• 11 hours ago
00:00:38So commentary after five, where's the screen? After five years, five years? Feels like five years
00:00:45It's only two
00:00:47The door to Japan
00:00:50Still the door inside Japan getting inside Japan the sliding doors of Japan
00:00:57remain firmly closed
00:00:59It's dad jog
00:01:03And think of lines of commentary think of ways to fill the film that wasn't happening
00:01:10Get out of my hotel room
00:01:13Stopped getting depressed to stop drinking to stop taking sleeping pills
00:01:18Most days I seem to be getting nowhere and most nights. I just wanted to fly home
00:01:26Ray's pushed me away
00:01:28Taken a tape of mine
00:01:30Because I filmed him in a hot tub
00:01:34Which seemed completely innocent to me
00:01:37And now I've got Naoki so I started to film Naoki again, and I love Naoki. I'm so happy that Ray
00:01:45Left me here because now I'm filming Naoki again
00:01:49Seemed to be the only person I was filming who didn't judge me
00:01:55Who didn't expect me to be Japanese and who didn't may mind me making my
00:02:01stupid British
00:02:05He told me privately last night
00:02:07He doesn't like British people, but he likes me
00:02:11I'd come to Japan to make a film about what makes this crazy place tick
00:02:15But two years on I'm more confused than ever
00:02:34My mission was to make a film about Tokyo for BBC and NHK TV
00:02:39But having failed I'd come 300 miles north to a rural town called Yamagata
00:02:46This was my last attempt at getting inside Japan
00:02:53I'd been told about Naoki, a person who'd broken all the rules, a radical communist in his youth
00:02:59Who'd gone on to be a successful entrepreneur, but when I met him he was working part-time at the post office
00:03:07You're collecting insurance money? Insurance?
00:03:16Yeah, yeah, insurance money. I have no insurance
00:03:33Is it okay to take a break? It's okay. Legal? I don't know what legal, but it's an insurance. Right.
00:03:42In a time when it was totally unacceptable to divorce
00:03:46He'd been married three times and was now struggling in a relationship with a girl half his age
00:03:58She wants you to get a second job, yeah? Your girlfriend?
00:04:04Wants you to get job number two
00:04:12I am troublesome for her
00:04:18She hates me
00:04:24No, I need her. Why? To survive. Really? The fucking this country
00:04:31Naoki was a breath of fresh air. A rebel was a rare thing here. He was a Maoist
00:04:39It's very extreme people. Yeah, they make them bombing
00:04:44Put fire and through the overheads
00:04:48Right. Because we have a baseball, the underthrow is not so good
00:04:56Who are you bombing? The police? No, it's a big company. Really? Yes
00:05:02It was rare to be invited to a Japanese home, but Naoki wanted to show me his
00:05:08He told me to tread carefully. Things were sensitive
00:05:13She's asleep
00:05:22I was shocked by the tiny room with no windows where he'd been living with his girlfriend Yoshei for the last five years
00:05:30When his last business went under, she'd saved him from being homeless
00:05:35But now she'd had to take a second job to support him
00:05:38Their situation was the last thing I expected to find in Japan, the second richest nation on earth
00:05:46Naoki was forced to take the only job he could find, part-time, at the Central Yamagata Post Office
00:05:54Part-time here means working seven hours a day for just a few hundred yen
00:05:59It was a tough job, but he'd been working for a long time
00:06:03He'd been working for a long time, but he'd been working for a long time
00:06:07He'd been working for a long time, but he'd been working for a long time
00:06:11Part-time here means working seven hours a day for just £3.50 an hour
00:06:28Until now, I'd felt locked out of Japan, but Naoki was keen to get me inside
00:06:411, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:06:491, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
00:06:58Each day starts at 8am with early morning exercises
00:07:02It was like landing on the moon
00:07:05Grown men dancing in suits
00:07:07Was this modern, high-tech Japan?
00:07:111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:07:15The Japanese view the workplace as one happy family
00:07:19But as a foreigner here, it didn't feel like home to me
00:07:221, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
00:07:27I wondered how Naoki, a lifelong outsider, would cope with the pressures of being a part of this Japanese family
00:07:341, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
00:07:41Good morning
00:07:43As you can see, we had a lot of achievements yesterday
00:07:48So today, we're going to focus on the contents of each of these zeroes
00:07:53I think that's what we need to confirm before we go
00:07:58So today, we're going to do our best to make up for it
00:08:03Also, there are still people who have zeroes in Senbu
00:08:06We can't let them do anything about it
00:08:12If we don't, they will always end up with zeroes
00:08:15So today, let's just call it a peaceful day
00:08:20Hi, that's it
00:08:21Here we go, yoshi!
