All.Creatures Great and Small 2020 S05E04 Uninvited Guests

  • 20 hours ago
All.Creatures Great and Small 2020 S05E04 Uninvited Guests


00:30So, I was about 30 miles south of Tobruk, dunes as far as the eye could see.
00:42Not the place you want to find yourself in a bind, let me tell you.
00:46And then, all of a sudden I feel it, the stab of a pistol in my back.
00:52You're kidding.
00:53Sadly not.
00:54My blood froze.
00:55What did you do?
00:57Nothing else to do.
00:59Turn around and face the enemy.
01:02And there he was, tall, mean, slobbering.
01:07He was only the bloody camel with my whip in his mouth, giving me a good prod.
01:13We were having a real one for once.
01:14That was a real one, honest to God.
01:16He wanted to get back to camp for breakfast.
01:18Gobbler, we called him.
01:20Hungriest camel in all of Tobruk.
01:22Look at this.
01:23Quietest baby in all of Dareby.
01:25Should have picked you up from the bus stop more often.
01:29Well, Uncle Tristan, happy to be of service.
01:35Are you stocking up for me, Mrs. H?
01:37You shouldn't have.
01:38Bars off, thank you.
01:39I have to make that stretch for all of us.
01:41And Mr. Carmody.
01:42Carmody's back?
01:43You didn't say anything.
01:44Well, I couldn't get a word in round the camels.
01:46See, I've even gone to fetch you from the station.
01:49Before I forget, Mr. Crabtree were on earlier about a cow off its food.
01:53It wasn't urgent, was it?
01:55He said it could wait till morning.
01:57Well, it did sound concerned.
01:59Well, I can take a look now.
02:01Fancy lending a hand?
02:03Afraid not.
02:04I'd rather stay here.
02:05Put a face to the bowtie.
02:23Mr. Harriet.
02:24Thanks for coming.
02:25Mr. Crabtree.
02:26Hey, your herd's looking promising.
02:28Aye, building up again.
02:29Slowly but surely.
02:30Had some good healthy calves this year.
02:32That's excellent news.
02:34Down, boy!
02:38So you got yourself a dog?
02:40Yeah, don't mind, Shep.
02:41He's a softie.
02:42Just has a taste for putting the wind up for it.
02:44Cheeky wee joker, eh?
02:46So you've got a cow needs you?
02:49She won't eat.
02:50Can't work out why.
02:51It might be an oat, but...
02:54I didn't want to leave it too long.
02:56Oh, don't worry.
02:57We'll get to the bottom of it.
03:01Pop them on the pile.
03:04Oh, and there's your clean shirts from last time.
03:07Up in your room.
03:08Yes, I saw.
03:11Also couldn't help but notice both beds were made up.
03:17Mr. Farnon didn't think you'd mind sharing with Mr. Carmody.
03:24Speak of the devil.
03:27Oh, here he is.
03:28How were your journey?
03:31I'm very glad to be back, Mrs. Hall.
03:33How's Doncaster treating you?
03:34Yeah, not too shabbily.
03:35Putting the new recruits through their paces.
03:37Tristan Farnon, Richard Carmody.
03:39The famous Tristan Farnon.
03:41How do you do?
03:43My replacement we meet at last.
03:45Technically, I was James' replacement.
03:48Well, either way, congratulations on sticking it out with my brother.
03:52Many have tried, few survive.
03:54Can't see why that would be the case.
03:56Mr. Farnon's taught me a great deal.
03:58It's been extremely stimulating.
04:00Richard's just finished his finals in London.
04:02Ah, yes.
04:03Heard all about you Royal College chaps.
04:05I trust the celebrations were suitably debauched, eh?
04:08Not for me.
04:11Right, well, um...
04:12Well, we can remedy that later, I expect, in the drovers.
04:15If it's all the same, I've things to attend to here.
04:17Such as?
04:18I managed to get my hands on the bacteria I told you about
04:21from the university lab.
04:22Did you?
04:23Perhaps we could culture them together.
04:24I'd be delighted.
04:33Omnia probate, quad bonum tenete.
04:37Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.
04:44You could have warned me.
