• el año pasado
N0Gn45-N0-4m45-008 Español Audio Latino


00:00:49Passed time and you still feel like a horrendous prison
00:00:57Call Phil Punto de estar en ese salón hasta la noche todos los días
00:01:10Oye John por qué de pronto te fuiste de la escuela
00:02:22Por favor
00:02:27No base
00:02:29Puedes transferir de escuela y te encontraré otro garde acogida
00:02:36Y luego
00:02:38La tía un coquillo de cuidaremos sin importar lo que suceda
00:02:43Don't kill her
00:03:13Se lo dije antes
00:03:15Mi cuerpo y mi corazón vienen juntos y mi cuerpo habita donde hoy está mi corazón
00:05:07Can leave you
00:05:10Pudimos tener muchos problemas
00:05:34Entonces por culpa de él me dio un beso
00:05:40Estaba mira es que se veía
00:05:42sospechoso si el esposo deja la casa con una maleta y no regresa después
00:05:47parece muy sospechoso
00:05:49Hoy ese ano ya pensé que se había ido se fue y luego regresó
00:05:57Esta vigilando nos eso es lo que le importa
00:06:03Señora usted subió para darme un beso y yo
00:06:09Fue el primero
00:06:15No lo sabía perdón en serio perdón ame
00:06:23Es que dejaste tu teléfono abajo y ya no lleno se estaba viendo por eso y se está diciendo que usted puede besar a cualquiera
00:06:32sin amor
00:06:34No era en serio lo que hicimos fue un beso falso solo puse mis labios en los tuyos
00:07:42Antes tenía curiosidad
00:07:46De hasta donde podía llevar esta farsa
00:07:51Si está abierta a cualquier cosa
00:07:55Sin involucrar ningún sentimiento
00:08:00Desde hoy voy a disfrutar y divertirme
00:08:28Hay me asustó primero me paga por favor
00:08:32Si perdón no sabía que se paga antes de usar si si claro lo sigo bien venga por aquí acérquese a la caja
00:08:40Es que vi algo que no quería ver y quise enjuagarme los ojos con eso no basta tiene que quitarse la imagen
00:08:47y como su total es de 1500 así
00:08:54Por cierto sobre lo que dijo el señor de la basura el que se llevó el papel
00:08:59Qué cosa dijo sobre ese ángel cajero que trabajaba aquí. Ah, claro
00:09:05Jimmy you
00:09:07Que es el ángel de este vecindario
00:09:09Escuché que desapareció hace unos meses pero que regresó hace unos días a vivir en una azotea
00:09:14Creo que sí, pero no lo he visto
00:09:20Porque me lo preguntan
00:09:22Ah es que yo soy un cliente y sólo era curiosidad
00:09:28Cuando se fue fueron las mujeres las que me preguntaron más por él y ahora un hombre
00:09:40Solo se lo voy a contar porque es un cliente y o que está soltero nunca salió con una mujer
00:09:58Señor creo que está confundido de todos modos gracias buenas noches
00:10:14La casa de la directora es bonita
00:10:18Señor taxista quisiera pasar por la tienda antes a por la tienda
00:10:23No, no, hay una en el callejón hasta el fondo. Ah, ok
00:10:29Think we'll see me reload no, it's time to zapato
00:10:33No, Vista, mi teléfono estará debajo del colchón, pero no compró muebles nuevos todo se ve igual
00:10:40Y tú cómo sabes eso mi amor
00:10:44Es que yo antes amor doy la directora su vibra es un poco
00:10:57Ya te sientes mejor es que me dijiste que te duele un poco el estómago si ya casi no siento dolor
00:11:13Es posible que el gerente no supiera que
00:11:16su empleado ya se casó y si desapareció hace unos meses después de la boda se separaron en cuanto se casaron
00:11:24Y por qué vive en la azotea
00:11:28No entiendo nada
00:11:36Tenía curiosidad
00:11:38de hasta dónde podía llevar esta farsa
00:11:41si está abierta a cualquier cosa puede besar a cualquiera
00:11:46Y no era en serio lo que hicimos fue un beso falso fue el primero
00:11:53lo siento en serio perdóname
00:11:58Desde hoy voy a disfrutar y divertirme contigo hecho porque le dije eso
00:12:06No te remuerde la conciencia
00:12:15Si yo no fui la que lo confundí no puedo hacerlo pero el si puede
00:12:26Estoy cansada
00:12:34Ya soporté mucho tiempo no puedo hacerlo más
00:12:45Si tu quieres te diré cuñado desde hoy
00:12:47¿A dónde vas cuñado?
