The Wild Team (1985) Action War

  • 2 days ago
A South American rebel leader in exile in Miami is given one last chance to overthrow his successor, a brutal dictator.
00:01:33Fantastic! Everybody seems so happy.
00:01:35Oh, I'm glad you like it, but we have to go now, dear.
00:01:37We don't have much time. The plane from Miami takes off in two hours.
00:01:40And we still have to pick up our bags.
00:01:42Please, Emiliano. I want to see the floats.
00:01:45We still have time.
00:01:46All right. Ten minutes more.
00:01:47Got it.
00:03:04Get your hands off me!
00:03:22Out of the question.
00:03:24It's quite out of the question to close down our mines.
00:03:26It's ridiculous even to think about it.
00:03:28It would mean a loss of...
00:03:29It would be in the region of 15% of the annual profit.
00:03:32Something like 15 to 20 million dollars.
00:03:35I know my figures, Weber.
00:03:37We've already invested more than that in research.
00:03:39It's too big a commitment to close down, surely.
00:03:42And therefore, the only solution is to pay General Gomez
00:03:45and help him clean up the few dirty rebels that are trying to overthrow him.
00:03:48Ah, right. Right. Yes, he's right.
00:03:50Anyway, we all agree things can't continue in their present state.
00:03:53We're losing millions of dollars every day.
00:03:55The effect on our shares will be disastrous.
00:03:57We've got to do something. We've got to find the answer.
00:03:59Now, gentlemen. Gentlemen, please.
00:04:03Bear with me for a minute.
00:04:07Unfortunately, it is not a question of a few dirty rebels,
00:04:11as Mr. Jackson calls them,
00:04:13but of a country fighting to gain its freedom.
00:04:16And Guillermo Cordura is the symbol of that fight.
00:04:20Fine words, Mr. Harger.
00:04:21You're not suggesting that Cordura, the great idealist,
00:04:24is going to help us balance the accounts of our company?
00:04:26Doesn't sound like a very safe bet.
00:04:28I wouldn't be too sure about that, Jackson.
00:04:36Fine. Fine.
00:04:55We're going to put Cordura back in power?
00:04:57He'll never accept. It's a ridiculous idea.
00:04:59He wouldn't even discuss it with us.
00:05:01You're wrong again, Jackson.
00:05:03He's already accepted.
00:05:05Gentlemen, Guillermo Cordura is here.
00:05:15How kind of you to come.
00:05:17I'm sorry, Mr. Harger.
00:05:20How kind of you to come here to talk to us, Mr. President.
00:05:23President? No.
00:05:26I am only an exile,
00:05:28one of the very few survivors
00:05:30of the reprisals of your friend, General Gomez.
00:05:33I know that you consider us responsible
00:05:35for the fall of your democratic government,
00:05:38but now we hope to demonstrate the contrary.
00:05:40Please sit down.
00:05:44Your country wants you back.
00:05:46Your country wants you back.
00:05:48Your people are tired of Gomez and his cruel tyranny.
00:05:51And when people think more of revolution than of work,
00:05:54minds have to close down.
00:05:57As you can see, we need you like your country needs you.
00:06:00Mr. Cordura, we offer you arms, money and equipment
00:06:03to help you and your people get rid of Gomez
00:06:06and his bloody dictatorship.
00:06:12It's for you.
00:06:16Hello? Cordura speaking.
00:06:27Too late.
00:06:30I cannot accept now.
00:06:32Why not?
00:06:34They kidnapped my son two hours ago.
00:07:17Freeze, turkey!
00:07:43Hey, not bad.
00:07:47Not bad, I'm terrific.
00:08:05Down, boy. He's loaded.
00:08:09Down, boy. He's loaded.
00:08:26Minute 41 seconds. Terrorists captured.
00:08:29Inform General Smith of the results of this exercise.
00:08:34Congratulations, Captain.
00:08:36Congratulations, Captain.
00:08:38An excellent operation. Our strike team's starting to look good.
00:08:47Hey, I hope we didn't hurt you guys too much.
00:08:49Ah, just our pride.
00:08:52Hey, Martin, thanks for your help.
00:08:55I owe you one, buddy.
00:08:57And that goes for you guys as well.
