Beyond thought and thoughtlessness || Acharya Prashant, on Vivekachudamani (2018)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: Shabdyog Session, 20.5.18, Advait BodhSthal, Noida, India


How to stop thoughts?
How to control your mind?
How to stop mind chatter?
Is the essence of the intellect is Truth?

Music Credits: Milind Date



00:00:00The verse refers to that which is eternal and omnipresent, all-pervading and supremely
00:00:08subtle, which is without exterior or interior, which is the oneself.
00:00:17By fully realizing this, one becomes free from sin, free from blemish and immortal.
00:00:26So Sandeep queries, that the truth is that which is not even in the intellect, but which
00:00:41rather is the essence of the intellect.
00:00:45In other words, the self, the truth, is the intelligence in the intellect.
00:00:53Kindly explain.
00:01:04The intellect, the whole of the internal machinery, just obeys.
00:01:26It has no freedom of its own.
00:01:36The question is, who is being obeyed?
00:01:46Whom is the obedience being offered?
00:01:56Either the mechanical construction itself can be obeyed, either the dynamics of Prakriti
00:02:10can be obeyed, which would simply mean that the machine is obeying itself.
00:02:24Machine is obeying its design, its construction, its configuration, or the machine can be empowered
00:02:39by, illumined by, driven by, enlivened by, something beyond itself.
00:02:56That is the question.
00:02:58No question ever asked is more important than this.
00:03:05How is the machinery being driven?
00:03:14How is the hand being operated?
00:03:22How is the voice being uttered?
00:03:34Who is, in other words, one's master?
00:03:44The legs don't move by themselves.
00:03:48Who is guiding them?
00:03:51Who is pushing or pulling them?
00:03:54Who is breathing life into them?
00:03:59And if these appear to you as gross organs of the body, then go to that which most people
00:04:09take as their subtlest form, thought.
00:04:20From where are your thoughts arising?
00:04:24To whom are your thoughts loyal?
00:04:31Please, don't let the fantastic notion of free will hinder your capacity to observe
00:04:49the whole process of will.
00:04:57Thoughts just don't arise on their own, neither do you choose them.
00:05:06You choose on the basis of your thoughts.
00:05:11All your choices are based on your thoughts.
00:05:16Or do you choose your thoughts?
00:05:20Anybody here who has choice over his thoughts, even if you say you have a choice, did you
00:05:28have a choice over this choice?
00:05:33Whenever thought would look at itself honestly, it would find that it is subservient to someone,
00:05:50it is obeying someone.
00:05:59Who is being obeyed?
00:06:02Who is sending your thoughts?
00:06:06Who is dispatching your thoughts?
00:06:10The Kena Upanishad puts it exquisitely.
00:06:17By whom, by whom, Kena, the word itself is beautiful.
00:06:24That query is from where the Upanishad draws its name.
00:06:28By whom is the mind prepared?
00:06:37Kena Prishita, who has sent it?
00:06:47You have not sent it.
00:06:49Get rid of that arrogant assumption.
00:06:52It is not yours.
00:06:56The very thought that thought is yours is merely a thought.
00:07:02It does not go beyond itself.
00:07:09Who is the father of your thought?
00:07:20Thought can arise from two places, either the inbuilt need to continue with and secure
00:07:33the mechanisms of Prakriti or the deepest urge for freedom that you usually
00:07:49don't identify with.
00:07:57Mostly in the history of mankind, thought has been a servant only to the inbuilt physical
00:08:14and mental tendencies.
00:08:21We think how to secure ourselves, we think about the future, we think about the past.
00:08:32We keep thinking in terms of space and time, myself and others.
00:08:39All thought requires an object and we keep thinking of everything that is worldly, that
00:08:45is material.
00:08:46In fact, that's the nature and limit of thought.
00:08:55It cannot delve into something that is not bounded, not physical, not worldly, not deceptive.
00:09:17Intellect by itself, therefore, would want just one thing.
