• last year
Dorama en Español Latino
01:30Episode 15.
01:33Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
01:36Thank you, Mr. High.
01:38You're welcome. That's my job.
01:41You can go now.
01:42Yes, thank you.
02:22Señorita Moyo, adelante.
02:26Por aquí.
02:29¿Por qué querías verme con tanta prisa?
02:31Hola, siéntate.
02:34Escucha, Moyo, eres inteligente y muy hábil.
02:37Por algo estás con la emperatriz.
02:41Necesito de tu apoyo.
02:44Dime, ¿cómo rescato a Sancheng del calabozo?
02:47¿Rescatar a Shangcheng?
02:51No puedo, lo siento.
02:52Espera, espera.
02:53Por favor, siéntate, siéntate.
02:56Si no puedes con eso, decía con otra cosa.
03:01Espero haber venido por esa segunda cosa.
03:06Te escucho.
03:10Moyo, eres como alguien de la familia.
03:15Entonces deberíamos tomar distancia.
03:19Deja de darle tantas vueltas.
03:21A su punto.
03:27¿Sabes dónde están las armas vendidas de mi familia?
03:31Tú eres parte de esa familia.
03:33¿Por qué necesitarías de mi ayuda?
03:35Tienen muchos negocios.
03:37Hay muchas cosas que no sé de eso.
03:41¿Qué quieres saber?
03:44Creo que las armas las tiene el Clan Demonio.
03:52Parece que el acuerdo entre tu familia y el Clan Demonio no es un rumor después de todo.
03:57Baja la voz.
03:58Creo que alguien usa las armas para hacer tratos.
04:01No creo que sea de la familia.
04:03Sabes bien, que si descubro la verdad sobre esto, tu familia estará en un gran problema.
04:09¿No te preocupa eso?
04:11Encontraré a quien lo hizo antes de que todo eso suceda.
04:15Eso haré.
04:16¿Por qué crees que dejaré que lo hagas antes de decírselo a la Emperatriz?
04:19Porque confío plenamente en ti.
04:26Este asunto es serio.
04:27Nadie puede ayudarte.
04:29Por eso te pido que me ayudes.
04:31Escucha, Moyo.
04:35Tu mirada es muy linda.
04:38Eres justa y amable.
04:40Estás dispuesta a ayudar a tus amigos.
04:42¿No es así?
04:45Si lo que crees es cierto, ¿qué quieres que haga?
04:54Este asunto no tiene que ver con mi familia.
04:56Debe haber alguien que usa nuestro apellido.
04:59Yo lo encontraré.
05:00Deja de gritar.
05:07Eres un inepto.
05:09En cada rincón de la Academia, pero no encontré la llave.
05:12Tienen un formato difícil de deshacer.
05:14Tank 36 no es bueno para cuidar.
05:16Así que volveré pronto.
05:18Ya que hicieron alianzas tan rigurosas,
05:21quiere decir que la llave sí está en la Academia Boyao.
05:26Y es claro que podremos tenerla usando a Shang Chen.
05:33Las mazmorras del Capitolio son muy firmes.
05:37Y Shang Chen se encuentra dentro de ellas.
05:40La llave es necesaria.
05:42No importa el tiempo.
05:44Tenemos que conseguir que Shang Chen nos diga su paradero.
05:47El calabozo tiene prohibiciones.
05:49Aunque pudiéramos entrar a él, no podré atraparlo.
05:53Ese es el problema.
05:57¿Eso qué es?
05:58Es la hoja de daños.
06:00Sirve para romper las prohibiciones de los humanos.
06:04For many years, your father used this hoja
06:07to invade the Sacred Capital.
06:12So this miniature will let me catch Shang Chen.
06:16This will be easy.
06:18And what do you plan to do?
06:20Attract the enemy.
06:22And give them a good distraction.
06:25I will attract their elites and then I will make my move.