00:08:59Ah, it was nothing.
00:09:01By the way, what's your name?
00:09:03Theodore Skeeter.
00:09:05Also known as Theo.
00:09:08Paco Arrow.
00:09:10But it's a fake name. My real name, my mother doesn't even know it.
00:09:13He's crazy.
00:09:17Listen, let's exchange favors.
00:09:19Where do I get paid?
00:09:20It's waiting for you in the orderly room.
00:09:22Hey, Martin, what do you really think of my boys?
00:09:25Well, if they're the best you got,
00:09:27then take my advice.
00:09:29Don't send them to war.
00:09:31Oh, yeah?
00:09:44Captain Cuomo.
00:09:48It's just plain old Mr. Cuomo now, Lieutenant.
00:09:50That war's over and forgotten.
00:09:54This is Marius, a renegade Englishman.
00:09:56Don't let him fool you.
00:09:58He doesn't look like a pansy, but he's a regular bulldog.
00:10:03I've been running after you for a week, Martin.
00:10:05There are these friends of mine who'd like to talk to you.
00:10:09I'll pay for your time.
00:10:16Madam, gentlemen,
00:10:18you have been chosen from among 80 parapsychologists
00:10:21for your exceptional extrasensory powers.
00:10:25A photograph of the boy.
00:10:31He was kidnapped during the carnival on Manioca last week
00:10:34by agents working for the security services of General Gomez
00:10:38and taken to a secret base somewhere in the interior of the island.
00:10:42It's up to you to tell us where.
00:10:44We deal in intuitions and not certainties.
00:10:47Everything you manage to sense on an extrasensory level
00:10:50will be elaborated by the computer.
00:10:52A method that's been tried out in Washington with success.
00:10:56And do you have some article that has been in contact with the boy
00:10:59that we could use as an object to concentrate on?
00:11:02Only this.
00:11:05The mask used by one of the kidnappers to chloroform him.
00:11:12And now, madam, gentlemen,
00:11:14I leave you to your work.
00:11:16Take all the time you need.
00:11:19Would, uh, would everybody please sit down?
00:11:42The three of you are now hooked up to the computer.
00:11:45Now, when the red light goes on,
00:11:47I want you all to concentrate, all right?
00:11:50Oh, yes.
00:12:061,200 degrees.
00:12:0936 latitude north.
00:12:11Deep water.
00:12:15A sea of mud.
00:12:1890th parallel.
00:12:20No, not 90th.
00:12:25Quicksand. A fence.
00:12:27Electrified. Large enclosure.
00:12:29The strength of what it used.
00:12:3220,000. Circuit resistance.
00:12:35Trees. A forest of trees.
00:12:38An island on an island.
00:12:40Covered with forests.
00:13:00These are recent pictures of your objective.
00:13:06As you can see, the camp is located in the middle of the jungle.
00:13:10For 200 miles all around, there's nothing but swamp,
00:13:13and virgin forest. Change.
00:13:15The boy is being held in one of these huts.
00:13:18There are no access roads.
00:13:20Men and equipment were flown in by helicopter.
00:13:23We hit them with assault choppers, then.
00:13:25Impossible. The whole area is under constant surveillance by the Manioca radar,
00:13:29which automatically indicates violation of airspace and identifies any intruder.
00:13:33That's not very nice.
00:13:35You trust your, uh, your contacts there?
00:13:37Yes, of course.
00:13:39Hmm. What do you think about it, Captain?
00:13:43Well, I say we try it.
00:13:45The only question is, uh, how much you're willing to pay.
00:13:49Well, on the basis of a 20-man team,
00:13:53our budget would be half a million dollars.
00:13:57Yes. That's more or less what I had in mind.
00:14:00Only that, uh...
00:14:04I only need four men.
00:14:06You must be out of your mind. Only four men for an operation like this?
00:14:09Yep. And three are here.
00:14:12What do you say, boys?
00:14:19I think we should accept.
00:14:21But not for a penny less.
00:14:25I agree with him.
00:14:29And the fourth?
00:14:43Have we been stood up, Martin?
00:14:45Hmm. The appointment was supposed to be at 10.
00:14:49It's 10.15.
00:15:02Hey, boys.
