How does the face of God look? || Acharya Prashant, on Saint Kabir (2017)

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Video Information: ShabdYoga Session, 22.10.2017, Advait BodhSthal, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India



“You are the cage, I am your parrot
in it but I cannot see your face at all.”
~ Saint Kabir


Music Credits: Milind Date


00:29So, says Kabir,
00:43You are the cage,
00:46I am your parrot in it,
00:51but I cannot see your face at all.
00:59You are the cage,
01:02I am your parrot in it,
01:04but I cannot see your face at all.
01:09So, this,
01:14Rosemary says, puzzles her,
01:18is asking how is God a cage?
01:31God has been thought of,
01:38realized as a liberator,
01:42someone who gives freedom from bondages,
01:49someone who would rather liberate you from a cage.
01:57So, this kind of imagery
02:02is therefore a little shocking.
02:09Kabir is calling God a cage
02:12and himself a parrot in the cage.
02:16And he is saying,
02:19I am inside the cage
02:22and yet I cannot see God's face.
02:31If we can forget
02:37all the troubling associations
02:44that are there with the word cage,
02:51what actually is a cage?
02:57Forget for a while
02:59the association that
03:05cage means slavery.
03:09What is, in fact, a cage?
03:13Something that contains another thing
03:19and contains it so properly,
03:25so completely.
03:29She already got the hint and smiled.
03:39And so, unexceptionally,
03:42that that which is contained
03:45has no way of breaking out.
03:50A cage is just a foolproof container.
03:55You cannot just go out
03:58or fly out on your own wish.
04:01That's what a cage is.
04:04And that's what the one truth is.
04:12That's what God is.
04:15God is that which envelops you,
04:19which contains you
04:22all the time and everywhere.
04:28You can move in the cage
04:35but not to the cage.
04:40The cage that you see and visualize
04:45is a small cage
04:48and therefore the bird is troubled.
04:55But even if you open the door
04:58of that small metallic cage
05:04that you generally see,
05:06what happens to the bird?
05:09It flies off to the sky.
05:13Fine, that you call as liberation.
05:16Now tell me, can the bird fly out of the sky?
05:24So, hasn't the bird just gone from one cage to the other?
05:29And this second cage
05:32is very, very unforgiving.
05:39A million birds, a million flights,
05:42a million directions,
05:44there is no way out.
05:47The sky is the cage
05:50that Kabir is referring to.
05:54That great space, that great sky
05:57is truth, God.
06:04That great space
06:07has certain characteristics.
06:15You can never corrupt or pollute it.
06:24All kinds of clouds keep
06:30appearing, disappearing in the sky.
06:35Often there is smoke, filth, dirt, smog
06:39and so much more.
06:45But the sky
06:48can never be called as unclean.
06:54Air can get polluted,
06:56the sky can never get polluted
06:58because the sky,
07:00even though it contains everything,
07:03is yet not a thing by itself.
07:07Only things can get polluted.
07:14The second characteristic is
07:17all things move in the sky
07:20but the sky itself
07:23never moves.
07:26Not only do winds and clouds
07:29gently move about in the sky,
07:32there are tornadoes, hurricanes,
07:38all kinds of
07:41tempestuous disturbances.
07:47Whom do they disturb?
07:49They disturb other things,
07:51other beings, other objects.
08:01Buildings might collapse
08:05under the impact of all that
08:08which moves in the sky.
08:10The sky
08:13is neither shaken nor hurt.
08:19This skyness
08:22is really
08:25our nature.
08:33We may choose not to abide in it,
08:36that is another matter.
08:39But it is always available
08:41and if we do not abide in it,
08:44we remain restless.
08:50Please see that skyness
08:52does not mean inactivity.
08:55Skyness means
08:58stillness in the middle of activity.
09:05Stillness that is not only
09:07in the middle of all activity
09:09but stillness that envelops all activity.
09:16Stillness is not the opposite of activity.
09:19Stillness is not inactivity.
09:25Stillness is a great vastness
09:28that cannot be touched by activity.
09:38Activity keeps happening
09:40in its own place.
09:47is not to be blocked.
09:55Clouds are beautiful,
09:57the sun too is beautiful,
09:59so are the moon and the stars.
10:07The sky has no
10:10problems with them.
10:13They do what they must do
10:16and the sky is what the sky is.
10:19There is no conflict.
10:22They are together.
10:25This togetherness
10:28is the harmony of living.
10:31You move to
10:34either extreme
10:37and you have created trouble for yourself.
10:40If you are someone
10:43whose life
10:46is besotted with just movement,
10:54if you are someone who is identified
10:57merely with activity,
11:00you will end up
11:09centerless because all
11:12that you are seeing and experiencing
11:15is movement. If there is only movement
11:18then there is no anchor
11:21and if there is no anchor there is no security.
11:26Fear will take control of you.
11:31You will feel rootless.
