care.
00:41:37But if you let him go, he's going to go out and carve another bullseye.
00:41:41You can count on it.
00:41:44Got a towel?
00:41:55Why did you have to kill Granger's wife?
00:41:58It was late on the shipment.
00:42:00You know it takes time to manufacture that base chemical, and you kept asking for more.
00:42:05Excuses can be costly.
00:42:08Granger found that out. So did Graham.
00:42:12If you don't stop him, we're going to cut off your supply.
00:42:17Shall I call the police and tell them about your little experience?
00:42:22Oh, they'll clap your hand, I know.
00:42:25But in the corporate world, the concept of retribution is still operant.
00:42:30You'll be ostracized.
00:42:33They'll take away your pension, your club membership.
00:42:38A fate worse than death.
00:42:44Why do you need so much? You've got enough to satisfy your addiction for a lifetime.
00:42:49And you people weren't interested in the commercial value of my formula.
00:42:54I'm going into business for myself.
00:42:58You bastard. You know what Umbra will do to people?
00:43:01True, he's wonderful.
00:43:03When will the shipment be ready? I have orders to fill.
00:43:07By next week.
00:43:11I think by the day after tomorrow.
00:43:14I'll pick it up personally.
00:43:18What if you're being watched?
00:43:21Oh, I will be.
00:43:23But it won't matter.
00:43:29You have a lovely wife, Jermaine.
00:43:33Good day.
00:43:46I'm going to nail that son of a bitch to the wall.
00:43:49And I'm going to use this system to do it.
00:43:51Attention, unit.
00:43:53What is that?
00:43:54We have a 2-11 in progress.
00:43:56Militant found. Three male, armed with guns.
00:43:58This is Tucker, 9-2-11. I'm in the area.
00:44:01And I'll take it.
00:44:40Nobody move.
00:44:42Grab the bag.
00:44:44I'll be forced to shoot.
00:44:47Ha, ha, ha.
00:45:00April fools.
00:45:10Ha, ha, ha.
00:45:17Ha, ha, ha.
00:45:24Drop those guns.
00:45:27Looks like someone else wants to play these games, too.
00:45:31Too bad cops aren't allowed to carry guns.
00:45:34Ha, ha, ha.
00:45:36That's the rules.
00:45:42New rules.
00:46:00So what are you going to tell your committee?
00:46:06I guess I'll tell them to mind their own business.
00:46:11I think we should get out of here before the sirens go off.
00:46:15Ladies and gentlemen, the Sally Winfrey Show.
00:46:18And here's Sally.
00:46:20Yes, Commissioner. It's just about to start.
00:46:24Officer Tucker, do police dark guns protect you from a criminal
00:46:27using stolen military or black market weapons?
00:46:30Well, uh...
00:46:31I mean, doesn't this gun ban put the police at an enormous disadvantage?
00:46:34Some police departments throughout the country are going on strike
00:46:37rather than go out on the street with those little plastic guns.
00:46:40Some police departments throughout the country are going on strike
00:46:43rather than go out on the street with those little plastic stainers.
00:46:46Is your department considering such action?
00:46:50Would you go out on strike, Officer Tucker?
00:46:53No, ma'am.
00:46:55Why not?
00:46:58Well, uh...
00:47:00Because it wouldn't do any good.
00:47:02What would?
00:47:04Giving law enforcement back their weapons.
00:47:10Putting guns back in the hands of the people that are paid to protect the city.
00:47:17Hi, Commander.
00:47:24Can we please go to a commercial now?
00:47:32Yes, Commissioner. I understand.
00:47:35I'm sorry, sir.
00:47:41Your shipment is late.
00:47:43I told you to stop.
00:47:45I've just begun.
00:47:47No one can stop me now.
00:47:49I can. If you kill one more time, I will, you son of a bitch.
00:47:52Try it, and I'll tell everyone what a killer you are.
00:47:56Now, I want that shipment.
00:47:59You know that in its virgin state, the chemical is highly volatile.
00:48:02You can't rush the process without risking an explosion.
00:48:05I've got to have it to mix it into the final formula
00:48:08before I can transport it Friday.
00:48:11If I don't have what I want by morning,
00:48:14I'll have to take steps to ensure your cooperation.
00:48:18Great. Great. All right.
00:48:20I'll have half of it ready.
00:48:22Only half for me?
00:48:24That's the best I can do.
00:48:38All right.
00:49:08All right.
00:49:38All right.
