Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver host : 12 gauge Rocky Shaw tonight!

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Wrestle Talk with Arabbidb3aver has the Georgia Legend the 12 gauge Rocky Shaw is here tonight there aint no telling what he will say so so lets get slammed together tonight!
00:00and unsung hero, the legend that has never had anyone kick out of the 12 gauge and one of the
00:06best promoters in professional wrestling and all of Georgia. Currently, Mr. Rocky Shaw is going to
00:11be here and I'm going to tell you, it's going to be a great ride for you guys. And before we get
00:16there, we're going to head over to the live scene first, and I'm going to show you right here on
00:20Facebook. The 12 gauge Rocky Shaw is the place where you want to go to follow this man. Go ahead
00:26and get him a follow right here and send him a message if you want to talk to him directly.
00:30And then also on YouTube, he has the at 12 gauge uncut podcast, and he will be here
00:37without further ado. Let's get right into it with none other than Mr. Rocky Shaw.
00:45Mr. Rocky Shaw, how are you doing tonight, sir? I'm doing awesome, Joseph. How about you?
00:51I'm doing wonderful. Thank you for agreeing to be here. First of all. So, Mr. Rocky Shaw,
00:56I have to ask you about your journey in wrestling from your very humble beginnings.
01:01How did you break into the business? Who trained you and how has the ride been so far?
01:07All right. Well, first of all, let's drop that. Mr. Just call me Rocky.
01:13You know, I'm not that old yet, and hopefully I never will get old enough that I'll demand
01:19to be called Mr. So, uh, with that being said, um, let's see if I can start off where you were.
01:25You launched some questions that'd be there. So, uh, who was I trained by? I caught that part.
01:32Um, so I was actually trained by, I started out. This is kind of a really, well, I guess it's not
01:39such an odd story for most of you guys. All wrestlers start out cause we're backyard kids,
01:44everybody really starts out. Even though we said you don't try this at home.
01:49You did. Everybody's tried it at home. Yes. Uh, so I started out in Sherwood forest in Rome, Georgia
01:58and I, my best friend's granddaddy had a, basically a set of pine trees that almost
02:05made a perfect rate. It was the way they were laid out. We started wrestling on the hard ground
02:12and me and him every day after school, but bags down at the, uh, at the, right at the
02:18edge of the driveway, we got dropped off at, you know, we take off, we get our drinks or whatever
02:24on and we head down and start to, we, we plan out our wrestling, whatever. And you know,
02:30we bring some of the other neighborhood kids in, they didn't stick around very long.
02:34They did not enjoy this as much as we did. Um, so we had a ball, we'd go into, we'd wrestle until
02:42dark. Uh, I wished I had the cardio that I had then, you know, continued into the ring, but we
02:47did, um, you know, yeah, we got injured every now and then. Um, I got some broken ribs jumping
02:53off doing a splash from a tree on down to my buddy. But, um, but you know, those, those are
02:59the things. So then, uh, I kind of got started a little bit later in life. I was in my forties
03:05when, uh, I actually decided the opportunity came in. I'd gotten probably the best shape of my life
03:11and a gentleman by the name of David Holbrook was running a kind of an outlaw promotion called
03:18RWE at the time. The guys weren't really trained. They kind of had a semi
03:22trainer, training trainer. And, um, at that point in time, I had already learned
03:27Jeet Kune Do. I was well-versed in martial arts. Um, so I came into wrestling a little strange
03:35because I was already a shoot fighter. I knew how to fight just well. Now how to not hurt someone
03:40doing it was a whole different situation. So I became, uh, you know, I, I kind of got into that
03:50big cash. Caleb Ogles was one of the guys they had actually training for there. He had been
03:54training with my goal at the time. And, uh, so cash kind of trained me. And it's funny, the older
04:02guys, even David Holbrook himself kind of wrote me off as I'm the older guy, you know, I'm probably
04:07don't even belong in the ring with the 20 year olds, you know, in the, in the mid twenties and
04:12so forth. Uh, but Caleb was like, oh, rock, you got it. You don't come on. And, um, you know,
04:18I kept up and I'll probably say easily surpassed any of those that were there, um, to the point
04:25where I got myself noticed by, um, the promoters that were running KLT at the time, Sean Ambrose,
04:33uh, uh, Todd Zane and war daddy. And so I get a call after I kind of really, it took out RW as
04:44far as I felt like I could guess what was going to work for me or I was going to do anything for me.
