Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3ver Monday catch up show

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Today we discuss some of the shows we went to and what we saw and talk about some of the upcoming shows that are coming up soon come along and get slammed with us and lets have a good time. p.s. The Evil Spock Bunny is in the studio today!
00:00Hello, and welcome to WrestleTalk with Rabid Beaver.
00:04I'm your host, the elusive Rabid Beaver, and joining me as always is the lovely Spock Bunny.
00:13Say hi, Spock Bunny.
00:14Hello, beautifuls.
00:15Hey, how are you doing today?
00:16I'm peachy keen.
00:17How are you?
00:18I'm doing wonderful.
00:19So we're going to go back and revisit the last couple of weeks for us.
00:26We've kind of been all over the place.
00:28We were at SPCW on Saturday, September 7th, and then the following Saturday, we did Spooling
00:35for a Fight with Piledriver Pro Wrestling, September the 14th at the Joel Evans Community
00:43And then this week, we were back at SPCW in La Follette on the 21st.
00:49So let's start way back at the beginning and move our way forward, shall we?
00:55Let's go back.
00:56Johnny Polk was taking on Casey Kazana the 7th, Saturday, September 7th.
01:02Let me get over there, guys.
01:03Let me show you the scene.
01:06So as you see right here on the bottom, Johnny Polk took on Casey Kazana, and we put reels
01:11up on our Facebook page, our Instagram, our TikTok, our Twitter.
01:17We've got it all over the place, guys.
01:20It is.
01:21It really is everywhere.
01:24And we just had a great time.
01:25What a great match that was.
01:27It really set the tone for the entire night under that match.
01:32Then we got to see the Blockbusters versus the Stew Crew, and that was a wonderful match
01:42for the tag team titles, but they won it under precarious circumstances, Spotlighting.
01:49Very interesting.
01:50Very, very.
01:51And then we got to see the match that we really wanted to see, Joe Briggs versus Tyler
01:58Shoup for that SPCW Heavyweight Championship.
02:03What are your thoughts on that?
02:06Not what I expected.
02:08Especially the way it turned out.
02:11Nobody expected what happened.
02:13Joe Briggs ended up retaining the title on the 7th, and they set up a date where he was
02:19going to have a rematch with Tyler Shoup a couple weeks later on the 21st, which is
02:26what we went to see last night.
02:30So, well, it was Saturday, it wasn't last night, I'm sorry.
02:34I got my days mixed up just a little bit.
02:39So we ended up leaving that wanting more.
02:44We wanted more out of Joe Briggs and Tyler Shoup, and we wanted Shoup to gain that title.
02:50We wanted him to train harder, as he says.
02:54Well, I think Mr. Dr. Joe did an excellent job, because you can tell he's been training
03:01nonstop, especially with all his little videos on his social medias, but Tyler Shoup is definitely
03:10training harder, just so he can beat Joe.
03:14Oh, absolutely.
03:16You're a little low now.
03:18Fix me.
03:19I got you.
03:20I fixed you.
03:21You're back up.
03:22I got you in my headphones now.
03:24For some reason, you weren't coming through.
03:27But yeah, so I think that you could definitely tell that Joe had something to prove, especially
03:34with the score being 0-2 in Tyler Shoup's favor.
03:39So that definitely made for great entertainment, great wrestling, a great fight, until the
03:48dirty, dirty happened.
03:49Dun, dun, dun.
03:50Yeah, you guys had to be there.
03:51We can't give it away, but we kind of already did.
03:56We said that Joe Briggs left with that heavyweight championship on Saturday the 7th.
04:04So with that being said, we moved on the following week to Pound Driver Pro Wrestling.
04:11Now they had a lot of cancellations, and the card's always subject to change, but it was
04:17still an excellent show to go to.
04:20Oh, absolutely, Spock Bunny.
04:23But one of the matches that really caught our eyes and caught our attention was the
04:28Weaver and the Pain.
04:29They took on the Blockbusters, and they just stole the show from start to finish.
04:35They do every time.
04:36Every time they are booked, they steal the show.
04:40I have to agree, and you know, I don't really see why they don't have the titles on them.
04:50That's just my personal opinion right here with the rest of the time with the Rabbit
04:55Weaver, goodness.
04:58But yeah, it's definitely an interesting show to talk about because of the cancellations.
05:07Tom Coffey was there.
05:09Tom Coffey ended up getting hurt in that show, and we wish him well in recovery.
