Hadiths book sahih Bukhari dars EP 04 Mufti Tariq Masood in 2023

  • last week
00:00What is this? Where did the student go?
00:07Strange people are here.
00:10Come on, read the Hadith number.
00:13Read it. Are you not interested?
00:19Read the Hadith number again.
00:30Put a mic on him too.
00:33Wow! SubhanAllah!
00:36Otherwise he will be on YouTube.
00:39You have taken a bath, right?
00:42Come on.
00:44Come on, read the Hadith.
00:54Javed Ahmed Ghamidi,
01:22to call for the claim of Jahiliyyah. So either they do the same thing as the Jahiliyyah people
01:31used to do and the other is to call for nationalism because that is also called Jahiliyyah.
01:51people is
02:02it is
02:11So, he used to cut the ears of animals like camels and leave them in the name of his idols.
02:31Now no one will drink his milk and no one will touch him.
02:35Do you understand?
02:37The difference between Sahiba and Bahira was that one had five children and the other had five mothers.
02:51There are different opinions of many commentators on this.
02:54If the mother had a specific number of children, they would have called her Sahiba and if she had a specific number, they would have called her Bahira.
03:05But the difference between the two was that the animal who had a specific number of children, he would leave it in the name of his idols.
03:16And no one would touch it.
03:18So, no one would touch it and no one would drink its milk.
03:22This is how he used to do it.
03:25Let's go.
03:28Yes, he didn't even put any weight on Sahiba.
03:38The Prophet saw Amr ibn Aamir Al Khuza'i.
03:52The one who is mentioned in the Hadith.
03:55The Prophet said, I saw him that he was being dragged in the fire of hell.
04:00Because in the time of ignorance, he was the one who laid the foundation of Sahiba.
04:06He was the one who initiated this custom in the polytheists.
04:09Although Islam didn't come at that time.
04:11This shows that even before the advent of Islam, Shirk is not forgivable.
04:16Even if the news of Islam didn't reach, the polytheists are not forgivable.
04:19Because he laid the foundation of Shirk, to leave the animals in the name of idols, he was being dragged in the fire of hell.
04:27Let's go to the Hadith.
04:31The incident of Hazrat Abu Dhar accepting Islam.
04:35Hazrat Abu Dhar, may Allah be pleased with him, was a worshipper even in the time of ignorance.
04:41And the world's indifference was a part of his nature.
04:46So, he is one of those Sahaba who were physically removed from the world.
04:52Let's go.
05:00Which Hadith are you reading, my brother?
05:03Hadith number 3522.
05:06Should we read it again?
05:09No, we have Zaid ibn Akhzam.
05:13Let's first read this Hadith.
05:19Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas said, should I not give you the news of Abu Dhar's acceptance of Islam?
05:23How did he accept Islam?
05:25He said, I have a book.
05:27I have a book.
05:29I have a book.
05:31I have a book.
05:33I have a book.
05:35I have a book.
05:37I have a book.
05:39I have a book.
05:41I have a book.
05:43I have a book.
05:45Should I not give you the news of Abu Dhar's acceptance of Islam?
05:47How did he accept Islam?
06:03Hazrat Abu Dhar said, I was a man from Ghaffar.
06:06Hazrat Abu Dhar himself narrates the incident of his acceptance of Islam.
06:08He said, I was from Ghaffar tribe.
06:10We were informed that a man has appeared in Mecca claiming to be a prophet.
06:19He claimed to be a prophet.
06:21What does it mean to claim?
06:23To claim.
06:25I said to my brother.
06:27What was the name of his brother?
06:31I said to my brother Unais,
06:33Go to this man and speak to him and bring me news of him.
06:37Go to a man from Mecca who claims to be a prophet.
06:42Go and speak to him and bring me news of him.
06:49People say if non-Muslim parents are born in a house,
06:51what is the fault of us.
06:53If you were born in the house of robbers,
06:55was it permissible to become a thief for you?
06:57If you were born in the house of thugs,
06:59was it permissible to become a thug for you?
