Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver Has from New South Pro Wrestling,The Biggest Man Alive with us Big Dave!

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Tonight on Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver From New South Pro Wrestling we Have Big Dave The Biggest Man Alive here to talk about any thing and everything New South! come along for the ride and get slammed with us and lets have some fun!
00:31Hello and welcome to WrestleTalk with the Rabid Beaver.
00:34I'm your host, the elusive Rabid Beaver,
00:36and I have a very special guest with me here tonight
00:39from none other than New South Pro Wrestling,
00:42the biggest man alive himself,
00:45Big Dave is gonna be joining with us,
00:47and we're gonna be talking about this right here,
00:49what happened with the Dumpster Divers,
00:5199 vs. Evil,
00:53and we've got so much more going on tonight.
00:56Without further ado, let's welcome to the stream,
00:59Big Dave, Big Dave, thank you for coming in
01:01and being here tonight with us.
01:03How's it going?
01:04I'm doing excellent.
01:05I hope you're having a wonderful night.
01:07I know it was short notice tonight for you to come on
01:09and be with us, but we want to thank you so much
01:11for having the time and coming out here
01:14and sharing with us tonight.
01:16So, without further ado, let's just get right into it.
01:19Mr. Dave, how did you get into the wrestling business?
01:23How did you break in?
01:24Who trained you?
01:25And how has the journey come so far?
01:28All right, well, I guess to start,
01:31so I used to, I was a fan at New South
01:34before I was a wrestler at New South,
01:36so I was buying tickets to the shows,
01:38just like everybody else,
01:40and then I heard mention of training
01:43via the New South Academy,
01:46and so I joined up with the New South Academy,
01:52I guess a little over three years ago now,
01:55and so I was trained by Cabana Mandan
01:58and Kenzie Page at New South Academy.
02:02What toolage to be trained under,
02:04especially now you look where Kenzie Page is at,
02:06and Cabana Mandan is all over the place all the time,
02:09so that was excellent toolage to be trained by.
02:12100%, I agree.
02:14They definitely helped get me good really fast.
02:19Absolutely, sir.
02:21So, in your early days starting out,
02:23you know, not everything in the wrestling business
02:25is peaches and cream.
02:26I'm sure you've had some times with some people
02:29there at New South that has been really rough,
02:31especially one that we saw earlier, Negative Lee.
02:35I believe you've had a huge rivalry
02:37with Negative Lee in the past, haven't you?
02:39Oh, man.
02:40Man, man, man.
02:41Old Negative Lee.
02:43Yeah, you mentioned training
02:45and you mentioned all of that.
02:46We actually, we got into it.
02:49We got into wrestling around the same time,
02:52I think my first like official day, quote unquote,
02:56was I think maybe three or four days
02:59before he started coming around.
03:01So, we've always known each other from the beginning
03:04and we became best friends very quickly.
03:07We were tag team partners first breaking in at New South,
03:11multiple tag team championship opportunities,
03:14never got anything done.
03:16That's okay, you know.
03:18I look on the brighter side of things,
03:19but I guess he couldn't always look
03:21on the brighter side of things
03:23because Mr. Positive Lee cracks me upside the head
03:26with a chair and he turned negative on me
03:29and he turned negative on everybody else.
03:31And ever since then, it just seems like
03:34we're destined to always cross paths
03:37and have to smack each other around a little bit.
03:42So, we wouldn't be doing our jobs properly
03:44if we didn't ask,
03:45why did it break down so quickly with him?
03:48What do you think was the determining factor
03:51in him hitting you with that chair
03:52and turning evil, basically,
03:54and joining evil in itself?
03:56Let's just say it like that.
03:57A lot of evil going around.
04:00If I had to take a gander at it,
04:02as you can imagine,
04:03I don't talk to Lee much anymore at all,
04:06but if I had to take a guess
04:09as to why he decided to do what he did,
04:11I would say that he was probably just
04:14sick of living in my shadow.
04:15You know, the biggest man alive
04:17casts a pretty big shadow
04:18and I guess Mr. Lee was tired
04:21of having to live up underneath me like that.
04:24Speaking of the biggest man alive,
04:26now, we promised the fans
04:27that we were going to talk about this.
04:28I believe you all got a win here on the 15th,
04:31did you not?
04:32The Dumpster Divers against Evil,
04:3499 and Evil?
04:35We absolutely did.