05:16Tom Coffey, the Pirate King himself, we want you to know that WrestleTalk with the Rabbit
05:20Weaver is wishing you the best and hoping that you come out on top wherever you're at,
05:27and we definitely want you to be the best you can be whenever you recover.
05:31With that being said, he won his match.
05:33He was able to win his match.
05:35He went through all of it all the way, and then he had some sort of accident where he
05:39couldn't get out of the ring.
05:40He couldn't walk, and they had to come and help him.
05:43So that's unforeseen things that happen in the world of wrestling, but it does happen,
05:49guys, and we want you to know that we've got you in our thoughts and prayers, Tom Coffey.
05:55And it shows that the wrestling is a community because when one of their fellows was down,
06:01they all came out to help him.
06:03Yeah, they did.
06:04And then once they finally got him back up on his feet and had him to walk back to the
06:09back, everybody was cheering him on.
06:11Yeah, they were.
06:13And we wish you the best, Tom Coffey.
06:15We want you to know that you're in our thoughts and prayers as well.
06:17And congratulations on sticking through it and getting the win of that time.
06:22A lot of people would have quit and thrown the ex up, and that's it.
06:26And he fought all the way through it and got the win.
06:29So that really speaks volumes for him.
06:31We were talking about the Weaver and the Pain.
06:32The Weaver and the Pain really sold that show with the Blockbusters.
06:35There was a particular point in that match where Bruiser Bob got a hold of the Dream
06:45Weaver, Wayne Moxie, and he thought that he had Tommy St. or Toby St. John from Blockbusters.
06:52Lord, my mind just went completely blank.
06:58But he thought he had a hold of him, and he didn't.
07:00He had his tag team partner, and he's just over there reeling and reeling on him on the
07:05And what was funny is when they came out right in front of him, they just sat right there
07:09in front of them, acting like they were just eating popcorn or whatever.
07:13And here he is just beating on to his tag partner, and then the face, he's like, oh!
07:18After he realized it, it was just, oh, that was a mistake.
07:23But yeah, man, they really sold that show.
07:26They really did a great job.
07:28Put it on their backs and let it run.
07:29Karl Parker was there.
07:31Now he didn't have the cow with him at this show that we got to see at the SPCW the week
07:36before, but he did have an excellent match.
07:39And it was his birthday, so we want to wish you a belated birthday there, Karl Parker.
07:43Technically, he did have his cow.
07:45Oh, come on.
07:46It was the other cow that he kept in his...
07:49We can't talk about that.
07:50It comes from a really weird spot.
07:53You know what I'm talking about.
07:56It's a boot.
07:57A boot?
07:58A boot.
07:59A boot that's on fire?
08:00A boot that.
08:01So, yeah, we got to see that.
08:06We got to see Karl Parker put on a great match.
08:08We got to see Ruby Manitoba and Echo both go out there and put on great matches.
08:12Claire was there.
08:13Claire put on an awesome match as well.
08:14So, I mean, there was just lots of stuff that took place.
08:17The Sultan.
08:18With Ruby and Echo, we first saw them in Lafayette, and then that was like their first match for
08:24us to see them.
08:25And then coming and seeing them over here, you can tell the difference just within a
08:32Oh, yeah.
08:33Their performance was on spot.
08:34They were getting the crowd, and Ruby is doing very well getting a hold of all the girls
08:42and everybody's just cheering for her.
08:44She's become a fan favorite really quickly at Southern Pride Championship Wrestling,
08:49and you can also tell that her heart is in it for the business and for the kids and for
08:54everybody who's wanting to be involved in the business with her.
08:57The little girls are looking up to her.
08:59Oh, my God.
09:00They're doing such a good job.
09:03And they're chanting for her left and right.
09:04They want to see her because they see themselves in her.
09:06One day they could be just like her.
09:08Well, she's very acrobatic.
09:10And the girls are really looking at that.
09:14They get to see the former cheerleading side that she shows as well.
09:18And I think a lot of them want to be cheerleaders, and they can see that in themselves.
09:23And so it really does good job.
09:24I mean, a good job of public relations relating to those kids, relating to the fan base, making
09:31sure that you're getting your name out there.
09:33And as they've traveled, you can tell there's a lot more that's come together inside their
09:38matches and it's starting to click.
09:41It's starting to become like rubber and glue.
09:42It's starting to bounce and stick where it needs to bounce and stick, and they're just
09:46doing a good job.
