Inanimate Insanity III Episode 12 ''Home Is Where the Heart Is''

  • 4 days ago
00:00What part of eliminated do you not understand?
00:07I guess the part where I have to leave?
00:10Okay, so like the main part.
00:12You, the floor, have been voted out.
00:14Therefore, you can't stay here anymore.
00:16I get that.
00:16But why?
00:17I like it here.
00:18Because you're no longer welcome on this island!
00:21Well, that's a shame.
00:22Because I kinda am the island?
00:26Maybe you can make an exception.
00:27Oh, so you want special treatment?
00:29Then how's this?
00:30Stay if you must.
00:32But know that you are officially considered invisible!
00:35From this moment on, we won't talk to you.
00:38We won't even look at you!
00:40It'll be like you don't even exist!
00:44Works for me!
00:55And... go!
01:17Don't hit me, don't hit me, don't hit me, don't hit me!
01:22Now that was a close one.
01:24Now that is it!
01:25I could deal with losing my only basketball
01:28and your haunting presence in the murky depths.
01:30But no!
01:31You just had to go ahead and ruin my anniversary special!
01:34Sorry, but we are neighbors.
01:36You had to know we'd be bumping into each other.
01:38Well, here goes the neighborhood.
01:40Because I'm revising this challenge one final time.
01:43I want one of you to find a way to get the floor out of here!
01:46But Mephone, it's...
01:48Uh... how?
01:50It's not possible.
01:51Not possible? Oh, it's not possible.
01:53Figure it out.
01:54He doesn't belong here anymore.
01:56So if you want to win, save us from him now!
02:02One, two, three, go!
02:26Quick, gang, we're losing him!
02:28How are we supposed to follow someone who can teleport?
02:31Good boy, Nickel. Let's just keep standing still.
02:34That's much better.
02:36Hey now, listen!
02:37Uh, sorry, have you decided your name yet?
02:39Oh, still workshopping.
02:42Cool, no rush.
02:43Listen, you!
02:44He could literally be anywhere on this island.
02:46Here included.
02:47So if you see any better solutio-
02:49Shoot, my luck's in the way.
02:51Your what's?
02:52Oh, you didn't know?
02:53Clover gave Nickel some of her luck.
02:55He doesn't like to use it, though.
02:56He what?
02:57Some of us would die for magical abilities,
03:00and you have the gift of good fortune,
03:03but would rather leave it unrapped?
03:06Hate to say it, but I agree with him.
03:08I know you think it can't do anything right,
03:10but maybe it can prove itself to you?
03:12Huh, kind of like someone I know.
03:14Alright, let's try it.
03:16Lead the way, Nickel's hand-me-down butterfly.
03:21Paintbrush really seems to think their game is in a shambles
03:24after Candle's betrayal.
03:25But I know for a fact how strong Paintbrush is.
03:28I just need to prove to them how well I know it.
03:32Paintbrush, it must be acknowledged that the Thinker's Alliance
03:35isn't what it used to be.
03:36But it doesn't matter!
03:38You've always been the brains of the operation.
03:40No, heart and soul maybe, but brains?
03:43If I had brains, I...
03:45I wouldn't have let it all fall apart.
03:47Don't you see, Paintbrush?
03:49You always have the same problem.
03:52It only ever falls apart because you always get stuck
03:55with an undeserving leader who brings you down.
03:58Me, though? I want to lift you up.
04:01Lift us next, please!
04:04Not lifting, literally.
04:06A little leap in logic there.
04:08What I mean is-
04:08Hmm, lifting literally, eh?
04:11That gives me an idea.
04:13Oh, hello there.
04:15You don't mind if I stick around, do you?
04:18Oop, gotta go.
04:20Some luck this is, it led us to nothing.
04:22No, we're just not catching up fast enough.
04:25That shouldn't matter, if it's luck.
04:27Maybe catching the floor is a task so insurmountable
04:30that it's testing luck's limits.