04:46Secretes multiplied, spawned a mini killjoy.
04:49Oh, give over.
04:51Reminder to keep the mind open.
04:54He might take a bit of getting used to,
04:56but he's not a killjoy.
04:58He chose bacteria over booze.
05:02Honestly, why do I feel like I'm about to spend my precious time off in a library?
05:05It won't be that bad.
05:06Easy for you to say.
05:07You don't have to share a room with the man.
05:16I can rule out traumatic reticulitis.
05:19She isn't wired.
05:21Any changes to her diet recently?
05:24She had the same as always.
05:26She usually eats like a horse.
05:28Well, a cow with an appetite, anyway.
05:31Well, that could be her answer.
05:33If her eyes are bigger than her belly,
05:35it could be indigestion from overfeeding.
05:37So not so serious?
05:38Well, nothing a dose of linseed oil won't clear up.
05:41Start her on a couple of ounces.
05:43She should be much brighter by the morning.
05:45Fingers crossed.
05:47Thank you, sir, yeah.
06:07When did cribbage become all the rage?
06:09I had to find something he couldn't cheat at.
06:11A rot.
06:12You can play next.
06:13I'm about to thrash Richard.
06:14No, thanks.
06:15All Greek to me.
06:16Why don't you fetch another game?
06:20Or, even better,
06:21we could venture across the square for a nightcap.
06:23Escape the clutches of the pipe and slippers.
06:26I'll hand you on me rounds, I'm afraid.
06:31Early start.
06:32Jim, you'll be wanting his feed.
06:34Prepare three for the run.
06:40To play Muggins rules, you must declare Muggins rules.
06:42Muggins rules are always in play with experienced opponents.
06:44It's just me, then.
06:45Clearly miscounted your points.
06:46You missed two.
06:47Enjoy yourself.
06:48I was distracted by Tristan.
06:50Which means they're mine.
06:51Oh, you wretch.
06:52I demand a replay.
06:53That's against the rules.
06:54I don't care.
07:01It's all right.
07:02It's all right.
07:03Don't bark.
07:04Don't bark.
07:05Siegfried will have my guts regarded.
07:10Night, night.
07:11Sleep well.
07:17Put that there.
07:33Wrong bed!
07:34Shh, shh, shh.
07:36You're in the cupboard.
07:37Does it look like it?
07:38I couldn't see you in the dark.
07:40Why are we shouting in the middle of the night?
07:42He has commandeered my bed.
07:44It was mine before.
07:45It's in my room and in my house.
07:47Oh, for God's sake, why haven't you sorted this out before?
07:49He vanished off to the pub.
07:51I've been stuck in military bunks for months.
07:53I've earned the sweet embrace of my own bed.
07:55No, it's logical I have it since I work here covering the night calls.
07:59How's that logical?
08:00If you'll be out at night, you'll be barely in it.
08:02Says the man rolling in at one in the morning.
08:08What do you suggest, Mr Farnham?
08:12You're grown men.
08:14I suggest you resolve it amongst yourselves.
08:50Tristan was happy enough when he shared with James.
08:53Well, he was still a student then.
08:55And Richard's so amenable, once you get to know him.
08:58Might Tristan be feeling a bit...
09:01left out?
09:04No, no, that's not it.
09:09Anyway, I told them to sort it out themselves.
09:59Do excuse me, Matron, could you repeat that?
10:03And you're absolutely sure?
10:07Sorry about the racket last night, Mrs H.
10:10Not to worry.
10:12I got back to sleep soon enough.
10:14I should apologise too.
10:16I'm sorry Tristan almost crushed me to death,
10:18thus causing the entire house to wake up.
10:20Richard, you ought to go up to the manor as fast as you can.
10:23Is it tricky?
10:24No, it's a snake.
10:25That's an exotic addition for Mrs Bumfrey.
10:27Smuggled in from abroad, apparently, by one of the soldiers.
10:30The house has been requisitioned as an armoured convalescent to him.
10:33What's wrong with the snake?
10:34Nothing. It's on the loose.
10:37Yes, it caused quite a stir up there.
10:39I can imagine.
10:40The Matron didn't know who else to turn to.