07:01So, just as being born in a house of bad people
07:03does not make you bad,
07:05If you are born in a religious family, it is not permissible to accept that religion if there is a proof of that religion being wrong.
07:11Yes, if you have a proof that you are born in a Hindu family and you have a proof that Hindus are right, then follow it a hundred times.
07:18If you are born in a Christian family and you have a proof that the Christian religion is right, then follow it a hundred times.
07:23So, on the basis that my forefathers used to follow this religion, this is not a proof, this is not a proof.
07:28So, Hazrat Abu Dharr was born in a Muslim family, but he found out that someone in Mecca claimed to be a prophet.
07:34So, at that time, no one believed in the end of prophethood.
07:38No one believed in the end of prophethood of Hazrat Isa.
07:42See, this is a very big proof of being the last prophet of the Messenger of Allah.
07:46When the Prophet claimed to be a prophet, no non-Muslim said that the door of prophethood is closed.
07:57Neither the Jews nor the Christians said that.
07:59They had objections against the Prophet.
08:03They used to come to inquire, some would believe, some would not.
08:08But no one has reached us with such a weak tradition,
08:13in which someone said that since Hazrat Isa is the last prophet, the door of prophethood is closed.
08:19This means that those people also knew that the door of prophethood was not closed.
08:23And where someone claimed to be a prophet after the Prophet,
08:27the biggest argument that Muslims have raised is that you were the last prophet, the door of prophethood is closed.
08:34So, now this argument is wrong.
08:35So, this collective belief is also a very strong proof of the end of prophethood.
08:40So, here also it happened that Hazrat Abu Dharr said, go and see who claimed to be a prophet.
08:49This is a sign of being truthful.
08:51Go and see if he is true in his claim.
08:59Hazrat Abu Dharr's brother came, met him and went back.
09:07Hazrat Abu Dharr said, I asked, what news have you brought?
09:10He said, by Allah, I have seen a man who orders for good and forbids evil.
09:15By Allah, I have seen a man who orders for good and forbids evil.
09:26I am still not satisfied.
09:27Everyone talks about good.
09:29Every good person will say, do good.
09:32And whoever orders evil, will order to stop evil.
09:39I am not satisfied.
09:41I will go myself.
09:43Let's read this verse.
10:02I reached Mecca, but I was not able to recognize who the Prophet was.
10:06See, this was the level of the Prophet.
10:09A new man was not able to recognize him.
10:12A new man was not able to recognize him.
10:16This was the level of the Prophet.
10:17He lived like an ordinary person among the companions.
10:19But the companions respected him a lot.
10:21If there was a gathering, then it would have been known.
10:29Yes, I didn't like to ask people about him.
10:33Because he was in danger.
10:35There were battles with the tribes.
10:37He was in danger.
10:39That no one should kill him.
10:40That no one should make enmity.
10:42And he wanted to be neutral and research.
10:46When people are asked who he was, then the other person becomes smart.
10:51If you go to research about someone,
10:54and he finds out that you are coming to research about me,
10:57then sometimes he is not in his original state.
11:01When the relatives come,
11:03you must have seen,
11:05then the boy looks as good as he was that day.
11:08Is he really that good?
11:10The question does not arise.
11:13Or when you go to see a girl in a relationship,
11:18the way she looks,
11:20I have a statement,
11:22a woman posted a clip on WhatsApp against me,
11:24I don't know if it is on YouTube.
11:26She has put a lot of records of me.
11:28Look how much he is insulting women.
11:31I have told you a joke.
11:33A man saw a beautiful girl without a veil.
11:39The way she looked,
11:41the way she was shown,
11:42she was not like that.
11:43So he said,
11:44this is not the material that was shown.
11:46The delivery was not of that material.
11:49This material is something else.
11:50The show is something else.
11:51The delivery is of something else.
11:53So he said,
11:54look, he is calling women material.
11:56What is he saying to a human being?
11:58This is a joke.
12:00He should not take it to reality.
12:07there is no material in it.
12:08So that woman made a clip against me,
12:10that he is insulting women.
12:12This is a joke.
