Short filmTranscript
00:30Love you
00:32You know what it means for me to be back in my house
00:41It's okay, man. That's it. They can't have it. They're like me that you miss it up. I thought for one of you
00:49It's very important
00:51Can I tell me what's got to be most casserole muy cuidadosos por favores muy peligroso que estés aquí
01:00Pero bueno, no teño
01:03Pues nadie me va a reconocer
01:09Dami les tiene que quedar muy claro que no te gustan las mujeres
01:15porque Emilio tú lo sabes este enfermo de celos
01:18Y jamás permitiría que un hombre tan guapo como tú
01:24en esta casa cerca de
01:27Y todo todo en orden preparando la cena hay que rico se ve esto
01:33Bueno me dijo nina que es que su platillo preferido y que como también le gusta a todos pues
01:41Pues me parece perfecto que se esté comunicando con nina
01:46Espero que que me gusta todo
01:52Pero que soy un poquito despistada pero como me dijo que se llamaba pablo
01:59pablo me llamo pablo silva y
02:02Si quiere, pero pues tu tema
02:05Perfecto entonces dígame, pero dime pablo
02:10Ya ya conociste a mi suegra y a mis hijos
02:15No, no si me permite
02:19Ahí le doy a probar y me dice si pues si le falta algo a ver
02:38No le gustó
02:41Me gustó mucho
03:04Es que
03:07Es que no hay algo
03:13Algo en ti que
03:16Es que no sé si estoy sensible con el tema
03:19Con todo lo que me ha pasado hoy
03:26Es que me recuerdas a alguien que
03:32Me recuerdas a mi marido
03:37Su marido
03:48El murió hace mucho tiempo
03:53Los niños estaban tan chiquititos
04:02Lo siento
04:06Pero no me maravilloso
04:19Pero no es que no lo puedo olvidar
04:25Es que
04:30Es que es el amor de mi vida
04:36Y sentirme
05:06Es que me emocioné
05:12Tú también estás llorando
05:14Sí, yo también me emocioné
05:18Por lo que me dijo claro
05:20Ma, ¿a qué nos comemos? Porque
05:26¿Por qué estás llorando?
05:28No, corazón
05:30Ya conoces como soy
05:33Aquí le estaba contando a Pablo de
05:36De mi película y me emocioné
05:39No me pasa nada
05:44Sí, mi amor
05:48¿Y quién es él?
05:50Soy Pablo, el cocinero
05:56Mucho gusto
06:05Perdón, es que
06:07Pues así saludamos a donde vengo
06:12No, no te preocupes
06:16¿Podemos comer ya? Es que me tengo que ir
06:18Sí, mi amor
06:20La comida está casi hecha
06:22Ahorita te veo
06:34Perdón que
06:36Pues que la abracé así
06:40Ay, que
06:42Ahora segura las enchiladas
06:44Van a ser una alegría para el alma
06:46Y así ser
06:48Creo que lo necesito
06:50Gracias, Pablo
06:54No tarda
07:26Estaban llorando
07:28¿Los dos?
07:30Sí, los dos, nada, pero no entiendo por qué
07:32No, yo tampoco
07:34¿Quién es ese tipo?
07:36No sé, no tengo ni idea
07:38Pero se lo recomendaron a tu mamá
07:40Y es buen cocinero
07:42Pero es su amigo, ¿de dónde lo conoce?
07:44No sé
07:46¿Por qué no le preguntas a ella?
07:48¿Qué pasó?
07:50Mamá, ¿de dónde conoces al cocinero?
07:52¿Todo bien, corazón?
07:54Esta casa es un manicomio, madre
08:10Despierta, Tony
08:12Ey, ey, ey
08:14¿Qué pasó?
08:16Pues que te quedaste dormida
08:18Como siempre
08:20Ya estás muy viejita
08:22Viejos los cerros
08:24Y reverdecen
08:27Ay, niña
08:29¿Cómo me dejaste dormir tanto?
08:31A la noche no voy a pegar un ojo
08:33Y no me digas
08:35Que otra vez ahí
08:37De esas comidas rápidas
08:39Pues no
08:41Ya tengo quien me ayude
08:43En la cocina ya
08:45¿Una cocinera nueva?
