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Video Information: Shastra Kaumudi Live, 31.05.2020, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Music Credits: Milind Date
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Video Information: Shastra Kaumudi Live, 31.05.2020, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, verses 5 till 9.
00:20The work of Yagya, Gift and Austerity should not be relinquished, but it should indeed
00:31be performed, for Yagya, Gift and Austerity are purifying to the wise.
00:39But even these works, O Path, should be performed, leaving attachment and the fruits, such as
00:48my best and certain conviction.
00:53But the renunciation of obligatory action is not proper.
00:58Abandonment of the same from delusion is declared to be tamasic.
01:06He who from fear of bodily trouble relinquishes action because it is painful, thus performing
01:13a rajasic relinquishment, he obtains not the fruit thereof.
01:20When obligatory work is performed, O Arjun, only because it ought to be done, leaving
01:27attachment and fruit, such relinquishment is regarded as sattvic.
01:39Sir Namaste, it's being said, renunciation of obligatory action is not proper.
01:46What is meant by obligatory actions?
01:49Is Shri Krishna talking about my social responsibilities or something else?
01:56First of all, the English word obligatory is not quite proper.
02:12A more befitting word would be destined action, not obligatory action.
02:40It is not nirdharit karma, it is niyat karma.
02:52It is not quite an obligation.
03:01It is the only real option.
03:06It is your destiny.
03:14You are being advised to do that which your destiny has anyway preordained.
03:27What is it that has been preordained for you by your destiny?
03:35Social responsibilities, familial responsibilities, following the code of your sect, cult or religion,
03:51following the dictates of your desires and fancies.
03:57Is that your destiny?
04:02Nobody in his right senses would agree to this.
04:10Destiny is the end.
04:18Destiny is the final point for the sake of which we all exist and keep moving.
04:30What is it that we finally want?
04:33Where is it that we ultimately want to reach?
04:37That is destiny, obviously.
04:42Destination, the end, the summit, the culmination, the total fulfillment, absolute completion
05:10– all these point towards destiny.
05:18So what is it that we are moving towards?
05:24Look at any human being, any conscious being, what is it that they ultimately want?
05:32We keep wanting, right?
05:35What is the ultimate want?
05:38Here is a hint.
05:40If the want is really final and ultimate, then it would leave you with no residual or
05:52next want.
05:57So we want to reach the end of wanting.
06:05We want completion, fulfillment in such a final way that we are left with nothing to
06:16want anymore.
06:20That's the destination.
06:23That's what all spiritual process is aimed at – a peace, a contentment so absolute
06:38that you are left with no trace of incompleteness, bitterness, hope, future, desire.
07:02That's the destiny.
07:07That's the destiny because if we don't reach it, we will keep moving.
07:18How can you stop if you are still discontented?
07:23How can you stop if you are still unfulfilled?
07:25You will have to continue your movement just as it has continued since time eternal.
07:41So if that is the destiny, what is destined action – Niyat Karam?
07:51Destiny is the end of all Karam.
07:53Then what is Niyat Karam?
07:55What is destined action?
07:59Go into it.
08:05You have to act in a way that brings you to your destiny and destiny is the end of both
08:14the actor and action.
08:18But destined action is the action that brings you to your destiny and it can bring you to
08:23your destiny only when such action is guided by the destiny alone.
08:32You see, whosoever guides or dictates your action would make you act in a way that suits
08:45the guide, in a way that fulfills the aspirations and matches the character of the guide, right?
09:01If you are to reach your destiny, then can miscellaneous forces of Prakriti be the right
09:12guide for your movement?
09:16If miscellaneous forces are guiding you, they will direct you towards miscellaneous destinations.
09:26Isn't that obvious?
09:30If you are to reach your destiny, then only your destiny can guide you and if your destiny
09:38is truth, then only truth can guide you towards truth.
09:45Only truth can illuminate your path towards the truth.
09:56Therefore, your destined action is to get rid of your falsenesses, act in a way inspired
10:05by the truth that you hack down the shackles of your falseness.
10:15If your destiny is freedom, then you have to act in a way that negates your bondages.
10:25That's what Niyat Karma is.
10:27Niyat Karma has been widely and grossly misinterpreted and misrepresented.
10:34People have said Niyat Karma is obligatory action which means you have to do things that
10:42the society expects of you or stuff that your culture expects of you or you have to engage
10:51in particular types of behavior or conduct and that they have named as obligatory action.
10:58It is not, obviously.
11:00Your obligation is towards no one except Krishna.
11:04Is that not the essence of the Gita?
11:08Even if you are to engage in obligatory action, who is it that you are obliged to?
11:15Are you obliged to the priest and the pastor and to all the runners of the society?
11:31Is it to them that you are obliged?
11:34What is it that you really owe to them?
11:37Then how can you be obliged to them?
11:42All that you owe to yourself is your freedom.
11:48And you heavily owe that to yourself, don't you?
11:51You are indebted to yourself.
11:54That's your obligation if we are to talk the language of obligation at all.
12:01That's your only obligation.
12:04Your only obligation, in other words, is to reach your destination.
12:11That's your only responsibility.
