49ers got their season back on track!

  • 6 hours ago
00:00My feeling last night and we wonder what yours is we were talking about the emotion you felt when juice ran into the end zone
00:07And it was just like okay, and earlier. I said the word relief, but can I add a different one?
00:12I was sure I was exhausted. I texted I texted some buddies. I'm like I'm exhausted
00:17And and the comeback is to blame for that Seattle making a run at the Niners like
00:24The Niners I don't want to say they needed an Ottoman game that had one against the Patriots a couple of weeks ago
00:30But it feels like here's what how I would say it like they need an Ottoman game when they get one
00:37That's handed to them, and they won't take it. That's the the issue this year
00:42It's not that I'm one of these snooty. I expect a blowout every game fans
00:47Like the other teams are paid, and they've got athletes too, and they're trying and all of that
00:52They're good, too
00:55When you have the blowout in hand
00:58Do it do right do it and they won't do it. They won't do it
01:04They let hanging around and hanging around they have doing that so relief
01:11exhaustion, but
01:13The season for me is is back on
01:16track and
01:18I know it's not what we want it to be we didn't want to be three and three
01:21We don't feel like they should be three and three
01:23But they are and they currently sit in first place
01:25And I really think that the NFC West based on just watching these four teams. I think they're the team
01:32they're probably going to win the division and I also think there is a
01:37Reasonable thought that the second half of the season is going to be healthier than the first don't know that don't want to jinx
01:44You never know you don't know
01:45But for example the report that Christian McCaffrey has started to ramp up and is not
01:52Experiencing any flare-up, and they are indeed now targeting a date
01:56Which is Tampa Bay after the by week 10 like no better news than that is
02:03Ricky Pearsall's windows gonna open on Monday. That's correct, so
02:07McCaffrey's window will not open on Monday
02:09But Pearsall looks like his window will open and he'll have a six-day ramp up to be ready Sunday
02:15So it feels like you're gonna have some guys coming back
02:19You would think that Greenlaw will be one you would hope that the kicker is one
02:24McCaffrey's another Pearsall's another you never know who's gonna be lost due to injury that is football
02:30And you can't count for that
02:31But when you start to look at who might be coming in you can get excited about the second half
02:3613 plus 7
02:39Plus 7 yeah like hang on. Let's do this 27 well
02:43So wait a minute, so there's these three days right Friday Saturday Sunday, and then there's seven more days
02:49So that's 10, and then there's seven more days, so that's 17. Yeah, and then there's seven more days
02:55So that's 30 days okay until Tampa 30 days. They only play twice
03:01That's a big thing to say right now over the next 30 days. They play twice
03:06Oh from now until November 10th correct. Yeah, that's 30 days 30 days. They play two football games
03:13yeah, that should give you a second to take a breather and maybe get some people healthy and
03:19Like I just look at this Niner team, and I go man. You're not perfect
03:23You're clearly not perfect, but you're trying to figure it out through some weird circumstances
03:29You've lost some players
03:30You've not gotten some players back some other surprise injuries a new coordinator
03:36Some of you will listen to this and be like these are excuses no no because every team has their adversity
03:42But I think the Niners have had their share, and they're figuring it out
03:46And there's kind of a hanging in there
03:49type of a feel to it and and this right now is
03:54October the Super Bowl is four months away
03:58We are thinking too much about the Super Bowl read the book
04:04We're only in chapter six
04:06It's interesting the way you laid that out because in the next 30 days
04:10They'll play two games in the previous 31 days they played six games
04:15So if you go from September 9th down the opener through October 10th, which was last night's game
04:22That's 31 days, and you played six times, so you're telling me in the next 30 days you play twice
04:28That is wonderful crazy
04:31It's just crazy when you think about like you're talking about a book with 17 chapters and the first six chapters of the book
04:38There was three chapters that were like what yeah, I should I want to put this thing down
04:44I'm gonna skip ahead to the end of it and see how this book ends
04:47But just read the next chapter
04:49which is a really juicy one with Patti Mahomes coming to town and then a
04:53rivalry game against Dallas and then a week off and hopefully like you're saying at that point maybe CMC is back and
05:02Hopefully Ricky Pearsall by then we'll be back
05:04And maybe you get good news about the kicker and hopefully by then you get some news about
05:10Dre Greenlaw
05:11Where is he is is he?
