Robotech : The Shadow Chronicles

  • 2 days ago
Robotech : The Shadow Chronicles
00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:37This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:07This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:38Heads up. We've got an Invid patrol approaching.
00:02:42Switch to Guardian mode. We'll take cover in the debris field.
00:03:01Okay. Now hold your position, and we'll just drift with the debris.
00:03:12Would you look at that?
00:03:19It's beautiful. You know, this is the closest I've ever been to Earth.
00:03:24It looks so peaceful.
00:03:26Yeah. Peaceful. But only from up here.
00:03:31Hard to believe it all started with a single event that brought Robotechnology to Earth.
00:03:36It also brought waves of alien invaders looking for the secrets of Protoculture, the power source behind Robotechnology.
00:03:44The Earth was finally overrun by the Invid, a mysterious alien race obsessed with obtaining Protoculture.
00:03:52But nothing has ever stopped us.
00:03:55But nothing has ever stopped us from fighting for Earth's freedom.
00:03:59It didn't stop my sister Marlene, her boyfriend Scott Bernard, or the rest of the Mars Division.
00:04:05Scott wanted to marry my sister once their mission to liberate the Earth was over.
00:04:10But the mission didn't end the way we wanted.
00:04:26They gave their lives trying to save a homeworld we never knew.
00:04:30And now it's up to those who are left to continue the fight.
00:04:41Take care, little brother.
00:04:43Next time we see you, it'll be on Earth.
00:04:46Goodbye, Marcus.
00:04:47Marcus? Marcus!
00:04:50The Invid patrol's gone.
00:04:52Right. Let's get back to base.
00:04:55Race you, loser buys drinks.
00:04:58Race, what do you mean?
00:05:00Hey, Alex!
00:05:14Wolf Recon, you're clear to land at Alice Bay 12.
00:05:23Woo-hoo! It's finally drinking time.
00:05:38Took you long enough.
00:05:42You okay there, buddy?
00:05:44Yeah, I'm fine.
00:05:51Alex, have you ever thought about why we're doing all this?
00:05:54To impress the girls, right?
00:05:56The only girls we know are pilots like us.
00:05:59Here you go.
00:06:03You're welcome.
00:06:05To impress the girls, right?
00:06:07The only girls we know are pilots like us.
00:06:10Here you go.
00:06:14What did you expect?
00:06:16You know, Marcus, you're way too serious.
00:06:18You need to lighten up. Come on.
00:06:20All right, all right.
00:06:36The humans have assembled their fleet to reclaim their homeworld.
00:06:41The final assault should begin soon.
00:06:44Excellent. Everything is transpiring as the awareness has foreseen.
00:06:55This tactical dive is going to take a while.
00:06:58We're going to need a lot of time.
00:07:02This tactical diagram is from our last recon flight over the Invid Hive at Reflex Point.
00:07:09All units will proceed to rendezvous coordinates at T-Vector Delta.
00:07:14Attack Group 3 will remain behind in reserve, awaiting the arrival of Admiral Hunter.
00:07:19Attack Group 2 will continue to objective, using their shadow devices to avoid detection by Invid sensors.
00:07:26Group 1 is already in position on the planet's surface.
00:07:29We must wait until they have cleared a path to Reflex Point before the invasion can truly begin.
00:07:35Sir, what if they fail to knock out the Invid defense shields?
00:07:39If that happens, we will abort the invasion, and we may have no choice but to use the Neutron-S missiles.
00:07:45But then we'd be decimating half the Earth just to defeat the Invid.
00:07:49But sir, there are still several million people living down there.
00:07:54Settle down, folks.
00:07:57I understand how you feel, but my orders come directly from Admiral Hunter.
00:08:01The domination of the Invid must be stopped.
00:08:04That means the Invid Hive at Reflex Point must be destroyed.
00:08:08Now prepare to move out.
00:08:15Captain Grant?
00:08:16Sir, I'm concerned that Admiral Hunter and the SDF-3 still haven't arrived yet.
00:08:20With your permission, I'd like to take the Icarus and search for him.
00:08:23You want to search the galaxy until you find him?
00:08:26Admiral Hunter's my friend too, Vince, but we...
00:08:28General Reinhardt, incoming eyes-only transmission from the Omicron sector.
00:08:32It's the SDF-3.
00:08:34Speak of the devil. Put it on the main screen, Sparks, and stay here, Captain.
00:08:38Yes, sir.
00:08:39Put him through, Sparks.
00:08:40This is SDF-3. Come in, Command One.
00:08:43This is General Reinhardt. We read you, SDF-3.
00:08:46General, it's good to be here, boy.
00:08:50Damn it, Sparks! Can't we get a better transmission?
00:08:52We're trying, sir.
00:08:54According to Dr. Lang, the calculations on the latest Adenite technology weren't adding up.
00:08:58Janus agrees, so they're running a field test. But it's taking longer than expected.
00:09:02Should we delay the attack until you arrive?
00:09:06Negative. Just proceed as planned. We'll catch up once...
00:09:09Rick, what's going on there?
00:09:11There's been an accident. I'm not sure when...
00:09:14Admiral? Rick! What in the hell?
00:09:17General, we have to launch a rescue mission.
00:09:19Okay, then, Vince. Take the Icarus to the Omicron sector to find the Admiral.
00:09:23Make sure the protoculture matrix is safe.
00:09:26Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
00:09:30And, Vince, don't tell anyone but your crew about this.
00:09:35Understood, sir.
00:09:50Icarus, standby for pre-flight.
00:09:53Captain on the bridge.
00:09:55Fire up the protoculture, Louie. We're moving out.
00:09:58Technically, Captain, protoculture isn't fired up.
00:10:02But I know what you mean.
00:10:04Listen up, everyone. We've got a change of orders.
00:10:07Are we leading the first attack wave, sir?
00:10:09Negative. Set course for Omicron sector, 35J, vector delta.
00:10:14Omicron sector?
00:10:15Our orders are to locate and, if necessary, assist Admiral Hunter.
00:10:18In the SDF-3.
00:10:20Aye, aye, sir.
00:10:30Icarus, you are cleared for departure.
00:10:44Activate shadow device.
00:10:49The last thing we need is for the Invid to spot us.
00:10:52Shadow device activated, sir. Shadow dimensional field now at full strength.
00:10:57Fold system, standing by.
00:10:59Execute hyperspace full jump.
00:11:01Yes, sir.
00:11:07Hang on, Rick. We're coming.
00:11:08We're coming.
00:11:16So, it has begun.
00:11:19Yes. At long last, the vision of the awareness will be realized.
00:11:27Attention, attention. All pilots to shadow fighters. This is a combat alert.
00:11:32All stations, we are at yellow alert.
00:11:35You like her? Go on, say something.
00:11:45Say, uh, that's a nice little skull on your flight suit there.
00:11:51You know, it's really no different than the skull on any other Skull Squadron flight suit.
00:12:01Uh, well, it looks especially good on you.
00:12:05You're right. Maybe one of these days you'll be lucky enough to wear one.
00:12:09That is, if you're good enough.
00:12:13Whoa, he's a tough one.
00:12:15Cute, but tough.
00:12:17I like your skull?
00:12:20What was that, buddy?
00:12:23It's all I could think of.
00:12:24You're hopeless.
00:12:28Wolf 3, you're clear to launch.
00:12:31Roger that, Control.
