• 2 days ago
00:01:33Baker here. If we keep headed on this vector, we're gonna be sitting ducks.
00:01:37I'm now disabling the autopilot computer and switching to manual overdrive.
00:01:41Computer off.
00:01:43Cadet Baker, this is Major General Hunter.
00:01:45Yes, sir. I copy you.
00:01:46Listen, hotshot, get back on autopilot.
00:01:49This is a combat formation, Baker.
00:01:51You're to re-engage the computer and keep your eyes on the radar screen. Is that understood?
00:01:55Sir, these scanners are worthless.
00:01:57Baker, did you hear me?
00:01:59Yes, sir. Just a second, sir. I've spotted the enemy.
00:02:02Missiles away.
00:02:19I can't make visual contact with you, sir. Are you somewhere out there? Come in, General.
00:02:23Affirmative. I'm here. But not for long.
00:02:26You've been hit, General.
00:02:28You have a gift for recognizing the obvious, Baker.
00:02:30Enemy incoming, converging on our position from vector 15.
00:02:33I'll draw them away. Once I've lost them, I'll come back for you, sir.
00:02:36Negative, cadet. You're to remain with the squadron. Repeat, remain with the squadron.
00:02:40But, sir, I can't.
00:02:42I've lost primary thrusters. I'm gonna have to ditch her.
00:02:46Tell Lisa that I love her.
00:02:50General Hunter, come in.
00:02:58Baker to Control. The General's last orders were lost in static. I'm going after him.
00:03:11Let's see what this pea shooter can do.
00:03:23Impact! I'm gonna black out!
00:03:26Ah! Ah!
00:03:33There. The stabilizers finally kicked in. That's got her back on track.
00:03:38Now let's see. He must have ditched around here someplace.
00:03:55I told you I'd come after you, sir.
00:03:58Are you all right, General Hunter?
00:04:00Forget about me. Get back to the squadron. This sector's crawling with enemy units.
00:04:04I'm sorry, sir. I can't just leave you bobbing around out here.
00:04:11We're in trouble. Get back and surround it.
00:04:15Battle scenario terminated. Mission failure at level 21A.
00:04:20Deactivate holograph and restore systems to default mode.
00:04:24Cadet Baker to report to staging area for results and analysis of exercise.
00:04:29System crew, prepare the simulator for the next candidate.
00:04:33Not the smoothest performance, but you gotta admit that Baker's got something.
00:04:37Yeah, but I'm not sure it's something I like.
00:04:40General, the cadet is waiting in the staging area.
00:04:43Cadet Baker, reporting as ordered, sir.
00:04:46At ease.
00:04:48Sir, I know my performance wasn't perfect and the mission was a failure,
00:04:51but that test wasn't a fair demonstration of my abilities.
00:04:54In the first place, you went off autopilot contrary to orders.
00:04:57Second, by doing so, you endangered the entire squadron.
00:05:00And third, you didn't even manage to rescue me. Dismissed.
00:05:04Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I, um, appreciate your input, sir.
00:05:08It's funny. He reminds me of a certain amateur pilot I once knew named Hunter.
00:05:12I guess he does have a certain reckless sense of style about him.
00:05:16I suppose that explains why you were so rough on him.
00:05:19I'm just trying to make him a better fighter pilot.
00:05:21Besides, the look on his face was priceless.
00:05:27Final preparations are proceeding on schedule.
00:05:30We should have no problems meeting our launch window.
00:05:33If we are to avoid a second Robotech war,
00:05:36we must make peaceful contact with the Robotech Masters
00:05:39and establish a relationship of mutual cooperation.
00:05:42That is the mission of the SDF-3.
00:05:45I want to take this opportunity to reemphasize
00:05:48that the Robotech Expeditionary Force is intended as a diplomatic mission.
00:05:52The SDF-3 will be traveling to the homeworld of the Robotech Masters,
00:05:56the third moon of the planet Phantoma known as Tyrone.
00:06:00The Masters themselves have not engaged in actual combat for nearly six generations.
00:06:05However, it is impossible to predict with certainty
00:06:08how they will react to our mission.
00:06:10For that reason, the SDF-3 is being outfitted
00:06:13with a considerable arsenal of Robotech weaponry.
00:06:16In the event that we are met with force,
00:06:19we shall be ready and able to defend ourselves.
00:06:22I must stress the fact that the departure of the Expedition
00:06:25will not leave the Earth undefended.
00:06:28General Leonard and his staff have already begun
00:06:31rebuilding the Robotech Defense Forces.
00:06:34And as the planet is not presently threatened by any enemy,
00:06:37we feel confident that the Earth is in no danger of...
00:06:40If I may interrupt for a moment,
00:06:42I'm not as optimistic as the Ambassador about the lack of an enemy threat.
00:06:46Mark my words, the departure of the SDF-3 and its weapon systems
00:06:49will leave the Earth hopelessly vulnerable to attack.
00:06:52Gentlemen, please!
00:06:54It's all very easy for him to say we're safe.
00:06:56When the attack comes, he'll be on the other side of the galaxy!
00:06:59Frankly, I think you're a bit paranoid, General.
00:07:01What attack do you mean? By whom? From where?
00:07:04For all we know, there could be a fleet of your fellows and trotty out there
00:07:07just waiting for us to drop our...
00:07:08Enough, General!
00:07:09But gentlemen, you're guarding our defenses!
00:07:11Once the SDF leaves orbit,
00:07:13I won't be able to defend the Earth from a flock of pigeons!
00:07:17Oh, good grief! Come on, Lisa, hurry it up, will ya?
00:07:20How much time does it take to dry on a wedding dress?
00:07:23Just a minute!
00:07:27Ah, there.
00:07:29Not too shabby for an Admiral of the fleet, if I do say so myself.
00:07:33Just think, two more days and I'll be a married woman!
00:07:36At last!
00:07:41How could I have ever been jealous of Minmay?
00:07:45What's keeping her?
00:07:46Do you think maybe she's picking out baby clothes, too?
00:07:49Come on, let her enjoy the moment while she can.
00:07:51A few days from now, we may be in the middle of an intergalactic war.
00:07:55A swell way to spend your honeymoon.
00:07:59Hey, cut it out!
00:08:03Why'd you do that?
00:08:04I didn't do anything. Your brain's just getting smaller.
00:08:08Whose brain's getting smaller?
00:08:10Okay, I admit it, I'm guilty.
00:08:12Guess I can't pull the wool over your eyes.
00:08:15What do you think?
00:08:20I think you picked a beauty, Admiral.
00:08:22That gown is ship-shaped from stem to stern.
00:08:25But we'll go from zero to hyperspace in five seconds.
00:08:28Oh, you two.
00:08:29Excuse me.