00:15:04I think it's time for us to go.
00:15:06Yes, sir.
00:15:09Hey, boys.
00:15:11Hey! Ha! Ha!
00:15:14All right.
00:15:16Now, that's a great affair of cutoffs, huh?
00:15:25I saw her first. She's mine, and don't forget it.
00:15:30What are you doing here?
00:15:32Buying cacao?
00:15:34No need for the make-up.
00:15:36Really? I like the natural look.
00:15:38Maybe you do, but I prefer a woman with make-up.
00:15:42If I hear any more crap, I'll blow your balls off.
00:15:49I say, if you ask me, those were fighting birds.
00:15:53Down, boys.
00:15:55If I were you, I wouldn't mess with her.
00:15:58Why not?
00:16:00Because she's dangerous.
00:16:02Because she's dangerous.
00:16:12What do you think, it's funny?
00:16:14That was stupid, huh?
00:16:16What the hell is that stuff?
00:16:20I just surrendered to you.
00:16:22Who is she?
00:16:24Slater, our expert in explosives.
00:16:26Weird. I knew Slater, but he was, well, different.
00:16:30A little bit taller, much less...
00:16:32I'm his sister. He's in prison.
00:16:34I need money for an attorney.
00:16:55Now, pay attention.
00:16:57We came here for a reason.
00:16:59Sybil set up a little surprise for us.
00:17:02She's going to blow up that hut.
00:17:04With herself in it? She's crazy.
00:17:06She'll kill herself.
00:17:08Not if she sets her explosives properly.
00:17:10It was her idea.
00:17:12What if she hasn't?
00:17:14Then I'll have to find another expert.
00:17:16I'm ready.
00:17:19Take cover.
00:17:27Come on.
00:17:57Come on.
00:18:27You're on the team.
00:18:29I'm here to help you.
00:18:31Fortez Senor, I'm here to help you.
00:18:58Where's the bus for the day trip?
00:19:00Outside, senor, and there's room for five of you.
00:19:03Muy bien.
00:19:04Get our bags.
00:19:42Levantate, hijo de puta!
00:19:53Por favor!
00:19:56Por favor!
00:19:58Viva Cordura!
00:20:00Stop him!
00:20:16Foreigners or Americans?
00:20:20Step aside.
00:20:22What's in that trunk?
00:20:25Maybe I can help.
00:20:28Haven't you seen what's written on it, Captain?
00:20:35Look, Sergeant, we've just gotten married,
00:20:37and we can't wait to be alone.
00:20:39We're on our honeymoon, understand?
00:20:42Be a sweetie.
00:20:54Si, si, senora.
00:21:03I compliment to you and your husband.
00:21:05You may go.
00:21:11Don't look at me like that, Martin.
00:21:13I know.
00:21:15I shouldn't interfere.
00:21:16You can at least wait until the honeymoon is over.
00:21:19Well, one thing's certain.
00:21:21It won't be an easy honeymoon.
00:21:51Good luck.
00:22:17Good luck to you, too, Miquel.
00:22:54Accommodate him!
00:22:58Then we at least have a dream.
00:23:02Old man, help us.
00:23:10I haven't told yet.
00:23:12And the window.
00:23:14Daddy, help!
00:23:19Help me!
00:23:28What's the matter?
00:23:30His leg! Under the bed!
00:23:35Hold him down!
00:23:43The boy's escaped! The boy's escaped!
00:23:45Quickly! Find him!
00:23:57Clearing off section 89!
00:23:59Where is he?
00:24:17Where is he?
00:24:19Pick up a stick!
00:24:23Good boy! Come on then!
00:24:25There he is! Pull him out!
00:24:29Go on!
00:24:37Go on!
00:24:39Let him go! Let him go!
00:24:51Bite him, Wolf! Go on, bite!
00:24:53Damn dog, do as you're told!
00:24:56Bite him! Go on, bite him, Wolf!
00:25:01Useless animal!
00:25:09I warned you not to cause me any problems!
00:25:12You stupid fool!
00:25:14Next time, you get a bullet!
00:25:17Take him away!
00:25:25THE END
00:25:55THE END
00:26:01This is where we end the ride.
00:26:04I figure about halfway.
