Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver host The Iron Raider of Professional Wrestling Kohnnor Martin

  • 2 days ago
Wrestle Talk With Arabbidb3aver; Host The Iron Raider of professional wrestling Mr. Kohnor Martin the SPCW American Champion, and you may know him from Such promotions as Krossfire NWA Joe Cazana Promotions, The School of Morton5:05 and so many others. Come join us as Konnor takes on the Arabbidb3aver on Wrestle Talk and lets get slammed together!
00:00Hello and welcome to WrestleTalk with the Rabbit Beaver and joining me at this time
00:16is none other than the newly crowned SPCW, that's right, Southern Pride Championship
00:20Wrestling America Champion, the Iron Raider of professional wrestling. You may know him
00:26from Pro Wrestling Entertainment, the School of Morton 505, Southern Pride Championship
00:32Wrestling, NWA JCP, NWA Crossfire Professional Wrestling, and many others. Mr. Connor Martin
00:39is here. Connor, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to be here. We have
00:43a lot to talk about tonight. Are you ready?
00:45Oh, yes. Thank you for having me, Joe. I'm very excited to talk about tonight.
00:49Excellent. Connor, let's begin by talking about what made you want to be a professional
00:53wrestler. Take us all the way back to the very beginning.
00:56Boy, man, I could go on forever, but I'll try to be as quick about it as I can. So my
01:02first memory of professional wrestling was I was at my grandparents' house when I was
01:06a little boy and my cousins were playing this video game on the Wii. I remember walking
01:12up to it and one of my cousins was like, hey, Connor, watch this. And it was this wrestling
01:17character. He spit water out of his mouth and spit it again. I was like, huh, that's
01:22pretty cool. Fast forward a little bit, and I'm watching Monday Night Raw at my other
01:26grandparents' house, and it's that segment where Randy Orton kisses Stephanie McMahon
01:32on the lips while Triple H is handcuffed. Well, little did I know that Triple H was
01:36the same guy that did the thing in the video game. And I've been doing that since I saw
01:41it for the first time, and I fell in love with that. So Triple H has always been my
01:44favorite guy. I just didn't know it until I figured it out one day. But the whole spit
01:48take, I think that was my first thing. I'm like, huh, that's pretty cool. You know, being
01:52a little kid. And then I just got invested into it ever since then and just started following
01:56it and just tried to, you know, keep up with the best I can.
01:59Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we all started somewhere. I've told this several times on the show,
02:05but I'll tell it again. The match that actually made me want to get into professional wrestling
02:10and be involved in professional wrestling was the Hart Foundation versus Demolition
02:15at SummerSlam in the early 90s. And the Road Warriors came out, of course, and let it go.
02:20And look, you've got a crowd coming in here for the American champion right now. There's
02:23a lot of them coming in talking for you, buddy. Daniel Sutton is here. Isaiah Edwards is here.
02:28All of them have come out.
02:31That was the match that really made me want to get into professional wrestling as a kid.
02:35We had a tape of it. I'm telling my age, VHS. You know, we had a VHS tape and we would watch
02:40it over and over and over and over. And it just, it held something inside you. It set
02:45a fire to you, I guess I could say. So for you coming out and saying that that match
02:50was the one that really did it to you, where he just definitely kissed Stephanie, that
02:55was, that's something special.
02:56It's like freaking out with hair in the face. I was like, this guy, this guy's a bad-ass
03:01dude. This is cool.
03:03All right. So from that to breaking into the business, how did you get in and where did
03:08you train and what's the journey looked like for you?
03:11You know, man, my story is kind of similar to most people. I mean, I played college football
03:16at Maryville college for five years and unfortunately I didn't have the talents to make it to the
03:20national football league, which is fine. God has different plans for me. So I just choose
03:24to trust his plan. And this is why I know that I'm in his hands. One day I looked up
03:31wrestling schools near me just randomly. I happened to find a JPWA. I looked into it.
03:38I called whoever it was who I think it was Jamal at the time. I called him and got the
03:45paperwork filled out, all that stuff. And you know, ended up being the, turns out it's
03:49the best place you can train in the world for professional wrestling. Turns out you're
03:52trained by the best professional wrestler trainer in the world. And all of that, I didn't
03:57know before I, I could have been trained by someone in their backyard and I would have
04:01never known a difference. So that's how I know the Lord has my back in this whole plan
04:06and that there's a reason why I found that place.