10:42Well, I'm delighted she turned to us.
10:44I adore snakes.
10:47Ever seen one in the wild?
10:48Only the Odada. You?
10:50Yeah, Cairo's teeming with them.
10:54Let's go and find the rascal, then.
10:56I'm afraid I have a full list in surgery.
10:58Let me know how you get on.
11:04It's a big house.
11:05Might be something of a snake in a haystack.
11:08Triss will help.
11:11Will I?
11:12Well, it sounds like you're familiar with snakes.
11:14Only in a very loose, general sense.
11:16Also, he doesn't work here anymore.
11:17Yes, I don't work here anymore. There is that.
11:19I wouldn't call it work. More of a favour.
11:21Give you two the chance to get to know each other better, wouldn't it?
11:24I think we've got a good grasp of that already, thanks to the close quarters.
11:27I couldn't possibly impose.
11:28You wouldn't be, would you, Tristan?
11:35Not at all, Mrs H.
11:38Happy to help.
11:39Come on.
11:41Come on.
12:08Did you manage to get a good look at it?
12:10Thankfully not.
12:11I'm only going off what the lads have told me.
12:13Which is?
12:14That it slithers about the ward, under the beds and such.
12:18By the time anyone's dared to try and catch it, it's made itself scarce.
12:22Makes me come over all peculiar, even thinking about it.
12:25I don't suppose you've gleaned a description of its size or markings?
12:28Don't rush it off me feet, love.
12:30Snake size. It's the best I can do.
12:32Snakes come in a very wide variety of sizes and species.
12:35Leave it with us. We'll give the place a thorough sweep.
12:38It'll be out of your hair in no time.
12:41If that thing gets anywhere near my hair, you'll know about it.
12:49I propose we attempt to think like a snake.
12:52Oh, for goodness sake.
12:53Now, where would we choose to hide?
12:55Somewhere warm and secluded, no doubt.
12:59Best of luck with that. I'll see you later.
13:01We can't wriggle out of it now.
13:03We promised to find the snake.
13:04There isn't one.
13:07She's only got the lad's word for it, which means she's having her leg pulled.
13:14Where are you going?
13:15Find somewhere warm and secluded.
13:18Have a nap.
13:19Enjoy the wild goose chase.
13:52Where are all the beds?
13:58Hello, Mrs. Pumphrey.
14:00Mr. Farnham, how wonderful to see you.
14:03You're quite well, I hope.
14:05Oh, fighting fit. Thank you.
14:07I'm relieved to hear it.
14:14Looking for something?
14:16I've lost a painting I'm very fond of.
14:18It's a landscape of the Moors rendered in oils.
14:21They must have moved it.
14:23Don't they need to ask permission for that?
14:25Unfortunately not.
14:27Every time I backstern, something's been moved or rearranged.
14:33Must be a challenge.
14:34Sharing your house with strangers.
14:36It's a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme of things.
14:39But I did try to take up the matter with Matron yesterday.
14:43She barely paid me any heed at all.
14:45Preoccupied with the snake, I should imagine.
14:50The snake.
14:52There's a snake.
14:56Well, that's debatable.
15:04Hello there.
15:13Hello there.
15:31Hello there. Sorry to disturb.
15:33Are you looking for someone?
15:34Yes. Well, no, not a person exactly.
15:38I don't suppose you've seen a snake?
15:44I think I'd remember.
15:45It'd definitely liven the place up a bit.
15:50So you've palled up with Tricky?
15:52He's anyone's for food.
15:53He's good company, though.
15:58Dickens fan, are you?
16:00It's like wading through treacle.
16:03I thought I was the only person who felt that way.
16:05My library's as old as this bleeding house.
16:08What would be more to your taste?
16:10Can't beat a good swashbuckler.
16:12How about you?
16:13Scientific periodicals, mostly.
16:16Well, each to their own.
16:21Anyway, I should go.
16:24This snake you're after, could it be venomous or whatever?
16:30Depends on the species.
16:32Quite a few types, however.
16:34Approximately 4,000 worldwide.
16:36And did you know, they're the second largest group of reptiles after lizards?
16:40Oh, no trouble.
