Pokemon Origins Episode 4 English Dub_1920x1080

  • 15 hours ago


00:30I made it through Victory Road.
00:47And I finally reached Indigo Plateau.
00:50Waiting for me there were the strongest trainers of all, the Elite Four.
00:54I finally defeated the last of the Elite Four, the Dragon-type Specialist Lance.
01:24How could my dragons have possibly lost to you? I can't believe it.
01:31Red, you are now the Pokémon League Champion. Well done.
01:36Or, actually, you could be. But there is one last challenge that still lies ahead of you.
01:42Another one?
01:43That's right. The current Pokémon League Champion.
01:46And now I'm on my way to challenge the Pokémon League Champion to battle.
01:58Hey! I see you finally made it.
02:03I was hoping you would.
02:10I never thought that you'd be the Pokémon League Champion.
02:15Makes sense, though, right? I've always been one step ahead of you from the very beginning.
02:22While I was working on my Pokédex, I searched everywhere for the perfect Pokémon.
02:27I specifically looked for those teams that could beat any Pokémon type.
02:33And now I stand right here at the top of the Pokémon League.
02:37And do you know what that means, Red?
02:39Know what?
02:40I'll tell you. It means that I am the most powerful trainer in the world!
02:50Jolteon, use Thunder!
03:02We both fought desperately to get the advantage, one moment at a time, and the next behind.
03:08And then...
03:17I guess you'll just never be able to beat me, no matter how hard you try.
03:22Blue, the battle isn't over yet!
03:25I see. You still had one left. Great. I'll just put a quick end to this then.
03:31I'm counting on you.
03:39Woo! That really takes me back. That was the first Pokémon battle we had.
03:46Of course, your Charmander didn't stand a chance going up against my Squirtle.
03:51It's different this time. Just watch!
03:53I sure hope your Pokémon is a little bit more challenging after evolving!
03:57Use Mega Punch!
03:58Mega Punch!
04:07My Blastoise won't be taken down that easily!
04:12Charizard, get out of there!
04:14Use Hydro Pump!
04:29So it held on, huh?
04:30Charizard, Fire Spin!
04:42He's trying to wear Blastoise down!
04:46Fire Blast, go!
05:03We got him!
05:04We did it, Charizard! We really won!
05:10I lost? It's over already?
05:13How could I lose when I gave it everything I had?
05:16And just when I'd finally managed to make it to the top of the Pokémon League?
05:21Is my reign at the top at an end so soon?
05:25I just can't believe it.
05:31I just don't understand how I lost.
05:34I never made one mistake.
05:36I know I raised my Pokémon perfectly.
05:40Look, Blue.
05:43Guess that's it then.
05:47Looks like you're the new champion of the Pokémon League.
05:51Although I don't like to admit it.
05:53Thanks a lot.
05:57You defeated the Pokémon League!
05:59I came to congratulate you!
06:00It's Gramps!
06:02Professor Oak!
06:03I'm really quite impressed.
06:05You've grown up so much since that day you first left with Charmander on your quest to complete the Pokédex.
06:10You know, Red, you really have come of age now.
06:13Well, I just...
06:15What a shame, Blue.
06:17Once I heard that you had beaten the Elite Four, I decided that I should come.
06:21But by the time that I had arrived, you had already lost.
06:24Well, you took too long to get here.
06:27Listen to me, Blue.
06:28Do you truly understand why you lost this battle?
06:31I just got a bit unlucky, that's all.
06:33If he and I battle again, I won't lose.
06:35You foolish boy!
06:36The reason you lost is because you've forgotten to treat your Pokémon with trust and love.
06:41If that's all it took, I wouldn't have worked so hard.
06:44Now, Red, you do understand that this victory of yours was not just your own doing, don't you?
06:50Yes, sir. I try to remember that.
06:52Very well, Red. I want you to come with me.
07:06Professor Oak, what is this place?
07:08Well, this floor is where we honor and record the valiant efforts of the Pokémon League champions and their Pokémon, who have fought so hard.
07:17You see, Red, this area is more commonly known as the Pokémon Hall of Fame.
07:23The Pokémon Hall of Fame?
07:26Red, you have worked very hard to become the new Pokémon League champion.
07:31We shall now record your name and those of your Pokémon here.
07:47Congratulations. You are now Hall of Famers.