08:47No, es un él
08:49Es cocinero
08:51Siempre soy la última en enterarme de todo
08:53Entró hoy, acaba de empezar
08:57¿Y está guapo?
08:59Oh, sí
09:03Me voy a arreglar un poco
09:05Y enseguida lo busco
09:07La primera impresión cuenta mucho, ¿eh?
09:09Eso que ni que
09:11Me parece bien
09:13¿Cómo se llama el muchacho?
09:15Se llama Pablo
09:21Yo no entiendo por qué dices
09:24Que no te dijeron por una cuestión
09:26Pues de tu físico
09:28Porque me lo dijeron, mamá
09:30Corazón, ellos te dijeron
09:32Que no eras del tipo que estaban buscando
09:34Y eso es muy distinto
09:36Mamá, no soy tonta
09:38Mi amor
09:40Esta carrera es muy
09:42Muy difícil
09:44Tú siempre te vas a sentir observada
09:48A mí me sigue pasando
09:50Pero tú tienes que agarrarte
09:52De tu talento, mi amor
09:56De dar lo mejor de ti
09:58Porque, Dios mío
10:00Tienes mucho, mucho que ofrecer
10:08Sofía, qué bueno que llegaste
10:10Este, ¿te quedas a cenar con nosotras?
10:14Qué bueno
10:16Qué bueno porque
10:18Les tengo una sorpresa
10:20¿Una sorpresa?
10:22Pues resulta
10:24Que tenemos un cocinero nuevo
10:26¿En serio?
10:28Y cocina deliciosa, así que
10:30Quiero que lo conozcan y
10:32Hay que arreglarte esa carita
10:36Sí, yo te ayudo
10:38Las dejo
10:40No te pongas a llorar frente a Daniela
10:44Ya sé, pero no te enojes, Nina
10:47Es que casi no me puedo controlar
10:49Son demasiadas emociones juntas
10:51Vengo a conocer al nuevo cocinero de la casa
10:55Soy Antonia, la suegra de Daniela
10:59Me dijo Nina que te llamas Pablo
11:06Sí, sí, soy Pablo
11:11¿Te sientes bien, Tony?
11:17¿Estamos listas?
11:19Vamos a cenar
11:21Sí, ya está preparado
11:23Vayan ustedes, por favor
11:25Yo voy a ayudar a Pablo a servir la mesa
11:37Tienes que relajarte, Pablo
11:39Y controlarte también
11:42Sí, Manel
11:44Es que...
11:46Estate tranquila
11:48Estate tranquila, ¿va?
11:54Qué rápido pasa el tiempo
11:56Cuando uno se la pasa bien, ¿no?
11:58La verdad es que sí
12:02¿Falta algo más por discutir?
12:04Simplemente el tema de los impuestos
12:06No, no, eso ya lo hablamos
12:08Tiene que ser como yo te dije
12:10No, no, eso no va a pasar
12:12Eso no va a ser así
12:14Emilio, déjame hacerte una oferta
12:16Estamos hablando de una cantidad muy importante
12:18Y no deberías dejarla pasar
12:22Yo puedo ofrecerte un 20%
12:26¿Un 20% de los impuestos?
12:28Para ti
12:30No, pues yo no hago esas cosas
12:32Pedro y su hermano confían en mí
12:34Pero si no se va a enterar nadie
12:36Acepta mi oferta
12:39Venga, venga, venga
12:41Tú es que eres demasiado...
12:43No me venga nada
12:45Así que te pido, por favor, que no me volvas a proponer una cosa así
12:55Veste, Chavo, está súper guapo
12:57A ver
12:59Pues sí, está guapo
13:01Oye, está muy loco que lo hayas conocido por aquí
13:03Es que te dije que esta aplicación es buenísima
13:05Para encontrar la pareja perfecta
13:07Juan, yo ya te dije que tienes que abrir un perfil
13:11Ay, no, no, no, Sofi
13:13No, no, no, es que yo no soy tan valiente como tú
13:15¿Qué pasa? ¿Te da miedo?
13:17No, no, no, no es eso
13:23No, Sofi, yo solo no me atrevo, ¿sí?
