Inanimate Insanity II Episode 17 ''Through No Choice of Your Own''

  • 2 days ago
00:00Marshmallow, have you really been here all this time?
00:04We thought you were missing!
00:06Just because I was off the show?
00:07No, because you came here and didn't tell anyone!
00:09Um, in her defense, she told me!
00:12Paintbrush, I tried to talk to you about coming back to the mansion, you just never listened!
00:18That sounds important!
00:19If I wasn't listening, I think I'd remember!
00:21Oh, I see the problem.
00:23Look, you wanted to lead the team, so you always had a fire to put out.
00:28Or a fire to start.
00:29It's the game for ya!
00:31It's like it takes over your entire life.
00:36I never knew you felt that way.
00:38I mean, neither did I, till I started talking things out with Bow.
00:42The idea of leaving it all behind just didn't even feel like a... like an option at the
00:52I know what you mean.
01:00Like we couldn't just break the rules and do whatever we want.
01:04Like, there's a way we're supposed to act.
01:12The show brings out the worst in us.
01:17I'll be the first to admit, I can be a little possessive sometimes.
01:21And I literally possessed her!
01:23That's what I just said!
01:24Yeah, as much as I used to love rewatching Ayai, I don't know if I could ever stand
01:29to go back and see how annoying I was.
01:33Fair enough.
01:34Don't even get me started on Knife.
01:37He would kill me.
01:38Like, actually kill me.
01:39He'd shock me.
01:40Burn me.
01:41One time, he just up and threw me clear across the island!
01:42And for what?
01:43A joke?
01:44Ugh, tell me about it!
01:45That stupid show cost me my life, and to come back, I had to-
01:56No, that scream can't be a coincidence.
01:58It sounds exactly like them, right Test Tube?
02:01Test Tube?
02:03Uh, a new meat bone!
02:08Test Tube!
02:11And that's about it.
02:13So, any questions?
02:15Oh, it's fine, it's fine.
02:19I was due for an upgrade anyway.
02:20He's still there, Four?
02:25Would you be more comfortable talking to Adam?
02:28No, no, you made him.
02:30That was just you.
02:31But you made them.
02:32They're just you.
02:33But why-
02:34Shh, grown-ups are talking.
02:37Don't talk to them like that.
02:38If you've never respected them, why should I?
02:42If you-
02:43Did you-
02:44Go on, sound it out.
02:46Why did you make me like this?
02:48Like, like what?
02:51Everything I see, what even is it?
02:55My friends, my mind, my life, were they even mine?
02:59I didn't set out to-
03:00Break us down?
03:01Torture us?
03:02Spam hoards just never give up, huh?
03:05Hey tissues, must suck to always be sick all the time, wouldn't wish that on anyone.
03:11MePhone would.
03:12It's funny to him.
03:14A big joke.
03:16What does he mean?
03:17I'm- I'm a joke?
03:21Of course not, you're-
03:22It was just a cute idea.
03:28Well try living like that, like there's always something wrong with you.
03:33Something you can't ever really fix.
03:37She's right.
03:38We could have been anything, but you made us broken.
03:42Cause, cause it's all I know.
03:47Tissues, let me exp-
03:52He hung up on you.
03:53So that's it then?
03:54Everything we've been through was leading to this?
03:57Gotta say, not very satisfying.
04:00Clearly programmed by a kid with no idea what he was doing.
04:04How did we never see through this?
04:06You only saw what he let you see.
04:08He could literally freeze you all in time while working on another project, and you
04:12wouldn't even know the difference.
04:13Like an old save file, right where he left it.
04:17Gotta say, all that stuff that never made sense, is starting to make sense.
04:24Well, how do you want to end the show?
04:32I just wanted to check in on you.
04:37What's wrong?
04:38I can't stay hiding here.
04:39I need to do something.
04:40They think I don't care what happens to them.
04:42Then if you want to prove to them you do, you'll stay.
04:46You feel a need to face Cobbs, and it is understandable why, but to pursue such closure would be a
04:51selfish act.
04:52Remember, if you die, there goes everyone's chance at a revival system.
04:57Y-you don't get it.
04:59I know.
05:00I'm responsible for them, but I could never truly know what you feel as their host.
05:05Their host?
05:06Come, join us out here.
05:08They are making you proud.
05:12Okay, Yin, what do you see?
05:14I see...
05:15I see...
05:16A Miphon!