04:49And I actually probably decided that it was, that was probably all it was going to happen.
04:54I'm at the gym one day, my phone rings and, um, a guy by the name of Tony pots said, Hey,
05:03I've got a buddy called, uh, shot named Sean Ambrose. You know, he must've did. I know who
05:07Sean is. And he said, Sean wants to talk to you. And so he said, would you willing to talk to him?
05:13So he gave me his number. I call Sean, Sean discussed me. So have you really been formally
05:20trained? No, I'm honest with him. I have not had formal training. And, uh, he says, well,
05:26we've talked to KLT. We want you to start. We want you to come in. Um, and we will, we will train
05:33you. Well, I knew my gold, my gold was not the cheapest thing to do, you know, to train with.
05:39My problem with that point in time is at that point in time, my, me and my wife were both
05:44working, but she had a condition called polycystic kidney disease. So she was having to get a
05:50transplant and there was their money. It was not going to be an option that I had something to
05:55spend, especially on me and myself at that point in time. So we discussed that and Todd and
06:04word, Eddie, and then come up with a situation where basically I would work with KLT.
06:08I'd be exclusive to them at that time and they would train me. That would be my, you know,
06:14I would trade off that for the training. And so we did that. I went to a lot of training and
06:21Mike's not older. I mean, he's a little too old to be taking bumps at this point in time.
06:24Well, he had someone called Bobby bore. Bobby actually did a lot of my training at that point,
06:32uh, probably seven, eight months into that, uh, someone that you're going to be very familiar with
06:41that used to be in the WWE came into my life, uh, as an opportunity, Jimmy Wang Yang.
06:49So Jimmy was going to be working with Jazzy there and Todd had talked to Jimmy and Jimmy
06:57agreed to actually take me on as a favor to, to where I wasn't, I could work with Jazzy
07:02pepper bottom, um, Zach Mosley and, uh, you know, Chris kamikaze came in and look for a little bit
07:11of time during there, uh, and trained with us. So that's kind of, I will look, I will give Jimmy
07:19credit to, I mean, my basics come from Bobby Moore, I would say for the most part. Um, and
07:26then my, the more advanced skills that I got understanding the storytelling, how to put a
07:32match together, that would have been Jimmy Wang Yang. And, uh, it, I'd be remiss. There's there's
07:39so many people I've got to work with that are legends that had so much time to put into me,
07:44to teach me different things. Uh, the butcher, Bobby Hayes, um, taught me a lot, uh, Mr. Atlanta
07:52to, you know, uh, Mr. Atlanta, Mr. Atlanta, uh, had done a lot of teaching me. Me and him are not
08:00on good terms right now, which, you know, he holds a grudge, but we, but you know, but I still give
08:05him his credit and his flowers. Uh, he did it. He did a lot of teaching for me that I learned today
08:11and that I'm implementing into my everyday psychology. Well, that's been a heck of a ride.
08:18I would especially say from being a fan first and now to being, to where you're able to host
08:23your own show, being a multimedia sensation, uh, a social media and sensation, uh, you have just
08:28taken it by storm. Uh, tell us how and what drove you to want to give back to the business, knowing
08:34that there's a lot of people in the journalism business that aren't accepted into the wrestling
08:39business. Oh man, that's not even a small joke to be honest. Like even now I get the,
08:48I get so much rejection for the fact that I had, when I got into the ring and my promotion skills,
08:56along with where I was set up in the opportunities given to me by those people that I spoke about,
09:01I went straight to the top really quick. And with the fans that entails in this day and age,
09:08a lot of jealousy. There's people that have been doing this for 10, 15 years,
09:11and they are probably better wrestlers than me in the, in the ring physically,
09:16you know, or maybe, you know, what they can do capability wise. But there was, there's other
09:22factors they didn't have that got me where they did didn't get to quicker. And so, you know,
09:31my understanding of the social media and the marketing and how to get, reach out to people
09:35and how to connect with people. I'm very genuine. And I still think a lot of people now in this day
09:40and age, forget in wrestling, wrestling at one time was kayfabe and it was so important. Oh,
09:47a hundred percent. But now the curtains open, people can see you. If I'm at Walmart, someone's
09:53going to post a video of me at Walmart. Right there. So there's the very fine line of Rocky
09:59Shaw, the man outside in Rocky Shaw, the wrestler there, they don't, they can see through that
10:07wall now. So you have to have a different approach where they both understand that, you know let's
10:15see somebody I can think of right off the top of my head. Tom Cruise is an awesome dude. If you ever
10:22see him, he's really short. He doesn't look as dear as big as he is on movies. And he's also
10:27not that guy that you see on the movies. He's not the, he's not a vampire. He's not, you know,
10:34he's not in a jet plane. He's not maverick. So we have to understand that we enjoy our time
10:40in suspended belief, but we have to understand that we also have a job. And what we do for you is,
10:47you know, we do, we do sacrifice our bodies. Those bumps are hard, but, you know, we have to learn
10:53how to find a way to genuinely connect with our real selves to our audience and fans.
