High Desert Kill (1989) Action Horror Sci-Fi

  • 2 days ago
An old cowboy (Chuck Connors) and hunters (Anthony Geary, Marc Singer) in New Mexico are tricked and tested by an alien in human form.
00:03:23Jim with you in a minute, honey. Oh, I'm sorry. Give me five minutes
00:03:30It's okay, honey
00:03:33The club said they'd hold the table
00:03:35They took pity when I told him you'd be eating raw meat from the ground
00:03:39For the next week you take such good care of me. Of course. I do
00:03:45You're the great hunter. My very life depends on your skill
00:03:49I'll tend your fire. All right, make fun. Go ahead a
00:03:53A freezer full of venison will change your mind as if this trip had anything to do with putting food on the table
00:04:00This is just an orgy of male bonding and you know it. Well, what can I say men bond?
00:04:06women Network
00:04:24Jim I
00:04:26Don't feel good about this trip
00:04:31Honey, I don't understand
00:04:33All the years I've gone dear honey. You never said that
00:04:38Besides Brad'll be there
00:04:41Paul's nephew. That's the point all the other years Paul was with you
00:04:54Day doesn't go by that. I don't think about him
00:05:00This was a time of year he loved the best
00:05:04Look I'm gonna be alright. I promise. Okay, what can I say? Why it's worried?
00:05:16Right, that's good leave it right there Roger. I
00:05:20Thought this was for High Plains Cologne not the beef council
00:05:23They're there to make you look good. I mean by comparison, right?
00:05:26You said it I didn't that's enough girls
00:05:30Don't make a meal of it. Let's shoot one
00:05:35There we go, okay, hey rake it up
00:05:38Come on smile you love this stuff
00:06:08Oh, hey Chuck you got a good deal
00:07:12Was never colder in all my life sitting on that ledge for six hours waiting it wasn't that cold
00:07:17Oh sure
00:07:18You and Paul are out stomping through the bushes keep them warm
00:07:20We drove that buck right up your front door though
00:07:22Didn't we could have taken it with a water balloon?
00:07:24You got to know the ground rules Ray see any shot that Brad takes is highly difficult
00:07:28Requiring great skill any shot that you and I get off is just a stroke of dumb luck
00:07:32It only happened because he said it sounds about right. Yeah, right. Here we go girls
00:07:37It's the soft world. Goodbye. This isn't the turnoff. I'm trying a new way
00:07:44There's no way to take this road easy
00:07:48Paul was a wild man on these back roads bruised my kidneys off enough. I tell you that hey, I sure miss old scratch
00:08:02Was a freedom that gives a man a scratch
00:08:05Long and hard really dig in there like they don't let you do in the city. Yeah
00:08:16So you just put the little red dot on the target and shoot huh, there's a little more to it than that
00:08:21Hey, you want to put that thing down before you shoot one of us in the back?
00:08:24More likely to shoot myself in the foot
00:08:27It's a fine-looking weapon Brad
00:08:30These new radios all the equipment
00:08:33Yeah, it's been a fortune I had a good year tell you something else, too
00:08:37I think it's about time we dragged this party into the 21st century
00:08:39Hey, maybe next year we can all chip in buy a new boogie mobile with all the options. Yeah, maybe
00:08:46It's good to be in the old war horse one more time though, isn't it?
00:08:50It was very understanding of your uncle's estate when we asked to borrow it
00:08:55the family appreciated the eulogy
00:08:57And you know how you try to save them and everything
00:09:02He's my best friend
00:09:12Hey now
00:09:14The law says if you bring one down you got a gut it right there and pack out all the meat yourself
00:09:19How much is away? I?
00:09:21Don't know what a couple hundred pounds. Oh easy. Wait 200 pounds. Nobody can carry that much
00:09:26Hey, I can still bench 340 at least I could until this year
00:09:30I had some guy come over when I was in the gym bench and ask him I didn't ask him to spot me
00:09:34He picked up one side away
00:09:36Went over to the other thing for the rotator you had to tell you what even so I can still drag out a couple hundred
00:09:42Pounds of meat if I bring it down
00:09:47Hey, look, what's that Pueblo ruin I've forgotten the name
00:09:52How old are they hard to say they built layers on top of layers a lot of its underground
00:09:59Beautiful can we stop I'd love room
00:10:01We're here to hunt deer kid not baskets if you want to stand a chance in hell of bringing one of them down you better
00:10:06Get with the program
00:10:26Yeah, that's where I spend most of my time promoting the line it's been a great break for me
00:10:31High plains fashions. I never heard of it. Oh, yeah, it's a big new label
00:10:35Cologne boots even bedsheets
00:10:38National High Plains man for about a year now
00:10:40Just about the best gig a model can get and they put clothes on my back boots on my feet. They've been capped my teeth
00:10:47Doesn't know anything, but he looks good in it
00:10:50It's time for me to water some pinyon pines
00:11:15Long drive, huh?