12:17You are not indebted towards anybody else in any serious way.
12:23Yes, there are superficial obligations and debts that you must keep settling.
12:33That's fine.
12:34But all that cannot be taken too seriously.
12:39Even if those debts are settled fully, still you would be as deeply mired in misery as
12:46you currently are.
12:49Let's say you owe a couple of lakhs to someone.
12:54Let's say there are certain functions to be performed in the family and you feel responsible
13:02for them.
13:08Let's say you have to provide for somebody's education.
13:13Let's say you feel that it is very important for you to get somebody married off.
13:21And let's say that you are able to take care of all these obligations.
13:27Now where does that put you?
13:29In a very sweet and sacred spot?
13:32Are you joyful and contended now?
13:37The one you wanted to marry off has been married off.
13:42The loans that you needed to settle have been settled.
13:49The house that you wanted to build has been built.
13:54All the obligations that you could think and dream of have indeed now been taken care of.
14:04Now where does that leave you?
14:15So fine, it's a part of the drama of life that you keep settling some dues.
14:25There are no free lunches.
14:29If you just have enjoyed a full meal somewhere, it is obligatory upon you to settle the bill.
14:37It's alright, keep doing all those things.
14:39But those things can't be taken very seriously because they aren't seriously going to take
14:47you to your destination.
14:51To go to your destination, your internal compass has to be aligned in a very different way.
14:58It has to be aligned to a very different field.
15:07Even while performing your so-called daily routine, you have to constantly keep thinking,
15:16how are my actions directed towards my liberation?
15:27How are my actions directed towards my liberation?
15:35You cannot stop certain actions.
15:37You will get up, you will take bath, you will brush your teeth, you will have food, you
15:47need some clothes, you will talk to people, you need sleep.
15:54All those things are there.
15:56The question is, those things are indispensable, but have I aligned those actions with the
16:10greater direction of my liberation?
16:16Being a human being, you will walk, but which direction are your legs taking you?
16:27Being a human being, you will talk, but who is it that you are talking to?
16:34Being a human being, you will eat, but how really have you earned your bread?
16:41In whose company are you breaking your bread?
16:48Those are the questions that you seriously need to answer.
16:52Those are the questions that will decide whether you are doing your Niyat Karam.
17:02Niyat Karam, I repeat, is not about sticking to a particular code of pre-decided conduct.
17:11Niyat Karam is a very lively and dynamic thing.
17:17Every moment you have to be alert and conscious.
17:22Every moment you have to keep asking yourself, this action that I am doing, this decision
17:27that I am taking, is it leading me towards liberation or have I given in to my ego?
17:37Where is this coming from and hence what is it taking me towards?
17:54In the middle of all your daily miscellaneous actions, keep asking yourself, what is the
18:09sum total of all of this?
18:12What's the net result?
18:18Am I getting lost in the maze of the thousand little things that happen to me daily or have
18:28I remained inside to see what the resultant, the net resultant of my entire day is?
18:37And there are a thousand little things that happen to everybody every day, don't they?
18:47The important thing is to keep the resultant in mind.
18:54What's the sum total of all of this?
19:01Giving undue importance to something micro, something trivial is quite tempting and equally
19:14tempting is to give little importance to that which deserves tremendous attention.
19:39The little things that we do every day, I repeat, are unavoidable.
19:46What is however possible is to align them to the one great thing that we live for.
20:03The man living badly sleeps, wakes up, walks, eats, talks, works, sleeps.
20:25The man living rightly sleeps, wakes up, walks, eats, works, sleeps.
20:42We all do the same things ostensibly, seen from a distance, apparently both are just
20:59living and acting but go closer and pay attention and you will find that there's a great difference
21:15between talking and talking, eating and eating, earning and earning, walking and walking.
21:33Gautam Buddha was walking the jungles, so were a thousand robbers, right?
21:44And an uninitiated eye would not spot the difference.
21:50So one fellow just walked past me, he was Gautam Buddha and then there is another fellow
21:59who walked past me, he is a robber.
22:02They are the same because both are just walking but there is a great difference between walking
22:08and walking.
22:09When Gautam Buddha is walking, his walk is aligned with his destiny.
22:19His walk is being controlled now by something beyond the ego.
22:27Even the robber is walking, his steps, his walk are being commanded by something very
22:38That's the difference.
22:43That alignment is extremely important and alignment is a modern and moderate word.
22:54In classical spirituality, this alignment of your daily life with your ultimate purpose
23:03is called surrender.
23:06You do whatever you do but you surrender it to an ultimate purpose.
23:17So you do speak, you do shout, you do stand still and you do run hard, you do all those
23:25things but all those things are now being done at the command of something far bigger
23:35than your limited interests, your limited ego.
23:48That is called Niyat Karma.
23:50Never be confused again, Niyat Karma is not what the elders have decided for you, Niyat
23:58Karma is not what the traditions have decided for you.
24:12Niyat Karma is that which takes you to your dissolution which is your destiny, which is
24:25your desire ultimate.
24:34Born a human being, you will have to act, act rightly, act for the right purpose, live
24:44for the right end.
24:48That alone is the right life.
24:58Getting it?