05:17B-but not our Miphon!
05:21Sorry, Yin should have clarified.
05:24You can see them too, right?
05:27I'm afraid, for once, we have the same point of view again!
05:36There you are!
05:37Okay, it's been pretty rough, but we're piecing together what's happening, and I think we're
05:41finally on the upswing here.
05:48Alright, stand to attention.
05:49Come on, off the couch.
05:51Leave the fridge.
05:52Unplug that game.
05:53We have no time to lose.
05:54B-but it was Pickle's favorite.
05:56We'll have other opportunities to memorialize him.
05:59It's true.
06:00I'll be planning a slam poetry night to remember the fallen.
06:04W-what makes you think you won't die too?
06:06Don't say that.
06:07I'm not gonna bomb.
06:09But if you get to go out there, you are gonna bomb.
06:13Okay, y'all, we're going to form a circle of protection.
06:16Miphon, you get in the middle.
06:17Oh, that won't be necessary.
06:19I don't deserve all that.
06:20It'll serve two purposes.
06:22Guarding you, and also so we know where everyone is at all times.
06:27Come on, round up.
06:28This only works if we have everyone.
06:30Not to worry.
06:31With my buy-in, the others are sure to follow.
06:34Sorry, who is this guy again?
06:36Where's Suitcase?
06:37She and Knife are in the final challenge.
06:39Just think, next time we see them, we'll know who won.
06:42I just hope she's okay.
06:44What's the challenge anyway, Miphon?
06:46Wait, we still don't have everyone.
06:48My former fellow lights!
06:50I downplayed the darkness and let them leave.
06:52I need to get them back here now.
06:54You got this.
06:55I'll do my best to look after them.
06:56Oh, Captain, my Captain.
06:58Our fearful trip will soon be done, matey-ar.
07:02I'm latching on!
07:03What else is new?
07:05Okay, I'm sorry.
07:07Look, I'm clearly a little feisty ever since my boyfriend died.
07:11B is not your boyfriend!
07:13You think I don't know that?
07:14Just leave me be!
07:17Obviously, now he's my ex.
07:19I just want you all to know that no matter what happens,
07:22this is what I have longed to see.
07:24Everyone working together.
07:26Trusting each other.
07:28I may not be in service of the game,
07:30but I am in service to you.
07:32You all are.
07:33To each other.
07:34There's still someone else we need to join us.
07:37Of course.
07:38But after what happened,
07:40I do not know if I can get through to her.
07:42We have to try.
07:43You're our best chance.
07:46We'll find each other.
07:47We just both have to click.
07:48A double click.
07:53I'll have it all set up on the ship.
07:55Just a couple things I want to check on first.
07:57But it'll give you some time to process.
08:00I know you need it.
08:02So, what's the challenge?
08:04Now, I didn't want to overthink this.
08:07Like I said, I think the whole thrust of the show is the eliminations.
08:11Narrowing it down one by one.
08:13That's what inspired me to delete contestants in the first place.
08:16And hey, once you put that wire from MeCloud into 4,
08:19I was able to hijack MeLife to do just that.
08:22I mean, it really is amazing.
08:24An artificial life form created its own life.
08:28All of them technological marvels.
08:30No, miracles.
08:32And out of all of those miracles,
08:34which one is the best of the best?
08:37I need a definitive answer.
08:40So, I'm thinking a simple fight to the death.
08:45Oh, don't act so surprised.
08:47Seriously, you'll glitch yourselves out.
08:49Come on, you care about winning, right?
08:51Don't you want to know which one of you deserves it the most?
08:54Which one of you was made to win?
09:00Trust me, whichever one of you wins,
09:02once you know how it feels, you'll thank me.
09:05And no funny business, or I'll pull the plug on everything right now.
09:09Literally, I can do that.
09:11Then everything MeLife has ever generated
09:14Then everything MeLife has ever generated
09:18Gone in an instant.
09:20Then I'll plug it back in and make something new.
09:23A clean slate.
09:24Oh, and that's what Me was really for, by the way.
09:29One more thing.
09:30However this fight goes down,
09:31just please make it good.
09:34You can phone it in for so many episodes and no one even remembers,
09:38but this is the finale.
09:40People hate when a show goes out on a whimper.
09:43Just ruins the whole run.
09:44I have a brand to protect here, got that?
09:47Okay, thank you.
