Week Ahead - Weather warnings in force for heavy rain.

  • 2 days ago
This week sees more heavy rain across much of the UK and weather warnings are in force. With low pressure dominating all week sunshine will be limited but parts of western Scotland and Norther Ireland will see some blue skies.


00:00Hello. Welcome to the weather for the
00:02week ahead from the Met Office.
00:03Rain, heavy rain is
00:05the key factor in the forecast for the
00:07next few days.
00:07There are warnings in force.
00:09The rain may well cause some
00:11problems in places now for a
00:13whole week across the whole of the UK.
00:14It's not going to rain everywhere.
00:16There will be some places that
00:17enjoy a bit of sunshine, some more
00:19than others.
00:20But the main message is that, as I
00:22say, most places are going to see a
00:24fair bit of rain over the next five
00:26to seven days.
00:27Why so? Well, because low
00:29pressure is in control.
00:30This area of low pressure dominating
00:32through the first part of the week.
00:33This weather front in particular,
00:35just kind of straddling central
00:36areas, bringing persistent rain.
00:39The low does tend to edge northward,
00:41shifting the rain around a little
00:42bit come the end of the week
00:44and more out to the west by the time
00:46we get to Friday.
00:47But with low pressure this close,
00:49showers are never going
00:51to be too far away.
00:52Let's put a little bit of detail on
00:54then. As I say, there are warnings
00:55in force, particularly under this
00:57zone of wet weather through
01:00It's that weather front we saw
01:01earlier. It's not shifting too far.
01:03And if you're stuck under that all
01:04day, well, the rain could really be
01:05building up.
01:06There's a brisk wind coming in from
01:08the North Sea.
01:09So parts of eastern England in
01:10particular having a very soggy
01:12and cold day.
01:13It's a brighter day across the
01:14southeast compared to Monday.
01:16Some sunshine, but that could spark
01:17one or two showers.
01:18And heavy showers are also likely
01:20across southwest England.
01:22Again, dropping a lot of rain in a
01:24short space of time.
01:25Southern Scotland, Northern Ireland
01:27largely dry and bright on Tuesday.
01:29And it's here where we could see
01:30some of the highest temperatures,
01:3115, 16 degrees.
01:32Also in the southeast, it should
01:34be a lot warmer than Monday with a
01:36bit more sunshine, but stuck under
01:37that zone.
01:39Thick cloud and outbreaks of rain,
01:4011 or 12 Celsius at best.
01:42That's going to feel fairly bleak.
01:45Into Wednesday.
01:46That low pressure still in control
01:47and that weather front hasn't
01:48shifted. The isobar still pretty
01:50close together.
01:51The winds coming in from the
01:53northeast, bringing a cool
01:55feel, even if you've got some sunny
01:57Western Scotland, again, looking
01:59largely dry and bright and a good
02:01part of Northern Ireland, too.
02:02But there's that zone of wet weather
02:04again. The rainfall totals
02:06really building up through the
02:08middle part of the week.
02:09So there is the potential for some
02:10flooding issues.
02:12In the south, again, we're back to
02:13some sunshine, but that will
02:15spark some heavy showers come
02:17the afternoon. They'll be hit and
02:18miss. Not everywhere we'll catch
02:19one, but they could be, let's say,
02:21potentially giving some problems
02:23because the ground has seen so
02:25much rain over recent days.
02:27Fast forward to Thursday and by
02:29then, at least the low is starting
02:30to shift north and that weather
02:31front changing orientation.
02:34Some uncertainty about the position
02:36of it, but it does look as if we'll
02:37see more persistent rain moving
02:38across Scotland towards the end of
02:40the week. Again, parts of Northern
02:41Ireland may well stay dry and
02:43bright. But that zone of wetter
02:45weather pushing northwards, it
02:46means it may turn a bit drier
02:48across parts of the Midlands and
02:49eventually across parts of Wales
02:51and northwest England, too.
02:53Stay tuned for updates on that
02:55because that weather front, I say,
02:56could be in a slightly different
02:57position. Wherever it's lying,
02:59it's not going to allow much
03:00warmth around temperatures where
03:02it stays dull and damp all day.
03:04Eleven or twelve, bit of sunshine
03:05in the south. We could get into
03:07the mid to high teens.
03:08But again, that may spark
03:10some heavy showers.
03:11By the time we get to Friday, that
03:13low's toppled out into the
03:15Atlantic, into a more
03:17classical position, I guess you
03:18could say, for low pressure
03:20sitting close to the UK.
03:21But that will then still be
03:23bringing a mixture of sunshine
03:25and showers. It does look as if by
03:26Friday, at least these eastern
03:27parts of England should be a
03:29little bit drier and a little bit
03:30brighter. With the low further
03:32west, that's where we'll see more
03:34of the showers by the time we get
03:35to Friday. And again,
03:37temperatures, well, mid-teens
03:38at best when the sun pops out
03:40between the showers, maybe
03:4219 or 20 across the
03:43southeast. The wind's shifting
03:45direction now coming from the
03:46southwest rather than
03:48the northeast. And that low
03:49pressure, well, doesn't really
03:51shift even into the weekend.
03:53It'll be losing some of its
03:54potency, the isobars perhaps
03:55spreading out a little bit.
03:56But nevertheless,
03:58with low pressure that close,
03:59again, showers are likely to
04:01continue on and off into the
04:03weekend. There are weather
04:04warnings in force for that
04:06heavy rain.
04:07Make sure you stay up to date
04:08with the very latest.
04:10You can get the weather warnings
04:12on our app.
04:13Easy way to keep up to date is by
04:14following us on social media.