00:50:09Oh, fuck.
00:50:11Oh, fuck you.
00:50:24Now, Tucker, what do you want to do that for?
00:50:27He'll be all right. He can just consider it an extra day off.
00:50:31Say, when are you guys going to leave me alone?
00:50:34When we get that gun.
00:50:36When we get that gun.
00:50:38I've got a warrant for you.
00:51:04Come on, Morris.
00:51:06You're going to piss my maid off.
00:51:09Look, Tucker, give us the gun,
00:51:11and you won't have to go through all of this.
00:51:27Tucker, how can you live like this?
00:51:31I guess I'm just lucky.
00:51:39Another gun's around here somewhere.
00:51:42You know, Morris, you just looked in here last week.
00:51:54That was last week.
00:52:04Fucking rat.
00:52:09He doesn't know he's a rat.
00:52:11He thinks he's a dog.
00:52:16Floyd. Come on, Floyd.
00:52:19My baby.
00:52:25Come on.
00:52:30Hey, you finished?
00:52:32Not quite. Gage wants to talk to you.
00:52:34About what?
00:52:36They found another bullseye.
00:52:55We got another victim, Tucker.
00:52:57Simile Mo.
00:52:59She was strangled, not stabbed.
00:53:01Those are burn marks, not blood.
00:53:04The suspect just poured lines of kerosene
00:53:07and then set them on fire.
00:53:10Is that our man?
00:53:13What's the victim's profile?
00:53:15Monica Contrell, rich, divorced.
00:53:18Hmm. Could be Stillmore.
00:53:21Did we pick him up?
00:53:23We can't.
00:53:24Why not?
00:53:25He's got an alibi.
00:53:27A witness who says he never left town that night.
00:53:37Yeah, I put a man on night and day
00:53:40when he was released.
00:53:42Go there.
00:53:44Where he's been the last five weeks.
00:53:46A model citizen.
00:53:47Moved to the city.
00:53:48Got a job with some electronics firm.
00:53:50Developing etching compounds
00:53:52for liquid circuitry or something.
00:53:54I was about to call up to some...
00:53:56He was fired. Why?
00:53:58I don't keep track of all my employees.
00:54:00My wife has just been killed.
00:54:02I'm not in the mood.
00:54:03Excuse me.
00:54:05I'm sorry.
00:54:32Hi, Doc.
00:54:34Elgar, you look like hell.
00:54:37Thanks, Elgar.
00:54:39I hear you've been carrying an illegal weapon.
00:55:04Heavy load?
00:55:06Government issue.
00:55:09The master.
00:55:11Oh, I was once.
00:55:13When they let me deal gun.
00:55:15Can you make some more of these?
00:55:18I don't know.
00:55:20I would have to cobble some equipment together.
00:55:23The feds confiscated all I had
00:55:26when the anti-gun law went into effect.
00:55:29Oh, I see.
00:55:31When the anti-gun law went into effect.
00:55:34Oh, it would take some time.
00:55:36And I would be duck squat if they caught me.
00:55:54Elgar, I'll pay you.
00:55:57Whatever it takes.
00:55:59A lot of money to an old man like me.
00:56:05But I could stand a little adventure in my life.
00:56:11Thanks, Elgar.
00:56:17Hey, Doc.
00:56:20Where you been hiding this?
00:56:23Now, you really don't want to know, do you?
00:56:26Well, don't worry. I, uh...
00:56:28I wrapped it in plastic.
00:56:46Inkle, I need you, buddy.
00:56:50Music to my soul, sweetie.
00:56:54Just shut up and give me phone traffic on Stillmore.
00:56:57Oh, wait one sec, my love.
00:57:00So, you been thinking about your choice?
00:57:03What choice?
00:57:05Meatloaf or spinach quiche?
00:57:08Oh, I can't get it off my mind.
00:57:10Got it.
00:57:12Um, two calls in the last 45 minutes.
00:57:19What about a voice match?
00:57:21Um, audio analysis confirms that you're a man.
00:57:24Hey, Tucker, when are you going to take a break?
00:57:26You've been on this guy's...
00:57:27Wavelengths are being shut down off of our surveillance.
00:57:30And what about you, Inkle?
00:57:32You know, every time I call, you're always there, day or night.
00:57:36I mean, don't you ever go to bed?
00:57:39Is that an invitation?
00:57:43Good night, Inkle.
00:57:46Sleep tight, sweetie.