16:41Mrs. Pomfrey.
16:42Any luck finding that painting you were after?
16:45Not yet, no.
16:46But more worryingly, Mr. Farnham's just told me about our uninvited guest.
16:53Nothing to report as yet, but we're leaving no stone unturned.
16:57You didn't think I should know?
16:58I didn't know you were here.
17:00Well, I am.
17:01As is Tricky, who I imagine looks quite tasty to a reptile on the prowl.
17:08He could be in danger.
17:09We can't just have people coming and going willy-nilly.
17:12This is a hospital.
17:13It's Tricky's home.
17:14Not at the minute it isn't.
17:16Ah, now, I should just...
17:18And if you wouldn't mind looking for my painting, matron, I'd be extremely grateful.
17:25Mrs. Pomfrey.
17:26I'm trying to make the best of being overworked and understaffed.
17:29The painting will have to wait.
17:34We should really fetch Tricky, um, just to be on the safe side.
17:39We could split up, take a ward each.
17:42Yes, good thinking.
17:44Um, you'd better start with the library.
17:47Unless you have any objection, matron.
17:51Not at all.
17:52Be my guest.
18:02Oh, you wee scamp.
18:04He never got you in again.
18:05Oh, shame to admit it.
18:09Rose has improved, I hope.
18:11Well, I gave her that linseed oil, like you said, but she's not too clever still.
18:18Hello, Mr. Ugly.
18:19Mr. Harriet.
18:21It's a stoppage.
18:22You can tell a mile off.
18:24Still thanking your lucky stars, I'll bet.
18:28Feeling any better?
18:30I'm grand, thank you.
18:32So that's the trouble, then?
18:34A stoppage?
18:35Oh, there could be some kind of obstruction, yes.
18:38With digestive troubles, they're often notoriously difficult to diagnose.
18:42She just needs a right good gallop.
18:44My father swore by it.
18:46Best way with a stoppage.
18:48Well, don't let us hold you up.
18:54I'll try a lavage first.
18:56If there's something blocking her up, it'll get things moving along.
19:00So no galloping, then?
19:01No galloping.
19:03He means well, but it's an old wives' tale.
19:05It's not veterinary advice.
19:09So my mate Ronald's inside the tank, minding his own business,
19:13when he hears this rattling sound.
19:18Damn thing's only got inside and made itself at home.
19:20A rattlesnake in a tank?
19:22Their venom's deadly.
19:23You should've seen them come jumping out.
19:24I've never known men move so fast.
19:28Sounds like you've had quite the adventure over there.
19:30I never had a mind to travel before,
19:32but it certainly opened my eyes.
19:35What was the best part?
19:37I couldn't get enough of the heat and the food.
19:41Some of the sights were just out of this world.
19:44But the best part was probably this.
19:47I'd take it back here.
19:49I'd see my girlfriend and my family.
19:53Don't get me wrong, I accepted my lot.
19:55I did my duty, you have to.
19:58But the truth is,
20:00everyone out there is just counting the days
20:05until it's time to come home.
20:11If you don't mind me asking,
20:12how did you come to be injured?
20:18Lieutenant Farnham.
20:19Good to meet you.
20:20And you, sir?
20:21Private Harry Tucker.
20:23Sorry if Mr. Carmely's bombarded you with questions.
20:27Weren't you taking it easy?
20:29Yes, I was.
20:30But Mrs. Pumphrey wants Tricky back.
20:33He'd clearly rather stay with Harry.
20:35You'll keep an eye on him, won't you?
20:37I've got to go.
20:39He'd clearly rather stay with Harry.
20:41You'll keep an eye on him, won't you?
20:42Of course.
20:44Fine, good, yes.
20:46But you're telling Mrs. Pumphrey,
20:47and believe me, she's not in a pleasant mood.
20:52He went that way.
20:55Nice to meet you.
20:56Come on.
21:18There, there!
21:24Why is he so feisty all of a sudden?
21:26He's bonded with Harry.
21:28Seems to be a great comfort.
21:30That's why I wanted him to stay.
21:32Harry's got him hooked on tidbits, more like.
21:34Have you got a decent hold?