04:08So I'm very blessed because it could have gone really, it could have gone a whole different
04:11way, but thankfully it's gone probably the best it could have gone. So there's that.
04:17And I believe we were talking about it earlier before you came on the show, but you just
04:21found the right place at the right time and the doors just opened for you. And that's
04:26a very, very, very hard thing to do inside any business. It doesn't matter what you're
04:30running, but God really has blessed you and put you in the right place in front of the
04:34right people at the right time. And you are definitely one of the hottest talents in the
04:39Southeast, if not the hottest talent in the Southeast working currently. Now, I'm not
04:43trying to build your head up, but I'm telling you, man, you've got what it takes. They call
04:46it the it factor of professional wrestling. And I'm telling you when people watch you,
04:51they know you have the it factor it's there. It's very visible to be there. So, I mean,
04:57you got it going on, man.
04:58Thank you, man. That means a lot.
05:00You're very welcome. So let's kind of venture a little bit into where, where you're getting
05:04booked. We've seen you all over. So we know you're getting noticed and you're getting
05:08seen across multiple regions. So we got to know who is your favorite to work for and
05:14Oh, man, that's hard to do. I can't do that. I have too many people I love and too many
05:19promoters I care about. I don't want to, I don't want to burn any bridges. I'm very blessed
05:24to work for all of them. Let's just put it there. I'm very blessed to be working for
05:28all of them. You know, so I'm not, I'm not going to pick a favorite. I love them all
05:31to death. If it came down to it, maybe there's some I'd work before, before others, but right
05:37now I'm very blessed to just work where I can. And all, all the promotions we talked
05:41about before this, I'm extremely blessed to be on all of them. So I can't.
05:45That's an extremely great answer because you didn't put anybody before anybody else. And
05:50also that shows how humble you are and what you're willing to do. That's very great mind
05:54inside the business. Let's move on a little bit. We recently got to see you win that American
05:59championship at Southern pride championship wrestling and took some footage for the fans
06:04watching at home on our reels on Facebook and also on Tik TOK also on YouTube. If you
06:09guys are out there wanting to watch it, you can just follow us and we'll have that out
06:12for you. What was that moment like when you realized that you were giving that championship,
06:18knowing all the hard work has paid off for you?
06:21I mean, it was just kind of like a surreal moment. Cause I mean, as a kid, you play with
06:26all these little plastic belts and you just pretend to be like champions and then to finally
06:30be a champion for something, it was kind of cool. And it doesn't matter how smart the
06:35promotion is. I was talking to one of my buddies about this. It's the fact that somebody has
06:39enough faith and enough trust in you to represent their company, to represent their promotion.
06:44So that, that in itself means a lot to me. So I'm very grateful that I won my first championship
06:50and was for a great PR for a great promotion like SPCW.
06:55Excellent. So we, uh, we've got to ask you because we watched it and I hate to even mention
07:00it, but the moment was ruined by Vaughn Miller. Do you want to talk about it a little bit?
07:06And we're going to show it.
07:07Sure. We can talk about it.
07:08All right. Let's get right over to it guys. It'll pop. All right. As you guys are seeing
07:16right here, Vaughn Miller is raising Connor Martin's hand after he was crowned that America
07:21championship. And then, Oh, a low blow out of nowhere. Do you think it was jealousy?
07:29Do you think it was just a mixture of things? What's going on through your mind?
07:33To tell you the truth, man, me and Vaughn were pretty good friends before that. And
07:38I was so excited when I found out we were wrestling each other and I could not have
07:42been more thrilled. So the fact that that man, that coward stabbed me in the back and
07:49went low on me during one of my best wrestling moments, if not the best, best wrestling
07:53moment in my career so far, that just shows his true colors. And that's pure jealousy
07:57and pure hate in his heart.
08:00Well, we have to ask, I mean, we, we, we wouldn't be doing our jobs properly if we didn't. I
08:05know that you and Vaughn are in several promotions together. Do you think this is going to bleed
08:09over into those promotions such as the school of Morton?
08:11You know, to be honest with you, I don't really care where it goes. This is personal between
08:17me and him. So if he wants to fight me at school one, he wants to fight me at crossfire.