00:11:19Forgive me for asking what's this damn problem? Oh
00:11:24Brad was always number two on these trips
00:11:28Me I don't care about things like who's in charge who holds the records
00:11:35It's always been very important to Brad
00:11:38You don't like the guy any better than that. Why even with him?
00:11:42Well, we were in school together Brad and I and Paul I
00:11:51Don't know I I guess sometimes you hang on to people you maybe don't even like just because of the years
00:12:02You know, I know you my uncle's friends and you're older than me
00:12:05But I'd like to get this straight now
00:12:07He's not my platoon leader and you're not my dad
00:13:11Great someone else already at the campsite
00:13:51Hello howdy
00:13:53Best natural campsite around huh? I reckon Brad the whole lean to still here. Yeah, you know, I think I know you
00:14:01We met about four or five years ago up on Yellow Ridge. You're professional hunters. All right
00:14:05Stan Brown's the name
00:14:07Yeah, I'm Brad Mueller. That's Ray Bettencamp. This is dr. Jim Cole. How do you do?
00:14:14You had another fellow with you last time didn't you?
00:14:19Yeah, yeah that was raised uncle Paul
00:14:24He was killed six months ago
00:14:28What happened a
00:14:31Storm knocked over a utility pole. He got
00:14:34Tangled up in a high-voltage cable
00:14:39You were there yes
00:14:52Well, I'm sure sorry to hear that so the kids taking his uncle's place that's right good
00:15:00How's the hunting this year right good
00:15:07Ain't no hunting this year
00:15:10You could have saved yourself the trip up here if you'd stopped along the way and taken a look
00:15:15Looked at what I?
00:15:18Ain't seen a game animal in a week. They've been spooked out this part of the world. That's a fact
00:15:27What do you mean spooked I wish I knew
00:15:34We'll find something
00:15:50Don't I know you from somewhere
00:15:52Maybe see my picture. Do you read gentleman's quarterly?
00:15:57or sunset
00:15:58How about American West?
00:16:00Yeah, I see that one downtown
00:16:02Hey, I'm in most issues
00:16:05Yeah, high plans
00:16:07Do you know for men?
00:16:12Well, I'm the National High Plains man
00:16:20Come on up join us mr. Brown if you want to come around
00:16:42This was
00:16:45One of your uncle's favorite places
00:16:49Used to lay up here for hours
00:16:54Not saying a thing
00:16:58Just watching the stars
00:17:03I guess that's why he chose it
00:17:33Guess I used up all my words at the memorial service
00:17:46It's just us up here now
00:17:53Live free buddy
00:17:56We'll never forget you
00:18:15Didn't say anything
00:18:42Thought to be out to dry a little bit to see the stars
00:18:49Put the Bible star on the rise
00:18:54The bomb here
00:18:56Telescope like a map never get lost
00:19:33You know, it's mighty pleasant to see a friendly face up here it's kind of only
00:19:39Live here in the mountains
00:19:41My animals way in the hell of my animals
00:19:44So they were right here
00:19:46Damn, I know how they get loose
00:19:49Well, they won't get far
00:19:51Tomorrow we'll have you round them up
00:19:53Thank you
00:20:26Ain't no I'm this year. I ain't seen a game. I don't want a week. They've been scooped out this part of the world
00:20:33I feel good about this trip Jim. It doesn't go by that. I don't think about him
00:20:58Appreciate you helping out
00:21:00It's all right. It's tough to track them through this stuff though
00:21:03Well for me maybe and that's my old man he could track where an animal planned to go
00:21:10He must have seen this country when it was something unbelievable he sure did
00:21:15And the stories he would tell me and my brothers
00:21:18And the stories he would tell my mother
00:21:20He could also attract a pretty woman through half a dozen honky-tonks in any kind of weather in and out of season
00:21:26You know what? I mean
00:21:31Happily married type ain't you
00:21:34Guilty nothing wrong with that. Nothing. I'd be the last man to talk against family seeing as how we're out here
00:21:41Looking for all the family I got
00:22:03How you doing, okay, okay
00:22:08Great morning in it. Yeah, I just love it up here
00:22:12Camping that's right. Just trying to find a little peace and quiet. I'm Brad Mueller. This is Ray Ben. Can't hi. Oh
00:22:23We're just camped over the ridge here deer season, you know your hunters
00:22:28I'm the hunter. He's just learning
00:22:32Well, we haven't seen much wildlife at all on the side of the mountain and I can assure you that there's no wildlife to be
00:22:37found in the middle of our camp
00:22:38You know, we had some horses get away from us last night. Did either one of you ladies happen to see him?