00:12:49al baño
00:12:51¿Vas a orinar afuera?
00:13:13¿Vas a orinar afuera?
00:13:15Pero el baño está adentro
00:13:17Voy a tomar un baño en las aguas termales
00:13:19Primero desayuna
00:13:21Si es que quiero ser el primero en llegar y salir
00:13:23¿A dónde vas?
00:13:25A tomar
00:13:27Dice que a bañarse
00:13:29¿Y el desayuno?
00:13:31Voy a comer
00:13:33Primero quiere exfoliarse
00:13:35Primero se desayuna
00:13:37Es que es un poco urgente
00:13:39Por eso voy ahora
00:13:41Pero compre algo delicioso para todos
00:13:43Una sopa kimchi
00:13:45Y tiernas costillas estofadas que se deslizaran
00:13:51Directo a tu bonita pancita
00:13:53¿Se te antoja?
00:13:59Que tengan buen provecho
00:14:03Con permiso
00:14:05Por favor
00:14:07Déjame pasar te lo suplico
00:14:09Te lo suplico
00:14:39Gracias por la comida
00:14:49¿A poco no está muy rico?
00:14:53Prueba las costillas también
00:14:57Muchas gracias
00:14:59Come un poco de todo lo demás
00:15:09Al rato vamos a ir al parque a hacer ejercicio
00:15:11¿No quieres venir?
00:15:13Hoy no, es que yo voy
00:15:15¿Por qué?
00:15:17¿No planeas hacer algo divertido?
00:15:19¿Conmigo, Song Hye Jong?
00:15:21No se vayan a pelear mientras comemos
00:15:27Por casualidad
00:15:29¿Discucharon ayer?
00:15:31¿Pasó algo más ayer?
00:15:33Creo que
00:15:37¿Ya qué pasó?
00:15:39Pues resulta que ya se besaron en la boca
00:15:47Ella fue la que me besó
00:15:49Y sin mi permiso
00:15:51Me torciste el brazo y te dejaste ir
00:15:53Tú fuiste el que me obligó
00:15:55Ay, ya se besaron
00:15:57¿Están saliendo?
00:15:59No, mientras Anu ya esté viendo
00:16:01¿No puedes diferenciar un beso de un rosé?
00:16:03Lo que te di no fue un beso
00:16:05Y lo que tú hiciste...
00:16:07Ay, ya, molestan como la caca y la diarrea
00:16:09¿Quién es la caca?
00:16:11La señora es la diarrea
00:16:13Ay, qué asco
00:16:29Te dije que fueras a la oficina
00:16:31¿Por qué estás aquí?
00:16:37¿Quiere probar que tan violento es un desarrollador?
00:16:55No sé por qué
00:16:57Quiso verme en fin de semana cuando no hay nada
00:16:59¿O sea que no podemos vernos si no pasa nada especial?
00:17:01Solo quería platicar un poco
00:17:05Y oír tu informe sobre si te lo pasaste bien
00:17:07En la dichosa fiesta
00:17:09Uy, las risas no faltaron
00:17:13¿Y te reuniste con esa amiga tuya?
00:17:15Sí, porque no iba a hacerlo
00:17:17¿Y qué tal?
00:17:19Sí, todo lindo
00:17:23¿Y cómo se veía de saludo?
00:17:25Supongo que no dijo que de pronto iba a dejar de hacerlo
00:17:27Es una autora muy ocupada
00:17:29Ay, ay, te cerré tu compu
00:17:37Si tiene tanta curiosidad, ¿por qué no le llama y le pregunta a ella?
00:17:39Pero no me va a tomar la llamada
00:17:45Se sentiría muy incómoda
00:17:47¿Un presidente hablando con la amiga de su secretario?
00:17:55¿Quiere un café con leche?
00:17:57Hola Yaon, sí
00:18:11Pero ni siquiera lee mis mensajes
00:18:17Si no me llamas ahora mismo
00:18:19La vida de tu musa estará en gravedad
00:18:21Si no me llamas ahora mismo
00:18:23La vida de tu musa estará en grave
00:18:27Sí, escritura, le habla su hater
00:18:29Sí, sí, sí, sí
00:18:37Ay, ese Pocky
00:18:51Perdón por todas las molestias, presidente Pock
00:18:53Ya retiré la demanda
00:18:55También firmaré un acuerdo si lo desea
00:18:59Le pedí que se viera conmigo
00:19:01Porque me preocupaba que...