08:20I don't give a crap. I'll fight him anywhere. He made it personal when he ruined that moment
08:24for me. That was supposed to be a special moment for both of us. And he let the jealousy
08:29consume him. So yes, I'll fight him wherever. I don't care if it's at one of the promotions
08:34we named or it has to be some random promotion. I don't care if it's across the country or
08:37if it's across the world, I will fight Vaughn Miller anywhere. I'll put him back in his
08:44So we just mentioned it a few minutes ago. You're at the new school of Morton coming
08:47up on in November, right? November 3rd, I believe they're hosting right there. What's
08:52going to happen? How's that going to be for you?
08:55Right now I'm scheduled to be in a battle royale, but I trust that I have a little bit
09:00more planned for me. So, you know, it's been a long process trying to build back up what
09:05they had, you know, moving from the Chucky Dome down to the Kingsport. So hopefully everything
09:10can go better with that. And I'm really excited for Friday night. I think it's gonna be a
09:13great event. It's gonna be a great welcome back for SOM. So it's going to be a good night.
09:17Get your tickets. There's a QR code. Click on the link below. Don't be afraid to show
09:21up. Come on.
09:24And remember guys, those tickets are very limited. So you definitely want to get them
09:26now if you have the opportunity to do that for Friday night, November 3rd, it's going
09:30to be great. There's going to be so many matches that are going to be taking place there, including
09:34one Casey Kazana and also none other than the Golden Child, Evan Golden himself. And
09:39that thing is white hot. Connor, do you have an opinion on what's going to be happening
09:43You know, both very talented wrestlers with very talented individuals inside and outside
09:48of the ring. I can't lie. But you know, Casey's hot. Casey's hot. He just, you know, he's
09:55killing the NWA. But Evan Golden's been killing it on the independent scene. So it'll be a
09:58great matchup. And I really cannot wait to watch it. I'm not gonna say who I think is
10:02gonna win. I think most people know who I think is gonna win. But I'll just leave it
10:07at that. It's gonna be a great match. So don't miss it, folks. It's gonna be great.
10:11Absolutely. Get your tickets now, guys. Don't forget to go back. If you're watching this
10:15and rewatch this, scan that QR code or we'll put it back one more time for you guys just
10:19so that you can get your tickets directly. Don't forget to scan this code for Fright
10:24Night for the School of Morton right there. Connor Martin, the Iron Raider of professional
10:28wrestling is gonna be there. He's gonna be in action. And you definitely don't wanna
10:32miss him right there at Fright Night, guys. If you have the opportunity, it is definitely
10:36gonna be a great place for you to be. School of Morton is doing some awesome things. Connor
10:41Martin, do you have anything that you'd like to say to anybody there?
10:45Hey, all my School of Morton family, it's been too long. I've seen a few of y'all. I
10:50saw some of you guys at the Innovate Show last Sunday. But I haven't seen most of you
10:54guys. I miss you guys a lot. It's like a family there. Especially being in that small little
10:59Chuck E. Dome. It was a blast. Hey, it had its moments, but it made you get closer to
11:03the people in the locker room. So I'm very excited to move on to bigger and better things
11:08for School of Morton. And I just can't wait to see everybody. I miss them. I miss them
11:11a lot. It's like family.
11:13Awesome. Connor, we have enjoyed the journey a lot watching you grow, getting to see you
11:18and be a part of your awesome entering talent. And we want the world to know that you're
11:24absolutely the future of this business. Being that person is gonna be a lot of things thrown
11:30at you. You're gonna have a lot of stuff thrown at you to stop you. How will you stay
11:34focused not only to become the best, but also to keep the values that you currently have?
11:39You know, kind of like I said earlier, just have faith in God, have faith in his plan,
11:43and just trust what he has planned for us. And you know, just don't lose that hunger
11:47inside of you. You know, I remember when I first applied for the JPWA, it took them,
11:53they normally say it takes two weeks to respond back. I didn't get a message back till 10
11:58days before the first day of class. So I've had a hunger since I started. And I remember
12:06one of the people I reached out to about how to start wrestling was AJ Kizana. And he told
12:11me something that has stuck with me ever since. He said, don't let me down. And I took that
12:17to heart. And I try to remember that and carry that with me everywhere I go and just try
12:21to remember what he said and like, don't let him down. And then there's just other people
12:25back home and here in Maryville, Tennessee, back in Cumming, Georgia, who are watching
12:31me and like they are loving this because they think this is what I'm meant to do. So I just
12:34got to, I got to show them that they're right. I got to prove it to myself. I got to prove
12:38it to them because you know, I love it and they're behind it. So you know, got a lot
12:42of people to, got a lot of people support. So can't let it down.