04:37Evil tried to give us the runaround
04:41and said that they weren't going to get in the ring
04:44with old Dumpster Divers 99,
04:46but luckily for us on,
04:49I guess,
04:50still current New South general manager,
04:52Dump Sanders,
04:53last night as the official general manager,
04:56he made it a street fight
04:58and we took the match straight to them
05:00and I grabbed Lee right by his little Travis trip mullet
05:05and I beat him up all around the bar
05:07and all that good stuff
05:09and we left with a W,
05:11that's all that really matters.
05:13We had Cabana Man down here a couple nights ago
05:15and he was talking about Negative Lee
05:17and he said it was like Percy Pringle
05:20packed into a small midget box.
05:22That's kind of how he described it
05:24and he couldn't have said it better.
05:26Negative Lee,
05:27and I've got to say this,
05:28I've got to have him on the show one day
05:29because he absolutely gets a lot of heat.
05:32Everybody talks about Negative Lee in some way,
05:34but we're here to talk about Big Dave tonight,
05:36so let's move on a little bit.
05:39Big Dave,
05:40we got to see you at the Friendship Lodge
05:41a couple months ago
05:42and you were facing Donnie Primetime
05:44and you took him to the limit
05:46and then some in that match
05:48and you had the whole crowd behind you,
05:50the biggest man alive you would say
05:53and they'd say,
05:54the biggest man alive!
05:56They came alive for you.
05:57They were wanting to see that match.
05:59Do you have anything planned
06:02with Donnie Primetime in the future
06:04or are you looking to move on to bigger and better things
06:07such as a match that you're going to be having
06:09here in the future with one mongrel?
06:12Well, I got to say,
06:14to touch on Donnie Primetime for a second
06:16because I agree that that was a tough match
06:20to take part in.
06:21You know what I mean?
06:22It was long,
06:23it was hard,
06:24but in the end,
06:25he ended up getting the better of me.
06:26I don't have anything planned
06:28with Donnie Primetime at the moment,
06:29so to speak.
06:30We shook hands,
06:32like he said,
06:33handshakes are earned
06:34and I reckon I earned his handshake
06:36at the end of it all
06:37and if we could shake hands
06:39and leave the ring together,
06:40then I'm willing to leave it right there,
06:43but as for the mongrel this Saturday,
06:46Gadsden, Alabama,
06:48at the Spartan Wrestling Arena
06:50out back behind the Gadsden Mall,
06:53I was just trying to,
06:55I don't know if you've seen it on the Facebook machine
06:57or Twitter machine,
06:58any social medias that New South has,
07:00I reckon they might have posted it on.
07:02I was just trying to let the fine folks know
07:05that DumpsterDivers99 got a big old W
07:08in Scott's wrestling at the Friendship Lodge
07:12and here comes the Wendigo.
07:14She's laughing and I'm just looking at her
07:17and I'm like,
07:18what's going on here?
07:19I'm real skeptical of them,
07:21but oh yeah,
07:23you got it pulled up right there.
07:24There it is.
07:25You've got your promo going right there.
07:26There it is
07:27and then I reckon the mongrel,
07:30he took offense to the fact
07:33that maybe neither one of us had anything announced
07:35for the Gadsden Mall
07:36and he decided that he wanted to
07:39take his little mongrel nose
07:41and butt it up into my business
07:42and now we got to have a match about it.
07:44I guess that's just the bottom line.
07:46He butted his nose up in it
07:47and now we got to get to scrapping about it.
07:49Now we've got to talk about it
07:51since you mentioned it,
07:53that we're going to have that match
07:54that's going to be taking place in Gadsden.
07:56Do you have any special words directly for mongrel?
08:00Especially that he's going against
08:01the biggest man alive.
08:04Mongrel, I'm just going to say,
08:07you're always talking about
08:08you want more, more, more, more, more.
08:11A lot more than you can handle, mongrel.
08:14And this Saturday, Spartan Wrestling Arena,
08:18I'm blanking on the name of the show
08:20if you want me to be completely honest,
08:22but this Alabama Jam.
08:25Alabama Jam, yeah.
08:26Look at me.
08:27Look at me.
08:28You're good, buddy.
08:29You got it.
08:30Alabama Jam, mongrel,
08:32I'm going to show you
08:33that the biggest man alive
08:34is more than the mongrel
08:35and the Wendigo can handle since 99.
08:39Absolutely, absolutely.
08:42I believe it, sir.