00:19:05Que la directora Song pueda verse afectada
00:19:07Señorita Nam Yaon
00:19:09No vine aquí para hablar con la hermana de la directora
00:19:11Sino para poder hablar con la directora
00:19:19No vine aquí para hablar con la hermana de la directora
00:19:21Sino para poder hablar con la escritora
00:19:23Para disculparme por mis comentarios
00:19:25Y por ocultarle quién soy
00:19:27Lamento mucho todo eso
00:19:29Pero si es así como va a actuar
00:19:31¿Con quién debo disculparme?
00:19:33¿Quiere que nos veamos más tarde?
00:19:35Disculpas aceptadas
00:19:39Ya no tiene que ir allá de voluntario
00:19:41Cumpliré con mi castigo
00:19:43Le hice una promesa
00:19:45Déjelo, así es como quiero terminar con esto
00:19:47Vamos a ver
00:19:51No, espere, por favor
00:19:55Si después
00:19:57Dejo de
00:19:59Verla, podríamos ir a cenar
00:20:01No, gracias
00:20:03No quiero tener recuerdos con usted
00:20:05En ningún otro lugar
00:20:07Solo en la estación
00:20:09¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:11¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:13¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:15¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:17¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:19¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:21¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:23¡Estoy aquí!
00:20:33Hay que correr
00:20:37Let's go.
00:21:07Why do I have to do it?
00:21:29He was the one who wanted to stay with her.
00:21:33She's happy while I work.
00:21:47Hey, Kim Hyuk!
00:21:50Where did he go?
00:22:21I'm done.
00:22:44Let's see how pretty you look today.
00:22:49She's a very strong woman.
00:22:53Good afternoon.
00:22:58Ma'am, this young man is not your dad.
00:23:01No, don't worry.
00:23:06You look very pretty today, Eun-ok.
00:23:08You remind me of someone.
00:23:11Here, it's a gift.
00:23:18Hey, Mom.
00:23:20Don't you know who your daughter looks like?
00:23:24She's not like you at all.
00:23:27She's like a horse that only looks forward.
00:23:30I have to hold on tight so I don't get hurt, but she just keeps running.
00:23:38It's as if she hadn't heard my confession.
00:23:44After she kissed me, her ex-boyfriend...
00:23:47He Jung, right?
00:23:48Yes, your daughter.
00:23:56Mom, did you just remember her?
00:24:03My daughter...
00:24:06He Jung.
00:24:11Mom, do you remember her?
00:24:13Wait a minute.
00:24:16I'm going to make a video call.
00:24:32Do you think she can do it?
00:24:35Do you think she'll forgive me?
00:25:36Let's run away.
00:25:54Do you know it, too?
00:25:59I really like this song.
00:26:27I didn't come here to talk to the director's sister, but to talk to the writer.
00:26:32To apologize for my comments and for hiding who I am.
00:26:35I'm very sorry about all that.
00:26:37Are you okay?
00:26:39Writer Jung Boram.
00:26:40He wrote them to hurt me, but not to make me want to die.
00:26:44I regretted what I had done, and I really wanted to apologize to you.
00:26:48Miss Jung!
00:26:49I think he gave his boyfriend a good scare.
00:26:51He brought her carrying her in his arms in an emergency.
00:26:53You are a writer, and you need them.
00:26:57She's busy, and I put a lot of stress on her.
00:27:01So I'm really sorry about that.
00:27:24I'll hug you.
00:27:48I'm sorry.
00:27:49No, it's okay.
00:27:50Don't worry.
00:27:53I feel perfect.
00:28:03Thank you very much for singing to me.
00:28:11I also want to thank you for letting me be here with you.
00:28:17The orphanage the other day did everything so that Ha-Yoon wouldn't find out who I am, right?
00:28:28Well, thank you very much.
00:28:33I don't want Ha-Yoon to find out.
00:28:35Don't worry.
00:28:36I won't tell her anything.
00:28:44It's really late, so...
00:28:49Is this the last time I see her?
00:29:01Well, unless she demands it again for being a hater.
00:29:31Girl, come here.
00:29:44Let's eat.
00:29:52What are we going to eat? Bread and tostadas?
00:29:54Jaon, can you bring me the sauce from the fridge?
00:29:58And the jam?
00:30:01Thank you for opening the jar lid.
00:30:05Come on, you can do it.
00:30:12I can't open this.
00:30:14Don't do it, you'll hurt yourself.
00:30:15If you want, I can open it.
00:30:28It's very hard, ma'am.
00:30:56The remote control doesn't work.
00:30:58Now's the time.
00:31:00Hey, it doesn't work.
00:31:08Your father must have suffered with you.
00:31:10Just like yours.