12:47Absolutely, Connor. Now we've got a, we know you've got some upcoming events about to take
12:51place, specifically the Battle of Burton 2 in Norton, Virginia. You want to talk about
12:56that for a minute? We'll put it on the screen. Yeah, it's actually my first time being in
13:01Virginia. I had to get my license and that was a, that's been a process, man. Like I
13:04didn't, I didn't realize you had to get licenses and this stuff. This is kind of cool. Like,
13:08I mean, I'm excited for it. I mean, I know it's RT3's big promotion, so I hopefully we
13:12can have a good time for him and like, I'll be excited. I can't thank Joe Briggs, even
13:17though he's, he's an evil guy, but you know, he helped me, he helped get me on the show,
13:20but I ain't a big fan of him right now, but he did help me. He helped me get on the show
13:24a lot. So. You know, that's the, that's the funny thing about the Doctor of Destruction
13:29is he might destroy you inside the ring, but outside of the ring, that man will give you
13:33the shirt off his back to help you succeed in life. And if that means you got to run
13:37through him, you're going to have to run through him. And at one point in time, you just may
13:41cross paths with him, Connor, and God be with you that day when it comes.
13:46Yeah, I slept in the ring with him one time. He's a talent for sure, but he's evil. Well,
13:52I don't know if I like him, but. So what's going on at the Battle of Burton?
13:56Do they, have they got you the card out who you're facing yet?
13:59Uh, not me yet, actually. I'm not sure. Uh, I actually needed to message RT3 about that
14:04because I'm not sure. I know I am booked because I'm on the poster clear, but I haven't gotten
14:08the card yet. Some people have the card. I think some of them know they're wrestling.
14:12I haven't, I haven't seen a card yet. So I'm actually excited to figure that out.
14:16I'll tell you what, as soon as you know, something, you message me and I'll put it
14:20out on WrestleTalk with a rabid beaver for you. I'll put it on Facebook. I'll put it on YouTube.
14:24I'll put it everywhere so that we know. And that way we can get you get, get you together. Now,
14:28as you see here, guys, tickets are going to be $10 for the adults to this show. Kids ages 12 and
14:34under are going to be $5. Kids under that will be free. So anything that's over there will be free.
14:40There's lots of tickets available. You can get it at Will Trotter mania is where you can go on
14:45Facebook to get those tickets right there. And as you see, it's a stat card. You've got Tyler
14:50Shoup. You've got Casey Kazana. You got the iron Raider of professional wrestling, Connor Martin
14:55himself. You've got the doctor of destruction, Joe Briggs, and so many more. Jimmy Valiant is
14:59going to be there as well. You definitely don't want to miss this as it comes up. You guys want
15:04to get your tickets now, get them early. That way, whenever you show up, you're ready just to
15:08walk through the doors as it comes. They iron Raider. Do you have to, do you want to say anything
15:13right now to anybody at the battle of Burton too? Hey man, the iron Raider is ready to make his
15:18Virginia debut. It's going to be awesome. That's right, Connor. We appreciate that so much.
15:24Connor, we know that Wrestlecade is coming up as well as well. Have you been asked to go for any
15:29promotion? I actually have not, believe it or not, but I'm okay with that. I'm not sure if I'll be
15:34going or not. I've been asked by a lot of people if I'm going, so I might go. It's not, how far is
15:39it? It's Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Yes, sir. How far of a drive is
15:44that from East, about East Tennessee, like Knoxville area? Well, if 40 was still open, it's about three
15:49and a half hours, but since 40 is closed, you're looking at about five to five and a half hours to
15:53go around. Okay. I mean, it depends. It's easier to fly in, you know, to be honest with you.
16:01It's still up in the air. When's the date for Wrestlecade again?
16:05Don't quote me on this, but I believe it's the 28th and the 29th. I think it's the 27th, 28th,
16:10and 29th of next month. If I'm not mistaken, I will find out for you and I'll let you know.