08:43I believe that you're going to have
08:44a heck of a match with the mongrel.
08:45Are you worried, though,
08:47that his mean streak,
08:48his mean side,
08:49is going to come out to haunt you?
08:51Hey, I don't know.
08:52He's got a mean streak,
08:53but I've got a mean streak, too.
08:55And if I can get down there
08:56and I can throw hands with the best of them.
08:58I know the mongrel's a hard-hitting man.
08:59I'm not afraid of wrestling a hard-hitting man.
09:02I'm a hard-hitting man myself,
09:03so we'll get in there.
09:04We'll hit each other hard,
09:05and we'll see who hits harder.
09:07You know what I mean?
09:08Well, you said it earlier.
09:09You said the biggest man alive
09:11cast a very big shadow,
09:13and inside of that very big shadow,
09:15you've been carrying
09:16some dead weight around with you,
09:17so we have to talk about that.
09:19Those people that like to stay in your shadow
09:21such as Negative Lee,
09:22such as Rolando Perez,
09:24such as Evil themselves.
09:26Do you have any words for them, sir?
09:28Evil, I don't know what y'all got going on these days.
09:31Y'all are...
09:33Lee says they're eating cats and dogs.
09:35I don't really know.
09:36He's saying a lot of crazy things on social media
09:39as far as to what him
09:40and the rest of Evil are up to.
09:43Marcus Dillon, where's he at?
09:45You know what I mean?
09:46What's going on there?
09:48I actually don't have any special words for Evil,
09:51but Evil, I want you to know
09:52that I am always looking over one shoulder,
09:54so I ain't got nothing special to say,
09:56but I will let you know
09:57that I'll hurt you if I have to.
10:00The biggest man alive here,
10:02none other than Big Dave
10:03is with us right here on WrestleTalk
10:05with the Rabid Beaver.
10:06Now, Big Dave, we have to know.
10:08We have to get to the bottom of this.
10:10So we know that Tyler Franks
10:12is currently the heavyweight champion
10:15of New South Pro Wrestling.
10:17Is there any ambition
10:18to challenge Tyler Franks in the future
10:20for that title
10:21if he is successful at the Alabama Jam?
10:24Well, of course.
10:25I mean, I'd say that if you were a wrestler,
10:29any promotion that you were at,
10:30I mean, you should want to hold that big old belt, brother.
10:34You know what I mean?
10:35And if not, what are you doing it for?
10:37Because I'm doing it to win.
10:38I'm doing it to claim prizes.
10:39I'm doing it to get humongoled
10:42at New South Pro Wrestling.
10:44So anybody coming out of Alabama Jam
10:46with that belt,
10:47whether it be Jackson Drake
10:49or whether it be Tyler Franks,
10:51just know biggest man alive
10:53looking to get himself a big old belt.
10:55Now, I mean, no disrespect when I say this
10:57to anybody at New South,
10:58including Tyler Franks,
11:00but that is a big old belt
11:01and it's bigger than his body.
11:03And I think it deserves to be on
11:05the biggest man alive.
11:06That's my personal opinion.
11:08It doesn't matter for nothing,
11:09but I'll say that first.
11:10I think the biggest man alive
11:11deserves a shot at that big gold belt
11:14and he deserves to put it around his waist one day.
11:17What would you have to say to that?
11:18I would say I could only hope and dream.
11:22I held humongoled for a brief five minutes
11:26in Scottsboro, Alabama
11:28at the Bedlam Haunted House, I think.
11:31Yeah, the Bedlam Haunted House.
11:33And that just gave me a small taste
11:36of what I wanted.
11:37What I want is to hold humongoled
11:39and hold it for a long, long time.
11:41I think I'll get there.
11:43I work hard.
11:45I've been winning lately.
11:48So stack some wins up,
11:50get a title shot.
11:51Hey, maybe this time will be my time.
11:54Well, I have to ask you
11:55because gold fever is real.
11:57It's absolutely real.
11:59And once you have a taste of gold fever,
12:01men have done extreme things
12:03to stay with the gold
12:05and to hold that gold
12:07and to keep that gold.
12:08Do you think Tyler Franks
12:09is willing to go to the extreme
12:11to keep that gold?
12:13Hey, Tyler Franks,
12:14he is the fighting champion
12:16of all fighting champions.
12:17I think he is willing to...
12:20That's not to say
12:21that he'd cheat or nothing like that.