06:29Si no podemos averiguar dónde está la llave gracias a Shang Chen,
06:34al menos sacaremos gente de la prisión y seguro nos ayudarán.
06:53Pobre hombre.
07:20¡Jair, cómo te atreves!
07:22Castigar con látigo se lo dirá su majestad.
07:25¡Ah! Y estoy tan asustado.
07:37Su Alteza, hace mucho que no te veía.
07:40¡Esa irá conmigo!
07:42Mi tía me dijo que me encargará de este problema.
07:46Pero si no quieres verlo sufrir en la cárcel, puedes llevártelo ahora mismo.
07:51No te detendremos, te lo juro.
07:53Pero si te atreviste a venir hasta aquí,
07:56me temo que Shang Chen necesitará más que una princesa del Clan Bestia
08:00para salir limpio de este lugar.
08:05¿Qué haces?
08:06¿Crees que me importan todos ellos?
08:13¡No lo hagas! ¡No seas impulsiva!
08:15Tengo que sacarlo de aquí ahora.
08:16No lo haré.
08:17Si me voy, no demostraré mi inocencia.
08:22Entonces, me quedaré en el calabozo contigo.
08:24¡Y no se atrevan a molestarme!
08:27¿Ah, sí?
08:28Entonces, en ese caso, le diré a mi tía sobre esto.
08:39Maestro, ¿cómo se siente?
08:44Señor, los demonios están aquí.
08:46¡No podemos detenerlos!
08:48¡Los demonios están aquí! ¡No podemos detenerlos!
10:09No creí que los demonios pudieran entrar a este lugar.
10:13Al parecer, el acuerdo entre Shang Chen y el Clan Demonio
10:16has come true.
10:18Señor Jaer, detener a estos demonios es una prueba.
10:23Voy a pasar formación.
10:46Maestro, debería descansar.
10:49El astrolabio es inestable.
10:51Me preocupa que esto continúe.
10:53Los demonios podrían ganar.
10:56En el pasado, usted solo necesitaba mediodía.
11:00Ahora ha tardado en hacerlo.
11:02¿Pasa algo malo, Maestro?
11:06que las estrellas que están flotando en el cielo
11:08han sido destruidas por los demonios.
11:15que las estrellas que están fuera tienen problemas.
11:18¿Y si aísla a las estrellas que están fuera, Majestad?
11:21Es una buena solución.
11:43Creo que hay algo malo con la estrella fuera del astrolabio.
11:47¿Sabe a quién le pertenece?
11:49¿Cómo es tan poderoso?
11:59Maestro, ¿qué tiene?
12:02Luloa, trataré de atraer la luz de las estrellas.
12:05Tranquilo, Maestro. Yo te cuidaré.
12:32Maestro, ¿está bien?
12:43Wake up.
13:00Wake up.
13:11¿Cómo te atreves a entrar aquí?
13:14¿Hay algún lugar al que no pueda acceder?
13:17Tranquila, he venido a ayudarte a sacarlo.
13:21Deberías agradecerme.
13:22No creo lo que dices.
13:34¿Qué es esa cosa?
13:36Es un arma mágica de nuestro plan.
13:38Hace mucho que no se ha usado.
13:40Esta vez estoy haciendo todo lo posible para sacarlo de aquí.
14:00¿Piensas dejarlo aquí?
14:02¿O quieres que caiga en las manos de la Emperatriz?
14:05Salvarlo es la solución.
14:07Pero si nos vamos, la gente pensará que él tiene un trato contigo.
14:31Al parecer volvimos a tiempo.
14:33Casi caíse en la trampa.
14:37¿Su Alteza está bien?
14:53Buen día, tía.
14:54Sé bien que Shang Cheng se unió al Clan Demonio.
14:59Lo vi con mis propios ojos.
15:02Se entregará una orden imperial para Shang Cheng.
15:07Y su espíritu se destruirá.
15:24¿Qué pasa?