12:13Why take it so seriously?
12:15Yes, he is upset.
12:17Look, this is material.
12:19So he said,
12:21I was not asking him about myself.
12:25I drank Zamzam water.
12:30Ali passed by.
12:32It is possible that you do not recognize Hazrat Ali at that time.
12:35Hazrat Abu Dharr.
12:37But later,
12:38he is narrating the rest later.
12:40He says,
12:41Ali passed by.
12:42Hazrat Ali saw that it seems that this man is a traveler.
12:45He has come from outside.
12:50He asked,
12:51are you a traveler?
12:52I said, yes.
12:55Hazrat Ali said,
12:56let's go to the same house.
13:03He was not asking me anything.
13:04Why did you come?
13:05How did you come?
13:06How did you come?
13:07I was not telling him.
13:09Hazrat Ali was kind.
13:11He is a stranger.
13:13This is a sign of respectful people.
13:15A stranger.
13:16First of all,
13:17they arrange food and accommodation.
13:19Then they ask,
13:20how did you come?
13:22Hazrat Ali took them.
13:28When it was morning,
13:29I came to the Masjid-e-Nabwi to ask about him.
13:32Now I will go and ask.
13:36No one was telling me anything.
13:38He said,
13:39He came again.
13:44Hazrat Ali passed by again.
13:46He said,
13:48He did not get the message
13:50that he should recognize his destination.
13:52That means,
13:53there was no arrangement yet.
14:03Hazrat Ali said,
14:04come with me.
14:05Then he asked,
14:06why did you come?
14:10What did you bring in this city?
14:12What did you bring in this city?
14:15In the second time,
14:16Hazrat Ali asked this question.
14:23Hazrat Abu Dharr said,
14:24I said,
14:25if you do not tell people,
14:26they will hide it.
14:27They will not tell about me.
14:28Then I will tell you
14:29why I came.
14:32Hazrat Ali said,
14:33Do not worry.
14:38We have received the news
14:40that a person has appeared in Mecca.
14:41What kind of Hadith is this?
14:44I can understand this.
14:47The incident of Hazrat Abu Dharr
14:49in Islam is so strange.
14:51And how,
14:52how is the search for research?
14:54And how does Allah
14:55manifest the prophethood
14:56of His messengers?
14:58There were no means,
14:59there was no media,
15:00there was no Facebook.
15:02where did the news of Islam
15:05And the people of Haqq,
15:06who were in search of Haqq,
15:07how did they travel
15:08from faraway places
15:10and how are they
15:11doing the research?
15:14if someone does not have
15:15the means of Haqq,
15:16he will not come first.
15:17He will say,
15:19such people keep coming
15:20to this world.
15:21What can we do?
15:22Do your work,
15:23keep goats,
15:24milk cows,
15:27have fun,
15:28live your life
15:29and die.
15:30Who does research?
15:31And then,
15:32if it was necessary,
15:33he sent his brother.
15:34He said,
15:36see what they are saying.
15:37He said,
15:38they are saying good things,
15:39so it is okay.
15:40May Allah give you
15:42What do you think?
15:43They are saying good things,
15:44so may Allah do good.
15:45May Allah do good.
15:46Whoever does good,
15:47may Allah do good.
15:48Whoever does bad,
15:49may Allah do bad.
15:50He used to say
15:51such traditional words.
15:52His brother said,
15:54I am not satisfied.
15:55Many people
15:56give instructions
15:57about good things.
15:58They traveled by themselves.
15:59It is dangerous
16:00because there were
16:01hostilities in Arabia.
16:02And then,
16:03how are they
16:05doing research,
16:06so that I reach
16:07the reality.
16:08He said,
16:09Hazrat Abu Dharr
16:10may Allah be pleased
16:11with him,
16:12after that,
16:13what happened?
16:14He said,
16:16what happened?
16:17He said,
16:18I asked Ali,
16:19may Allah be pleased
16:20with him,
16:21he said,
16:22where did he go?
16:23The word
16:24is lost.