00:12:43Okay, Lieutenant Rush, this is it. Let's go out there and win this one for Mars Division.
00:12:48Yes, sir, Commander Taylor.
00:12:58Marlene, Scott, this one's for you.
00:13:21Invent approaching at Vector 3-2-Niner.
00:13:27Shuttle cannons, prepare to fire.
00:13:52All systems activate shadow devices. Proceed to attack coordinates.
00:13:57Shadow systems activated.
00:14:01Hey, now that the whole fleet is equipped with shadow technology, the Invent don't stand a chance.
00:14:07Yeah, but even if they can't see us, that still doesn't mean they can't hit us.
00:14:12Hey, no way, buddy. No one's gonna hit me.
00:14:15Invent deploying at Q Vector Theta.
00:14:28Attack Division 12, move to intercept.
00:14:32Wolf Leader to Wolf Squadron. All units engage.
00:14:49Oh yeah, six bogeys down in a single pass. Try and top that, Alex.
00:14:54Marcus, behind you!
00:14:57Holy shit.
00:14:59Relax, I got it.
00:15:25Thanks! I owe you one.
00:15:26I owe you one.
00:15:28Look more like twenty-four to me.
00:15:30But, who's counting?
00:15:36Wow, she's some pilot.
00:15:38Yeah, well it helps when you've got a beta full of missiles.
00:15:47Blasted! Why in heaven's name haven't those troops taken out Reflex Point yet?
00:15:51Sir, the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Divisions have reported extremely heavy losses,
00:15:55and I can't raise the 14th at all.
00:16:00At this rate, we won't be able to hold out against them for more than a few hours or so.
00:16:04Contact Attack Group 1 on Earth now. Get me Captain Harrington.
00:16:07Not responding, sir.
00:16:08Commander Reynolds?
00:16:10Well, dammit, find somebody. Anybody down there who can tell us what the hell is going on.
00:16:15This is Command 1 to Attack Group 1. Come in, please.
00:16:19Any unit, please respond.
00:16:21Command 1, this is Lieutenant Commander Scott Bernard.
00:16:2421st Combat Squadron, Mars Division.
00:16:27Who? Mars Division?
00:16:29I have it here, sir. He's been leading a resistance group on Earth.
00:16:33They've joined up with us to attack Reflex Point.
00:16:40Commander Bernard, what's the status of the 1st Attack Group?
00:16:43Have you taken Reflex Point yet?
00:16:45No, sir. We've encountered very heavy resistance.
00:16:48The Invid have repulsed our main attack. Recommend we fall back and regroup.
00:16:52We're sending down a squadron of Shadow Fighters to assist.
00:16:55We need to kill all the damned Invid.
00:16:57Kill them all? That means I need to find...
00:17:01There she is.
00:17:08Why is she going back into the hive?
00:17:24What are you doing here, Martha?
00:17:26Scott, despite all we have been through together, I know who I am now.
00:17:30I am Ariel, daughter of the Regis and princess of the Invid.
00:17:34Ariel... It doesn't matter to me whether you're human or Invid.
00:17:39It does matter, Scott.
00:17:41Only I can convince the Regis to stop this senseless war.
00:17:45Only I can convince the Regis to stop this senseless conflict.
00:17:49You and I, we're proof that humans and Invid can coexist peacefully.
00:17:54The Regis doesn't believe that.
00:17:57Scott, I sense something that may change her mind, but I must go before it's too late.
00:18:02Then let me go with you.
00:18:04The Regis isn't very fond of humans, Scott. And I'll need to convince her myself.
00:18:09Then hurry. We don't have much time.
00:18:16That's gonna take some getting used to.
00:18:31So, Ariel, I see you have accepted your Invid form and chosen to join me in the Corps.
00:18:38Yes, Mother Regis.
00:18:39But only to implore you to end this struggle. The Invid and humans can coexist.
00:18:45Your exposure to the humans has clouded your mind.
00:18:49This world is where the flower of life, the source of all proto-culture, blooms.
00:18:55This world would have sustained our people.
00:18:58But the proto-culture on this world can sustain many people.
00:19:02Fighting these humans makes us no better than the Children of the Shadow who drove us from our homeworld.
00:19:07The humans have aligned themselves with the Children of the Shadow.
00:19:11Observe their new technology. Their vehicles are now invisible to our sensors.
00:19:18No, coexistence with the humans is not possible.
00:19:22This planet too strongly retains the malignant spirit of the Robotech Masters.
00:19:28Whether one race or the other emerges victorious is of little meaning.
00:19:32Such hatred can only breed more hatred.
00:19:35Are you saying it will never end?
00:19:39My child, this conflict will rage from generation to generation. It is not what we seek.
00:19:47I shall proceed to the world that even now calls to me.
00:19:51We shall consume all the proto-culture and rise to a higher plane.
00:19:56But the humans use proto-culture as an energy source. Taking it would leave them helpless.
00:20:02My decision has been made. The proto-culture is our life's blood.
00:20:07It belongs to us. We shall not leave it behind.
00:20:15Still no word from the Icarus or the STF-3, sir.
00:20:18We've waited long enough. Move in Attack Group 3.
00:20:21Yes, sir.
00:20:22I never should have sent Grant on that damned rescue mission.
00:20:25We're going to need every ship we've got.
00:20:28Attack Wave 3, move out!
00:20:40Sir, I'm picking up strange gravitational readings.
00:20:44Recommend we adjust re-entry point to Omicron J Vector Theta.
00:20:48On it, Captain. Commencing default operation now.
00:21:04A black hole?
00:21:06This wasn't on the navigational computer, sir.
00:21:08Never mind that. We're the rescue mission, remember? Now full thrusters.
00:21:12Aye, aye. Full thrusters now.
00:21:18It's no use, sir. We're stuck in the gravity field.
00:21:21Can we fold out, Captain?
00:21:23With that strong a gravitational pull, there's no way to calculate where we'd end up.
00:21:26However, if we create a fold sphere utilizing the shadow device's dimensional shift field,
00:21:31we may be able to escape the black hole's gravitational field.
00:21:35Okay, crew. Let's give it a shot.
00:21:37Helmsman, follow Dr. Nichols' calculations to the letter.
00:21:40Actually, they're all numbers. There aren't any letters.
00:21:44Never mind.
00:21:50All set, sir.
00:21:53On my mark. Execute the Nichols maneuver. Now!
00:21:57Fold sphere losing integrity.
00:22:01Shadow dimensional field at 30%.
00:22:03Sir, we're almost out.
00:22:05Maintain course. Forward thrusters full power.
00:22:13Fold sphere has collapsed.
00:22:15Fold sphere has collapsed.
00:22:21We're clear.
00:22:23Nice work, Louie. Everyone, now damage report.
00:22:27Shadow device is completely inoperable. Fold systems are offline, but repairable.
00:22:32Get on it, Louie.
00:22:33I already am, sir.
00:22:34Sir, sensors have just picked up two ships adrift nearby.
00:22:38They are both ours. The science vessel Decalion and the SDF-3.
00:22:46Captain, we're receiving a short-range transmission. It's Admiral Hunter.
00:22:50Finally, some good news.
00:22:53Vince Grant, you old hotshot. I should have known you'd try a rescue mission.
00:22:57Admiral, what the hell happened?
00:22:59There's a big problem with the Neutron-S missiles.