11:00Well, see, that's very important because Dr. Tom, who actually I did his social media class and
11:06learned a lot from him in JPWA, he told us that if you could talk, you didn't have to wrestle.
11:12But if you could wrestle, you never had to talk. But if you could do both, you would always have
11:16a job. And that's always stuck with me. And I say that quite a bit. I run that quite a bit
11:21across this is in journalism. So I told you, I started with Dr. Tom, got that,
11:27got that route out there. And I'm going to tell you, we moved to the CW. We were trying to get
11:33on the CW with Harley race, Harley races, World League at the time, trying to get him in Houston.
11:39And it just worked out a miracle that we worked into the business, the way that we worked into,
11:45but we were greeted with so much hate and so much distraughtness. And I mean, it's like we
11:53were the enemy from day one. So I know that you felt some a little bit of the blowback too. And
11:57there's always going to be somebody who has an opinion about what you're doing now versus what
12:02you did in the ring 10 or 15 years ago. And we came from a media side. So I know the whole media
12:08journey from it is we're complete outsiders coming in, but we want to be a part of it
12:13to the, to the best that we can. And just like you said, there's a whole different side of the
12:18business where it's just like you said about Tom Cruise, where he's an actor first, but whenever
12:23he's off duty, he's off duty and he's a different person. And the person that really opened that up
12:28to me was Harley race. Harley race opened us up with open arms. And he told me the truth. He said,
12:33you're going to be hated from day one. Doesn't matter where you go, what you do, you're always
12:38going to run into people that are going to hate you. And he said, what you're going to have to do
12:41is you're going to have to win them over and you're going to have to do it by being consistent
12:45with them. And at least being fair with everybody, even if you're hard on them, you got to be fair
12:50with everybody. So that's what we do. Do you have any thoughts on that, sir? Oh, absolutely.
12:55I'm going to say something right now. And you're going to notice we're probably gonna lose five
12:58people watching right away is your haters are also your fans. Yeah, they are watching. There's
13:06somebody right now that, that will cuss me from one end to the other every time he says my name.
13:11And I guarantee you, they're watching this podcast right now. They watch everything you do. Yeah,
13:17absolutely. So I take that as a plus. I'm like, Hey, you know, whether they're booing me or
13:23they're cheering me, they're still watching me. That's right. That's absolutely right.
13:27And so, yeah, absolutely. You can't in this business, you can't win. You can't go,
13:32you can't be. And I just, in my social media thing, I just cut a podcast that will go live
13:36next week on that is stop trying to be a people pleaser. Well, Mr. Shaw, earlier in the week,
13:42you cut a podcast talking about how you met Sting and also how you met Harley race for the first
13:47time and how it was very important that Sting took you in and under his wing and brought you to his
13:54car and signed for him. Would you like to discuss that a little bit? The reason I'm saying that is
13:58because there's a lot of people that are in the wrestling business that don't realize that just
14:03one little act could turn an entire generation on or off from being a fan of theirs.
14:10Yes, absolutely. I'll give you two sides to that story. First of all, I'll give you the Sting one
14:16was obviously me and my best friend, Jeremy was went to Dillard's music park and it was in Rome,
14:24Georgia. That was at one time, the legendary place that all wrestling happened.