00:08:23Here we go, yoshi!
00:08:25Let's do our best to serve as much as possible
00:08:29Yes, here we go, zero!
00:08:30Let's go to Kujo!
00:08:31Thank you very much.
00:08:33How dangerous is it to cross a traffic jam in the rain?
00:08:39There is a risk of crashing into a pedestrian in front of you.
00:08:45Then I will crash into a pedestrian.
00:08:48Crash into a pedestrian.
00:08:50Crash into a pedestrian.
00:08:53Be careful of pedestrian movement.
00:08:56Be careful of pedestrian movement.
00:08:59Be careful of pedestrian movement.
00:09:03Please be careful of pedestrian movement.
00:09:07Please be careful of pedestrian movement.
00:09:12Please be careful of pedestrian movement.
00:09:19It's kind of role playing.
00:09:21Same thing everyday.
00:09:23Some people crazy.
00:09:25Go to the hospital.
00:09:31In the office?
00:09:32Everyday check from the boss.
00:09:33Why did you get everyday zero?
00:09:34Everyday zero.
00:09:35Fuck you.
00:09:37You are not human.
00:09:39But you are under the animal.
00:09:42You steal the salary.
00:09:43Everyday steal.
00:09:51So they go to mental hospital?
00:09:5330,000 people killed themselves.
00:09:57Big sin.
00:09:58But you gave me this fucking capitalist system 100 years ago.
00:09:59Firstly East India Company and after China, after Japan.
00:10:23You make the trouble again.
00:10:24Open the country.
00:10:26And now you're rich.
00:10:27Is this rich?
00:10:28Is military rich?
00:10:29Good system?
00:10:30You gave me.
00:10:32See you later.
00:10:33Talk to me.
00:10:34Just over 100 years ago, you created this system of the роль ...
00:10:51One hundred years ago, Japan was a closed country until the West forced it to open its doors and trade with the rest of the world.
00:11:01It was then it adopted our capitalist system that has made it the second richest nation on earth.
00:11:15Naoki ran a number of successful businesses, but the economy collapsed in 1992
00:11:20and like thousands of others, he lost everything.
00:11:24Now there is more pressure on everyone to work harder.
00:11:29As jobs for life are no more in Japan, Naoki took the only work he could find, part-time, collecting life insurance premiums for the post office.
00:11:39He gets paid six times less than the full-timers, but at least he is free from having to meet their daily sales targets.
00:11:51I realised at one moment, I realised they have no good results.
00:12:00Do you think they're successful today?
00:12:02They? No.
00:12:04Too early.
00:12:21I'm free!
00:12:32This is Yama City. You can see the big one.
00:12:39Naoki wanted to show me his hometown and pointed out the six bedroom house where he used to live.
00:12:44After the family business went bust, he fell out with his brother. He hasn't spoken to him since.
00:12:52Today he has no one left in the city, except his girlfriend Yoshie.
00:12:58Our family, my brother and me, there are three houses in this city and two companies, one, two, three.
00:13:08Two companies, one bar, and I have BMW. I bought the BMW new with cash, 7 million yen.
00:13:21Do you remember Naoki's bar? Is that where you met Naoki for the first time? Is that where you met and your bar?
00:13:29It's also a customer.
00:13:36I was told to not make a sound when Yoshie's clients called up. To them she was single.
00:13:42Since Naoki had moved in, she'd had to supplement his income by taking extra jobs.
00:13:49Customers believe she's single, so every night, every day they invite and propose to get a date.
00:14:00But they just want to talk and they just want to eat. They don't want anything else?
00:14:05Yeah, just to talk and eat and sing a song together.
00:14:09Nothing else?
00:14:10Nothing else.
00:14:11No kissing?
00:14:12No kissing.
00:14:13Sometimes they touch. Do they have a kiss?
00:14:18Her boss suggest her.
00:14:22Keep the legs together?
00:14:24Yeah. This is so polite.
00:14:30Everything you have to have a compliment for the customer.
00:14:47Are you happy?
00:14:48Are you happy?
00:14:55I'm busy. I have no time to think about the fucking way.
00:15:01Are you happy in your first job more or your second job more?
00:15:12I think it's better to be feminine at night.
00:15:19Robots during the day.
00:15:46They want to sleep.
00:15:49They have to go.
00:16:02Yoshie was always nervous when she was out with Naoki, in case she was seen with him by her regular customers.