00:23:02Our test firing nearly destroyed both the SDF-3 and the Decalion.
00:23:06What's your status?
00:23:07We're in pretty bad shape.
00:23:08Most of the ship's propulsion, long-range communications, and weapons systems are offline.
00:23:13We'll send over an engineering team.
00:23:14Negative, Vince. Our first priority is to warn the fleet about the missiles.
00:23:18They must not be used. Rescue the Decalion. The information aboard it is vital to us.
00:23:22Sir, what about the protoculture matrix aboard the SDF-3?
00:23:26This is much more important, Vince. We've discovered a critical flaw in the Neutron-S missiles.
00:23:30I can't believe it.
00:23:32Under no circumstances should the fleet use the Neutron-S missiles on Earth.
00:23:36Understood. Stand by, Admiral.
00:23:39Contact the fleet. Priority channel. I need to talk to General Reinhardt right now.
00:23:43Yes, sir.
00:23:48What was that?
00:23:49It appears that we're under attack, sir.
00:23:51Oh, really? Thank you for the scientific analysis, Doctor.
00:23:56Sir, there's nothing on my scope.
00:23:58Switch to visual.
00:24:01What the hell is that?
00:24:03I've never seen that configuration. They're definitely not inbid.
00:24:06It doesn't matter. Battle stations!
00:24:09Red Alert! All hands to battle stations!
00:24:11Get Admiral Hunter back on the comm.
00:24:13Sir, short-range communications are now being jammed as well.
00:24:17Louie, get the fold systems back online. We still have to warn the fleet.
00:24:20But if we can get close enough to the SDF-3, I think we can bring her and the protoculture matrix back with us.
00:24:42Wolf Leader to Wolf Squadron. We can't let the Invid get the upper hand.
00:24:47Now follow my lead.
00:25:10Look out, Wolf Leader! Behind you!
00:25:13Wolf Leader!
00:25:18Commander Taylor!
00:25:27Commander Taylor!
00:25:56Sir, the Shadowfighter squadrons are meeting intense opposition.
00:26:00We've just lost Commander Taylor. The Invid are overwhelming us.
00:26:04Sir, we've lost all contact with our ground forces.
00:26:08Then the attack against Reflex Point has failed.
00:26:11Well, sir?
00:26:13I have no choice. I want all our neutron missiles armed and ready for an immediate offensive on Reflex Point.
00:26:21Yes, sir!
00:26:41Keep this!
00:26:49Keep this!
00:26:56Now preparing Neutron S missiles for launch. T-minus 30 seconds and counting.
00:27:01What? They can't be serious. We still have troops down there.
00:27:07I know, but the Invid must be stopped at any cost.
00:27:12Neutron S missiles deployed. All units, pull out!
00:27:18The final attack has begun, and a terrible error has been made. We shall not be defeated.
00:27:24What is it?
00:27:27I have seen this weapon before. The humans cannot possibly understand it.
00:27:33What is it?
00:27:36I have seen this weapon before. The humans cannot possibly understand its destructive power.
00:27:43Their world will be destroyed.
00:27:46Mother, are you sure?
00:27:48Yes. But do not worry, my child. I will not give the Children of the Shadow their victory over the Invid today.
00:27:56Now, Ariel, we must leave. Our destiny calls to us.
00:28:02I'm very sorry, Mother, but I cannot go. I believe there is a reason for me to stay.
00:28:08Ariel, be warned. If you choose to stay, your fate will be inexorably tied to the humans, and the shadows that will soon fall upon them.
00:28:18I understand all that, Mother, but I must stay here on Earth!
00:28:23Very well, my child. If that is your decision, so be it. I will intervene on your behalf.
00:28:31The humans have been influenced too strongly by the shadows of the Robotech Masters, and are intent only on the destruction of their entire race.
00:28:41It shall not be!
00:29:01They're leaving! She did it!
00:29:14Ariel, my child, behold! The destruction of these weapons is my final gift to you and the world you so love.
00:29:23Behold! The destruction of these weapons is my final gift to you and the world you so cherish.
00:29:31We will continue our evolutionary development elsewhere. Come with me, my children.
00:29:38Discard this world, and follow the Spirit of Light as it beckons us onward.
00:29:45I don't believe it! They just fled! The damn Invid just ran away! That was too easy! That was all just too damn easy!
00:29:55You call that easy? Marcus, are you out of your head? It wasn't easy!
00:30:00Yeah, I agree that was a difficult battle, but I don't understand why the Invid suddenly retreated either.
00:30:06Attention! All fighters are to return to moon base for debriefing.
00:30:11An unexpected result. Once again, the Invid have escaped destruction, but our goals remain unchanged.
00:30:19The protoculture paddocks must be eliminated. All those who use the power contained in the Flower of Life pose a potential threat to our domination.
00:30:29Now, receive my new instructions.
00:30:33Proceed with the tasks I have given you.
00:30:42More direct action is required. Are you ready to receive the tasks the Awareness has set upon you?
00:30:51But what about the humans?
00:30:54All in due course.
00:31:03Hold steady.
00:31:07Docking clamps locked. The Deucalion is secure.
00:31:09Fold system back online, sir.
00:31:11Good work, Louie. How soon can we have the SDF-3 within range of the Fold Sphere?
00:31:1630 seconds, sir.
00:31:17Maintain course. Set fold coordinates to return to moon base Alice in 30 seconds, starting... now.
00:31:23Coordinates are set.
00:31:2530 seconds, sir.
00:31:26Maintain course. Set fold coordinates to return to moon base Alice in 30 seconds, starting... now.
00:31:31Coordinates are set, sir.
00:31:33Attention! Space fold in T-minus 30 seconds.
00:31:36Approaching SDF-3.
00:31:3815 seconds to fold.
00:31:4010... 9... SDF-3 now within range of Fold Sphere.
00:31:438... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2...
00:31:49Thank God.
00:32:04The SDF-3 has moved out of range, Captain. Shall I abort the fold?
00:32:09No, we can't delay. We must warn the fleet.
00:32:12Commencing space fold.
00:32:20Mayday! Mayday! This is the SDF-3.
00:32:25Dammit, Rick. I'm so sorry. Let's just hope there's still a fleet left to warn.
00:32:55Ariel... I'll never be able to thank you for what you've done for the planet Earth.
00:33:09I like to think of it as my planet, too.
00:33:13You... you're here, but... why didn't you leave Earth with the rest of the Invid?
00:33:20This planet is the only home I've ever known, Scott. Now, weren't you going to thank me?
00:33:27Yes. Thanks. I have to rejoin the fleet. I'm sure they're going to attempt to find Admiral Hunter, and I have to be a part of it.
00:33:38Why? Scott, you've already done so much. Stay here on Earth with me.
00:33:44Ariel, you've proven to me that the Invid are not the evil race I thought they were.
00:33:49Now I have to convince the Expeditionary Force that your people should not be destroyed.
00:33:54Then let me come with you.
00:33:56It'll be safer for you on Earth. I've lost too many loved ones while at war, and I don't want to risk losing you.
00:34:04Does that mean that you love me?
00:34:08I... I promise. I'll be back.
00:34:21All of our damaged ships are now returning to Space Station Liberty for repairs.
00:34:25This will leave the Earth vulnerable, so we're still on alert.
00:34:28And to make matters even worse, the Invid took all of the planet's protoculture with them.
