• el año pasado
3ll4 Nunc4 lo S4br4 Capitulo 5


00:01:45Señorita Song.
00:02:01Señorita Song, ¿estás bien?
00:02:04¿Sucedió algo?
00:02:06Es que había mucha gente adentro.
00:02:08Por cierto, quiero saber qué haces aquí.
00:02:12Nada, solo te vi pasar.
00:02:14No te creo, ¿me seguiste?
00:02:16Solo te vi y quería ver que estuvieras bien.
00:02:20Pues no te creo.
00:02:22De todos los lugares, ¿qué haces aquí?
00:02:25Oye, ¿en dónde estabas?
00:02:27Te estaba buscando por todos lados.
00:02:30¿Vendrás con nosotras?
00:02:32No quisiera molestarlas.
00:02:33Ah, para nada, es una molestia.
00:02:35¡Que siga la fiesta! ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:02:38De acuerdo.
00:02:45Así que ustedes viven juntas y son amigas desde hace tiempo.
00:02:48Creo que eso es genial.
00:02:50Sí, vivimos juntas.
00:02:54Sería un problema si en el trabajo se enteraran de que somos amigas,
00:02:58así que le pedí que no le dijera a nadie.
00:03:00Juro que no le diré a nadie.
00:03:02Lo prometo.
00:03:03Basta, estás exagerando.
00:03:05En serio, lo juro.
00:03:07Por cierto, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí?
00:03:09Si no tienes ningún plan, puedes irte ahora.
00:03:12Oye, bueno, es que lo que pasa...
00:03:16Un amigo vive cerca y te vi cuando ibas caminando y me acerqué para ver que estuvieras bien.
00:03:23Deja de mentir.
00:03:25Me gustaría saber si lo que te preocupa es que conociera a otro chico,
00:03:30porque seguro fue eso, ¿no?
00:03:31Tú cállate.
00:03:35¿En serio?
00:03:36No es cierto, es broma, basta.
00:03:38No es nada, como lo que sucede es que...
00:03:41Solo la vi y la seguí hasta el antro porque quería ver que estuviera bien.
00:03:45Solo eso.
00:03:48No sabes qué inventar.
00:03:49Créeme que es cierto.
00:03:51Siempre me causa dolores de cabeza.
00:03:54Dime algo, ella.
00:03:55¿Siempre ha sido así?
00:03:57Basta de tonterías.
00:03:59Pero admito que eres más guapo de lo que pensé.
00:04:01Pero aparte, verás que soy un buen chico.
00:04:06Muy bien, me parece que eso es una buena idea.
00:04:22Ay, deberíamos volver a salir.
00:04:24La pasé muy bien.
00:04:25¿No van a seguir bebiendo?
00:04:27¡Uh, vamos!
00:04:32Creo que mejor me voy.
00:04:34No quisiera causar problemas entre ustedes dos.
00:04:38No seas aburrido, deberíamos aprovechar que estamos aquí, ¿no?
00:04:42¿Está bien?
00:04:45No, vámonos antes de que sea más tarde.
00:04:47¡Nos vemos!
00:04:48Igual, con cuidado.
00:04:50Que llegues bien a casa.
00:04:56Me dio gusto salir con ustedes dos.
00:05:03Con cuidado, chicas.
00:05:32¡Muy bien!
00:05:33Oye, ¿viste eso?
00:05:35¡Claro que sí!
00:06:08¿Te gusta?
00:06:13Está bueno.
00:06:16Oye, ¿ya tienes novia?
00:06:21Es que te ves muy feliz.
00:06:23¿Conociste a alguien, cierto?
00:06:25No es así.
00:06:26Solo estoy a gusto.
00:06:29¿Quién es?
00:06:30¿La conocemos?
00:06:32¿Por qué piensas que se trata de una mujer?
00:06:36¿Es un hombre?
00:06:40¡Ya basta!
00:06:44¿Y tú?
00:06:47¿Y yo qué?
00:06:48Te presentaré al amigo de mi esposo.
00:06:51Te caería muy bien.
00:06:52¿Qué hay con él?
00:06:56Bueno, él es muy talentoso y tiene mucho éxito en su carrera.
00:07:01¿Y eso qué?
00:07:02¿Quieres que ella salga con él?
00:07:04Bueno, solo sería una cita para que se conozcan.
00:07:07Pero no quiero una cita.
00:07:08Primero tienes que conocerlo, ¿sí?
00:07:11Que es un buen hombre y sé que te gustará y así ya no seguirás sola.
00:07:15No entiendo por qué le tienes tanto miedo al compromiso.
00:07:18Te niegas a conocer a alguien y así nunca podrás casarte.