00:31:11Why don't you stop smoking?
00:31:12What do you care?
00:31:18Hugh, the remote control doesn't work.
00:31:31The one who calls himself Buck,
00:31:33and who's sitting there thinking that everything will be served on a silver platter?
00:31:37The one who doesn't know he's a Buck,
00:31:39and is satisfied with a car?
00:31:41I was hoping that when I found him,
00:31:43the other useless one would do something when he knew I existed.
00:31:46Huh, but this one is more useless.
00:31:49Young, I advise you not to have children.
00:31:51Raising a child is a task that never pays well.
00:31:55I can't have it, sir.
00:31:56And besides, a task like this involves a lot of effort.
00:32:00And I don't raise this child, you just sowed the seed.
00:32:11And now?
00:32:13Should I look for other seeds?
00:32:16There's no more.
00:32:17Just those two, I'm sure.
00:32:20I'll talk to Mr. Kim Hugh again.
00:32:24And what about your wife?
00:32:26Does she talk to the director alone?
00:32:28Hm, she seems ambitious, and she's a very brave woman.
00:32:31But, president, that would be a battle of your daughters-in-law,
00:32:36and not your children, am I wrong?
00:32:38No, it's not a bad thing either.
00:32:41If any of them are right.
00:32:55Welcome home, ma'am.
00:32:59Mr. Young?
00:33:02Tell me, ma'am.
00:33:04Your father's birthday is soon.
00:33:07Yes, thank you very much for remembering my father.
00:33:10His loyalty was something incomparable to my father and my husband.
00:33:14So much so that in his will for me, he wrote to you.
00:33:18Give loyalty to the president.
00:33:20If he orders you to die, then do it.
00:33:25And what else?
00:33:28There's a second part, isn't there?
00:33:31That if I had to, I should stand up,
00:33:34no matter if I was dead or buried.
00:33:39You don't have to stand up for me.
00:33:43You just have to turn your back on him.
00:33:55I thought you'd leave without me.
00:33:57I'm not so inconsiderate.
00:34:01The door.
00:34:03Why don't you open it?
00:34:09Forget it.
00:34:13What was that?
00:34:15I deserve it.
00:34:19I deserve it.
00:34:35Is there something that bothers you?
00:34:43Apart from me. What's wrong?
00:34:45If I told you, would you solve it for me, Mr. rookie employee?
00:34:51Is it about work?
00:34:53Well, tell me. One never knows.
00:34:55Maybe this rookie has a great idea.
00:35:03All our target audience will not change companies if we do not have a proven method.
00:35:08So we have to give them a reason to choose our game.
00:35:12If we show them the tangible results of some clients, such as improvements...
00:35:16Ma'am, aren't we making peace yet?
00:35:22Good luck.
00:35:26Your boss is going crazy over this.
00:35:29And you just say, good luck?
00:35:31Hey, when I was a rookie...
00:35:36Oh, forget it.
00:35:40Wait a second.
00:35:41Didn't anything come to your mind when you heard about our plan?
00:35:44What were you thinking when you joined this company?
00:35:48I did it to get the employee discount.
00:35:52And the famous discount?
00:35:54Where do you use it?
00:35:55In the orphanage.
00:35:56The children there do not go to a formal school, so it helps them a lot.
00:36:07My name is Ongye Jung, the leader of team one.
00:36:10And here is the provisional report on our new project.
00:36:17It allows children at the age of growth to learn and acquire practical experience at the same time.
00:36:23You are like a runner.
00:36:27This program manages the children's study time, helping them to create good study habits.
00:36:38You know it too.
00:36:41I really like this song.
00:37:05So, this is the last time I see her?
00:37:08This is how I want to end this.
00:37:11I just hope we never see each other again.
00:37:14But I do want to!
00:37:29President, don't you like this marketing strategy?
00:37:34This idea is very innovative, but the marketing strategy is very pedestrian.
00:37:41Mr. Director, are you really going to pour new wine into old barrels?
00:37:46You have to focus more on this team.
00:37:48Yes, President.
00:37:50In that case, make another strategy and present your report.
00:37:55I'm leaving.
00:38:04Very well. Have a good day.
00:38:07Yes, thank you, President.
00:38:15There is a marketing initiative that is still being planned.
00:38:20I would like to open the first park in an orphanage as a test, Mr. President.
00:38:27It can offer free access to children who, unfortunately, are in the blind spot of the education industry.
00:38:34Are you suggesting ESG marketing?
00:38:38Preventing child abuse and providing education to the most disadvantaged children,
00:38:44we will demonstrate authenticity to consumers and...