00:09:24The continuation of itself and the machinery that upholds it.
00:09:36It's a self-driven car.
00:09:39It's a Google car that knows only how to go to the fuel pump and to the service station.
00:09:51It will not take its master anywhere, it will keep serving just its own ends.
00:10:00It is pre-programmed just to keep existing and not reach anywhere.
00:10:08Keep existing, keep hanging in a Trishanku-like state, suspended in an infinite and unstable equilibrium.
00:10:36The whole thing never comes to a conclusion.
00:10:45Even when something appears stable, it is stable only for a moment.
00:10:54And the game keeps continuing.
00:10:56That's what the intellect is made for, to continue.
00:11:01And to continue means keep existing in time, keep thinking of the future, remain either
00:11:14hopeful of the future or scared of the future.
00:11:22Never settle down into meditation.
00:11:31Never go beyond fear.
00:11:34That's the nature of the intellect.
00:11:37Please see where the intellect has come from.
00:11:44This entire apparatus that we call as the body is a result of physical evolution.
00:11:54Now evolution is not a term that Vedanta uses, but it's a useful term.
00:12:04If you go to Vedanta, it will say, Prakrit is Trigunatmak, that's all.
00:12:19Time has resulted in this machinery, that's what evolution is.
00:12:26You keep passing through time, you keep passing through time, you keep passing through time
00:12:30and that has resulted in this physical form and mental tendencies.
00:12:36Time is what this form, this structure, this system, this instrument is all about.
00:12:48Because it is a function and product of time, so it is deeply attached to time.
00:13:00All that it has is coming from the past.
00:13:08And therefore all that it can think of is the future and that future that this system
00:13:18can envisage is nothing but a pale shadow of the past, a pale but transformed and decorated
00:13:29Nobody ever thought of anything new for the future even though apparently one always wants
00:13:36a new future.
00:13:44So that's what one exists for.
00:13:50Isn't that boring?
00:13:56To be a product of the stream of past and to exist in time only to move into a future
00:14:05that is nothing but a poor duplicate of the past.
00:14:14Is that joyful?
00:14:17And that's why scriptures, Vedanta, keep referring to Anand as not only one's goal
00:14:32but actually one's nature.
00:14:35It is to remind you that boredom and frustration are not necessary, Anand is possible.
00:14:43And if Anand is not there then man's life is nothing but boredom.
00:14:51How often can you repeat the past and that's what we keep doing.
00:15:00I ask you a basic question, do you want anything for the future that you have no prior experience
00:15:10And my experience does not mean that you have actually gone through it.
00:15:15If you have actually gone through it, it's a physical experience.
00:15:17But even if you have heard of it, it is an experience.
00:15:21Even if you have imagined it, it is an experience.
00:15:24Can you want something without having ever imagined it?
00:15:29Can you want something without having read of it or heard of it?
00:15:34So all that you want for the so-called new future is actually stale.
00:15:41That's not exciting at all, is it?
00:15:47It is depressing.
00:15:50And that is why depression is such a common ailment.
00:15:53When there is nothing new in life, when the eternal new is absent, then all that you get
00:16:03is depression.
00:16:13Man is adept at deceiving himself.
00:16:24He transforms, he reconfigures and then calls it creativity.
00:16:33Reconfiguration or transformation is not creativity.
00:16:41Movement along the same axis, progress in the same dimension is not creativity.
00:16:50The new, the creative has come into your life only when you have gone beyond your existing
00:16:59dimensions, beyond your existing basis of thought.
00:17:09The basis itself has to be violated, transcended.
00:17:17Only then you have created and there can be no newness without creativity.
00:17:25We have repetition, not creativity.
00:17:29And that's what the intellect is deft at, repetition.
00:17:34Repetition in fantastic forms.
00:17:37Repetition in forms that appear to be new but are actually not.
00:17:46Man gets attracted to woman, that was happening 10,000 years back, that's happening even today.