09:48Wait, what will you do with that egg that 3GS got for you?
09:53From the Phenoms?
09:54Well, that's what I always called them.
09:57Wouldn't you like to know?
09:59Oh, I'm afraid I already used that little egg a long time ago.
10:04But maybe, if you're lucky,
10:06its family will make it here in time for the end of the show,
10:10and you'll get to see what this ship can do to them.
10:19Test tube, test tube, wake up!
10:21Oh, I knew this day would come!
10:23They finally took their revenge!
10:25Whose revenge?
10:26What are you talking about?
10:27Don't you see?
10:28We denied cops the egg,
10:30and she made a non-Meeple phone for me!
10:33Our whole relationship is founded on rebelling against Meeple.
10:38Because we fought those two killer Meephones the night of the old moon.
10:42Though, in fairness, they didn't put up much of a fight.
10:45Every generation got worse and worse.
10:46The quality just really fell off.
10:47I don't know how it got so bad.
10:48Really, it's crazy.
10:51I think she's gone.
10:53No, she can't just be gone!
10:55Bo, it seemed like you were gone forever, but then-
10:57Yeah, and you just forgot about me.
10:59Can we talk about that?
11:00Trust me, we definitely didn't just forget-
11:02Alright, look, that's a subject for another day.
11:04Anyway, you seemed gone forever.
11:06But now you're here!
11:07Well, yeah.
11:09That's not a well yeah! How did that happen?
11:12Oh, that's just my tale story. You've all heard it a thousand times.
11:15Uh, of course!
11:17We just love paying attention to it so much that we'd love to hear it again!
11:22Fine. So I was floating in utter nothingness for like-
11:25The emergency signal!
11:26That's it! If no one cares about my stories, then I'm gonna stop sharing them!
11:31And yet you stay on social media.
11:35How do you-
11:36I hear everything, remember? Plus, I axe baseball.
11:40I see.
11:41So, I heard you hosted a challenge, wanted everyone to quit, cause I did.
11:48You know word travels when you pull wild stuff like that, right?
11:51I promise, I didn't tell anyone that we-
11:53I know you didn't.
11:55You know, it's funny. I always kind of thought the first chance you got to drop me, you would.
12:01But you never did.
12:02Well, you beat me to it.
12:05So, how'd that go?
12:07I didn't use violence. I know you don't approve of that.
12:09It's also bad in general. Just FYI.
12:13He hates me. And of course he does. I don't know why I thought this would be a good idea.
12:18Taco, that's not why you apologize. You did a bad thing.
12:23You don't say sorry to make it better, you say sorry cause it's the right thing to do.
12:36See? Like that. Now come on, baseball needs us to make a shape or something.
12:41Look, at least he's trying.
12:43I miss when he didn't.
12:48So, how are you holding up?
12:51Eh, racing for a fight to the death mode. You?
12:55I used to not be sure what was real or fake, but now I guess maybe it's all fake.
13:11You do realize they only care about you when there's something you can give to them, right?
13:17You know, I was doing just fine without you.
13:19Balloon, I don't know when it happened, but I'm glad you're accepting-
13:24Don't you realize I don't need you anymore?
13:29No, you're not real.
13:31Come on, suitcase, you idiot. None of us are.
13:34We never were. We're just fakes of fakes.
13:37I thought you were smarter than this.
13:41Okay, show's over. You're done.
13:44It can't be. It can't end like this.
13:50Suitcase? Suitcase?
13:52Suitcase? Come on, you still with me?
13:55I don't know.
14:10Come on, light bulb, where are you?
14:12Just prepare yourself. She might be gone too.
14:16Can we talk about something else, please?
14:18I've really come to love these mountains.
14:21They remind me of the patterns on egg.
14:23Isn't that amazing?
14:24How two pieces from two different worlds could have something in common.
14:27Are you about to tell me your theory on how they're secretly connected?
14:31I've definitely thought about it, but it just doesn't make se-
14:34Wait, they're not all there.
14:38Some of them are missing.
14:40And on the same day, some of us are going missing?
14:43Yes. Yes, I knew there was a reason.
14:46Why the Mii Phones have been getting worse and worse.
14:49Why Bo sounded like egg.
14:51It all ties together.
14:53Get to the thesis already.
14:55Mii Phone must have made those mountains, so they're a part of Mii Life.
14:58And so are contestants, since we have the Mii Life icons.