00:07:22No me niego a conocer a nadie.
00:07:24Claro que sí.
00:07:26Siempre que quiero presentarte a alguien pones excusas.
00:07:30Acerca de eso, tu relación con John no resultó.
00:07:34Pero fue porque renunciaste y lo ahuyentaste.
00:07:37Ya basta.
00:07:38No sé a qué le temes.
00:07:39¿No te das cuenta de que tú te saboteas?
00:07:41Vamos, dime algo.
00:07:43Oye, ¿no crees que tengo razón?
00:07:45Pues no, no me arrepiento de nada.
00:07:48Entonces, ¿qué planeas hacer el resto de tu vida?
00:07:51Debemos ser amados y también amar.
00:07:53Así es la vida, eso es lo correcto.
00:07:57La comida se enfría, come.
00:08:01Lo digo porque me preocupas.
00:08:06Si no me importaras, no te lo diría.
00:08:15Después de todo, yo decido en mi vida.
00:08:18Solo quiero que estés bien.
00:08:20Bien, muchas gracias.
00:08:28Aquí tienes su recibo.
00:08:31Disculpa, ¿esa señora se encuentra bien?
00:08:35La de allá, no sé quién sea, pero se ve que no se encuentra bien.
00:08:40¿Estará enferma?
00:08:44Es que ella es muy nerviosa.
00:08:49Vamos, no estés así.
00:08:51Tan solo llama a tu hija y habla con ella.
00:08:53¿Crees que no quiero llamarla ahora?
00:08:56Es que no puedo hacerlo.
00:09:00Siempre que le llamo, ella no me contesta o me cuelga.
00:09:07Bueno, tal vez debo insistir más.
00:09:09Si dejo de buscarla, pensará que no me importa y que la olvidé.
00:09:13Pero no es así.
00:09:15Me preocupo por ella porque soy su madre.
00:09:17Y me importa, pero no entiendo por qué se fue y se alejó tanto de mí.
00:09:21Bueno, entonces ¿puedo hacer una pregunta?
00:09:24¿En verdad eres su madre biológica?
00:09:27Porque no parece que hagas lo que muchas madres hacen al sacrificar su felicidad por la de sus hijos.
00:09:33¿Por qué una madre limitaría tanto a su hija?
00:09:35No me imagino a mi madre regañándome por tener citas y seguir mis sueños.
00:09:40En verdad me da pena.
00:09:47No es cierto que no quiero que sea feliz, pero ella me abandonó.
00:09:51No es cierto.
00:09:52Ella tiene que hacer su propia vida.
00:09:54¿Por qué no te concentras en la tuya?
00:09:57Mejor deja de asustar a los clientes y pongámonos a trabajar.
00:10:38¡Ay, eres tú!
00:10:40Buenos días, señorita.
00:10:42Buenos días, John.
00:10:44¿Qué tal dormiste anoche?
00:10:46¿Tú pudiste dormir bien?
00:10:48Sí, descansé bastante bien.
00:10:51Por cierto, ¿qué tan seguido vas con tu amiga a bailar?
00:10:55Porque hacías unos movimientos de baile que eran algo así como...
00:11:01No es cierto, yo no bailo así.
00:11:03Sí, eran así.
00:11:05Bailo mejor que eso.
00:11:06¿Dices que yo bailo mal?
00:11:09Entonces muéstrame cómo es.
00:11:13¿Qué haces?
00:11:14¿Estás loco?
00:11:26Se nota que estás cansado.
00:11:29Deberías verte al espejo.
00:11:34¿Te pusiste maquillaje?
00:11:36Sí, es un nuevo producto que checo.
00:11:40Bien, qué inteligente.
00:11:51¿Cómo van los preparativos de la boda? ¿Es cansado?
00:11:54Sí, mucho.
00:11:56Sí, me imagino que es muy tedioso.
00:11:59Pero se viene lo mejor, vas a tener un ascenso.
00:12:02Vas a ser director y podrás ir a festejar a Europa.
00:12:07Es genial, ¿no?
00:12:11¿En serio bailo mal?
00:12:13¿En serio?
00:12:14No, no puedo.
00:12:26¿Es cierto? ¿Pronto será el relanzamiento del avión?
00:12:31Sí, será muy pronto.
00:12:34Sí, ya estamos organizando el evento de lanzamiento.
00:12:38Me parece excelente, ¿eh? Esto es muy importante.
00:12:41Estamos terminando los detalles.
00:12:43¿Y qué pasa con la boda?
00:12:45¿Qué pasa con la boda?
00:12:47¿Qué pasa con la boda?
00:12:49¿Qué pasa con la boda?