05:13Getting closer to maybe returning because right now all we see him doing is roughing up the opponent on the sideline in street clothes
05:20Where is law totally?
05:23That would be great, but I you know you've talked a lot about the rest
05:28Disadvantage that the Niners have this year and they will have it in their next two games
05:33Because the Chiefs and Cowboys will both be coming off a bye, but there's another way to look at that
05:38I think which is what we just said that over the next month of our lives
05:44The 49ers will get a lot more time than normal to rest and and yes
05:50Some of it comes on the back end of these two football games, but that is significant 30 days two games
05:57nowhere near as fun by the way, but
06:0030 days two games so the 49ers you have every opportunity
06:04I think 30 days from now to be a different looking roster
06:08Than they are in this moment and maybe more in sync and more in flow and all of that stuff so my suggestion is
06:16just like
06:17Forget about the Super Bowl for right now like I know I know why like of course we're still looking our wounds of
06:25Course this has been a wild five years of a lot of fun a lot of playoff victories a lot of
06:33opportunities that you have not finished and
06:36So that's gonna lead us to want to get ahead of ourselves and go. Oh my gosh if you don't win this week
06:42You're not a contender well
06:45October 11th
06:48Last night was a night that the Niners told us we have got to go get this thing on track
06:54Even though we have rookie corners
06:58rookie safeties
06:59rookie running backs and the rest we've got to go figure out a way one way or another to get it on track and they
07:07Did and they did that is they did that is a very very encouraging thing that happened last night
07:13It's encouraging. I don't know if it's very very encouraging. I think it is well
07:17There are things that were discouraging well, but that's in every game
07:20It is but that spot as I told you yesterday and fade the Dibbers that spot was set up to be exactly
07:28What it looked like?
07:30Through 35 minutes. They were playing their third game in 10 games
07:3410 days a third game in 11 days is one extra day right one extra day certainly
07:40But Seattle was in a spot where teams that are in that situation
07:44They don't normally win
07:45They don't normally cover and you're better than Seattle and you are healthier than Seattle
07:49And you're up 23 to 3 against Seattle and then you're not so special teams happened
07:55So you could talk about the encouraging things and we have it's a victory Friday, but you can also look at the things that were
08:03Discouraging and among them is an ongoing special teams problem where seemingly every game
08:10Something catastrophic happens. You've got a kick returner who runs into his own guy and fumbles
08:15You've got a punt that gets blocked you've got a kickoff return that goes 97 yards to the easy
08:21It seems like every game something disastrous happens
08:26I think that's fair see but but look at the difference in in sort of what you're saying versus what I'm saying
08:32your thought is a concern about what you're seeing right now and
08:35And and I agree with you. I agree with you the special teams
08:39Despite some some starry moments Jake Moody against the Jets and a blocked
08:45kick that's returned for a touchdown and and
08:48Somebody who's signed off the street going three for three and all of those things
08:54Outside of that special teams has largely been a huge problem and that is an in the moment
09:01Can you please tighten the screws and fix this right now?
09:04What I'm saying though is
09:06Stop taking the result of a football game because I really feel like this is this is kind of cherry-picking
09:13You take the final score of a football game
09:16Remove the context and decide that's what it means for the rest of the year
09:20That's really you're not a Super Bowl team. If you can't beat the Rams and the Cardinals. It's a cherry pick
09:26It's a cherry pick no football team goes through the year or very few at least without some disappointing
09:33surprising losses
09:35Was it was it Christmas Day last year?