00:17:56Man fights man, that was happening 10,000 years back, that is happening even today.
00:18:03Then you had bows and arrows, today you have ICBMs, how does it matter?
00:18:08Has something really changed?
00:18:12It's all so gloomy and dull.
00:18:19Man was born and man would age and after ageing man would die.
00:18:26That was happening then, that's happening even today, what's new?
00:18:31And you know all that because all that information is contained in your system because the body
00:18:39is arising from there, so the body already knows that and hence when you go to the body
00:18:47and tell the body and by body when I say body, read it as body-mind, these two are
00:18:53not really distinct.
00:18:58So when you go to the body, the tan, the ghat and tell it, I found a woman, superficially
00:19:04the body gets excited but deep within it keeps crying because it is thirsty for the new.
00:19:16And no man is new, no skin is new, no desire is new, no woman is new.
00:19:25When you are not new, how can anything related to you be new?
00:19:33You have been there since the advent of time.
00:19:42You have fallen in love a million times and your heart has been broken a million plus
00:19:46one times.
00:19:52And you know all that, you do not consciously remember that by way of memory but you know
00:19:57all that, all those experiences are contained in the cells, all those experiences are flowing
00:20:06as blood in the body.
00:20:15You know all that, therefore no man, no woman, no riches, no glory, no prestige, no accomplishment
00:20:21really ever gives you that which you are looking for.
00:20:33You keep bringing good news to yourself but no good news ever really fully satisfies or
00:20:41does it?
00:20:45Has any piece of good news ever been good enough to bring you to a closure, to stop
00:20:57your eternal search, ever had any such good news?
00:21:03And if you look at all the things that you call as bad in your life, you will find that
00:21:11they are inevitably linked to the supposedly good things.
00:21:22Badness is nothing but fake goodness.
00:21:30You brought in something in your life that was not really good but appeared good.
00:21:35Over time the appearance gets weaned off and the badness is exposed.
00:21:43In fact it is not bad at all, neither is it good nor is it bad because you called it good.
00:21:50So later on when your expectations are frustrated you start calling it bad.
00:21:58You brought a man or woman into your life with huge expectations, obviously that person
00:22:05cannot fulfill those expectations.
00:22:09So later on and often very soon the goodness turns into badness.
00:22:18The fact of the matter is that the other person is neither good nor bad.
00:22:24It's because you raised high hopes that now you are yelling and howling.
00:22:42And if the intellect is not illumined that's what it will keep doing.
00:22:47Please get this very clearly.
00:22:52Left to itself that's all that this internal mechanism, the antahkaran knows.
00:23:02Keep moving within its own limits, boundaries.
00:23:14Keep moving within the same dimension while strangely hoping to attain something beyond
00:23:24this dimension.
00:23:34It's like trying to attain freedom by ceaselessly wandering inside this room.
00:23:44This incessant movement has been called by various names.
00:23:55The most common of them being rebirth, the cycle of birth and death, symbolically which
00:24:06has been presented as man hopping from one of the millions of unis to other.
00:24:22All that is symbolic but extremely enlightening.
00:24:27Understand that.
00:24:28Sometimes you are a rabbit hoping that rabbitness will redeem you and rabbitness does not redeem
00:24:39you because rabbitness itself is another configuration of the three gunas of Prakriti.
00:24:50It is nothing new.
00:24:51It is just another configuration.
00:24:52The configuration has changed, the basis has not changed, the variables are x, y, z, sat,
00:25:04raj, tam.
00:25:06The combination keeps changing.
00:25:08It is ax plus by plus cz, abc may keep changing, x, y, z are not changing and by having different
00:25:18values assigned to a, b and c, you keep thinking that you are moving into the new.
00:25:29It's like a cook coming up with a new dish.
00:25:34The fact is that the basis are still the same.
00:25:41It's the same wheat, the same salt and the same vegetable.
00:25:48Nothing else has been cooked.
00:25:49All our life we keep cooking new things hoping that they are really new.