14:28Well, we went through and at the end of the event was trying to get, um, autographs. And the first
14:35person we see was the baby face walking out from around the area, but he come across, he had a
14:41towel around him. It was Davey boy Smith. Davey boy was not friendly. He was very rude and told
14:50us to get the hell away from him. And when we asked for an autograph, we were both just, wow,
14:57shocked. Cause this is, you know, one of our heroes, a baby face that everybody cheered for.
15:02And he just shot us down completely. And we were kind of reeling. And that's when we heard the
15:08voice, probably say, Hey guys, I'm about to go to my car. If you got a lot to come out and talk to
15:13me, I'll give you some autographs, turn around. Sting has his face pain off, but you know, that's
15:18that blonde hair and the right tail. We know exactly who it is. And so immediately we were
15:24out of the shock of baby boy and done with it. We were ready to go. And, um, Steve sits up,
15:32slides up on the car, very 80 style, you know, he slides up on his hood of his car and sits,
15:35puts his feet up, but I'm going to, you know, back and get propped against the window,
15:39taking his pen, signing the autographs and everything. And he's asking us questions to,
15:45you know, since your first wrestling event, how long have you been watching wrestling?
15:49Who's your favorite wrestlers? And we tell him and we tell him that, you know, we want to be
15:56wrestlers and, you know, he doesn't crush that thought or, you know, anything else. And he's
16:02very, you know, we were young, so he doesn't need to, you know, tell us how it, how it has to happen
16:08at this point in time. But, you know, he was very encouraging, was a great guy and he left a
16:14lasting impression on us. That was one of the, probably the reasons that I ever still pursued
16:20wrestling and begin with then. Um, and to be, to say that, and you said that what it means to
16:30one of us to make a impression on people as last, uh, well, one of our last shows in Calhoun,
16:39Georgia, we ran a forever pro show and one of the family members of Dan, the main, which is our
16:46announcer. I didn't know it was a family member of Dan's at the time, but it was his brother.
16:51And he is, well, his, uh, his brother and his brother, his other brother was his handicapped
16:58and he's non nonverbal. And, uh, he was sitting there and I saw him watching the wrestling and
17:06he seemed, you know, excited about it as far as I could tell. And, but in my, in my heart,
17:12I felt like this kid, is that a wrestling event? And he don't have a wrestling shirt or any merch.
17:19I reach. So I tap his brother on the arm and I said, excuse me, sir, do you mind,
17:25can I give him a t-shirt? And he was like, yeah, that would be great. If you would,
17:32if you would do that. And I said, yeah, absolutely. And so I says, what size is it? So I get his size,
17:37I give him the shirt and you could just see, even though he was nonverbal, he was lit up.
17:41He was excited. And, um, and I was glad to do that. Cause I, you know, I wanted to leave an
17:48impression. So Dan calls me probably, or just tells me at the next show, he said, do you know
17:54this kid? I said, I remember the kid. He says, well, I want to tell you what that meant to him.
17:59He said, he went home and he's done it. We showed it to everybody. He slept in the shirt
18:04and everything else. He said that changed his entire world. And for me, that was the
18:10coolest thing. I don't care about the $20. I could have got the shirt for the t-shirt.
18:14It was cool to know that I made a lasting impression on someone in this business,
18:19no matter how small that was. And it doesn't matter where you go or what you do.
18:23That person is going to support you no matter what forever.
18:27Yes, absolutely.
18:27Doesn't matter if you're good or bad, if you're a heel or you're, you're a baby face,
18:30they're going to support you forever. So, uh, we met, uh, we're just name dropping here. We got
18:36to meet Matt Cardona at a Carnes high school earlier in the year. Now we've met him a couple
18:40times before, but, uh, we, we've always got a chance to talk to him and get his dates and try
18:46to put them out there for him. And he's, he's just real rough and gruff around the edges. You know,
18:50he's always, Hey, what do you want? Uh, Hey, I've got paying customers behind you move out
18:54of the way and I'm going to get them. And I'm going to come back to you, but he always comes
18:57back to us. So, and, um, he, he said it kind of rough to us whenever we were there because he had
19:03a line and we were in line waiting to get to him and he made us wait about 25 minutes, but he came
19:08over to us. He said, look, I'm sorry for making you wait, but you got to realize they're paying
19:12me. And he said, I know that you're wanting to get my dates. You always want to get my dates.
