Inanimate Insanity II Episode 8 ''Theft and Battery''

  • last week
00:00You know guys, after being eliminated for like, a day or so, I realized I should take
00:06this competition more seriously.
00:08Oh, but you were doing so much to begin with!
00:11I'm just glad that nonsense is over with.
00:13I was scared we almost lost you.
00:15Yeah, we need the numbers to advance in this game!
00:18And y-you know, she's our friend.
00:20Oh, y-yeah, sure, that.
00:22It had to have been pretty small to fit behind that bush, but what was it?
00:28What if it wasn't even a bush?
00:30It could have been a shrub!
00:32Mike, I've just experienced the most horrible thing!
00:35It was a monstrosity!
00:37What was it?
00:38Your personality!
00:39Get it?
00:40Because everyone thinks you're annoying!
00:42What do you even know about me?
00:46You just waltzed in here, saying these offensive things!
00:47Is that the person you want to be, Cheesy?
00:48A person that doesn't even know you?
00:58A person that makes everyone upset?
01:00That's the monstrosity!
01:02It's elimination time, isn't Mephone supposed to be here?
01:30My apologies Mr. Balloon, Mephone appears to be running a tad bit late today.
01:36A tad bit, sir.
01:37Uh, I'm here guys, uh, thanks for waiting.
01:44You look even worse than usual!
01:46Shut up, Knife!
01:47Shut up!
01:48What do you even do?
01:49Do you even go here?
01:52Sir, are you well?
01:55You don't seem to be yourself.
01:56Ugh, that tissue guy sneezed on me.
01:59I think I might have the... condition.
02:03But I'm probably probably probably probably probably probably probably probably probably
02:10I'm quite concerned about your health, sir.
02:12I advise that you seek immediate care.
02:15Nah, let's just do the elimination.
02:19Do we have prizes to give to the safe competitors?
02:21I didn't get those.
02:23There's no prizes.
02:25Let's just do the rundown.
02:26The rundown, sir?
02:27Did we rehearse that?
02:30The people who are safe are...
02:31You know what?
02:32I don't want to do this, Mephone.
02:35You do this.
02:36I'll do it, sir!
02:37I'll make you so proud!
02:40The competitors safe are Suitcase, Baseball, Nickelodeon...
02:44Hurry it up already!
02:45The eliminated competitor is Mr. Cheesy with 2,605 votes, a record high, truly unprecedented.
02:55You know, after this morning, I realized that sometimes, my jokes hurt people's feelings.
03:05I should probably switch gears to something less offensive.
03:08Maybe try commercials again?
03:09Aww, Cheesy, you don't need to do that.
03:12But Mike, you said it yourself.
03:14I'm just a monster.
03:15But comedy is a part of who you are!
03:18Just try not to bother people as much.
03:20I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't do commercials.
03:24Yeah, yeah, you're right.
03:26And guess what?
03:27I found out humor isn't entirely made up of puns.
03:31Here this one.
03:32What do you call a-
03:34Oh, look, sir!
03:38I did something!
03:39I hit the- I did it!
03:41Do you love me yet?
03:43Finally, that menace is gone.
03:46Now let's get to the next challenge.
03:49I call it-
03:51Wow, I love that name.
03:53How did you come up with-
03:56No, I-
04:03Mr. Phone!
04:04Do you need me to get you a pillow?
04:08Get up, you bum!
04:09I love you!
04:11MePhone appears to have malfunctioned.
04:13Oh, you mean he's sick?
04:15So, what happens if we don't have a host?
04:17Oh, please don't bring OJ back again.
04:19Toilet, the fate of MePhone's existence depends on us.
04:22We need to cure him now.
04:24Luckily, I'm prepared for any technological disaster.
04:27With my trusty bag of rice!
04:39You said that would work!
04:40I thought everything on the internet was true!
04:42Uh, that only works for water damage and-
04:45Well, if we're gonna have some rice, you need some soy sauce.
04:48Soy sauce?
04:57I mean, I'd eat it.
04:58The battery must have shorted out.
05:00A trip to MeCloud for a fresh one would be an efficient solution.