21:37He's not a great Dane.
21:50I were hoping to bit your brains, Mr. Bosworth.
21:53I'm in need of a mattress.
21:54I don't suppose you've got one to spare in donations?
21:58But only if you're sure it's spare.
22:00I'd hate to take something I shouldn't.
22:05Thank you very much.
22:06That'll be James.
22:08is there any chance
22:09someone could bring it round today?
22:11Hello there, wee man.
22:15Look who it is.
22:16Mummy's come in.
22:17Yes, she is.
22:21Good morning.
22:24Sid Crabtree's got a cow with a blockage, I think.
22:26I'm going to have to head up after lunch.
22:28Would you flush her out?
22:30No change.
22:32Oh, well.
22:33It's time, yeah?
22:34Like watchpots of cows.
22:36I know, but Sid can't afford to lose another animal.
22:38I want to get it right.
22:40What makes you think you won't?
22:43The postman said I should give her a gallop.
22:45Mr. Oakley?
22:47Well, he thrives off telling folk what to do.
22:49I know, but Sid was quite anxious.
22:51I don't want him to think I'm not being thorough.
22:52Well, give the cow a gallop, then.
22:54You'd try it?
22:56Well, if it's what he wants, he'd put his mind at rest.
22:58It's his cow.
23:00It could be rather satisfying to prove Oakley wrong.
23:03Especially when it doesn't make any difference.
23:05Oh, two birds, one stone.
23:09It's two birds, one stone.
23:11No, it's no good.
23:13Stuck fast.
23:15We might have to try and shin out of the window.
23:17Locked, I believe.
23:19No sign of a key.
23:26Well, let's hope so.
23:28I'm sure it's locked.
23:30I'm sure it's locked.
23:32I'm sure it's locked.
23:34I'm sure it's locked.
23:36I'm sure it's locked.
23:38I'm sure it's locked.
23:39I'm sure it's locked.
23:40Well, let's hope someone passes by.
23:44This is hardly a thoroughfare.
23:46Mrs. Pumphrey's already looking for Tricky.
23:48She won't rest till she finds him.
24:02You know, it was rude of you to interrupt my conversation with Harry.
24:06You asked him outright how he was injured.
24:08What's wrong with that?
24:12He might not want to relive what happened.
24:14But I asked and he was quite happy.
24:16Well, why don't we try?
24:18Just sit in quietly for a moment.
24:30Mr. Farnham.
24:33About that snake.
24:35Oh, for the last time.
24:37It doesn't exist.
24:38You might want to reconsider that hypothesis
24:40as he seems rather determined to prove you otherwise.
24:57Good old Mr. Bosworth.
24:59Much more comfy.
25:01Any sign of James?
25:03Not since before. Why?
25:05He's been struggling with the Crabtree's cow.
25:07He seemed a bit out of sorts about it.
25:10Well, I don't mind having Jimmy.
25:12If you want to go.
25:14No, I can't give you another job.
25:16Jimmy's not a job.
25:18He's my favourite.
25:20I insist.
25:22Well, let me give you a hand shifting this upstairs first.
25:25No, don't you worry.
25:27I won't be shifting it.
25:29About time Mr. Farnham made himself useful.
25:35Isn't he?
25:41What a magnificent specimen.
25:47Led us on quite the merry dance, haven't you Mr. Python?
25:51We'll be safe and warm in here.
25:53That's it.
25:56Make sure it can't get out.
26:07I'm beginning to understand why you didn't want to look for him.
26:10I put it down to laziness, but it was something else entirely.
26:14Makes perfect sense now.
26:16The last thing I am, Carmody, is lazy.
26:18You're a paedophobic.
26:20Petrified of snakes.
26:22I'm not petrified of anything.
26:27I just avoid them at all costs.
26:30How does one manage that in Egypt?
26:32With great difficulty.
26:34Anyway, don't tell me you're an expert, are you?
26:35Nothing of the kind.
26:37This is the first python I've seen in the flesh.
26:39Read lots about them, though.
26:45Catching it, that was...
26:47That was brave.
26:59She's no better, but she's no worse either.
27:02And that's a good saying.