07:51Wow, thank you very much.
07:59I'm sure it's okay for someone like me to be a Pokémon League champion.
08:04Oh, come on now. You fought well and with great honor to achieve what you have. Be proud of that.
08:10Right. I won't bring shame to the title of Pokémon League champion.
08:16Pokémon League champion.
08:46And so I resume my journey to complete the Pokédex. I may have become the champion, but my travels were far from over.
08:59All right!
09:19I continued filling in the entries in the Pokédex and catching Pokémon like Articuno.
09:36These were three legendary Pokémon.
09:47Professor Oak, guess what? I did it!
09:50I completed filling in the Pokédex!
09:53Uh, hello?
09:55Oh, Red, it's you.
09:58Where did Professor Oak go?
10:01Uh, well, it's...
10:04Blue, are you okay?
10:08Do me a favor and keep it down. My head is gonna split open.
10:11Red, it's all right. If he just takes it easy for a while and gets some rest, he'll be just fine.
10:17Uh, you mind if I asked what happened?
10:20I was battling against a wild Pokémon out in Cerulean Cave. Then Blastoise got sent flying and landed right on top of me.
10:27Talk about a run of bad luck.
10:29Blastoise sent flying? What kind of Pokémon was it?
10:32I'm not really sure. Something that I'd never seen before.
10:36Well, then what about your Pokédex? It should have captured an image of the Pokémon.
10:40Unfortunately, I wasn't the only thing crushed by Blastoise. Look.
10:45Try and see if you can find that Pokémon in here.
10:48In your Pokédex? You mean that...
10:50That's right! I finally caught all 149 kinds of Pokémon, Professor! I've actually completed my Pokédex!
10:59Well done, Red! My lifelong dream has come true at last!
11:03Oh, great. If I just caught that Pokémon, I would have had all 149 Pokémon, too. But I can't now that my Pokédex is broken.
11:12So, Blue, what kind of attacks did that Pokémon use? We can use them to try to narrow down its type.
11:17It used Confusion and Barrier. My attacks didn't even reach it at all.
11:21Confusion and Barrier? A psychic type, perhaps?
11:25I don't see it anywhere in here. Hey, Red, you absolutely positive you got all of them?
11:30Yeah. Then how do you explain the fact that I got beat by a Pokémon that's not in this Pokédex? That's pretty strange.
11:37It seems that there is a hundred and fiftieth Pokémon out there.
11:42And you realize that that means that the Pokémon Blue battled was actually a brand new species.
11:46Look, Red, I know you just got back, but do you think you could go to Cerulean Cave for me?
11:51Sure, of course I'll go. I want to complete the Pokédex just as much as you do.
11:55You can't, Red. Don't go.
11:58Blue, why would you say that?
12:01It's way too strong. The fact it was beyond even me means that you wouldn't stand a chance against it either, Red.
12:08When Blue said that, I had the feeling that I'd read something just like that before.
12:13Where was it? Hey, Red, are you even listening to me?
12:19Yeah, I'm listening. But the point is, we won't know for sure unless I go and try to catch it.
12:24Yeah, I suppose that you're right.
12:27Look, I've got to be honest with you. I don't know anything about the Pokédex.
12:31I want that Pokémon for myself. I know that if I had a Pokémon as strong as that one, I'd be able to beat you next time.
12:37That's the whole reason I headed to Cerulean Cave. But then...
12:42The fact remains it's an unmistakably powerful Pokémon. You will need to prepare for this.
12:48Okay, Red, come to the lab with me.
13:02Cerulean Cave
13:06There. Come on now, eat up.
13:10Mr. Fuji, have you heard the rumors about Cerulean Cave?
13:15No, I haven't. What rumors are those?
13:18People are saying that a monstrously strong wild Pokémon has appeared inside the cave.
13:25Just the other day it defeated a trainer who used to be a Pokémon League champion.
13:28Have you heard what type of Pokémon it's said to be?
13:32They say it's probably a Psychic type.
13:35A Psychic type...
13:38So then, it's still out there.
13:44Next, allow me to check the condition of your Pokémon team.
13:48Yes, please do.
13:51By the way, Red, what are these stones that you have here?
13:55Those? Actually, I don't really know.
13:58In that case, why do you carry them with you?
14:01I got those stones from an old man in Lavender Town.