19:16You're always ready for me. He said, but, uh, I've got to take care of them first because
19:21they're going to be the ones at the end of the day that will either remember me forever,
19:25or they're going to remember me as being bad to them forever. And I have to make sure that
19:29their money is just as good as you waiting for dates on me. And that's, that hit me like a ton
19:35of bricks when he said it, you know, just one little lasting impression that he had in that
19:39line. If he would have taken me and just bull crap with me for 10 minutes before getting to them,
19:45he would have drove somebody off because they would, they wouldn't have wanted to wait on him.
19:48And he knew I was going to be willing to wait to get what was going on with him. So you did
19:52absolutely the right thing. And it built a fan for life for those people that are just right behind
19:56me, you know? So I'm, I'm extremely impressed. Now you mentioned something, uh, just a second
20:01ago, you mentioned, uh, one of the hottest promotions in Georgia currently, and also in
20:08Tennessee, because you were in Chattanooga, Tennessee, just a couple of weeks ago at the VFW,
20:12you mentioned pro wrestling. So let's talk about that for just a minute. I'm highly impressed with
20:17the work ethic and the talent that's out there in forever pro wrestling. Uh, is there anyone in
20:23particular that shines out and stands out to you and what makes that promotion so special?
20:29Well, the thing with forever pro is there's not just one person. We've got so much great talent
20:34that, I mean, I'm envious of the great talent that we have. I mean, so I can only imagine
20:40that I know we've caused a stir and if I was the other promotions, I'd be terrified too.
20:45I mean, you've got, I would first say Kevin Ryan, this is Kevin Ryan's baby. If you, and I know you
20:52have, you saw Kevin Ryan. Oh yes, sir. Kevin is amazing. Uh, he doesn't get the credit that he
20:58deserves at this point in time. He's young and still has so much more to do. Uh, and if I have
21:04anything to do with it, that boy is going to be at the top, you know, sooner or later, cause I'm
21:08going to help push him as far as I can actually get him to the moon. Uh, but along with the other
21:13guys too, there, we have Chris Cronk and Chris, I mean, he's one of those people that you hear
21:21people say, dude could wrestle with a broomstick and make it look good. Chris is that guy. And
21:28Chris is not selfish at all. He's going to take care of everyone in the locker room. He is the
21:35locker room leader. He just has that where people are going to go to him. Uh, amazing dude, whether
21:42he's working in baby face or he'll, he can do either one so well. Um, when you go to, then
21:51Jameson shook, he's, uh, he just got on the, uh, and there's, I mean, you know, Jamison's energy.
22:02I mean, and I don't, I don't know. You didn't, I don't think you were there at the last,
22:06the last, it was not the BFW sweet Melinda's. Um, okay. They actually, he had a match
22:15where they came up with a game of UNO inside of a wrestling match.
22:20I have never, and for me initially that old school side of me was like, what in the hell
22:25is going on? Right. I'm watching the crowd, especially the younger crowd,
22:30just enamored by this creativity and what they're doing in this match.
22:36And I'm like, these guys are geniuses. They thought of a new way to innovate a wrestling match
22:42that we've never thought of and not dimension had the balls to actually pull it off, you know?
22:50Um, so that that's the things that I see now is like so much creativity in forever pro. Uh,
22:59and Kevin just encourages it. I mean, he's, he's never, we, we get together, me, him,
23:05Ben thrasher, uh, big, big shout out to big Ben. We couldn't do what we do without Ben's booking
23:11skills. Uh, Ben has, you know, with me, him and Kevin sit together and I just, uh, to talk about
23:21a terrible three, if you were talking about any other promotion, if you want to come up against
23:25three minds of wrestling, I mean, you know, they're watching right now and they're, they're
23:30mad. It's the three geniuses of wrestling. Come on, don't lie to yourself. Well, thank you for
23:36putting this over on that one. But, um, but yes, uh, I will say yes, I will agree there.
23:43There are three geniuses. They're sitting there coming up with wrestling stories, how to innovate
23:49and we're listening to the wrestler. Hey, guess what? Bookers never listened to us.