00:16:13You can take a film. They will meet soon.
00:16:21It's OK. They're a long way away. Don't worry.
00:16:26She'd known this customer as long as Naoki.
00:16:29He'd take her for expensive sushi meals and then on to her club where she'd be bought drinks all night.
00:16:42In a society where people find it hard to talk, I found it strange to be in a bar where Yoshie's job was to talk, mainly to married men.
00:17:00The bar, another room with no windows, felt like a release from the highly competitive world outside, where it's totally acceptable to be drunk in order to unwind.
00:17:13Where did you go to high school?
00:17:18I graduated from high school.
00:17:25I'm not smart enough to go to college. I'm sorry.
00:17:32That's why I'm an idiot.
00:17:37That's what I say.
00:17:42I'm sorry.
00:17:44I don't know what you're talking about.
00:17:48I don't care. I'm going to get 4,000 yen.
00:17:51I don't care how much you talk.
00:17:54I don't care.
00:17:57But that must make you feel terrible.
00:18:02No, every night.
00:18:05Every night.
00:18:08How do you keep the strength to carry on?
00:18:10I don't do that.
00:18:13Why not?
00:18:15Because it's my job.
00:18:40Yoshie makes up for his small income by being house husband, a difficult role for a 56-year-old Japanese man to accept.
00:18:52Each morning he must make Yoshie's breakfast and lunch box before doing the laundry.
00:18:58He told me she'd sometimes tease him about his poorly paid job at the post office.
00:19:03But he had nowhere else to go and was totally reliant on her.
00:19:08Give me that.
00:19:33You must be tired.
00:19:46I couldn't help noticing there was no physical contact between them.
00:19:52You have to kiss him goodbye.
00:20:05Today Yoshie works 15 hours in three jobs.
00:20:09Naoki does seven hours at the post office, then back home to do the housework and get the dinner on.
00:20:22Did you enjoy being with her?
00:20:25I don't want to be homeless and I need a partner.
00:20:31She saved you in a way.
00:20:36She gave me a job.
00:20:39To survive.
00:20:41Do you think she needs you? Do you give her strength?
00:20:45Maybe. I am not confident. I am not confident to give her this kind of strength.
00:20:56Naoki said they'd get an hour together between jobs, which they'd usually spend sleeping.
00:21:01Since starting at the post office, he said they'd lost an important part of their relationship.
00:21:09These days I have no sex.
00:21:15It doesn't work.
00:21:20Oh dear.
00:21:22Depressing mental disease like this.
00:21:26It doesn't work, my baby.
00:21:29It must be difficult for you if you're so young. When he was your age, he was very active.
00:21:42If I have a more stable life, I can have sex, maybe.
00:21:52She said she doesn't need sex.
00:21:55She has to say in front of your camera.
00:22:01She's young.
00:22:03But I'm afraid of having a...
00:22:06Yeah, she loves me, but sometimes she needs a friend of the sex.
00:22:12I'm afraid. I worry about having a new boyfriend.
00:22:16New boyfriend?
00:22:19Sorry, biography.
00:22:21Yoshie-chan, would you be happy if I had a biography tattoo?
00:22:29Oh, I'd like to see that. I'm very interested in that.
00:22:33Is that natural? Is that a good thing for us?
00:22:37It's good, isn't it? We don't have much money.
00:22:46So you're ready for work?
00:22:49I have to go to a sushi shop.
00:22:54To meet the customer?
00:22:58He said, I envy you.
00:23:05I don't think so.
00:23:12And tonight is a busy night?
00:23:20What time are you finishing?
00:23:26OK, see you later. Have a nice night.
00:23:30See you later.
00:23:34Naoki said he'd never talked so openly with Yoshie.
00:23:38Normally she doesn't like to talk.
00:23:41He said he could never be sure what she was thinking.
00:23:44I don't know.
00:23:53In my life, when I have a wife, I talk, talk, talk.
00:23:59Really? And in this life, no talk?
00:24:02Yoshie dislikes talking.
00:24:07She tells me, noisy, shut up, like this.
00:24:12I love talking.
00:24:15Why is she with you, do you think?
00:24:20I don't know.
00:24:23I can't... I'm able to say, it's not my speaking.
00:24:31Maybe I'm useful.
00:24:35Maybe she loves me.
00:24:38But she cannot allow me, my income.
00:24:47Every day we have stress and struggle.
00:24:52Does she blame you?
00:24:54Yes, I drink too much every day.
00:24:56She was tired, she is tired.