00:08:32I know I'm interrupting. I'm sorry.
00:08:36But as soon as I heard the news, I hopped the first shuttle I could find
00:08:39and came to see if I could be any help.
00:08:41That is, if you'd allow me to, Lisa.
00:08:43Minmay, this is all so unexpected.
00:08:45But don't be silly, of course you can help. Come here.
00:08:49Oh, Lisa. I want so much for us to let bygones be bygones.
00:08:55That dress is lovely. I always knew you'd make a beautiful bride.
00:08:58You look lovely indeed, Admiral.
00:09:00I still think she should get married in her space suit.
00:09:03Oh, cut it out, Dina! Why do you keep doing that?
00:09:06Oh, Minmay, I can't tell you what it means to see you again.
00:09:11That devious little Centradius got the whole Supreme Council eating out of his hand.
00:09:15It's unbelievable!
00:09:17Hmm. A diplomatic mission.
00:09:20If it's a diplomatic mission, then why are they arming that ship
00:09:23with every robotech weapon system we've ever developed?
00:09:27It's called gunboat diplomacy.
00:09:29Hmm. Well, stupidity's what I call it.
00:09:32It jeopardizes the very survival of this planet.
00:09:36Something stinks here, Commander, and it's not in the ventilation system.
00:09:41All station chiefs, please report for final mission briefing.
00:09:45Meanwhile, far, far away,
00:09:48a very different sort of mission has arrived above the third moon of Phantoma.
00:09:55Whoever they are, they've landed near our mining colonies.
00:09:59Look, Commander, there must be hundreds of them.
00:10:01What will we do?
00:10:04With the robotech masters away, we're unable to strike back.
00:10:07Only the old and the sick remain on Tyrol.
00:10:09They're transport vessels of some kind.
00:10:11They're unloading something.
00:10:13I'll try to get an energy fix.
00:10:15Don't bother. Look at the monitor.
00:10:17The transport vessels are returning to their fleet.
00:10:20Now, what could they have in mind?
00:10:22Frankly, Cabal, I'm a lot more concerned about these monsters they've left behind.
00:10:29They resemble machines, actually, not monsters.
00:10:32Well, whatever they are, one of them just spotted our remote.
00:10:38I am beginning to suspect who this invader is,
00:10:40and heaven help us if I'm right.
00:10:42They're headed straight for the mining colony at Rylak.
00:10:45Shouldn't we warn the outpost there? I can make contact.
00:10:47No, we mustn't give our visitors a clue to our whereabouts.
00:10:50The men at Rylak will have to fend for themselves.
00:11:13What are we going to do? There's too many of them.
00:11:16I think I'm getting a brainstorm.
00:11:18Maybe you've been out in the sun too long.
00:11:20No, listen. Those jokers are coming right down the center of the ravine.
00:11:24Now, if you were to take a shot at that rock face on the far side...
00:11:28Yeah, I could bring the whole cliff down on top of their heads.
00:11:31I don't think that's a good idea.
00:11:33I don't think that's a good idea.
00:11:35I don't think that's a good idea.
00:11:37I don't think that's a good idea.
00:11:39Yeah, I could bring the whole cliff down on top of their heads.
00:11:42You get one shot, make it count, all right?
00:11:44Trust me.
00:12:10Good shooting, Juro. I think you did it.
00:12:18What do you think?
00:12:20You see any movement down there?
00:12:23That means we did it. We got every last one of them.
00:12:25What the...
00:12:26Maybe not. What is that?
00:12:30Stay back, Seb. I'll take care of these things.
00:12:33Oh, shit!
00:13:03Those creatures must have got him. There's no way he could have made it down from up there.
00:13:09What is it?
00:13:11No! No!
00:13:15No, let me go! Let me go!
00:13:19What do you want from me?
00:13:21Huh? They must be indestructible.
00:13:24They're everywhere.
00:13:30No! Please! I beg of you!
00:13:36I'm afraid the schematics prove my suspicions correct.
00:13:39There is only one species capable of producing such a device.
00:13:43The Invid?
00:13:45Yes. The strategy is typical of them.
00:13:47The Invid often deploy mechanized fighting drones such as these
00:13:51to clear away resistance before they themselves descend to the planet's surface.
00:13:57These machines are incredibly complex and essentially invulnerable to any direct attack.
00:14:02Then what you are saying is that our cause is hopeless.
00:14:05I'm not saying that at all, my boy. Be patient.
00:14:10Here is the cat-like drone we saw earlier.
00:14:13Like its two-legged counterpart, it is an inorganic, computer-driven device,
00:14:17incapable of independent action.
00:14:19Therefore, its functions must be controlled by an external, centralized power source of some kind.
00:14:25And that is its weak spot.
00:14:27That is the one flaw in the system, and it's up to us to take advantage of it.
00:14:32Cabal, what are you talking about?
00:14:34Is it not easier to attack one target than a thousand?
00:14:37If we find that power source and disable it,
00:14:39then all the dreaded machines of the Invid will collapse like so much scrap metal.
00:14:44Do you think we could?
00:14:46Anything is possible.
00:14:56What if this doesn't work, sir?
00:14:58Shouldn't we pull back to higher ground?
00:15:00Joker, if this doesn't work, it won't matter where we are.
00:15:03Here they come!
00:15:41They're still coming!
00:15:53There's too many of them!
00:15:55They keep coming!
00:16:05Our defenses aren't even slowing them down.
00:16:07They've overrun our positions all along the front.
00:16:10Of course they have.
00:16:12Our byroids are hopelessly outnumbered.
00:16:14They'll be in the capital in a matter of hours.
00:16:18Attention flagship! Royal shuttle one by one on the approach!
00:16:22Understood shuttle. You are clear for docking at main hangar bay.
00:16:47My lord, the inorganics have met only token resistance on Talor.
00:16:51So far there is no sign of the Robotech masters.
00:16:54Cowering beneath their beds, no doubt.
00:16:57Our beloved Regis has expressed some displeasure with your strategy, my lord.
00:17:01She wanted this to be given to you.
00:17:03A voice imprint?
00:17:05How thoughtful of my wife.
00:17:08I can hardly wait to hear it.
00:17:10Do you truly believe that you'll find what you seek on this wretched planet?
00:17:14If so, you are a greater fool than I ever suspected.
00:17:17This idiotic invasion of yours is the most inco...
00:17:20I think I've heard about enough of that for the moment.
00:17:26Tell me, where is our beloved Regis?
00:17:29She has returned to her flagship, my lord.
00:17:37Shall I tell her I wish to see her, my lord?
00:17:41The farther away she is, the better I like it.
00:17:44The invasion will proceed without her.
00:17:50As the Invid plot to destroy the last strongholds of resistance on the homeworld of the Robotech masters,
00:17:56a group of brave Earthborn warriors must face resistance of a different sort.
