Weekend weather - Rain, wind, large waves 26/09/19

  • 2 days ago
An unsettled, autumnal weekend’s expected, especially for parts of Wales and England with heavy rain, strong winds, coastal gales and large waves. But there will also be some interludes of fine weather – find out when and where with Met Office meteor


00:00Hello, and welcome to the Met Office forecast for the weekend. An action-packed weekend
00:05of autumnal weather coming up. Lots going on. There will certainly be rain at times,
00:10some places particularly wet, and it will be windy, especially for Wales and England
00:16in locations around coastal areas, risk of gales, and those gales likely to coincide
00:22in some places with high astronomical tides. So that brings the threat of some particularly
00:29big waves. You can see the isobars as we start off the weekend fairly tightly packed
00:33across England and Wales. Risk winds here, but for Scotland and Northern Ireland, a slow-moving
00:38area of low pressure and slow-moving showers. Actually, for much of central and northern
00:44Scotland, it's a dry and bright start, albeit with a chill in the air. For the Northern
00:48Isles, some persistent wet weather, and that pushes into Caithness and the far north-east
00:52of Aberdeenshire through Saturday. Otherwise, across Northern Ireland into northern and
00:57western England as well as Wales. Showers coming through, and then they move their way
01:00eastwards by Saturday afternoon. Some heavy downpours out there, but a brisk breeze carries
01:05them through. 30, 40-mile-per-hour gusts around southern and western coasts. Feeling cool
01:10with that breeze, but it turns even windier and cloudier later Saturday as this low starts
01:16to move in. This low actually deepens as it crosses the country on Saturday night, and
01:21that brings some uncertainty to the forecast in terms of its exact depth by the time we
01:26get to late Sunday. More on that and why it's important in a moment, but certainly
01:31it's going to bring some wet weather initially on Saturday night into northern and western
01:35England as well as Wales. Over the hills, Wales, south Pennines, in these locations
01:40will already have seen quite a number of showers over the next few days, and 30 to 40 miles
01:46in just a few hours on Saturday night could bring some flooding impacts. Yellow warning
01:51in force. The wet weather sweeps across much of England and Wales, as well as Northern
01:55Ireland on Saturday night. By Sunday morning, some uncertainty in terms of how far north
02:01it goes across southern and central Scotland, whether it affects the central belt as we
02:05start the day or not. That's open to doubt. Otherwise, the rain gets replaced by showers
02:10across much of England and Wales, and the winds a key feature by this stage. Saturday
02:15night into the first part of Sunday across the coastal parts of Wales and southern England.
02:2150 mph gusts coinciding early on with high tides could bring some impacts to coastal
02:27areas, so big waves, spray, overtopping waves, that sort of thing. Some brighter skies as
02:34the main area of rain moves through, but potential for some torrential showers to develop across
02:39eastern England into Sunday afternoon. That's certainly something we'll be watching closely.
02:44The rain persistent there across northern England and the far south of Scotland, but
02:48the north of Scotland sees brighter skies and a few showers come in on a cool northerly.
02:53And it's that northerly that could cause us problems later Sunday, because as this low
02:58moves away, remember it's potentially still deepening at this stage, well it's likely
03:04to bring a swathe of strong winds all the way from the north of Scotland into the North
03:08Sea coast of England. And, depending on the exact depth of that low, well these winds
03:13could cause problems. Again, coastal gales possible, and coinciding with those high tides
03:20there is the risk of coastal impacts with big waves and spray and so on. But still some
03:26days away, so the exact details of how this low will behave and the strength of the winds
03:31and the coastal impacts, still some uncertainty there. Otherwise clearing skies behind that,
03:36there is some improvement in the weather there for the start of next week, but certainly
03:41before we get there, lots to talk about for this weekend. The winds, a key feature for
03:46southern and eastern Britain, and the coastal impacts as well, worth keeping an eye on.
03:51Not to mention the rainfall. Wales and the South Pennines, yellow warning there for some
03:56heavy rainfall and the risk of flooding. So lots to keep an eye on over the next couple
04:00of days, and you can follow all the very latest by following the Met Office on social media.
04:05Bye bye.
