Sunday morning forecast 06/06/21

  • 2 days ago
06 June - National weather forecast
00:00Hello. The best of Sunday's weather will be in the north.
00:03Elsewhere, it will be cloudier with some rain and some heavy afternoon showers.
00:08There'll be some showers at first on Saturday evening for Northern Ireland and Scotland,
00:12but these will clear away, leaving some clear swells.
00:15Elsewhere, rain across Wales and the south-west will spread north-eastwards through the night,
00:19although the far south-east of England is likely to stay dry.
00:24Temperatures falling into single figures under clearer skies in Scotland,
00:27but milder elsewhere under any cloud.
00:30So, Sunday starts on a cloudy note across parts of England and Wales,
00:34with outbreaks of rain and perhaps the odd heavier burst across parts of the south and south-west.
00:39Now, that rain will tend to fragment in the afternoon,
00:42with sharp showers breaking out elsewhere across England and Wales.
00:47Best of the weather in the north and north-west, with some decent sunny spells here,
00:51temperatures peaking in the low to mid-twenties, where the sun stays out for the longest.
00:56On Sunday evening, the patchy rain and heavy showers
00:59will tend to continue across parts of England and east Wales,
01:03but dry for most across Northern Ireland and Scotland, with a fine end to the day here.
01:09And looking ahead to Monday, there'll be some heavy and thundery showers across parts of England,
01:14but still some warm sunshine away from those showers.