00:34:34The Expeditionary Force now has less than a year's supply remaining.
00:34:38And without the protoculture matrix from the SDF-3, it's impossible to create any more.
00:34:45What? Less than a year? How will we power our ships?
00:34:48That's the big picture, people. Your individual commanders will fill you in on the rest. Dismissed.
00:34:57Yeah, for those of you who still have commanders.
00:35:01Yeah, for those of you who still have commanders.
00:35:04I'm telling you, Alex, things would be a whole lot better if all those aliens were just wiped out.
00:35:09If every alien lifeform was wiped out, you'd be dead by now.
00:35:14Oh yeah? What is that supposed to mean?
00:35:16I seem to recall saving you from the Invid. Twenty-four of them, in fact. And I'm half-alien.
00:35:23But... but you don't look like... I mean, you don't look different. I mean, you don't look like an alien.
00:35:33You'll have to excuse Marcus. He doesn't get out much. By the way, I'm Alex Romero, and you are?
00:35:39Lieutenant Commander Maya Sterling, Skull Leader. You're both Wolf Squadron. I'm sorry to hear about Commander Taylor.
00:35:47Thanks. He was a good man.
00:35:49Because of the heavy losses, General Reinhardt has decided to merge Wolf and Skull Squadrons.
00:35:54You'll be serving under me now, so you'll get to wear a little skull on your flight suit.
00:36:01Yes, sir. I mean, not... I mean, ma'am.
00:36:05Delighted, my lady.
00:36:08Watch your step, Lieutenant. I don't put up with lip from men under my command. Got it?
00:36:14Yes, ma'am.
00:36:20Too bad. I'd put up with her lips any time, right, Marcus?
00:36:25No comment. I think we've already insulted our brand new CO one too many times, Alex, so don't push it.
00:36:34Marcus, you really like her, don't you, my friend?
00:36:37Does it matter? She's a commander. I'm a lieutenant.
00:36:40You give up too easy, buddy. Now listen, if I were you, I'd go and...
00:36:44Yellow alert! Unscheduled space fold in progress!
00:36:47Now what's going on here?
00:36:55Where's the fleet?
00:36:56I don't know, sir, but the Earth is still here. That's good news.
00:37:02Three enemy fighters have followed us out of the space fold.
00:37:06Everyone back to your post. Try to contact Moon Base, Alice.
00:37:14Communications are still down.
00:37:17We won't be able to take many more hits like that.
00:37:20Captain, they're coming in for another pass.
00:37:23We've detected another fighter. It's one of ours.
00:37:29I don't know who you guys are, but you're sure not friendly.
00:37:33Still can't get a lock. Guess I'll have to keep doing it the old-fashioned way.
00:37:58Icarus, this is Moon Base, Alice. You okay up there?
00:38:01Sparks, get me General Reinhardt.
00:38:03Yes, sir.
00:38:06General, the Neutron-S missiles have a serious flaw. They must not be fired.
00:38:10The Neutron-S missiles have been destroyed, Captain.
00:38:13What? But how?
00:38:15Don't worry. You'll get a full debriefing after you've landed.
00:38:21Welcome back, Icarus. You're cleared to dock in Hangar Bay 2.
00:38:28Repair teams to Bay 2. Repair teams to Bay 2.
00:38:34All emergency personnel prepare to receive incoming...
00:38:40Vince? Vince! Are you okay?
00:38:43We're alive. Thanks to that pilot.
00:38:45Lieutenant Commander Scott Bernard, sir. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd lend a hand.
00:38:50Captain Grant, do you have any idea who or what was attacking you?
00:38:53No, General, I don't. But the SDF-3 is still back there. I need to find the Admiral.
00:38:58The first place you're going is the infirmary. I think you've broken your leg.
00:39:02Medical team!
00:39:07But Admiral Hunter is...
00:39:08Listen to your wife, Captain.
00:39:10Besides, if the SDF-3 was able to fold, it would probably head to Space Station Liberty for repairs.
00:39:18So that means you're coming with me to the infirmary.
00:39:31Thank you, Commander Bernard. You're welcome, sir.
00:39:34Bernard? Scott Bernard? Scott, my God! Is it really you?
00:39:39Marcus? Marcus Rush?
00:39:43I can't believe it!
00:39:45Neither can I. Look at you.
00:39:47But Scott, I thought you... the whole Mars Division were wiped out. You're alive and you're here.
00:39:55What about Marlene? Did she...
00:39:56I'm sorry, Marcus. She didn't make it. I would have traded my life for hers if I could. I...
00:40:02I... I know. Seeing you, I just... I just hoped... It's so good to see you, Scott.
00:40:10It's good to see you, too. How have you been?
00:40:14Well, I became a pilot. This is my wingman, Alex Romero.
00:40:17Great to meet you, Commander.
00:40:18Hey, would you like to go grab a drink with us?
00:40:21I'd like that. Do you mind if I get cleaned up first?
00:40:24No problem. And let's get you a new uniform.
00:40:26I want the Icarus repaired and back in action as soon as possible.
00:40:29Yes, sir.
00:40:33Uh, sir, I'd like to request assistance salvaging data from the Deucalion. Admiral Hunter said there is vital information aboard.
00:40:41I'll have Commander Sterling assist you. Report your findings back to me, Doctor.
00:40:52No survivors. Was the SDF-3 this badly damaged?
00:40:56No. However, it did sustain major damage from the test firing.
00:41:02Whoa. This must be Janice. She's beautiful.
00:41:09She's a robot. And she looks broken.
00:41:15Did I do that?
00:41:16Perhaps she's merely damaged. Let me see.
00:41:31There has...
00:41:33There has been a terrible error. We must warn the fleet!
00:41:37Don't worry. It's okay. The fleet's not in any danger.
00:41:41The Invid are gone. They fled.
00:41:43You misunderstand me. It is the Neutron-S missiles that pose the threat.
00:41:49They've been taken care of as well.
00:41:55What about the crew? Did anyone else survive?
00:41:58No. Here, let me help you.
00:42:03Identity. Doctor Lewis Nichols.
00:42:08Yes. Yes, that's me.
00:42:10Yes. I will need your help.
00:42:27Oh no. This can't be happening again.
00:42:39Your fate is now tied to the humans on this planet.
00:42:43But beware. The Children of the Shadow will soon fall upon them, just as they did to our people long ago.
00:42:52They will stop at nothing to destroy those who use protoculture.
00:42:56The humans cannot anticipate their deceit, their cunning, or their destructive power.
00:43:06The Children of the Shadow are going to attack the humans.
00:43:10I must try to warn Scott.
00:43:23Well, apart from a few bad memory blocks, you look to be okay.
00:43:27Thank you for assisting me with my diagnostic.
00:43:30What can I say? I've always had a thing for machines.
00:43:34Not that I think you're just a machine.
00:43:36But I am a machine. And in many ways, machines are superior to you humans.
00:43:41I'm guessing you're superior to any machine I've ever...
00:43:44So, maybe you can fill me in on something I don't understand.
00:43:49How very human of you.
00:43:54Ah, yes.
00:43:55Now, the Neutron S missiles, how could they even be constructed if some of the calculations didn't work?
00:44:01Well, first you must understand that much of the design was based on Haydenite technology.
00:44:06Diagnostic check completed.
00:44:09Now I really don't understand what you're talking about. What's Haydenite technology?
00:44:14Technology from the Haydenites, of course.