13:25Pues yo creo que deberías abrir uno
13:33Es mi mamá, ya está lista la cena, que bajemos
13:35Bueno, vamos a cenar
13:37Pero prométeme que vamos a terminar de hablar esto
13:39Y que me vas a hacer caso
13:41La cena está buenísima y tenemos que bajar
13:43Porque no hay que desperdiciar la comida, ¿sí?
13:45Y no me estés ignorando porque vamos a hablar de esto
13:47Tienes que abrir una aplicación
13:49Sí, Luciana, ya te entendí
13:51Tú quédate tranquila, mañana paso a pagar
13:53¿A pagar qué?
13:55El viaje a Europa que te había contado, mamá
13:57Ay, es cierto
13:59A mí me cae muy bien, Luciana, ¿eh?
14:01Así que, por favor, me la cuidas mucho
14:11¿Quién hizo esta porquería?
14:17¿Quién hizo esta porquería?
14:19¿Quieres que te haga otra cosa?
14:23A mí me gustan las enchiladas de Minana, mamá
14:27Mejor me voy a comer otra cosa en la calle
14:29Dante, por favor
14:32Perdón, es que cuando se pone de un mal humor
14:34Se hace malcriado
14:36¿A quién habrá salido, no?
14:38¿A su padre?
14:40No, perdóname, pero Ricardo era un amor
14:44Nadie tenía su carácter
14:46Nunca se enojaba
14:48Es que Antonia no se acuerda, pero Ricardo, mira
14:50Sí, que era un pan de Dios, pero, Dios mío
14:52Cuando se enojaba, se enojaba
14:54Es lo que te digo, que yo, o sea, te lo juro
14:56Esa parte no me queda muy clara
14:58Como que digamos todavía
15:04Te presento a mi hija, Juana
15:06Y su mejor amiga, Sofía
15:10Ah, por cierto, hablé con Emilio
15:12Les mando muchos saludos
15:16¿Qué te digo?
15:20Ay, gracias, Nana
15:26O sea, se ve increíble
15:28Qué bueno
15:30Me alegro
15:32Una comida casera y deliciosa
15:34Está riquísima
15:36Es que bueno, que me alegro
15:38Papi, ¿por qué no te sientas?
15:40No, ¿cómo que no?
15:42Mira, para nosotros las personas que trabajan en nuestra casa
15:44Son como de la familia
15:46Así que a partir de ahora, pues, eres de la familia
15:52Tu mamá me dijo que contrató un cocinero
15:54Pero no me contó nada más, Dante
15:56Llegó sin avisar, no le pidió opinión a nadie
15:59Eso de tener un tipo en casa
16:01No me gusta para nada
16:03No me da confianza, Emilio
16:05No es el típico cocinero panzón
16:07Y siempre se les quiere dar de simpático
16:09¿Cómo que el cocinero no es panzón?
16:11No, no, no, me preocupa mucho lo que me estás diciendo
16:13Por favor, manténme al tanto
16:15Sí, yo te aviso de cualquier cosa
16:17Bueno, yo ya me voy a dormir
16:19Porque acá es muy tarde
16:21Cualquier cosa, este, me llamas, ¿sí?
16:30Hola, cariño
16:32¿Por qué me has llamado?
16:34¿No querías dormir solito?
16:36No, Paula
16:38No soy Paula
16:42Hoy soy Daniela
16:45¿Cómo aprendiste a cocinar?
16:47Bueno, pues...
16:49Trabajé en...
17:13Trabajé en muchos lados
17:15Y desde morrito
17:17Trabajé ahí en restaurantes
17:19¡Guau! A mí me encantaría aprender
17:21Ah, pues si quieres yo te enseño
17:23Uy, yo me apunto, ¿eh?
17:25Sí, oye
17:27¿Y llevas mucho tiempo aquí en Miami?
17:31Bueno, no
17:33Viví aquí, pero pues luego me regresé a México
17:35Ah, y supongo que tienes familia aquí, ¿no?
17:37¿Me estás hostigando cuando te preguntas?
17:39Ay, mamá
17:42¿Verdad que a ti no te importa que te pregunte cosas?