23:54So now we're talking, they're talking back to us and we're taking these ideas in and going,
23:59Hey, what else could we do? And how do we cultivate that? And if there's so much difference,
24:05I've never been in a locker room in the back without the guys bitching and moaning about
24:11the drama and everything else. Everyone else out there shakes my hand. We talk, we say, Hey,
24:18anything you can do, they ask about, you know, what they can do to help out. They have ideas
24:23and they're willing to, and they know that we're willing to help them. I'm not going to just turn
24:25around and go, shut up. You know, I don't want to hear your ideas. I know everything, but that's
24:31not the environment we have. So this is the, I mean, to be honest before this, I was pretty
24:38much ready to be done with wrestling because of all the drama and the disheartening there.
24:44Well, you, you've kind of hit it on the head. There's a lot of promotions that are just nothing
24:48but drama and it's from the top down. It's not, and I'm not trying to be the evil man in
24:54professional wrestling. Don't take me that way, but there is something wrong when it's all drama
24:59all the time. You have to fix whatever's going on and make it work. And I know there's personalities,
25:04there's conflicts, there's egos, there's things you deal with on a daily basis that you're just
25:10going to have to deal with. Some people, some people you're just not going to like, you're
25:12going to have to work with. You're going to have to either work in ring or out of ring with them.
25:16You're going to have to just do things you don't like sometimes, but whenever you have the ability
25:21to listen to your talent, not only listen to them, but accept what they're saying and try to put it
25:27over, it makes something special. I think that's why what I'm about to ask you is very important.
25:34Where do you think the aspirations for Forever Pro are really going to go? Because I see it as
25:39becoming one of the leading promotions over not only the Southeast, but over America in general,
25:46if it can get to that point. Oh, I definitely think if, if the stars line up right, I, you know,
25:52it's always, it's about, there's a lot of things to do with the money and the economy
25:58and the fans, the fans ultimately choose, you know, of who has the best product.
26:04And I definitely think we have what it takes to for sure, but it's kind of makes me nervous
26:09because I think I was up for definitely North Georgia. There's no one that can, you know,
26:15and I'm sorry guys, I don't mean to sound conceited, but there's no one on our level.
26:20The talent that we have before us, my marketing knowledge is Ben's booking, you know, prowess.
26:29Dude, I mean, the sky's the limit right now. The, the only enemies we have would be ourselves.
26:37I mean, you know, in, in, in wrestling is if we don't manage ourselves at our, you know,
26:43our egos together properly. Uh, cause we all, we all know wrestlers have egos and so do bookers
26:49and everything else, but you know, that that's really the hardest part for us, you know,
26:56and I don't think that's been a problem. Uh, me, Kevin and Ben, we get along far better than we
27:02actually should. That's a big thing in this industry though, is being able to work with
27:10people that normally you wouldn't be able to work with. And, uh, as far as moving forward,
27:15you made a big claim there. And I have to say, I would have to back it up at this point because
27:21of how I saw what was going on, the talent that you took inside the locker room. We stayed until
27:27after the show, we watched tear down. We watched how people were reacting with each other.
27:32And you don't see that type of an environment normally from anybody at any show. It was like,
27:38they were ready to get it on, get it over with and get paid and move on. And it was a fantastic
27:45thing for forever pro. And I've got to put them up on that pedestal because normally at the end of
27:50the shows, whenever you go and see people getting paid, it's, I wish I could have done this, or you
27:55should have listened to me, or there's all sorts of bickering going on in the back about stuff.
28:00There was none of that that went on. So I have to give you that whoever is like, you said it was
28:05Chris Crunk. That was the locker room leader. He's taking it serious because there was none of that
28:09going on. And that makes a huge difference inside professional wrestling. It makes a huge difference
28:14in any work environment, but especially in professional wrestling, you know, how cutthroat
28:19it is, you know, how, how, uh, very, um, uh, backstabbing the industry can be. Uh, and that's,
28:26that's putting it lightly. I mean, that's really putting it lightly. So for you all to have a
28:31promotion where all three of you are working together, working with your talent together,
28:34booking your talent properly, making sure that their ideas are heard, making sure that people
28:39understand the storylines that are coming through, and you're doing it for a reasonable
28:43price so that the fans can get in, be able to hear it and go through. Uh, I have to commend
28:48you guys. One of my favorite wrestlers you had there at the VFW a couple of weeks ago,
28:53Cabana Man Dan. And, uh, I'm going to tell you, he's an Alabama legend, but he is absolutely one
28:59of my favorite wrestlers. You could put him in the ring with a paper bag and he would make it
29:03entertaining. And he did, he made that match that he had extremely entertaining and well,
29:08and, uh, I got to speak to him afterwards. Like we always do. And, and, uh, Jason always comes
29:14and he talks to me about something and he came out to the car, spoke to me for a few minutes.