00:12:51¿Qué pasa con la boda?
00:12:52Mmh, esto es muy importante.
00:12:54Estamos terminando los detalles.
00:12:56¿Estará listo? Hay clientes que ya lo compraron.
00:12:58Así es señor.
00:13:00Y dime, ¿aún hay detalles pendientes? ¿Podríamos vernos?
00:13:05¿Podemos almorzar juntos?
00:13:22Are you okay?
00:13:26There's nothing to worry about, okay?
00:13:42I swear I didn't mean to...
00:13:52If that client comes back, you can let me know.
00:14:01Hello again.
00:14:03That girl hasn't come back yet.
00:14:22I'm sorry.
00:14:43I was wondering...
00:14:45How long have you been working at the company?
00:14:47This is my third year, sir.
00:14:49Do you like marketing? Is it fun?
00:14:53You work very well. Really.
00:14:55Thank you, sir.
00:14:57I've heard a lot about you, and I know your work is excellent.
00:15:02Ligia has praised your work.
00:15:04And that's not something she normally does.
00:15:08I think you're a very smart person, and...
00:15:11I think you're also very discreet.
00:15:13You're an important member.
00:15:16Thank you very much.
00:15:17Is there a problem at work?
00:15:19Maybe like...
00:15:21personal problems in the team?
00:15:28Is it true?
00:15:30Sometimes it happens.
00:15:32But I see that the team is doing pretty well.
00:15:41Your food is ready.
00:15:43How kind.
00:15:46Thank you very much for your attention.
00:15:48Keep it up.
00:15:57I wonder what you're going to eat, Sonja.
00:15:59I'm sure it's something expensive and delicious.
00:16:04I also want to have lunch with him.
00:16:09Order more food.
00:16:11Of course. Let's see...
00:16:13Here, I invite you.
00:16:16Let's see, take this bill.
00:16:19I'm very generous.
00:16:21Buy whatever you want, even the most expensive dish.
00:16:24Come on, and when you're done, give me the change back.
00:16:27Do you understand?
00:16:30You almost didn't touch your food.
00:16:32Aren't you hungry?
00:16:34No, not much.
00:16:36Well, it must be because you're thinking about something else.
00:16:39Are you in love?
00:16:43It's nothing like that.
00:16:45If I were you, I would be direct.
00:16:47I wouldn't stop fighting for it.
00:16:49Well, it's okay if you don't want to tell us,
00:16:51but I thought you'd trust us more.
00:16:53Look at this, you made me cry, see?
00:16:55Leave it. If you don't want to tell us, it's okay.
00:16:58Well, give me my money.
00:17:00I'll use it myself.
00:17:06If you tell us,
00:17:08I promise we won't tell anyone else
00:17:10because I also want to know who that girl is.
00:17:13Yes, I promise.
00:17:15Well, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:17:17There's no girl.
00:17:19Come on, tell us.
00:17:21We won't tell anyone.
00:17:23You can trust us, seriously.
00:17:25We're just curious.
00:17:27Because it's obvious that there's a girl you're so in love with that you're sighing.
00:17:34Are you having lunch?
00:17:40And you?
00:17:42Are you coming for lunch?
00:17:46Have you had lunch?
00:17:55Do you know about the European branch project?
00:18:00The European project?
00:18:02What? You haven't told her yet?
00:18:04I think it's too soon to make it public.
00:18:07Oh, that's true, you're cautious.
00:18:09But I can tell her about the project now that she'll go with you.
00:18:14I'd like to know, would you like to go abroad?
00:18:16You'd need to know more.
00:18:18We'll start expanding.
00:18:20We'll open new stores in Europe.
00:18:22So we need to make a team with the best employees.
00:18:24I hope you're interested in being part of this.
00:18:26Because we need efficient people like you.
00:18:32We need the best to be successful.
00:18:34That's why I thought...
00:18:36I'd like to discuss this with her later.
00:18:39I just don't think it's fair for the others on our team.
00:18:48Sometimes I forget that you're too cautious.
00:18:52But you know your team well.
00:18:54Although I don't think the other guys feel bad.
00:18:57This project is very important.
00:18:59Besides, you said yourself that she's an excellent option for the team.
00:19:04Did I make a mistake?
00:19:08I'm sorry.
00:19:14The client is here.
00:19:16She's here?
00:19:18I'm so sorry.
00:19:20I have to go right now.
00:19:22Please, finish eating without me.
00:19:26Think about this opportunity for growth.
00:19:29I have to go.
00:19:41Did you plan to go to Europe?
00:19:44It's a great offer.
00:19:46I thought you'd be happy to be part of this.