09:40The Niners lose to the Ravens with all the picks. Yep earlier that day
09:47Did the Super Bowl champs not lose to the Raiders? That's correct with also
09:53multiple turnovers including a pick six in Kansas City if memory serves at Arrowhead and
09:59They won the Super Bowl
10:00You're gonna have some stupid weeks. So that's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. Sure like just
10:08Like yesterday was very encouraging to me
10:11Yeah, I was encouraging the idea not about like oh you looked perfect
10:15But you went and got the win that you have to have and the Super Bowl is four months away
10:22Like I don't even know who's gonna be on the roster in two months. Let alone four months. It just yeah
10:28I'm not even thinking about the Super Bowl, but we do you can't say that when you say Super Bowl or bust every week
10:34I said Super Bowl or bust at the start of the year and then I changed it to Wildcard or bust
10:38mostly tongue-in-cheek
10:40Because honestly if you look at the NFC West right now and what we know about the NFC West
10:45Even though you're one and two against the NFC West. This is a one playoff berth
10:51Division in my opinion probably the Rams are almost completely underwater
10:56Arizona's not very good and Seattle's lost three in a row and you've kind of seen I think the reality of what Seattle is
11:04Let's play with this. Who are your playoff teams? We've watched five to six games. What would you predict in the NFC?
11:09yeah, I would say you look at Washington and
11:13Philadelphia in the east. Okay. I think in the south you would take
11:18Tampa Bay
11:20alone in the north you would take
11:23Minnesota Green Bay in Detroit Wow, and then you would take the Niners. There's my seven. Okay, so you're leaving the Cowboys out
11:30Yeah, okay, I don't think what you're saying Cowboys or Eagles and I do think that the Eagles have a better chance to get healthy
11:39Be better than Dallas. Although you don't play Philly you do play Dallas and I don't think that Seattle or the Rams or Arizona is
11:48Gonna be good enough. I'm not disagreeing with you
11:51I'm just saying how quickly in all conferences you will get to some level of mediocrity at the bottom of your playoff
11:58Bottom of your playoff bracket, right?
12:00There's a lot of two and two and three and two agreed and in what you're talking about there and it's very early
12:06But but by the same token is Arizona and Seattle. Are they on the level with an Atlanta?
12:14with a
12:15Dallas a Philly. I know we're excited about Washington right now. Is that sustainable?
12:21Huge moment this weekend for them. By the way, here's another boy of Sunday night football could only flex
12:28Good God get this Giants Bengals game the hell off my TV and give me Lamar Jackson versus Jaden Daniels
12:34Are you kidding me? That game is this weekend and that is delicious. Yeah, that is absolutely
12:41I don't know if
12:44Just from a pure watchability standpoint an athleticism an excitement standpoint
12:50Is there a better matchup in the NFL right now across conferences than Baltimore and Washington?
12:56That's pretty pretty lovely stuff. And so that game we're gonna find out a lot about Washington. That's great that you're four and one
13:03I'm a believer
13:06But go to Baltimore
13:08Let's see it go to Baltimore and let's see it. Yeah, and so there's a long way to go
13:12So what looks good now may turn around and go the other way
13:15I like what you're saying about the NFC North thought very well could be a three playoff team
13:21And I think Chicago is a threat, but I don't think that they're quite there yet
13:25Probably not there yet. And I mean Detroit is still really good in
13:31Minnesota off to such a great start
13:32I don't see them fading Green Bay would be for me the wildest of the wild card of those three
13:37I'm going to only eliminate like eliminate based on what I've seen. I'm gonna eliminate three teams
13:45Giants Panthers Rams
13:48Funny about the Rams because they when they get healthy
13:52They could be a team that goes on a little bit of a run. It could they have the quarterback?