00:24:59Maybe tonight, after drinking, she became very strong to express her true mind at that time.
00:25:16I'm not your customer.
00:25:20I'm not your customer.
00:25:22I'm not like you.
00:25:26I'm not like you.
00:25:29I'm easier to handle.
00:25:32I'm not like you.
00:25:34I don't have money, but I have pride.
00:25:36I don't have a customer like you.
00:25:42You are always like that.
00:25:44You don't have a place to go home.
00:25:46You don't go home.
00:25:48Where do you go home?
00:25:50I don't know.
00:25:54Is it interesting to have a lot of people?
00:25:56It's not interesting.
00:25:58You said it, so I said it.
00:26:00It's your fault again.
00:26:02It's not my fault.
00:26:06Do you know how rough it is?
00:26:10You don't have to be so rough.
00:26:13What do you mean?
00:26:16You'll find out later.
00:26:18I can't help it.
00:26:22Who told you to do this?
00:26:27I told you many times.
00:26:31Why do you do this?
00:26:33I don't know.
00:26:35Go ahead.
00:26:39It's a different story.
00:26:41You shouldn't do this.
00:26:42I don't care where I work, but I don't want you to do this.
00:26:49Where did you work?
00:26:54Don't say that.
00:26:56Shut up.
00:26:58Stop it.
00:27:00You are rude.
00:27:02You are rude.
00:27:04Why do you do this?
00:27:06It's annoying.
00:27:09Look at this.
00:27:12It's so rough that I could die.
00:27:27Look at this.
00:27:33I can't do this.
00:27:35You can throw this away.
00:27:39Throw it away.
00:27:40Throw everything away.
00:27:45I won't forgive you.
00:27:48I don't know why you do this.
00:27:51I don't want you to do this.
00:27:58You don't understand my pain.
00:28:01But I always pay you.
00:28:04I always pay you.
00:28:10I always pay you.
00:28:14I don't care where I work.
00:28:18I don't care where I work.
00:28:26I pay you.
00:28:30I pay you for his drinks.
00:28:34I don't know when he will come back.
00:28:37I lend him money every day.
00:28:40I pay him 1,000 yen every day.
00:28:47You are right.
00:29:10What are you doing?
00:29:15Maybe I love her.
00:29:18Maybe you love her.
00:30:04Thank you for your hard work.
00:30:06As you can see, he doesn't have a good record.
00:30:11He has a bad record.
00:30:15He said he is a zero.
00:30:19So he has to be a zero.
00:30:36Out of compliance.
00:30:39You have to be well shaved every day.
00:30:46Hi, Mr. Sato.
00:30:49You have to shave.
00:30:52Fuck you.
00:30:54I want to say fuck you. It's my business.
00:30:57What did you say?
00:30:59I'm afraid of fire.
00:31:01What did you say?
00:31:04Yes, man.
00:31:06I will.
00:31:09It's miserable.
00:31:12Let me show you.
00:31:15It's broken.
00:31:20You can take this one and this one.
00:31:23You can repair it.
00:31:25Like this.
00:31:27It's different.
00:31:30I was thinking, no, no.
00:31:31The glass is expensive, expensive.
00:31:34And they were 50p.
00:31:48Your fault.
00:31:50Your fault.
00:31:53Could you give me one of those?
00:31:56From this one?
00:31:59Each evening, Yoshie takes her calm down pill.
00:32:03An antidepressant that guarantees a good six hours sleep.
00:32:08How long does that take to work?
00:32:11She said she wasn't alone.
00:32:14Many of her friends and work colleagues do the same.
00:32:21Within minutes, Yoshie went into a mad eating frenzy.
00:32:29Naoki seemed used to it.
00:32:32He said the pill also causes memory loss.
00:32:35She doesn't remember anything in the morning.
00:32:39What time is it now?
00:32:41It's 5.17pm.
00:32:52It's 6.30pm tomorrow. Can you set it up for me?
00:32:55It's 5.30pm.
00:32:56It's 5.30pm.
00:33:05It's a funny situation you're in here.
00:33:11We cannot get special treatment from the government.
00:33:17If we were European,
00:33:20the nation would give me
00:33:23any kind of welfare, any kind of mental...
00:33:27Psychologists, psychiatrists, support.
00:33:30So many supports.
00:33:32They don't really exist here, right?
00:33:36Firstly, I have to protect her.
00:33:40But I'm afraid this is a kind of disease.
00:33:44So I can't separate.
00:33:47I can't leave her.
00:33:53does look after her?