00:18:01Resistance born from nearly ten years of inactivity and overconfidence.
00:18:06But within the coming week, the Robotech Expeditionary Force
00:18:09will embark on a mission to the distant star system of the Southern Cross
00:18:13and will once again be placed in a situation
00:18:16which will pit man and machine against an unknown enemy.
00:18:21Command shuttle standing by for transit to orbiting repair factory.
00:18:26Shuttle passengers now boarding at bay five.
00:18:29Lisa, wait. Tell me, is there something on Rick's mind?
00:18:32He's been very moody for a couple of days now.
00:18:34Don't ask me. I'm only his fiancée, not a psychiatrist.
00:18:37There you are, professor. I've been looking all over the ship for you.
00:18:41Have any idea what the matter is with Rick? He's been moping around all morning.
00:18:44Good grief, man. Don't ask me. I'm only the mission leader, not his shrink.
00:18:48Remember, we are about to embark on an expedition to the farthest boundaries of the universe.
00:18:52It's enough to make anybody nervous.
00:18:54Control, this is mission command.
00:18:56Shuttle reports Dr. Lang and his team are now on board.
00:18:59All our systems show ready. You are cleared for departure, mission command.
00:19:04Shuttle now on approach to Robotech repair factory.
00:19:07Docking will take place in 15 minutes.
00:19:10I hope this plan of yours works, Exedor.
00:19:12Disguising the SDF-3 as a Zentradi battlecruiser has always seemed like a pretty radical step to me.
00:19:17Oh, you're forgetting your own Earth history, Colonel.
00:19:20The Greeks and their Trojan horse.
00:19:22Don't confuse history with mythology, Exedor. You'll never win an argument that way.
00:19:26Gentlemen, the time has long passed when arguments about strategy
00:19:29would have any practical effect on our mission.
00:19:31We've all supported this plan, and it seems rather late in the day to be changing our minds.
00:19:35Well, from where I sit, it seems like the perfect way to approach their planet.
00:19:38But will the Robotech masters buy it?
00:19:40What happens if they're able to penetrate our outward appearance and discover we're from Earth?
00:19:45You've got to admit, things could get pretty uncomfortable.
00:19:47It's possible, but if we let possibilities stop us, we'd never leave orbit.
00:19:51We've made our bed, now we have to sleep in it.
00:19:53I'm the military commander of this expedition, and I guess I have as many doubts as you do.
00:19:58But now, gentlemen, the time has come to put them behind us.
00:20:02Brave talk, Hunter.
00:20:04Well, at least she's keeping up her appearance.
00:20:06With all the launch preparations going on,
00:20:08I was afraid we might have to remind her that she's about to get married.
00:20:12That's one thing the Admiral won't forget.
00:20:15Mom, why are we whispering?
00:20:17Is Lisa and Rick's wedding supposed to be a secret or something?
00:20:20All right, everyone, come in.
00:20:23I can see why you're so excited.
00:20:25All right, everyone, come in.
00:20:27I can see I've had about as much privacy as I'm going to get today.
00:20:31Come on, Lisa, don't be selfish. Best friends don't get married every day.
00:20:35That's right, especially if they happen to be an Admiral of the fleet.
00:20:39We just came by to make sure your feet aren't planted too firmly on the ground, Lisa.
00:20:43Don't worry, girls. I'm as nervous as any bride-to-be ever was.
00:20:47Oh, did you see the ring Rick gave me?
00:20:49No, let's see it. I've always wondered what sort of money a Major General makes.
00:20:53I may be biased, but I think it's beautiful.
00:20:55I've got to admit it, I'm impressed.
00:20:57Mom, I still don't get it. How can Lisa be Rick's wife? I thought he already had one.
00:21:01Dana, I think you've got him confused with somebody else.
00:21:04But Mom says he's married to his job.
00:21:10As you know, I am Zentradi.
00:21:12And I need hardly remind you, gentlemen, that for many years,
00:21:15my people served the Robotech masters as mercenaries.
00:21:18As a biogenetic experiment that backfired,
00:21:21we were given a unique opportunity to study their behavior.
00:21:24These are not monsters, my friends.
00:21:26In fact, the majority of them are as peace-loving as you or I.
00:21:30Starting tomorrow, Major General Hunter will be selecting his crew for the expedition.
00:21:34He'll want pilots who know the Alpha's schematics backwards and forwards.
00:21:38Too much paperwork.
00:21:41Baker, that paperwork will decide whether you go on this mission
00:21:44or spend the rest of your career mopping slop in an orbital ball-bearing factory.
00:21:50I don't suppose you know much about Rick Hunter, do you?
00:21:53No, sir.
00:21:54You're a little young to remember the first Robotech war.
00:21:57I know he's our most decorated hero.
00:22:00That's right. They give you a medal if you're lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.
00:22:04Colonel Edwards, it sounds to me like you've got a bone to pick with him.
00:22:07You bet I have, Benson.
00:22:09I'm going to do everything in my power to bring that flyboy down to Earth,
00:22:12and I'm expecting you to back me up.
00:22:15There it is, the Robotech factory.
00:22:17The last time I visited that tub, I had to sneak on board.
00:22:20Those were the days.
00:22:21I'll never forget the look on the faces of those Centrotti when Miria showed them baby Dana.
00:22:25It was like they'd never seen one before.
00:22:27They're all clones, Max. I suppose they never had.
00:22:30I guess not.
00:22:31But then Dana'd never seen a clone before. You didn't see her going all to pieces.
00:22:37Attention all stations.
00:22:39Shuttle One from Mission Command now docking at hangar bay six.
00:22:43Command level representatives from all departments report to hangar area immediately.
00:22:54Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Colonel Reinhardt. I'd like to welcome you all to the ship.
00:22:58You see before you a splendid piece of engineering, if I do say so myself.
00:23:03We used absolutely everything salvageable from the SDF One and Two.
00:23:07And then wrapped the whole thing up in the exoskeleton of a Centrotti battlecruiser.
00:23:12Our new allies, Breitai and Exodore, were a great help with the details.
00:23:16We think it's quite a convincing imitation.
00:23:18I'll say, it kind of brings back some bad memories of the first Robotech war.
00:23:22You'll excuse me for playing devil's advocate here, but I hope we're not forgetting something.
00:23:26This ship has to do more than look pretty.
00:23:29Are you sure it can get us there and back in one piece?
00:23:32It will, Colonel Wolfe. Don't worry.
00:23:34Colonel Reinhardt, we all remember what happened when the original SDF made its first attempt at jumping through hyperspace.
00:23:40The ship took a large piece of your planet along with it.
00:23:43I'm sure none of us wants to repeat that little phenomenon.