15:39Traigo una orden de la Emperatriz para el prisionero Shang Cheng.
15:43Se le acusa de conspiración al colaborar con el Clan de los Demonios.
15:47Y también por asesinato.
15:49Mañana al mediodía su espíritu será...
15:55Mira, las ejecuciones nunca son así de rápidas.
15:59¿Por qué vienes a decir mentiras?
16:02Ayer el Demonio entró en la cárcel.
16:04Existen pruebas de eso.
16:06No hay nada que puedas hacer.
16:10Destruirán su espíritu.
16:13Creo que ya había leído sobre esto.
16:16La pena consiste en destruir todas las partes humanas.
16:21Es tan salvaje.
16:25No puedo soportar algo tan sangriento.
16:32Oye, escucha.
16:34Solo deseo que tenga buen viaje estelar.
16:38De verdad sería su amigo en la otra vida.
16:46Hablaré con la Emperatriz.
16:47Alteza, mejor váyase.
16:49Podrá ver a la Emperatriz hasta mañana.
16:51No, porque mañana será demasiado tarde.
16:55Escuche, ¿no ha pensado que todo podría ser una gran mentira?
17:00Su Majestad está investigando.
17:02Usted tendrá justicia.
17:04Es lo que todos aquí desean.
17:06Lo que dicen de mi maestro es mentira.
17:08Sí, pero no hay evidencia.
17:10Lo sé y no tengo tiempo para reunirla.
17:13¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarla?
17:15Oye, por favor, te lo ruego.
17:17Trata de convencer a Su Majestad de que no le haga nada.
17:22Le juro que hablaré con ella.
17:43Li Shan vino a buscarte.
17:44Señorita, me alcanza.
17:45¿Qué tal?
17:47¿Cómo estás?
17:48Bien, gracias.
17:49¿Y tú?
17:51¿Y tu?
17:53¿Y tu?
17:55¿Y tu?
17:57¿Y tu?
17:59¿Y tu?
18:01¿Y tu?
18:03¿Y tu?
18:05¿Y tu?
18:07¿Y tu?
18:09¿Y tu?
18:11¿Y tu?
18:12Señorita, yo no soy el que busca.
18:16Está confundiéndome con otro.
18:17Li Shan se reunió conmigo.
18:20Está encerrado en el calabozo de la mansión Tianhai.
18:24Cierra los ojos, cuenta hasta mil y quédate aquí.
18:29Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco...
18:37Father, tell me, why doesn't this pearl shine?
19:02That is a nocturnal pearl. It only shines at night.
19:07What is it?
19:08Zhurong has found traces of Lishan.
19:11I'm afraid... I'm afraid she...
19:13Say it, she's going to what?
19:15She knows she's in this place.
19:20How could you hide someone so important?
19:24Didn't you think that could bring problems?
19:26Yes, you're an idiot.
19:27I'm talking about you.
19:28He's talking about you.
19:30I'll take care of it, don't worry, okay?
20:11How cruel.
20:13How cruel, I know.
20:35Shansheng, you conspired with the Demon Clan, and you also murdered Guo Wan.
20:48Is there something you want to tell me?
20:50I'm innocent, because I didn't kill anyone. It's the truth.
20:55You'll just say that? I can't believe it.
20:58I hope you don't expect someone to save you.
21:02I don't think anyone will. Because it's not something I want.
21:06We won't do anything, we'll just see him die and that's it.
21:09We can't do anything.
21:20The execution will begin.
21:55The first part of Shansheng's spirit.
21:58The first part of Shansheng's spirit will be destroyed now.
22:22He'll bite us if we don't do something now!
22:26My sword!
22:33Why are you disobeying me?
22:35We're family. Did you want us to do nothing?
22:38How dare you do this? All you've achieved is a greater condemnation.
22:43Let everyone know that the Guoyao Academy is defying orders.
22:46Your Majesty!
22:50You are traitors!