29:18And one of the things he said was, I can't believe how peaceful it is here. That is huge coming from
29:25somebody like him huge. So you guys are definitely on the right track. Let's hope that you can keep
29:31it up. And I think that you guys could take over, uh, if it comes through, uh, Mr. Rocky,
29:37uh, for everyone here watching online, I'm just about out of time. I've already showed your
29:42YouTube page, but just to reiterate, can you let them know, uh, what your YouTube is also,
29:47what your Facebook is, all your social media, where they can follow you at Spotify, all of it.
29:52You can find me. Most things are like my Facebook, just look up Rocky Shaw.
29:57You're you're this pretty mug is going to probably be somewhere on there. You'll know,
30:02it'll be easy. The 12 gauge, uh, is kind of easy to find. Now, as far as YouTube, uh, it's 12 gauge
30:09uncut is my YouTube channel. So you can look, look there and he showed you the links on there
30:13beforehand. So you can just review back on those. Um, almost everything else, uh, social media wise
30:21is just Rocky Shaw. Um, but usually if you do a search, uh, I keep up the YouTube channel.
30:28I just passed, I uploaded 500, my 510th video, uh, this week or earlier today, we are at 341
30:37subscribers. So I'm pushing hard for the 500 that, you know, is that first step. And then that
30:43thousand is the step that, you know, where I really want to be sitting because you know, as well as I
30:49do with this guys support us because as creators, it costs you nothing to lock and subscribe to us,
30:57but can make the world of difference to us. Or are you just taking that one second?
31:02Also, also speaking about that as a creator, do you have any merchandise that's available that
31:07anybody can get from you, including forever pro there is forever pro. So if you want to come up
31:12to one of the shows, we will have one. Uh, we will be at the VFW in Chattanooga, uh, this Sunday,
31:20and we will actually be in Calhoun, Georgia on Friday. So we have the forever pro hats.
31:26We will have for pro hoodies. We have forever approach church, and I will have, I have a
31:32limited supply. Everybody's bought my like large, extra large. I have a lot of small and mediums
31:37right now because I don't know what it is, but wrestling fans do not come in small and medium
31:42quite as often. So, but I do have a lot of smaller mediums. If you want to hit me up,
31:46I'll make you some deals and smaller mediums. Cause I need to make move some stock to actually,
31:50you know, as we, as we said, wrestlers, we take this out of our pocket to order them. So,
31:55you know, I have to have some of that money to go back into reorder stuff.
31:59So, but as again, forever pro, we got the shirts, we got hats. We'll have all that merch available.
32:05We probably will have a website available that you can do some online ordering from
32:08at some point in time. We're still kind of discussing whether it's just so hard right
32:13now, you know, to discuss whether a Facebook is, I mean, Facebook is so much more dominant than
32:18the people really go to where the website anymore. So we're still kind of discussing
32:22that and whether it's a viable option. Now you mentioned that there's going to
32:26be two shows taking place. One at the VFW in Chattanooga off of Amnicole highway.
32:31And then the other one's going to be in Calhoun, Georgia. You said,
32:35yes, it's going to be the ticket pricing for those to get in general admission,
32:40the general admission. Boy, I was on a train to catch because Ben does much of that.
32:45So I think, I believe that it's $10 general admission on there. And then is the general
32:50admission. And I think the, the front row, I think the front row right now with the,
32:55we have some deals for 25 for the front row, uh, positioning for that as well. So,
33:00um, it's on the poster and I apologize. Cause I, I did not review that beforehand.