00:23:46Your comrade Breitai's been over the plans with the engineer.
00:23:48Come to think of it, what's happened to Breitai?
00:23:50His last communication made it clear he planned to meet us here.
00:23:53Do you think maybe he forgot we were coming in?
00:23:55He's probably just too busy to get here.
00:23:57Well, I'm afraid we'll have to continue our tour without him for the moment.
00:24:00We've got a lot of details to attend to and our launch window is approaching.
00:24:06Well, well, so I'm not important enough to wait for.
00:24:09You Microdians are so impatient.
00:24:11I almost didn't recognize you. What happened? Did you shrink?
00:24:14In a word, yes. Dr. Lang thought I'd fit in better with everyone if I was micronized.
00:24:18And he designed this new faceplate for me to wear at the wedding.
00:24:22Here you see the home system of the Robotech Masters.
00:24:25The central planet, Fantoma, is extremely large, approximately the size of Jupiter.
00:24:30Its third moon, Tyrol, is where the civilization of the Robotech Masters evolved.
00:24:35As you know, they developed, with the help of a scientist named Zor,
00:24:38the energy system called Robotechnology and used it in an attempt to control the known universe.
00:24:44But at this moment, the Tiresians, known as Ram and Cabal, are unable to control even their own destiny.
00:24:50They watch in helpless fury as their homeworld is brutally ravaged
00:24:54by the relentless, inorganic servants of the Invid.
00:25:02The flower of life, that's what they've come for.
00:25:04That must be it. They've come searching for the flower of life,
00:25:07the primary catalyst in the production of protoculture.
00:25:10But that plant hasn't been present in this system ever since the Robotech Masters left.
00:25:15It was a Robotech Master named Zor that stole the flower from the Invid.
00:25:19It was only a matter of time before they came here looking for it.
00:25:23What madness. They're ripping the whole planet apart looking for something they'll never find.
00:25:28No one ever accused the Invid of being logical, only thorough.
00:25:32I'm beginning to think it's hopeless, Cabal. Those drones are unstoppable, it seems.
00:25:36Nonsense. They may be intimidating, my boy, but they are not unstoppable.
00:25:40Even the most complex machine has a weak spot.
00:25:43Then by all means, let's find it. What are we waiting for?
00:25:47My people owe their very existence to the Robotech Masters.
00:25:51We Zentradi were developed as an offshoot of Robotechnology.
00:25:55We are the result of an experiment in biogenetic engineering,
00:25:58an experiment quite advanced for its time.
00:26:01Are the Robotech Masters as physically big as your people were at one time?
00:26:05No. Surprisingly, they're about the same size as you.
00:26:08So you supplied them with their muscle power.
00:26:10You mean the Zentradi were just the bronze for someone else's brains.
00:26:13No wonder they seem so dumb.
00:26:15They came about as close as you can come to blasting the Earth back into the Stone Age.
00:26:18That's how dumb they are.
00:26:20I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself from now on.
00:26:23We haven't the time to waste on them.
00:26:25Excuse me, Flyboy. I thought this was supposed to be an open forum.
00:26:28It seems to me your Zentradi buddies are the only ones allowed to participate.
00:26:31And frankly, that makes me a little suspicious.
00:26:33For all we know, these space apes might still be working for the enemy.
00:26:36I've heard about enough out of you, Captain.
00:26:38Enough bickering, gentlemen. Please, this is supposed to be a diplomatic mission.
00:26:42It might be helpful if we practice some diplomacy amongst ourselves.
00:26:46Arguments are a waste of precious time and energy.
00:26:50Personally, I believe the problem of the Robotech Masters can be resolved through purely peaceful means,
00:26:54and I expect to make that my top priority.
00:26:56We'll resume this briefing after I've made my broadcast to the personnel on board the ship.
00:27:00Now, if you'll excuse me.
00:27:02Yes, sir.
00:27:03All stations, stand by.
00:27:05The channel is now open for priority communication from mission leader.
00:27:10Greetings, fellow members of the Robotech Defense Force.
00:27:13I am Dr. Lang, leader of this mission.
00:27:15The process of assembling a crew to man the rebuilt SDF-3 has already begun.
00:27:20By tomorrow, we will have selected most of the crew members and additional personnel
00:27:24who will be coming with us on this attempt to reach a very distant planet.
00:27:28Homeworld of the Robotech Masters.
00:27:31Many of you were brought to this repair station specifically to become a part of this expedition to deep space.
00:27:38Others may need to prove they've acquired the discipline and flexibility
00:27:41that will make them valuable to us as support personnel or fighter pilots to operate the Robotech weapons.
00:27:47We have no idea what sort of reception awaits us on the homeworld of these alien beings,
00:27:52but we are ready for any eventuality.
00:27:55That is more than can be said for the inhabitants of Tyrol,
00:27:58who even now are calmly going about their daily business,
00:28:02totally unaware of the relentless inhuman horde that is bearing down on their capital city.
00:28:11There, I finished the last of my experiments.
00:28:13I can't do anything more until we've secured one of these inorganics for study.
00:28:17Are you ready to go, Ren?
00:28:19I'm having a little trouble here.
00:28:21Get off of me!
00:28:23Cabal, what's happened to these things all of a sudden?
00:28:26Come back here!
00:28:29I'm not sure how these little monsters fit into your experiments,
00:28:32but I'm starting to wonder if we wouldn't be better off by eating them for supper.
00:28:35They have a biogenetic link to the flower of life.
00:28:38Presence of the Invid is disturbing to them.
00:28:40Then the sooner we find a way to stop the Invid, the better.
00:28:42These things are driving me mad.
00:28:45Our sensors last picked them up around here somewhere.
00:28:48Perhaps they've moved on.
00:28:51It doesn't sense our presence.
00:28:53Now's our chance.
00:28:54No, Ren. I want one of the others.
00:28:56One of the cat-like droids.
00:29:05I hope we catch one of them and not vice versa.
00:29:09I'm getting a very distinct impression that our progress is being observed.
00:29:13Yes, I was about to say the same thing myself.
00:29:17Perhaps our behavior is puzzling them.
00:29:19They probably expect us to run in terror.
00:29:24Well, they didn't stay puzzled very long.
00:29:26Where is it?
00:29:51Where are you, Cabal?
00:30:06Hold still for just a moment.
00:30:43Maybe I can stun him long enough for us to get away.
00:30:51That did it. That ought to hold him for a bit.
00:30:53Yes, but only a bit.
00:31:15Don't seem to have much choice.
00:31:17Right. Here we go!
00:31:34Lucky thing this troop carrier happened to be here.
00:31:37Hang on. I've got to help him.
00:31:44That could be just what I'm looking for.