17:44No, nada
17:46Pues es que nos estamos conociendo
17:50¿Y a todo esto cómo es que llegaste a trabajar aquí?
17:52Ah, por casualidad, ¿verdad?
17:54Ay, como en sus telenovelas
17:56¿Y tu madre vive?
18:04Es la mamá más dulce del mundo
18:06¿Ella está aquí?
18:08Sí, aquí
18:10En Miami
18:12Bueno, si no les importa
18:14Yo me llevo a Pablo
18:16Porque hay muchas cosas que
18:18Explicarle de la cocina
18:20Vámonos, Pablo
18:22No, no, no, está bien
18:24Sí, es que les tengo que retirar
18:26Ah, bueno, está bien, gracias
18:28Les traigo una recién horneada
18:32Qué tierno, ¿no?
18:34¿Cómo se emocionó cuando habló de su mamá?
18:37No, a mí me cayó increíble
18:39A mí me encantó
18:45Ay, me pides que no me preocupe
18:47Y te la pasas poniéndote de evidencia
18:51Me cuesta mucho, Nina
18:53¿Tú sabes lo que significa poder ver a mi familia?
18:55Por primera vez
18:57Sí, pero tienes que hacer un esfuerzo
18:59De esconder tus sentimientos
19:01Lo voy a intentar
19:03Ah, y cambiando de tema
19:06¿No les has hecho evidente
19:08Que eres gay?
19:10¿Qué quieres?
19:12¿Que lo exagere ahí?
19:14No me van a creer nada, no soy un buen actor
19:16Pero tiene que quedarles claro
19:18Que eres gay
19:20Sí, y aparte, ¿qué quieres?
19:22¿Llego ahí?
19:24Hola, ¿qué tal? ¿Soy gay?
19:26Pues no, no va a funcionar
19:28Ya veré cuándo
19:30Está bien, está bien
19:33Qué hermosa Juana
19:35¿Verdad que sí?
19:37Ay, es una niña muy buena
19:39También Dante
19:41Es muy bueno
19:43Bueno, es especial
19:45Pero muy bueno
19:47Es que Emilio ha sido
19:49Una muy mala influencia para él
19:51Y eso va a cambiar
19:53Para eso volví
19:55Para que Dante tenga el papá que necesita
19:59Yo lo voy a ayudar
20:03La verdad es que quiero hablar con ustedes
20:07Me di cuenta la cara que pusieron
20:09Cuando les dije que Emilio
20:11Les mandó saludos
20:13Disculpa Daniela
20:15Pero yo de ese señor
20:17No quiero ni el saludo
20:19Yo menos
20:21No lo soporto
20:23Emilio es mi pareja
20:25Y se ha portado muy bien con nosotros
20:27Yo no tengo nada
20:29Que agradecerle a ese señor
20:32¿Segura Antonia?
20:34Porque la verdad no sé qué hubiera pasado
20:36Si Emilio nunca nos hubiera ayudado
20:38Cuando Pedro Magnetti
20:40Compró la empresa Ricardo
20:42Y se enteró que esa empresa estaba llena de deudas
20:44Ricardo nunca pagó los impuestos
20:46Nos hubieran quitado todo
20:48A ver
20:50Tú dices eso porque estás enamorada
20:52Pero la realidad es otra
20:54Nosotras no nos importa
20:56El único que aguanta es a Dante
20:58Porque es igual de nefasto
21:01Corazón tú sabes bien que no estoy enamorada de Emilio
21:03Pero sí estoy completamente agradecida con él
21:07Es el mejor amigo de mi hijo
21:09De Ricardo, tu esposo
21:13Tenemos 15 años sin él
21:17Me ha costado mucho
21:19He sufrido de mucha soledad
21:21Emilio ha estado ahí
21:23Me ha ayudado, me ha apoyado
21:25Nos ha apoyado
21:27Yo solamente les pido
21:29Un poquito de respeto
22:00A este le vamos a poner un corazoncito
22:02¿Y qué significa que le pongas un corazón?
22:04Pues que si él te da un corazoncito
22:06De regreso pueden chatear
22:10Pero a este le vamos a poner una cruz
22:14Pero es que a mí me gustó
22:16¿En serio?