12:23But I think that he would do anything
12:26within the rules to keep that belt.
12:29He's a good, honest fighting champion.
12:31I don't think he'd do no
12:32conniving activities
12:33or anything like that.
12:35Well, I'm glad you mentioned that
12:36because we almost saw it
12:38a couple months ago
12:39at the Friendship Lodge in Alabama
12:42when he was facing Cabana Mandan.
12:44Cabana Mandan picked up that belt
12:46and he about whacked him
12:47right in the back of the head with it.
12:49But something got a hold of him
12:50and told him no.
12:51And I told Cabana Mandan
12:52this the other day.
12:53I was yelling,
12:54hit him, hit him, take it, just do it.
12:56And he wouldn't do it.
12:57He threw that belt down,
12:58but he thought about it long and hard.
13:00And I think the reason that he did that
13:01is because of what you just said
13:03that Tyler Franks is a fighting champion
13:06and he works hard to keep that gold
13:08and he does it the right way.
13:10Big Dave,
13:11if the opportunity arises for you,
13:14would you be that style
13:15of fighting champion as well?
13:17Oh, absolutely.
13:18I think without a doubt.
13:20I've shown already that
13:22I'm a perfect representative
13:25of New South Pro Wrestling.
13:26So holding that belt,
13:27I'd be no different.
13:29I'd still keep doing the same old thing
13:32that I always do
13:33and that's going out there,
13:34fighting hard,
13:35trying to win the right way.
13:37You know what I mean?
13:38Yes, sir, absolutely.
13:39We have to ask you about your opinion
13:42on TNT before we get off the air tonight.
13:45They have made a big splash
13:47at New South Pro Wrestling,
13:48getting some very curious wins,
13:50I would say,
13:51or some peculiar wins, by the way.
13:54And do you think that they have what it takes
13:57to hold that tag team gold
13:58longer than they already have?
14:00Oh, I think that they absolutely have
14:02what it takes.
14:03I mean, you got somebody like Brandon Williams.
14:05He's got the technical prowess.
14:07He's the man of 2002 holds,
14:10you know, the locksmith.
14:12He's keeping it all locked.
14:13You got Rita Raccoon.
14:14How are you supposed to fight a raccoon?
14:17How do you plan for that?
14:19You can't.
14:20You can't fight a raccoon.
14:23That's absolutely right, sir.
14:25You're a wild animal.
14:26What are you supposed to do?
14:27I mean, the only thing you can do
14:29is either capture it or kill it.
14:31And those are the only two things
14:32that are available.
14:33And if you can't kill it,
14:34you better capture that thing.
14:37And killing ain't legal
14:39under New South Wrestling rules.
14:41That's right.
14:42That's absolutely right.
14:43And believe me,
14:44you would know the biggest lion alive.
14:46You've tried it, I'm sure.
14:48I tried it.
14:49I tried it on Lee.
14:50You're absolutely right.
14:51And Dump Sanders said,
14:52no way, dude.
14:53You can't do that.
14:55Let's talk about Tony Evans for a minute.
14:57I know that he had a match
14:58against Donnie Primetime
14:59just a couple of days ago,
15:01but it seems like you have had some issues
15:04with Tony Evans in the past.
15:05Can you go brief into that
15:07and explain it to us?
15:08I've always had an issue
15:10with Tony Evans.
15:11If Tony Evans has no haters,
15:16then I've died.
15:17Just know that.
15:20We've had a match recently.
15:25I want to say it was
15:26East Limestone High School.
15:29It was East Limestone High School.
15:31And he got the better of me that night.
15:36And that's okay.
15:37But he did it
15:38under some nefarious circumstances.
15:40So I'm looking to get a rematch.
15:42I'm looking to show him what's up.
15:44Well, throw him under the bus.
15:45What did he do?
15:48He grabbed the tights
15:49and he put his feet up on the ropes.
15:51Ref wasn't looking.
15:52Ref was looking at my shoulders
15:53to make sure my shoulders were down
15:55for the count
15:57and didn't notice
15:59he was pulling the whoopsie-daisy up there.
16:02And see, Big Dave,
16:03it's on IWTV.
16:05It was recorded when this happened.
16:07So there is video footage of this.
16:09The Biggest Man Alive
16:10has a claim against Tony Evans here.
16:13And we want to know,
16:14will you be going for a rematch against him?
16:17I will be.
16:18As soon as I handle my business with the mongrel,
16:20as soon as I wrap that up,
16:22I'll be gunning for a rematch with Tony Evans.