00:31:47Maybe I can turn this Invid weaponry to my advantage.
00:31:56Now to find the power switch.
00:32:04It's beginning to break through.
00:32:07Great tor. It's uncanny.
00:32:10The canopy won't keep it out for long.
00:32:16Such strength. Remarkable.
00:32:19I wonder what's happened to Rem.
00:32:25Where did that boy get to?
00:32:35Extraordinary. An Invid Shock Trooper saved my life.
00:32:45Hello, Cabal. All safe and sound up there?
00:32:47You didn't really think I'd abandon you, did you?
00:32:50Rem, you amazed me.
00:32:52I amazed myself.
00:32:54Come on, let's hurry up and get this specimen back to the lab before any others arrive.
00:32:59My lord, we've found no trace of the Power of Mind anywhere.
00:33:02But that's impossible, you idiot!
00:33:04This is the homeworld of the Robotech Masters.
00:33:07It must be here somewhere. Scat the entire planet.
00:33:10We have, my lady. But we've registered no promoculture activity of any kind.
00:33:14Congratulations, husband.
00:33:16Once again, you have impressed us all with your supreme stupidity.
00:33:19I don't like your tone.
00:33:21I told you the Robotech Masters were too clever to maintain the Protoculture Factory in their own backyard.
00:33:27Silence, woman!
00:33:28If you hadn't been so desperate to prove yourself a great warrior, we might have sent spies to find where they've taken it.
00:33:34Are you forgetting who got us into this predicament in the first place?
00:33:37I'm not the one who fell under the spell of Zor and allowed him to steal our flower of life.
00:33:43Must you keep harping on that? It happened a long time ago.
00:33:46Since then, I have evolved, while you've remained the spoiled child you always were.
00:33:50Yes, you've evolved into a pathetic imitation of Zor's race.
00:33:54Perhaps so, but that's preferable to being an incompetent, petty tyrant.
00:33:58I'm returning to Uptia. Goodbye.
00:34:00Stop! I forbid you to go!
00:34:03Don't provoke me, you spineless little anachronism!
00:34:11I've staged this little demonstration here to show you the progress we've made with these smaller Vertec fighters.
00:34:21Sterling here. The Alpha handled the last sequence beautifully. No sign of stress on the hull.
00:34:26Fine, Max. The prototype looks good so far.
00:34:29Now comes the real test.
00:34:31Max, Karen, move yourselves into position and stand by for trans-torquing maneuver.
00:34:36Roger. We're on our way!
00:34:41You're awfully quiet, Harry. Is something wrong?
00:34:44You know I didn't want Karen participating in this test.
00:34:47What was I supposed to do, Harry? Refuse her my permission?
00:34:50Don't forget, she volunteered, and she happens to be one of the very finest test pilots we've ever had.
00:34:55But I don't want my daughter to be a test pilot, Emil. I want her to be a scientist!
00:34:59Control, we are in position at T-Niner Delta. Standing by to disengage and assume battleoid mode.
00:35:05All right, Lieutenant. Proceed with the maneuver.
00:35:18First phase of the maneuver complete. We are ready to attempt docking sequence.
00:35:22You know, this procedure's only been done in laboratory simulations.
00:35:26And every time, the Alphas have performed the maneuver perfectly.
00:35:30Proceeding with phase two. We are exchanging positions and preparing to re-engage.
00:35:35All systems are responding well.
00:35:37Go to phase three.
00:35:39Securing docking sequence.
00:35:42All systems are responding well.
00:35:44Go to phase three.
00:35:47Securing Alpha from battleoid mode.
00:35:52All right, I'll take mine in first, Karen. I'll reverse impulse boosters at one-seven-five.
00:36:00I'm home.
00:36:01That was absolutely perfect, Max. One of the smoothest linkups I've ever had the pleasure of witnessing.
00:36:07Okay, Karen, it's up to you. Steady now. Easy.
00:36:14There's a problem with the linkup. My reverse boosters are shorting out.
00:36:18She must abort the linkup and try again.
00:36:20The docking gear's not responding.
00:36:23Hold up, Karen. Pull up. Come on, pull up.
00:36:26The stabilizers are gone. The power surge must have been too much for them.
00:36:30Max, do something. You've got to help her.
00:36:33If that Alpha hits the atmosphere going at that speed, the whole thing will tear apart.
00:36:37Karen, you've got to at least try and get it stabilized.
00:36:42Good girl, you did it. Now maybe we can slow you down.
00:36:46I suppose you have a plan, Commander.
00:36:48I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a plan.
00:36:50Good. That makes me feel a lot better.
00:36:55Now try to extend your landing flaps. Create as much drag as you can.
00:36:59Yeah, there you go.
00:37:02Boy, this fan tail of yours. It's a mess. No wonder you had a problem.
00:37:07Now hang on, I'm kicking us into reverse.
00:37:13She did it, Doctor. She's regaining control of the ship.
00:37:17My manual stabilizers are coming on.
00:37:20I owe you my life, Commander.
00:37:22Well, you can buy me dinner and we'll call it even.
00:37:32Karen, thank goodness you're safe. That little escapade nearly gave me a heart attack.
00:37:36Well, if you were scared, imagine how I felt. I'm still shaking.
00:37:40This proves once and for all you have no business being a test pilot.
00:37:45Oh, Papa. I happen to believe I handled myself like a true professional, considering the circumstances.
00:37:51I'll say she did. Look, Dr. Penn, it wasn't your daughter's fault that the link-up was unsuccessful.
00:37:56You should take a look at the fan tail on that Alpha.
00:37:58It must have been bent out of shape on the transport that brought it up here.
00:38:00Nobody could have flown it any better.
00:38:02Frankly, it's a miracle she's still in one piece.
00:38:04I'm sure you mean well, Commander, but all this is beside the point.
00:38:07You know he's right, Papa. You just won't admit it.
00:38:09Perhaps he is right. It makes no difference.
00:38:11Excuse me, but I'd hate to see your daughter's talents go to waste.
00:38:15All I can say is she impressed me, and I'm a hard man to impress, Dr. Penn.
00:38:22Well, I am not impressed.
00:38:25Well, I am not impressed.
00:38:27I've other plans for you.
00:38:31Karen, a moment if you don't mind.
00:38:33You gonna bite my head off, too?
00:38:35Calm down. I was impressed with your performance today.
00:38:38You really mean it?
00:38:40I'm going to recommend you as a combat pilot for the expedition.
00:38:43Oh, thank you!
00:38:44Just a minute. Don't you think you're overstepping your authority a little bit?
00:38:48I'm sorry, Harry, but your daughter is old enough to make up her own mind.
00:38:52You can't hold on to them forever, my friend.
00:38:55Besides, if this mission should meet a hostile reception on Tyrol,
00:38:59we're going to need every able-bodied pilot we can lay our hands on.