00:38:47Director, you have to discuss these ideas with marketing.
00:38:50I'm going to inform my team and...
00:38:52Director, you have to discuss these ideas with marketing.
00:38:55I'm going to inform my team and...
00:38:56Director, come in.
00:38:58Let's try a new approach.
00:39:10The director is too aggressive.
00:39:17Wow, Director!
00:39:19I can't believe you risked so much with him.
00:39:22She's a brave woman.
00:39:24More like reckless.
00:39:28Oh, my love. If someone hears you, they're going to misinterpret you.
00:39:32They're going to think you're in love.
00:39:43Ten, look at this.
00:39:45It's very easy to understand, right?
00:39:46Yes, yes.
00:39:47Do you need to erase this?
00:39:49Yes, I understand.
00:39:50Miss Lee, you have a call from...
00:39:52Isn't it my team?
00:39:53Leave him alone.
00:39:54I'm ignoring him on purpose.
00:39:56Another fight?
00:39:57My husband thinks so, but I just scolded him.
00:40:05Miss Lee, what would your husband have to do...
00:40:09for you to forgive him?
00:40:12Don't tell me you and the director had a fight.
00:40:19Oh, that's why she lowered her guard.
00:40:22You're in big trouble.
00:40:24The director is very spiteful.
00:40:27That's why.
00:40:28Well, if they told me what to do and how...
00:40:30You better not think about doing anything.
00:40:32Think about this.
00:40:33She's very angry with you for something you did, right?
00:40:42Of course.
00:40:43So, instead of doing something,
00:40:46you should swear that for the rest of your life...
00:40:48you'll never do the same thing again, and that's it.
00:40:53That's not...
00:40:55If you're going to do whatever you want,
00:40:57you better have been single!
00:41:04Okay, and a tip.
00:41:06Look, this shouldn't be like this.
00:41:09This shouldn't be like this.
00:41:13That's better.
00:41:14What do I do?
00:41:18Good morning.
00:41:19I'm Cha Huizon, and this is my casting...
00:41:21for the tenth phase of the project as a female voice actress.
00:41:25Take one.
00:41:28There was a small town by the huge sea,
00:41:31and the ruthless fire sank its claws into it.
00:41:34In this small town...
00:41:39Oh, Huizon.
00:41:41Let me listen to the last recording again.
00:41:45Let me finish the casting.
00:41:47I'm going to stick to you, and I'll never lose you again.
00:41:49But I'm not going to see you that week.
00:41:51You'll spend time with Min-Hee, and I'll spend time with Hyun-Woo.
00:41:55Don't tell me that.
00:41:57How about a trip to the hot springs?
00:42:01I love that idea.
00:42:02Okay, I'll book it.
00:42:05Well, but first let me review my schedule.
00:42:40I look forward to the results.
00:42:42Do a good job, Director.
00:42:44I'll work hard to meet your expectations.
00:42:47Thank you for your faith in me, Mr. President.
00:42:49Good morning.
00:42:52The information about the orphanage.
00:42:54Make sure it's confidential.
00:42:56And you execute the plan yourself.
00:42:58For your husband, Kim Hee-Wook, and for...
00:43:00your friend, who's almost like a sister to you.
00:43:05Until we're done...
00:43:08don't tell them anything.
00:43:10Oh, yes, of course, sir.
00:43:12Have a good day.
00:43:18There's the car.
00:43:25And why can't you tell your husband?
00:43:27If you're both on the same team.
00:43:29I don't know.
00:43:31Because Lucifer would be very happy.
00:43:33To be a surprise.
00:43:35Does Mr. Kim Hee-Wook like him?
00:43:40Don't tell me you're jealous.
00:43:42It's just that...
00:43:43Mr. Kim Hee-Wook would also be an excellent secretary.
00:43:48With time, you will be too.
00:43:50Have faith.
00:44:00But don't be late!
00:44:05Kim Hee-Wook.
00:44:18I, Kim Hee-Wook...
00:44:20will never kiss...
00:44:23Son Hye-Jung ever again...
00:44:25for the rest of my life.
00:44:30What's this?
00:44:33It's to show you...
00:44:35what I feel.
00:44:36Are you trying to make fun of me?
00:44:42When she said she was resentful, she wasn't lying.
00:44:44Stop talking.
00:44:46We have to go.
00:44:48Where are we going?
00:44:49Wherever you can rest.
00:44:51But in peace.
00:45:02I thought I was going to be buried in a dumpster.
00:45:05Are you going to buy a bed?
00:45:08What kind of mattress do you want?
00:45:10Do you want something firm or soft?