27:03What now, then?
27:05Well, the lavage is still making its way through her system.
27:08Let's wait a little longer before we do anything else.
27:12She'll come, right?
27:13You'll see.
27:14I'm glad she's in your hands, Mr. Wright.
27:17I've been wondering...
27:20Might not be my place to ask, though.
27:23Go on.
27:25I hope it wasn't anything too serious.
27:27Whatever it was that got you sent home.
27:30Oh, erm...
27:31It was brucellosis, actually.
27:34Not from here?
27:36Could have been.
27:38I'm sorry.
27:40I didn't know.
27:42Well, it's not your fault.
27:44It was just a fever every now and then.
27:46Nothing of any consequence, really.
27:48Unless you happen to be flying planes, of course.
27:51Anything doing?
27:53Not yet.
27:55Well, I've finished my round.
27:57I'm ready and willing to gallop her for you.
27:59No charge.
28:03It's up to you.
28:05She's your cow, Mr. Crabtree.
28:10All right, yeah.
28:11Go on.
28:12Let's give it a go.
28:19Mrs. Pumphrey's taking her time.
28:23She'll find us.
28:25As long as she hasn't been speaking to the matron again.
28:27As long as she hasn't been speaking to the matron again.
28:29Got herself thrown out.
28:30Why would she do that?
28:33She hasn't been making herself very popular.
28:36Not happy sharing the place.
28:44And she might not be the only one who's being territorial.
28:50Am I about to find out I've done something wrong again?
28:54I meant me.
28:57Perhaps I overreacted very slightly about the room.
29:04I apologize.
29:09And I apologize for taking your bed without asking.
29:12Harry told me a little about how eager he was to return home.
29:17I must admit, I'd only considered the logic of the matter before,
29:20not the feelings you might have about it.
29:22As I said, slight overreaction.
29:24I'm in your way.
29:25I'll find somewhere else.
29:27I did intend to offer,
29:29but I confess I've grown rather fond of the place.
29:33Skeldale tends to have that effect on people.
29:37It does.
29:42My parents
29:45spent most of the year abroad.
29:48So I grew up in boarding school.
29:50It's been novel to put roots down.
29:53It's been novel to put roots down somewhere.
30:00Then you'll stay.
30:02And we'll share.
30:05Only if you're sure.
30:07I'm sure.
30:12That's if we ever manage to escape, of course.
30:15Yes, I've had an idea about that.
30:17Oh, really?
30:19An ingenious plan? Come on then, let's hear it.
30:44That'll do it. Mark my words.
30:47Reckon we'll let James be the judge of that.
30:49Well, have a look.
30:51I'm not wrong.
31:06No, it can't be.
31:08Has it made it worse?
31:10No, no.
31:12She actually sounds surprisingly good.
31:14There now.
31:16What did I tell you?
31:17I promise you it was the timing, not Mr Oakley.
31:20He must have galloped towards us
31:22at the precise moment the lavage took effect.
31:24You're all right, Mr Elliott.
31:26I know you put the effort in.
31:28She's on the main day anyway and that's what matters.
31:32I reckon things turned out for the best, don't you?
31:34The galloping?
31:38We're both lucky in a way.
31:42Glad some good came of it.
31:44See you next time, Mr Crabtree.
31:45See you next time.
31:53Down! Get away with you! Get away!
31:58God, you frightened the life out of me.
32:00I'm sorry.
32:02Are you all right?
32:04The ship.
32:06Lifts the pounce on people.
32:08I should have expected it.
32:10It's silly, really.
32:12I didn't mean to scare him.
32:13Where's Jimmy anyway?
32:15Is he with his auntie Jenny?
32:17With his aul.
32:19So you could take me to the drovers on the way home if you like.
32:21I can, can't I?
32:23I reckon you've earned a breather.
32:25I'm fine.
32:27Good for you.
32:29I've had Jimmy, laundry and Tristan's bed to contend with.
32:31So I'm having a drink.
32:33And I'm not arguing.
32:39Help! Help!
32:43Mrs Pumphrey.
32:45Look at this.
32:47Oh, Tricky.
32:49I could hear you miles away.
