D0N-Capitulo 5 Español Audio Latino
00:00See the daylight, cover in the sky, hear the wind say
00:14No matter what you do my friend, you know the world still needs your light
00:21Let it just shine, you'll be free
00:26From all the things you used to be
00:56Let it just shine, you'll be free
00:59From all the things you used to be
01:02Let it just shine, you'll be free
01:05From all the things you used to be
01:26Let it just shine, you'll be free
01:56Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:26Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:29From all the things you used to be
02:32Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:35From all the things you used to be
02:38Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:41From all the things you used to be
02:44Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:47From all the things you used to be
02:50Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:53Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:56Let it just shine, you'll be free
02:59Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:02Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:05Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:08Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:11Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:14Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:17Let it just shine, you'll be free
03:20Ya me voy
03:42Ah, hola
03:50¿Podemos hablar un momento?
03:54Claro, dime
04:03¿Qué me quieres decir?
04:11¿Te toqué?
04:16¿Por qué hiciste eso ayer?
04:18¿Qué cosa?
04:24¿Hablas del beso que te di?
04:29Porque sí
04:31¿Se necesitan razones para besar?
04:35¿No te gustó?
04:40¿Sientes algo?
04:43¿Por mí?
04:49No sientes nada
04:51Yo no le doy besos a mis amigas
04:55Así que no...
04:57Quiero que hagamos nada que los amigos no hagan
05:02Tal vez lo hiciste porque...
05:04Te sientes sola y la estás pasando muy mal
05:06Y lo entiendo
05:08Pero no dejes que ese sentimiento te engañe
05:11¿Puedo ser lastimada?
05:14Ay, no
05:16Qué aburrido eres
05:19Ya tienes 21 años, ¿por qué te lo tomas todo tan en serio?
05:25Yo no quiero una relación
05:27Me hiciste sentir cosas
05:33Y no quiero sentir algo por un beso sin importancia
05:37Todos lo sienten por mí
05:40Lo superan y se largan
05:42¿Te creíste diferente?
06:30¡Oigan! ¡Deténganme en el elevador!
06:32¡Por favor!
06:34¡Espérenme! ¡Esperen!
06:36Ay, gracias
06:38Ay, disculpen
06:41Oye, hubieras esperado al siguiente
06:46¡El del beso eres tú!
06:48¡Chica Zamba!
06:49¡Sí, soy yo!
06:50¡Soy la Chica Zamba, tontito!
06:52¡Qué coincidencia!
06:54¿A dónde vas? ¿A una clase?
06:55No, voy a...
06:57Te hablo luego para decirte
06:59Te contacto luego, te lo prometo, ¿ok?
07:01Sí, sí
07:02Muchas gracias
07:07Déjame quedarme contigo unas noches
07:09Ya me voy
07:11¡Güeyun! ¡Eres un idiota! ¡Lárgate!
07:24¿Qué voy a hacer si no me ayudas?
07:26Me corrieron de la casa
07:31¿Qué voy a hacer?
07:37Sobre lo que me dijiste la otra vez
07:39¿De que sentía algo por ti?
07:44Ahora quiero responderte
07:46Tómate el tiempo que necesites
07:49Aunque sé lo que dirás, creo
07:52Tengo sentimientos por otra persona
07:56Y yo nunca quise hacerte pensar
07:58¿Por Güeyun?
07:59¿Por Güeyun?
08:05Nunca hiciste que pensar a nada
08:07Solo decidí no hacer caso
08:12Lo siento
08:29¿Estás bien?
08:59Hola, Güeyun
09:30No sabía de este lugar
09:32Linda vista
09:35Mira, ven
09:38Se puede ver tu casa desde aquí
09:41Así que humanidades tiene este mirador
09:43Hay mucho que no sabes aún
09:49¿Qué es eso?
09:50¿Qué es eso?
09:51¿Qué es eso?
09:52¿Qué es eso?
09:53¿Qué es eso?