00:39:05Rick Hunter finds his time filled with preparations for two radically different,
00:39:09but equally important events.
00:39:11The launch of the expeditionary force, and his wedding to Lisa Hayes.
00:39:15I hope Max is in. I want to hear how those pilot exams went.
00:39:27Hi, Maria. Is Max around?
00:39:29Well, speak of the devil. Come in here, mister.
00:39:31There's something you ought to see.
00:39:33Well, what do you think?
00:39:35Pardon me, but isn't it bad luck to see your fiancée in her wedding dress before the wedding?
00:39:38Rick, you don't believe that superstition.
00:39:40Besides, I'm not in my dress. I'm standing behind it.
00:39:44Show some respect, mister.
00:39:47Sorry about that.
00:39:48Understanding marriage is no excuse for relaxing discipline.
00:39:54I beg your pardon, General. Aren't you exceeding your authority?
00:39:57I can't help myself, ma'am. So take away my stripes, throw me in the brig,
00:40:00but please, not until the honeymoon's over.
00:40:03We'll consider it.
00:40:05Hmm. Sometimes I can't tell whether it's a marriage or a court-martial.
00:40:11Tesla, you are my master scientist. Tell me what you know.
00:40:14Is this moon as worthless as it seems?
00:40:17I have yet to find any trace of the flower of life,
00:40:20and most of the population is too old and sickly to serve as slave labor.
00:40:24I'm afraid there is very little of use to us here.
00:40:27Perhaps it will simply take more digging before we are able to find it.
00:40:31Come, Tesla. There is something I wish to discuss with you.
00:40:34Yes, of course.
00:40:36Come, Tesla. There is something I wish to discuss with you.
00:40:39Yes, my lord.
00:40:42Just because the Rageous is somewhat more highly evolved than I am,
00:40:46she treats me as though I just crawled out of the swamp.
00:40:49I fear she'll try to undermine my authority. That's why this mission must succeed.
00:40:53I understand.
00:40:55I'm placing you in charge of the search for the flower of life.
00:40:58You're the only one that I trust, Tesla.
00:41:00The inorganics will be your eyes and ears.
00:41:03Use them to uncover the secrets of this place.
00:41:06If this world holds any clue as to the whereabouts of the flower of life,
00:41:10I swear I will find it, my lord.
00:41:12See that you do.
00:41:16Bring me what I seek, Tesla, and I will make you master of your own planet.
00:41:20Fail, and I will leave you to rot on this ball of dust for all eternity.
00:41:27The time has come to strike a decisive blow against the Tiresians.
00:41:32That's why I had to program the living computer to coordinate an all-out assault on their capital.
00:41:38I'll bring them to their knees and force them to tell me where they've hidden the flower of life.
00:41:43The computer has formulated the plan of attack.
00:41:46Leave everything to me.
00:41:48However, if I may make a suggestion, my lord,
00:41:51we might be more likely to find what we seek by discovering the whereabouts of the thief who stole it from us.
00:41:56Find the flagship of the Robotech Master Zor, and we will find the flower of life.
00:42:00You really expect me to go searching for a ship that could be halfway across the universe?
00:42:05I have estimated that such a journey would drain considerably less energy from your reserves than this assault on the planet below, my lord.
00:42:13That may be, but nevertheless, we will proceed with the attack.
00:42:17I have already ordered our transports and gunships to abandon their positions in the outlying centers and mobilize over the Tiresian capital.
00:42:25If I am to be frustrated by this pathetic little planet, then my revenge will be swift and terrible!
00:42:34Rick, here's the progress report from Max.
00:42:36He says he's selected nearly 70% of the troops we'll need for the expedition.
00:42:40If it keeps going this well, he should be finished by tomorrow morning.
00:42:43Good. It sounds like everything's moving along right on schedule.
00:42:46Looks to me like our problems are pretty much behind us.
00:42:49Except for Colonel Edwards. I'm afraid he might end up being a problem.
00:42:52But Edwards has been with us since we began.
00:42:54The man kind of plays his own game. His ambition seems to be more important to him than the mission.
00:42:59You have some evidence to support this?
00:43:01Nothing concrete. I just don't trust him. There's something about him that ain't right.
00:43:04Well, Vince, it's too late for him to do much damage to us now.
00:43:07I'm not so sure. If something does happen, just remember I warned you.
00:43:11I'm concerned about you. If I didn't know you better, I'd suspect you were bucking for a promotion.
00:43:15But if that ever happened, you'd be miserable, and you wouldn't have time to worry about my problems.
00:43:20From this star chart, and assuming that the value of N remains constant, extrapolate the following.
00:43:27The best course from X to Y.
00:43:29Let me see. If you multiply the vector by the hyperspace factor and divide by...
00:43:34Wait. I don't remember what my vector's supposed to be.
00:43:38V? You have chosen V. That is incorrect.
00:43:41Hey, stop putting words in my mouth!
00:43:43Yeah, come in. It's open.
00:43:46I assume you're Jack Baker.
00:43:48That's right.
00:43:49With the Major General's compliments.
00:43:51It's to the wedding tomorrow. Everyone on board's invited.
00:43:54Cadet Baker, shall we continue the exam now?
00:44:01Cadet Baker, my thermosensors detect your presence in the room. Please respond.
00:44:06I got an invite to the General's wedding.
00:44:09Sorry for the rough treatment. Hope to see you soon aboard the SDF-3.
00:44:14It would seem your prospects are good, Cadet Baker. Nonetheless, you are going to have to finish this exam.
00:44:21Say, Rick, I don't mean to pry, but is anything the matter?
00:44:24People are saying you've been acting kind of moody the last couple of days.
00:44:27Matter? What could be the matter?
00:44:29Well, you got an excuse. It is the day before your wedding, after all.
00:44:32This won't hurt a bit.
00:44:36I'm just a little tired, that's all. It's exhausting having to supervise everything.
00:44:40All right, next.
00:44:41If nobody's ever been to the Fantoma system before, how do they know what to immunize us against? One of my many questions.
00:44:50You're right, Max. Something is the matter. But it's not the wedding.
00:44:54What then?
00:44:55Or should I say, it's not just the wedding.
00:44:57Every day I'm reminded of the enormity and importance of this expedition.
00:45:01Maybe, maybe it's too much for one man to be responsible for.
00:45:06Now don't start about how you're the youngest general in the history of the RDF, and about how you don't deserve it.
00:45:12You may be the youngest, but you also happen to be one of the best.
00:45:16The best and the brightest. That's me all over, isn't it, Max?
00:45:19Excuse me.
00:45:20Colonel Edwards, what the...
00:45:21General, it's come to my attention that you've expressed serious doubts as to my abilities as commander of the ground forces on this mission.