16:25He said,
16:26I know
16:29has appeared
16:31who claimed
16:32that he is
16:33a prophet.
16:35I asked
16:37the brother
16:38of Ali,
16:39may Allah be pleased
16:40with him.
16:41I sent
16:42my brother
16:43to talk
16:44to him first.
16:45He informed
16:46me of
16:48But I
16:49was not
16:51I decided
16:52to meet
16:55The Prophet
16:57You have
16:59in the
17:00right place.
17:02you have
17:04a person
17:05who will
17:06So, he said that when he went here and there, he found out that someone else was taking him
17:12and then he would misguide you because the polytheists of Makkah used to stop the travellers
17:16from going to the Prophet.
17:17They used to say that he is crazy, he is a poet, don't go to him, he will misguide you,
17:24Today, the scholars who are being said not to go to him, not to listen to him, they are
17:31presenting such hadiths.
17:33Look, it was the same about the Prophet that the whole public used to stop him from going
17:38to him.
17:39Now, all the scholars are saying about me, not to go to him, means I am right.
17:43Do you understand?
17:45Meaning, whoever all the scholars are against, that is the proof that he is right.
17:51Qadianis give the same proof to Mirza.
17:52That all the scholars are against him, so Mirza also used to say this in his life.
17:56So, understand this well.
17:58the world. So, now the truth cannot be limited to a few people. Now because the Prophet is
18:05the last Prophet, there will be no Prophet after him. So, now a large number of people
18:10will remain on the truth till the Day of Judgment. Such hadiths. The Ummah will not be misguided.
18:15Now, if all the scholars are against someone, then it is his right to say that he is not
18:21100% wrong. Now you cannot say that everyone is stopping me from coming to you. This means
18:28that I am right, there is something in me. So, when everyone is stopping you from coming
18:33to you, this is the proof that you are 100% wrong. Because the Prophet's prophethood
18:37has now spread and Allah has promised to protect Islam. So, now the Ummah will not be misguided.
18:42Now, if all the scholars are against someone, then it is his right to say that he is not
18:47100% wrong. So, now the Ummah will not be misguided. Now, if you prove yourself right,
18:54then you will have to say that a large number of scholars are with me. Now this is the proof
19:01that you are right. Ask the scholars about me. Often the scholars consider me right.
19:07Now if someone is making a fool of me and says that the clerics do not believe me, this
19:13means that there is something in me. So, there is really a big technical fault in you. That
19:18fault needs to be corrected in the first opportunity. Take care of yourself.
19:25Hazrat Ali said, I will go where I feel a threat. So, I am a great person.
19:31So, I will go where I feel a threat.
19:37Hazrat Ali said I will go where I feel a threat.
19:42The Prophet said, I will go to a place where I feel a danger, so I will fix my shoes, and
19:57I will walk towards the garden, you just understand that there is a danger, so you disappear.
20:03Do you understand?
20:04No, you don't understand this.
20:07He said, I will go to a place where I feel a danger, so I will walk towards the garden,
20:14you just understand that there is a danger, so you disappear.
20:17Now, if someone would have seen someone with a Muslim, they would have understood that
20:21this is to accept Islam.
20:22They would have removed the enemy.
20:23They could not have said to Hazrat Ali because he was from the Banu Hashim and his family
20:26was in trouble.
20:27But to kill someone from outside was not a difficult thing.
20:29So, what did he do?
20:30Hazrat Ali said, I will go to a place where I feel a danger, so you disappear.
20:34You just keep walking as if you have no connection with me.
20:38He said, Hazrat Ali also went, I also went with you until I entered, but there was no
20:45such danger.
20:46I also went with you to the Prophet.
20:49I said to him, show me Islam.
20:52I said, show me Islam.
20:54What is Islam?
20:55What do you teach?
20:57The Prophet said, this is Islam.
20:59So, Hazrat Abu Dhar liked it and said, this is the right religion.
21:03So, he accepted Islam immediately.
21:05I accepted Islam.
21:14The Prophet said to me, O Abu Dhar, hide your Islam.
21:17People are saying that you will be killed if you do not hide your Islam.