09:47Echo's doing the same thing.
09:48She's got the crowd behind her.
09:49They're yelling, Echo, Echo.
09:52And you can really, really tell, which congratulations to Echo, by the way.
09:55We're going to get into that here in a second.
09:57But you could really tell that those young ladies are definitely giving it their all
10:02in the wrestling business.
10:03Welcome to America.
10:05Welcome to America for sure.
10:07That is one of the big things.
10:09And then moving forward, this past weekend, Saturday, the 21st, we went back to SPCW and
10:15we got to see that.
10:16We got to see Nova Fury versus Echo, and they crowned a new women's title holder, which
10:22is Echo.
10:23Congratulations, Echo, on that.
10:24Echo Fury, thank you so much for doing that.
10:27And you could tell that that was totally unexpected that they were going to put that title on
10:31her and it was like she had no idea.
10:34And Nova Fury was furious.
10:35Oh, she was to be died.
10:40Because they didn't realize it was for a belt or anything.
10:44And see, that was the culmination of probably three or four weeks of the women's tournament
10:49that they held.
10:50And this was the cup that they got for doing it.
10:52They got that title for doing it.
10:54And congratulations to Echo.
10:56We wish you a great title run and hope that you have great times.
10:59But you got to realize you got lots of ladies on your heels, such as Ruby, Ruby Manitoba
11:04is right on your heels and she's going to be wanting a shot at that pretty soon.
11:08So you better be ready when it happens, young lady.
11:12Connor Martin and Karl Parker had a wonderful match at SPCW 120.
11:18Connor Martin, the Iron Raider, as they're calling him, that gentleman is just on fire.
11:23On fire.
11:24And we got to see him earlier in the year at PWE.
11:28And we've just kind of followed him around.
11:30He's been at NWA JCP the last couple times that we've went.
11:33And he's also now been at SPCW.
11:35And he put on a heck of a show with Karl Parker.
11:38Now Karl Parker came out and he was dancing with that stupid cow, that big giant cow.
11:44Now we got to say it's entertaining to watch, but it's just like, what is going on with
11:49the cow?
11:50But it's great.
11:52You definitely, definitely want to see it.
11:53If you guys get a chance, go out to SPCW and support those two boys.
11:57Those guys are just on fire and they're doing great things in wrestling.
12:00And the sky is the limit.
12:01The acrobatics that Connor's doing and Karl's doing, and it's just crazy that these two
12:08young guys are so athletic looking.
12:12And so, I don't know.
12:15So what she's referring to is In Our Reels.
12:17You got to go back and check out Our Reels at facebook.com forward slash Joseph D Hughes
12:21or TikTok.
12:22You can catch them there.
12:23You can also catch them on Instagram.
12:25But check out Our Reels and Kassara Hughes.
12:27She's got some up as well.
12:29And go look for the Connor Martin Karl Parker match.
12:33You're going to see some stuff that you haven't seen.
12:34You're going to see some stuff that kind of reminds you a little bit of the Ultimate Warrior.
12:40And then you got some high flying stuff, some excellent stuff that's going to be taking
12:43place right there.
12:44You will not be disappointed in either one or at any of the wrestlers that we have recorded.
12:49Speaking of championship reigns, we have new tag team titles in SPCW, new tag team title
12:55Xander Storm and Zach Apolliano won that Fatal 4-Way match that they had take place
13:01between the tag teams.
13:03And unfortunately, the Weaver in the Pain didn't get a chance to get out.
13:06I mean, that was my pick for the evening and they didn't win.
13:09So congratulations to Xander Storm and Zach Apolliano.
13:13Congratulations on your first tag team title run together.
13:15I hope it's be a good one for you guys.
13:17I hope you guys are fighting champions and you're not cowards like some people that we
13:23Who would that be?
13:24Who are you talking about?
13:26I can't mention any names, lady.
13:29We ended up going really to see Joe Briggs and Tyler Shoup again.
13:34We definitely are trying to.
13:35I am wanting to see Tyler Shoup beat Joe Briggs for some reason.
13:38I don't know.
13:39Dirty Dr. Joe will get it.
13:44The house shall be divided.
13:47It is divided.
13:49It's not a shall, it is divided.
13:52Dr. Joe Briggs started off this match hot on fire against Tyler Shoup and then Shoup
13:57took control.
13:58And from that point in time forward, something happened.
14:01I'm not going to say what, but you can catch it in our reels.