22:53Go away.
22:54No, I won't leave my master.
22:56I already told you, don't insist.
22:59Since you won't leave, then I'll grant you your wish to die together.
23:24I have a new testimony.
23:31I saw Wuoguang running towards the Guoyao Academy.
23:35He was chasing people from the Demon Clan.
23:38They killed him.
23:39Then I saw Shansheng and others leave to try to help him.
23:44This is the testimony of the night watchman, Lishan.
23:47He saw with his own eyes that Wuoguang wasn't killed by Shansheng.
23:51Shansheng will be freed.
23:54No, no, no, it can't be. It's wrong.
23:57Let's stop the execution in front of everyone.
24:00It can't be, Your Majesty.
24:02I know, but the law must not be ignored.
24:05Shansheng, your punishment is over. You are free now.
24:28Thank you for your help, Your Holiness.
24:30You're welcome.
24:31Sit down.
24:36I have always supported the Guoyao Academy.
24:38When they are attacked, I feel that I must help.
24:41Although they should also thank you.
24:45If it weren't for you...
25:24I was going to save Lishan from the Tianhai dungeons.
25:27But it's hard to get in.
25:28I could only see what Yaer was doing.
25:30Fortunately, Lishan was still breathing.
25:33So I was able to help him.
25:35So you used Lushan to rescue him?
25:38Despite having done it, I hardly managed to rescue him.
25:44Yaer surely does not imagine that, despite the circumstances, he rescued Lishan.
25:49Lishan's testimony was important.
25:51If I used my power to rescue him, it was to save Shansheng and prove his innocence, Father.
25:56She is a very brave woman.
25:58Good luck with your empire.
26:02Your Holiness.
26:03I don't want Shansheng to know that I helped him.
26:10He won't know.
26:19Take care.
26:56Are you okay?
26:57That almost hurts.
27:00I'm fine.
27:02I'm just tired.
27:03Just rest. I'll bring you a glass of water.
27:11If I fall in love, it won't be good for me.
27:14Am I falling in love?
27:17Of course not.
27:29Be careful.
27:41I thought I would never return to this place.
27:46Don't forget.
27:47You are the Shansheng Master of the Guojiao Academy.
27:50Be careful.
27:56I hope you have better luck next time.
28:00What are you doing here?
28:01Get out of here or you won't behave.
28:05Shansheng Po came to see me.
28:15Master, we have to go.
28:24Don't call me that.
28:25I have a name.
28:26I'm sorry, Mo Yu.
28:27What do you want?
28:28Do you have any idea what we're talking about?
28:32Do we have a problem?
28:34That's enough, Mo Yu.
28:35You can't joke about that.
28:37You know, it's very serious.
28:39My family's life is in danger.
28:41Do you finally realize what's going on?
28:43Please, you can't even handle your problems.
28:46Yes, of course.
28:47Shansheng is my best friend.
28:49I've always wanted to help him.
28:51If your friend knew that your family conspires with the Demon Clan,
28:54would you still be your friend?
28:56I don't know.
28:57I think I would.
28:58The matter you wanted me to verify has disappeared.
29:02He's probably already dead.
29:05They must know something about this.
29:08Maybe the person who killed him doesn't have an identity.
29:12They should prepare themselves.
29:14The river your family has is big.
29:38These symbols are strange.
29:41I think I've seen them somewhere.
29:45Where have I seen them?
29:50I remember now.
29:55This is the only one.
29:58The record of the battle of Shodufu.
30:03This is the only one.
30:06The record of the battle of Shodufu.
30:22Yes, it's the record of the battle between him and the Demon King.
30:26And this special symbol is his.
30:29I can't do it.
30:31The key.
30:32The key is a medicine and a stone.
30:39But of course.
30:41The key to the garden is a rock, like Pizarra.
30:48That's why Nanke got involved with us.
30:51The key to the Garden Show is in the Goyao Academy.