00:26:06From here on, we go by foot.
00:26:08Paco, take us in.
00:26:22Nothing, Martin. Nothing but parrots.
00:26:25We have 24 hours.
00:26:27We'll have to travel all through the night to reach the hill.
00:26:29What's the damn rush?
00:26:31The rush is we have a schedule. We get to the hill.
00:26:33And then tomorrow, at daybreak...
00:26:36We grow wings like angels.
00:26:41Let's move out.
00:26:55Let's go!
00:27:01All of you, get down!
00:27:26Do you think they saw us?
00:27:28I hope not.
00:27:30What I would like to know is if they were actually looking for us.
00:27:33Whatever they were doing, I'm not about to give up 100,000 bucks.
00:27:37Let's go.
00:27:55THE END
00:28:14If you go to a Chinese restaurant,
00:28:16they serve this kind of snake in a nice soy sauce.
00:28:22Come on!
00:28:26Looks like a mopping-up operation.
00:28:28What are we going to do?
00:28:30Separate into two groups and take a look.
00:28:34Better stick with us.
00:28:55THE END
00:29:25Move it!
00:29:55THE END
00:29:58THE END
00:30:24Let's get out of here. Fast.
00:30:26We're up shit creek if there's any more of them.
00:30:28There's a one.
00:30:30But he's never going to tell no one that he saw us.
00:30:38Now we can go.
00:30:57THE END
00:31:05You filthy bitch!
00:31:07I ought to shoot you!
00:31:09What's your name?
00:31:11Answer me! What's your name?
00:31:15Consuelo? What a nice name.
00:31:17But you're scared.
00:31:19There's no one to help you here, is there?
00:31:21Realize that.
00:31:23You were Cordura's housekeeper, weren't you?
00:31:25Go on, answer me.
00:31:27Yes. I looked after Guiguito.
00:31:30So that's why you helped him to escape last night.
00:31:34You better consider yourself lucky I didn't have you shot for it.
00:31:38Keep looking after the kid.
00:31:40He'll listen to you.
00:31:43You can make him behave.
00:31:47I warn you.
00:31:49Make sure he understands I'm serious.
00:32:13According to the map, the equipment should be here.
00:32:23THE END
00:32:41Hey! The walking's over!
00:32:43We have wings!
00:32:45Great. I was losing my faith in our organization.
00:32:53THE END
00:33:19Nervous isn't the word. I'm really scared, Martin.
00:33:22Everything will work out. Don't worry about it.
00:33:25Tell me something. Aren't you ever afraid?
00:33:28All the time. But I get paid to hide it.
00:33:31A lot of money. And so do you.
00:33:33What are our chances?
00:33:35If we succeed in making it across the big swamp, pretty good.
00:33:39Well, what if someone falls and breaks a leg?
00:33:42What if the moon turns blue? Don't think about it.
00:33:45Want a drop of whiskey?
00:33:52Are you married, Martin?
00:33:56Yeah. We're separated.
00:33:59Why do you ask?
00:34:01Just to know who'll pick up your share if you fall and break a leg.
00:34:05I've already taken care of that. The salvation on me.
00:34:09Wake the boys. It'll be dawn soon and we're leaving.
00:34:17These hang gliders are a gift from an old acquaintance in the U.S. Army.
00:34:20The wings are coated with a special material. It'll make us invisible to radar.
00:34:24Chances are we'll be flying too low anyway.
00:34:27Once we get down there, we'll be less than a mile from that damn camp.
00:34:33Come on.
00:34:50Come on.
00:35:20Come on.
00:35:44Okay. Let's go.
00:35:50Let's go.
00:36:20Let's go.
00:36:50Let's go.
00:37:20This is Z-22 Manioca to Camp 17.
00:37:23This is Z-22 calling Camp 17. Over.
00:37:26This is Camp 17 reading you loud and clear. Do you read us?
00:37:31Everything is A-OK. No contact to report.
00:37:50Come on.
00:37:59Come on.
00:38:01Come on.
00:38:19No broken bones.
00:38:21Everything OK.
00:38:31Come on.
00:39:01Come on.
00:39:19Don't try anything stupid and you're dead.
00:39:31Come on.
