Pokemon Origins Episode 3 English Dub_1920x1080

  • 15 hours ago


00:30I've continued my journey to complete the Pokédex, and I'm racking up lots of adventures
00:50along the way.
00:53In Celadon City, I managed to beat the Gym Leader Erika and her Grass-type Pokémon,
00:58and got myself a Rainbow Badge.
01:02After that, I got dragged into battle with a suspicious-looking guy.
01:05I chased him and found myself in Team Rocket's secret hideout.
01:11And that's where I met the boss of Team Rocket.
01:19I met a guy who said he was the brother of a Fishing Guru I met before,
01:23and he gave me a Super Rod.
01:26In Fuchsia City, I took on the Gym Leader Koga and his Poison-type Pokémon,
01:31and got a Soul Badge for winning.
01:33And after growing through so many Pokémon battles,
01:36my Charmeleon finally evolved into Charizard!
01:43How cool is that?!
01:48This is Saffron City.
01:51Once I arrived here, I got caught up in a real mess.
01:55So this is the Silph Company?
01:57They make all kinds of things for Pokémon trainers.
02:00Gramps talks about them all the time.
02:03Lou and I saved a woman who was being harassed by Team Rocket
02:06near the city's Pokémon Center.
02:09It turned out the woman was a secretary working for Silph's president.
02:13You're actually the secretary to the president of the company?
02:17Why is Team Rocket after you?
02:20Because Silph Company has been taken over by Team Rocket.
02:23I don't get it. Why would they do that?
02:26For the Master Ball.
02:29The Master Ball is the ultimate Poké Ball.
02:32It's been in development at Silph for years now.
02:35With the Master Ball, you can catch any Pokémon at all.
02:40Wow, that sounds like an amazing item!
02:42Right now, it's still just a prototype.
02:44Too bad.
02:46Team Rocket threatened our president as well as our scientists.
02:49They're demanding they perfect it.
02:51They want to use it for themselves.
02:54Right now, our scientists are locked inside Silph
02:57and being forced to work on it day and night.
03:00And worst of all, they're using wild Pokémon in their experiments.
03:04They're experimenting on Pokémon?
03:06They conduct test after test and many Pokémon have already collapsed.
03:11Team Rocket...
03:13I mean, if they keep going and they're the only ones with the Master Ball...
03:17Yeah, a whole lot of Pokémon are gonna get caught by Team Rocket
03:21and then probably sold off.
03:23The president is afraid that might happen,
03:25so he wants help from outside the company.
03:28But Team Rocket watches him too closely
03:31and he couldn't get a single message through.
03:33So he entrusted me with the task.
03:35I finally managed to escape so I could contact the police and...
03:41Thank you for saving me.
03:44It's no good.
03:45Team Rocket has the whole place covered.
03:47We'll get caught before we even make it to the door.
03:50Blue, take her to Celadon City and get her to the police station there.
03:56We've got to fill the police in on what's going on.
03:58We're gonna need their help.
04:00Are you kidding me?
04:01No way.
04:01Who'd want to do that?
04:03I'm out of here, Red.
04:05I'm working to reach the post office.
04:06I'm gonna need your help.
04:08I'm not gonna let you do this.
04:09I'm not gonna let you do this.
04:11I'm not gonna let you do this.
04:12I'm working to reach the Pokemon League
04:14so I can become the next champion.
04:16Smell ya later.
04:18Take it easy.
04:19What are you doing?
04:21Let go of me.
04:22Didn't you feel anything at all when you heard about
04:24what's happening to those Pokemon Team Rocket caught?
04:28If not, then you can't really call yourself a trainer, right?
04:34Okay, I get it.
04:36Let me go.
04:38The Celadon City police station.
04:40That's as far as I'll take her.
04:42But what are you going to do?
04:44Storm the Silph Company.
04:47Are you nuts?
04:49That building is full of Team Rocket.
04:51And you're gonna take them on alone?
04:54Those Pokemon need my help.
04:55Why can't you wait for the police to come?
04:57Because if I did, those Pokemon would continue to suffer.