31:22Yurong, I see you on the bridge of the abyss.
31:25It's very important.
31:32What is that?
31:33It doesn't matter.
31:35It's going to rain.
31:39Whenever there is a natural event, it rains.
31:44It doesn't matter.
31:46It's going to rain.
31:49Whenever there is a natural event, it rains.
31:55It's time.
31:57I'll see where it is.
32:15Shodufu died and disappeared.
32:18No one knows where the star map is.
32:21But some believe it's hidden in the Garden Show.
32:25Only until now, no one has been there and found it.
32:32Xuanyangpu said that the Pizarras shine with the stars.
32:36And I see that it won't open tonight.
32:39The Pizarras matter.
32:41I'll do whatever I can to protect them.
33:07Zhen Xing.
33:12This is...
33:14What I found on the Pizarras of the Goyao Academy.
33:22Before his death, Yeshi Hulan said...
33:25The key to the garden is also a rock.
33:29A rock.
33:35The Pizarras...
33:37That's right.
33:39You're still smart.
33:46This means...
33:48Shodufu left clues about the garden.
33:51In places where he used to live.
33:54It's just that...
33:56What's wrong?
33:57Last night I calculated the location of the key.
34:00And it's not in the Goyao Academy.
34:03In Tianyang County.
34:05In the county?
34:08It's a special book.
34:09Written years ago.
34:11It talks about the whereabouts of Shodufu when he lived.
34:14Before he left his hometown.
34:16He fell in love with someone.
34:18The only woman he ever loved in his life.
34:23It will be better...
34:25That I go to investigate the county.
34:29You're going to go alone, right?
34:32I'm afraid the demons...
34:34I talked to Qiushan Jun, yes?
34:39Qiushan Jun?
34:43Do you trust him?
34:45I learned with him.
34:47So don't worry.
34:50But still, thank you.
35:05Red leaves or cherry leaves.
35:09Or maybe okra.
35:11The cherry is better.
35:13Give it to me.
35:20That's melocotón.
35:21The cherry is over there.
35:35Your skin looks pretty good.
35:41Yes, I know.
35:43You used the hydration of a leaf.
35:45It was that cream, right?
35:48Yes, but I used something.
35:51One moment.
35:52No, no, no.
35:54It was a gift for my teacher.
35:57It's just that I was here that day.
35:59I was curious and I just took a little and that's it.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I enjoyed using it.
36:05And I think the truth is...
36:08You are very kind to the teacher.
36:10And on the contrary, he doesn't care so much.
36:13In fact, you can't compare it...
36:15I know.
36:16He likes Yurong, but that's something that doesn't matter, really.
36:19As long as I like it.
36:22Is it worth giving your heart to someone like that?
36:25When you really like someone, you don't think that way.
36:28It's simple.
36:29Either you like it or you don't like it.
36:31You don't think if it's worth it or not.
36:34If you care about why you like someone,
36:37then maybe you shouldn't like them.
36:39Yes, but not because you like them.
36:44You're going to like them.
36:46Have you thought about it?
36:49It's not necessary to know all the answers.
36:53It's not something you can understand.
36:56I'll go with him.
37:07How strange.
37:09I can feel the light of the stars.
37:12And my soul is normal.
37:15Why can't I attract the light?
37:22I just made this arrangement.
37:24They're cute, aren't they?
37:27What are you studying?
37:32How to transfer the soul to the meridians of the beasts.
37:37Hey, they're very cute.
37:39Good job.
37:42But Shuang Yuan cut the flowers.
37:48Are you okay?
37:50Answer me.
37:51What's wrong?
37:53It's nothing.
37:55It must be the wounds from the whip that still don't heal.
37:59I hope to see Yaer soon.
38:02Don't worry about it.
38:04I don't want you to look for excuses to face it.
38:09I won't.
38:10Master, I'll bring you some medicine.
38:23I know you want me dead.