16:16Well, I mean, if somebody wants me to represent their promotion, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I mean,
16:20I'd love to do it, but I get it. New guy. Still, there's more veterans who need to do it, so I
16:25understand. I'm not going to be upset, but I might go. I might go. It just depends.
16:31Austin wants to know if you're going to be his best man.
16:36I love my guy. He's a goof boy. He's a goof.
16:41That's awesome, buddy. Connor, we got to see at Crossfire NWA just a week ago.
16:46How honoring is it to be with the world-class group of professionals such as Tommy Henry
16:51and the Page Sisters? Man, I don't even know where to start with those individuals. Tommy,
16:57Kenzie, and Kylie, they have been too good to me. They took a kid who just graduated from
17:05wrestling school and they have trusted him and they have given him a chance to
17:10represent their promotion and fight for their promotion and potentially be one of their top
17:14stars in the near future. I can't thank those three enough. They have been such a blessing to
17:20me and I love working for Crossfire Wrestling. I will do anything and everything. I will bend
17:26and break my back for that promotion. I love them and I love that promotion. Thank you guys so much.
17:31The Page Sisters and Tommy have been so good to us at WrestleTalk with a Rabbit Bieber,
17:35giving us unprecedented access to their events every time that they hold them and also letting
17:41us advertise for them. I mean, they've done so much for us that we're so grateful for those people.
17:46Hey, speaking of Crossfire, are you going to be at the night of Murdoch, Friday, November 15th?
17:54Hey, where's that event going to be held at?
17:57Maryville, Tennessee, baby.
18:00I'll be there.
18:01Absolutely. I believe you will.
18:03I expect a lot of my people to be there as well. It's going to be a big night for the Iron Raider.
18:09I'd be there if I were you.
18:10I would hope that would be a great night for you, especially as a homecoming
18:14for the Iron Raider of professional wrestling, Connor Martin.
18:17You definitely don't want to miss that as well.
18:19Definitely get your tickets now at KFW events.
18:21You can also get them off of the poster at Will Trotter Mania.
18:24You can find it at KFW live events.
18:27I believe they're also doing brown paper bag tickets as well.
18:30I don't know the event number on that, but I will find out for you guys that are watching
18:34and we will put that on our Facebook page as soon as we know.
18:36We will have that out there and available for you as well.
18:40Now, with that coming back to Maryville, with it being a homecoming for
18:44you, do you have any words for anybody that's going to be there,
18:47that is going to be facing the Iron Raider of professional wrestling?
18:51Hey man, if you're facing me, get ready to be the most hated person in Maryville, Tennessee.
18:57That's all I got to say.
18:58It doesn't matter if you're an established figure or not.
19:01If you're fighting me in Maryville, Tennessee, you will be hated that night.
19:05Sorry, I don't care if you're Tom Murdock.
19:07I don't care if you're Tom Latimer.
19:10I don't care if you're one of the Page sisters.
19:12Love y'all.
19:12But if you're fighting me in Maryville, I'm sorry.
19:15I'm going to have a crowd there and they're going to be behind me.
19:19I would absolutely agree for you, especially since it's being your homecoming.
19:22And it doesn't matter who it is.
19:23It doesn't matter if it's that little evil Rolando.
19:26You're going to take them on.
19:27You're going to have a great time at Crossfire Professional Wrestling.
19:31Once again, at the Bird and Brook Tavern in Maryville, Tennessee, Friday, November 15th.
19:37Get your tickets now to see the Iron Raider of professional wrestling.
19:40Mr. Connor Martin right now.
19:43We also got to see you in JCP a few weeks back.
19:46Is there anyone you'd like to challenge in the NWA and its territories?
19:53You know, actually, there's a long list of people I love to challenge.
19:56And, uh, you know, honestly, the next person, whoever, whoever wants to step up, I'll fight
20:03I don't care if it's Silas Mason, Jax Dane, AJ Kazana.
20:07I'd love to step in the ring with that guy again.
20:09Or if it's Tyler Shoup, that's the championship looks really pretty on him.
20:12But I think it would be on the Iron Raiders waist.
20:16Speaking of JCP and the NWA and you trying to challenge people out there, we know that
20:22they have a live event coming up Sunday, October 20th, 2024.
20:26Let's get over to the live scene for you guys.