22:18Pues se llama Brian
22:20Te arma un perfil y le escribes
22:22¡No, no!
22:24¡Sofi, no!
22:26¡Yo ya te dije que no!
22:28I already told you I don't want to.
22:30Juana, try it.
22:31If you don't like it, close it and that's it.
22:33You won't lose anything.
22:46Daniela, may I?
22:48Come in, please.
22:50I brought you some tea and some cookies.
22:55It's delicious. Thank you. Put it here.
23:03Do you like my room?
23:09It looks very nice.
23:16Did you know I'm releasing a movie?
23:19Yes, I heard.
23:21The day I met you, I was just releasing my movie.
23:28Do you want to see it?
23:29Yes, of course.
24:22You are the love of my life.
24:25The love of my life.
24:27The closest to me.
24:30Did you like it?
24:36A lot.
24:37A lot.
24:42Do you want to try the cookies?
24:45It's delicious.
24:47Can I ask you for a favor?
24:50Please, let me tell me about you.
24:53I feel like a big lady.
24:55I'm sorry.
24:56I love you.
24:57I'm sorry.
24:58I'm sorry.
24:59Between your desserts and the cookies,
25:01my diet doesn't exist anymore.
25:06They're delicious.
25:07Did you like them?
25:09Did you like them?
25:11That's good.
25:12Well, thank you.
25:15If you like my cookies and I like your movie,
25:21we're doing great.
25:26Well, I'd better go.
25:31Good night.
25:34Thank you for everything.
25:46Come on.
25:50Come on.
26:04What are you doing here?
26:06I came to pick you up because you didn't tell me
26:08you were going to transfer me and you didn't.
26:10Give me my money back.
26:12Let's go.
26:14I don't want to go.
26:15I don't care what you want.
26:17Let's go.
26:21Give me my money back and we can play together.
26:24You're already here.
26:26I'm going to change the coupons and I'm going to pay for the trip.
26:29Let's go.
26:31Let's go.
26:33Luciana, wait.
26:36Juan, lift your face a little more.
26:41One, two.
26:43Let's see.
26:44No, you look great.
26:46Do you like it?
26:50No, no, no.
26:51It's ugly.
26:53But you look beautiful.
26:54You know what?
26:55Take a picture of me from above.
26:56Let's see.
26:57Come a little closer to the camera.
27:01There you are.
27:03Take a lot.
27:04Let's see.
27:06What do you think?
27:08No, no, no.
27:09They're horrible.
27:10Well, if you want, you can open a profile without a photo.
27:15Let's see what I do.
27:40You are the love of my life, and you of mine.
28:11You are the love of my life, and you of mine.
28:40I didn't know you were here.
28:42I thought everyone was sleeping.
28:45Sorry to come out like this.
28:46Don't worry.
28:47I came for a glass of water.
28:51What happened?
28:54Does it feel good?
28:55Did you feel bad about the food?
28:58Everything is fine.
28:59No, it's just that...
29:02Nothing, I woke up and I couldn't sleep anymore.
29:08And why?
29:13Did you have a bad dream?
29:20Not at all.
29:28I had a wonderful dream.
29:32But hey, I woke up.
29:40Yes, we have to continue, right?
29:44See you tomorrow.
29:45Tomorrow is a long day.
30:01Oh, girl, please tell me that my Dani has already woken up.
30:03Because in an hour we have an interview.
30:05Yes, yes, yes.
30:06Are you sure?
30:07Yes, of course.
30:09Oh, hello.
30:10The cook.
30:12Dani told me very well about you.
30:14His son Manuel is the only and best assistant to Daniela.
30:18That's why he hired you.
30:20Listen, you.
30:23Ah, yes, a pleasure.
30:25What a good challenge.
30:27Where were you going?
30:28Yes, for Dani, because he has an interview.
30:30A pleasure.
30:38This is Daniela's most trusted man.
30:41Don't trust him.
30:44Because I'm sure that this one
30:46takes all the information to the great Emilia.
30:51Good news, Nina.
30:53Good news.
31:00Have you gone shopping without me, honey?
31:03You were asleep.
31:06I see you're still in bed.
