Pokemon Origins Episode 2 English Dub_1920x1080

  • 15 hours ago


00:42Continued my journey after I received a boulder badge from the pewter City gym leader Brock. I
00:48Bought a Magikarp using some of my hard-earned prize money
00:51I battled a bunch of opponents including this one super nerd on Mount Moon
00:55And I took on a suspicious group called Team Rocket and recovered a technical machine. They had stolen
01:02Even though my Pokemon were at a disadvantage
01:05We were able to beat the water gym and received a cascade badge from the cerulean gym leader misty
01:13Charmander gradually leveled up and evolved into Charmeleon at last
01:18In between battles, I received an old rod from a fishing guru
01:22I also received hidden machine 0-1 from a captain who was suffering from seasickness
01:29The Pokemon battle with the vermilion gym leader lieutenant surge was tough, but I managed to defeat it and got a thunder badge
01:38Then I got a bicycle with the bike voucher. I received from the chairman of the Pokemon fan club
01:44And now I'm heading to Lavender Town through rock tunnel
01:52Here at last Lavender Town
02:00Welcome to our Pokemon Center. I
02:03Heard that a ghost has been appearing in the Pokemon Tower lately
02:07Pokemon Tower
02:08Really? Yeah, that's right. And a lot of people have said that they've seen it. Excuse me
02:13Is that thing you just said about the ghosts really true? Uh-huh
02:16I haven't seen it myself, but everyone is talking about it. And what exactly is the Pokemon Tower? I take it
02:24It's your first time in this town
02:25Yep. Have you heard that this town is known as the gravesite for Pokemon? Actually?
02:30Yeah, I've heard that before the Pokemon Tower is the gravesite. I'll show you
02:38Pokemon Tower. Yes
02:40The tower is used for services the memorials that are held for Pokemon
02:45In fact, lots of people come from great distances to pay their respects
02:49So then the ghost you were talking about earlier is a Pokemon. Mm-hmm seems like it, but it's really just a rumor
02:55So then do you actually believe in ghosts? No. No, I don't think they exist. I'm not sure though
03:02Haha, maybe not. I guess that white hand that's resting on your shoulder. Is it real then either, huh?
03:10What? Oh, come on. Stop kidding me like that. Okay
03:21Yeah, I
03:24Want to thank you for waiting. You'll be glad to know that your Pokemon are completely fighting fit
03:29We hope to see you again soon
03:32Okay. Thank you
03:35Are you by any chance going to the Pokemon Tower? Yeah
03:39Since I came all this way, I figured I would check it out then before you go to the Pokemon Tower
03:44I strongly recommend you visit the Pokemon house. Wait the Pokemon house
03:52She said go here before going to the Pokemon Tower, I wonder why I'd need to do that
04:01Anyone here
04:08So what exactly is this Pokemon house anyway, oh so you mean that no one told you this place is where abandoned or orphaned Pokemon are
04:16taken care of
04:17abandoned Pokemon
04:19I'll show you
04:20This way, please
04:36Had no idea there were so many abandoned Pokemon
04:41You should talk to the founder of the Pokemon house. His name is. Mr. Fuji
04:45He says that lots of people around the world think of Pokemon is nothing more than tools or even some kind of accessories
04:52Did you know that this house actually used to be? Mr. Fuji's own home?
04:56He remodeled it like this so it would have facilities just for the Pokemon
05:05Mr. Fuji sure seems like a really kind person. You're right. He is. That's the reason a lot of people in town started helping out
05:12Mr. Fuji as volunteers here at the house has a matter of fact. I'm one of them. My name is Reina and my name's red
05:18Hey there
05:21All the Pokemon look very happy
05:30What's with this one
05:33It's a baby Cubone, it's only friendly to mr. Fuji
05:39But it's very nervous around anyone else and why is that because of Team Rocket wait Team Rocket?