20:28So you can see that as well.
20:29The territory is going to be taking place.
20:32And as you see here, the challenge has been made from the Iron Raider of professional
20:36wrestling, Connor Martin himself.
20:38Do you think anybody will step up to that challenge and face you there, sir?
20:43I'll be there.
20:44So if they want to, I'll be ready.
20:45I'm ready to fight.
20:46I'll have my clothes on.
20:48I don't care what we got to do.
20:49I'll be ready.
20:53I cannot, uh, I cannot thank you enough for, for at least letting the challenge be known
20:58and letting it go.
20:59Now you guys know that this is going to be a Sunday event.
21:02It's going to be Sunday, October 20th, 2024.
21:04It's going to be at net pro studios, LLC, the beautiful Bobby Eaton arena right there
21:09on Emory lane in Kingsport, Tennessee.
21:12So we've got to, we got to spread that out there.
21:15There's a man who works behind the scenes that I'm sure, you know, Connor Martin, who
21:18does a lot of work for professional wrestling.
21:20His name is Mr.
21:21Daniel Jones and Daniel Jones has really taken that building and made it his own and done
21:26great with it.
21:26And to see you there, sir, is going to be an excellent of it coming up.
21:32Dan's the man.
21:32I liked that.
21:33I liked him a lot.
21:34He's done a lot for me.
21:35I respect, I respect the hell out of him.
21:36He's, he's a good guy.
21:38He absolutely is Connor.
21:41100% is, uh, he does so much behind the scenes.
21:45I know that they had a benefit show this past week, uh, that was running in Kingsport and
21:49him and Tony Gibbons, both, uh, put on that from innovate championship wrestling, put
21:53on that show to help the victims that are out there that were stranded from the original
21:57hurricane that half Helena that took place.
22:00Uh, and they did an awesome job.
22:01SPCW as well.
22:03Did that this past week at that show that we were at that we got to see that footage
22:07And, uh, once again, this week, I believe they're going to be doing it again.
22:11Uh, if I'm not mistaken at SPCW one 22, let's look at that card real quick and let's talk
22:16about it.
22:19There he is right there.
22:20The man in the middle, Connor Martin, the iron Raider of professional wrestling.
22:23And look, the card looks like it's going to be stacked, man.
22:26You've got the blockbusters, Jordan Sparks, Toby St.
22:28They're going to be there.
22:29Zander Storm and Zach Apoliano.
22:31The tag team champions are going to be there.
22:33Echo and, uh, uh, Mina are going to be there as well.
22:37Uh, also you got the doctor of destruction, Joe Briggs, Carl Parker, the sexy cowboy is
22:41going to be there.
22:42RT three is going to be there as well.
22:44Uh, what can we expect to see from the iron Raider this week, sir?
22:49Hey man, you know, I always told myself the second I won a championship, I'm going to
22:53be a fighting champion.
22:54I'm not going to be one of those people that just hold their belt and just wait to
22:58You know, I want to fight every single show for that championship.
23:02I want to give the fans something to watch every single show.
23:05I believe in being a fighting champion.
23:06That's exactly what I'm going to be.
23:07So whoever wants it, step up.
23:11Strong words from the iron Raider of professional wrestling right here on wrestle talk with
23:17the rabid beaver, where you guys are here and it hurts.
23:19Now, if you guys want tickets to this show, you can show up one 57 Myers lane right there
23:24in La Follette, Tennessee.
23:25It's going to be Saturday, October 19th, 7 PM is going to be the place to be.
23:30You guys show up, show out, look right there.
23:32Let's go to the big screen.
23:33I want to, I want them to see that.
23:35Do that one more time, sir.
23:36That is the America championship that the iron Raider of professional wrestling is going
23:41to be putting on the line in an open challenge.
23:43If you want some come get some baby, he says, and that is how it's going to be.
23:48So definitely show up one 57 Myers lane right there in La Follette, Tennessee.
23:52And let's have a good time together, guys.
23:54I'm not sure if we're going to be going to that one this weekend or not.
23:57We had a busy, busy schedule this past week, but we're going to try to be there.
24:00I can't promise you that we will, but we're going to try to be there.
24:03Now, Connor, that's just about all the time we have for today.