11:37You will always feel like reaching somewhere
11:40because you are homeless.
11:44That will be the fate of those
11:47who have
11:50no relationship
11:53with their absolute nature,
11:56with their own stillness.
12:00And then there are those
12:06form a concept of stillness.
12:12They have heard from teachers
12:15and read from scriptures
12:18that blind activity
12:21is dangerous,
12:24that one must
12:27be rooted and centered and still.
12:35So they train themselves to be still
12:42and they bring about a cultivated stillness
12:45and when you train yourself to be still
12:48all that you can
12:51force to be still
12:54is just
12:57your gross body.
13:04So you will bring about
13:07the stillness of hands and feet.
13:11You may even master
13:14breath control.
13:17Even breath is gross.
13:25But that stillness
13:28will be a fake stillness.
13:34Deep within turbulence would
13:40Not only would the turbulence continue,
13:43you would
13:46be in no position
13:49to miss stillness
13:52because you are happily
13:55engrossed in the thought that you are
13:58already still.
14:04You have trained your hand to be still
14:07for hours altogether. You keep it here
14:10and you have trained it.
14:13Six hours your hand won't move.
14:16Six hours you can rest on some asana
14:19without any physical movement and what
14:22do you think of it as?
14:25You think of it as the stillness of the sky.
14:33Obviously all this
14:36only leads to misery,
14:45Kabir says what a funny
14:48thing it is that I am inside
14:51the cage. The cage is now the
14:57And yet I cannot
15:00see the face of God.
15:03It's not as if you are near
15:06God. It's not as if you are facing God.
15:09You are
15:12inside God and yet
15:15you cannot see the face of God.
15:18What to do?
15:21Should one rejoice?
15:24Should one
15:39That does not mean that Kabir
15:42is eager to put a face
15:45on God.
15:48It is not a statement of complaint.
15:51It is a statement
15:54of celebration.
15:57Had you had a face
16:06there would have been spaces
16:09where your face would have been absent.
16:12All of us over here carry faces, don't we?
16:15And that is the reason when I have to
16:18look at you, I have to turn this mortal
16:21face in your direction.
16:24So if I have to look
16:27at you, I must look this particular
16:30way and the moment I look that way you
16:33are absent. Where are you? Gone. Finished.
16:36It's a matter of celebration
16:39that God has no face.
16:42Faceless beings
16:45have a tendency to be limited
16:48and to disappear.
16:51Faceless beings are
16:54found only in one direction at one location
16:57and faceless
17:00beings can deceive because faces change.
17:03God has no face.
17:06Look whichever way you would
17:09or not look at all.
17:12He is present.
17:18By giving God a face
17:21you do yourself a disservice.
17:24Now you would be able
17:27to see God only in that
17:30particular face.
17:33So you miss God in all his
17:36other faces including his
17:45That is the face of God. So this cannot be the
17:48face of God.
17:54Godliness has been turned
17:57into something that excludes.
18:00That is not universal.
18:03That is not all-encompassing
18:06but something that is partisan.
18:21If there,
18:24there is God
18:27and here there is no God
18:30then what have I
18:33constructed here?
18:36What is absence of God?
18:39Not empty.
18:50Emptiness is the very
18:53environment of God.
18:56Where there is God there is emptiness.
18:59Emptiness means being free of
19:02yourself, being empty of your concepts.
19:05That is the flavor of Godliness
19:08not the opposite of Godliness.
19:12So there you have God
19:15with that particular face and here you don't have
19:21Bad. And now you know why the world is so
19:24full of evil. Because our Gods
19:27have particular
19:30faces and when we don't
19:33find those faces
19:36we act as if there is no God
19:39and to act as if there is no God is called evil.
19:42Not as if God is not there
19:45but we would then act as if
19:48there is no God and therefore there is evil.
19:51What else is evil?
19:54The forgetfulness that
19:57there is God here and there
20:00and everywhere in Him
20:03and even in the dust
20:06and the mountain and the river.
20:24talking of God
20:27as the envelope
20:30that contains you
20:33Kabir is also debunking
20:36a popular myth
20:39and that popular myth is that
20:45or the godly spirit
20:48or the essence
20:51or the Atma
20:54resides within you.
20:58It is very
21:01important to reject this myth.
21:09Atma does not
21:12reside within.
21:18or God
21:21is the
21:25very blanket,
21:28the very space in which
21:31all happenings
21:37Atma is not
21:40located somewhere within the body.
21:43You are located within
21:49Atma is
21:52therefore not yours, not personal.
21:55You cannot say my soul.
21:58You belong to the soul. The soul does not
22:01belong to you.
22:12Mind is personal.
22:15Truth is not.
22:18Thoughts are personal. Realization is not.
22:22Analysis is personal.
22:25Understanding is not.
22:32Anything that is real
22:35is just not personal.
22:45You will have to give up your claims on it.
22:51And as long as
22:54you feel like laying claims on something,
22:57it is not real.