09:54¿Qué es eso?
09:55¿Qué es eso?
09:56¿Qué es eso?
09:57¿Qué es eso?
09:58¿Qué es eso?
10:04¿En qué estás pensando?
10:07En que se ven tantos edificios desde aquí
10:09Pero ninguno es mío
10:11Ni mío
10:13Pero no es igual
10:18¿Por qué me dices eso?
10:20No, nada en especial
10:22Solo que nunca pensé que te preocuparas por cosas así
10:31¿Puedes dejar de actuar como si me conocieras?
10:44Xinyu, ¿todo bien?
10:46¿Qué fue lo que te dije para que te enojaras tanto?
11:03No tenía ganas de hablar de esto
11:05Solo que siento que soy una molestia
11:59No te alejes demasiado
12:04Era todo lo que necesitaba decirte
12:07Por favor, que ya no pase nada
12:10Ya no lo aguanto
12:13¡Hola a todos!
12:14¡Yo, la única e inigualable Sheila!
12:16¡Me juro!
12:21¡Debes sonreír así!
12:28¡A ver, a ver!
12:45¿No es el guapo del otro día?
12:47¿Dónde, dónde, dónde?
12:49¿Dónde es él?
12:52¡Ya llegué!
12:53¡Es muy guapo!
12:54¡Hola, guapo!
12:55¡Hola, guapo!
12:57¡Nos extrañaron!
12:59¿Qué está pasando?
13:01Me dijo que la expulsaron y la invité
13:03¿Qué tal, eh?
13:09Oh, my God!
13:10I can't believe it!
13:11It's her!
13:12It's her!
13:13It's her!
13:14It's her!
13:15It's her!
13:16Dream Suite.
13:17I've been in one of the Dream Suites.
13:21Nice to meet you.
13:24How pretty is she?
13:27She's prettier than I thought.
13:30I can't believe it's her.
13:32Look at her.
13:33Can it be?
13:34How nice is she?
13:37That was fast.
13:46Good morning. Thank you.
13:52He left his house and I invited him.
13:54Do you like it?
14:03Hey, Junte! Where are you?
14:07Hey! This way!
14:09Leave him here!
14:10This way! I said this way!
14:12What are you doing?
14:16And you, help him!
14:18Guanyun! Wait for me!
14:20What's that thing you're wearing?
14:22A pajama?
14:23Do you like it?
14:24I gave one to my roomies as a welcome gift.
14:26They loved it.
14:28Do you want one?
14:29I don't think so, thank you.
14:31Accept that if you want one...
14:38What's that dune like?
14:41It's bigger than you.
14:43It looks like we're the same age.
14:45Tell me about it.
14:46Now we're going to live together.
14:49Come on, tell me what it's like.
14:52I have no idea.
14:54I never know what she's thinking.
15:02I'm back!
15:03We're here!
15:07Oh, it's beer.
15:08We're going to drink until we drop!
15:10Can I have one?
15:11Yes, Tama.
15:12How can you carry so much weight?
15:13The good thing is that there's a slave living upstairs.
15:17Do you want to come in?
15:18Uh, no.
15:19I wasn't going to let you in anyway.
15:21You're not allowed in.
15:25Yes, of course I know him.
15:26Oh, really?
15:27He inherited the business, and now he's the director of everything.
15:30You're so lucky!
15:32Are you serious?
15:33I think you're playing!
15:34Is his name Kuxu?
15:35His name is Xuchin!
15:36You owe me a drink!
15:40Kuxu Chin, right?
15:41Yes, Kuxu.
15:42He's a very funny guy.
15:43Yes, I know.
15:46Do you know the pharmacy?
15:47Yes, of course!
15:48It's still there.
15:49Still? Really?
15:51I love that place!
15:53Because Kuxu Chin liked the owner's daughter.
15:56He went all the time for energy drinks,
15:58and in the end he became addicted to them.
16:00And Wonyun was having fun with him.