00:40:01Over there. Hurry.
00:40:31Come on.
00:40:51I warned you to always keep your gun clean.
00:40:54All you can think about is old Derek.
00:40:57What took you so long to get here?
00:40:59I nearly broke a leg.
00:41:02What about Sybil?
00:41:04Help! Help! Over here!
00:41:13Come on. It's not funny. Help me down, for God's sake.
00:41:16You look even prettier when you get mad.
00:41:18Oh, shut up.
00:41:20Hey, you guys, cut me down from here.
00:41:25We missed the road, eh?
00:41:27Shut up, Hackel, and just help me down. Come on, hurry.
00:41:30We gotta get a move on.
00:41:32Shove it, jerk, or go sit on one of your arrows.
00:41:34Is something wrong, baby?
00:41:36Don't call me baby. Go to hell.
00:41:41Why don't you blow yourself out of there?
00:41:44Drop dead.
00:41:46That's enough, fellas.
00:41:48We've got to reach our objective within two hours. Let's move.
00:41:53Hey, wait.
00:41:57Oh, God.
00:42:27Come on.
00:42:52As soon as you've taken out the guards,
00:42:54set the explosives next to the generator.
00:43:01You and Paco, synchronize watches.
00:43:08All right, now, go.
00:43:24Come on.
00:43:54Come on.
00:44:30Now, hold it.
00:44:32You can't just drop it like that.
00:44:34You've got to hold it.
00:44:36Hold it.
00:44:38Hold it.
00:44:40Hold it.
00:44:42Hold it.
00:44:44Hold it.
00:44:46Hold it.
00:44:48Hold it.
00:44:50Hold it.
00:44:52Hold it.
00:44:54You can't just hop over a fence like that.
00:44:56There's 5,000 boats whizzing along those wires.
00:44:59Touch them, and you are roasted.
00:45:22Come on.
00:45:44Hey, Papeo.
00:45:46Throw me a cigarette.
00:45:53Half a minute to go.
00:45:57Let's hope he's clear.
00:46:14Five, four, three, two...
00:46:25Come on!
00:46:52Come on!
00:47:22Don't be scared, Consuelo.
00:47:24They're sent by my father.
00:47:26Happy, you should be happy.
00:47:46Go help him, hurry.
00:47:49Come on, hang on to me.
00:47:51It's all right.
00:47:53You're losing too much blood.
00:47:55Go on.
00:49:00Leave him alone!
00:49:21Take cover.
00:49:49How are you doing?
00:49:53How many charges?
00:49:55I said four, that should do the trick.
00:49:57Everything's going all right.
00:49:59I know, if I could only stop my knees from shaking.
00:50:01Mine are too, don't worry about it.
00:50:03Let's go.
00:50:15Go on, go on.
00:51:19Don't be scared.
00:51:21I'm a friend of your father's.
00:51:23I was sent here to bring you home.
00:51:25You ready to leave?
00:51:27All right, let's go.
00:51:29Look out!
00:51:43Come on, let's get out of here.
00:51:48Come in, come 17.
00:52:09This way.
00:52:11You all right, Maurice?
00:52:13Yeah, I'm fine.
00:52:15Well, we're right on time.
00:52:19Condor, request radio hook-up.
00:52:22Condor, request radio hook-up.
00:52:25Condor, request radio hook-up.
00:52:28Repeat, Condor, request radio hook-up.
00:52:33Condor calling Cobra, come in please, over.
00:52:38Condor calling Cobra, come in please, over.
00:52:44Condor calling Cobra, come in please, over.
00:52:48Over. Come in please, over.
00:52:59Condor calling Cobra, come in please, over.
00:53:03This is Cobra. Go ahead, please.
00:53:05Stand by for urgent personal message.
00:53:07Condor has caught its prey.
00:53:09Condor has caught its prey.
00:53:11Talk to your father.
00:53:16Can you hear me?
00:53:18Diego, are you well?
00:53:20Yes, don't worry.
00:53:22I'm with your friends, father.
00:53:24That's good, little tiger.
00:53:27Thank them for me and be brave.
00:53:31I'll see you soon.
00:53:35I'll see you.
00:53:37I will be home tomorrow.
00:53:39Don't worry.
