Emmerdale 7 October 2024

  • 2 days ago
Emmerdale 7 October 2024


00:01There you go.
00:02I'll just be glad when it's all over with. Right, you, me and Vanessa are going into
00:13town, so we'll drop you at school on the way.
00:15I need my school bag. Mackenzie's got it in his car.
00:20Oh, Isaac.
00:22Right, run to the garage and go get it.
00:24Meet us at Vanessa's car. Chop chop!
00:30What you looking at?
00:34Is everything okay? I heard you mentioned hospital.
00:36Everything's fine, Ta.
00:38Doesn't concern you.
00:42There you go, love.
00:48I just want you to know it's okay
00:50if you want to tell me
00:52about what happened with John.
00:54I don't!
00:56Well, it's okay.
00:58You know I'm here if you need to talk.
01:04Hi, you alright?
01:06Shouldn't it be me asking you that?
01:08I heard what happened in the pub.
01:10Oh, yeah, no, it's okay. It's fine.
01:12Can you believe that John, though?
01:14I mean, who does he think he is?
01:16Anyway, it's this one I'm worried about.
01:18You don't need to be, Mum.
01:20Listen, I've been thinking.
01:22I think I should talk to John again,
01:24but calmly this time, I promise.
01:26No, no, you can't.
01:28But what if he does it to somebody else
01:30but takes advantage again?
01:32No, Mum! Just leave it!
01:42Hey, Isaac.
01:44Come here.
01:52How you doing, mate?
01:56I need a little favour.
01:58You know that tablet that you took off Carl?
02:00I need it back.
02:02Carl said it was his now.
02:04I only lent it to Carl so he could play on again.
02:06It's mine, mate. You shouldn't really have it.
02:08Do you know where it is?
02:10At home.
02:14Well, I might have to tell your mum.
02:16Hopefully you don't get in any trouble.
02:18I'll explain the mix-up.
02:20She's going out. There's a spare key
02:22if you need me to get it.
02:26Well, thank you, mate.
02:28And let's just keep this between us, yeah?
02:42I get a cappuccino to go?
02:44Yeah, fine.
02:48How's things?
02:50Oh, we're doing small talk now, are we?
02:52Oh, come on, Jimmy.
02:54I know you've got a lot on your plate
02:56so I just thought I should check in.
02:58Good effort.
03:00Not trying to worm your way in about my shares
03:02at the same time.
03:04No, no, no, no. No shop talk, I swear.
03:06Look, I'm your mate.
03:08I want to be there for you. That's all it is.
03:10All right.
03:12Well, then, cheers for that.
03:14I appreciate it.
03:16How do you fancy a lad's day?
03:18A few beers up at mine.
03:20How's Kim gonna take that?
03:22I don't care. And nor should you.
03:24Come on. What do you reckon?
03:26And I meant it.
03:28No shop talk.
03:30I promise.
03:32Look, I told you before, I'm up for it.
03:34All right? I'll be there.
03:36Yeah, see you later.
03:38Everything OK?
03:40Yeah, everything's fine.
03:42And, um, how's Levan doing?
03:44Not bad, thanks. Better than before, anyway.
03:46And Dawn?
03:48Yeah, she's OK. She's at the hospital.
03:50We're swapping over later.
03:52Must be exhausting for you both.
03:54Yeah, well, he's coming home in a few days.
03:56Just be nice to get him back for a few weeks, to be honest.
03:58Aw, that's really good news. Well, tell Dawn I was asking after her.
04:00Yeah, I will.
04:02You all right?
04:04Yeah, I just think I've strained something
04:06when I was with a client.
04:08Thanks, man.
04:10Oh, there he is.
04:14Managed to keep yourself out of the congregation's knickers today, have you?
04:18Listen, Jay,
04:20I'm sorry I didn't intend to cause any hurt.
04:22Oh, really?
04:24Sleeping with me wife? And practically under me nose?
04:26Leave it, Jay.
04:28Well, I'm sure the bishop wouldn't want me to leave it.
04:30If I give him a call
04:32and tell him what you've been up to.
04:34Are you threatening me?
04:36Man of the cloth, cavorting with vulnerable parishioners.
04:38You know she's got form for putting it about with vicars.
04:40You're not exactly her first dabble.
04:42I told you to leave it, didn't I?
04:44Make me.
04:46Hey, Charles, what are you doing?
05:04Oh, I just wish you'd have told me about the scan sooner, Mum.
05:08No, it's OK.
05:10I get it, I get it.
05:12Just keep me updated, yeah?
05:14All right, Mum. Good luck. All right.
05:16See you. Bye-bye. Bye.
05:24I'm sorry.
05:26Save your breath. Means nothing.
05:29I suppose you heard what happened in the pub, just like everyone else?
05:34People talk, Charles.
05:36There's not much you can do about it.
05:40So much for thinking you and Laura were just a one-off.
05:42Oh, we were, but...
05:44But you were lying. No!
05:46Well, you must have been, if it's happened again.
05:48No, no, look, listen... Do you know what?