00:45:16Are we going to sleep in the same bed?
00:45:20Are you crazy?
00:45:21What's wrong with you?
00:45:22I mean your bed.
00:45:23You, you.
00:45:24The one you're going to use.
00:45:26I should have said that before.
00:45:28I misunderstood.
00:45:31what do you prefer?
00:45:33Something soft or something hard?
00:45:36I've never thought about it.
00:45:37In my studio I slept on old mattresses.
00:45:41And also some used ones.
00:45:44Let's look for it.
00:45:50This one.
00:45:51This one.
00:45:58How is it?
00:46:00This seems to be fine.
00:46:02This feels comfortable.
00:46:04What about yours?
00:46:07I feel comfortable, but...
00:46:10I think I have to...
00:46:14How beautiful.
00:46:16Look at this.
00:46:17This is for me.
00:46:19How beautiful.
00:46:22Where is it?
00:46:26I wouldn't mind having a bed like this.
00:46:34I wish all this was my home.
00:46:40You buy a bed and use it for a long time.
00:46:42That's why it has to be good.
00:46:44Have you seen one you like?
00:46:46Actually, yes.
00:46:47But I think...
00:46:49it's a little out of my budget.
00:46:51I'm just a novice employee.
00:46:53And I don't earn much.
00:46:55You choose the one you like.
00:46:57I'll buy it for you.
00:46:58I prefer something cheap. Thank you.
00:47:02I wish...
00:47:04you could sleep more comfortably.
00:47:06And with a pillow that is very soft to the touch.
00:47:11So that any ugly thing you experience during the day...
00:47:14when you get home and lie in your bed...
00:47:17you feel as comfortable as a king.
00:47:21You are your only king in life.
00:47:24Just like your only subject.
00:47:26Just treat your king well...
00:47:28and see that he doesn't feel any discomfort.
00:47:31And at the same time...
00:47:33see that your subject doesn't starve to death.
00:47:39Sleep in a good bed, Hugh.
00:47:48I'm not...
00:47:50confused at all.
00:47:53It doesn't matter how far you go.
00:47:56I hear what you say loud and clear.
00:48:01Me too...
00:48:03I'm just like you, ma'am.
00:48:09My country has been completely occupied...
00:48:13by the tyrant neighbor.
00:48:16Do you know what happens when a king fails us?
00:48:19His subjects die of hunger and anguish.
00:48:24I won't let my subjects die.
00:48:26Let's go.
00:48:29Please put avocado on mine.
00:48:32Do you like avocado?
00:48:34I love it.
00:48:35You love it?
00:48:39Another confession?
00:48:42Another confession?
00:48:55Thank you very much.
00:49:08Let me clear this up.
00:49:10I wasn't confessing anything.
00:49:13I know.
00:49:15This is the one with avocado.
00:49:18I was just...
00:49:20thanking you for giving me that great marketing idea.
00:49:44I like you too, ma'am.
00:49:46I like you too, ma'am.
00:50:08I like you too, ma'am.
00:50:10I like you too, ma'am.
00:50:14I want to see her face.
00:50:18Don't say anything cheesy.
00:50:20Like you're full just by looking at me.
00:50:22No, I have to eat to fill my stomach.
00:50:33Is it good?
00:50:36It's pretty good.
00:50:40It's pretty good.
00:50:57Can you wait for me?
00:50:59I'm going to rest.
00:51:01I don't have to go to the bathroom.
00:51:02I'm not talking about that.
00:51:08I don't have to do projects
00:51:10or I'm worried about a promotion
00:51:13or people find out we're not married
00:51:16when I can...
00:51:19focus only on you
00:51:22is when I want to start a relationship with you.
00:51:29Are you talking about...
00:51:32That's what I wanted to tell you that day.
00:51:35Even if I run away, I'll ruin everything.
00:51:41Do you want to wait for me?
00:51:46Of course I will.
00:51:49So much so that you won't notice.
00:52:04I love you.
00:52:06I love you too.
00:52:32Do you need more?
00:52:34Hey, Irene.
00:52:36This one or this one?
00:52:38This one?
00:52:44You said you were going out today.
00:52:48To work with Director Sun?
00:52:56If you're uncomfortable working with her
00:52:58if you want, I can transfer you.
00:53:04No, Irene.
00:53:06I'm not a doll for you to play with.
00:53:08I can think and feel for myself.
00:53:10Don't bother me.
00:53:34We should've come in the same car.
00:53:36It's a waste.
00:53:38Do you know why the company offers subsidies?
00:53:40So we can focus on making money.
00:53:42Not to save on gas.