16:02He also became addicted.
16:03It was so much fun!
16:04The two of them were having episodes of anxiety!
16:22What are you doing here?
16:24Hila's on the phone.
16:35Isn't it weird to live with so many people all of a sudden?
16:40I've been living like this for a while.
16:43Doesn't it bother you?
16:46I feel like I'm on a school trip.
16:49A school trip?
16:51I've never been on one of those in my life.
16:56The three of us should go on a trip someday.
16:59With uniforms.
17:01Of course.
17:02Of course.
17:17Why did you decide to have roommates all of a sudden?
17:21And you?
17:23Why did you leave your house all of a sudden?
17:26I felt like it was necessary.
17:29With everything that was going on at home...
17:32and everything I had accumulated...
17:35I felt like I had exploded all of a sudden.
17:38And in a very important moment.
17:41That's what happened.
17:44It's a summary.
17:51That's why I told Wonyun how I felt.
17:58I didn't say it with so many words.
18:00But I think she understood.
18:08I also came here to know her answer.
18:12Because I don't want to lose it.
18:14I'm so sorry.
18:19I can offer you a room.
18:22But I can't help you with anything else.
18:26Because I also did something.
18:28Wonyun did something.
18:46I know Wonyun well.
18:49He always overthinks everything.
18:53And he's usually very suspicious.
18:56He doesn't like uncertainty.
18:59And he doesn't like dealing with things like that.
19:02We've known each other for a long time.
19:04And we have feelings...
19:07for each other.
19:12That's also special.
19:20We're going to be late!
19:22We're going to be late!
19:25Let's go!
19:26We have to take a taxi.
19:27I have my backpack full of things.
19:29Let's go!
19:30How much do you have?
19:31Shut up!
19:32Unless you're going to help me with something.
19:35My things!
19:36You're an idiot!
19:37Why don't you be more careful?
19:40That's also special.
19:42Meeting someone like that.
19:45Sharing memories.
19:48Almost living in the same world.
19:51It's something very powerful.
19:56That's why I trust what's ours.
20:21Hey, how's it going with the famous girl?
20:23Are you friends or what?
20:25With everything that...
20:26Do people say bad things about her?
20:28She's cute.
20:29Very normal.
20:30And tell me...
20:32How's it going with the guys?
20:39And that face?
20:40What's wrong?
20:42What's wrong? You're scaring me.
20:45I wanted to tell you that...
20:48This morning...
21:37Go, Sensei!
21:38Go, Sensei!
21:39Go, Sensei!
21:44Go, Sensei!
21:49You made me feel things.
21:54I don't want to feel that for an unimportant kiss.
22:14I love you.
22:15I love you.
22:16I love you.
22:17I love you.
22:18I love you.
22:19I love you.
22:20I love you.
22:21I love you.
22:22I love you.
22:23I love you.
22:24I love you.
22:25I love you.
22:26I love you.
22:27I love you.
22:28I love you.
22:29I love you.
22:30I love you.
22:31I love you.
22:32I love you.
22:33I love you.
22:34I love you.
22:35I love you.
22:36I love you.
22:37I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:39I love you.
22:40I love you.
22:41I love you.
22:42I love you.
22:43I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:45I love you.
22:46I love you.
22:47I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:49I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:51I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:53I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:55I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:57I love you.
22:58I love you.
22:59I love you.
23:00I love you.
23:01I love you.
23:02I love you.
23:03I love you.
23:04I love you.
23:05I love you.
23:06I love you.
23:07I love you.
23:08I love you.
23:09I love you.
23:10I love you.
23:11I love you.
23:12I love you.
23:19I love you.
23:26I love you.
23:36Give me a kiss, Juntet!
23:46Thank you for everything.
23:49Do you need help?
23:51No, thank you.
23:55Would you lend me a blanket?
23:58I have one in the chair in my room.
24:01Yes, thank you.
24:06He touched my face and said I was cute.