00:53:42Condor will wait for the hawk at .795, over.
00:53:46Affirmative. Hawk will meet Condor at .795, over.
00:53:51Right, over and out.
00:54:00Come on, move it!
00:54:11Move it!
00:54:27Now, Sibyl.
00:54:41Move it!
00:55:12It is ready. Your country is waiting, Mr. President.
00:55:15Good luck.
00:55:17With all due respect, Mr. President,
00:55:19may I remind you,
00:55:21if the people of Manioca regain their freedom,
00:55:24it will be due to our help.
00:55:27Sometimes on the road to freedom,
00:55:29there have to be compromises.
00:55:31Anyway, thank you very much.
00:55:57And I want to thank you all, because with your commitment,
00:56:00you helped to make this operation a success.
00:56:02Our company will greatly benefit
00:56:04from the change of government in Manioca.
00:56:06I foresee a 15% increase in our profits for the current year
00:56:10and 30% for the next five years.
00:56:13Furthermore, our interests on the island
00:56:15will be personally guaranteed...
00:56:19Hello, yes? One moment, please.
00:56:22It's General Gomez, ambassador.
00:56:24He insists on speaking with you right now.
00:56:28I see. I'll let him know immediately.
00:56:31Your Excellency, they tell me Mr. Harger
00:56:33is tied up in an important meeting
00:56:35and cannot be disturbed.
00:56:36Forget it. He's been refusing to talk to me for a week.
00:56:39Sons of bitches.
00:56:40After all, General Gomez is done for their minds.
00:56:42He has no right to treat us this way. It's absurd.
00:56:46Don't worry, Your Excellency.
00:56:49In about a half hour, they'll call back.
00:57:09THE END
00:58:00Mr. President!
00:58:01He's dead.
00:58:06A glass of champagne, Your Excellency?
00:58:09To General Gomez.
00:58:11And to our victory over the rebels.
00:58:13Yes, indeed.
00:58:17The General appreciates your company's cooperation
00:58:19in this moment so delicate for his government.
00:58:22As you well know,
00:58:23peace and order in your country are vital to us as well.
00:58:27Now that Cordura is dead,
00:58:29any further attempts to foment a revolution
00:58:31are doomed to failure.
00:58:32That means your company will have nothing to worry about.
00:58:37If you'll come into my office,
00:58:38we can discuss the terms of our new agreement.
00:58:40This way.
00:58:44Here, dear Guido.
00:58:45A souvenir for you.
00:58:51Here, dear Guido.
00:58:52A souvenir for you.
00:58:56They're late. Where are they?
00:58:57If they take any longer,
00:58:58it's going to be 500,000 with interest.
00:59:00What's wrong with you lot?
00:59:01I'm the only one who's really got something to complain about.
00:59:07Do you hear something?
00:59:12Maybe it's a mosquito.
00:59:13They're kind of big in this area.
00:59:15Armored assault troops.
00:59:25There it is.
00:59:27Low and bang on target.
00:59:36The timing stinks.
00:59:37We could have made it faster on foot.
00:59:39Let's get ready.
00:59:41Are they friends?
00:59:44We're taking you back home.
00:59:56Claire, 10 o'clock. See it?
01:00:08Let's go.
01:00:36Keep your head down.
01:01:29Nothing, darling.
01:01:52We'd better make a move out of here.
01:02:02Telex from Antioca, Mr. Ambassador.
01:02:07The trap with the helicopter failed.
01:02:09Which means the boy is still alive.
01:02:11What's worse, four of the mercenaries are still alive.
01:02:14Something must be done.
01:02:15Gomez is furious.
01:02:17But it makes no sense.
01:02:18Why should General Gomez be afraid of a 12-year-old boy?
01:02:20I wouldn't have thought that obvious.
01:02:22Antioca Island is still riddled with groups of rebels.
01:02:25And that boy's name is a symbol.
01:02:27Well, Mr. Ambassador, as chief of security,
01:02:29permit me to give you a word of advice on the mercenaries.
01:02:32Go ahead.
01:02:33Keep their escape a secret.
01:02:35Harger is an old cynic.
01:02:36He might have second thoughts on the contract
01:02:38that you signed with him and his company.