16:26Excellent, excellent.
16:27We're just about out of time here today
16:29on WrestleTalk with Rabid Beaver.
16:31But Big Dave,
16:32I definitely want to ask you
16:33just a couple more questions,
16:34if that's okay with you.
16:37Do you have any merchandise
16:39that you're selling currently?
16:41Hey, I ain't got nothing online.
16:43I do it the good, honest way.
16:45I make it right here in my living room
16:47and I slap it out on the merch table
16:49and say, come get it.
16:51That's right.
16:52And where can they get it?
16:53This coming up at the Gadsden Alabama Jam, right?
16:56Saturday, Alabama Jam at the Gadsden Mall.
16:59About that intermission time hits,
17:01Biggest Man Alive gonna come out with a box
17:03and he gonna sell you a t-shirt, $20.
17:05That's right.
17:06Go out there and get you some merch
17:07from the Biggest Man Alive, Big Dave.
17:09And Big Dave,
17:10we've got to get over to your social media
17:11because we want you to plug it for us.
17:13Let us know exactly where we're going for.
17:16Let's do it.
17:17Let me try to remember it as well.
17:19On Twitter, I'm at bigdavesince99
17:24at bigdavesince99
17:26on Instagram.
17:27Oh yeah, there I am.
17:30This is your Facebook page.
17:32That's me on Facebook.
17:33Yes, sir.
17:35So David Weaver at Big Dave is how you've got it,
17:37and it's got the Alabama Jam
17:39versus the Mongrel right there on top.
17:41There's me and the Mongrel on Instagram.
17:43I am bigdavepw.
17:45That's where you can find me on Instagram.
17:48I got a Facebook page that's just Big Dave.
17:50You can like that or, you know,
17:52hell, you can send me a friend request on that account.
17:55Maybe I'll probably accept it, I think.
17:59All right.
18:00Our last question for you for the night.
18:02Do you have any words
18:03for anybody trying to break into the business
18:05that is looking to start and has nowhere to go,
18:08doesn't know anything about it,
18:09but they want to get in this business?
18:11Any words of encouragement for them, sir?
18:13I would say be ready to work real, real hard
18:18because I didn't get nowhere without working hard.
18:20That's something that was instilled in me
18:22from a young age,
18:23and it's only exemplified in the pro wrestling business.
18:27So if you're looking to get in,
18:28I would say find a local promotion close to you.
18:33Not every local promotion offers training.
18:35You know, that's something that varies place by place,
18:38but you can look for schools near you
18:40if you want to wrestle.
18:41If you want to help out,
18:42you can offer to help at your local promotion.
18:46If you don't want to do any of that,
18:48you can honestly help out a lot by buying a ticket
18:50and just supporting the shows in general,
18:52if neither one of those things is your cup of tea.
18:54But if you're looking to wrestle,
18:55I would really find a good wrestling school near you
18:58with some good quality trainers.
19:02And get reps the right way
19:04if you're just looking to help out.
19:05I mean, there's always ways to help out, you know?
19:09So we actually got started on the video side.
19:12I spoke about this with Cabana Medan the other day.
19:15I was working at the CW in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
19:18and Harley Race came in
19:19and he wanted to get World League put on
19:21to the television station,
19:23and they had a board vote,
19:25and we were the deciding vote.
19:26I was the deciding vote for it.
19:27And he was getting the worst time slot.
19:29He was getting 2 a.m. on a Tuesday night.
19:32You know what I mean?
19:33He was going nowhere,
19:34but he wanted that time slot.
19:35He wanted in.
19:36And we were the deciding vote to get him put on.
19:38And ever since we did that,
19:40we always have had a job in wrestling somewhere.
19:42He's taken us and we've ran for him to Houston.
19:45We got him put in Houston,
19:46and then we started learning how to put the ring up,
19:49tear the ring down,
19:50sweep the floors,
19:51pull chairs,
19:52put chairs out,
19:53clean up,
19:54take out trash,
19:55clean bathrooms.
19:56We did everything.
19:57And then he hooked us up with none other
20:00than the heavenly body himself,
20:02Dr. Tom Pritchard.
20:03And so we got into the business that way.
20:06We went into it.
20:07We took a social media class with Dr. Tom,
20:09and we've just been on the road ever since
20:11doing different things,
20:12going everywhere.