15:00But Bo's not connected to Mii Life, not anymore.
15:03So she can't be deleted.
15:05But if you try to delete her, or anyone on the same network,
15:07it must create this weird glitch in the system that emits this sound.
15:11A sound that comes straight from the source of what powers Mii Phone.
15:15Don't you get it?
15:16The Shimmers are going to return here with their guard down since we're allies.
15:20Thinking that sound is coming from their other lost egg.
15:22Finally found, but that's not it.
15:25The other egg the Shimmers lost is part of Mii Phone 4.
15:30That's what makes them superior to the other Mii Phones.
15:32That's why Cogs wants more eggs.
15:34Finally, everything makes sense.
15:36We have to do something!
15:39You got all that from mountains?
15:41Mountains out of molehills, paintbrush!
15:44Oh no.
15:45I know too much.
15:47See ya, test tube.
15:55It isn't safe!
15:56Everyone's getting erased!
15:57We need to come together!
16:03It's about to be lights out for me.
16:04But Knife and Suitcase, they're at Mii Cloud to stop Cogs.
16:07And I bet they can use your help.
16:08Lightbulb, just run!
16:10Where is it?
16:11Where is it?
16:13Panty, I know you obviously never wanted this before,
16:15but it's time for you to be the leader.
16:37It keeps getting louder.
16:38But why?
16:44How did you do it?
16:46Some of them haven't seen me in years.
16:48So what?
16:49There's bigger things going on.
16:51Just act natural.
16:55I, uh, found someone.
16:58Not Choco!
17:00No, no, no.
17:01All she wants is to help.
17:03And I mean it this time.
17:04You didn't mean it last time.
17:06Say, is that Spectre Spotters?
17:09Pickle used to love this game.
17:12That's supposed to be unplugged.
17:14W-w-w-watching me?
17:15Look, whoever did this...
17:17Games are not the focus right now!
17:24Games are not their focus.
17:27It is the wires.
17:28Uh, to toilet?
17:37Mr. Phone?
17:39Toilet, what are you doing?
17:41Mr. Phone?
17:42Don't you know I'm in training?
17:44He told me this is how I become a good assistant.
17:47Who did?
17:50Not the corn man!
17:58There you are!
18:00Master Adam?
18:01You're back!
18:02Yes, I hired you.
18:04And MePhone wants to fire you.
18:06Oh, oh no.
18:07He was pretty mad.
18:09But you can do better.
18:10You just need practice.
18:12I don't think I believe you.
18:15Then don't take my word for it.
18:16Listen to Brian and Justin.
18:18We built a training simulator just for you.
18:21It'll make you see what it's like to be a MePhone.
18:24Discover the menial tasks that assistants should handle.
18:28And best of all, we're completely real.
18:32You really think I could do it?
18:34If you try hard enough, you could be the perfect assistant.
18:38So I've been trying to help everyone.
18:41But each time I go after someone, they keep trying to get away from me.
18:45Then they start yelling and screaming right in my face.
18:49Just like my real job.
18:51Toilet, where are you right now?
18:54It's a bit confusing.
18:55Because I'm not really here.
18:57I'm on a sailboat.
18:59But it's not really a sailboat.
19:01It's a spaceship.
19:03A spaceship?
19:10Mr. Cobbs, I did it.
19:12The same one I made.
19:14How I escaped with you.
19:16Wow! You made this?
19:18Good job!
19:19It looks old, but works like new.
19:22What a charming combination!
19:25Toilet, listen to me carefully.
19:27This is not a training session.
19:30You're not just saying that so I'll fail the simulator, are you?
19:33No, I assure you, everyone here is very much real.
19:37Then why is Mr. Phone looking like that?
19:40Me? I don't look like anything.
19:42But you do!
19:43In the simulator, I've been studying what makes you tick.
19:47And that's the face you make when you're hiding something.
19:49Trust me, I see it a lot.
19:51Not to worry, he's not hiding anything.
19:54Not anymore.
19:57Oh, me phone? No.
19:59You can't just avoid it.
20:00It won't go away.
20:02Then I guess we're doing this now.
20:04Everyone, I have something I need to tell you all.
20:13Come on, come back to me.
20:16Don't you hear screams?
20:19They need to get louder.
20:24Just think.
20:25All those years with only one egg.
20:28Pretty soon, you'll have the whole omelette.
20:35And that's about it.
20:37So, any questions?