01:02:40Why risk everything?
01:02:41Yes, you're right.
01:02:42I'm confident it's strictly a question of time
01:02:44before they're tracked down, caught, and executed.
01:02:46And the boy with them.
01:03:06For God's sake, stop messing about with that radio.
01:03:10Come on, Teo.
01:03:11Leave it alone.
01:03:12It was a trap.
01:03:13A dirty trap.
01:03:14Somebody wants us out of the way.
01:03:22I told you to stop it, Dieguito.
01:03:24Switch it off.
01:03:25Now, come on, Teo.
01:03:26Don't you think he realizes they wanted to kill him, too?
01:03:29I don't get it.
01:03:31I mean, why kill such a precious hostage?
01:03:39Now, what's the matter with you?
01:03:49What is it?
01:03:51Tell me.
01:03:52Tell me.
01:03:53Tell me.
01:03:54Tell me.
01:03:55Tell me.
01:03:56Tell me.
01:03:57Tell me.
01:03:58Tell me.
01:04:00Could be the key just needs a rest.
01:04:05The news.
01:04:07Dieguito, come on.
01:04:09Don't cry.
01:04:10We'll get out of this mess.
01:04:11You'll see.
01:04:14They're talking about his father.
01:04:19Cordura was assassinated.
01:04:23But who's going to get us out?
01:04:27We've just been sold out to President Gomez.
01:04:30It's obvious.
01:04:31What is?
01:04:33Don't you understand who they're after?
01:04:35It's the kid, not us.
01:04:37As long as he's with us, we're dead.
01:04:42And what do you suggest?
01:04:43If it's the kid they're after, we have to get rid of him.
01:04:48You want to abandon him in the jungle?
01:04:51We could talk to them.
01:04:52The kid, in exchange for our lives.
01:04:56You're crazy, Tio.
01:04:57No way.
01:04:58Right, Martin?
01:05:01We're going to try and reach the border all together.
01:05:04You understand?
01:05:06It's 300 kilometers to the border with Gomez's army chasing us all the way.
01:05:11We only have food and water for three days.
01:05:14Through my father's plantation.
01:05:15He said go where to go.
01:05:16Shut up, you bastard.
01:05:18Nobody move.
01:05:19From here on out, it's each man for himself.
01:05:22You crazy?
01:05:24What do you think you're doing, Tio?
01:05:27You better put the gun down.
01:05:29I don't want to have Gomez's soldiers blast me just for playing witness to this bastard.
01:05:37So where are you going to go, huh, Tio?
01:05:40Tell me.
01:05:41I don't know yet.
01:05:42But you, you can go to hell.
01:05:53I'll kill you.
01:05:54No, Paco.
01:05:55You go.
01:05:56Son of a bitch.
01:05:57What do we do now?
01:06:01I don't know.
01:06:08I don't have a clue.
01:06:09I will try to help, Martin.
01:06:11If I can.
01:06:12Thanks, Tio Quito.
01:06:17We'll need a genie and a magic carpet to get us out of this one.
01:06:20Tio is going a bad way.
01:06:22He has to cross the rapids.
01:06:24I think to get out of here, it's best we go the other way.
01:06:27We go south.
01:06:29You mean trek through miles and miles of jungle?
01:06:31Not so far to reach the Republic of Libertad.
01:06:34The president is a friend of my father's.
01:06:36Are you trying to tell me you know a way across the border?
01:06:39That is the Sierra de Santa Maria.
01:06:41I have been there.
01:06:43Over there is the plantation that belonged to us.
01:06:45We can cross the frontier through the waterfall.
01:06:48We go through the grotto of the snake.
01:06:51Nobody will see us.
01:06:52It's a very safe way to go.
01:06:55Are you going to trust me, huh?
01:06:58Martin, I can really help you.
01:07:01Okay, kid.
01:07:03You're on.
01:07:04Lead us to safety.
01:07:05Let's go.
01:07:22Let's go.
01:07:52No, Paco!
01:08:27Pretty good.
01:08:53You say the boy mentioned the plantation.
01:08:56He said it used to belong to his father.
01:08:59So your friends are heading towards the border.
01:09:02They are not my friends anymore.
01:09:03Are they headed for the border?