32:51Who's being murdered?
32:53No one.
32:55We were trapped.
32:57The handle broke.
32:59Tricky didn't want to leave the ward, so ran in here to hide.
33:01Oh, dear.
33:03He does take his duties very seriously.
33:05Maybe he could smell that dreadful snake
33:07and led you as far away from it as possible.
33:09Or the opposite, in fact.
33:11Is it real?
33:13Oh, definitely real.
33:15Oh, Tricky.
33:17I'm so sorry.
33:20Would you like to meet him?
33:24You see,
33:26he might look frightening,
33:28but he's harmless.
33:30Just a long way from home,
33:32in need of somewhere warm to lurk.
33:34Rather misunderstood, I suppose.
33:36When you put it that way,
33:38he doesn't seem so dreadful after all.
33:39Just trying to make sense
33:41of where he's ended up.
33:43Poor thing.
33:45You're quite all right, Mr Farnham.
33:49Put the lid back on.
33:51You must be exhausted
33:53after your ordeal in that room.
33:55Leave Mason to me.
33:57I'll give her the good news.
33:59We don't mind saving you the bother.
34:01Don't look so worried.
34:03I intend to be civil.
34:05Very wise.
34:06Very wise.
34:08You take care of yourself, Tricky.
34:11Be sure to keep the lid
34:13on that box, Mr Carmody.
34:16Goodbye, dear boys.
34:21Come on then, Mr Python.
34:23Let's get you back to the surgery.
34:26Wait, what?
34:28He's staying here, isn't he?
34:32Did something else happen?
34:36I wanted to do a good job for Mr Crabtree.
34:39It was frustrating,
34:41but we got there in the end.
34:43We don't shut each other out, James.
34:46I'm not.
34:51All right, there was one thing,
34:53but it was barely worth mentioning.
34:57Him and Oakley,
34:59they both said I was lucky
35:01not to have got brucellosis.
35:03Well, you were, I suppose.
35:06That one visit could have changed everything.
35:12You don't agree?
35:14I'm not sure, to be honest.
35:17Well, you were sent home
35:19before you finished your training.
35:21Look, that's fortunate in anyone's book.
35:23The training's as dangerous as the real thing.
35:26Certainly felt that way when my crew was shot down.
35:32Have you ever said
35:34I didn't want to frighten you
35:38in case I flew again?
35:41It's all right.
35:54Would it help if you told me about it now?
36:04I've made my peace with it.
36:11I'm so sorry, James.
36:15We should go.
36:18Not just yet.
36:20There's something I want to take care of first.
36:29Mrs. Pomfrey.
36:31They're taking it down to make room for a notice board.
36:34Turns out they put it into storage for safekeeping.
36:37Well, don't tell me it's the wrong one.
36:39Oh, no, it's perfect.
36:43Caretaker found it, not me.
36:46We've both found ourselves
36:48in rather trying circumstances, haven't we?
36:51Not quite what we planned,
36:53but we forge ahead as best we can.
36:55You're doing an excellent job for these men.
36:58I'm sorry.
36:59If I've made things more difficult.
37:02I might have been too brusque before.
37:04But I'm not myself with that snake creeping about.
37:06It puts me right on edge.
37:08Oh, well, you'll be glad to hear
37:10that it's been apprehended and removed.
37:14I might finally sleep tonight, then.
37:17I'll be sure to give you notice in future.
37:19I didn't mean to be a nuisance.
37:22Mrs. Pomfrey.
37:24The lads think the world are tricky.
37:26I'm sorry.
37:27The world are tricky.
37:29And it's obvious that you care about them a great deal.
37:32Yes, I do.
37:34I always wanted this house to be a haven for them.
37:37I just didn't quite realize
37:39I'd have to move out as part of the bargain.
37:44This is my father's work.
37:47It's a view from the house where I grew up.
37:51Oh, you didn't grow up here, then?
37:53Oh, goodness me, no.
37:55I was such a fish out of water when I first arrived.
37:58But this picture was always a piece of home.
38:02I think I'll take it back to the cottage with me.
38:06I hope it helps you to feel more settled.
38:10I'm sure it will.