24:06But before I let you go, is there anything that you'd like to say to anybody out there
24:12Um, you know, I want to thank, uh, my mom and my brother and my stepdad for helping
24:20me start this journey.
24:21Without those three people, I would not be where I'm at.
24:25So they're the ones who helped me raise the money to start wrestling.
24:28And they're the ones who have been the biggest support and the biggest backbone for me since
24:33I started.
24:34So I want to thank those three people.
24:35And I just want to thank everyone out there who's watching and who joined it, whether
24:38you joined for two seconds or you've been here the whole time.
24:40Thank you so much.
24:42This means a lot to me and Joe.
24:43It helps both of us grow our brands.
24:45It helps everything helps both of us, you know, I say grow.
24:48So thank you guys so much for all that.
24:50And I read a lot of y'all's comments and I'm sorry, I couldn't talk about them, but
24:54I just know I saw every single one of them and they were funny.
24:58They're awesome.
25:00Well, Connor, do you have any merchandise that you're going to sell at any of these
25:05I do.
25:06I do.
25:07Actually, I got a t-shirt.
25:09I got tons of t-shirts.
25:11You know, I got tank tops.
25:14I got golf shirts.
25:15I got, I got koozies and yeah, working on getting hoodies.
25:22I'm working on getting hats.
25:23Those are the next two big things I'm working on.
25:25So hats and hoodies are the next thing I'm working on.
25:27But I don't have a website right now.
25:30So you just order it through me.
25:32So I'm still working on that website.
25:34But right now, if you want a t-shirt, shirt, shirt, polo, tank top, whatever, just hit
25:40me up on Facebook.
25:41Instagram, Connor85, both, or The Iron Raider, whichever one, I'll respond.
25:47Well, Connor, you just, you just hit something big.
25:48You said that you don't have a website, but you got a Facebook, baby.
25:51That's the best thing to have in the business right now.
25:54Let's go over there and show it to the fans.
25:55Let's show everybody where that's going to be at that.
25:58Now, you said at Connor85 is where they're going to catch you.
26:00This is going to be your background right on it.
26:02Your main profile picture there.
26:04You got your friends request right here.
26:05Don't forget to click that like.
26:06Become friends with the Iron Raider.
26:09Don't forget to click that like.
26:10Become friends with The Iron Raider of Professional Wrestling.
26:13Send him a message.
26:14He will get back to you.
26:15And look right here.
26:16It's got everything.
26:17Got your highlights.
26:18Got your videos.
26:19Got different things that the fans want to keep up with you.
26:21They got it all right there for you.
26:22Also got other personal stuff that you've got going on on that page as well.
26:26So if you're wanting to order some of this beautiful merchandise, send him a message
26:30Get in touch with Connor Martin, The Iron Raider of Professional Wrestling, and let
26:34him do the work for you guys.
26:36Is that correct, sir?
26:39And if anybody out there watching wants to book you for an event, sir, how can they do
26:46Hey, just hit me up.
26:47Or I'll reach out to you guys.
26:48Whatever is easier.
26:48I don't mind.
26:49But yeah, just you can either email me, connor85 at gmail.com.
26:54Or you can hit me up on Facebook, Instagram.
26:57I try to check those DMs every single day as frequently as I can.
27:02Or, you know, I might reach out to you guys if that's okay, you know.
27:05I mean, sometimes you got to initiate first contact.
27:09You got to initiate the first word.
27:11It's okay.
27:13Absolutely, it is.
27:15And you know, fortune favors the bold, is what they always say.
27:19And pro deo e patra, for God and country, is what everybody else says when it comes
27:24to it.
27:24If you're not willing to go out there and put yourself out there, nobody's willing to
27:27put you out there either.
27:28So you're absolutely right with that.
27:30Let it come to you.
27:31Let it happen.
27:32And you will definitely have something go on for that for you.
27:36The doctor is in, Matthew Bowen says.
27:40So I have to say it's been an honor to have you here with us tonight.
27:45If the fans want to come see you, plug your bookings one more time for us.
27:49Let them know when and where you're going to be.
27:52So actually, my most recent match I have is this Sunday for Deep South.
27:57I'm fighting Johnny Polk.
27:59Yeah, it's at a bar in Knoxville.
28:02I have to check the address again, but I'll post it probably tonight.
28:07But I'm excited for that because me and Johnny, that was my graduation match.