05:01I'm not waiting.
05:05Team Rocket.
05:07They'll pay for this.
05:08I swear.
05:16You guys get out of here.
05:17Keep running.
05:21Okay, now it's your turn to run.
05:23Get going.
05:24Hurry up.
05:25How can we thank you?
05:27Oh, I know.
05:28I want you to have this.
05:30This is Lapras, a very clever Pokemon.
05:33It is a very strong swimmer and you can ride on its back over the seas.
05:43Aren't you the...
05:44You're the boss of Team Rocket.
05:48You're the little runt that snuck into our hideout before.
05:50So then I have you to thank for this disruption.
05:53That's right.
05:54I won't let you get away with hurting Pokemon just so you can have the Master Ball all to yourself.
05:59The president and I are discussing a very important business proposition.
06:03You really need to learn to keep your nose out of adult matters, kid.
06:07A proposition?
06:08You forced your way in here.
06:10The police are on their way by now.
06:14Somehow, you managed to sneak your way past the guards and made it all the way up here.
06:17That's quite the accomplishment.
06:19And thanks to you, all my plans are now for nothing.
06:24Team Rocket's fantastic plans ruined by a smart-aleck kid like you.
06:30Mr. Giovanni, we have to go now.
06:35I don't care what I have to do or how long it takes.
06:38I'll destroy your lousy plans every single time.
06:40You arrogant child.
06:42I was going to let this go.
06:45But now it appears you need to be put thoroughly in your place.
06:50Mr. Giovanni, why bother?
06:52He's just a boy.
06:53Do you think all this is really necessary?
06:56Trust me, he's not just a boy.
06:58He's an insolent punk who grates on my every nerve.
07:08Double kick.
07:29For some reason, I thought you might actually pose a challenge, but apparently not.
07:35Yes, sir.
07:39Not a very hot flamethrower.
07:46Even with a Charizard at your disposal, this is the best you can offer?
07:50What a pitiful waste of such gifts.
07:52Mr. Giovanni, we're ready.
07:54Come back, Nidoqueen.
07:58Count yourself lucky, kid.
08:01But why are you doing this?
08:03Why are you making so many Pokémon suffer?
08:06Because Pokémon are nothing but a business.
08:09And what is needed to succeed?
08:12And that is why we must not fail.
08:14The business must succeed at any cost.
08:16Are you serious?
08:18Pokémon aren't tools to be used for business.
08:20They're our friends!
08:21And yet you continue to let your friends feel the pains of battle and suffer defeat.
08:28A child like you cannot even begin to understand what I hope to achieve.
08:36Unfortunately, the police missed their chance to capture Team Rocket.
08:42And the development of the Master Ball was put on hold for a while.
08:48After Team Rocket escaped from the Silph Company,
08:51I went on to challenge Gym Leader Sabrina, the Psychic-type specialist.
08:56I got my Marsh Badge and continued on my journey.
09:00After that, I took on the Karate Master in Pokémon Battle at the Fighting Dojo
09:04and won!
09:05Feel free to choose whichever one you like!
09:08And then I arrived at Cinnabar Island.
09:11I visited a place called the Pokémon Mansion there.
09:14I'd heard that you used to be able to see all kinds of Pokémon there.
09:18But now, it's just an old abandoned house.
09:24A new Pokémon was discovered deep in the jungle.
09:27A new Pokémon?
09:30It seems like people once lived here studying Pokémon.
09:33What kind of new Pokémon did they discover?
09:38I beat Gym Leader Blaine and his Fire-type Pokémon.
09:42And that's when I got my seventh Gym Badge.
09:47They say that the Gym Leader in Viridian City is strong.
09:50He's been away a long time.
09:52Believe it or not, they had to close down the gym.
09:54But now I heard from some of the guys that he's come back.
09:58He uses Ground-types.
09:59And everyone says he's never had to even use half his true strength to defeat a Challenger.
10:04Really? Amazing!
10:07The Viridian City Gym Leader!
10:09The strongest of all Gym Leaders!