00:22:44Well, we did hear something big moving around last night. I bet you that was it
00:22:49Did give us just a little fright a little fright. It scared us half to death
00:22:53Well, maybe you feel safer if you camped with us, you know, just until we found him
00:22:59I tell you what if we see him, we'll catch him for you. There's plenty of room
00:23:07Well, okay
00:23:10You know where we are if you need anything or you just get lonely
00:23:17We came up here to get lonely
00:23:27Frigid she's just tired of getting hit on see a lot in the city. Oh, yeah, you know so much about it
00:23:32Well, I just saw I'd say I know a lot more than you. Oh, yeah
00:23:34You were such a big help back there famous movie star famous macho, huh?
00:23:39Hardly open your mouth. So it's done Brad. You take it slow. You ease him into it
00:23:44You give me a chance to check you out
00:23:45You you march into camp and you're real for your pecs and announce you here to save him from the big bad wolf
00:23:50Women haven't gone for that axe. It's 1964 a great year, you know, we're even born even better
00:24:46You scare up anything a game not a thing and I mean nothing
00:24:54You're right about the game up here. I
00:24:56Don't even hear any birds
00:24:59They come and go
00:25:01What's causing it?
00:25:05some kind of predator
00:25:08It ain't that dry
00:25:32What did you say what I thought you said something no
00:26:35Who the hell are you
00:26:45What the hell are you doing in our camp
00:26:58I wouldn't answer
00:27:18Come on Terry, how are you doing? We're gonna have fun. You'll see
00:27:49See you didn't see any tracks at all, huh? None we could follow
00:27:53Who stands a professional tracker? Oh some professional. He can't even keep his horses tied up
00:27:58I could say the same thing about your riches
00:28:01What does that mean drooling over them hippie girls when you're supposed to be governor West face?
00:28:08Where you going to get some peace and quiet
00:28:11Good hell, but I want to listen to old women nag each other. I go visit my great aunt in the nursing home
00:28:51Brad right. Yeah want some company
00:29:02Come here sit down
00:29:12We're glad you're here what changed your mind
00:29:21It's that tequila
00:29:23Sure is yeah, I don't stand handed it to you. Thanks partner
00:29:32I've never figured you girls for drinkers
00:29:37Looks like you figured wrong about a lot of thing
00:29:43Boring looking at each other on the walls of a tent after a while
00:29:48Yeah, and that herb tea and trail mix can get mighty boring. That's right. It's
00:29:53It's hard to get crazy in that stuff in
00:30:08So you still get crazy old-timer
00:30:11You have a chance I get
00:31:54Hey, hey, hey, it's past your bedtime old man. Yeah, I agree with both very tired you're dead wrong
00:32:17Come on mr. Universe show me what you got
00:32:23You've got to be kidding me you're afraid of getting beaten in front of the ladies, huh, I
00:32:28Guess I'll let muscles just for show
00:32:30Make it worth my while
00:33:41Give it back
00:34:00Stay down
00:35:16Never figured you girls for drinkers
00:35:54What what's going on here
00:35:59Where'd they go who that hippie girls gone I
00:36:06Guess I missed it. You didn't miss nothing. What the hell happened? It's pretty damn obvious. He drank us under the table
00:36:13No way Brad
00:36:15What does it matter it don't I say we forget the whole damn thing
00:36:21Sorry about that punch kid, that's funny. I don't even feel it now
00:37:21Let it anymore boys
00:37:28Well, I know I didn't drink that much
00:37:32I mean not enough to black out
00:37:35Doesn't take much up here
00:37:37Altitude and booze don't mix
00:37:39Throw in a couple of girls
00:37:41You got a real potential for interaction. Oh, come on, man. I don't want a laboratory explanation here
00:37:46I was there and I didn't like what happened
00:37:51So they paid us a visit and we got a little crazy I can accept that but how'd they disappear
00:37:57Hell you two were in bed with the morning
00:37:59Seems like it. It's all a little fuzzy this one fuzzy
00:38:05Hit me in the jaw for God's sakes. I
00:38:08Hate this kind of thing. Let's go ask Brad. Let's just leave him alone. Okay?
