My Wife Can Give Birth & Get Someone Pregnant | LOVE DON'T JUDGE

  • 2 days ago
MORGAN is a hermaphrodite, something she told her partner Curtis before they first met. "I was born an intersex woman, and that is when you are born with female and male parts," she explained. They had matched and been chatting on a dating app, then instantly clicked once they met up that same evening. Five days later they were engaged, and they have been together ever since. However, after the couple began posting about their romance online, people would question Curtis's sexual identity: "Sometimes people think that my husband is gay because I'm intersex," Morgan explained. But she disregards these comments from strangers who don't understand his love for her: "He's just OK with me being different and understanding that I have both parts. That I am more feminine than anything else." Trolls on social media also don't believe that Morgan's condition is real. She is bombarded with remarks like "that's a man, we know", "girl go seek help", and "dude in a dress with a gut". Despite these claims, the couple stand firm with who they are and know they are on the right path. "If people don't like who I'm with and who I'm dating, all I can do is ignore them or pray for them," Curtis said.
00:00This is Morgan. She fell in love with Curtis.
00:05I was born an intersex woman and that is when you're born with female and male parts.
00:12After sharing their romance online, people questioned Morgan's identity.
00:16People think sometimes my husband is gay because I'm intersex.
00:21Someone said, that's a man we know. Girl, go seek help.
00:26Dude in a dress with a gut. That was when I was pregnant.
00:32What are we making, honey? Chicken and rice. Oh, yummy.
00:38I'm Morgan and Leah. And I'm Curtis Williams.
00:42People always make the wrong assumptions about our relationship.
00:46They have a lot of opinions, unfair opinions.
00:50We met on the dating app and I was at work.
00:54And he reached out to me and I was just so happy on break.
00:58And I replied to his message. We met after work and we literally just talked all night long.
01:04He was very polite, just a gentleman. And that's what first attracted me to him.
01:11We met on a Monday. On a Friday, we were engaged.
01:17I would say we get a lot of love and a lot of hate from people that don't agree with us.
01:24But as long as we love each other, that's all that matters.
01:29I was born a hermaphrodite, an intersex woman.
01:33And that is when you're born with female and male parts.
01:37I do have ovaries. I have the same full on everything.
01:43And you can either conceive or you can get someone pregnant.
01:50It's weird, but it's how I was born. I've come to love it.
01:57Growing up, my mom, she raised me as her son.
02:01And it was tough with that because I felt forced.
02:06I felt like I was kind of pretending to be something that I didn't feel.
02:11I just felt more woman.
02:13So she raised me as her son up until I was able to go to college and live on campus.
02:19And that's when I found more of my woman and really just grew as Morgan and Leah.
02:30You can look at some photos.
02:33This is me when I was little. I think I was like one or two.
02:38And that's my mom.
02:41That was me. School pictures.
02:45The guy that was taking my picture, I think a booger dropped out of his nose and that's why I made that.
02:53And I was taking my picture for like the next three years.
02:57Growing up, I didn't feel like I really fit in with just anybody, girl or boy.
03:05And yeah, it wasn't until I got into my adult years when I was able to go to the doctor on my own and do more research and learn to embrace my woman in me.
03:19I thought she was a catfish.
03:24And she thought the same thing about me.
03:29I thought she pretty. I got to talk to her.
03:32I didn't think she was going to text back. We met for the first time after she told me, right?
03:38Yeah, and we just talked, got to know each other a little bit more.
03:43I just explained to him my, you know, my body.
03:47I was cool with it. I'm not judgmental and everything. And I said, yeah, that's me.
03:55People think that he's attracted to males, but he's not.
04:02He's just OK with me being different and understanding that I do have both parts, that I am more feminine than anything else.
04:12I like this one.
04:14So a few of the comments that I've received, someone said, that's a man we know. And someone said, girl, go seek help.
04:25Dude in a dress with a gut. That was when I was pregnant.
04:30My experience with pregnancy, we found out when we moved to a new city. I was in shock.
04:38We were really excited. We, you know, we prayed for that baby and we tried to.
04:48I'm like getting emotional. Sorry.
04:53Went to different doctors. I got turned down at multiple different clinics.
05:00Most doctors were like, we can refer you here, but we can't see you.
05:04And to be pregnant and to not get help, to not get checkups, you know, it was just a lot going on.
05:12I was nauseous, had very bad pains and we did lose our baby.
05:21And it was just, yeah, it was just a lot to do with that.
05:27We have our chance again with parenthood. I guess God just was not ready for us to be parents.
05:38A lot of people doubted, you know, that I was intersex. People would say like, oh, those are two men.
05:45A lot of people have doubted that we've been together for real.
05:49People have doubted that my pregnancy was fake. People were saying, oh, she just has a beer belly or how can this be?
05:57My belly did not look the same. The things I went through weren't the same.
06:02The way the baby was going to be birthed wasn't going to be the same. I was going to have to get a C-section.
06:08A lot of people have reached out to me, you know, telling me that they're already pregnant.
06:15A lot of people have reached out to me, you know, telling me that they're also intersex.
06:21And by me speaking up has allowed them to feel heard, allowed them to feel like they matter.
06:27Like my story really just helped a lot of people kind of come out the closet with hiding.
06:37Everyone has their own opinion. There's miserable people in the world and misery loves company.
06:43We will come a lot. I feel like it's definitely brought us closer. It just gets stronger and stronger every day.
06:51Ready? Yes. Okay, let's ride, Clyde.
06:57I feel like God wanted me to share my experience and it opened doors for so many people like me, you know, to know like you can get pregnant.
07:06It's possible to have a baby.
07:08I'm glad to be here with my beautiful wife and I enjoy this day with you, baby.
07:12I love you. I love you too.
07:14You know, I exist and this is my story, you know.
07:20He makes me feel safe. He makes me feel happy.
07:26It just makes me feel like I'm here, alive.
07:32We don't want to give up on each other.
07:34If people ignore me or don't like who I'm dating, I only can just ignore them and pray for them.
07:41Oh, it's a spider on you. Sorry. Come on, honey.
07:49To death do us part. Like, this is going to work for the rest of our life.