31:09You called me at dawn, do you remember?
31:12And you kept me awake for a couple of hours.
31:17And what do you want to do?
31:20I want to know a little more about you.
31:23Because I realized that you are the producer
31:25of all Daniela Millán's films.
31:28And how do you know that?
31:30Well, you tell me that you are a film producer
31:32and I have put your name in the search engine and...
31:37And what else did you discover?
31:39I know why you call me Daniela.
31:42Because I'm not only her producer,
31:43but also her partner.
31:45How incredible!
31:47And what do you think is incredible?
31:50Well, that Daniela, being such a beautiful and successful woman,
31:53her boyfriend is cheating on her.
31:55I don't like what you're saying.
31:57But I'm just telling the truth.
32:00Or are you doing it with me?
32:02Not with you.
32:04I'm just having fun with you.
32:13Don't ever make those kinds of comments again.
32:18But I'm just...
32:19I don't care what you want or what you don't want.
32:23Be very careful with what you say to Daniela.
32:25Because I, for Daniela,
32:27am capable of killing.
32:29Is that clear to you?
32:40Good morning.
32:41Good morning.
32:46Can I ask you for a haircut?
32:49Yes, of course.
32:50Dark or light?
32:53I prefer dark.
32:55And you?
32:56I prefer light.
32:58About the tastes...
33:02There you go.
33:03That's the way it should be.
33:04Everyone has their own.
33:06Do you want a cookie?
33:10Did you make them?
33:11Go ahead.
33:12Yes, of course.
33:15And if you don't like it, we'll give you your money back.
33:21There you go.
33:29It's delicious.
33:30The cookie.
33:31It's delicious.
33:33I'm glad you like it.
33:34I love it.
33:35I love the cookie.
33:36I'm a sweet tooth.
33:37I like chocolates, sweets and everything.
33:39You're so funny.
33:41I love it too.
33:47Your girlfriend must be very happy to have
33:49such a handsome and good cook.
33:55I'm so sleepy.
33:59Who has a girlfriend these days?
34:03I'm going to take that into account.
34:07It's very hot.
34:16Now I understand why you hired him without knowing who he was.
34:19Your cook is a sweet tooth.
34:21I didn't hire him for that.
34:22Yes, you did.
34:23It's true.
34:24It's true.
34:26I don't believe that.
34:30I accept that he's a strong, handsome and nice man,
34:33but that's enough.
34:34Okay, I'm glad you're going to stop there.
34:37Because I have a little suspicion.
34:40No, what?
34:43I'm not sure, so I don't want to tell you until I'm sure.
34:46But I think...
34:47Tell me.
34:48I think it's one of mine.
34:50No, I'm sorry.
34:51Are you crazy?
34:53It's true.
34:54No, I don't think so.
34:55Let's see.
34:57I'm sorry, but you don't have a radar to see these things.
35:00This doesn't look like this.
35:01Like this?
35:02Daniela Milla, can I tell you something?
35:04Crazy eye,
35:06is not wrong.
35:11So, bro, did you pay for the trip?
35:13Luciana is taking care of that.
35:16With the money I gave you?
35:19Look, brother, even your grandmother doesn't believe you.
35:21Daniela, what did you do with the money I gave you?
35:24I used it for something else.
35:25You lost it playing.
35:27I know you, brother.
35:28You lost it playing.
35:29Don't lie.
35:30Okay, Mauricio.
35:31Stop pressuring me.
35:32You look like my wife.
35:33I lost it, but I got it back and I'll give it back to you.
35:35I don't care about the debt, brother.
35:36I care about you.
35:37Why, Mauricio?
35:38I always solve my problems.
35:40I got the money from the trip somewhere else.
35:46I sold a ring to my mom.
35:48Really, brother?
35:49What's wrong with you?
35:50My mom has a lot of rings.
35:51And what about that?
35:52You stole it.
35:53It was a loan.
35:54I'll get it back soon and I'll give it back to you, okay?
35:56You're not going to tell anyone.
35:58I did it because it was an emergency, brother.
35:59Yes, but you got into another problem.
36:01What if your mom finds out?
36:02She'll never find out it was me, okay?
36:07I know I left that ring there.