38:12Come on, darling.
38:13Come on, darling.
38:38There you go.
38:40Sorry I gave you a fright.
38:43Come on, Shep.
38:45Look what James has bought you.
38:47It's juicy and delicious.
38:49I'm sorry, boy.
38:52Do you think I've broken his spirit?
39:05Where are you?
39:06Where are you?
39:12I think his spirit's doing just fine.
39:17I've named him Schrodinger after the thought experiment
39:20because he was existent and nonexistent simultaneously.
39:23I see.
39:25A private joke.
39:27Although I definitely preferred the nonexistent version.
39:30Which is why I'm putting my foot down.
39:32He's not coming anywhere near the bedroom.
39:33I'd be willing to negotiate on that.
39:38All right.
39:40I suppose you can keep my bed in exchange for no snake.
39:51What's so funny?
39:54I was pulling your leg.
39:56In jest.
39:59For entertainment.
40:01You won't be living in our room.
40:03That would be ridiculous.
40:05Well, then I take back what I said about the bed.
40:07Have a look at this.
40:09Could that be the beginnings of scale rot?
40:14We'll have to treat it topically.
40:16Keep him clean and dry until he's recovered.
40:19Mrs. Hall, there you are.
40:21You'll be pleased to hear that peace seems to have broken out.
40:26That's lovely news.
40:28Isn't it?
40:30I only have one question.
40:32How did you end up in the manor together?
40:34Mrs. Hall insisted Tristan helped.
40:37Is that so?
40:40All's well that ends well.
40:45I think I'd better move on and hell upstairs just in case this one gets peckish.
40:50Would you give us a hand?
41:02I'm sorry I made a fuss.
41:05I'm sorry for not being a better referee.
41:10Still, Mrs. Hall seems to have acquired a mattress.
41:13We'll be queuing out to sleep in the cupboard now.
41:17She didn't need to go through any trouble.
41:19No, I said that.
41:21But she's got this huge soft spot, you see.
41:29I kept it empty for a year.
41:30Your room.
41:34I thought you ought to know.
41:49At one point, I thought he was going to throw it around his neck like a scarf.
41:52His face was priceless.
41:55How did the poor soldiers cope?
41:57Luckily, they didn't say anything.
41:58But Harry was tickled when Tricky gave us the slip.
42:00Who's Harry?
42:02Served in the 5th Tank Regiment.
42:04Injured in North Africa.
42:06I'm sorry to hear that.
42:08It was inspiring hearing about his travels and adventures.
42:12Sounds like an interesting chap.
42:14He was.
42:16He made me wonder if I should follow in his footsteps.
42:19And join a tank regiment?
42:22You couldn't see me driving one?
42:24Richard, it took three people to get me here.
42:27Richard, it took three people to teach you to drive a car.
42:30I'd plenty of strength if I were you.
42:32Stick with the vetting.
42:34That's how you do your bit.
42:36Probably not the best idea I've ever had.
42:38No, I can confidently say it's the worst, my friend.
42:41No offence.
42:54Here's to an undisturbed night.
42:55Thanks to you.
42:58No, I didn't do much.
43:00No, just smoothed the waters, encouraged a friendship.
43:05Pulled my head out of a large pile of sand.
43:08Thank you for your efforts.
43:18I do like it when the house is full.
43:20And happy.
43:22So do I.
43:23Look, where are we keeping the snake?
43:30Carmody will find a zoo to help us with that.
43:41Oh, Mrs Hall's an angel.
43:44This bed is utter bliss.
43:46Nice try, but it won't work.
43:50You're trying to fool me into thinking the grass is greener,
43:53but we shook on our deal fair and square.
43:55It was completely underhand and you know it.
43:59If you don't mind, I really do need to get some sleep.
44:06In spite of everything,
44:08I rather enjoyed our escapade.
44:12Yeah, same here.
44:16You could say you've grown on me.
44:18Like bacteria.
44:21Like bacteria, exactly.
44:25Good night, Tristan.
44:27Good night, Richard.
44:34I will find a way
44:37to get my bed back.
44:40I'd expect nothing less.
44:44May the best man win.
44:45May the best man win.