00:44:18Keep going, I'm just a human, remember?
00:44:21The Haydenites are a highly advanced cybernetic race Admiral Hunter forged an alliance with during the Robotech expedition.
00:44:28Since then, the Haydenites have shared much of their technology with us.
00:44:32Many of our latest advances are because of them.
00:44:35But an alliance with an advanced alien race is really good news, isn't it? Why doesn't everybody know about this?
00:44:41It was at the request of the Haydenites.
00:44:43They have lived quietly in peace for centuries and prefer to limit their involvement with any other races.
00:44:49And yet they're helping us with our war against the Invid?
00:44:52They too have suffered at the hand of the Invid. I believe that is why they are so secretive now.
00:44:57So then, how do you fit into all this?
00:44:59Because of the Haydenites' desire for solitude.
00:45:02I was created from both human and Haydenite technology to serve as an emissary.
00:45:07So they gave you information and it was up to the Robotechnologists to sort it all out?
00:45:12Correct. And everything appeared to be working perfectly until now.
00:45:20I don't understand. I am unable to account for these inconsistencies.
00:45:25Well then, maybe you could use a break.
00:45:27Or at least I need a break. There has to be some sort of a connection.
00:45:31But my human brain needs more time to process all of this new information.
00:45:35Then, may I accompany you on your break? I find human companionship to be most interesting.
00:45:42No, no, no. That's okay. You can stay and continue accounting for all the inconsistencies.
00:45:47Dr. Nichols, we've just finished the modif-
00:45:52Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
00:45:56Oh, no. You're not interrupting anything, Commander. We were just- I mean, you were saying?
00:46:00We finished the modifications you requested for Skull Squadron.
00:46:03I was wondering if you needed anything else.
00:46:06Actually, yes. I need to know how to get to the Mess Hall.
00:46:10The Mess Hall is on Level 5, but the Officer's Club really has better food.
00:46:15I was about to go there myself. Care to join me?
00:46:18Lead on, Commander.
00:46:20Come on, Janice.
00:46:27I hope the food's better than the singing.
00:46:30No, you're not the only one.
00:46:41Hey, Commander Bernard. Try some of this. It's a brand new alien drink. They call it Zareba.
00:46:48What's in it?
00:46:49Scott, you really don't want to know.
00:46:51Drink up!
00:46:54That's terrible.
00:46:56Why didn't you contact anyone from the Expeditionary Force while you were back on Earth?
00:47:01Believe me, if I'd have been able to contact the fleet, I would have.
00:47:05The past two years, I've been fighting with a small resistance force. We forced the Invid's hand at Reflex Point.
00:47:11No kidding, Commander Bernard. You were actually at Reflex Point?
00:47:15Commander Sterling! Would you please join us?
00:47:24At ease.
00:47:27Marcus, Alex, this is Dr. Louis Nichols, Robotech Engineer for the Icarus.
00:47:33And you're Lieutenant Commander Scott Bernard, the man who saved the Icarus.
00:47:38Scott was also part of the resistance force on Earth that defeated the Invid.
00:47:42I bet you saw a lot of action.
00:47:44Yep. The Invid were nothing if not persistent.
00:47:48So how many of those green-blooded maggots did you kill?
00:47:51I have no idea. Why?
00:47:53Remember when you and Marlene gave me this?
00:47:56Yeah. That was a long time ago.
00:48:00It's become my tribute to you and Marlene. Check it out.
00:48:03For every Invid I've killed, I carved a little notch.
00:48:06Counting the last battle, I've personally killed 29 Invid.
00:48:10That's, um, something.
00:48:17Ariel? What are you doing here?
00:48:19I need to talk to you.
00:48:22Uh, everyone, this is Ariel.
00:48:25She was a member of the resistance force I fought with on Earth.
00:48:30Then have a seat, Ariel. Any foe of the Invid is a friend of mine.
00:48:37I've killed 29 Invid.
00:48:41We should probably go. Excuse us.
00:48:45That was abrupt.
00:48:47Maybe it's the singing.
00:48:49Huh? Janice?
00:49:14Wow. She's really pretty good.
00:49:16Who is she?
00:49:17She's my assistant.
00:49:19She's wonderful, isn't she?
00:49:21Yeah, she is. Check her out.
00:49:23She's not your type, Marcus.
00:49:25How would you know?
00:49:27A woman's intuition.
00:49:31What? Hey, don't look at me, buddy.
00:49:33You heard the lady. Trust a woman's intuition.
00:49:40Look, I'm gonna go get another drink.
00:49:43Hey, Marcus.
00:49:47I'm sorry if I startled you, Scott.
00:49:49But you're the only one I can trust.
00:49:51Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for you to be here?
00:49:54Everyone on this base has orders to kill Invid on sight.
00:49:58I've had another vision, Scott.
00:50:00The Children of the Shadow are coming.
00:50:02They will attack your fleet.
00:50:04A space station will be destroyed.
00:50:06Wait, I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:50:08I'll show you.
00:50:13Remember when we first met?
00:50:15I didn't even know who or what I was, really.
00:50:18Only now am I learning what I am and what I'm capable of.
00:50:32What is this place?
00:50:34This is the Invid's first homeworld.
00:50:37It was devastated long ago by the Children of the Shadow.
00:50:40That's terrifying.
00:50:42But why are you showing me all this?
00:50:45Because this may be humanity's fate
00:50:47if you continue to trust the Children of the Shadow.
00:50:50What are you saying?
00:50:51I don't even know who the Children of the Shadow are.
00:50:53But your people possess their technology.
00:50:56The Regis recognized it during the battle for Earth.
00:50:59That is why the Invid fled.
00:51:01Now, wait a minute.
00:51:02Are you telling me that these Children of the Shadow
00:51:04are somehow responsible for creating the new Shadow technology?
00:51:10Only because it serves their plans.
00:51:13Look around, Scott.
00:51:15This is what the Children of the Shadow do
00:51:17to civilizations who use proto-culture.
00:51:20But why?
00:51:22Because they fear its awesome power.
00:51:29After my sister died, Rick and I were like brothers.
00:51:32I owe him so much. I can never repay him.
00:51:36He believed in me, made me a captain,
00:51:38but one chance I had to help him, I failed.
00:51:41You didn't fail.
00:51:42You did exactly what he asked you to do.
00:51:44You returned to warn the fleet.
00:51:46By the time we got back, the battle was over
00:51:48and now we're in desperate need of proto-culture.
00:51:52Damn it!
00:51:53Don't beat yourself up about it, Vince.
00:51:56Rick has a knack for cheating death.
00:51:59I have a feeling he's okay.
00:52:01Call it a wife's intuition.
00:52:12I've just fused the captain's leg, sir.
00:52:14Provided he doesn't put too much weight on it.
00:52:17All right, I promise you I won't.
00:52:19Vince, you'd better not.
00:52:21Now I'll leave you two to talk.
00:52:23Thank you, Jean.
00:52:25Any word from Emerald Hunter?
00:52:29Once the Icarus is repaired, you can return to Omicron Sector.
00:52:32I've reassigned Lieutenant Commander Sterling's Skull Squadron
00:52:35to assist with the search.
00:52:37It'll be good to have her aboard.
00:52:39Did Louie recover anything useful from the science vessel?
00:52:43As a matter of fact, he recovered an android.
00:52:45Her name is Janice.