04:32But this little butterfly is still doing its best.
04:35Yeah, we need to be patient.
04:37Give them a chance, they don't even have a name yet.
04:39I'm starting to get the feeling that some of us
04:42may be projecting onto the butterfly.
04:44N-no, you're a butterfly.
04:47It's not just about having luck.
04:52It's how you use it.
04:54Now remember, the second you see him,
04:56lift him up with your shovel
04:57and deposit him into our homemade terrarium.
04:59Who knew prison could be so cute?
05:04We have to be quick, though, before he pops away.
05:06Practice makes perfect.
05:09See how effective your plans can be
05:11with a partner who respects you?
05:13Unlike Silver and his royal advice.
05:18Yeah, or OJ's still managing me like we're back at the hotel.
05:25And lest we forget the latest wacky nonsense from Lightbulb.
05:32That was her.
05:35That was her name, right?
05:37It's him!
05:47That tickles.
05:49Where does you end and not you begin?
05:51He ends here!
05:56You lifted literally!
05:58Face it, face, you don't belong here anymore.
06:02You don't belong here anymore!
06:04Yes, I do!
06:12Paintbrush, are you okay?
06:13Is it just me or did the ground start to move?
06:17Uh, hello?
06:18He wouldn't stop moving!
06:20Pay more attention!
06:25Phew, it's just you.
06:28Oh, where to?
06:31Wow, a picnic just for us!
06:33I trust you implicitly-
06:35Wait, how did you know I liked deviled eggs?
06:37I haven't shared that with you yet.
06:44No! Traitor!
06:46You were right, Candle.
06:48Plebeians can't resist their ground food.
06:51I didn't pitch it like that, but thank you.
06:55What kind of puzzle is this?
06:57It's a basket.
06:58He must be so used to flat surfaces
07:00that a rectangular prism is like some sort of maze to him.
07:03Gosh, that must be so confusing,
07:05having an entirely new outside.
07:08Well, all surfaces take getting used to.
07:10Sand, hardwood, this devil box.
07:13But no matter what,
07:16I'm still me.
07:21Hide with Balloon all you want,
07:23but you can't fly away from your mistakes!
07:25No way.
07:27I think it's trying to tell us
07:29that maybe you can.
07:31That's it!
07:33Gather everyone!
07:35I've figured it out!
07:37Up, up and away
07:39from the floor!
07:44Bye-bye, ta-ta!
07:46Look at him becoming smaller and smaller.
07:50No, look away!
07:52Look away!
07:54All right!
07:55Now if we all just remain up here long enough,
07:57he'll leave from lack of stimulation.
07:59It's foolproof.
08:01What do you say?
08:02This is far from ideal,
08:03but I'm sadly considering it.
08:06And may we never see the floor again!
08:10Little Road?
08:18We should have never taught him baskets.
08:20You know, something's telling me
08:22that maybe trying to force the floor to leave
08:24is wrong.
08:26Don't be ridiculous!
08:27The floor is completely disrespecting
08:29the rules of this game, Paintbrush.
08:30I can't just let chaos reign.
08:32I think someone as pragmatic as you
08:34should understand.
08:35But he knows he belongs here.
08:37He knows it...
08:39without a doubt.
08:41And much better than you know
08:42how to enforce these precious rules of yours.
08:45Well, Newsflash,
08:46I'm terrible at administrative tasks.
08:48I'm great at making a show,
08:49not running it.
08:50I just want to focus on the creative stuff.
08:52Leave the logistics to the...
08:59Now I know at this point
09:01we're becoming desperate for ideas.
09:03And we all know
09:04from our shared trauma of the bridge incident
09:06that the floor can apparently be killed
09:08when his face is smashed hard enough.
09:12Why are you mentioning this?
09:14Because we must all agree
09:16that certain extremes are off-limits.
09:20That should hopefully go without saying.
09:22Yes, I would certainly hope
09:24no one is even considering
09:26such an obscene option.