00:25:57They are not.
00:25:58The stomach knows that they are not new.
00:26:01The eyes can be deceived, the stomach cannot be deceived.
00:26:05When the stuff reaches the stomach, the stomach says same old wheat.
00:26:10Now they are calling it cake.
00:26:14Yesterday it was just flat bread, now it is cake.
00:26:19And fantastic names we keep giving to our combinations.
00:26:27This is a new dish and you say yes it is new.
00:26:31What is new in that?
00:26:33Rabbitness does not satisfy you.
00:26:37So you become an elephant.
00:26:38You say rabbit was too small and too soft.
00:26:43Maybe I need to be sturdy, robust and big.
00:26:46Now elephantness also fails to quench your thirst.
00:26:50So you move to the next uni and now you become east and then you become a fungus and then
00:27:00you turn into sand and then water and then a mountain and then a cloud and then a bird.
00:27:10Why are you moving from state to state?
00:27:14You are moving from state to state because the intellect is wandering in its own dimension,
00:27:22in its own domain, carrying the futile hope that liberation is possible within this domain.
00:27:31Within this domain lies the rabbit, lies the elephant, lies the ant, lies the fungus, lies
00:27:36the mountain, lies the water.
00:27:39All phenomenal objects, all the perceptible world lies within this domain.
00:27:51All that can be experienced lies within this domain and we keep moving from experience
00:27:57to experience, from physical state to physical state, from mental state to mental state hoping
00:28:03to achieve liberation within this state.
00:28:09That is not going to happen.
00:28:11But the intellect as we said is designed to keep hoping that it is going to materialize
00:28:16very soon.
00:28:17The intellect and hope go together.
00:28:22Intellect is afraid of despair that is one engine and the intellect is fond of hope that
00:28:30is its second engine.
00:28:33It's a twin engine aircraft that never takes off.
00:28:44Despair and hope.
00:28:47Continuously taxiing on the runway in its own dimension.
00:28:52It can never take off into the other dimension.
00:28:59So you may keep thinking, thinking and thinking.
00:29:04Nothing materializes.
00:29:05Guru Nanak Dev put it extremely succinctly.
00:29:12Sikhs recite that every morning.
00:29:16Keep thinking, keep thinking.
00:29:33That which you want is not going to come to you through the mechanism of soch.
00:29:43And the intellect can do nothing but think.
00:29:47And we are so confident of our thoughts.
00:29:55That's the ego for you.
00:29:57Extremely confident of itself.
00:30:00One fellow came to me and said, you know I am very under confident.
00:30:10I said no I don't see that you are under confident.
00:30:16He said no no I am under confident.
00:30:19I said but you have come to me.
00:30:20You believe me to be the guide, the expert.
00:30:23I am saying I don't see you as under confident.
00:30:27He says I am telling you I am under confident.
00:30:32I said but believe me friend, nowhere do I see under confidence in you.
00:30:40He says I am so confident that I am under confident.
00:30:45That's the intellect for you.
00:30:49He didn't exactly say that.
00:30:50That would have been too dramatic.
00:30:51But you get the gist, right?
00:30:52Even when we say that we do not know, we are confident that we know that we do not know.
00:31:06Even when we say we are under confident, we are confident that we are under confident.
00:31:16A fellow comes and says I am lost.
00:31:19Try telling him that he is not.
00:31:22The fellow comes to you and says I am lost.
00:31:27Try telling him he is not.
00:31:29He will say but I am telling you definitely that I am lost.
00:31:43Do you want to let the intellect be a prisoner to itself?
00:31:54Do you want that?
00:31:57And left to itself, the intellect behaves in very self-harming ways.
00:32:13It tries to act independent and keeps suffering.
00:32:20It does not want to take support.
00:32:22It does not want to admit that it needs the hand of something, somebody beyond itself.
00:32:33Do you want to let the intellect be as it is?
00:32:44If you want to let the intellect be as it is, then refer to the new born child.