21:21The Prophet said to me, O Abu Dhar, hide your Islam, do not reveal it in front of people.
21:28Go to your city and when the news of our Islam starts to spread in the world, then come.
21:40Do you understand?
21:43Go to your city.
21:45There is a saying,
21:47The Prophet was also 100% sure of his superiority,
21:52that in such a weak state,
21:54that if someone is coming to accept Islam, he is hiding.
21:58And the Prophet is saying that soon Islam will be revealed.
22:03And the spread will begin.
22:06So now you are weak, people will harm you.
22:09So now hide Islam.
22:10Soon Allah will make it victorious, then come.
22:13Do you understand?
22:14Look at how great the issue is.
22:17Hazrat Abu Dhar said,
22:19I swear by the One who sent you with the truth,
22:23I will scream and tell people that I have become a Muslim.
22:29What does it mean?
22:30If someone's father is strong, he will cry and show.
22:33If he is afraid of loss, he will bear it.
22:35Glory be to Allah.
22:37I will go in the middle of people and tell them that I have become a Muslim.
22:41I will tell this in Mecca.
22:43Then what did Hazrat Abu Dhar do?
22:45Your passion and emotions have died.
22:47You have been sitting since morning.
22:49You wake up in the morning, go to Baitul Khala,
22:51Shalwar is hanging on the shoulder.
22:53After that,
22:55He doesn't come out, so he stands for an hour.
22:58Half of his emotions are gone.
23:00Then he sits there and makes others crave.
23:03Another student stands outside.
23:05Then he comes from there.
23:06Then he goes to the mosque.
23:07Half of the students are sleeping in the winter.
23:10They don't wake up.
23:11Then there is a routine from there.
23:13Then they go there.
23:14Then they have breakfast.
23:15Then they have a class.
23:16They have been following this routine for many years.
23:19All the compliments of the student become cold.
23:22And the views fly away.
23:26That's why I say,
23:27Come to school in the morning and go home in the evening.
23:31This is the right routine.
23:33In this routine,
23:35Allah has repeatedly told us a sign.
23:41The difference between day and night.
23:43So, there is a difference in a person's nature.
23:45Look at the children of the school.
23:46They go to school running in the morning.
23:48Because they are full in the evening.
23:50You sleep here and wake up here.
23:52Then you go here.
23:53Then you come here.
23:54Then Maulana Qasim Sahib.
23:55Then the teacher's advice.
23:57Then this and that.
23:59There is a routine.
24:00They forget.
24:01First they forget that why did we come to Jamiat-ur-Rasheed.
24:05Then they forget that why did we come to this world.
24:07This is the calculation.
24:10Go home in the evening.
24:12Come running in the morning.
24:13This will refresh your nature.
24:15Let's go.
24:16He came to Masjid-e-Haram.
24:20Hazrat Abu Dhar.
24:22He came to Masjid-e-Haram.
24:24Quraish were already sitting there.
24:26Hazrat Abu Dhar said,
24:27O people of Quraish,
24:29I bear witness that
24:31there is no God but Allah.
24:33There is no one worthy of worship except Allah.
24:35And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
24:39And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
24:43They all said,
24:45Catch him.
24:47He has become unreligious.
24:49He has left the religion of his forefathers.
24:51They all stood up.
24:54They all stood up.
24:56He beat me so much
24:58that I would have died.
25:02Hazrat Abbas came.
25:04He too was not a Muslim at that time.
25:06Hazrat Abbas came.
25:08He saved me.
25:11He fell on me.
25:13He said to his people,
25:15Beware, you will be destroyed.
25:17They will kill a man from Ghafar.
25:19He is from the Ghafar tribe.
25:20You are killing him.
25:28When you go to Syria,
25:30the Ghafar tribe comes in your way.
25:32If this man dies,
25:34your war with the Ghafar tribe,
25:36your trade is over.
25:42He said, when he heard this,
25:44he left it.
25:45He said, what will happen to us?
25:47Our trade will stop.
25:48From the point of view of business,
25:50this is the right thing to do.