24:09Yes, exactly. He touched my face and said I was cute.
25:23Did you find it?
25:28Get out for a beer.
26:13You know me, right?
26:16You're Iduna.
26:28It's an honor that a celebrity like you recognizes a colleague.
26:33It's nice to see someone from the media.
26:36It's like meeting a Korean abroad.
26:39You look much more beautiful.
26:41What are you doing now?
26:43I'm not doing anything.
26:46What happened to you?
26:48Was everything okay?
26:50Yes, I screwed it up.
26:52I understand.
26:54I felt like I could take any stupidity when I made my debut.
26:58But there are always new stupidities waiting for you.
27:01Was it serious?
27:07Let's go somewhere else.
27:09Why not?
27:11That kind of people seem to be made to recognize each other.
27:19For example, Ayla.
27:21The moment I saw her, I knew immediately, and I'm not exaggerating,
27:25that we were alike.
27:30Shinju and Wanchu,
27:32don't you feel that magnetism?
27:47Kiss king.
27:49Are you serious?
27:51I'm sorry.
27:53You know how I get.
27:55Open the door.
27:57You know how I get.
28:04Do you want to go out for a while?
28:07Let's go.
28:26I want to play.
28:57It doesn't work.
29:01It doesn't work.
29:11I thought I would never come the day I told you something about my family.
29:19I felt...
29:22a lot of happiness.
29:24A lot of happiness.
29:27That the person you like tells you that he likes you too.
29:43I love you.
29:47I felt my heart coming out of my chest.
29:49That I finally had something I wanted.
29:52I wanted to jump and scream of happiness.
30:04I came up with so many things I wanted to do with you.
30:09I felt that now all that was possible.
30:15Write everything you did with that vagabond.
30:17Write it.
30:21It can't be, you're a whore!
30:22No, please!
30:24Don't do that to her!
30:33It was like waking up from a dream.
30:35To land again in the horrible reality.
30:40That Jinju that you liked.
30:42That was all smiles and tenderness.
30:45It was always a fake Jinju.
30:47The real Jinju was always sad.
30:51With a family that was destroyed.
30:58Suddenly I lost all my courage.
31:08Would you like to tell me something?
31:21I really liked you.
31:49I really liked you.
31:54So much that I didn't want to see you anymore.
31:56And if you didn't belong to me,
31:59I was going to end up destroyed.
32:03I liked you so much that...
32:06I didn't know if I still felt the same
32:09when I found you.
32:13I wish I had helped you
32:15when you went through such difficult times.
32:19But now...
32:22a lot has happened.
32:25You could help me now.
32:28Make me feel better.
32:31Make me feel better.
32:33Tell me I have your support.
32:36And that you still like me as before.
32:45We talked about us.
32:53Forgive me.
32:56I told you we'd go for a walk because...
32:59I wanted to apologize.
33:15I'm sorry.
33:45I'm sorry.
34:29What's wrong?
34:30What are you doing?
34:37That's how you play with people.
34:39I know a lot of people who can't stand you.
34:41And now I understand everything.
34:44And you disgust me.
34:47Do you do it because you want attention?
34:55Not here.
34:58Did it hurt?
35:00Everyone knows he was the one who left you.
35:06Everything okay?
35:09Did you lose something?
35:14Are you dating this kid?
35:20How old are you?
35:21None of your business.
35:22What did you say?
35:25Hey, Ben.
35:26I left my cell phone in your car.
35:30I'll go get it.
35:33Where is it?
35:37It's not true.
35:43I'm sorry.
35:56Tell me.
35:57Are you friends?
35:59That you're a friend of Tuna.
36:05She doesn't have any friends.
36:09We're in the same place.
36:11That one?
36:13I can't believe you're laughing at me.
36:15That one throws herself at anyone to get the attention of that idiot Pakinú.
36:20I already knew what I was doing.
36:22But why not?
36:23Free lunch.
36:29Do you want to hit me?