00:32:55He has no social conditioning.
00:32:59He is just born and still his apparatus is fully active.
00:33:10That which you call as individuality and that which I call as mere personality is already
00:33:17active in the new born.
00:33:22Even in his or her first hour of birth, he has likes and dislikes.
00:33:31Those who can see will see that twins are not the same even when they are just two hours
00:33:46Mothers are able to differentiate.
00:33:49They see, they say this one is more noisy.
00:33:56This one relatively stays calmer.
00:34:04Even before birth, mothers know some babies are restless, even boisterous.
00:34:14They keep kicking around in the womb and some are relatively peaceful.
00:34:24The personality is there, the conditioning of the intellect is there and if you leave
00:34:32the intellect free, which is not really freedom, but if you leave the intellect to itself then
00:34:40nothing but its own pre-existing conditioning is going to operate.
00:34:53That brings me to another fallacy.
00:34:56The fallacy is that man is born pure and the society corrupts him.
00:35:01That is not true at all.
00:35:04Society corrupts only the corruptible.
00:35:09Society corrupts man because man is born corruptible.
00:35:16Society corrupts man because man is already not only corruptible but actually corrupted
00:35:23when he is born.
00:35:24Actually to be corruptible is to be corrupted.
00:35:27Were you not corrupted, how could you be corruptible?
00:35:36Even the newborn child is already corrupted.
00:35:43Corrupted and sometimes irretrievably corrupted.
00:35:50That is why Buddhahood is so rare.
00:35:57As one is born, one is born as a bundle of tendencies, pre-existing tendencies coming
00:36:06from Prakriti or evolution.
00:36:14That's what the intellect is.
00:36:16A product of evolution having the sole desire to perpetuate itself in time, coming from
00:36:25time and wanting to extend into time.
00:36:30And that is why, now you would see, man has a great desire to procreate.
00:36:37All this lustfulness, all this inclination towards sex is nothing but the desire to continue
00:36:49extending in time.
00:36:54You are coming from time and you want to extend into time, hence sex.
00:37:02The body fully well knows it won't be there after a while but it wants immortality.
00:37:11It seeks immortality in a very crooked way.
00:37:15It does not seek immortality by going beyond time, by moving into the Akal.
00:37:25It seeks immortality by prolonging time, extending time, which is a very deceptive way and also
00:37:37an obviously futile way of seeking immortality.
00:37:41Isn't that the description you often read in the myths and fables?
00:37:49Because somebody is immortal, hence he is living since 10,000 years.
00:37:55That's the intellect's definition of immortality, to live for 10,000 years or 10 million years
00:38:00or whatever.
00:38:01Extend, extend, extend and extend what?
00:38:07Extend one's own conditioning.
00:38:10Repeat, repeat and repeat.
00:38:19That's what the intellect wants.
00:38:20You will not be satisfied.
00:38:23And because you won't be satisfied by what the intellect is offering you, that's why
00:38:29those who could know, those who could see, the seers, they told you unequivocally, you
00:38:42are not the intellect.
00:38:47Because the aim and intention of the intellect does not match with, tally with, your contentment.
00:39:01The intellect is wanting something for its own furtherance.
00:39:05And even if the intellect gets what it wants, it does not satisfy you.
00:39:11So you are not the intellect.
00:39:18But we identify deeply with the intellect and therefore, we suffer.
00:39:30Please understand this.
00:39:33You are riding a cab, let's say.
00:39:36You're riding a cab.
00:39:41And the cab driver would be paid by the mile.
00:39:48So he has to increase the mileage.
00:39:52He has to maximize the number of kilometers for which the cab has been driven, right?
00:40:00That's the basis of his payment.
00:40:04You want to reach a point that is in front of you.
00:40:14Your destination is close, straightforward, obvious here.
00:40:25But you have turned yourself dependent on the cab driver.
00:40:32Now, the objectives of the cab driver do not tally with your objectives.