00:52:47Did she say what's wrong with the Neutron S missiles?
00:52:49Not yet, but that's fairly irrelevant now.
00:52:52The only Neutron S missiles we have left
00:52:54are still in space dock at Space Station Liberty.
00:52:57And just moving them would use more proto-culture than we can afford.
00:53:02Then our real concern is recovering the proto-culture matrix from the SDF-3.
00:53:06Yes, exactly. Which is why you need to rest now.
00:53:09Once the Icarus is ready to go, I'll need you in top form.
00:53:12I won't let you down, sir.
00:53:14I'm sure you won't, Captain.
00:53:20Please, Scott. Promise me you'll warn your people.
00:53:24I'll try.
00:53:27Hey, Commander Bernard. Is that girl from Earth still here?
00:53:31Scott, look out! She's in there!
00:53:33Hey, Marcus, wait. You don't understand. Ariel's a friend.
00:53:36A friend?
00:53:51You... You're a traitor! How could you do this?
00:53:55Now I know how you survived the Mars Division massacre.
00:53:57You must have sold them out to the Invid.
00:53:59I bet you even killed Marlene!
00:54:02You're crazy! I loved your sister!
00:54:05Marcus, you gotta back off.
00:54:07This won't bring Marlene back. He's not worth being court-martialed for.
00:54:14Yeah, you're right, partner. He's not.
00:54:18Alex, thanks.
00:54:21Don't thank me. I just don't want Marcus to get busted for killing a superior officer.
00:54:26Even one who's assisting an Invid spy.
00:54:30Save your explanations for General Reinhardt.
00:54:42A warning, you say?
00:54:44Yes. I believe the aliens that attacked Captain Grant are going to attack a space station. Maybe Liberty.
00:54:50And this is the same source that told you the Neutron-S missiles were created by aliens?
00:54:54I told you before. The Invid fled because they recognized the Neutron-S missiles as weapons used by their old foes.
00:55:01An alien race called the Children of the Shadow.
00:55:03Children of the Shadow?
00:55:05Look, I don't know if that's their real name. It's what the Invid call them.
00:55:09You seem to know a great deal about the Invid. Why is that?
00:55:13We're getting nowhere with this.
00:55:16Look, it's kind of difficult to explain. While on Earth, I gained an Invid contact.
00:55:22Yeah, Invid contact my ass.
00:55:24But how else would he know the Neutron-S missiles were a gift from an alien race? He's been stuck on Earth for two years.
00:55:30He's been brainwashed by the Invid. After all, the Haydenites are their enemy.
00:55:35The Invid want to confuse us, maybe to lure the fleet away from whatever their real target is.
00:55:40Sir, I think we should at least warn the fleet. What if Scott's information about the impending attack is accurate?
00:55:46It's just some sort of Invid trick. The Haydenites are our allies.
00:55:50Why would they scheme against humanity when they've helped us in our war against the Invid?
00:55:55General Reinhardt, sir. We have lost all communication with Space Station Liberty.
00:55:59Damn it!
00:56:00I guess the interrogation is over.
00:56:13Status report, Sparks. Communications with the base are being jammed.
00:56:16I recognize the modulation of the jamming signal.
00:56:19Wait a second!
00:56:23Is this true?
00:56:24Yes, that's correct.
00:56:26That's it!
00:56:27Sir, it's the same aliens that attacked us in the Omicron sector.
00:56:30If that's the case, General, we should investigate immediately.
00:56:33Agreed. Now get going, Vince. Janus, I want you to accompany the Captain.
00:56:38I'm afraid our new enemy may be an acquaintance of yours.
00:56:49So Scott, how much do you trust this Invid you've befriended?
00:56:52I trust her completely, sir, and her name is Ariel.
00:56:55Please, you must believe us.
00:56:58Hm? So you're Ariel.
00:57:00The race you call the Haydenites are the Children of the Shadow, and they will destroy humanity.
00:57:06Sir, they destroyed the Invid homeworld. I've seen it myself.
00:57:10How did you know they were going to attack Space Station Liberty? Why should we believe you?
00:57:15I see things. Just go there and see for yourself.
00:57:20Okay. No time to lose.
00:57:22Scott, I want you and Ariel to join me on the bridge of the Icarus.
00:57:25Allow me.
00:57:33Does she do that a lot?
00:57:35All ship's shadow devices are active. First combat defense line now engaging enemy ships.
00:58:02Human forces moving into range.
00:58:05The battle fortress containing the Protoculture Matrix is not among them.
00:58:09Well, this was not foreseen. We are to destroy them regardless.
00:58:35Damage reports coming in. All sections reporting heavy casualties.
00:58:39No! The first combat defense line has been completely annihilated.
00:58:42That's impossible.
00:58:45Prepare to fire synchro cannons.
00:58:48All ships, prepare to fire main guns.
00:58:56Synchro cannons online and ready to fire.
00:58:58Initialize disruptor wave.
00:59:05Captain! We've got an energy malfunction in the synchro cannon.
00:59:09Can we fire?
00:59:11Negative. It's not responding.
00:59:13It's not responding!
00:59:31This is proving to be even easier than the awareness had foreseen.
00:59:35Another human vessel has been detected unfolding nearby.
00:59:38Excellent. Its destruction will add to the success of our mission.
00:59:44Skull Squadron, launch when ready.
00:59:55One hit and our ships just explode. How is that possible?
01:00:01Estimating losses at... 89%, sir.
01:00:05Can you get me the fleet, Commander?
01:00:07Still unable to raise the fleet or Space Station Liberty, Captain.
01:00:15Full stop!
01:00:18Full stop! I'm not about to dive into a battle just so we can get slaughtered.
01:00:22Aye, aye, sir. Full stop.
01:00:28Any idea what we're up against?
01:00:30They are the Children of the Shadow. The Haytanites, I told you.
01:00:34If they are Haytanite ships, they do not resemble any I have seen.
01:00:38Sir, we need a better look at the enemy's weaponry.
01:00:41More information would be useful.
01:00:44I assume communications with Skull Squadron are jammed.
01:00:47No, sir. We have full communications with our fighters.
01:00:49Captain Grant, after analyzing the enemy's jamming techniques,
01:00:53I retrofitted our communications to an amplitude modulation.
01:00:56It's only good for short-range communications, but...
01:00:59You never cease to amaze me, Louie. Get Skull Leader on the horn.
01:01:02It's actually just called a horn because...
01:01:04Stop it!
01:01:05Yes, sir.
01:01:09Okay, Skull Squadron. Keep up.
01:01:12Captain Grant needs a better look at the enemy's weaponry.
01:01:15So we're going on a little recon mission.
01:01:18Activate your data transmitters and just follow me.
01:01:25Why are we always stuck doing recon, Marcus?
01:01:28Just follow orders, Alex.
01:01:30Knock off the chatter, O'Mara,
01:01:32or else you're going to find yourself in a world of hurt.
01:01:35Hey, buddy. That might be fun.
01:01:37Oh, please. Alex, will you give it a rest already?
01:01:40Now approaching Robotech Fleet. Look sharp.
01:01:50I'm picking up a power surge from the carrier up ahead.
01:01:53Hey, guys. I've never seen anything like that.
01:02:06Dammit, Louie. Give me something to go on.
01:02:08Soldiers are dying out there.
01:02:10Somehow, the enemy's energy wave caused the ship's reflex furnace to overload and then implode.