05:46One day Cubone was being chased by Team Rocket close to town
05:54Just a little bit more there are more over that way capture them
06:00It's a baby Cubone they sell for a high price
06:05You know, you can't escape from us give up and let us catch you
06:12What was that
06:21That does it you dare to get in our way you'll pay for that
06:35Because of Team Rocket Cubone lost its mother Marowak
06:48Poor little thing
07:04Ever since that day Cubone hasn't opened up to anyone except mr. Fuji
07:19Can't believe Team Rocket what a horrible thing to do. I
07:28Wanted to thank you for showing me around here it all makes a lot more sense now
07:33I get why the receptionist at the Pokemon Center told me to come here before going to the Pokemon Tower
07:39Mr. Fuji is not just kind, you know, he knows everything there is about Pokemon and teaches us all kinds of things right now
07:46I'm working on helping to complete the pokΓ©dex
07:49So I'd really love the chance to meet him if I could and he could spare the time
07:53Which one of these guys is mr. Fuji? Well, that's just it
07:58Huh? What's wrong?
08:02Everyone I found out where mr. Fuji is where where is he? Tell us he's in the Pokemon Tower
08:08Pokemon Tower, that's right. Someone saw mr. Fuji heading that way yesterday. Then he saw him go into the Pokemon Tower
08:16Why would he go in there?
08:17Team Rocket, that's the only reason
08:21He must have gone there to convince Team Rocket to leave the Pokemon Tower
08:26Then he was captured and I'm afraid those kinds of people won't listen to anyone else. Excuse me the Pokemon Tower
08:33What happened there? Who are you? My name is red
08:38I'm on a journey and I was hoping to possibly learn everything I can from mr
08:43Fuji one day Team Rocket showed up and made the top floor of the Pokemon Tower their base
08:48It was completely out of the blue with no warning
08:57They came by truck and before we knew it
09:01Worst of all, they chased away the people who come to visit the Pokemon Tower
09:06This is our base. You're not allowed to enter without permission. Go away. I've just come here to pay my respects
09:17Since that day not a single person has been able to go inside the Pokemon Tower. I don't get it
09:23Why are they so cruel and on top of that a ghost appears? It's the truth. Believe me
09:28I saw it clearly with my own eyes the other night. I sneaked into the tower when Team Rocket wasn't looking
09:35And that's when
09:48It was unbelievably scary I see if people can't come to visit the Pokemon Tower this town is finished
09:57Hey, let's all go together and rescue. Mr. Fuji. Look, there's no way we can battle against Team Rocket
10:03Some people challenge them to battles, but they're really strong for a bunch of petty thugs
10:11Then what are we supposed to do? Mr. Fuji went to Team Rocket's base to protect all of us
10:16Are you saying we should just abandon him? No, we're not abandoning him. I'm sure the Team Rocket will eventually let mr
10:23Fuji go we'll just have to wait and see that's all we can do
10:33I'll go
10:38You but that's impossible you're just a child even the adults here didn't have the strength to beat Team Rocket that's right
10:45It's a waste of time. Even if you go there, nothing's gonna change
10:50Well, I'm pretty confident about my skill in Pokemon battles
10:58He's got three badges, okay now I see why you're so confident but are you really sure that that's going to be enough
11:04It doesn't matter. I can't let Team Rocket get away with this
11:08There's Cubone to think of too. I'm going to succeed in this you'll see
11:17Now I see that's what's going on
11:20So if I go to the Pokemon Tower and get rid of Team Rocket before red does I'll be the hero
11:37I said I would go but now that I'm here. It's more scary than I thought
11:49There's a sudden chill in here
11:54You really don't have to worry i'm not a ghost
11:58Please don't scare me like that. I came here because I wanted to see my Nidoran you care about your Pokemon too, right?
12:05Did you come to pay your respects?
12:07Aren't you afraid of course not?