14:04You can go right there or go to SPCW's website off of Facebook and check out some of the
14:09action that was taking place there and you can see it directly.
14:12And they ended up turning it into a three on three tag match is what happened between
14:18the Stew Crew, Dr. Joe Briggs in one corner, Tyler Shoup and the Blockbusters in another
14:24And let's just say the match did not disappoint at all.
14:28What an excellent match it was.
14:31So do you have anything to add on to that?
14:33Anything you want to put your little spicing into it?
14:37Make it spicy for the people, make it hot.
14:40Does that go see everybody come and enjoy the fun, enjoy the wrestlers and get to know
14:47them and get their merch and everything?
14:51I agree.
14:52So everybody has, well, not everybody, but Tyler Shoup had a table set up in the back
14:55room, Manitoba, Conor Martin, the Blockbusters, Carl Parker was trying to get to his table,
15:02but all the kids came around him and swarmed him and he couldn't get to the table and he
15:06was just out there having fun with everybody that was out there.
15:08They're asking him about his cows.
15:10They were, they definitely were.
15:14So it was definitely a great time to be out there in the world of wrestling.
15:17We got to see some great shows, some great matches.
15:20I got to be a part of some great shows as well as we got to record and got to just be
15:25out there and do our thing.
15:27So it does make a difference, you know, when you're a part of the show as well, it makes
15:31you feel like you're wanted and, you know, we actually had a lot of fun at SPCW.
15:36We had a ton of fun at Piledriver Pro.
15:39I got to speak to Andrew Thomas, who is actually in the back at Piledriver Pro, uh, during
15:44that night.
15:45And, uh, we were talking about Ego Pro a little bit, which is one of the other factions that
15:48he's out of, uh, right out of Athens, Tennessee down here.
15:52And, uh, he, uh, ended up losing his title.
15:54He had 464 days as the world heavyweight champion of Ego Pro.
15:58He finally lost that title.
15:59And I asked him if he was going to get a rematch and he said, I definitely should.
16:02I said, you definitely should for sure, especially being that your first loss.
16:06So, uh, we got to talk to him for a little bit and, uh, just kind of hobnobbed a little
16:11bit around with him and got some answers from him on that and, uh, asked him, uh, asked
16:15him, was he going to cry to Barry and see if Barry was going to get it to him?
16:19But, uh, I don't think he's going to, I think he's going to go with Mr. Chris.
16:22I think that's what's going to happen there.
16:23The kingdom of perfection is going to be moving forward.
16:26And uh, of course we've got some other shows that are going to be taking place here in
16:30the next few weeks.
16:31Let me, uh, roll over to my Facebook page here and I'll, I'll start scrolling down and
16:35we'll find them.
16:37I'm sorry about this guys.
16:39This was my bad right here.
16:41So, uh, the next show that we are going to be a part of me and the old spot bunny here
16:46is going to be a Sunday, September 29th.
16:49That's going to be the matinee at the matches, which is going to be taking place at a North
16:54Meigs elementary school, highway 58 North in Decatur, Tennessee.
16:58That's two two zero one five highway 58 North Decatur, Tennessee.
17:02Now the doors are going to be at 1 30 PM.
17:04The bell time is going to be at 2 30 PM.
17:07They have limited seating available, so you definitely want to try to get your tickets
17:11They will have some seating at the door if they don't sell out.
17:15So that's the K is if they don't sell out, they'll have some seating at the door.
17:18They definitely want to invite each and every one of you guys to come out, come say hi.
17:22Spot bunny.
17:25Say hi to us.
17:26Take pictures with us.
17:27Uh, I think we're going to be a, if everything goes through, I think the golden child and
17:30his partner, one, Mr. Michael Gaber will be there and we will go talk to them and
17:35see what's going on with them.
17:37They've come on our show a couple of times.
17:38They've had a lot of fun with us the last few times that they've been here.
17:41And uh, we just want to give them a shout out right here on WrestleTalk with Rad Beaver.
17:45Thank you, Michael Gabriel.
17:46Thank you, Evan Golden for coming on the show and making it prominent and bringing the golden
17:51pedigree with you every time you do.
17:52I appreciate each and every one of you.
17:54And uh, you know what?
17:56That book can help you.
17:58It can help you, baby.
17:59Guide me to the light.
18:01That's right.
18:02That's absolutely right.
18:04Uh, so as we've got that going, we've got some other things planned as well.
18:08Um, we were talking about the school of Morton earlier today.