38:25But if I die, it won't help you at all.
38:29I have an idea.
38:30Everyone will take a step back.
38:34I did it.
38:35Now it's your turn.
38:39Apparently, we'll fight until the end.
38:43Then I'll do it.
38:45Let's see if I survive.
38:47Or you kill me.
38:49What are you doing?
38:51How long ago did you get here?
38:53And what are you doing here?
38:59I've been here since last night.
39:01I didn't move.
39:03There's food.
39:04That's good.
39:05I'm hungry.
39:06You've been here since last night?
39:08That's right.
39:09I came to read about my family.
39:10Do you know how many there are?
39:12I've been reading all night.
39:13I'm tired.
39:16It's strange that you're doing that.
39:18Do I never do it or what?
39:20It's just that my passion is making inventions.
39:22Now I know there are more important things to do.
39:25That's why.
39:27It's true.
39:29We still have things to do.
39:39You must be very careful on this trip.
39:41I know they can take care of you.
39:44But your black tunic wants to get it.
39:46It won't let you go easily.
39:47I know.
39:48Don't worry.
39:51I need you to do me a favor.
39:54I never thought I'd hear something like that.
39:57Tell me.
39:58The wounds Shang Cheng has make his meridians damaged.
40:02He'll die soon, so he needs to win the exam.
40:05Shang Cheng has damaged meridians?
40:08And he'll die soon?
40:11And what does that have to do with the imperial exam?
40:14On the last floor of Lingxu, there are the notes of Shou Dufu.
40:17Maybe I can find them to save him.
40:20Mo Yu.
40:21I've never asked you for anything like this.
40:23I hope you can help him.
40:29Don't worry.
40:31I'll take care of him as if you did.
40:35It's time to go.
40:38I trust you.
40:39I know.
40:40Take care of yourself.
40:45You should be with Yu Sheng Jun.
40:51They're so cute.
40:57As for Shang Cheng,
40:58I'm sure he'll be fine.
41:00I'm sure.
41:01I'm sure.
41:03I'm sure.
41:05I'm sure.
41:07I'm sure.
41:09I'm sure.
41:11As for Shang Cheng,
41:15I'll be watching him for you.
41:19This is the thunderball.
41:21It can split the sky and the earth, or whatever.
41:24Maybe it can break your ankle.
41:27What a silly thing.
41:29Even my fire would be more useful.
41:31Maybe it works.
41:32We just have to try it.
41:47I told you it wouldn't work.
41:49I know.
41:50I was a fool.
41:52I want to save people
41:54when I can't even save myself.
41:58What's wrong with you?
42:01What's wrong with your meridians?
42:03If you don't bring light to your body and control your soul,
42:05you won't live more than a month.
42:07I know what's happening to me.
42:09It's just that...
42:10I don't know why I can't bring any light to me.
42:14I don't care if you die.
42:16Remember that you promised to free me.
42:20even if I die,
42:22I'll get you out of here, I promise.
42:24People promise things,
42:25but if you can't save yourself,
42:26how will you help me?
42:29I'll try everything.
42:32What a silly thing.
42:33Trying everything.
42:35It doesn't sound good.
42:37So what do we do?
42:40there's another way
42:42to free myself
42:43without breaking the chain.
42:45And what's that?
42:46With my dragon soul jade.
42:49if I tie it to my soul,
42:52I can get out of here.
42:54Wouldn't it be dangerous to leave your body
42:56in this place?
42:57Now that I think about it,
42:59as I am,
43:00my dragon soul is very weak.
43:02So my strength is weaker
43:04than my original strength.
43:07you must take good care of me.
43:09If that frees you,
43:11tell me where the pendant is.
43:14I don't know.
43:15When the empress locked me in this place,
43:18she took it from me.
43:31Father, were you looking for me?
43:33What exactly happened
43:35to Chancel?
43:38He was very lucky.
43:40His holiness was the one who helped him.