12:11It seems the ghost only appears farther up
12:13It must hold a grudge against Team Rocket
12:16You said that it's farther up
12:24I can't believe they think there's a ghost in here
12:27I mean just the fact that Team Rocket took over this place
12:30Anyone with any brains at all would realize they made up the story just to scare people away
12:40The genie's blue will finally reveal Team Rocket's sneaky tricks and then kick them out of here for good
12:47Soon my name will hold a special place in the history of Lavender Town
12:56You guys heard the rumor about a ghost that appears here in the Pokemon Tower knock it off
13:01Will you I don't like that kind of story
13:03It's only a ghost type Pokemon playing pranks, right? That's the weird part. It seems it's actually a real ghost seriously
13:11Ah, we'll be fine
13:13After all we have this the Silph Scope is able to identify unidentifiable ghost type Pokemon
13:20It's kind of work on real ghosts. Are you sure about that? Don't be such a coward. What are you a little kid?
13:31Is Team Rocket even up here anyway, everybody talks about ghosts in this place, but there's nothing here
13:39What is that?
13:53It's the ghost somebody must have snuck in again just relax i'll go check
14:07Blue what are you doing here?
14:11I saw a ghost
14:21Wait, so that means ghosts really do exist. Come on, right? Let's run away. No you run if you want to huh? I can't
14:29I can't run away
14:40Leave this place
14:52Hey you what are you doing here a human opponent now that I can handle war turtle
15:20No matter what attack I try it doesn't work. What do I do now red use this?
15:28What is this you'll know when you use it
15:33Wait don't go that way
15:41Marowak then that means
15:46That means the ghost is cube bones mother get out leave this place you shouldn't get close to them
16:02There's no need to keep on fighting it come back chameleon
16:30It was just marowak all this time it was just worried about its baby q bone
16:42Well, no reason to get involved at this point I guess i'll just leave the rest to red
16:49You okay and where's the sylph scope?
16:54This thing here this what you're looking for who are you?
16:58I'm the guy who came to kick you out of this place
17:03You can't take on these enemies you'll just have to leave it to red i'm counting on you jolteon
17:09You obnoxious breath coppy get him
17:19Quick attack
17:24Copy go you smog
17:31Oh no
17:39All right now use thunderbolt
17:54It can't be we lost to this run i'm gonna remember you for this kid it's not over
18:01All right, we did it
18:11Mr. Fuji
18:14Oh, it's you reina q bone. Oh you came to save me
18:21Who are you?
18:22My name's red. Mr. Fuji. That's right. Red is the one who defeated team rocket in pokemon battle
18:28Well, then I owe you my gratitude
18:33And I see that marowak's restless spirit finally found the peace it desperately sought
18:38And we have you to thank for that as well red
18:48I came here to pay my respects for clefairy. I just can't stop crying though. Oh my growlith. I miss you
18:56So why did you have to?
19:03When I hold you on like this, it's just so warm
19:10Thanks to you everything here in our town has returned to normal
19:14And as you can see cubone has finally opened up to being with people
19:19well, I just
19:21I heard you're working on a project the pokΓ©dex. That's right. I'm helping out professor oak and completing it
19:29I see so you and oak, huh?
19:35Unfortunately, I fear your quest to complete the pokΓ©dex may fail without love for pokemon
19:41I do believe I have something that may assist you to help you complete that quest
20:02What's this
20:03It's a poke flute
20:05You'll learn that if you play that flute pokemon that are sound asleep will wake up full of energy
20:12And what's in this box?
20:14Well open it
20:21Are you sure you want to give me something so valuable? These stones don't have any value as gems. Oh, well, then what are they?
20:29You'll find out soon enough
20:41Okay, everybody thanks again for everything stay well if you ever find yourself in trouble feel free to come see me
20:48And come back again. Okay
21:05Guess you owe me one
21:06Huh? What are you talking about? Thanks to me getting the sylph scope. You were able to unveil the true identity of the ghost
21:14Which one of us said hey red, let's get out of here. Come on, let's run away
21:18Your ears were playing tricks on you. I don't think so. I actually heard it loud and clear
21:27I never said such a thing you hear me
21:29I did not say that