05:50Save it. Cos I don't care.
05:52And I don't need an explanation.
05:54I'm sorry.
05:56I'm sorry.
05:58And I don't need an apology either.
06:00But I do think you should behave in a manner befitting your position, Vicar.
06:04I know.
06:06Now, Preet.
06:14This one's on me.
06:16Can't have you sat here moping without anything to drink, can I?
06:22Mind if I sit?
06:31I'll never forget that day you spoke to me.
06:34When you came out.
06:36Must have been difficult for you.
06:39Yeah, it was.
06:41And now I look at you and I'm so flipping proud.
06:46Well, cos you told the truth about who you are.
06:49You didn't do things just to fit in, like so many other people.
06:55Maybe we should all live our lives more truthfully, eh?
07:01Are you talking about John?
07:06I saw your face before, when your mum was checking if you were OK.
07:11I never said that I had sex with John.
07:14It was April that assumed it.
07:16I was mortified when mum was having a go at John.
07:19It's just I didn't want anyone to think that I was a...
07:23..a child.
07:26Tell me what really happened, Arthur.
07:34Oh, sweetheart.
07:39You can't say stuff like that about people.
07:42If it isn't true, it's dangerous.
07:45I know.
07:47I really didn't mean for it to go this far.
07:50Then you need to fix it.
07:54If you really want to make yourself look more mature,
07:57apologise to John for a start.
07:59What if he doesn't want to hear it?
08:01He will. He'll appreciate it.
08:03I'll phone your mum, but you need to clear this up with her too.
08:07She'll understand, like I have.
08:10Promise me you'll talk to her.
08:27Hiya, Mum.
08:30The seizure diary, yeah?
08:35No, it's not.
08:37Is it in your bedroom?
08:39Yeah, of course I can.
08:42Oh, hang on. I've got it, Mum. It's here.
08:46Yeah, I'll bring it down now.
08:48All right. OK, bye. Bye-bye.
09:30Um, Mrs Appleton's bloods have come back early,
09:33so can we leave them here if she calls in?
09:35No problem.
09:38It can feel rather suffocating living in a village like this.
09:43Like everyone's talking about you, you mean?
09:49Sorry to interrupt.
09:55Can I have a word?
09:57I'm in the middle of something.
09:59I'll only be a minute.
10:02Do you want me to stay?
10:05No, it's fine. You go.
10:13I just wanted to apologise.
10:18Go on.
10:19I spoke to Nicola. I told her what really happened.
10:22Nothing happened.
10:23I know. That's what I told her.
10:25And that's what I'm going to tell my mum, too.
10:27So why make out it did?
10:29Because I want her to look experienced.
10:33I'm so sorry I lied.
10:36I'm even embarrassed at the thought of it.
10:43..we've all done stupid stuff at some point.
10:47And I promise I didn't mean to cause you any damage or anything by it.
10:52I've just been an idiot.
10:55I can think of more appropriate words.
10:58But I'm grateful you've done the right thing.
11:02But for now, I really think we should give each other a bit of space.
11:14That beats a few unplanned bevvies.
11:17I take it you're feeling a bit better?
11:19Oh, I'm glad of the distraction.
11:21I'm sick of talking about it, to be honest.
11:24How about you? How's things been going here?
11:27Hell, neither of us is budging.
11:30It's a battle I'm not sure that I can win.
11:35What the hell's going on?
11:37We're having a boys' afternoon, aren't we?
11:40Well, can you clear it up, please?
11:42It smells like a kebab shop in here.
11:48Lydia steamed you this.
11:52I can see that.
11:56Oh, no!
11:58What a nightmare!
12:00Sorry, I didn't mean to do that.
12:04You're making a fool of yourself.
12:06Me? Am I?
12:09Really, Kim?
12:10Enjoy your day, lads.
12:16Did you see her face?
12:18She's fuming.
12:19No, Nick, I'm really pleased that you've spoken to him.
12:22Yeah, no, we'll...
12:24OK, thank you. Bye.
12:33That was Nicola on the phone. She's told me everything.
12:37I can't apologise enough for Arthur's lies.
12:41I'm so sorry.
12:43It's all right. It's pretty much sorted now.
12:46What do you mean?
12:48Well, he came to see me at work,
12:51admitted he'd made it all up and apologised.
12:54Oh, thank God.
12:56Except here, I mean, I wouldn't blame you if he didn't.
12:59I don't want any bad feeling, but I have made it quite clear
13:03I'd rather him keep his distance.
13:05Yeah, of course.
13:07I'm so disappointed in Arthur.
13:09I mean, not in a million years would I think that he'd do something like this.
13:13It might be a good idea if we just forget it and move on.
13:24You OK?
13:26Well, I am now Arthur's come to his senses.
13:30Him and John, it was all lies.
13:32He's apologised and sorted it out. Anyway, I'll fill you in. Do you want coffee?
13:35No, best not.
13:37You all right?
13:39I saw Jay in the village before.
13:41Oh, what's he done now?
13:43He said some things about us, about you.
13:46We've squared up.
13:48What? In the street?