01:09:05I think so.
01:09:06Are they or not?
01:09:09You better be sure.
01:09:13Will they hand over the child?
01:09:16None of us wants to be killed because of that little bastard.
01:09:18No way.
01:09:20All right.
01:09:23I'm taking you with me, friend.
01:09:26And it turns out you lied.
01:09:52That was the house of my father.
01:09:54He watched our fathers on the other side.
01:09:56You mean we're that close to the border?
01:09:59Just as I promised you.
01:10:03You're great, kid.
01:10:06We made it.
01:10:07We owe everything to you.
01:10:09From now on, you're our chief scout.
01:10:11It's okay, boss.
01:10:15Come on.
01:10:22Let's go.
01:10:52Let's go.
01:11:10How do we know when we've crossed the border?
01:11:13It's on the other side there.
01:11:15You have to walk through the waterfall.
01:11:17What are you talking about, kid?
01:11:18The grotto of the snake mountain.
01:11:20There's a very old legend about this place.
01:11:22This used to be a giant lake.
01:11:24And on the other side of the mountain,
01:11:26in Libertad, the animals were dying of thirst.
01:11:29So an enormous snake started to dig its way through the rock
01:11:31until it broke through on this side.
01:11:33Well, what is your point, dear Guido?
01:11:35It means we make our way through to...
01:11:37to Libertad.
01:11:39Wait a minute.
01:11:40Have you ever actually seen this tunnel before?
01:11:43My grandfather told me the story.
01:11:45He never showed me it.
01:11:47Hey, wait a second.
01:11:48You mean we walk two days through the jungle
01:11:51just because of a fairy tale?
01:11:53That's a courtesy.
01:11:54My grandfather never told lies.
01:11:56The grotto is this, Papo.
01:11:58Nobody move.
01:12:07Caught you by surprise, didn't I?
01:12:09We have you surrounded.
01:12:11Throw down your weapons and let me have the child.
01:12:13That's the only way you can save your lives.
01:12:19You have no choice.
01:12:21Do what he says, Martin.
01:12:23Avoid trouble.
01:12:25What are you waiting for?
01:12:28I'll give you five seconds.
01:12:30Then I'm gonna shoot.
01:12:34What do we do now?
01:12:39For God's sake, do it!
01:12:41All right.
01:12:42You can take him.
01:12:48It's a kid, you see.
01:12:49Come on.
01:12:52You see?
01:12:53I was right to be so optimistic.
01:12:55Look here, I have a present for you!
01:13:00What do you think you're doing, you stupid brat?
01:13:03Look out, it's a bomb!
01:13:50It's got to be them!
01:15:25Hey, Martin.
01:15:28The story is through.
01:15:29It's there?
01:15:35The grotto really exists.
01:15:36Go place some charges at the entrance.
01:15:46Hey, see if you can get a beat on that friggin' machine gun.
01:15:50If we don't get rid of it, the bastards will nail us down here forever.
01:15:55The helicopter. Remember how you destroyed it?
01:16:16The charges are ready. Last one through presses the button.
01:16:37Give me the box. You two, take off.
01:16:40And you, Martin?
01:16:42Later. I gotta give you time to reach safety.
01:16:45No, I won't leave you here. I lost my father.
01:16:48I don't want to lose you too, Martin.
01:16:50Stop wasting time. The three of you get the hell out of here.
01:16:53I stay behind to keep you company.
01:16:54Are you trying to be a hero?
01:16:55No, don't worry. I don't feel like playing hero.
01:16:59Get moving. I'll catch up with you.
01:17:05See you later.
01:19:28What the hell's he waiting for?
01:20:31Who are you?
01:20:34What are you doing here?
01:20:38I'm waiting for an answer.
01:20:43Hey, see that on the rifle button?
01:20:46Different than my father.
01:20:50Your father, huh?
01:20:53So let's hear your name, boy.
01:20:55Diego Cordura. Gomez killed my father, and now his men want to murder me.
01:20:59Is that true, gringo?
01:21:08The kid was kidnapped by Gomez.
01:21:13And we rescued him.
01:21:26Thank God you're alive.
01:21:28I had given up hope.
01:21:30Let me look at you, nino.
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