05:04It's the Meeple headquarters.
05:06They have everything a Meeple product could want there.
05:08Everyone, we need your assistance.
05:12Everyone, this is a challenge.
05:14If you do not participate, you will suffer immediate elimination.
05:19Oh, well, look at you!
05:20You think you're the host now, don't ya?
05:23Toilet, listen.
05:24We're doing this to repair MePhone.
05:26You can partake as well.
05:27How about you go with the Grand Slams, and I'll go with the bright lights?
05:30Um, can we have you instead?
05:33Nope, you're stuck with me!
05:37We need to go to MeCloud.
05:38In the sky.
05:39How are we supposed to get there?
05:40Oh, Mr. Phone wanted us to use these balloons for a challenge.
05:45Yes, that's correct.
05:46Excellent work, Toilet.
05:50Can you believe it, fan?
05:52We're going to see Meeple Headquarters.
05:54Wowie golly gee whiz!
05:57I'm so hyped!
05:58I heard it makes your wildest dreams look meaningless by comparison!
06:01Wow, you guys.
06:02I'm quite impressed.
06:04You're a Meeple fan, too?
06:05Oh, no, no, no.
06:06No, no.
06:07Not at all.
06:08I'm just surprised you're, uh, doing something.
06:11I mean, just, shouldn't we all just sit around?
06:14I mean, we're gonna win either way.
06:16And, you know, just because your theory said so!
06:19Mr. and Mrs. Paintbrush, I am detecting a high level of anger here.
06:23Perhaps you'd like to hear the soothing sounds of an elegant waterfall.
06:26I don't need a-
06:33Guys, their balloon is on our tail!
06:35We need to find a way to get there faster!
06:37Why don't we cut off the tail?
06:39Then they can't grab it!
06:42You're not serious.
06:43I have a better idea!
06:44I have a better idea!
06:54Did you just throw a person his ammo?
06:56What were you thinking?
06:57We need to win baseball.
06:59They're the mess, we clean it.
07:01That's all there is to it.
07:03Anyway, now that he's gone, I have-
07:05Oh, so you think you're better than me, aren't you?
07:09You've gotta be kidding me.
07:10How dare you throw me, you rubbish!
07:13You're just a bunch of chimichangas!
07:16I'm dressed in toilet water!
07:21Calm down, Soap.
07:22Nothing to be afraid of.
07:27I did it!
07:28I remained strong!
07:31Didn't know it was possible to crash land on a cloud.
07:34Everyone to the me cloud thingy-ma-bob!
07:37We gotta save Mr. Phone!
07:39I'm gonna kill him.
08:00Stop where you are!
08:02You think you're just gonna walk into MePhone headquarters?
08:05Well, I, MePhone 6, am guarding it.
08:09And you can't stop me!
08:13I'm gonna kill you!
08:25Look at all this stuff!
08:27Who made all this?
08:28I did.
08:31No, no, no, no!
08:32That guy over there!
08:33I did!
08:34I am Steve.
08:36Steve Cobbs.
08:41I get it.
08:42Welcome to Meeple, where the future is so yesterday.
08:45How may I be of assistance?
08:47Well, we have a serious problem here, and we-
08:50Mr. Phone is in trouble!
08:52Oh, you mean you're having a MePhone problem.
08:55Well, can you tell me the version of your phone?
08:57Um, it's a-
08:58Mr. Phone is a Mr. Phone number four accounted!
09:03As in MePhone 4?
09:05That's so old!
09:08The one and only four!
09:10It's just so... yesterday.
09:14Oh, no!
09:15Did we miss anything?
09:18You're lucky.
09:19Your generation might get to live in a place like this.
09:22Who is this pinhead?
09:26I appreciate that.
09:27Really, you have no idea.
09:28So, you guys need a MePhone fork here?
09:30That ancient relic would be in Meeple care.
09:32But first, come along.
09:33I'll show you around.
09:34Let's look at my game design days for a bit.
09:37Or should I say, 8-bit.
09:40He is perfection.
09:41Guys, not to sound rude, but didn't MePhone 5S and 5C just try to kill MePhone 4?