00:45:29I had hoped you'd come to me with any doubts you might have had, instead of discussing them with everyone else on board.
00:45:35Colonel, calm down. Nobody's questioning your personal abilities. I'm surprised you'd let rumors like that upset you.
00:45:40I'm sorry, but when I hear people questioning my competence and even my loyalty, I can't help but be a little upset.
00:45:46For what it's worth, I have complete faith in you, Colonel Edwards.
00:45:49Well, then, as long as that's understood.
00:45:51I do the best I can with the meager resources left to me, and I don't appreciate all this talking behind my back.
00:45:56Good day, sir.
00:45:59There, you see what I mean, Max?
00:46:00A couple of weeks ago, that paranoid schmo wouldn't have dreamed of talking to me in that tone of voice.
00:46:04But now, look at me. I'm Rick Hunter, everyone's doormat.
00:46:07Enough self-pity. You've got the command you've always wanted, and you're about to get married.
00:46:12We should all have such problems. Come on, snap out of it.
00:46:16I wish I could, Max. I wish I could.
00:46:24A penny for your thoughts.
00:46:25Is that all they're worth?
00:46:26A nickel?
00:46:31It bothers me that while we're all out chasing some crazy dream, the Earth will be almost defenseless.
00:46:35It's not crazy. If we succeed, we'll be ensuring the Earth's safety. Maybe forever.
00:46:40I know, I know. I'm not as mixed up as I sound.
00:46:42It's just all happening so fast. The mission, and getting married the morning before we leave.
00:46:47Oh, so that's what's bothering you.
00:46:48Don't forget you had nine years to prepare for this mission, not to mention our marriage.
00:46:52Don't tell me you're getting cold feet now.
00:46:54Of course not, Lisa.
00:46:57The following pilot cadets are to report to the simulator room at 0800 for final evaluation.
00:47:03Baker, Jack.
00:47:04This is it, Jack. A chance of a lifetime. Don't blow it.
00:47:08Donnelly, Terry.
00:47:16The problems and frustrations of a handful of humans has little meaning when seen in context with the major crisis facing the citizens of Tyrol.
00:47:25The situation is simple. Design a defense adequate to save the planet from destruction at the hands of a superior force.
00:47:33The solution is not as easily discovered.
00:47:36Trial and error does have its limitations, especially when there is no time for second chances.
00:47:45I don't understand, Cabal. Why do we have these poor creatures hooked up to the samples we took from that Invid contraption?
00:47:51I'm certain these little animals have some special biogenetic relationship with the Invid.
00:47:56Observe their response as the current passes through those samples.
00:48:02Amazing. The feedback from the process sends the little monsters into an absolute frenzy.
00:48:06There certainly seems to be a connection.
00:48:08Might they be what the Invid came here looking for?
00:48:12The alarm! The Invid must be attacking the capital!
00:48:15We've got to warn them!
00:48:29Bowie, that's enough. How about trying to be a grown-up for a few minutes? Is that too much to ask?
00:48:40The curtain's about to go up.
00:48:42Oh, uh...
00:48:45Here. I'm an expert when it comes to these things.
00:48:49There. It's a matter of finesse.
00:48:51Thanks a lot, Max. I guess I'm just a little clumsy this morning.
00:48:55You're lucky to have me for a best man.
00:48:57I'm grateful.
00:48:59Oh, hey, maybe you'll start a trend.
00:49:20You know, this all reminds me of how Rick and I were married once.
00:49:24Is that right? And does Lisa know this?
00:49:27I can't stop myself from thinking about what might have been.
00:49:31It's over. It's all ancient history.
00:49:34Yes, I suppose.
00:49:49We are now in position above the Tiresian capital.
00:49:53This day we shall either retrieve our precious flower of life or destroy the miserable race that stole it from us.
00:49:59Let the offensive begin!
00:50:20I will not be stopped!
00:50:44The city's defenses will never be able to stop them.
00:50:46We've got to abandon the lab to keep your research from falling into their hands.
00:50:50I've already devised our escape route.
00:50:52A code was programmed into the computer, opening a pathway to the catacombs below.
00:50:57Do we stay down here till the Invid leave?
00:51:00Till they leave? You're an optimist, my boy!
00:51:46This is Bioroid Squad 5. We are engaging the Invader.
00:52:16Initiate the second phase! Deploy the Inforcers!
00:53:17Just look at them, Cabal.
00:53:19They destroy our homeworld and march through the capital unopposed. It's humiliating.
00:53:23But inevitable with the Robotech masters away from the planet.
00:53:26We'll make the Invid pay for this somehow.
00:53:28If we survive.
00:53:31My lord, scanners still show negative on all fronts.
00:53:34You've scanned the capital and you're sure there's nowhere else the Tiresians might be hiding the flower of life?
00:53:40Negative, my lord. We would have detected even the slightest trace.
00:53:44Very well. I wash my hands of this wretched planet.
00:53:48Tesla, blast it to atoms!
00:53:50Ask me, my liege, should we exterminate this species before they've told us everything they know?
00:53:55Good point. Have your units round up any survivors they come across and prepare them for an Inquisition.
00:54:01We shall see if we can persuade them to tell us where the Robotech masters have taken the flowers of life.
00:54:07I shall descend and conduct the Inquisition myself. Inform me when you have secured the planet.
00:54:13Understood, my lord. It will be yours now.
00:54:22Deploy the mobile strike units. Smash all resistance, but secure non-combatants for interrogation.
00:54:43Deploy the mobile strike units.
00:55:14Deploy the mobile strike units.
00:55:35Are they bringing more prisoners in? These monsters must want us smothered alive.
00:55:41Shh! Calm down, they'll hear you.
00:55:43You, invader, what do you want from us?
00:55:45You know very well what I want. The flower of life. Tell me where it is.
00:55:51You think me a fool? There is no proto-culture factory.
00:55:54Tell me you insignificant little worm.
00:55:57He speaks the truth. We know nothing.
00:55:59We're but simple old men. The masters never told us of such things.
00:56:03My friend, I believe you. Enforcer, reward these citizens for their honesty.
00:56:10At once!
00:56:19It appears to be some kind of timing mechanism. What does it mean?
00:56:23It means our doom.
00:56:41The Invid history books will write of the inevitability of the Invid victory in the battle for the Robotech Master's homeworld.
00:56:49However, it is a day that historians from a different world will write about in a very different context.
00:56:56For the survivors of the First Robotech War, this day will be remembered as the culmination of a romance that was born in battle and ended in a voyage to the unknown.
00:57:08It is the day that Rick Hunter finally marries Lisa Hayes.
00:57:24Look at that. It's a packed house.