10:12I have to meet him!
10:13I'm sure he'll be able to teach me what I need to know to be a great trainer!
10:20Viridian City.
10:22Red! You're just getting here now?
10:24As slow as ever, I see.
10:27Let me guess.
10:27You came because you heard that the Viridian City Gym is back open, right?
10:31Hold on.
10:31Did you see him already?
10:35That badge!
10:36Then you're saying that you actually managed to beat the strongest Gym Leader?
10:41He was no match for my genius.
10:43Well, I'm sure it'll be impossible for you to win in there.
10:46But I guess you gotta try.
10:48Smell ya later!
10:50The Gym Leader is away at the moment.
10:53Can I wait here?
10:54Do what you want.
10:58Oh, wow.
11:05This place is completely different than any other gym I've been to.
11:09Welcome back, Leader!
11:12Well, well.
11:12I expected you to show up here one of these days.
11:20Wait, why are you here?
11:22Because the Viridian City Gym Leader would be me.
11:26That can't be.
11:27So then this place is...
11:29This gym is Team Rocket's!
11:32It's just a front to hide Team Rocket's real work.
11:36Since you're here, I assume that you wish to take on the Gym Leader in a Pokémon battle?
11:41You're not a Gym Leader.
11:42You can't be.
11:44This isn't right.
11:46The Gym Leaders that I've met up until now were all...
11:49Sure, they did things differently.
11:50And they all had different personalities and attitudes.
11:53They even battled differently, too.
11:56But even so, there was one thing that every one of them had in common.
12:00And that was how much they loved their Pokémon!
12:04There wasn't one of them who only thought of Pokémon as a tool for business,
12:08the way that you do!
12:11I won't accept this.
12:13I won't believe that you are the strongest Gym Leader.
12:16I refuse!
12:17The truth of the matter is that I don't need you to accept it.
12:20But what do you plan to do about it?
12:22Are you going to battle me?
12:28Very well.
12:29But be aware this is not a challenge to a Gym Leader.
12:33I challenge the enemy of all Pokémon!
12:38Another boy of about your age came to this gym just yesterday.
12:42He, too, was arrogant.
12:44But he had a potential that far outstripped any other Pokémon trainer I have faced.
12:50I decided to go ahead and accept that boy's challenge.
12:53I did so as a Gym Leader.
13:00That's not the case with you.
13:03Why do I get so agitated by this boy?
13:06It's just like at the Silph Company.
13:08What is it about facing him that makes me lose control?
13:12I will bring out my two specially chosen Pokémon and force you to your knees.
13:20Rhyhorn, huh?
13:21Then I'll go with this!
13:25So you've come prepared for my Ground-types with Grass-type Pokémon.
13:29I see.
13:31Well, looks like you have at least learned better than to try
13:33the brute strength of your Charizard against every opponent.
13:37Use Razor Leaf!
13:41Horn Attack!
13:49You assumed that Victory Bell would get you a quick win based on type alone, right?
13:54But in the face of my Rhyhorn, it doesn't stand a chance.
13:58Victory Bell, come back!
14:04Oh, now the Water-type Kabutops.
14:07It seems that you somehow knew ahead of time that I would be using Ground-type Pokémon.
14:14Use Takedown!
14:15Hydro Pump!
14:32Even Hydro Pump didn't do a thing!
14:34That's such a shame.
14:36Come back, Kabutops!
14:37A Normal-type, huh?
14:45That's quite an interesting choice.
14:47Hyper Beam!
14:49Horn Drill!
14:54This is the best you've got?
14:56Even with a Normal-type?
14:57Come back now, Snorlax!
15:00I'll go with you next!
15:02When you brought out Grass, Water, and Normal-types,
15:07I hoped this might be a bit more entertaining than last time.
15:11But now, an Electric-type?
15:13You must know that Electro-types are ineffective against Ground-types.
15:17Is this all you have to offer?
15:21I'm disappointed.
15:25What is this feeling of frustration?
15:28He's just another beginner, ignorant of the ways of battle.
15:32Use Double Kick!