23:00Which means all that is available
23:03for possession,
23:09association or control
23:12is not worthy of
23:15being associated with
23:19because it is not
23:25That which is real
23:28would always be bigger than you.
23:31Hence you cannot own it.
23:34And if you can own something,
23:37it is not worthy of being owned
23:40because it is anyway smaller than you.
23:43What is the point in owning something,
23:46in getting associated with something
23:49which does not challenge my limits,
23:52which does not enlarge me,
23:55which does not enrich me?
24:10So, dissociation
24:14or letting go
24:17or renunciation
24:20is not just good morality.
24:23It's actually smart.
24:26It's intelligent.
25:07Are we together?
25:20It's a cage in which
25:23you must be joyfully contained.
25:26It is one cage
25:29that you must surrender to.
25:32And when you are surrendered to this cage,
25:35then you get freedom from all the other little cages.
25:38Other cages mean misery.
25:41This cage is so vast
25:44that you can never ever reach its boundary.
25:47So, it is never going to cause you suffocation.
25:50Why does the bird
25:53dislike the cage?
25:56Because whenever she takes flight,
25:59her wings hit the bars of the cage.
26:05God the cage is so vast,
26:08so infinitely vast that you are anyway
26:11never going to reach the bars,
26:14the limits. So, you can keep flying.
26:17The cage accommodates you
26:20wherever you go.
26:23Never do you reach a point where there is a sign board
26:26saying the limit of God.
26:29Beyond this is ungodliness.
26:33Venture no further.
26:38It's not a cage at all.
26:45In the sense that it contains you.
26:48In the sense that you can never
26:51go out of it.
26:54That is one limit that is put upon you.
26:57You can never go out of godliness.
27:00Call it a limit placed upon you
27:03or call it a gift of love.
27:06God says wherever you go,
27:09you will never be outside of me.
27:12Doesn't matter who you are, what you have done.
27:15You might be the worst criminal, yet you are always inside me.
27:21You are as much inside me
27:24as the most pious saint.
27:27You have all the freedoms
27:30but one.
27:33You cannot escape
27:36away from me.
27:47You figure out why do we say all that.
27:50Not only is the soul
27:53not his, is the soul
27:56ever in disquiet,
27:59in trouble?
28:02Is the soul ever restless?
28:05Why do we wish
28:08peace for the soul?
28:11The soul needs no peace
28:14because it is anyway always peaceful.
28:20There is not just one but actually
28:24two gross errors here.
28:27First of all his soul is not his
28:30and secondly
28:37why are you trying to contribute
28:40pennies to the billionaire?
28:46God has tons of peace.
28:49Why do you wish him more peace?
28:52Why are you wishing?
29:10So these are all popular misconceptions.
29:13They appear trivial
29:16but they are the foundation
29:19of our psyche.
29:22The way we live, the way we operate,
29:25the way we have raised the world
29:28and its institutions
29:31is very much based on these
29:34popular concepts
29:37which are misconceptions.
29:43If you can get rid of them, reject them
29:46then your entire life changes.
29:53But the rebellion has to be
29:56against your own deep seated
30:02Otherwise no point
30:05rebelling against trivia.
30:08Rebelling against trivia
30:11even if you gain freedom
30:14would be a very trivial freedom.
30:17Rebel against your real bondages.
30:32Do not give particular faces to God.
30:35You see,
30:38if you want to worship Krishna
30:41worship Krishna
30:44like the gopis did
30:52there are
30:55instances that say
30:58that Krishna was dancing
31:01parallely with a thousand gopis.
31:04Now what is happening?
31:07What is happening really is this
31:10face that the gopi is dancing with
31:13is seen as Krishna.
31:16So now every face is the face of
31:19it doesn't matter who you are
31:22dancing with, he looks like.
31:25If you really want to worship Krishna
31:28then see Krishna everywhere.
31:31If you want to give him a face
31:34then give him all possible faces
31:37of men dead, men alive
31:40and men yet to be born.
31:43Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna.
31:49Go there the
31:52statue in the temple is also
31:55So what is the problem in going to the temple?
31:58Is that statue not Krishna?
32:01It's Krishna, go there, fine.
32:04But don't come out of the temple, look at the little impoverished kid standing outside
32:11the temple and ignore him as if he is not Krishna.
32:16Coming out of the temple, when you look at that feeble kid, you should see Krishna in
32:25That's what the temple is there for.
32:30The temple is not the place where God is.
32:34The temple is the place returning from where you would see God everywhere.
32:44That's why you go to the temple, not to meet God just there.
32:49You go to the temple so that when you return from the temple, you meet God everywhere.
32:55That's the purpose of the temple.
32:57So you must go to the temple.
32:59Unless you are already seeing God everywhere, are you?
33:05If the moment you are seeing God everywhere, wherever you are, that place is a temple.
33:11So you are anyway in a temple.
33:13How would you avoid the temple?