09:48Didn't this guy create them?
09:50Why would he support us when he just tried to kill us?
09:53Oh, that's nonsense.
09:54He's my business partner.
09:56Those staged fights on your show get us a lot of product placement.
09:59Business partner?
10:00Whoa, whoa, whoa.
10:02MePhone never said it was all fake.
10:04Oh, he never told you?
10:07He must have wanted genuine performances, so he distorted the truth.
10:10I'm just gonna let that sink in for a moment.
10:14Welp, on with the tour.
10:15A tour?
10:16Ugh, this is gonna take forever.
10:18Hey, someone should grab that cure.
10:20For MePhone.
10:21Maybe suitcase.
10:22Huh, what?
10:23Who said that?
10:24It sounded like a good idea.
10:25It did.
10:26Wait, what?
10:27You want me to steal?
10:28I can't do that.
10:29You said it yourself.
10:30You wanted to take this competition more seriously.
10:32This is your chance, kiddo.
10:35You want me to steal?
10:36It's not stealing.
10:37MePhone needs that cure right away.
10:39Besides, no one would notice if you're gone.
10:42Oh, and I mean that in a good way.
10:44Totally good way.
10:46Well, I do need to step up my game.
10:50Hey, uh, Mr. Cobbs, was all that stuff you said about the staged fights really true?
10:55Of course some of it was true.
10:57We get great product placement, amongst other possibilities.
11:01But hey, we're going off on a tangent here.
11:03This is the very garage where I created my first computer.
11:06I literally ripped it out of my parents' house.
11:09I don't talk to them anymore.
11:15Ooh, ooh, lookie here!
11:16Oh, it's a wire!
11:19I mean, I'm glad you like it, but...
11:23It's just a wire.
11:24Moving on.
11:25Mr. Phone always loved the other wires.
11:28I got him.
11:29Uh, I hope we didn't push suitcase too far.
11:32Hey, we need to make sure our ally is loyal now since Soap is getting a big head.
11:36She acts like it's her team when it's really yours.
11:39What was that about a big head?
11:41A big head?
11:42I can't believe you just said that about me.
11:44That makes me...
11:45really appreciative.
11:47I have never worn flatters.
12:02What are you doing?
12:05I didn't see you there!
12:06I'm just taking one of these batteries if that's okay.
12:09Oh, yeah.
12:10That's fine.
12:12I mean, after all, you are only stealing it.
12:19I'm just getting it for my friends.
12:20I know they'll appreciate it.
12:22Oh, of course they will.
12:27For now.
12:29You do realize they only care about you when there's something you can give to them, right?
12:36Well, uh...
12:38Betrayal is inevitable.
12:39The clock is ticking.
12:41Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.
12:46Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock,
12:53Uh, Mr. Cobbs?
12:56Mr. Cobbs!
12:59Mr. Cobbs, stop!
13:02What are you doing?
13:03Why, I'm innovating!
13:04It's a Meeple watch.
13:06Um, is that just a watch?
13:08Is that just a watch?
13:09How dare you!
13:10It can tell time!
13:12Well, so does my regular watch.
13:14Well, can you call people on your regular watch?
13:19Um, no.
13:20That would be dumb.
13:22Oh no, he's gone.
13:25Who did that?
13:26I bet it was that soap girl always looking for trouble.
13:29Anyway, the tour has unfortunately come to an end right here in my office.
13:32We've come full circle.
13:33Oh, full on bravo.
13:35Full on bravo for you, my friend.
13:37You've created so much.
13:39I only wish I could give to the world the way you have.
13:42And perhaps you can.
13:44That egg you have there.
13:45Do you realize the doors it could open for the scientific commu-
13:48Scratch that.
13:49My scientific community?
13:51I've never seen anything like it before.
13:53What are you saying?
13:55I'm saying if you give me the egg to run some research,
13:58you'll be an innovator too.
14:00Uh, so it'll change the world for the better?
14:03Look at you thinking.
14:05One of these days you'll be just like me.
14:07But what happens when the new becomes old?