00:53:46That makes sense.
00:53:48I heard everything I had to hear.
00:53:50And we'd love to add a study room
00:53:52to our orphanage.
00:53:54Just one thing.
00:53:56The data on the grades
00:53:58and the video sequences
00:54:00will be our promotional material.
00:54:02Just give us permission.
00:54:04And also the children's.
00:54:06I'll ask the children.
00:54:08They'll love it.
00:54:10They've been wanting to use those tablets for a long time.
00:54:12Thank you, Colby.
00:54:14Thank you very much.
00:54:16Everyone wins here.
00:54:18Hello. Good morning.
00:54:20Good morning.
00:54:22I brought you tea.
00:54:24Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
00:54:26If you work at Colby, do you know Kim Hyuk?
00:54:28He started there this year.
00:54:30Yes. Kim Hyuk is on our team.
00:54:34So Hyuk is coming too?
00:54:36Yuna, are you happy?
00:54:46Well, we're leaving.
00:54:48Director, how do you know Kim Hyuk?
00:54:50He's been a volunteer tutor
00:54:52for eight years.
00:54:54And Yuna helps him as his assistant.
00:54:56But she's in love with him.
00:55:02Kim Hyuk is married.
00:55:04Oh, it's too soon to get married.
00:55:06They're still young.
00:55:08I'd like to see a charming young man
00:55:10and a woman like her
00:55:12get together and start dating.
00:55:14Don't you think?
00:55:16I don't understand.
00:55:22Director Son.
00:55:24Are you really married to Kim Hyuk?
00:55:30Answer me.
00:55:32You're not married to him, right?
00:55:36If you don't answer me, I'll ask the director.
00:55:38She has no idea that Kim Hyuk is married.
00:55:42Just tell me.
00:55:44You're not married, right?
00:55:46Nothing is real.
00:55:52Why did you have to...
00:55:56So everything was fake.
00:56:00I'm so sorry.
00:56:02It's my fault.
00:56:04You went through all this.
00:56:06What's your fault?
00:56:08You did it to get revenge.
00:56:10When I got married,
00:56:12you wanted to slap me in the face.
00:56:14What are you talking about, idiot?
00:56:18Just give me some time.
00:56:20Whether I get a divorce or not from Irene.
00:56:22I swear...
00:56:24I'll be responsible.
00:56:26Like the man I am.
00:56:30What you're saying is...
00:56:32We have to go back.
00:56:34You and me.
00:56:46Come here.
00:56:50I said I'd make it up to you
00:56:52if you ruined your life.
00:56:54Come here!
00:56:56No! Wait!
00:56:58I'm serious.
00:57:00I want to make it up to you.
00:57:02Did you read the script
00:57:04for the adaptation of your novel?
00:57:06Yes, I loved it.
00:57:08I'll proceed with the casting.
00:57:12Actress Cha Huizon.
00:57:14I know her. I'll choose her.
00:57:16What if we reschedule
00:57:18the series next Monday?
00:57:20Would that work?
00:57:22Reschedule the series next Monday.
00:57:26And about that hater...
00:57:28I withdrew the charges.
00:57:30No, that's not it.
00:57:32But it looks like she finally reflected.
00:57:34She recalified and published other things
00:57:36that are very flattering.
00:57:40Thank you for everything, Miss Yeon.
00:57:42No, thank you.
00:57:44Have a good day.
00:57:46You too.
00:57:48When I started reading the first chapter,
00:57:50I was stunned.
00:57:52I stayed up all night.
00:57:54She writes the content very well.
00:57:56It's a story about a couple
00:57:58who save each other.
00:58:00I think I've become a true fan.
00:58:02If King Sejong the Great
00:58:04created Humminghom for his young people,
00:58:06Miss Yeon Bora writes wonders
00:58:08for her lonely readers.
00:58:10Miss Yeon, I love you.
00:58:12I hope there's no last chapter
00:58:14because I want to continue.
00:58:18Seeing her in the future.
00:58:44Hey, Yun. Are you busy?
00:58:46A little, yes.
00:58:48Just my eyes. Do you need anything?
00:58:50I just wanted to know
00:58:52if you had a nice day
00:58:54and if your boss was bothering you again.
00:58:56Tomorrow is when he's going to bother me more.
00:58:58We're going to an orphanage.
00:59:02Yes, they were going to withdraw the charges
00:59:04and he became a volunteer.
00:59:06But tomorrow is finally over.
00:59:08Did you always go there with him?
00:59:12I also wanted to go.
00:59:20From now on,
00:59:22I'm only going to dedicate myself
00:59:24to finish her.