20:41MePhone, are you sure this is the right place?
20:46MePhone, are you just allergic to the truth?
20:51I didn't know the truth until very recently.
20:53I only started hiding it very recently.
20:56So you expect us to believe you thought a bunch of contestants
21:00exactly like the ones you pictured in your head just showed up out of nowhere?
21:05Were you born yesterday?
21:06Well, I was only a few months old.
21:08I think you made us just to suffer.
21:10Is that why I could never do anything right?
21:12Evil Paper, was that your idea?
21:14Because it was pretty reductive.
21:16Contestants, please get behind me.
21:18Everyone, just stop. Stop!
21:21I did not make this show to torment you.
21:24I was tormented.
21:26Yeah, it was a mess and crude.
21:28But it gave me hope that at the end of the day,
21:31no matter how hard it got,
21:33someone was going to win.
21:35Everyone had a chance.
21:37No, one person had a chance.
21:41But everyone wanted to be that one person.
21:44I have given you a lot of grace, MePhone.
21:46You saved me, and I will always be grateful for that.
21:50I even gave you another chance.
21:53But at this point, I just cannot believe
21:55that you hold these contestants' best interests at heart.
22:02Toilet, if you can find Knife and Suitcase,
22:04just pass the message down that I'm sorry.
22:07Don't worry! I'll make it right for you, Mr. Phone!
22:10You're a better assistant than me, Toilets.
22:13Oh, MePad, it was never a competition.
22:17You taught me that.
22:20Hey, why is your progress stalled?
22:22Y-you're not master!
22:32Hotel OJ has been compromised.
22:34Find a replace.
22:38Just stay together! We can-
22:52Come on, scream.
23:03Anyone here?
23:05M-my bad.
23:07I didn't know this one was occupied.
23:09Toilet? Is that you?
23:12Suitcase! Knife! You there?
23:14I have an important message for you.
23:17What is it?
23:18Mr. Phone is sorry!
23:21Is that it?
23:22He told me everything.
23:24How he made you all sub-conscience-like.
23:27Oh, and he made this ship too.
23:30Sure, what didn't he make?
23:32What's going on, Toilet?
23:34Listen, this may come as a shock to you,
23:39but I may have made a mistake.
23:42But I want to fix it!
23:44I just don't know how!
23:46Well, I'll give him this.
23:48Hephone was right about one thing.
23:50You want to help?
23:52More than anything!
23:53Then go away!
23:56No, Toilet!
23:58What did you do that for?
24:00Seriously, Suitcase.
24:02Between him and Balloon,
24:03you'll defend the least helpful people imaginable!
24:06It's actually kind of admirable.
24:08But there's a point where you have to just give up on them.
24:11Never give up on anyone.
24:14Yeah? Isn't that exactly what you wanted to do?
24:18Leave everyone behind!
24:20Never even see them again!
24:22Well, I guess I got my wish, huh?
24:24He's here to lead us all, one by one,
24:26so it doesn't even matter!
24:29Nothing does.
24:32Yeah, now you're talking.
24:37And that's...
24:40That's how I got my tail.
24:42Bow, this changes everything!
24:45See, this is what can happen when no one interrupts...
24:50Doh, did you put this place up for rent or something?
24:53Why, are you interested?
24:56Hello, Marshmallow. I hope you have been liking it here.
24:58I apologize for our unannounced visit,
25:00but the contestants are in mortal peril.
25:02The MeepoDex is taking out everyone!
25:06How many of us are left?
25:08I think you're looking at us.
25:10Hang in there, Box! You're a survivor!
25:13We need to send a message to Suitcase and Knife.
25:15Do you know where they are?
25:16We think they're on the sailboat,
25:18but Meepad cannot teleport that far.
25:20I would know, I've abused his power before.
25:22But now I'm helping!
25:24And I can't leave the parameters of the mansion!
25:26It's like house arrest. Haunted house arrest.
25:28There has to be a way!
25:31Say, Bow, remember how you can be a little possessive?
25:34Yeah, but I've been trying to work on the-
25:52Hello, it's me, Bow!
25:55Uh, uh, no?
25:58I'm seeing it too.
25:59I know you can't believe your eyes,
26:01fell over the moon to see me again,
26:02but we don't have time for that.
26:03Listen, there's a way to come back from being wiped out of existence.
26:06Maybe. I did.
26:08Cause I've done it.
26:09Even I've done it.