20:13So my encouragement to you is it doesn't matter
20:15where you start.
20:16If you start at the bottom,
20:17that's okay.
20:18Don't you worry about it.
20:20You get in where you fit in,
20:21and you fit in at the bottom first,
20:23and you work your way up,
20:24and you do whatever it takes to get there.
20:26Big Dave,
20:27I've got to say right here,
20:28we're going to go right back over to the live scene
20:30for just a second.
20:31You can come see him Saturday,
20:33September 21st, 2024,
20:35at the Gadsden Mall in Gadsden,
20:37Alabama at the Spartan Arena right there.
20:40You guys definitely do not want to miss this.
20:43Now the doors are going to open at 630.
20:44The bell time is going to be at 730.
20:46Front row seating is going to be $20.
20:48General admission is going to be $15.
20:50And you want to experience the best
20:52that Pro South has to offer.
20:54And that's right there.
20:55That man,
20:56the biggest man alive,
20:58Big Dave.
20:59You don't want to miss him facing the Mongrel.
21:01You don't want to miss him at one second in that match.
21:04You guys got to be there at the Gadsden Mall
21:07this Saturday, September 21st.
21:10Big Dave, before we go,
21:11do you have any words,
21:12last words you would like to say to the Mongrel?
21:14Hey, Mongrel,
21:16keep your head on a swivel, son,
21:18because when I cock this arm back
21:20and I start swinging it,
21:21anybody's liable to fall to it,
21:22and you ain't going to be no different.
21:27Thank you so much for your time here today, Big Dave.
21:30And we hope to have you back soon.
21:32And I wish you the best against Mongrel
21:34Saturday, the 21st at the Gadsden Mall
21:36in the Smarton Arena.
21:37Thank you. Thank you.
21:38You're very welcome.
21:39Hope you have a wonderful evening.
21:41Same to you.
21:42All right. Bye-bye, sir.
21:46Guys, that's going to conclude our show for today.
21:48But before we let you go,
21:49I've got some things on the list for you.
21:52If you want to know what mic I'm using,
21:54I'm using a Blue Yeti mic.
21:55You can get it right there by calling
21:57AJ Becerra today at 800-222-4700.
22:001325 is his extension.
22:02And you can scan that QR code
22:04that's coming directly on your screen right now.
22:07You definitely want to do that.
22:09It's one of the best mics in the business currently.
22:11And if you have any needs, anything at all,
22:13if you need microphones,
22:14you need musical instruments,
22:16you need anything,
22:17give AJ Becerra a call today.
22:18He is your man.
22:19Before I let you go,
22:20also, I'm going to let you know about the camera we use.
22:22And if you need a camera for production,
22:24you can get it directly right there off of TMU.
22:26We have linked it in for you with that QR code there.
22:29And you will get an extra percentage off
22:31if you put in our promo code,
22:33which is T-A-W-0-0-3-2-0.
22:37Definitely remember that
22:38so you can get one of the best cameras
22:40in the business currently today.
22:42And also, we are 100% viewer supported
22:45by viewers just like you.
22:47If you guys would love to see more WrestleTalk,
22:50please scan that code and give to us.
22:53We have several different ones.
22:55Same thing here.
22:56If we are 100% viewer supported by people just like you,
22:59go ahead and scan that code and we'll get into it.
23:02And then finally,
23:03if you want some WrestleTalk with the Rabid Beaver merch,
23:06like this beautiful shirt that I've got
23:08or that hoodie that I wear on a regular basis,
23:10I have lots of colors, lots of sizes, lots of variations,
23:14go ahead and scan that QR code.
23:15It'll take you straight to my Streamlabs store
23:17and you can get you some Rabid Beaver merch.
23:19We also have our Camel Toe Adventures merch there,
23:21our music channel that we've got going on.
23:24And we also have our Nerdy Gaming with Rabid Beaver,
23:27the dirty, dirty little night out that you see right there.
23:29Why don't you come on in and get you some of that stuff?
23:32Now, thank you guys.
23:33I wanna thank you all 100% for being here with us.
23:37And until the next time we meet,
23:39you heard it here first on WrestleTalk with Rabid Beaver.
23:42Thank you to my special guest from New South Pro Wrestling,
23:45Mr. Big Dave, the biggest man alive.
23:48I wish you the best against the mongrel.
23:51And I hope one day that you recapture that big gold, sir.
23:55Thank you so much.
23:56Y'all have a wonderful evening.
