Adam Peters Texted an Injured Players Father To Give a Health Update

  • 2 days ago
Grant tells a story about Washington Commanders general manager Adam Peters texting an injured players father during a game to let the father know his son was going to be OK and why that is meaningful for this franchise.
00:00there was a player that got banged up in game and left the game with an injury and that player went
00:07back to the locker room at some point during the proceedings to be checked on. That player's
00:14dad got a text from General Manager Adam Peters from what I was told. The GM, Adam Peters,
00:22not an assistant, not some random person on the training staff, literally Adam Peters,
00:27fired off a text to this player's father to say, hey, I just want you to know your son's okay.
00:33Here's an update on his status. Here's what's going on in the training room right now.
00:38Here are some of the things we're doing and thinking are going to help him in the next
00:42couple of hours. Here's what it looks like kind of moving forward with this injury that he has
00:46suffered. And again, without getting into the specifics of the player or the injury,
00:50what I was told was that this is a guy who's been in some other places and that they were
00:57blown away by this. Almost like a high school football player's dad in the stands hearing from
01:02someone on the staff like, little Jimmy's okay, right? But it spoke to me to what I have heard
01:08constantly since Peter showed up and certainly in this Peters-Quinn regime, which is that the way
01:16these guys treat players, their families, which is so important, one of the secret sauce
01:22under talked about things in professional sports, Danny, is how do you treat my family,
01:27my wife, my kids, my parents, my VIPs, right? But think about that for the GM of the team in the
01:34middle of a game to not only get the information, which is not abnormal, but then text a family
01:40member and say, hey, your boy's all right. Here's what's going on. The player was basically just
01:47giddy with the treatment. The dad was floored. The family was kind of taken aback. And it just
01:54tells me they get it in so many ways. You think about those NFL PA. Hard not to think of those
02:02surveys, rankings and surveys that get done. And I guess my point here long windedly is this is
02:07going to be a place that people want to come, not just because maybe you've got the answer
02:12at quarterback and Daniels, who's the cool guy that everybody wants to talk about in the media
02:16and players are all going to want to play with. But if the word gets out that they treat their
02:20players really, really well, which has been one of the biggest developments and stories behind the
02:26scenes for me since this regime took over. I think you're going to see them soar up a lot of these
02:31NFL PA type conversations.