00:40:41It is in your best interest to move straight away and reach the destination.
00:40:46That's what you want.
00:40:50But the cab driver has his own plans.
00:40:53He has been configured differently.
00:40:56His system moves differently.
00:40:58So what does he do?
00:41:00He takes you on a long convoluted detour.
00:41:06And a journey that should have instantaneously finished keeps extending infinitely.
00:41:16You are you.
00:41:19And the cab and its driver are the intellect.
00:41:24Do not trust the intellect to take you to your destination.
00:41:27The intellect only knows to fulfill its own interests.
00:41:35You are being taken for a ride.
00:41:41That's what human life is all about.
00:41:53You should have reached home long back and you are still meandering, wandering.
00:42:01And the cab driver is smiling.
00:42:03His meter is ticking.
00:42:10You are trusting the wrong machine.
00:42:15The machine has no recognition for your interests.
00:42:20The machine has no empathy for you.
00:42:24In fact, the machine is helpless.
00:42:26Even if the machine wants to help you, it cannot.
00:42:33Don't trust that machine.
00:42:35That machine is what you think yourself to be.
00:42:40That machine is what you are not.
00:42:48If you want your welfare, don't trust yourself.
00:42:52That's the best you can do.
00:43:00You are sitting in the cab that is you.
00:43:05One has been referred to as the false you and the other one as the real you.
00:43:13It is such an unfortunate situation, actually comical.
00:43:25The false is being relied upon to reach the true.
00:43:32How can the false take you to the truth?
00:43:45That's not going to happen, but man has been doing that, trusting that, as we said since
00:43:53the beginning of time.
00:44:04And now you would see why the word surrender is so magnificently important.
00:44:19The cab driver has to surrender to the objectives of the rider.
00:44:30The intellect has to surrender to the destination.
00:44:34The intellect cannot continue with its own goals, interests and mechanisms.
00:44:42Left to itself, the intellect will never, I am repeating this, will never take you home.
00:44:48Though it will keep promising and it's a very expensive promise, remember.
00:44:54The more you are trusting the cab, the more the meter is ticking.
00:44:59We keep paying for the ride all our lives without ever reaching home.
00:45:05That's what human life is all about.
00:45:08Just keep making payments.
00:45:10Isn't that exactly what we are doing every day?
00:45:15We are just paying, paying and paying without really ever achieving peace, silence, contentment
00:45:24in return.
00:45:27Payments we have made enough.
00:45:35We have paid through our blood.
00:45:38We have paid with our life.
00:45:44And we have been cheated and looted.
00:45:47The funny part is, the tragic part is, nobody outside of ourselves has come to rob us or
00:45:56loot us.
00:45:57We have been cheated and deceived by ourselves.
00:46:05You are the rider.
00:46:06You are the driver.
00:46:07Now, where are you going to complain?
00:46:12You are riding your own cab.
00:46:15You are the one who decided to trust that driver and the driver is sly.
00:46:24The driver is not even sly.
00:46:26The driver is just a machine.
00:46:29The driver does not know any better.
00:46:33Let's not call the driver bad names.
00:46:39The intellect is helpless, powerless, programmed, designed.
00:46:48It does not intend to harm you.
00:46:53If you are riding a bicycle and hope to take off, is the bicycle trying to deceive you?
00:47:02It's your foolishness that you trusted the wrong vehicle.
00:47:07And we are trusting just the wrong vehicle.
00:47:11Just the wrong vehicle.
00:47:12This vehicle is useful if you have to go to some place worldly.
00:47:19If you have to go to some place in this dimension, then this vehicle is useful.
00:47:26You want to solve a complex mathematical equation, the vehicle is useful, the intellect is useful.
00:47:33You want to add, subtract.
00:47:37You want to analyze, you want to differentiate, you want to tally, the intellect is useful.
00:47:49But that's not what you live for.
00:47:51Do you live to analyze and calculate?
00:47:56If you want to come to that which you live for, then kindly do not trust the intellect.