00:34:04I'm happy you interviewed me.
00:34:08So if possible, you report all over the world,
00:34:12this is Japan.
00:34:15It's a part of Japan.
00:34:18It's true.
00:34:20Special poor.
00:34:22Not special poor.
00:34:24This is a usual poor in Japan.
00:34:26In Japan.
00:34:46Japan prided itself on being the most egalitarian society in the world.
00:34:51But the gap between rich and poor has never been wider than today.
00:34:56Press the button and start.
00:35:26In the early 1990s, there was no safety net for the thousands who became homeless.
00:35:35Naoki says he would be with them if it wasn't for Yoshie.
00:35:39This is a student.
00:35:4110,000 people.
00:35:46Occasionally, Naoki would look at the political films he'd helped make in the 1960s.
00:35:52I was surprised by the size of the film.
00:35:55I thought it was too big.
00:35:57But it was not.
00:35:59It was too small.
00:36:01It was too small.
00:36:03It was too small.
00:36:05It was too small.
00:36:07It was too small.
00:36:09There was a great scale of protest here.
00:36:11The riot police.
00:36:13Yes, this is very strong.
00:36:16Did the police come and remove you?
00:36:23Yes, usually.
00:36:25Did you hit them?
00:36:27Yes, they hit me.
00:36:29Did you hit them back?
00:36:31Yes, so I'm crazy now.
00:36:33Every night we have a demonstration with citizens.
00:36:39Well, the point of the demonstration was to ask the Americans to go home.
00:36:43Yes, and stop the repair for the Vietnam tank.
00:36:48Oh, for Vietnam?
00:36:54It was a stark contrast to Japan today,
00:36:57where everyone seemed so scared and obedient.
00:37:02Allowing me to film his situation
00:37:05seemed to be the only political act Naoki had left.
00:37:10A terrible poor.
00:37:12New class.
00:37:15Working poor.
00:37:22I realised Naoki and Yoshie were part of a hidden underclass called the New Poor.
00:37:28Yoshie's three jobs net her £11,000 a year.
00:37:32Naoki gets less than half of that.
00:37:35When it was about survival, they clearly worked as a team.
00:37:39But each month Yoshie would escape to her hometown,
00:37:42causing tension between them.
00:37:49Next Sunday is Memorial Day in her hometown.
00:37:56Oh, next Sunday?
00:37:57Next Sunday.
00:37:58Is she going home?
00:38:00Shall we go?
00:38:02No, the family denied me.
00:38:06So we can't go?
00:38:08Why did the family deny him?
00:38:10I don't know.
00:38:13They hate my experiences.
00:38:16What experiences?
00:38:18So many divorces.
00:38:20So you're black sheep?
00:38:22You're like black sheep?
00:38:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:38:32It's normal, isn't it?
00:38:35Even if we can't come, if Sean and Taichi come, we'll be friends.
00:39:02Konnichiwa, konnichiwa.
00:39:06Yoshie told me why Naoki feared meeting her father.
00:39:09Not only was he a true blue conservative, but they were the same age.
00:39:16She said her parents knew of their relationship, but preferred not to mention his name.
00:39:22Can I have a bite?
00:39:23What kind of natto is this?
00:39:25Natto is no good.
00:39:26Natto is no good?
00:39:27It's hard to drink. Natto is no good.
00:39:30Do you want some?
00:39:31Yeah, natto.
00:39:33I'll try.
00:39:34Do you want some?
00:39:35Do you want some?
00:39:36Do you want some?
00:39:37Do you want some?
00:39:38No, I'm scared.
00:39:39Try it.
00:39:40Hot rice is the best!
00:39:42Eat it!
00:39:44Eat it!
00:39:48Look, he's moved away. It's dangerous.
00:39:51The Japanese love to give foreigners natto.
00:39:53It's a traditional dish made from rotting soya beans.
00:39:56It was like eating a big bowl of snot.
00:40:07It felt like I was sitting in Naoki's place.
00:40:10It was bizarre they could happily welcome me, the foreigner, but not Naoki.
00:40:15Are you awake?
00:40:16I thought I was fine.
00:40:17What are you doing?
00:40:19Nothing much.
00:40:21Don't forget to do the laundry and do the dishes.
00:40:26Make sure you eat well.
00:40:32I think people in my family are against me going out with Naoki.
00:40:39They're against it.
00:40:40They're against it.
00:40:42It's impossible. It's impossible to go out with everyone.
00:40:46It's just that my father doesn't like it because he's my classmate.
00:40:53But my mother is fine with it.