09:28I would certainly hope
09:29someone is considering such an obscene option.
09:32They'd look so dreadful,
09:34their immunity votes would never recover.
09:37But the floor would.
09:41You know, Yin,
09:42I've been thinking.
09:43I'm not going to entertain this.
09:45You don't even know what I'm going to say!
09:48I won't be a bystander to your attempted murder!
09:52Fine, then get involved.
09:54Stop it!
09:55This is a horrible idea.
09:57Yeah, almost as horrible as one of Lightbulb's, right?
10:01Paintbrush, please.
10:02I'm just trying to give you
10:04the support you've always needed.
10:06Meanwhile, all Lightbulb ever gave you
10:08was a hard time with her leaps in logic!
10:11And the courage to start taking those leaps.
10:14You're right.
10:15She did give you more.
10:17I should have remembered.
10:18She gave you that cute crab
10:20that you left at the hotel
10:22since concerts are too loud for him, right?
10:24What was his name?
10:26No, I'm Cabby.
10:27That much I can remember without looking.
10:29I'm sorry.
10:30I know this.
10:31I know this!
10:33Here, Vex.
10:38You really rely on those, don't you?
10:41Without them,
10:42I wouldn't remember anything.
10:44No way.
10:45You're full of facts.
10:46In here.
10:47Not here.
10:48Once I write it down,
10:50it's as good as gone.
10:52No wonder Paintbrush doesn't want to be partners.
10:55I have nothing to offer.
10:58I'm sure you know more than you think.
11:00You knew how to make me laugh today, remember?
11:03I do now.
11:07That tickles!
11:08They'll be so impressed
11:12that I did this for us!
11:18This doesn't count.
11:19You gave me the answer,
11:21just like every mindless note I take!
11:26No, Cabby!
11:27I was only trying to help!
11:29Oh, will this day of torture never end?
11:38I won't stop until I've smashed your face hard enough to win!
11:42I am not part of this!
11:44Give it up, Dirty!
11:45You're going home!
11:47For the last time,
11:49I am home!
11:58Do you think caterpillars dream of being butterflies?
12:01Of course they do!
12:03But then, what do the butterflies dream of?
12:06Being themselves.
12:07They just look different now.
12:09I see you with the trick questions.
12:12Perhaps we could tunnel underground?
12:16That's actually really smart.
12:17Go underground willingly,
12:19I'd sooner perish!
12:22I take it back!
12:23I take it back!
12:24We should have never messed with the floor in the first place!
12:26When you fight against nature,
12:28it fights back!
12:29This shaking has to stop eventually, right?
12:32I think the shaking is only the beginning.
12:37It can't be.
12:39The red spot.
12:43Oh no!
12:44The floor is lava!
12:45Not to be confused with the game!
12:47What do we do?
12:49Into the bunker!
12:53I never built the bunker!
12:54I'm sorry everyone.
12:55I didn't plan for an eruption because
12:57I don't know how to plan things!
13:00Don't go closer!
13:02He's gonna blow!
13:03What is she doing?
13:08Taking no chances.
13:11Taking the leap.
13:16You know,
13:18I've been worried
13:19if I went by a different name,
13:21or maybe even
13:22looked a little different,
13:24I wouldn't be me anymore.
13:26But you helped me realize
13:27that no matter what you put out there,
13:31you're still you.
13:41I know he's not gone,
13:43but you did say the winner of the challenge
13:45would have to save us from him.
13:47That's as close as we're gonna get.
13:49Hey up there!
13:50Good news!
13:54I just want to say,
13:55I do admit I may have provoked the floor.
13:58Just a smidgen.
14:05He apologizes.
14:06Oh dear.
14:08I accept your apology
14:09I accept your apology
14:10I accept your apology of course.
14:11But others may not!
14:13Well, at least we didn't have to evacuate.
14:15I did not have a clue how to do that.
14:18It seems like you need help
14:19with some of the more logistical things in the show.
14:21Good news though.