00:48:06Now put your hand on your heart and tell me what is it that you live for?
00:48:10Stones, buildings, bodies, ideologies, places, monuments, glory.
00:48:28Is that what you really live for?
00:48:32That which you live for, that which powers the breath, the one for whom the heart really
00:48:39beats will remain elusive till you keep trusting the wrong driver, the wrong vehicle, the wrong
00:49:02Don't turn the machine into a master.
00:49:05Let the machine be surrendered to the master.
00:49:11You must know what your aims are and let the machine be used to realize, fructify your
00:49:23The machine won't be very useful.
00:49:26Again the right use of the machine is just that it must shut down.
00:49:34But whatever be the right use of the machine, let the machine be used only for that, nothing
00:49:39beyond that.
00:49:45You can never think your way to peace.
00:49:50You can never analyze your way to love.
00:49:55And how will you live if you do not love?
00:50:04You will never be able to compare your way to freedom.
00:50:13You cannot have God in your conscious memory.
00:50:19The internal equipment is very feeble, very helpless, very useless when it comes to the
00:50:34real purpose of life.
00:50:38And the real purpose of life is no hidden thing.
00:50:46One does not feel alright, one is restless, one is paranoid, one has phobias, one is jealous,
00:51:04one is insecure, one is ambitious and all that hurts, doesn't it?
00:51:14All that hurts.
00:51:16So you know what the purpose of life is.
00:51:21What is the purpose of life?
00:51:25To give up that which hurts.
00:51:34But we cling to all that which hurts.
00:51:38That's the intellect.
00:51:43You cling the most to that which hurts and harms.
00:52:01This discussion would be incomplete without seeing who we are.
00:52:11At the physical mental level, we are just beings having a limited time span.
00:52:2010 years, 20 years, 100 years.
00:52:29And that's just soil and time.
00:52:35That's just material and influences acting on the material.
00:52:43If you are prepared to remain just that much, then no wisdom, no spirituality is needed.
00:52:55But you very well know how you yearn for liberation.
00:53:02You very well know how you don't want to get obliterated.
00:53:07You want immortality and liberation and immortality and simplicity and freedom.
00:53:17These are not material things, are they?
00:53:23Had freedom been material, you would have been able to hold it in your hands and lock
00:53:28it somewhere safe and secure.
00:53:36So at another level, you are not the body, not the intellect.
00:53:48And that level is where you really belong.
00:53:53Why do I say that when you are two, one of the two is more real.
00:54:01The proof is evident.
00:54:02Which two am I talking of?
00:54:06The you who is the body and all that the body wants is this and this and this.
00:54:23That's what the body wants, right?
00:54:25The proof is when you are lying unconscious in a hospital, the body is still happy when
00:54:32it is provided with the right contents, right nutrients.
00:54:37Which means that the body does not even want consciousness.
00:54:43You might be lying unconscious in a hospital, but the doctor still knows what would make
00:54:48your body happy.
00:54:49Does he not?
00:54:50In fact, when your body is to be made happy, you are often turned unconscious.
00:54:59First of all, anesthesia is delivered, now consciousness is gone.
00:55:03And now the body is made happy.
00:55:07So the body has no direct yearning for consciousness, let the consciousness go away.
00:55:14Body still wants to survive.
00:55:19But do you want to keep a body sans consciousness?
00:55:24What do you do with a person who is on a ventilator since two years?
00:55:28No consciousness in coma, but the body is still surviving.
00:55:33What do you do with such a body?
00:55:36What do you do with such a body?
00:55:40You turn the ventilator off because the body is of no use without consciousness.
00:55:48That's why I am saying that between the two, the body and consciousness, you are really
00:55:56And I am not talking of just material consciousness.
00:56:03I am talking of that consciousness for which Kabir Saheb says,
00:56:08Jaise khaal lohar ki saansh let bin praan.
00:56:18Jis ghat prem na sanchar hai, so tan jaan masaan.