00:57:27Well, Max, let's move. Don't want to keep them waiting, do we?
00:57:33Oh, brother, I give up.
00:57:38To be continued
00:58:08I don't know, Janice. I may not be able to make it through the ceremony.
00:58:23Hang in there. We've got to sing afterwards.
00:58:26Who is it that gives this bride away?
00:58:28Sir, it is my honor to give this bride away.
00:58:31Very well. Will you please approach your bride to be?
00:58:39We are gathered here to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of matrimony.
00:58:45This is a special moment that will live forever in the hearts and minds of all those assembled here today.
00:58:51Rick Hunter, do you take this woman to be your wife?
00:58:55I do.
00:58:57Lisa Hayes, do you take this man to be your husband?
00:59:00I do.
00:59:03My friend, you are both shining examples for us all.
00:59:08Your marriage will be a union of devotion and love.
00:59:12And just as this ring shall endure, so shall the bond that is between you.
00:59:17Rick, repeat after me, this ring is a symbol of my love.
00:59:22This ring is a symbol of my love.
00:59:25Now say to her the words, with this ring I thee wed.
00:59:29With this ring I thee wed.
00:59:31And place it on her finger.
00:59:35By the power invested in me by the Supreme Council of the United Earth Government,
00:59:39I now pronounce you man and wife.
00:59:42It's customary to kiss the bride, if I'm not mistaken.
01:00:02Oh, my God!
01:00:04Oh, my God!
01:00:31All right, I want to get a shot of you and the cake.
01:00:33I know, let's get one of you feeding your husband a piece.
01:00:39Oh, yeah, that's real cute. Fabulous.
01:00:49Why wait in line when I can just help myself?
01:00:51Oh, no, you don't.
01:00:52Hey, what's your problem? Give it back to me.
01:00:54Listen, bully, I've had my eye on this piece of cake all along.
01:00:56Yeah, but I got here first.
01:00:57Give me it.
01:01:00All right, ladies and gentlemen, a special surprise for you.
01:01:04Minmay and Janice have agreed to sing for us.
01:01:10Minmay came in spite of everything.
01:01:12I'm so glad she's chosen to be our friend.
01:01:15I'm sure this can't be easy for her.
01:01:17She's a very special person.
01:01:29As we face this rain
01:01:34As we unite in harmony
01:01:40We can begin to live the dream
01:01:45The dream that's meant for you and me
01:01:51To be together
01:01:55For the first time in our lives
01:02:01As married man and wife
01:02:03We'll be together from now on
01:02:07Until death do us part
01:02:10And even then I hope our heaven lasts forever
01:02:17I promise to be always true
01:02:20Until the very end with you
01:02:23In good times and in bad times too
01:02:27I know that we can make it through
01:02:31As one united we'll be strong
01:02:37Because together we belong
01:02:44If I could sing to you a song
01:02:48I'd sing of love that won't go wrong
01:02:55If we're together
01:02:58We'll make a brand new life for us
01:03:05As married man and wife
01:03:08We'll be together from now on
01:03:12Until death do us part
01:03:14And even then I hope our heaven lasts forever
01:03:25I know I shouldn't be asking you two this,
01:03:27but what sort of wedding gift do you get somebody
01:03:29who's flying off to the other side of the universe?
01:03:32This must be the biggest reception we've ever played.
01:03:34Hello there, you sang beautifully.
01:03:36Oh, thank you.
01:03:38The name's Wolf.
01:03:39Do you know how long I've wanted to meet you?
01:03:42No, try humming a few bars.
01:03:44Oh, I'm sorry, you were talking to Minmay, not me.
01:03:47Excuse me.
01:03:49Don't mind Janna, she has a very odd sense of humor.
01:03:52Oh, I think I see someone I've got to talk to.
01:03:55So long.
01:03:56Having a good time, sir?
01:03:58Yes, Karen, but I hope you're not enjoying yourself too much.
01:04:01Why's that?
01:04:02Your preliminary training starts at five tomorrow morning.
01:04:05Oh, do I get a wake-up call?
01:04:08You're the one who wanted to be a pilot.
01:04:10Allow me, I'm pretty handy with hardware.
01:04:12Cadet Penn, meet Cadet Baker.
01:04:14The pleasure is 90% mine.
01:04:17Don't mention it.
01:04:18You can just consider me at your service.
01:04:20Oh, I couldn't do that.
01:04:22Suit yourself, but you're missing a great opportunity.
01:04:25So long.
01:04:27He's one of your pilots?
01:04:29Mm-hmm, he's a bit of a hotshot.
01:04:31That's the sort of person that you'll be wasting your time with from now on.
01:04:36I'm not so sure it's a waste of time.
01:04:39There's something about him.
01:04:45Hey, Bowie, it tastes better in your tummy than splattered all over your face, doesn't it?
01:04:49Oh, be quiet.
01:05:02Well, the time's come for me to toss out the bridal bouquet.
01:05:05It's the moment you've all been waiting for, girls.
01:05:07If any of you hopes to remain single, I suggest you stay out of the line of fire.
01:05:11Here goes!
01:05:27See you all after the honeymoon.
01:05:29Yeah, about five hours from now.
01:05:31Come on.
01:05:38Amazing! They finally did it.
01:05:41Pinch me, I think I'm dreaming.
01:05:50It's over.
01:05:52Now I've got to get on with the rest of my life.
01:05:57Goodbye, Rick.
01:06:06My husband's ignorance and stubbornness are enough to drive me mad.
01:06:10He is in every way my intellectual and spiritual inferior,
01:06:14a de-evolutionized barbarian.
01:06:16And yet his will is strong.
01:06:18When I am with him, I feel his mind reaching out to me, trying to smother me.
01:06:22He is jealous of my evolutionary achievements and would pull me down to his level.
01:06:27That is why I have returned to Abterra, the homeworld of our civilization,
01:06:32in order to free my mind of his influence.
01:06:37Now I see the path I must take.
01:06:39No longer will I be subservient to the Regent.
01:06:42No longer will I be subservient to the Regent.
01:06:45The time has come to act on my own.
01:06:47If the Invid Flower of Life is to be found, then I am the one who will find it.
01:06:52Not by blasting some insignificant little world into dust,
01:06:55but by tracking down the flagship of the Robotech Master, Zor.
01:06:59I will go to Hadon V and activate the Sensor Nebula.
01:07:03No matter where Zor's ship may be,
01:07:05even though it lies beyond the farthest fringe of the cosmos,
01:07:09the Sensor Nebula will find it.
01:07:11Then at last I will take the flower back from the thief who betrayed me
01:07:15and woe to anyone who would stand in my way!
01:07:41To be continued...
01:08:11To be continued...
01:08:41To be continued...
01:09:11To be continued...
01:09:41To be continued...