00:59:30Start from 51.
00:59:36Now you're going to subcontract to be a hater?
00:59:38I'm going to approve it.
00:59:40Your change.
00:59:46Did you write those comments
00:59:48because your boss told you to?
00:59:50Was it you, Yun?
00:59:54From chapter 51.
01:00:00I found it.
01:00:02I'm sorry, but I have to hang up.
01:00:04I'll call you in the afternoon.
01:00:06And in chapter 51,
01:00:08why is that comment the reason I sued him?
01:00:10That comment spreads defamatory information.
01:00:12The worst crime possible.
01:00:22That comment was written
01:00:24by O'Hatchon.
01:00:38Director Yang?
01:00:40You seem happy to see me.
01:00:44I guess I shouldn't be.
01:00:46Maybe it's because it's been a while.
01:00:48But I miss you a lot.
01:00:50I'm not Director Yang anymore.
01:00:52I just got fired.
01:00:54It was my fault.
01:00:58it's because my father died.
01:01:00I don't understand.
01:01:02Why did you come to see me?
01:01:04Knowing that won't change anything.
01:01:06But I thought this would make me feel better.
01:01:08You have to know
01:01:10that Mrs. Hong Ah
01:01:12has already found out who he is.
01:01:14I just told her a moment ago.
01:01:18That's not important now.
01:01:20You need to think
01:01:22about how to protect your wife.
01:01:28Mr. Kim Hyuk,
01:01:30in a lion's den,
01:01:32you must be alert,
01:01:34or you'll only suffer when you're bitten.
01:01:36If you want to survive,
01:01:38you have to be a lion.
01:01:42don't do what I tell you.
01:01:44I'm not under anyone else's orders.
01:01:52Did you separate the recycling?
01:01:56You should have waited for me.
01:01:58Thank you very much.
01:02:00I saw bottles of alcohol.
01:02:02Why have you been drinking so much?
01:02:04Is something wrong?
01:02:06Both of us.
01:02:10I have something to tell you.
01:02:12What is it?
01:02:14Let's talk later.
01:02:16Let's talk at night.
01:02:18For now,
01:02:20what do I do with this?
01:02:22Oh, it's here.
01:02:26insert the sharp part upwards.
01:02:28Just like this.
01:02:30Watch your hands.
01:02:32And don't put it too deep.
01:02:36Something like this?
01:02:40Yes, good job.
01:02:46Yes, a little higher.
01:02:48A little bit.
01:02:50Like this?
01:02:58adjust the band around two.
01:03:00I put this.
01:03:10hang your coats.
01:03:12Neck t-shirts
01:03:14go there.
01:03:16We're done.
01:03:46Aren't you too close?
01:03:48It's a small space.
01:03:50I'm not a man,
01:03:52I'm an angelic puppy.
01:03:54And I'm
01:03:56as attractive as a bone.
01:04:08You said you'd wait.
01:04:12I'm sorry.
01:04:14You said you'd wait.
01:04:16Not yet.
01:04:24You said
01:04:26I should be compatible with my partner.
01:04:30And you said your body and your heart come together.
01:04:34We're nothing yet.
01:04:36And you want to do this?
01:04:44I'd like to be more respectful
01:04:46with what you want.
01:04:58The president?
01:05:00President Bok?
01:05:04You are really...
01:05:08My father is you.
01:05:10My father is you.
01:05:12My father is...
01:05:16You are not Kim Hyuk.
01:05:32You are his son too?
01:06:06How to make your wife talk to you
01:06:08when she's angry?
01:06:10First, I need you to open the jar.
01:06:22You failed
01:06:24if you didn't have the ability to do it.
01:06:32Second, the control doesn't work.
01:06:34Third, I hope your wife
01:06:36isn't an expert in smartphones.
01:06:40Fourth, the lights don't turn on in the bathroom.
01:06:48Fifth, if you've lived alone for a long time,
01:06:50you know it.
01:06:56It doesn't work at all.
01:07:32I'll meet with the president
01:07:34and I'll tell him.
01:07:36And if you give up,
01:07:38will I be safe?
01:07:40Are you ready to be fired?
01:07:42It won't happen.
01:07:44Given what happened,
01:07:46there's only one way out.
01:07:48Can I sign the contract of this place?
01:07:50I ordered to send him to another country
01:07:52so he can never come back.
01:07:54I'm afraid to make you suffer, ma'am.
01:07:56You must choose.
01:07:58Either you ruin your mother's life
01:08:00or Song Hye Jong doesn't exist
01:08:02in this relationship anymore.