18:12Let me get over to their page.
18:13I know that they are, uh, got some surprises coming up as well, which Scottie B is going
18:18to be here on the show.
18:19WrestleTalk with Rad Beaver on Thursday, Thursday this week, he's going to be coming
18:25in and talking about, uh, the school of Morton.
18:27He's going to be talking about all the stuff that's been going on over there.
18:30But before we get there, uh, let me go back over to the live scene for you guys.
18:35Uh, Saturday, sorry.
18:37I said Saturday.
18:38I meant Friday.
18:39That's my fault.
18:40Friday, September 27th, uh, at Hunter power sports, the school of Morton is going to bring
18:45you overdrive.
18:46Now, former WCW star buff Bagwell and WWE star, but Bagwell is going to be there.
18:52RT three is going to be there.
18:53Uh, Casey Cassandra is going to be there.
18:56Dominic is scheduled to be there.
18:57Uh, Sean Cruz is scheduled to be there.
18:59Connor Martin is scheduled to be there.
19:01And so many more guys, you definitely don't want to miss this.
19:03You definitely want to make this a part of you.
19:05Now, this is going to be taking place at 25, 20 Asheville highway in Henderson, North
19:10Uh, you can get free admission, but the card is subject to change.
19:15So you guys definitely don't want to miss out on that.
19:17You want to be a part of that as it comes when it comes to you guys.
19:20Now, do you have anything you want to say about the school of Morton, baby?
19:24I can't wait for us to go.
19:26I can't wait to go either.
19:28I'm waiting on them to announce it.
19:30And then once they announced it, we'll be taking our happy butts up the road, back
19:34to the school of Morton, and we're going to be having some fun, right, baby?
19:37Yes, absolutely.
19:38Speaking of the school of Morton, um, we have to give a shout out now.
19:41We didn't do this properly, but we definitely want to do it properly now to
19:45tank tank, got a chance at the world heavyweight championship a couple of
19:49weeks ago in August, and he was facing EC three, the real world heavyweight
19:53champion, by the way.
19:55And, uh, he did a heck of a job.
19:57EC three at him put on a heck of a match at the school of Morton.
20:00And, uh, I'm telling you guys, if you don't know, go back and rewatch it, uh,
20:05on their Facebook job and even to EC three's own signature move and turned it
20:12onto him and he did it so flawlessly.
20:16He sure did.
20:17He took the one percenter and, uh, made it his own move basically.
20:20And about God, the world heavyweight champion, just away, just away from EC
20:26three, but in the end, EC three ended up winning, but if you have missed that
20:30match, you definitely want to go back and rewatch that I said on their Facebook
20:32page, but let me correct myself.
20:34It's their YouTube page.
20:35And you want to search for Ricky Morton and catch all the action right
20:39there on their YouTube page.
20:40Uh, you definitely want to go back and rewatch that because tank had a heck
20:43of a match, good for tank, good for the school of Morton, uh, everything that
20:47you're doing over there has been great so far, guys, uh, we cannot complain
20:52whatsoever, so, uh, if you'll give me a second, I've got to find some stuff
20:56for you guys, cause I know there's a lot more than just those two that
20:59are going to be going on.
21:01Um, I know that, uh, USW.
21:03Oh, let me see if I can find it.
21:05Saul Nashville network.
21:08Here we go.
21:10Uh, so Saturday, October 5th at 7.
21:13Let me move back over to the scene for you guys.
21:15I'm sorry about that.
21:16It's all in the Nashville, uh, Nashville wrestling Alliance, Nashville
21:19wrestling network, USW nine to States, uh, wrestling organization.
21:23We'll be bringing you a 20 man rumble for the USW TV title, the TV championship.
21:29Now LT Falk is scheduled to face Tyler Thorne in this match as well.
21:34Jeremiah Plunkett, which congratulations, Jeremiah.
21:36We have to announce this before going forward.
21:38He is the mid America champion.
21:40Won it, uh, at Carnes high school in Knoxville, Tennessee.
21:43You can catch all that action on the CW app for NWA power.
21:46Uh, so congratulations on your win there, Jeremiah Plunkett.
21:49Uh, but he will be tasting, uh, facing T-Von Jordan right there at USW and Saul.
21:56Um, the juggernaut will be facing, uh, cousin Condrey, Sean Hurley will be
22:00facing the majestic, and there'll be so many more people that are
22:03going to be appearing there.