00:38:14Last night is history. The booze is history. We came here to snag Ray a buck and today's the day
00:39:00Ray head in there
00:39:04By myself a little bit close test the radio
00:39:15You know Jim I don't feel good about this I
00:39:18Think we should just pack up and go home. Give it a chance Ray
00:39:20Besides if we don't see any game today, there'll be no point in staying. That's a promise
00:39:25Yeah, that's a promise
00:39:31It happened again, didn't it?
00:39:34What do you mean but just like the horses I
00:39:37Mean them girls walked away from us like there was invisible
00:39:41And I can tell you I was tucked down real good with that little Colleen with no thinking about sleeping and
00:39:51Well as you've seen him
00:39:54No, I didn't see him
00:41:37Jim Jim
00:41:48It's blood all right hasn't been here long
00:41:53Comes from that way
00:41:55It goes that way
00:42:00So why are we going that way
00:42:11Brad can you hear me? Answer me?
00:42:14You must be out of range. I don't like this. Okay, shh
00:42:19We're getting closer
00:42:22Heads up now, right?
00:42:24Do you get cranky this ain't dear it's much bigger
00:43:10What the hell
00:43:16Killing ground
00:43:20What could have done this Stan Koga maybe a man for sure
00:43:28Let's get out of here
00:43:46What do you think I think blood rings the dinner bell
00:44:21It's me empty-handed
00:44:29My god
00:44:53Guess you guys had some luck after all lucky set
00:44:56Yeah, he's a he's a beauty he's a beauty he's a killer it's a monster he's King Bruin and we got him
00:45:05Who got him we all three did charged us I only heard one shot three shots all at the same time
00:45:16No way check it out on that
00:45:20Open you up like a Sacramento
00:45:30Boys will be boys
00:45:49Where'd you get him Jim down the hill found some blood
00:45:59Yes, I see
00:46:05What eating Jim
00:46:16Guys are too much
00:46:23Give me a hand. I'll dress him out for you. Don't you touch it? What the hell are you doing?
00:46:28I'm gonna dress him out. I can't believe you guys carried him up your guts and all it's our kill
00:46:32Well, it doesn't matter whose kill it is Jim. You can't leave it like this with all this blood all over
00:46:39I don't believe this. What do you want to do call in every scavenger for a hundred miles around?
00:48:42They say dear it's much bigger
00:48:47I don't like this blood rings the dead bell
00:48:57Only heard one shot
00:49:01Open you up like a Sacramento
00:49:50What do you want it's gone
00:49:55What's gone
00:49:57The bear we killed I
00:50:01Didn't take it
00:50:05No, no, it's not like that. It's it's just gone. It's it's it's gone. Like the girls are gone
00:50:12There's no blood on our clothes
00:50:15Take it never happened
00:50:18We're in trouble Brad
00:50:22It may be
00:50:27That we're going insane
00:51:04It was right
00:51:06There right, right. That's that's why I remember it and then Stan got a hold of it and he made the claws move and
00:51:14Then you jump back and then Jim leaped on you
00:51:17It was like some 50s caveman B movie
00:51:21What'd you say?
00:51:24Like some kind of movie is that what this is to you some sort of play acting no Brad
00:51:29That's what I thought at first to
00:51:32bunch of city kids put something to my food make me crazy you
00:51:36laugh at what happens but
00:51:40That ain't it
00:51:42Yeah, I believe that and what the hell happened
00:51:47There was a black bear right there
00:51:49And it was dead for God's sake Brad forget about the bear. Look at us
00:51:54Look what we did
00:51:56We went right round the bed crazy
00:52:00We nearly killed you I would have killed you I wanted to kill you Brad
00:52:18Considering everything that happened, I'd say it's a good thing. We didn't go visit those girls
00:52:32I did
00:52:36What oh and how was your afternoon or should I say afternooner they weren't there
00:52:42Their tent was still there, but there was no sign of them. Why did you do that?
00:52:47Brad I
00:52:49Wanted to see her again, I thought maybe since she left me a note
00:52:53Maybe she left you a note. You never said she left no note. Well, it wasn't a note
00:52:58It was just scrawled in the dirt. What did it say?
00:53:01You know
00:53:03Exactly. What did it say Brad?