00:57:52Hey, Tucker, this is the landlady.
00:57:54Your rent is late, again.
00:57:57Where's the gun, Tucker?
00:57:59I might stop over for dinner tonight to help you look for it.
00:58:03All right, Doc, Edgar.
00:58:05Your keys are ready for pickup.
00:58:52Did I come at a bad time?
00:58:55You see, he's killed four women.
00:58:57Two of them that we know of, right up underneath our noses.
00:59:00And everybody thought it was a work of the crazy.
00:59:02Yeah, he is crazy when he's on the umbra.
00:59:05But I think he has another reason for making those killings.
00:59:09So there's some connection between these women.
00:59:12I don't know.
00:59:14I don't know.
00:59:16I don't know.
00:59:18So there's some connection between these women.
00:59:26I still don't see it.
00:59:29The first victim, she was remarried.
00:59:32But her first husband, his occupation was...
00:59:35Downing Chemical.
00:59:37Right. The second victim,
00:59:40her husband was the chairman of...
00:59:43Downing Chemical Corporation. And the third...
00:59:45And the third was Mr. Tremaine's secretary.
00:59:48Now, he must have been having an affair.
00:59:50And the fourth was Mrs. Tremaine.
00:59:53Mm-hmm. Well, why go after the women?
00:59:55Why not kill the board members?
00:59:57They're the ones that fired him.
00:59:59Because they're wealthy and they're powerful.
01:00:01But they have heavy security.
01:00:03Now, the women, they're easily accessible.
01:00:07Especially the mistress.
01:00:09And besides, he loves to kill women.
01:00:13And he won't stop.
01:00:17So we have to figure out how he did it.
01:00:19Right. But Miss Layton,
01:00:22we might have to break the law.
01:00:25How do you feel about that?
01:01:18Look, please.
01:01:50Well, what do you know?
01:02:04What's this?
01:02:07It's an answering machine with a timer.
01:02:28What's that?
01:02:31Rite of spring.
01:02:35Now all we have to do is figure out
01:02:37how to get out of this place without being seen.
01:02:42There must be some kind of trap door around here somewhere.
01:03:03That's it.
01:03:05No one's here.
01:03:23What are you trying to do, kill me?
01:03:26I was about to ask you the same question.
01:03:30I want to talk to my attorney.
01:03:32You don't need an attorney where you're going to, pal.
01:03:35You're under arrest.
01:03:37I want my attorney.
01:03:39Tucker, I want to talk to you.
01:03:50What are we going to charge him with?
01:03:52Breaking and entering.
01:03:54He just broke into Stillmore's apartment.
01:03:57So did we.
01:04:00Okay, Mr. Tremaine.
01:04:03I'm not going to arrest you.
01:04:16Instead, I'm going to beat the shit out of you.
01:04:18And why am I going to beat the shit out of you?
01:04:20Because I can't sleep at night.
01:04:22I can't sleep at night.
01:04:24I can't sleep at night.
01:04:26And why am I going to beat the shit out of you?
01:04:28Because I can't sleep at night.
01:04:30And why not?
01:04:32Because there's a lot of innocent women getting killed.
01:04:34And unless you give me answers,
01:04:36I'm going to make Stillmore look like a priest.
01:04:40Okay, I'll tell you.
01:04:42But not here, somewhere safe.
01:04:44Two years ago,
01:04:46Stillmore came to the board with a formula
01:04:48for a new intelligence booster,
01:04:50which he called Umbra.
01:04:52And we ran our own tests,
01:04:54and eventually, evidence of side effects
01:04:56made it commercially unviable.
01:04:58What kind of side effects?
01:05:00Delusions of grandeur.
01:05:02Muscle spasms.
01:05:08I don't know.
01:05:10I don't know.
01:05:16Sometimes death.
01:05:18It's a powerful addictive.
01:05:20I think that Stillmore
01:05:22had been into his own stock for some time.
01:05:24The Umbra
01:05:26made him brilliant,
01:05:28but psychotic.
01:05:30And he threatened us
01:05:32with exposure if we didn't
01:05:34continue to make the basic chemicals
01:05:36so he could have enough Umbra
01:05:38for his own addiction.
01:05:42we, uh,
01:05:44supplied him
01:05:46with enough base chemicals
01:05:48just to keep him happy.
01:05:50And then he demanded more,
01:05:52and more.
01:05:54Then we realized
01:05:56he was selling it on the street,
01:05:58and we refused to give him any more.