13:50Right, you're going to have to fill me in. I'll get that coffee.
13:52No, it's not a good idea.
13:55None of this is.
14:00I shouldn't be doing this.
14:02Hooking up with parishioners and fighting with their exes in the street.
14:06It's not right.
14:08Look, I know it's not ideal having your business spilled out onto the street,
14:13but you haven't done anything wrong.
14:16I do like you, Laurel.
14:18You know that, don't you?
14:20Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, I feel the same.
14:25It's just really complicated right now.
14:29I'm sorry.
14:30Yeah, no, I'm sorry. It's fine.
14:32Honestly, go.
14:51Hey, love. Do you fancy a brew? I'm treating Moira.
14:54No, I'm treating you more like you've done enough for me already today.
14:57Is everything OK?
14:59Better now we've seen the neurologist.
15:01How come?
15:02Just a quick hospital appointment.
15:04They just wanted to check to see if the tumour's grown,
15:06but thank God it hasn't,
15:08so they're just looking at adjusting my meds.
15:10To try and help with the seizures?
15:12Yeah. It's probably going to be ages until the operation,
15:15so it better had to,
15:17otherwise we're in for a tricky wait.
15:20How's the investigation coming on?
15:22Yeah, it's not. I've not heard anything.
15:25I don't suppose you remember what you wanted to tell me.
15:28I'm sorry, Belle. It's useless.
15:30No, I'm sorry.
15:32I should never have pushed you like that.
15:35Are you all right?
15:37Yeah, I'm fine.
15:39I'm not the important one right now, am I?
15:41Don't be daft. Of course you are.
15:43Are we having that brew then?
15:44No, I promised Dad I'd give him a ring.
15:47All right, well, you take care, sweetheart.
16:12How's Edwin?
16:14Oh, he was ace, bless him. Slept through the night.
16:16Had a decent nap this morning.
16:18You could do with some of that yourself.
16:20Don't look that bad.
16:22No, no. Just need to chill.
16:24But the stew's in the oven and I've done the washing.
16:27Oh, hubby of the year award.
16:29I'll get us some shopping. I think we need a few bits.
16:32Use some of this.
16:35Where's this from?
16:37A client.
16:39What, the same one as before?
16:42Who gave you cash a few weeks back?
16:44Yeah. I thought you'd be pleased.
16:46I am.
16:48Look, we can stash some of it away
16:50and use some of it for our trip to Cornwall we were talking about.
16:54I'm so proud of you, you know.
16:56Everything you're building for us.
16:59It's all going to come good in the end.
17:03What is it?
17:05Nothing. Just a bit stiff from the session.
17:07Well, do you want me to look at it?
17:09Give it a massage?
17:11No, it's fine. I don't want to be late for heaven.
17:13I'll see you later.
17:28Have you got any idea what there's been such a delay about?
17:32You're breaking your bail conditions, Tom. Leave me alone.
17:35Police are taking their time, though.
17:37I mean, if I really am the monster that you've been saying I am,
17:40shouldn't you be in custody by now?
17:42Just go, will you?
17:46I mean, just think about it for a minute.
17:49All you have to do is look at me.
17:51I'd rather not.
17:53I'll spell it out for you then, shall I?
17:55OK, here we go.
17:57So, local vet, professional member of the community,
18:01clean reputation, no criminal record.
18:05And not to mention the fact that there's zero evidence.
18:09I wonder why that is, eh?
18:11Are you finished?
18:13You've got nothing to pin on me, Belle.
18:18Leave me alone.
18:20It's fine.
18:22I'll go.
18:24But let me tell you this.
18:26You're going to get sent down for what you've done to me,
18:29and then they will lock you up for a very, very long time.
18:35Just watch.
18:44It's a shame you couldn't wear that white one, though, eh?
18:47You did me a favour, actually.
18:50This dress is much more me.
18:52Never really suited the, er, virgin or white thing.
19:00Peter, come in.
19:02You look beautiful.
19:04Why, thank you.
19:06I've got to go.
19:09Peter, come in.
19:11You look beautiful.
19:13Why, thank you.
19:15Shall we?
19:17Oh, er, I'll be late.
19:19So apologies in advance for any noise later.
19:23Not sure I'll be able to keep it quiet.
19:28I'm sure you'll be fine discussing darts and beer all night.
19:36One nil to Kim, or what?
19:46So I saw John.
19:48I apologise for saying I slept with him when I didn't.
19:51I just wanted people to...
19:53Mum, are you even listening to me?
19:55Yes, I am, of course.
19:59He was really nice about it.
20:01He was really nice about it.
20:03Told me to forget about it.
20:05Is that easy, is it?
20:07You do realise lies damage people.
20:09Yeah, I know, and that's why I've sorted it.
20:11And that's it?
20:13You think people are going to forget
20:15that you nearly ruined a man's reputation?
20:19We all apologise, hoping it's going to be OK,
20:21but it's not that easy.
20:23You know, actions have consequences.
20:25What do you mean?
20:26I'm sick of talking about this, all right?
20:28I just don't need this right now.