00:53:07Must leave now
00:53:09All right, that's it. That's all for me. I'm wrapped. I'm out of here. Hey Ray. No, no, you're the girls. Absolutely, right?
00:53:15I wanted to bail yesterday, but you said no I should have the experience of the hunt. Well, I've had it
00:53:20All right, I've had it. You know what Brad? I'm gonna give you different line reading on that. It's must leave now
00:53:29He's right, let's get the hell out of here
00:55:43There was nothing wrong with that Jeep
00:55:45He should have turned over. There was gas in the tank juice battery
00:55:51Maybe we are going crazy. Well, let's get warm and crazy. Yeah build a fire
00:56:28Was that
00:56:36You know, they say this place isn't on it
00:56:49Don't know about the rest of you gentlemen, but I've I've sat still for about as much mystery as I'm going to I think you're
00:56:59Hard to tell not hard for me your life
00:57:31Got stinking here like something died
00:57:45Oh my god
00:58:15Is that money
00:58:26Jim you better get in here and take a look at this
00:58:29You're right, look at the way this incision follows the contour of the bone
00:58:39This is more like an autopsy
00:58:45What else
00:58:48Is this
00:58:56More like an autopsy
00:59:03What else he's a good-sized buck and the bear is that the bear we shot
00:59:53We got some doped up Manson type running around out there carving up animals and maybe people too
00:59:58I say we find the son of a bitch. We take him down. There's only one plant at this point
01:00:01Let's just call in the Marines and be the Marines that would come that'd be great, but it won't be the Marines
01:00:05It'll be TV news and court-appointed attorneys followed by shrinks followed by docu drama
01:00:10Years from now they give this animal a bottle of pills and they set him free, you know, this could happen. He's got a point
01:00:15He's got a point but we have no choice to the two deadlock. It's not a deadlock
01:00:22There are five of us here
01:00:24And if number five doesn't soon get to one of those shrinks you hate so much. She may not make it
01:00:28This is not a debate
01:00:33I'm going for help. She needs you here
01:00:35You're the only one with any medical training
01:00:41I'll go me too. No, no offense Stan, but
01:00:45You just slow me down. I run the mile in six. I'll walk it in 14
01:01:40Hey, wait, I'd take hi, it's I'm Brad Mueller. I got a couple friends back down there
01:02:35Why would he be shooting I don't know but one of us should go after us dang two of us should go after
01:03:16Jim Brad
01:04:11Maybe there are ghosts. What do you mean?
01:04:16Right, it wasn't long a personality, but I figure he had good instincts as a hunter
01:04:25So how did he get himself bushwhacked
01:04:34On the Wednesday and down I'll get some stones for the grave
01:05:35I'll say something
01:05:44This man was a loyal friend and a good companion I
01:05:55Knew him for many years and he was
01:05:59Never dishonest with me
01:06:05He demanded a lot of people
01:06:10But also of himself
01:06:19I'm gonna miss the challenge of being his friend
01:08:27Jim I got the grave ready
01:08:33Jim get up. Where the hell is Brad?
01:08:42It happened again
01:08:47What have you been I was getting the stones said I'll close my eyes for a few minutes for four hours
01:08:55No way
01:09:00Name is Frank, right?
01:09:06That's right, I'm Ray my name is Ray
01:09:12Brad died
01:09:16That's right, honey
01:09:22Huh, I was sad
01:09:36What happened to your friend Kathleen
01:09:45Someone attacked you a
01:09:54It was a man
01:09:59But not really
01:10:06He he made us feel things we were afraid
01:10:12Then we were happy
01:10:15Then all we wanted was
01:10:20You guys
01:10:23To be with men any men
01:10:32Mean we're ashamed
01:10:40We had no control
01:10:43He owned us
01:10:47What did he look like
01:10:51Blonde black a white shirt
01:11:11Is that the man
01:11:17That's insane, that's what he killed Terry
01:11:40Seen him today
01:11:42The man was not dead after all
01:11:46Paul is dead. I
01:11:48Saw him die. We scattered his ashes. This isn't Paul
01:11:52What the hell who is he? No, no
01:11:56What is no person
01:12:00Could have done this
01:12:02All along he's been manipulating our moods
01:12:06Maybe even our sense of reality
01:12:10Playing with us worse
01:12:14Experimenting with us
01:12:16Experimenting. I don't know why I didn't see this before
01:12:19hell, I
01:12:20Do the same thing every day in the lab. I
01:12:24Put animals in confinement and I study their behavior
01:12:30He gives us stimulus like the girls
01:12:33like Brad's body
01:12:35We fight over the girls. We spill our guts with grief and he sits back and watches
01:12:42making notes
01:12:45And then when it's over
01:12:48He cleans the cage
01:12:52Cleans the cage
01:12:56He makes it look as if nothing happened
01:12:59Tries to make us forget. So we're fresh for the next experiment
01:13:03Hell, there was even a control group. One of us was always on the outside, right?