00:40:57My mother.
00:40:59My father has a strong sense of justice.
00:41:04It might be okay, but I hate it when Naoki says things that make me angry.
00:41:10He's always saying welcome, welcome, but I don't go.
00:41:18Yoshie was frustrated with Naoki.
00:41:20She said his fears of meeting her family meant their relationship would always be on the rocks.
00:41:31Yoshie's father didn't speak to me for most of my visit.
00:41:34But as I put my camera down, he asked me a very strange question.
00:41:38The price of Viagra in London.
00:41:43Maybe he and Naoki had more in common than just being the same age.
00:41:48Thank you very much for having us. See you next time.
00:41:56My father looks like a snowman, doesn't he?
00:42:00He looks like a snowman.
00:42:12You know, Naoki doesn't have a family. He doesn't have anyone to depend on.
00:42:17I'm jealous of that. Every time I go back to my parents' house, I don't like it.
00:42:23I feel like I'm alone because I don't have a family.
00:42:27I feel like I'm alone because I don't have a family.
00:42:33I'm jealous of that.
00:42:36Why did you get jealous?
00:42:38Because I need her.
00:42:42Because it's not history, it's not life.
00:42:48She's in my life.
00:42:52Because you know she's getting old.
00:43:00I have no plan to visit her hometown.
00:43:07I don't know. It's a kind of decision.
00:43:10Why? Because I think her father would accept you. It's very easy going.
00:43:15No. Your opinion is easy. Not easy.
00:43:21Not easy. Same age.
00:43:24It's difficult for you, but if you want to do it, you've got to do it. Otherwise, don't do it.
00:43:33No, I cannot.
00:43:35If I had a daughter, I would say, stop. Stop it. That's fucking gay.
00:43:45I knew.
00:43:52Who is recommending?
00:43:55I don't know.
00:43:58I don't know.
00:44:01Who? Who? Who is recommending?
00:44:07Who can recommend Naoki?
00:44:10Nobody can.
00:44:13Nobody can recommend to get along together with Naoki.
00:44:19Why? Nobody.
00:44:21I don't know.
00:44:23I do.
00:44:24You do. Just you. You're crazy.
00:44:28People hate. Normally, people hate anarchism. People hate the terrorists.
00:44:35Like that. It's common sense.
00:44:39You're not a terrorist.
00:44:43You're not an anarchist anymore.
00:44:45Not an anarchist.
00:44:46You're a postman.
00:44:48Yeah. Yeah. Postman.
00:44:51Yeah. Yeah. Postman.
00:45:01Part time.
00:45:21I also said that I don't want to do it, but I can't work for a while.
00:45:26So I can't take it off until Saturday.
00:45:28Saturday is not the number I expect.
00:45:31So I have to do it.
00:45:33Otherwise, if I can't, I can't raise the number.
00:45:47I don't know if I must raise the number.
00:45:49I think it's important to have an image of what you want to talk about in the morning.
00:45:56You don't have to think about what you want to talk about.
00:45:59If you refuse to talk about it and go home, nothing will happen.
00:46:02I don't think you'll understand if you refuse.
00:46:05This was so far removed from the workplace I knew in Britain.
00:46:09It was like communism pretending to be capitalism.
00:46:12It's not like you're going to catch a cold on a weekday.
00:46:17I'm sure you're all tired.
00:46:21It's all about self-management.
00:46:23You have to take care of yourself.
00:46:26It's the weekend.
00:46:28Tomorrow is another day.
00:46:50Someone, he wears a sweater.
00:46:56He was a bit of a diseased guy.
00:47:04Has he recovered?
00:47:07Maybe now at the hospital.
00:47:11He went to the hospital.
00:47:13So he was off work for a few months.
00:47:15Sometimes the medicine doesn't wake him up in the morning.
00:47:23Really? So he never comes in?
00:47:36I'll do my best to make up for the rest of the year.
00:47:41I'll do my best to catch up.
00:48:07Naoki told me he'd been bullied at work too.
00:48:11He tried talking to Yoshie about it,
00:48:14but she was too tired listening to everyone else.
00:48:30He introduced me to a workmate who'd got ill before.
00:48:35A workmate who'd got ill with stress and would spend his breaks sleeping.
00:48:44This man would spend weekends in the mountains picking bags of sticky mushrooms
00:48:49and insist on giving them to us.
00:48:58There's a Japanese saying that goes,
00:49:00The nail that stands out must be hammered down.
00:49:05I'm sorry.
00:49:25Tonight we will go to the mushroom man.