13:56Yeah, and I don't think I know that they have two phenomenal receivers who will return but I still I don't think that's gonna be
14:03Enough their defense would have to be better those teams that you just mentioned
14:07they for me are the most likely to make some late noise and
14:12You know
14:12The only win they have this year is against the 49ers and they are second to last in the NFC in point differential
14:19Yeah, yeah, so I am also encouraged about last night, I don't want this to come across as me being discouraged
14:26You don't any stretch and you know
14:28You get to this spot and you're three and three and even if you go into the buy at four and four
14:32That's not the worst thing and you mentioned the mediocrity in the NFL and that's gonna be
14:37Pervasive throughout the year. I look at the next two games and we'll get more into it on Monday as we lock in on
14:43Chiefs week and it'll be fun to kind of get a look at that game as we get closer to it
14:49But you've got the Chiefs and Cowboys both coming off a buy so your rest
14:55disadvantage, which is
14:56Legendary very few teams have ever I don't think any team since 1990 have had this much of a rest
15:04Discrepancy where the team that you play have a greater rest than you you have minus 21 net rest
15:12Disadvantage and back-to-back weeks you're facing teams coming off a buy and you're getting to
15:17Where you were last year and I said it last year when you lost your three straight
15:21I knew that the Cincinnati game was gonna be a loss because
15:24You were at the end of an eight game stretch with no break and Cincinnati was coming off a buy and that's where Dallas is
15:31Gonna be this year. Yeah, but here's here's how I kind of look at it because yes
15:34They could obviously lose in nine days. The Chiefs are good. Andy read off of why is a thing
15:40Although I don't think the Niners are gonna be overwhelmed in this game by any stretch, Kansas City hasn't overwhelmed anybody
15:45They've played they've won all five games
15:47But they haven't like completely outclassed anybody when I've watched them play that one's gonna be very interesting
15:53The Dallas game the following week on Sunday night football like yes, both teams have a rest quote advantage on the Niners
16:00However, the Niners will come into the Kansas City game in relative rest more rest than they normally get before a football game
16:08That has to help you play Dallas the next week, I just don't think Dallas is very good. I just don't that's just me
16:14I just don't think they've got very many weapons on offense. I don't think they can run the ball which makes you
16:20One-dimensional and the Niners defense handles one-dimensional really really well. It's how they've handled Dallas in the past
16:26I just remember Cincinnati last year, which was a similar team Cincinnati wasn't very good and they came in here off a similar
16:34Rest advantage off of I and the Niners were in the the end of an eight-game stretch and Cincinnati came in here and hammered
16:41Yeah, but the Niners were also I think in a really bad way at that point. That was the worst football
16:46They were playing all year
16:47So yeah, we'll see how it goes
16:48I would be surprised if you're anything worse than four and four
16:52Going into the by then you're very very rested for what I think is a fascinating stretch of games
16:58You know you go to Tampa
17:00Seattle comes here and then there's that back-to-back at Green Bay and at Buffalo, you know
17:06If you do keep doing the whole four-game stretch thing, like how do you do over every four games?
17:11Yeah, I mean even if you did those four in
17:15and went to and to and and and at some on some level you're six and six as December starts and I know that
17:23sounds kind of bar fee for the 49ers, but if you're six and six and
17:28You host the Bears you host the Rams and you go to Miami
17:32like I can I and you've still got a game against Arizona sure you play Detroit on a Monday night like I
17:38the Niners
17:39They're gonna get to ten wins and they're gonna win the division. I just feel that
17:44dicey if you're at six and six with five to go and
17:49Sure, you know, you've got the Rams on a short week, and I'm sure they're on a short week as well
17:54One thing that that we do need to keep in mind is the next time you play Seattle
17:58That's another team that will be coming off a bye and I know that Seattle has to travel here
18:03But there's another negative seven on rest differential because Seattle's coming off a bye
18:08One of the many teams you face this year coming off a bye
18:12Which I wonder if the NFL actually looks at these things and thinks about it
18:16It's back-to-back years where the Niners have kind of gotten screwed on the rest differential thing
18:22but I mean that Seattle game for me will be more difficult than this one is because
18:27Seattle will finally have a chance to regroup and have that week off going into it and that's so yeah
18:33That's that's something that they're gonna have to that. They're gonna have to deal with the way I look at it, though
18:38I mean if I really want to go with what's the most encouraging thing out of last night?
18:42I don't think it's Brock Purdy. I don't think it's
18:46Debo Kittle
18:49Christian and and and Claire, I don't think any of that stuff
18:53to me last night was the best defensive performance of the year and you may
18:58Scratch your head on that because 24 points ended up on the board, but seven of those go to the special teams
19:03Not the defense. I'd also argue that the late touchdown like I give a little bit of something to defenses
19:11When they they look totally gassed, you know, and that happens in the fourth quarter on Thursday night football
19:18Just look at the history. So
19:21I thought the defense from certain individuals best game Nick Bosa's played this year. He was awesome
19:2714 pressures is bananas. That's bananas to have rookie defensive backs play the way that they did
19:36Quite frankly the secondary that was their best game of the year. They're facing a three pronged
19:41wide receiver attack
19:43That's really good and they had no char various Ward and no who Fonga and you start looking at it and you're like, hmm
19:51Are these guys actually better? Are they better? Are they more disciplined?