26:10See, even my fake brother did it.
26:12Hmm, so if they're both fake,
26:14does that make him really her brother?
26:16So like, don't worry about stopping the cops guy.
26:18Yes, just come home.
26:20Come on, I'll take you,
26:21and tell the whole tale of the tale on the way.
26:23And I get it, Suitcase.
26:24Then I don't have to make two trips.
26:26We can't just leave.
26:28Yes, you can.
26:29There's more out there than just the show.
26:31We don't want him torturing you.
26:33Yeah, they just, like, really value your lives.
26:36Even if you don't value ours.
26:38Of course we value yours.
26:40Oh, Suitcase, I'm sorry.
26:42I wasn't talking to you.
26:48I'm very sorry.
26:50For all of it.
26:51Apology not accepted.
26:54But we can't just give up and die.
26:56Why not?
26:57Can't you just come right back?
26:58That is what you always say, Knife.
27:00Well, what if we can't this time?
27:02You heard me, Phone.
27:03He doesn't know.
27:04Either way, we need to stop this ship
27:06from doing whatever it's gonna do to those aliens.
27:09Oh, you care about the aliens now?
27:11Do you really think I only care about myself?
27:14I don't know.
27:15Do you?
27:17Fan thought Cobbs was baiting the aliens
27:19with this shimmer-sounding scream from Bow.
27:21If his theory was right, and that is an if,
27:23but still, then we probably don't have much time.
27:26So what's the plan?
27:29I don't think we have a choice.
27:32I can't protect you anymore.
27:34I never needed your protection.
27:40Oh, lost track of time.
27:42Well, at this point, one more scream
27:44should be loud enough to move the needle.
27:46Whether that comes from Knife or Suitcase's death,
27:48I'm open.
27:49Don't wanna micromanage.
27:50Come on, X.
27:57So, is it true?
27:59It seems our friends from the reality show
28:01found another one.
28:03The Megacorps will finally be together again!
28:09And now, the long-anticipated,
28:12not to be interrupted,
28:13inanimate Insanity 2 finale!
28:16The final challenge with two finalists
28:18who have always dreamed of this day.
28:21We don't want this!
28:23Suitcase and Knife, together at last!
28:26Someone call airport security!
28:29Find out who will win the million dollars!
28:32And live.
28:33Plus, stay tuned for a first look
28:35behind the scenes of Meeple's next line of products,
28:38all with their own tie-in shows!
28:40A whole new entertainment network!
28:42Could it be a comeback for the company?
28:45I hear it's truly something egg-cellent.
28:48But enough preamble!
28:50Without further ado,
28:52let the final challenge...
29:22Sorry, Suitcase!
29:23Only one of us could win!
29:24And I'm not letting it be you!
29:27Let me?
29:28Knife, I'm the one who let you get to the finale!
29:31I carried you to the end!
29:33Ah, just so you could betray me
29:35like you betrayed all your other allies?
29:37Stop pretending you're innocent!
29:40Wow, just give it the aggression!
29:42You killed before!
29:43Why stop now?
29:44This is different!
29:45You said it yourself,
29:46we have no choice!
29:48There's always a choice!
29:50Just yes!
29:51This is so much better than how MePhone would have done it.
29:59You're not even real!
30:01And neither are you!
30:02Well, I'm definitely realer than you are!
30:05Think that highly of yourself, huh?
30:07I do, but that's not the reason!
30:09Yeah? Then what makes you think that?
30:11Suitcase, you know why.
30:15You could never tell what was real!
30:17Your allies, your friends,
30:19so much was in your head!
30:21Face it, Suitcase!
30:22You weren't even real enough to be fake!
30:27You're right.
30:28I don't know anything.
30:30Except this.
30:32You, me, every contestant,
30:35I think everyone we ever met on this show
30:38who's not a machine,
30:39and even the very ship we're standing on
30:42we all have one thing in common.
30:44Yeah? And what's that?
30:46We were all generated through MeLife.
30:49See, I may not know how real any of us are,
30:53but Cobs?
30:54This is definitely fake.
30:59Unfortunately, there's not gonna be a winner.
31:02If everyone's eliminated.
31:06Oh, oh, lookie here!
31:08Oh, it's a wire!
31:10I am the perfect assistant!
31:12No! You idiot! Stop!
31:40Let's go.
32:05Come on, show's over.
32:07We're going home.