25:52From the point of view of business,
25:54we are doing wrong.
25:56Hazrat Abu Dharr became a Muslim.
25:58But he knew that
26:00the Ghafar tribe,
26:02he has left their religion.
26:04But in Arabia,
26:06the relationship is very strong.
26:08That is,
26:10the people can do anything against them.
26:12But they will not let anyone else do it.
26:14Do you understand?
26:16The Arabs did not say that
26:18when he became a Muslim,
26:20his people will kill him.
26:22He said, no,
26:24if we do something,
26:26his people will take revenge.
26:28Hazrat Abu Dharr said,
26:30when it was morning,
26:32I came back to the Haram.
26:34Then I shouted.
26:36How dare you?
26:38Think about it.
26:40If someone beats you,
26:42leaving the palace,
26:44the person gets shot.
26:46Then he came back.
26:48Then he said,
26:50I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
26:52And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
26:54So stand up to this man.
26:56The people said, catch him,
26:58he has become a non-believer.
27:00So he did as he did yesterday.
27:02The same thing that happened yesterday.
27:04Hazrat Abbas came again.
27:06He fell on me.
27:08He said to the Quraysh,
27:10he is from the Ghafar tribe.
27:12If he dies,
27:14he will be a Muslim.
27:16He said,
27:18I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
27:20So stand up to this man.
27:22The Prophet ordered us to hide our Islam.
27:24This is a favor to them.
27:26Like today,
27:28there are non-Muslims,
27:30who are in danger of being killed by their parents.
27:32Or their relatives.
27:34So what is the order to them?
27:36Hide Islam.
27:38Not everyone has the courage to do this.
27:42Christians don't do this.
27:44Hindus don't do this.
27:46Although Pakistan is an Islamic country,
27:48Hindus don't let anyone become a Muslim here.
27:50Even if someone becomes a Muslim,
27:52they give him a lot of tension.
27:54They become the enemy of their life.
27:56Although we Hindus and Muslims,
27:58we encourage them.
28:00What happened?
28:06What are you doing?
28:08We Muslims,
28:10give the order to our parents,
28:12to treat them better than before.
28:14This is the order of the Quran.
28:16Don't cut ties with your relatives.
28:18Just tell them,
28:20I won't go to the mosque or the temple.
28:22But they don't leave.
28:24In this case,
28:26Islam will be hidden.
28:28Allah has given permission for this.
28:30Do you understand?
28:32Take care of yourself.
28:34Qareena is there.
28:36Qareena is there.
28:38Qareen is clear.
28:40Islam will be revealed.
28:42It will take power.
28:44This is the order.
28:46They are thinking that
28:48they are under their control.
28:50That's why Hazrat Abu Dhar said,
28:52I will tell everyone.
28:54The Prophet didn't stop him.
28:56He said, if you have the courage,
28:58the greatness,
29:00the greatness is to hide Islam or not.
29:02If a person has the courage,
29:04he should have the courage.
29:06If he has the courage on your advice,
29:08then he won't have the courage.
29:10If you tell someone to be afraid,
29:12then he won't be afraid.
29:14If he doesn't have the courage,
29:16then he will be afraid.
29:18So do what you want.
29:20The order that will be given to others,
29:22will only be to that extent,
29:24which will be
29:26to the extent
29:30will be
29:32to the extent of Rukhsat.
29:34Let's go.
29:36I have
29:38Bukhari Sharif,
29:40Mufti Muhammad Sahib,
29:46Maulana Qasim Sahib.
29:54Mufti Muhammad Sahib taught me.
29:56Mufti Muhammad Sahib
29:58is very active.
30:00Mufti Muhammad Sahib
30:02didn't leave the book incomplete.
30:04He is very hardworking.
30:08This year he got sick.
30:10Otherwise, Mufti Muhammad Sahib
30:12didn't leave the book.
30:14He used to teach with a lot of effort.
30:16Now he is old and sick.
30:18Because of his illness,
30:20he is excused.
30:22Otherwise, I remember,
30:24he used to finish the book
30:26in such a way.