33:05And it's not a problem. We'll, we'll, we'll correct it. If it's wrong, I'll make sure that
33:09we get on here and we'll correct it directly through Facebook. You guys can follow up. We'll
33:12make sure that we do it. Now, before we go, is there anything you would like to say to anyone
33:17who wants to have an opportunity in the business, the wrestling business in any shape, form, or
33:21fashion or social media and marketing? What could you say to them to encourage them to make sure
33:27that they succeed in life? Believe in yourself. First of all, you've got to learn how to believe
33:33in yourself. You've got to learn how to listen. Um, now that doesn't mean to listen to anybody,
33:41find a reputable someone. If you're going to have someone train you, someone that knows the business
33:46that has produced wrestlers that actually have went on to do things and don't not a guy that's
33:53just said, I've trained some wrestlers. They'll train you for five bucks. Um, that's probably not
33:58the guy that you want to, you're going to get hurt. And by the end of the day, it's not worth it. So
34:06believe in yourself, find someone reputable, reputable, and then work. If you, if it's
34:11something you truly won't work your ass off for it and do whatever it can, your journey will not
34:17be like, don't listen to everybody else. My journey wasn't like Rick players. My journey
34:22wasn't like my goal was my journey was Rocky Shaw's and don't compare anybody else to your
34:29journey for that. That's it's your journey. How it works is up to the fans and they can lead you
34:36anywhere. Absolutely. Mr. Shaw. I absolutely agree with that. 100%. Uh, Mr. Shaw, before we
34:43go, our last question for you is, do you have any interesting guests coming on your show here?
34:48Recently? We saw a nice little cryptic tweet about one John Cena. Uh, we just want to know if it's
34:55the rumors are true. Oh, well, no, actually it was having some fun. So it was the, you can't see me
35:01technique, but, um, it's actually a playback. I actually, I did on several years ago when I did a
35:06vacation and I posted a picture of me and John Cena having a drink together. And it was just,
35:11and imagine how many people that actually were looking, they were like, I can't find him.
35:15I like so many comments and I was like, yeah, that was kind of the idea. But, uh,
35:22no, at the moment, um, me and Kevin are probably gonna do some more things. I do have a lot of
35:27people lined up. I want to get Jameson shook and Chris Cronk on here. Uh, very soon. I am trying
35:35to pin down. I'd love to get chip day on here. Okay. Um, so we, we, all of us have talked to,
35:41they've agreed. It's just getting our schedules together together. Yeah. That's the hardest
35:45thing in professional wrestling is getting your schedules together and trying to make sure that
35:49it works. Yes. And for mine, it's a little more difficult because if I can do it, I prefer having
35:54someone here with me when I like to do it in person, uh, because the chemistry, you know,
35:59the chemistry, it's a lot better. And, um, that's my plans. If we can make it happen, but, uh,
36:06you know, we'll see what we can do. Absolutely. Well, thank you very much for taking the time
36:12out today to come on our show. WrestleTalk with rabid beaver, uh, Rocky Shaw, the 12 gauge himself
36:17from 12 gauge uncut. I appreciate you being here. It means the world to us that you took time out
36:22of your day to be here. Uh, I'd also like to take the fans today, uh, for coming in and viewing
36:27this all over social media, whether you were on Facebook, Spotify, YouTube. If you guys are on
36:32Instagram, you guys are on Twitter. You guys are on kick Trovo, wherever you guys came in at.
36:37Thank you guys so much for being here. The radio version of this will be out later tonight,
36:42but it will not be updated on YouTube or Spotify until tomorrow morning. But we will definitely
36:47get that out for you to let you guys know. And we'll tag you in it, Mr. Shaw as well.
36:51And, uh, before you guys go, remember that we have merchandise that is always for sale as well.
36:57Uh, I want to tag each and every one of you guys in it. You can go over to www.streamlabs.com
37:03forward slash a rabid beaver, just like it's spelled in the green here. And you can see
37:07we've got our WrestleTalk March. We've got our camel toe adventures March, and we've got our,
37:11uh, nerdy gaming with a rabid beaver March all up and direct right there. There is shipping and
37:16handling that is sold directly into it. We are third party through North Carolina. So we have
37:21to do shipping and handling with it. That's going to be an extra charge on top, but we do not make
37:25more than $5 on any item that is sold out of our store. We do that so we can keep the costs down
37:31for you and make sure that you guys are available. And until next time, thank you all for coming here
37:37to WrestleTalk with a rabid beaver, and we'll see you next Tuesday. Bye guys. Y'all have.