14:05When I asked him what they were, he just looked at me and said, you'll find out.
14:09And what was this old man's name?
14:11Everyone just called him Mr. Fuji.
14:14Wait, did you say Mr. Fuji?
14:19It's way too strong. It's beyond even us.
14:25Where did I see that?
14:29The Pokémon Mansion
14:33That's it! The Pokémon Mansion!
14:38Professor Oak! I knew I remembered those words! It's beyond even us!
14:42I saw the exact same message in a diary I found in the Pokémon Mansion on Cinnabar Island.
14:49July 5th. Today, while on our journey through the densest part of the jungle,
14:54we were surprised to discover a new Pokémon.
14:56A new one?
14:59July 10th. We decided to name the recently discovered Pokémon Mew.
15:05February 6th. From the potential within Mew, we have managed to create an entirely new Pokémon.
15:14September 1st. It has become far too strong.
15:19It is beyond even us now.
15:23What is this?
15:24Do you think it's possible that this new Pokémon that beat Blue could be this Mewtwo?
15:31Good question. That diary might be the notes of Dr. Fuji.
15:36Dr. Fuji?
15:38It's an old tale now, but Dr. Fuji was once said to be the world's foremost scholar in Pokémon research.
15:45But soon after he discovered a new species of Pokémon, the subjects of his studies grew darker.
15:51His research was soon dismissed.
15:52Why? What happened?
15:54He was attempting to artificially create a powerful new Pokémon.
15:58Do you think that that was Mewtwo?
16:01I don't know. All I can say right now is that it's quite possible.
16:05And the old man who gave you these stones, Red, could in fact be Dr. Fuji himself.
16:10You don't think they just have the same last name?
16:13The proof lies in these stones.
16:15When we analyzed them, we found that there is some sort of energy flowing between the two of them.
16:20One of these stones reacted strongly when it was put near Charizard.
16:25It's just a faint memory, but I do believe that Dr. Fuji did some research on something like this in his earlier days.
16:33Given that reaction, I think that you should let your Charizard hold on to that stone.
16:38And the other one?
16:40You should keep it for yourself.
16:42Okay, I will.
16:43And that's how I ended up heading to Cerulean Cave.
16:46So I could try to catch the 150th Pokémon.
16:56Mr. Fuji, it's terrible!
16:59It's Red, sir. It looks like he's headed for Cerulean Cave.
17:03My young Red, are you trying to catch that monster?
17:22You too, then?
17:24All right. Sorry, but I have to catch you.
17:27Go, Gengar!
17:30Do you think that Red is going to be all right?
17:33I know he became champion of the Pokémon League, but still...
17:44It used Recover?
17:52Even a legendary Pokémon doesn't stand a chance.
17:56I'm afraid that young Red's Pokémon won't be able to win this battle.
18:01But that's...
18:03If there's one hope, it's...
18:06This is it! You're all I've got left to count on!
18:19That was the moment.
18:24I felt I could believe in that strength.
18:27The strength I saw in his eyes.
18:29Fire Blast!
18:35A legend passed down in the faraway Kalos region since ancient days.
18:39If the bond between Charizard and its human partner is strong enough,
18:44a great force of power will well up.
18:48I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
18:51Just go, Charizard!
18:53Use Slash!
19:14Nothing I do works against this Pokémon!
19:22But... Charizard hasn't given up yet.
19:26So what am I doing?
19:28If the legend is true,
19:30then the power that sleeps within the two stones I gave him should appear.
19:37What is this?
19:40Mega Evolution!
20:00Wow! Charizard evolved even further!
20:10Let's do this!
20:12Fire Blast!
20:20The power of its moves has gone up!
20:23Isn't enough?
20:32Didn't work!
20:40Will you swift as well?
20:50Go, Charizard! Slash!
21:00Charmander, you've really grown strong, haven't you?
21:04We've come a long way.
21:06And now it's time to finally settle this!
21:09Charizard! One last Mega Punch!
21:29We did it!
21:31The hundred and fiftieth Pokémon!
21:35We caught Mewtwo!
21:58To be continued...
22:29Hm? What is it, Red?
22:32Mewtwo was created from a Pokémon called Mew.
22:36Wasn't that what they said?
22:39That means Mew's still out there!
22:58To be continued...
23:28To be continued...