14:22I know this terrain
14:23as well as I know myself.
14:25So, here's my offer.
14:26You let me stay,
14:27and I'll be your quirky new assistant!
14:33You're a well-intentioned,
14:34complete train wreck
14:35who wants to help
14:36but can barely seem to do anything right.
14:38Sounds like...
14:40Which sounds just like the kind of assistant I'd be stuck with.
14:43Guess you two found some common ground after all.
14:46Oh, me fine.
14:47Put her there.
14:49I am not putting my hand into lava.
14:51Hey, that was pretty impressive out there, um...
14:55Bot, huh?
14:56Nice name!
14:58It's the part that's me.
14:59And I'm gonna look more like me than ever.
15:02You sure Silver and Candle will stick with us in this vote?
15:05Look how many chances we all gave that butterfly today!
15:07Do you think we did that because we all trusted it?
15:10We did it because it was the most convenient option.
15:12And so are we.
15:14But we don't have to be.
15:16If we want to take out the game's most perceptive player,
15:19then yes we do.
15:20They need to trust us.
15:26All right.
15:27I just want to clarify
15:28that whoever is voted out today
15:30will have to physically leave.
15:32I can't...
15:33I can't do this again!
15:35I need to hear a verbal agreement from each of you.
15:37Yeah, absolutely.
15:40So you cannot vote for Bot.
15:41But do you want to guess
15:42who got immunity from the viewers for the sixth time?
15:45Well, not if you're gonna be all possive-aggressive about it.
15:48Listen, Yin-Yang, you're great.
15:50Probably my second favorite contestant still here.
15:52But the game just can't be this predictable.
15:54And so, there will be no more viewer voting.
15:58So I manipulated them for nothing?
16:00I mean, uh...
16:04I'm sorry.
16:05I'm still on the second favorite contestant thing.
16:07Who exactly did you think you'd make happy with that comment?
16:09My second best friend has a point.
16:11I will be taking 3's and 7's feedback into account.
16:14Now, on to the votes.
16:16First vote.
16:21One vote Candle.
16:22One vote Paintbrush.
16:25Yin-Yang does not count.
16:31Two votes Candle.
16:32Two votes Paintbrush.
16:39Three votes Candle.
16:40Three votes Paintbrush.
16:42One vote left.
16:44Twelfth contestant eliminated from Inanimate Insanity Invitational...
16:53Take this as proof that you were substantial.
16:58Paintbrush, I...
17:00could never replace your real partner.
17:03Oof, I can't even imagine how tough it must be to leave here, huh?
17:08Okay, so like, today was kind of a disaster.
17:10But most of the time, this place is paradise!
17:14It was a fun vacation, MePhone.
17:17my heart's just not really in it anymore.
17:21I think I'm ready to go home.
17:25I'm coming, Baxter.
17:27Yes, Fist Thingy, you still got it!
17:29Alright, today some of us pursued greener pastures while others stood their ground.
17:34Who will stick around and who will have to go?
17:36Find out on the next episode of...
17:38Inanimate Insanity Invitational!
17:43With assistance by me, bye!
17:57Hey everyone, Brian here.
17:59So my job was to write this episode, but now...
18:01I have a job for you.
18:02Yes, as MePhone tragically announced, you cannot vote for anyone to have immunity.
18:06But, if you want to make an impact on the future of Inanimate Insanity,
18:10then please, follow these instructions very carefully.
18:14Share the video, like the video, leave a fabulous comment,
18:16and be sure to subscribe to this channel.
18:18If you do slash have done all four of these things,
18:20then congratulations!
18:22You too are now qualified to become MePhone's new assistant!
18:33So what are you waiting for?
18:34There's no downside!
18:35There are many downsides.
18:36Share, like, comment, and subscribe, because remember,
18:39there's no better way to become MePhone's new assistant
18:41than by pressing a bunch of random buttons in quick succession.
18:44Best of luck!
18:45Quantities of luck are limited.