36:09Are you sure, Dani?
36:10You see, then someone says,
36:12I left it here, I left it here,
36:13and it disappears somewhere else.
36:15I know, I'm very sure I left it right there.
36:18Don't worry.
36:19If you left it here in your room,
36:20I'll find it for you, okay?
36:22No problem.
36:23Let's go, honey, we have to go.
36:24Oh, it's true.
36:25But Daniela, you haven't finished your tea yet.
36:27No, no, Nina, I'll buy you a tea later.
36:28Let's go.
36:29Nina, please, look for the ring well,
36:30and if it appears, call me, okay?
36:33Yes, the interview I told you was left.
36:35And I love that, okay?
36:40And is it true that you sing very well?
36:41Nina told me.
36:43No, no.
36:45It's just that sometimes goats go to the mountains.
36:47But don't listen to him, it's because he hurts me.
36:49Of course not, Juan.
36:50You sing amazing.
36:51Yes, right?
36:52I would love to hear you.
36:54Thank you, but another day, okay?
36:58Hey, Juan, we're super late.
37:00I go to the bathroom and we go.
37:01Thanks for the breakfast, Pablo.
37:03Bye, Sofia.
37:08Oh, I'm not going to put this picture, it's horrible.
37:10Did you say photo?
37:13No, no, don't listen to me.
37:15It's something from school.
37:20Did something happen?
37:26No, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
37:28You know what?
37:29I think it's just that you remind me a lot of a musician.
37:35A musician?
37:38How funny you speak.
37:41Well, I have to go because if not, Sofia is going to kill me.
37:45See you later.
37:47Have a nice day.
37:51Have a nice day.
37:54Pablo, do you know if Nina prepared my juice?
37:57Well, I don't know, but I'll help you.
38:01What do you want it from?
38:02It's papaya and pears.
38:05It's just that if I don't drink that every morning,
38:07it gets complicated for me because I'm a little constipated.
38:13I understand you well.
38:15Don't worry, I'll make it right now.
38:18Well, while you make the juice, I'm going to look for something I want you to see.
38:22Oh, it's good to have someone at home to talk to.
38:26Come here.
38:34He's gay, I told you he was gay, and he is gay.
38:36Did he confirm it?
38:37Oh, and someone spread the news.
38:39No, it's just that I felt something else.
38:42Yes, yes, I'm sorry to have disappointed you,
38:44but you're taking away all those fantasies from the sensual cook.
38:47Hey, hey, hey.
38:48I have a boyfriend, respect.
38:50Oh, yes, and poor you.
38:51Well, I'll have to make the sacrifice of seeing him every day,
38:54because he's so handsome.
38:56It's the fifth time you've told me.
38:58Sixth, honey, and I'm telling you right now,
39:00I'm going to get everything for your little cook.
39:02It's this way.
39:10Here I will be.
39:14If you don't see me, listen to me.
39:25Ricardo's death was the saddest thing that has ever happened to me in my life.
39:28He was my only son, and what I loved most.
39:32Since he is no longer there, nothing makes sense.
39:36The only thing I look at is his absence.
39:41Look at this photo.
39:43It's when I was 20 years old.
39:45He was a very handsome chubby.
39:47Yes, chubby, but with a golden heart.
39:51And this one, look, with Daniela and the boys.
39:55Oh, how little Dante and Juana were.
40:01What a beautiful family.
40:02Believe in God, Pablo.
40:06Because I'm going to tell you something that happens to me.
40:09That maybe it's hard for you to understand.
40:13I think Ricardo will appear again someday.
40:20And why do you think that?
40:24You'll see it's going to be like that.
40:28I'm going to close my eyes.
40:31I'm going to serve myself a little more.
40:33No man, how do you think? I serve you.
40:34No, no, no, no, no, no.
40:36No need.
40:37You keep looking at the photos so you get to know the family better.
40:41Let's go.
41:00What beautiful photos.
41:02You know what?
41:04I also really like the Virgin of Guadalupe.
41:08Yes, I am a devotee of the Virgin of Guadalupe and I always pray to her.
41:13I am also a devotee of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
41:17So tomorrow when I go to church, I'll bring you a stamp.