15:41How could Thunderbolt beat Jolteon like that?
15:44You did well to strike at Rhyhorn's weakness.
15:47But the difference in our Pokémon's level is simply too great.
15:52Come back, Jolteons!
15:53You have only two more Pokémon remaining.
15:56What will it be, then?
15:58Charizard once again?
15:59Or do you still have some trump card up your sleeve
16:02to use against my Ground-types, perhaps?
16:05I'm counting on you!
16:09Ah, so you still had a Fighting-type Pokémon lying in wait.
16:14Let's go.
16:15Why does this battle make me feel so alive?
16:18Minutes ago, I was frustrated by the boys' foolishness.
16:21And now, I'm exhilarated for our battle.
16:23Rolling Kick!
16:27Use Horn Attack!
16:30This excitement, I felt this before, a long time ago.
16:40High Jump Kick!
16:41Take down!
16:45Use Horn Drill!
16:53Come back, Hitmonlee!
16:54Now, Rhyhorn, come back!
16:56And now, we're each left with just one Pokémon remaining.
17:01You'll use Charizard, I assume?
17:03Allow me to warn you ahead of time.
17:06This is Rhydon right here.
17:09Your Charizard does not match up at all with Rhydon.
17:12You've made a devastating mistake in your lineup.
17:14To have saved Charizard for the final match...
17:18You're obviously not ready for this.
17:21I wanted it to be Charizard!
17:23What was that?
17:24I win this with Charizard, or it's meaningless.
17:27Obnoxious kid.
17:28I'll crush that foolish pride right along with that Charizard of yours!
17:33I've battled gym leaders and countless other trainers up until now.
17:37I've seen how they care for and love their Pokémon.
17:41These badges here are the proof that I understand how the gym leaders feel.
17:45And that I carry them within me.
17:47I won't lose to you.
17:50Not to a person like you!
17:52This Pokémon here is a proof of how far I've come!
17:56That pose, the way he moves...
17:58I'm counting on you, Charizard!
18:01The way he throws it, it's just like...
18:09That's it.
18:10Now I remember.
18:12I knew I'd felt this way before.
18:14This sense of excitement.
18:16This burning passion that makes my blood race through my veins.
18:22Back then, I also threw my Poké Balls just like that.
18:25At the critical moment in battle.
18:28I'm counting on you.
18:29Believing in my Pokémon.
18:32I was once like this boy.
18:34Even I once loved Pokémon over all else.
18:37When did it all change?
18:39When did I become unable to see Pokémon as anything but tools for business?
18:44Go, Rhydon!
18:51I could have been this child.
18:53All right, this is it, kid.
18:55Time for the final battle.
19:08Use Mega Kick!
19:10Fury Attack!
19:16It's over.
19:22Use Horn Drill!
19:26Psychic Toss!
19:45It can't be.
19:50Its HP is zero?
19:58I didn't think you'd raise your Charizard to a high enough level.
20:02Certainly not enough to defeat my Rhydon.
20:06I don't want it.
20:08I don't need a gym badge from the boss of Team Rocket.
20:10You keep it.
20:16You know you continually insist on getting on my nerves.
20:21Send word to all of our divisions.
20:23As of now, Team Rocket is officially disbanded.
20:27Mr. Giovanni!
20:29Get the word out to every one of our members.
20:32Their work is done now.
20:35Now then.
20:36This isn't from the boss of Team Rocket.
20:38But instead, accept it from the Viridian City Gym Leader.
20:44It was a good battle.
20:49Take this badge and continue to aim for greater heights.
20:52If you wish to complete the Pokédex, you realize that
20:55you will have to be the strongest.
20:57Your path ahead is full of strong Pokémon
21:00that will not be defeated through normal measures.
21:04It will be impossible for you
21:05unless you are as strong as the Pokémon League Champion.
21:11Move forward.
21:19Take the path that I did not.
21:22You'll find the way.
21:25I will also move forward.
21:27I will try to find a new path for myself and my Pokémon.
21:36I'll find the way.
21:37I'll do it!