01:06:00He went into a rage,
01:06:02and he, uh,
01:06:04he started to kill.
01:06:06So we supplied him
01:06:08with more.
01:06:22You said Stillmore
01:06:24was trying to expose you?
01:06:26It's routine for us to pay
01:06:28poor people to, uh,
01:06:30act as our guinea pigs for
01:06:32the final stages of, uh,
01:06:38in this case, we, uh,
01:06:40skipped the preliminary lab
01:06:44and several people, uh,
01:06:46suffered bad reactions.
01:06:48And one
01:06:52Did Stillmore know about this?
01:06:54Uh, we, uh,
01:06:56we tried to destroy our records.
01:06:58So that was the fire.
01:07:02But he, uh, he anticipated
01:07:04bad reactions, and
01:07:06he made photocopies
01:07:08of all the records, and
01:07:10we, uh, cooperated
01:07:12just to keep him quiet.
01:07:14Who was he selling to?
01:07:16He, uh,
01:07:18flies the Umbra to Oceanside.
01:07:20I believe they're mob-related
01:07:22drug dealers.
01:07:24They're starting to sell it all over America.
01:07:26It could create
01:07:28a whole new crime wave.
01:07:30And the Umbra, it neutralizes
01:07:34If he isn't caught,
01:07:36there are gonna be thousands of
01:07:38criminally psychotic addicts, and hundreds
01:07:40will die.
01:07:42He's picking up a huge shipment today
01:07:44at 10 o'clock, and if he gets
01:07:46that shipment to Oceanside, there's
01:07:48enough to wipe out a whole city.
01:07:50One other thing.
01:07:52The Umbra
01:07:54is highly combustible.
01:07:56In its virgin state, it's even more flammable.
01:07:58Dance with the devil.
01:08:04He knows we're here.
01:10:49Oh, God.
01:10:56I'll radio for help.
01:11:08This is Tucker.
01:11:09I need an ambulance.
01:11:10223, West Main.
01:11:19What is this?
01:11:20I don't know.
01:11:24Call you back.
01:11:42Is she gonna be OK?
01:11:44Andrea, where is he?
01:11:49The chemical plant, outside the city.
01:12:19Oh, God.
01:13:20Oh, God.
01:14:15Get him, boys!
01:15:11You keep it, Tucker.
01:15:13That's an order.
01:15:15Yes, sir.
01:15:21I always follow orders.
01:15:26Andrea's gonna be all right.
01:15:28She's in stable condition.
01:15:29She's gonna be OK.
01:15:30And the department sent out petitioning,
01:15:32along with all the other city police petitions.
01:15:34Congress will have to read them.
01:15:36Maybe we can all get our guns back.
01:15:39By the way, Tucker, you got a visitor.
01:15:41Oh, anybody I know?
01:15:44Somebody you know, but you've never met.
01:15:50Oh, Commander G, you gotta help me out.
01:15:52Listen, this guy Hinkle's really weird.
01:15:54He keeps asking me over for dinner.
01:15:55He wants to fix me meatloaf, and I hate meatloaf.
01:15:58That's too bad.
01:16:01Meatloaf's my specialty.
01:16:06Hi, sweetie.
01:16:08Actually, I like meatloaf.
01:16:10It's, uh, it's one of my favorites.
01:16:13I was just kidding.
01:16:15Uh, Hinkle?
01:16:16Uh, Hinkle?
01:16:17You can send my watch back to Hong Kong,
01:16:20my car back to Japan.
01:16:23And the wine that I'm drinking,
01:16:26ship it back to France.
01:16:29But when it comes to ladies,
01:16:32well, I've got to say,
01:16:34I love them women in the good old USA.
01:16:40Well, I've tangled in Paris,
01:16:43I've cha-cha'd in Spain.
01:16:46Well, I've boogied in London,
01:16:49but that still remains.
01:16:51Out of all of them women all over the world,
01:16:57I love them hot-blooded American girls.
01:17:03From Middle A to New York,
01:17:06Chicago to Orleans,
01:17:09Them hot-blooded women are smoking magazines.
01:17:15From the tips of their tongues to the tops of their curves,
01:17:20I love them hot-blooded American girls.
01:17:37Ah, yes.
01:17:49You can call me old-fashioned,
01:17:53but I'll tell you what.
01:17:56I want a woman just like my dad's got.
01:18:01An American woman's the kind I enjoy,
01:18:07cause I'm a hot-blooded American boy.