01:02:16But that should not happen. According to my data,
01:02:18the shadow dimensional field completely shields the power source of the ship.
01:02:22Unless there's something wrong with the shadow device.
01:02:26Of course. Shut down all the shadow devices.
01:02:30Now. Switch to maneuvering thrusters.
01:02:33Pull us away from the combat zone and into Space Station Liberty.
01:02:36And have our fighters do the same.
01:02:38All fighters, disengage shadow device and fall back to Space Station Liberty.
01:02:42Skull Leader to Icarus. What's going on, Captain?
01:02:45The shadow device has been compromised.
01:02:47That's why the fleet's getting slaughtered. Now fall back.
01:02:51Skull Squadron, deactivate shadow devices and fall back to Space Station Liberty.
01:02:57Commander Sterling, enemy ships are in pursuit and gaining.
01:03:00I can't get a weapons lock on them.
01:03:02No problem, Skull Leader. I'll take care of them.
01:03:07Okay, boys. Let's see you avoid a blast from my synchro cannon.
01:03:27What the hell?
01:03:28System fail.
01:03:30Alex, something's wrong with your synchro cannon.
01:03:32I know, I know.
01:03:35All right, Skull Squadron, jettison synchro cannon modules immediately.
01:03:39Repeat, jettison synchro cannon modules immediately.
01:03:46Mine isn't responding.
01:03:48Alex, what are you doing?
01:03:50Those enemy fighters are coming in too fast.
01:03:52You'll never make it back to Space Station Liberty alive.
01:03:55Alex, don't do this.
01:03:57Don't worry. I've got it all taken care of, buddy.
01:04:00Be sure to have a Z'raib on me.
01:04:06Alex, eject. That's an order.
01:04:09Sorry, m'lady. Can't hear you.
01:04:26Damn you, Alex!
01:04:33Skull Leader, what's going on out there?
01:04:36We've lost Lieutenant Romero, sir.
01:04:38The enemy's energy wave appears to have the same effect on our synchro cannons.
01:04:43Louie, deactivate the...
01:04:45Already on it, sir. Synchro cannon offline.
01:04:48Maya, head for Liberty's mecha hangar and ditch those shadow fighters.
01:04:52God knows what else is wrong with them.
01:04:54Yes, sir.
01:04:55Damn it! We've been completely double-crossed!
01:04:58Everything the Haydenites have given us have some sort of Trojan horse built into it!
01:05:02Ariel was right. They don't want to just get rid of the Invid.
01:05:05They want to get rid of us as well!
01:05:11Arrest her!
01:05:14Captain, what are you doing?
01:05:16She's part Haydenite. She's one of them.
01:05:18Captain Grant, I was unaware of any ulterior motive by the Haydenites.
01:05:23And that's why you're the only one to survive the Neutron-S missile test?
01:05:26Sorry, but I'm not buying it.
01:05:28Get her off my bridge and throw her in the brig!
01:05:41With all due respect, Captain, I went over the calculations with Janice myself.
01:05:45I don't believe she could possibly...
01:05:46Easy, Louie. If I didn't know you better, you'd be arrested too.
01:05:51Several human ships are retreating.
01:05:54Clearly they do not yet comprehend that their entire race is doomed.
01:05:59Our victory today will mark the rise of a new epoch for the Haydenites.
01:06:05The electromagnetic signature of the Hybrid has been detected aboard one of the retreating ships.
01:06:10The Hybrid is here? This was not foreseen.
01:06:14She might prove too valuable a resource for the humans.
01:06:19Lead a detachment of elite fighters to infiltrate the human ship.
01:06:23Extract the Hybrid and obtain the location of the Protoculture Matrix.
01:06:28Or, if necessary, eliminate her.
01:06:34Approaching Space Station Liberty.
01:06:49Space Station Liberty to Icarus. You're clear to dock.
01:06:53Louie, search the shipyard registry.
01:06:55We need to trade the Icarus for something without shadow technology.
01:06:58Well, all I can find is the Archangel.
01:07:00But it's only a colony ship. Minimal armaments.
01:07:03It'll have to do.
01:07:05Dock with the Archangel.
01:07:07Tell the crew to evacuate everyone on the station to the Archangel.
01:07:10There may be a situation.
01:07:12Dock with the Archangel.
01:07:14Tell the crew to evacuate everyone on the station to the Archangel.
01:07:17There may be a slight problem, Captain.
01:07:19The Archangel's reflex furnace is offline.
01:07:22Well, can you get it online?
01:07:25I believe so. But it'll take an hour, maybe more.
01:07:29Get me Skull Leader.
01:07:32Commander Sterling, what's your status?
01:07:34We're in the Mecca hangar, attempting to assemble a new fighter squadron.
01:07:43What are these?
01:07:45They're Super Shadow Fighters.
01:07:47Prototypes that have not yet had shadow devices implemented.
01:07:52What good are these going to be without shadow tech systems?
01:07:55They're faster and more maneuverable.
01:07:57And their weapon systems pack a big punch.
01:07:59Otherwise, they're just like the old Alphas.
01:08:01We're just gonna have to go back to the old basic seat-of-your-pants dogfighting skills.
01:08:05Skill over technology, boys.
01:08:07Yeah, just because we can't see them all, doesn't mean we can't see them all.
01:08:11Just because we can't see them on our scopes, doesn't mean we can't hit them.
01:08:14Let's saddle up.
01:08:23Think you can use them to hold off the attackers for an hour?
01:08:25We'll do our best, sir.
01:08:28Okay, Louie, you've got an hour.
01:08:30Yes, sir.
01:08:42We are now docking with the Archangel.
01:08:44My team and I will need to get to the Archangel's engine room as quickly as possible.
01:08:48I think I can help there.
01:08:57Wow, near-instantaneous molecular teleportation.
01:09:01That would make for a fascinating invention.
01:09:03But the Archangel's reflex furnace will have to wait.
01:09:06Most impressive. We could use your help evacuating the station.
01:09:10Of course.
01:09:12Should I help with the evacuation as well, sir?
01:09:14No, Scott, you're with me.
01:09:19All hands, evacuate to the Archangel immediately.
01:09:23One ship doesn't stand a chance against the Hade Knights.
01:09:26But Lieutenant Romero's final act of bravery.
01:09:29We'll have to wait.
01:09:31One ship doesn't stand a chance against the Hade Knights.
01:09:33But Lieutenant Romero's final act of bravery.
01:09:36Has given me an idea.
01:09:38I got a feeling I'm not gonna like this.
01:09:41Probably not.
01:09:43We're going to set off a Neutron-S missile inside the space station.
01:09:46And blow the whole thing up?
01:09:48The blast radius is big enough that it will take out the enemy fleet as well.
01:09:52It's the best shot that we have.
01:09:54Sir, I'll activate it myself.
01:09:56You go aboard the Archangel and...
01:09:58Hey, who's giving the orders here?
01:10:00Only a senior officer can activate a Neutron-S missile.
01:10:03At least we built that safeguard into them.
01:10:07Besides, when else will I get a chance to try out these new cyclones?
01:10:14Just don't tell my wife I've been riding one.
01:10:16No, sir.
01:10:23Captain Grant wants to make sure the prisoner is secured aboard the Archangel...
01:10:26before the rest of the Icarus is evacuated.
01:10:29This way.
