When they disrespect you || Acharya Prashant, with IIT-Hyderabad (2022)

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Video Information: 26.04.2022, Interview Session, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand

~ What is the ultimate advice for the right partner?
~ How to choose the right partner for marriage?
~ How to be committed in a relationship?
~ How to have a deep and spiritual relationship?
~ Is marriage good or bad?
~ What about sex before marriage?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Acharyaji, thank you for giving us your time.
00:06So I believe respect is a two-way street and I feel sometimes even though I am polite,
00:12some people are disrespectful.
00:14So how do I handle this?
00:18You see, if those people do not have the sense to respect something worthy of respect, then
00:34the behavior of such persons is not worthy of being given too much importance.
00:44I have someone in front of me who does not have the sense to know right and wrong.
00:52I have someone in front of me who does not know what to respect and what to let's say
01:02How much importance can I give to such a person?
01:07No importance.
01:08Now if I give him no importance, how much importance can I give to the fact that he
01:13does not respect me?
01:17No importance.
01:19So the emphasis must not be on whether or not that person respects me.
01:24The emphasis must be on whether I am respecting the respectable thing within me.
01:34He may respect me, disrespect me, all that is secondary.
01:39The first thing is I am two.
01:43We talked of that right?
01:45All human beings are actually two units within.
01:48There is something very respectable within us and there is something entirely despicable
01:53within us.
01:56Am I respecting the respectable or have I accorded a very high position to the thing
02:05within me that merits little respect?
02:09If I respect the respectable thing within me, then what is the need to really bother
02:20whether the world is respecting me?
02:25I know what is respectable and I am honest enough to live my life in veneration of the
02:38real thing.
02:39That real thing is called the true self, the Atma.
02:42I am respecting it and after that, if she does not offer me respect, then she is a fool.
02:49At most I can have some compassion for her.
02:54But for sure, I will not allow her to hurt me.
02:59She has no faculty of judgment.
03:06I may decide to reach out and help her out of compassion, that is one thing.
03:10But I cannot say, oh this fellow did not respect me and I am feeling so betrayed.
03:16You might be a wonderful person and you are walking and a monkey comes and takes away
03:28the stuff in your hand.
03:29Let's say something, you have an apple in your hand and the monkey comes and snatches
03:33the apple and also slaps you on your shoulder.
03:39Will you feel hurt?
03:41The monkey has done what monkeys do.
03:48So fine, the monkey is helpless.
04:00Thank you Acharya ji.
04:01Could I ask another question please?
04:04So, is it okay to seek recognition in the work we do, I mean whether it is cooking at
04:10home or handling an office task and when we put all our heart and soul in it, but we don't
04:17even get a small pat on the back or some kind of acknowledgement.
04:23I understand seeking validation all the time is not proper, it doesn't work.
04:28But how to cope up with this kind of work?
04:32See the primary love has to be towards the work, not towards the recognition you get
04:38from the work.
04:40Now if recognition is important to take the work forward, then in that case one must go
04:52after recognition.
04:57If I am working, then I am working for the sake of the work, not for the sake of the
05:02things that follow from the work.
05:09And if you are working obviously there are a few things that follow.
05:14One gets money, one gets knowledge, one gets experience, one gets recognition.
05:21These things happen and these things have to be kept as secondary.
05:30The primary relationship has to be with the work itself.
05:35Do I love my work?
05:36Is my work worth doing?
05:40Am I working for the right cause?
05:44And then it sometimes happens in many kinds of activities, depending on the nature of
05:51the work, that recognition itself is a part of the work.
06:01If you do not get recognized, sometimes it may so happen that the work may start getting
06:10In that condition seeking recognition is not a problem because now you are not seeking
06:16recognition as a separate entity.
06:20You are seeking recognition so as to offer that recognition to the work itself.
06:27You are seeking recognition as a resource to be used towards the work itself.
06:33Now it is fine.
06:36Otherwise you see, the urge to be recognized or felicitated or be known, think about it,
06:49might tell of some kind of dissatisfaction with the work itself.
07:00My point is, choose the work so rightly and be immersed in it so deeply that recognition
07:10and other things that you get from work stop mattering or matter as little as possible.
07:22Then if recognition comes, let it be like a surprise, recognizing me for what?
07:32You are calling me great for what?
07:34I am just doing what I love to do.
07:37Maybe that is greatness, fine.
07:39If that is greatness, then I will accept the respect and the garlands and the stage, whatever
07:47you are offering me.