14:10When the future becomes yesterday?
14:12Whoa, back up there.
14:14That's enough thinking for one day.
14:16I mean, you have no reason to feel responsible for this egg.
14:18It's not yours.
14:20But I do.
14:21I won't do that to him, Mr. Cobbs.
14:23I'm sorry.
14:25I see.
14:26Well how about this then?
14:27You give me your egg,
14:28and I get that MePhone 4 battery for you right away.
14:31He said no!
14:33Yeah, stop getting all creepy.
14:35If you wanna get all creepy, Pinhead,
14:37I know a guy.
14:39You think this is creepy?
14:41Once again, you've underestimated me.
14:44Hey guys,
14:45I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't steal anything.
15:00Unless my ear deceives me,
15:02it seems something has been stolen.
15:04But who could be the culprit?
15:08Clearly, the culprit is...
15:13You said I had a big head.
15:15So clearly you're jealous of my knowledge.
15:17Who else could it have been?
15:18It was clearly Suitcase!
15:20No it wasn't.
15:21She said it wasn't her.
15:23But now that you mention it,
15:24she is getting a little sweaty around the edges.
15:28It was me!
15:29It was me!
15:30I'm sorry!
15:32Come on!
15:33Let's get out of here!
15:36we were going to win!
15:37You just had to make us come
15:41Oh that?
15:43You can keep that measly chair.
15:45You can keep that egg too.
15:47It's just the beginning
15:49and I'll be in control soon enough.
15:51It's only a matter
15:53of time!
15:57The watch has been too.
15:59They do.
16:11Let's go Bright Lights!
16:12We have this in the
16:15Not so fast me pad!
16:18I'll smack you in the gabber!
16:21I believe you were in the wrong balloon.
16:22I need to save Mr. Phone!
16:24You always get to help him!
16:26I want my chance!
16:36you are leading us to imminent death.
16:38I must ask why?
16:39Because I want to be the good assistant!
16:42You always get the spotlight
16:44and I get the hogwash!
16:45I'm sorry you feel that way
16:47but my intention is to assist Mephone 4
16:49and I thought that was yours too.
16:51Well it is, but...
16:52I do not intend on being superior
16:54to you at all.
16:55I consider us equals.
16:57We both serve a different purpose is all.
17:01I appreciate that.
17:04Hey guys,
17:05hate to break the touching moment
17:07but we're gonna die!
17:09Oh, quite valid.
17:14I'm sorry I tried to kill you all!
17:17I love you!
17:19Apology accepted.
17:20I'm glad we can now work together
17:21without any detestation.
17:23Now let's just get the thingamabob
17:25on the boohickey
17:26and we'll get this funnel working.
17:28On it!
17:36Don't forget the lawyer!
17:37I brought it just for him!
17:39Oh, um, sure.
17:44Just what the doctor ordered.
17:46I'm cured of my condition.
17:48Um, um, actually
17:50it's known as a condition.
17:52Right, right, whatever.
17:54Thanks to you, Mepad,
17:55I feel brand new again.
17:57You must also thank Toilet, sir
17:59for we wouldn't have been able
18:00to have done this challenge without him.
18:05M-Mr. Phan.
18:07So, thanks to Toilet's
18:09terrible team-leading skills
18:11the Grand Slam's long-awaited
18:13The Grand Slam's lose again.
18:15Can't say I'm surprised by the outcome
18:17so they're up for elimination.
18:19Time to vote a slam
18:21outta here.
18:43So, you're sure it's okay
18:45if I'm repaired in here?
18:47Oh, absolutely.
18:49Man, it's a shame too.
18:51It's a shame.
18:53It's a shame.
18:55It's a shame.
18:57It's a shame.
18:59It's a shame.
19:01It's a shame.
19:03It's a shame.
19:05It's a shame.
19:07It's a shame.
19:09It's a shame.
19:13Man, it's a shame too.
19:15We've gone several months
19:17without any patients.
19:19Nobody has even stepped foot
19:21in this room for quite some time.
19:25Well, how much time?
19:27Uh, I'll have to get back
19:29to you on that.