01:10:45Security breach in sector 7G.
01:10:48Security breach in sector 7G.
01:10:53Open fire!
01:11:07You will come with us now.
01:11:09I want to know why your people lied to me about the technology I passed on to the humans.
01:11:14You were provided only what was needed to fulfill your purpose.
01:11:17Now you will give us a location of the Protoculture Matrix.
01:11:21It appears not all is as you had foreseen.
01:11:24Therefore, I refuse.
01:11:26Then you become expendable.
01:11:36Organics are no match for the mechanized might of the Hade Knights.
01:11:41Guess we'll see about that.
01:12:16This means nothing.
01:12:19All those who embrace Protoculture are doomed.
01:12:23We shall prevail.
01:12:28Not today.
01:12:33Thanks for the assist.
01:12:38You saved me.
01:12:39Well, I figure if the Hade Knights want you dead, that's a good reason to keep you alive.
01:12:43The Hade Knights have betrayed me as much as they have betrayed you, Captain.
01:12:46Then I guess you'll need to escape on the Archangel like everyone else.
01:12:50I'm sure Dr. Nichols could use your help in the engine room.
01:12:56All right, everyone. We might be flying different mecha now, but we're still the same squadron.
01:13:02Okay, Skull Squadron, follow my lead.
01:13:12Incoming enemy fighters!
01:13:14Okay, let's see how well they fight when they can't cheat.
01:13:18Visual targeting systems activated.
01:13:47Relax, I got it. Okay?
01:14:03This is for Alex!
01:14:09Are you sure we didn't pass it?
01:14:11Yes. It should be just ahead.
01:14:23Damn! Those are the Neutron S missiles?
01:14:27Yep. They're a little hard to miss, aren't they?
01:14:30Now I understand why we can't just launch these right at them.
01:14:33Yeah, they certainly would see these coming.
01:14:38All this technology and they can't put in an elevator?
01:14:41Easy there, Captain.
01:14:46I was beginning to wonder why you needed me to come along.
01:14:49Now watch your leg.
01:14:51If we make it out of this alive, my wife's gonna kill me.
01:14:55Looking forward to it, sir.
01:15:01Please confirm authorization.
01:15:03Captain Vincent S. Grant. Serial number RXF-030185.
01:15:15Identity confirmed.
01:15:26Neutron S missile armed and activated.
01:15:29Let's get the hell out of here!
01:15:31Detonation of Neutron S warhead in ten minutes.
01:15:45Detonation of Neutron S warhead in nine minutes.
01:15:52Detonation of Neutron S warhead in ten minutes.
01:15:55The power output is now sufficient for operation of the hyperspace bolt system.
01:16:00Evacuation complete, sir.
01:16:03Louie, status report.
01:16:05The reflex furnace is online.
01:16:09I just hope the rest of this ship is space-worthy.
01:16:12We will find out soon enough.
01:16:22Space Station Liberty.
01:16:30Now departing Space Station Liberty.
01:16:34A colony vessel appears to be attempting an escape.
01:16:37We cannot allow them to get away.
01:16:40Cut off its escape route and eliminate it.
01:16:46Sir, the enemy fleet is closing in.
01:16:49Stay close. I don't want to leave anyone behind.
01:16:55Commander, I need you to hold off the enemy just a little longer so we can clear the station's gravity field and engage the fold system.
01:17:02Skull Squadron, let's clear a trail for these things.
01:17:08Detonation of Neutron S warheads in sixty seconds.
01:17:12We've cleared the space station's gravitational field. Standing by to fold.
01:17:16Have Skull Squadron return to full perimeter immediately.
01:17:43Maya, there are too many of them!
01:17:53Keep cool, Marcus. I...
01:17:57My stabilizers are out!
01:17:59Hang on, I gotcha!
01:18:08Skull leader ejecting.
01:18:22I gotcha.
01:18:32I'm hit!
01:18:33Marcus, your thrusters are out!
01:18:35Don't worry, Commander. I know what I'm doing. I hope.
01:18:41Marcus, no!
01:18:43It's okay! They won't get me without a fight!
01:18:57Detonation of Neutron S warhead in fifteen seconds.
01:19:01Get us outta here!
01:19:02Aye, sir. Activating space fold drive.
01:19:10If this fold doesn't work, Ariel, I just wanted you to know that...
01:19:15I promise I'll be back.
01:19:21I love you.
01:19:32Detonation in four, three, two, one.
01:19:42We have a neutron weapon detonation.
01:19:44This was not foreseen.
01:19:47Quickly, initiate space folding.
01:19:58It's beautiful.
01:20:10Where am I?
01:20:16Is that... Marlene?
01:20:19Is that really you?
01:20:21It is, I can't believe it!
01:20:23Big sister, I've missed you so much!
01:20:25I know, and you have been brave.
01:20:28But it's not your time yet, Marcus.
01:20:30Please don't leave me again.
01:20:32You're all I've got.
01:20:34I'll always be with you, Marcus.
01:20:44No! Wait!
01:20:52No. I am Ariel, daughter of the Regis.
01:20:56Princess of the Envid.
01:21:01You saved my life.
01:21:05You know I hate the Envid.
01:21:08Hatred can only breed more hatred.
01:21:11It is not what we seek.
01:21:13Any of us.
01:21:21Archangel now entering Earth orbit.
01:21:30Based on the information we now have from Janus,
01:21:33the SDF-3 may not have been destroyed after all.
01:21:36Our best hope of winning this war is to recover the Protoculture Matrix
01:21:40before the Haydenites do.
01:21:42And with a little luck, Admiral Hunter will be there waiting.
01:21:45Agreed. I'm confident the Archangel is in capable hands.
01:21:48Good luck on your new mission, Captain Grant.
01:21:51Thank you, sir.
01:21:53Marcus, I just wanted to say thank you for rescuing me out there.
01:21:57We're even now.
01:22:00I'm sorry about Alex.
01:22:02I know he was a good friend.
01:22:04Yes, he was.
01:22:07It seems like everyone I'm close to gets taken by war.
01:22:12My sister.
01:22:14My best friend.
01:22:16Yeah, I know how you feel.
01:22:18Most of my family was aboard the SDF-3.
01:22:21I don't even know if they're still alive.
01:22:24He owes you his life.
01:22:26True. Perhaps now it will make him value the lives of others.
01:22:30I'm glad you'll be joining the crew of the Archangel, Ariel.
01:22:33So, you don't want me to wait for you on Earth anymore?
01:22:45Are you okay, Janus?
01:22:48I am. Confused.
01:22:51Well, actually, that's very human of you.
01:22:55That's what's confusing me.
01:22:57Don't worry about it. We'll work it out.
01:23:00Somehow I know we will win.
01:23:03We will win.
01:23:06Life is only what we choose to make it.
01:23:13Let us take it.
01:23:18Take it.
01:23:21Let us be free.
01:23:48Let us be free.
01:24:18Let us be free.
01:24:48To be continued...
01:25:18To be continued...
01:25:48To be continued...
01:26:18To be continued...
01:26:48To be continued...
01:27:18To be continued...
01:27:21To be continued...
01:27:24To be continued...
01:27:27To be continued...
01:27:30To be continued...
01:27:33To be continued...
01:27:36To be continued...
01:27:39To be continued...
01:27:42To be continued...
01:27:45To be continued...
01:27:49To be continued...
01:27:52To be continued...