22:04You guys definitely want to check that out.
22:06If you guys get a chance to go out and just have a good time, have a good
22:10time in the world of wrestling and see some good shows, uh,
22:13that will bring us to KWF crossfire professional wrestling.
22:17But let me get it pulled up guys, because I have no idea what happened to it.
22:23So crossfire, I'll have to type it in.
22:25Give me just a second.
22:28Do do do do do do do.
22:30So the black harvest is going to be taking place, uh, Friday,
22:33October 4th in severe rural.
22:36That's going to be at the civil real civic center in severe rural Tennessee.
22:39That's going to be one 20 Gary R Wade Boulevard out there.
22:43And this is who's scheduled as of right now is going to be Jay lethal
22:46is going to be there.
22:47Kenzie and Kylie page, uh, Carrie Morton, Hoover to Guerrero, uh, Max,
22:51the impaler Tom Latimer, and so many more are going to be there.
22:54The last KFW ended up having a half of the slime balls come out.
22:59Uh, Sage chance was there.
23:01Uh, you had the Jackson kids, both Hunter and Jackson Drake, or sorry,
23:05the Drake kids, uh, I said the Jackson kids, the Drake kids were there.
23:08Hunter and Jackson, Drake, Sean Hood, rich ended up showing up at the last one.
23:12So you never know who's going to be showing up at crossfire professional
23:14wrestling, it'll be a great time for you.
23:15And I know Jay lethal, uh, is scheduled to hold a seminar before the event starts.
23:21And if you guys are interested in getting into professional wrestling or putting
23:24your name out there to try to put yourself to be in professional wrestling in any
23:28way, you definitely want to get in on the seminar.
23:31Now I don't have the information in front of me, how much it's going to cost
23:34you or what you can do, but you can definitely get it from KFW Facebook page.
23:38That's KFW wrestling events, and you can click on them and scroll down.
23:41And it'll be right in front of you guys right there.
23:44So there's going to be a lot of stuff that's going to be happening in the
23:46world of wrestling here within the next couple of weeks.
23:48I know that Sean Cruz is going to be at F uh, FCW.
23:53I believe it is.
23:54I do want to make sure that I'm telling you guys the truth.
23:56So give me just a second and I will find it for you.
24:00Uh, I will make sure that we are on that same page here.
24:03Sean Cruz, see if it'll pop up for me.
24:10It's F W E.
24:11Let me correct myself right here.
24:12It's F W E.
24:13He's going to be facing, uh, one of the toughest opponents of his life.
24:18Uh, that's Kane.
24:19You Kelly is who he's going to be facing right there.
24:21It's gonna be Saturday, September 28th, 2024 in Gary, North Carolina at a Gary,
24:27North Carolina sports headquarters.
24:29And you can catch it live at www dot F W E live.com.
24:33Or you can show up in person right there to the North
24:36Carolina sports headquarters.
24:38You definitely don't want to miss something like that.
24:39That's going to be going on.
24:40And then I believe that he's going to be at the school of
24:42Morton for overdrive too.
24:43I believe that announced him on that as well.
24:45And he was scheduled to be there.
24:46So you're going to see Sean Cruz at a bunch of places, the
24:49godfather of the industry himself.
24:51Making a splash.
24:53So Spock, when you got anything to say tonight,
24:56it sounds marvelous.
24:57Sounds marvelous.
24:58Sounds like some good stuff is going to be coming up.
25:01I know that there's some other shows, uh, in the area.
25:03We are going to be trying to go to the, uh, matinee show for JCP on the 29th.
25:08So come out and see us and definitely come out and see us there.
25:11But, and before I go, I know that we have forever probe.
25:14That's going to be scheduled on the 29th as well at the VFW in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
25:19That's 48 48 VFW is, is what it is on am Nicola highway.
25:23Let me see if I can get them to pop up for me though, before I, uh, make
25:27a mistake here, I don't want to do that for you guys or ever pro wrestling.
25:34If it will pop up for me, I'll get it for you guys.
25:36It's just taking it sweet time for me tonight.
25:40Here it is.
25:41So, uh, it's Saturday, September 29th.
25:43Now that show is going to be a afternoon show as well.
25:46It's gonna be like a matinee show, but it's gonna be a lower afternoon show.
25:49Uh, here we go for you guys.
25:51So tickets are going to be $10.
25:52The doors are going to be at 3 PM.
25:54The show is going to be at 4 PM.