28:11And you know, so that was my first taste in professional wrestling.
28:14So that man helped me get my foot in the door.
28:16So I can't thank him enough.
28:18And I'm excited to be fighting him again.
28:21And then that Saturday, I will be defending my American Championship against, I believe,
28:28if I'm reading the comments right, against RT3.
28:31So spoiler alert, but I'm excited for that.
28:35If that's the case, I'm excited.
28:36I can't wait.
28:37I've been tracking Roy for a long time, so I can't wait to do battle with him in there.
28:42And then, you know, we got the November show, Joe show.
28:47And I can't wait for that one.
28:48That's going to be a good one too.
28:50And then just whatever we can get in between that.
28:52You know, that's the beauty of this business.
28:54Sometimes opportunities just come to you whenever you least expect it.
28:58You never know.
28:59So whatever I can take, man, I'll do.
29:03Well, we're out of time for today.
29:05Thank you so much for being here, Connor Martin, the Iron Raider of professional wrestling.
29:08We all know there is going to be a lot of bright things in your future.
29:13And we would love to have you come back sometime.
29:15And remember, guys, you all heard it here first.
29:18Thank you so much for being here tonight.
29:19Would you like to say anything to anybody before you go?
29:21I love you guys.
29:22Thank you, everybody, for being on here.
29:24Like I said, whether it was three seconds or you've been here the whole time.
29:26Thank you guys so much.
29:27I hope that I keep living up to expectations and I hope I keep entertaining y'all.
29:32Thank you guys so much.
29:33I love every single one of y'all.
29:34And I cannot stress that enough.
29:35And thank you, Joe, for letting me be on here.
29:37You've been a blessing, man.
29:38I cannot thank you enough either.
29:40You're so welcome.
29:42We have some openings in December.
29:43We would love to have you come back if the schedule works out with you.
29:47If not, whenever you're available, you let us know.
29:50And we'll try to work it out to put you on the schedule to get you back.
29:53I'm sure we can work something out, Joe.
29:54Don't worry.
29:56Thank you, sir.
29:56Thank you very much for being here.
29:58The Iron Raider of professional wrestling, Mr.
30:00Carter Mark.
30:01Conner, if you'll hold on, I'm going to plug our merchandise and stuff.
30:04And I'll come right back to you as we end.
30:07All right.
30:07Thank you, guys.
30:08Thank y'all.
30:09Love you guys.
30:12All right, guys.
30:13So as you saw, we had the Iron Raider of professional wrestling here.
30:17And before we go, we always have to plug all of our plugs out.
30:21So if you guys are looking for a mic for doing podcasting, trying to get into the business
30:26somehow, some way, we've got you covered.
30:28Give AJ Becerra, call it Sweetwater today, 800-222-4700, extension 1325.
30:33He'll get you hooked up with everything we're using here, this beautiful blue Yeti microphone
30:36and get you going.
30:37If you're looking for a camera as well for professional work, we've got you covered on
30:42Don't forget to go to TEMU and use our promo code, T-A-W-0-0-3-2-0.
30:47And get you a camera today.
30:49Scan that QR code.
30:50And if you guys want to help keep the lights and water on, we've got two ways for you to
30:53actually three ways for you guys to do that.
30:55Scan that QR code and go to streamelements.com or streamlabs.com off of this one.
31:00And you can definitely give us a donation, a love gift, one-time love gift right there.
31:04And then if you guys want some merchandise, we've got you covered right here.
31:07Our Streamlabs store is up.
31:08Come get you some merch right there off of www.streamlabs.com forward slash a rabid beaver
31:14forward slash merch.
31:15We've got WrestleTalk merch.
31:16We've got our Camel Toe Adventures merch.
31:18We've got our OpinFox merch.
31:19We've got all sorts of stuff.
31:20The Arabid Beaver Gaming merch there.
31:22Definitely come on back and be a part of it with us.
31:25And without further ado, I think it's time to end the show.
31:27So thank you guys for being here.
31:28Each and every one of you that came in and viewed this, each and every one of you who
31:31came in and commented without this, we cannot, without you guys being here, we cannot do
31:35this show.
31:36You all make it very possible for us.
31:38So thank you once again for being here.
31:41We appreciate you guys.
31:42And I hope you all have a wonderful evening and we'll see you soon.