01:13:07Brad didn't slice up the bear. You weren't at the funeral. I
01:13:11Never saw the girls until now
01:13:15You're right
01:13:18Yeah, we're just rats in a cage get the guns these rats are getting out of here
01:13:30Let's go
01:13:34What's wrong
01:13:38We can't get out this way
01:13:40Let's go back. What is it some kind of energy field?
01:13:44Follow me. I
01:13:46Can't see a top to it. Maybe we can climb out
01:13:50Stay here. I'll check it
01:13:55I don't see anything
01:14:13What is it the edge of the cage
01:14:36We're not even gonna try to bust through that barrier what chance we got
01:14:45This isn't the CIA doing this or the Russians or Charlie Manson, I
01:14:51Don't know anything on earth
01:14:53That has this kind of power and sophistication. What do you mean anything on earth? Just what I said Ray
01:15:01Went out of this prison and the only way is to go for the man with the keys
01:15:07All right, fine you want to go hunt this thing down and kill it we will but can we at least stay together
01:15:11We can't do that
01:15:12Every time we're together we run the risk of it influencing our judgment
01:15:15We might end up shooting each other and laughing while we do it. Remember honey you stay in this room
01:15:22Let's go
01:18:42Just don't understand how
01:18:48So obviously advanced can be so cruel
01:18:53Care so little about life
01:18:56Big fish eat the little fish. I know it's the way of the world
01:19:04But is it the way of all worlds I
01:19:09Don't understand this either
01:19:13What's a truck doing here
01:19:16Everything else in this room is a life-form
01:19:19Well, maybe this thing don't know the difference
01:19:22It would have to
01:19:26Have to
01:19:29Why just this?
01:19:31Why didn't it take the guns or the the radios? I don't know. Maybe just likes the color
01:19:44Paul liked the color
01:20:15Jim let's get this straight
01:20:17This thing might be able to make itself look like your friend, but it can't become your friend. Remember that I
01:20:26I know
01:21:07What's wrong
01:21:12Jim Ray, he's here. It's uncle Paul
01:21:18Uncle Paul
01:21:22Shoot it right. It's not your uncle. Shoot it, right?
01:21:37Now shoot it
01:22:03Come on go back go on
01:22:09Forget the guns they're no use
01:22:25Ray it changed
01:22:28It's paul when he got I know I saw it change
01:22:31I was just thinking about it when he was you were thinking about your uncle, right?
01:22:34This is the way you remember him
01:22:37Do it again
01:22:39Think about him another way
01:22:41What do you mean?
01:22:42Think about a moment
01:22:44Go on talk to him
01:22:46Go on. You're an actor for god's sake
01:22:48Play the part
01:22:52Okay, soldier boy here I am come and get me
01:23:02Well, come on
01:23:22Gee uncle paul, I love coming to this place. It's like paradise over here. What the hell?
01:23:34What's happening general paul, I gotta admire a man who'll get drunk on his own wedding day
01:23:46Somebody else talk to him. Hey lieutenant, let me buy you another drink
01:23:54It reads our memories and that's what becomes keep it going keep it going you and your brother just great uncle paul
01:24:04Good to see you again, mr. Metcalf. Hey paul, what do you think of the war now you're back?
01:24:11Uncle paul take me out to the reef
01:24:50Why did it have to happen
01:24:55I tried to save you
01:24:58But it was no use
01:25:00You took 10 000 volts, buddy
01:25:0310 000 volts
01:25:0610 000 volts
01:25:2710 000 volts
01:25:3410 000 volts
01:26:16It had the chance it was coming right at me
01:26:21Why didn't it kill me
01:26:24Because you confused the hell out of it
01:26:27What did I do?
01:26:28You turned to face it
01:26:31You were going to sacrifice your life for ours, weren't you?
01:26:40Lab animals don't do that people do
01:27:05No, honey, i'm, okay just be a little late that's all
01:27:13No, I uh, I slept pretty well last night
01:27:21Who knows maybe in another couple of weeks
01:27:24I'll be able to dream about something else
01:27:33No, i'm very tired tonight i'll definitely be home in a half hour
01:27:42I love you, too