07:50But I will still maintain that I did not work to be garlanded.
08:03It is great to work and not be garlanded.
08:12And it's very scary if you are garlanded and you do not know where is the work that
08:23led to all this.
08:26Unfortunately, that's the thing so many people dream of, to be recognized, to become famous
08:38without having an intimate relationship with the work they are doing.
08:44So they want to do as little as possible and be recognized as much as possible.
08:53We obviously are to avoid that.
09:01It is something that gets very little attention, very little attention.
09:06We take work as a means towards something else, we want to run a family, we want to
09:11have a career and towards that end we say we are working.
09:18I would like to put it very strongly here that your relationship with your work is your
09:26foremost relationship in life.
09:31That's the one deep love affair each of us needs to have, love towards work.
09:40And if that intimate relationship we do not have, then life becomes very tedious.
09:49Unfortunately, our culture, our values, our education do not put enough emphasis on loving
10:00the work, on letting work come as an expression of our love for heights, our love for purity.
10:15Because I want to be higher, because I want to be better, because I want to see the world
10:19getting better around me, hence I choose my work accordingly.
10:25That's the way the choice has to be made.
10:29But that's not the way we see career choices being made on campuses, being made in HR interviews.
10:40That's not the way it is happening and that partly explains why as a society we are what
10:47we are.
10:48Sometimes, Acharyaji, leave alone acknowledgement or recognition, in fact, sometimes people
11:02criticize also.
11:04That time, however passionate we will be towards the work per se, it's a little demotivating.
11:12So you see, there is something called noise and that's there in every system.
11:31Now there is something called objective noise and subjective noise.
11:36Objective noise is when there is something in the object you are attending to.
11:45Subjective noise is when you choose to concentrate on the noise rather than the music.
11:55Objective noise you will always have very little control over.
12:02Objective noise is within your control.
12:05Are you getting it?
12:09You know, around 10 years back, it was with a very basic kind of phone camera that my
12:21sessions were recorded and there was no separate audio equipment with which to record the sound.
12:32Those primitive kinds of phones, they would record both the video and the audio and they
12:38were then put on social media, particularly YouTube.
12:44The channel started in 2011.
12:48In 2015, I had my first visitor from abroad.
12:55So he came specifically to India to meet me and one of the first things I asked him was
13:02but the videos have so much noise and there used to be a blog and the blog would be transcript
13:11of the videos and I would say the transcripts are so imperfect.
13:16They have been done by volunteers, mostly by student volunteers, so they contain too
13:20many impurities.
13:22So I asked him, the videos have so much noise, nothing is technically correct about those
13:28videos and the blog, the literature that you see, that too is full of mistakes.
13:37You still could make sense of that and even like that?
13:43You know what he said?
13:44He said, I didn't even notice that.
13:49I didn't even notice that.
13:53I'm not here to notice the noise.
13:55I'm listening to your voice.
14:01And then we have people, now I suppose our setup is relatively advanced, still sometimes
14:07some noise is there and then people would come and comment, oh, there is so much noise,
14:12there is so much noise.
14:14I admit, yes, of course there is noise, but why did you have to focus on the noise?
14:21That's my question to you.
14:22Why do you have to focus on the noise?
14:26There is another voice, let that be meaningful to you.
14:35Let go of the noise, let go of the noise.
14:38I'm not saying you can totally ignore it, it will be there, it's a nuisance, but the
14:46deeper is your love towards the real thing, the easier it will be for you to ignore the
14:51miscellaneous things.
14:57And if still you find that you cannot fully ignore, tolerate it.
15:05Never forget the human condition.
15:06We are not here to quickly enjoy stuff.
15:11We are born in suffering.
15:14Therefore, if a degree of noise still remains, willingly suffer.
15:23Suffer in understanding.
15:25Know that this much has to be tolerated.
15:28It is an imperative related to the human condition.
15:32No point complaining.
15:39God bless.
15:40Thank you so much.
15:44God bless.
15:45God bless.
15:46God bless.
15:47God bless.
15:48God bless.
15:49God bless.
15:50God bless.
15:51God bless.
15:52God bless.
15:53God bless.
15:54God bless.
15:55God bless.
15:56God bless.
15:57God bless.
15:58God bless.
15:59God bless.
16:00God bless.
16:01God bless.
16:02God bless.
16:03God bless.
16:04God bless.
16:05God bless.
16:06God bless.
16:07God bless.
16:08God bless.
16:09God bless.
16:10God bless.
16:11God bless.
16:12God bless.