19:55And so that's very very encouraging and Fred Warner looked like Fred and for the first time all year
20:02I can't really give you any of his numbers, but I like there was no time where I was screaming about Devon Drake Campbell
20:10That didn't happen last night. I don't even have him on my notes. There you go. So like that last night based on
20:18opponent based on
20:23timing Thursday night all of that
20:25That was my favorite performance of the year and with a new coordinator and most of our negative energy having been pointed at the defense
20:33this year
20:34That to me said, okay
20:37The Niners are
20:38Getting back on track to being the 49ers again
20:41It was terrific and that's a great way to put it and I would even highlight
20:45Further the big takeaway for me the thing that made me the most excited was the draft class the draft class
20:51Shined bright from Poonie to green to Mustafa
20:56You had green and Mustafa each
20:57With a pick and he had Garendo step in and he had the home run that ultimately put the game away
21:04The rookies came in and they were fantastic the younger players all stepped up and were great
21:10And I'm glad you pointed that out about the points because yeah, you ended up giving up 24 points
21:15But seven on special teams not the defense's fault and that last drive
21:19I was just going through it you forced Seattle to go 16 plays and
21:2470 yards and they had to use about five and a half minutes a game clock and so in that spot
21:30It's been but don't break and yes Seattle converted I'm looking at one two three third downs
21:37There's your score on fourth down to the fourth
21:40It was two-thirds and a fourth and ultimately on fourth and nine they cashed it in big deal
21:45That's exactly what the defense is supposed to do. They're not give up the big play
21:49Although they did give up the big play the touchdown to DK Metcalf
21:55Called back on a it was pretty much a bull Schmidt Casey Schmidt illegal shift on Seattle
22:02I don't know if you the one on Kenneth Walker. Yes. Oh, I thought he was
22:07Moving let's be fair because we were critical of the Niners getting called for that the week before
22:12He was I mean he was I guess he was kind of twitching his arm a little bit kept bouncing to the side
22:18Bouncing to the side. I didn't snap. He was basically he was standing there, but he didn't come set
22:24Second we've criticized the refs when they've called the Niners. I thought that was tiki-tac
22:29But ultimately it took away a DK Metcalf touchdown, so that's okay. Here's all here's all I'll say about it
22:35What I don't know on the legal shift that flag goes up right away
22:40It goes when the ball snapped right the flag goes up what I don't know is
22:44If that catches defenders eyes, and they know exactly what the call is
22:49Do you relax a little bit because DK went right by everybody?
22:52They just drew a teardrop right over their head so like I'm not gonna disagree with you on whether it's tiki-tac or not
22:58What I don't know is if 49er defenders were going full speed
23:02I mean, maybe they knew that this thing was getting called
23:05There's no way they could know that because it could it could be that the Bosa jumped off side
23:11Earlier in the game no, but yeah
23:12And and the offense sees that but the flag comes from the far side from where DK Metcalf is I'd be stunned
23:19Defensive players like oh, that's illegal shift. I'm not trying
23:23I'm gonna take this play off. I don't yeah. I don't know. I don't know yeah
23:27I like they do you do see flags
23:29And you do know like DK caught that ball, and you had Niner defenders immediately waving their hands. We're going back
23:34We're going back come on back
23:36You know what I mean, so DK like D'Amino Lenore's on social media live this morning
23:42You know trolling DK for having only three catches
23:45And he was like an inch away from having a monstrous game
23:50Yep, touchdown with his toe on the line, then he had touchdown called back by the shift that you're talking about
23:56So is interesting D'Amino Lenore another great game. Oh in the secondaries. Yeah, now. That's the one you pay next year