25:55It's at VFW 48 48 on am Nicola highway in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
26:00You definitely don't want to miss it.
26:01Chris Cronk is going to be there.
26:02Jason Hampton is going to be there.
26:04Uh, Kevin Ryan is going to be there.
26:05So many people are going to be there.
26:08Uh, Teriyaki is scheduled to be there.
26:09And so many more, you guys definitely don't want to miss it.
26:11It's going to be a great show for you guys.
26:13Now, unfortunately we're JCP that day.
26:15We're NWA JCP.
26:16So we're going to be in Decatur, Tennessee doing that show.
26:18I wish that we still thinking of everybody, but we're at JCP.
26:22And unfortunately that's just the way it is.
26:24That's the way the cricket, the cookie crumble sometimes.
26:27But, uh, you know, that's just how we've got to deal with it as it comes.
26:30So Spock bunny, uh, as you said, come out and see us say hi, take pictures with us.
26:35Let's have a lot of fun.
26:36And don't forget, we've got merchandise guys.
26:38We've got it at www.streamlabs.com forward slash around to be before it's last March.
26:43And we'll put that up for you right here.
26:46As you see, I'm typing forward slash eight R a B B I D number three, a V E R
26:53forward slash M E R C H and let's see if it'll pop up for us.
26:58Oh, it's not there.
27:00Why is it not?
27:04I don't know why it's not there.
27:05It should be there, but that is our merch store.
27:07That is where we're at.
27:08That's where we've got everything going through is the Arab beaver merch.
27:11For some reason, it might be down.
27:13Let me check and make sure that it's not down on my other side here, my other
27:18page here, but that's where you can catch all of our good stuff is at the Arab
27:22beaver merch page for you guys at www.streamlabs.com forward slash
27:27a rabid beaver forward slash March.
27:30And you can get all your wrestling, WrestleTalk merch there.
27:32You can also get your cable to adventures, merch, get your op and Fox merch.
27:36You can get your nerdy gaming with a rabid beaver merch there.
27:38For those of you that follow my gaming channels, follow
27:40everything that's going on.
27:42So thank you guys very much.
27:43And remember, we love you guys until the next time we see you.
27:47Oh, the weaver in the pain.
27:49I was going to say who's coming on tomorrow.
27:51That's right.
27:52Tomorrow night, 8 PM Eastern standard time, right here on WrestleTalk with a
27:55rabid beaver, the weaver and the pain will be here, uh, going in and we're
28:00going to be talking some good stuff.
28:01We're going to talk about JCP.
28:02We're going to talk about SPCW.
28:04We're going to be talking about some of the Appalachian match mountain
28:07wrestling stuff that's going on with them.
28:09We're going to be just talking to NWA.
28:10We're going to be talking wrestling, baby.
28:12With all the meat bags.
28:14All you meat bags.
28:15Come on out and join us.
28:17And then we'll also like to wish happy birthdays.
28:21So happy birthday to Spencer Slade belated.
28:23Happy birthday.
28:24Also, uh, uh, Trevor Murdoch had a birthday that was out there.
28:27Arne Anderson had a birthday.
28:29Raven had a birthday, um, all within the past week.
28:32So we want to wish each and every one of you guys Morton.
28:34Oh yes.
28:35Kerry Morton as well.
28:35Kerry Morton had a birthday as well.
28:37So we want to wish you guys a very happy birthday, uh, belated birthday
28:42from WrestleTalk with a rabid beaver and hope you guys out there had the best
28:45days ever, and you're doing some good stuff.
28:46Spencer Slade has been traveling all over.
28:48He was in Canada with, uh, AJ, AJ this past week and, uh, apparently
28:53taking over Canada, they tore it up.
28:56So they posted some videos, uh, for, for the world to see.
28:59And they were posting some of their flight stuff that was going on as
29:02well, heading back from the flight.
29:03So, uh, you know, I know they had a good time.
29:07So you guys go out there and check it out and get some good stuff.
29:09And then in October, I know NWA is doing some tapings in Tampa, the fifth and the
29:13sixth, I don't know what time that starts, but I know it's going to be at the studio
29:17down there that they always go to the PBS studio, uh, right down there in Tampa,
29:22So you guys don't want to miss that as well as it comes up and as it goes through.
29:25So thank you guys so much for being here with WrestleTalk with a rabid beaver.
29:29Until the next time we see you, you guys heard it here first.
29:32Bye guys.
29:33Bye guys.