00:49:30I promise.
00:49:31Oh, God.
00:49:33He's the mushroom man.
00:49:57Oh, no. More mushrooms.
00:50:00Does he know he's there?
00:50:03Tell him we've started to call him mushroom man.
00:50:19Oh, beautiful.
00:50:21Did you get it in the mountain?
00:50:24You picked it?
00:50:32I forgot what I wanted to say.
00:50:41I'd like to know what kind of bullying you were subjected to.
00:50:47Not physically, but mentally.
00:50:56Every day.
00:50:57I was subjected to a lot of bullying.
00:51:01That's not good.
00:51:04As long as I'm alive, I want to have a warm feeling.
00:51:16You were subjected to a lot of bullying.
00:51:19Tell me about your brother.
00:51:24Is it difficult?
00:51:27You were subjected to a lot of bullying.
00:51:34Didn't your brother know?
00:51:39He didn't tell me.
00:51:44He didn't tell you?
00:51:46He didn't tell me anything.
00:51:52He didn't tell me he was going to die.
00:51:59But as his brother, I couldn't stop him from dying.
00:52:09My brother didn't slack off.
00:52:13He was working hard.
00:52:15He was fired up.
00:52:17There are a lot of suicides in the medical field.
00:52:24How old were you?
00:52:2642 years old.
00:52:27When he died?
00:52:30Your children are still growing up.
00:52:34I cried a lot.
00:52:49I think it's the same for parents in any country.
00:52:54I don't care if I'm in the world of yakuza.
00:52:59I want my neighbors to live a long life.
00:53:05But what do you think?
00:53:07How many children do you have?
00:53:10I don't think that's the case.
00:53:12I don't think that's the case.
00:53:16Everyone has a warm feeling.
00:53:30I was worried about Naoki.
00:53:32He seemed isolated.
00:53:34I felt he and Yoshie were drifting further apart.
00:53:44I was stopped earlier.
00:53:46He was on a plane.
00:53:48She deteriorates.
00:53:50She has problems.
00:53:52She has problems.
00:53:54I came here because I'm her friend.
00:53:57She deteriorates.
00:53:59She has a place to run away.
00:54:04Her home.
00:54:06I have no home.
00:54:08Just here.
00:54:12She decides to fuck me away.
00:54:14I have to go.
00:54:19On the road, maybe.
00:54:21I couldn't follow.
00:54:24No bank.
00:54:26No friend.
00:54:27No home.
00:54:30So this is a way to go to homeless.
00:54:34One step to homeless.
00:54:36Yeah, it's very near.
00:54:37My position is very, very close.
00:54:51I was told I had a bad relationship.
00:54:57Naoki was desperate to talk.
00:55:00Yoshie was pretending nothing was wrong.
00:55:09I knew they'd hardly spoken a word for two weeks.
00:55:21I don't understand.
00:55:23Me neither.
00:55:27You said you didn't understand.
00:55:30I'm not that kind of man.
00:55:32I'm not that kind of man.
00:55:34I say it right away.
00:55:39That's you, Naoki.
00:55:40It's wrong to say I'm not that kind of man.
00:55:43I'm not that kind of man.
00:55:45I'm not human. I can't say what I feel.
00:55:47They say it's cool in Japan, but it's a prison.
00:55:51It's like a yakuza.
00:55:53I used to be like that.
00:55:55Every now and then, my family would break down.
00:55:58I'd say I didn't know anything until they'd break up.
00:56:02That's why I killed myself.
00:56:06You said you had a bad relationship.
00:56:08You said it three times.
00:56:12You said you didn't know you were a boss.
00:56:16You said you didn't know you were a boss.
00:56:18You said it three times.
00:56:20When you're in that kind of position,
00:56:22you're in a relationship with the boss.
00:56:25You don't care if you die in the snow.
00:56:28That's what you mean.
00:56:34But if you're going to keep doing this,
00:56:39I'm going to do the same.
00:56:41I don't want to get rid of people like that.
00:56:46I don't want to get rid of people like that.
00:56:49I don't want to get rid of people like that.
00:57:11I don't know if I can do it.
00:57:25I can't do anything wrong.
00:57:27I don't even know why I'm getting married.
00:57:30I don't want to hear it.
00:57:33If you don't want to hear it, you have to hear it.
00:57:35You haven't heard me say it before.
00:57:39I think I'm working because I like it.
00:57:44I know you don't like it.
00:57:46I don't like to drink because I get paid.
00:57:51You don't know.
00:57:53I know.
00:57:55It tastes different.