36:32Get out of here.
36:36Do you think you're different?
36:39Just because you're in love with her?
37:11I love you.
37:29Tell me what you're thinking now.
37:36I'd love to know.
37:41I love you.
37:42I love you.
37:43I love you.
37:44I love you.
37:45I love you.
37:46I love you.
37:47I love you.
37:48I love you.
37:49I love you.
37:50I love you.
37:51I love you.
37:52I love you.
37:53I love you.
37:54I love you.
37:55I love you.
37:56I love you.
37:57I love you.
37:58I love you.
37:59I love you.
38:00I love you.
38:01I love you.
38:02I love you.
38:03I love you.
38:04I love you.
38:05I love you.
38:06I love you.
38:07I love you.
38:08I love you.
38:09I love you.
38:10I love you.
38:11I love you.
38:12I love you.
38:13I love you.
38:14I love you.
38:15I love you.
38:16I love you.
38:17I love you.
38:18I love you.
38:19I love you.
38:20I love you.
38:21I love you.
38:22I love you.
38:23I love you.
38:24I love you.
38:25I love you.
38:26I love you.
38:27I love you.
38:28I love you.
38:29I love you.
38:30I love you.
38:31I love you.
38:32I love you.
38:33I love you.
38:34I love you.
38:35I love you.
38:36I love you.
38:37I love you.
38:38I love you.
38:39I love you.
38:40I love you.
38:41I love you.
38:42I love you.
38:43I love you.
38:44I love you.
38:45I love you.
38:46I love you.
38:47I love you.
38:48I love you.
38:49I love you.
38:50I love you.
38:51I love you.
38:52I love you.
38:53I love you.
38:54I love you.
38:55I love you.
38:56I love you.
38:57I love you.
38:58I love you.
38:59I love you.
39:00I love you.
39:01I love you.
39:02I love you.
39:03I love you.
39:04I love you.
39:05I love you.
39:06I love you.
39:07I love you.
39:08I love you.
39:09I love you.
39:10I love you.
39:11I love you.
39:12I love you.
39:13I love you.
39:14I love you.
39:15I love you.
39:16I love you.
39:17I love you.
39:18I love you.
39:19I love you.
39:20I love you.
39:21I love you.
39:22I love you.
39:23I love you.
39:24I love you.
39:25I love you.
39:26I love you.
39:27I love you.
39:28I love you.
39:29I love you.
39:30I love you.
39:31I love you.
39:32I love you.
39:33I love you.
39:34I love you.
39:35I love you.
39:36I love you.
39:38¿Sientes cosas?
39:46¡Qué difícil!
40:37¿Me dejas preguntarte algo?
40:42¿Por qué crees que yo no soy diferente?
40:44¿Diferente al tipo de ayer o de quién?
40:50¿Ya lo olvidaste?
40:52Fuiste tú quien dijo sin importancia.
40:55Y no te contradije.
40:57Porque tal vez tengas razón.
41:02Fue por eso que decidí salir con otras personas.
41:06Tenía curiosidad de saber si de verdad es que me gustas o sí.
41:16Solo estoy ansiosa de contacto humano.
41:21¿Qué harías si fuera el caso?
41:25¿Y si estoy rodeada de otras personas y aún así te extraño y sigues gustándome?
41:35¿Y si resulta que me enamoré de ti?
41:39Dime qué es lo que harías.
41:49¿Lo ves?
41:52Tú tampoco sabes qué decir.
42:28¿No que no ves a tus amigas?
42:31Y es cierto.
43:05Realizé que no puedo volver.
43:36No importa dónde estés.
43:38Mis pensamientos siempre vuelven a ti.
43:41Porque eres tú.
43:50Te agarro las manos tan cerca.
43:53Te veo.
43:58Te prometo que nunca lo dejaré.
44:03Finalmente encontré mi respuesta.
44:07No me voy a asustar más.
44:11Me he caído en ti.