00:56:25Jaise khaal lohar ki saansh let bin praan.
00:56:32It's not even about consciousness, it's about love.
00:56:40On one hand, you are the body.
00:56:42On the other hand, you are that which loves that.
00:56:51You are that to which only a feeble reference can be made.
00:56:58So the Upanishads utter in all their glory and equally in all their helplessness,
00:57:03Tat tvam asi.
00:57:06Nothing more can be said.
00:57:08How do we say that you are Shwet Ketu?
00:57:26So you are the body, yes.
00:57:30And you are something beyond the body.
00:57:35And that does not need to be taught to you.
00:57:37When only the living body remains and that becomes dormant,
00:57:44then you take the body and go and burn it.
00:57:49Because you say now keeping this body alive is of no use.
00:57:55Turn off the ventilator, go and dump him.
00:57:59The real thing is gone.
00:58:00The bird has gone, the cage remains.
00:58:02What to do with the cage?
00:58:04The bird is gone.
00:58:06Throw away the cage.
00:58:10And that is why several lovers of freedom often decide to give up the body
00:58:23if the body cannot be a host to freedom.
00:58:32Fighting great wars, they decide to give up life
00:58:37because they know that there is something more precious than physical life.
00:58:41So physical life can be sacrificed for the sake of that which is more precious than body.
00:58:50So now you are two and out of these two, one is definitely and infinitely more precious.
00:58:59The body has to surrender to that which is more precious than the body.
00:59:05When I say body, I mean the body-mind apparatus, the whole thing.
00:59:11You are two out of which one must be subservient.
00:59:28Otherwise, as Kabir said, the bag of the iron smith, the leather bag of the iron smith,
00:59:40that too seems like breathing.
00:59:43जैसे खाल लुहार की, सास लेत बिन प्राण.
00:59:50The iron smith uses a leather bag to pump air into the furnace.
01:00:00And because it is pumping in and pumping out, so the leather bag appears to be breathing.
01:00:07Kabir, in his own unique ways, tells us most of us are like leather bags.
01:00:16Air comes in, air goes out, but there is no life.
01:00:21Air comes in, air goes out.
01:00:24जैसे खाल लुहार की, सास लेत बिन प्राण.
01:00:29But प्राण is not there.
01:00:34जिस घट प्रेम न संच रे, सो तन जान मसान.
01:00:39That body is just like a graveyard, शमशान, मसान.
01:00:49Something comes in, something goes out. Is that called life?
01:00:54But that's how we live.
01:00:57The body is surviving, the body is happy, the cab driver is very happy.
01:01:01The meter is ticking.
01:01:04But there is no life.
01:01:08The real thing is missing.
01:01:13Do you want to continue living and missing the real thing? How many of you?
01:01:25And is there anyone here who sees that the physical life,
01:01:32this life period of 60-80 years or sometimes less than that is being totally wasted.
01:01:41If the real purpose is not being achieved, anybody here who sees that?
01:01:50Then stop trusting the driver.
01:02:21Don't throw the driver out of the vehicle.
01:02:25Just ask him to move straight.
01:02:31That is another exquisite foolishness.
01:02:39To blame the intellect so much that it shrivels and collapses.
01:02:47And that is often seen in so-called spiritual people.
01:02:51They are left with no intellect at all.
01:02:54They have cursed and abused the driver so much that he runs away.
01:02:58And now they are very happy. They say this is nirvichar.
01:03:04Now no thoughts arise.
01:03:07No thoughts arise now because you are brain dead.
01:03:11You have lost the capacity to think.
01:03:15You do not need a state where no thoughts arise.
01:03:19You need your thoughts to be aligned to your real purpose.
01:03:27And if thoughts are aligned to your real purpose, then they are sattvic.
01:03:33Then they do not dominate.
01:03:35And then they also don't keep lingering.
01:03:40They come, they do their small duty and then they go away.
01:03:45That is real nirvicharita.
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