00:57:59That's why I work until 1 o'clock every night.
00:58:02That's why I work until 1 o'clock every night.
00:58:04I work to get myself back.
00:58:07I've been drinking for 11 years.
00:58:12There's no way I don't know.
00:58:18I feel like I'm doing it freely.
00:58:21I feel like I'm doing it freely.
00:58:28I used to check what time you came home.
00:58:31I used to check what time you came home.
00:58:34I just wanted to make sure.
00:58:38I didn't want you to leave.
00:58:47I'm sure your face will be swollen tomorrow.
00:59:04It was stalemate at home.
00:59:06But Naoki knew what he had to do.
00:59:27What should I call you?
00:59:29What should I call you?
00:59:35What was your ex-boyfriend's name?
00:59:38What was your ex-boyfriend's name?
00:59:43I want to know if you have a child.
00:59:46I have a child.
00:59:48You don't know?
00:59:50You don't know?
00:59:52I don't know.
00:59:55Meeting the father is a big deal in Japan,
00:59:58especially when you're the same age.
01:00:01I'd heard about a Japanese custom called omiyagi,
01:00:04the giving of a small gift when you visit someone's house.
01:00:07I'd brought something with me to help break the ice.
01:00:31I brought a lot of small gifts.
01:00:33I brought a lot of small gifts.
01:00:39Excuse me, I'm not a doctor.
01:00:41I'm working at the central post office.
01:00:44I'm doing a part-time job at a health insurance company.
01:00:48Here it comes.
01:01:01I'm bringing a present to bring you.
01:01:04Can you translate?
01:01:07Chocolates were not appropriate.
01:01:09After the conversation we had last time,
01:01:11I found a really good gift for you.
01:01:24Only half at a time.
01:01:28He knows already!
01:01:31Thank you, thank you.
01:01:34The Viagra had got Naoki and Yoshie's dad talking straight away.
01:01:46He doesn't watch, like Naoki.
01:01:49Ah, right, right.
01:01:54This community is exceptional.
01:01:57We can't talk about that anymore.
01:01:59Never talk about it.
01:02:01It's not normal.
01:02:03But it's a promise.
01:02:05It's a neighbor's house.
01:02:07It's not my house.
01:02:10You can't say it's a special house.
01:02:19If you go to the neighbor's house, you'll know.
01:02:23It doesn't matter if you have a daughter or a son.
01:02:26You have to have a family here.
01:02:28I don't think it's a good idea.
01:02:35Open, open, open.
01:02:41When it comes to love,
01:02:43if the parents are involved,
01:02:46it doesn't matter how old the daughter is.
01:02:51It doesn't matter.
01:02:56Squeeze together.
01:03:00Squeeze together.
01:03:05Say cheese.
01:03:07Cheese, cheese.
01:03:16Oh, slippers.
01:03:21We're all the same.
01:03:27I was so nervous.
01:03:30Don't be nervous.
01:03:39Japanese culture is...
01:03:44I'm sorry to say this,
01:03:46but people from other countries
01:03:48are different from us.
01:03:50That's why it's hard to communicate.
01:03:53Compared to that,
01:03:55we're all idiots.
01:04:01Everyone has a different pattern.
01:04:08It's hard to have a Japanese face.
01:04:20I'm sorry.
01:04:35I was touched that Yoshie's father
01:04:37was so accepting.
01:04:39He even offered to be my Japanese dad.
01:04:43In the end, both Naoki and I
01:04:45had found a family in Japan.
01:04:50Where are you from?
01:04:56I want you to tell me.
01:04:59The days in the city.
01:05:04It rained in Nagasaki today, too.
01:05:15This is love.
01:05:19Is this love? This must be love.
01:05:21Must be love, yeah.
01:05:23If you're doing all of this, yeah.
01:05:25Must be a big love.
01:05:27Love is war.
01:05:29Not peace.
01:05:33Killing each other.
01:05:36So I don't like that this way.
01:05:40I love peace.
01:05:43I love peace.
01:05:47So if possible, I'll hide.
01:05:52My shadow.
01:05:54Stay in the shadow.
01:05:57But you...
01:06:05Broken my shadow.
01:06:13I think it's good, though.
01:06:37I remember so that my tears won't spill
01:06:45On a spring day
01:06:48On a lonely night
01:06:55Let's look up and walk
01:07:02Counting the blurry stars
01:07:08I remember
01:07:11On a summer day
01:07:14On a lonely night
01:07:21Happiness is above the clouds
01:07:27Happiness is above the sky