41:29Have a good day.
41:32Let's go.
41:35Emilio, I'm in hours of work with Daniela.
41:37You know it's a danger that you call me.
41:39Yes, I know you're in an interview.
41:41Miss, can you bring me a whiskey, please?
41:44Don't forget.
41:45I'm always aware of everything, JM.
41:50I called you about the cook.
41:51The new one?
41:52Yes, yes, yes, yes, the new one.
41:54So you were looking for options?
41:56Yes, yes, I knew they interviewed several people,
41:59but nobody liked them.
42:00They didn't pass the test and well, they chose him.
42:02But what bothers you?
42:04I talked to Dante.
42:05And he was very offended by that guy.
42:08Well, Daniel chose him, okay?
42:10And there's nothing to do right now.
42:13Let's see.
42:14Let's see.
42:15I don't like my wife being surrounded by men.
42:21Hey, and that guy, what's his name?
42:25Chaparro, Malto.
42:28Handsome, ugly.
42:30He's very handsome.
42:31A doll.
42:32Are you serious?
42:34Yes, yes, yes, but...
42:36Hey, don't worry.
42:39He's more for me than for her.
42:43Ah, so he doesn't like women.
42:46He's also a JM like you.
42:49Are you sure?
42:51Relax, calm down, everything will be fine, okay?
43:01I never imagined I was going to be a match with a puppy.
43:06I'm not a puppy.
43:10Well, don't bark at me.
43:12I bark, but I don't bite.
43:19I'm glad we finally finished with all our pending.
43:22I'm going to be direct.
43:23I don't want to waste your time.
43:27I would like you to consider the offer I made you on taxes.
43:31Open your mind.
43:33It's a lot that I risk.
43:35No one is going to find out.
43:37Look, I'm a businessman.
43:40And I assure you that I care a lot about confidentiality.
43:43What you're asking me is to give me a big look.
43:46And there's always a risk in that.
43:49Besides, what you offer me...
43:53It's not such a significant gain.
43:58Oh, no?
44:02Look, for me to accept, you have to improve the proposal.
44:09Can I give you 30%?
44:12We'll close it at 35%.
44:23No one will find out.
44:24Don't tell me anything else.
44:26In Miami, no one will find out about this.
44:32Oh, baby, I'm so glad to see you.
44:34Did you find the ring?
44:36No, Dani.
44:37I looked for it and it's nowhere to be found.
44:39That's weird.
44:40I'm almost sure I left it in that box.
44:42I don't understand how it could disappear like that.
44:44Well, yes, I also find it very strange, but...
44:47And what do you think happened?
44:49Hi, Mom.
44:51Hi, honey.
44:52Hi, Dante.
44:55How are you?
44:56Fine, but...
44:58Why are you worried?
44:59I can't find the ring Emilio gave me.
45:01I don't know where it is.
45:03Do you know why you can't find it?
45:05Because it was probably your cook who stole it.
45:20It's unforgivable.
45:21What do you want to do with that poor man?
45:23If you're talking about your cook, he deserves it for stealing.
45:26His name is Pablo.
45:27What's his name?
45:28And he didn't take anything.
45:29You were the one who took the ring.
45:34Nana, are you crazy?
45:36No, sometimes I go crazy.
45:39But I know you have problems with your bets.
45:44What are you talking about?
45:45You know what I'm talking about, Dante.
45:48Yesterday you weren't in your mommy's room
45:51fixing the TV.
45:52Why don't you leave?
45:53No, no, no, I'm not leaving.
45:56Listen to me.
45:58You have 24 hours to return the ring to your mom.
46:03I'm going to go to the store to buy some beers.
46:05I'm going to warm up and get rid of this pain.
46:08If I keep this up, I'll ask Pablo to give me a massage.
46:13He said he's a good masseuse.
46:14No, no, no, no, please, what a coincidence.
46:18What if it's not true?
46:19How can it not be true?
46:22Look, Dani, the neck is very delicate.
46:26No, no, I don't think it's a good idea.
46:28You should take a bath.
46:30Yes, I'll make it for you.
46:42Thank you, Nina.
46:43Your bath is ready.
46:44Relax and take your time.