00:19:49So you did want to take me.
00:19:54You really don't look like the person I met.
00:19:57How many things did you hide from me?
00:19:59Because I need to know everything at once.
00:20:05How could you?
00:20:11This isn't an opportunity, it's a trap.
00:20:16Maybe you think I'm stupid, but I'm not.
00:20:19Did you really think I'd go with you after all?
00:20:29You hide from me too much. You surprise me every day.
00:20:33I won't keep giving you the opportunity.
00:20:37You can tell the director I don't want to go with you.
00:21:04Hey, I wanted to ask you why you left so suddenly.
00:21:08Was it because of that call you got?
00:21:12Yes, something important came up.
00:21:15I see.
00:21:17You still would have answered the phone.
00:21:19You left us worried.
00:21:23Well, I want to tell you something.
00:21:27Tell me.
00:21:29Well, I saw your ex-girlfriend when she was on her way to my house.
00:21:33And it looks like she's doing well.
00:21:36Maybe she found a job too.
00:21:39Are you okay?
00:21:41About this...
00:21:43Of course I'm okay. I didn't even remember.
00:21:49I see you reject all the girls.
00:21:52I thought maybe you still didn't forget her.
00:21:56Hey, by any chance, this weekend...
00:21:59I'm sorry. I have to go right now. See you.
00:22:11How was your lunch?
00:22:13It was good.
00:22:15How was it for you?
00:22:17Good. You know how the guys are.
00:22:19Well, I'm going to the office.
00:22:21Can I go with you?
00:22:23If you don't mind, I think I ate a lot and I'd like to walk a little.
00:22:36Do you need to get to work right now?
00:22:40No, I don't think I'm in a hurry.
00:22:43Can we go somewhere else?
00:22:45No, I don't think I'm in a hurry.
00:22:47Can we go somewhere else?
00:22:54Hara is very well known.
00:22:56If you want to open a branch in our department store, we would help promote sales.
00:23:01Really, our sales percentage is the most competent.
00:23:04In addition to having the best events, as well as the best facilities.
00:23:08Thank you very much.
00:23:10I still have to think about whether or not we will join.
00:23:12I'm looking at options to choose the most convenient one.
00:23:16I'll be looking at it.
00:23:18Yes, thank you very much.
00:23:19I hope to see you soon.
00:23:30How are you?
00:23:33We meet again.
00:23:35I guess you're wondering what I'm doing here.
00:23:39Who are you?
00:23:43You don't remember me?
00:23:46I'm someone very easy to forget.
00:23:50The lipstick?
00:23:53I can get it for you.
00:23:56Even if I have to do it myself.
00:24:01You remember me!
00:24:02It's like that, right?
00:24:04What brings you to this place?
00:24:07Well, it just happened.
00:24:13Do you have a boyfriend or are you married?
00:24:16Because, well ...
00:24:18I just wanted to meet you if possible, but ...
00:24:21I don't want to get into trouble.
00:24:23I didn't want to look like ...
00:24:25I'm ...
00:24:27a stalker.
00:24:31What is she thinking?
00:24:33Maybe I bothered her?
00:24:35Did I?
00:24:36Are you ...
00:24:39That's right.
00:24:40I don't have a partner.
00:24:43That's it!
00:24:48Excuse me.
00:24:49I'm really glad I can invite you out.
00:24:53If you agree to go out with me,
00:24:54you'll see how nice I can be.
00:24:56Now I would like to invite you
00:24:58to go out to eat to a nice place.
00:25:01Let's go.
00:25:06I broke my promise.
00:25:13Well then ...
00:25:19I appreciate your sincerity ...
00:25:21with me.
00:25:26If you need ...
00:25:28more time ...
00:25:29I'll wait.
00:25:47What are you looking for?
00:25:49We came to see products.
00:25:51Let's look for something that looks interesting.
00:25:55If we are free, we could ...
00:25:57maybe go to the movies or ...
00:25:59take a walk.
00:26:00It doesn't have to be a date.
00:26:02I don't want to do any of that.
00:26:04I just want to be here.
00:26:07I was just saying.
00:26:09Anyway, I remind you ...
00:26:11that our job is to develop a new product.
00:26:15It must be something new.
00:26:20Miss, is this to distract you?
00:26:23Do you use work to distract you from work?
00:26:29I think I've always done that.
00:26:32I work not to think.
00:26:38If I also work like you,
00:26:40then I would have your respect?
00:26:43I want to learn from you.
00:26:45I want to be able to develop an excellent product.
00:26:49What do you think?
00:26:52Is it okay?
00:26:55We have to observe the shape of the applicator
00:26:57to make it comfortable.
00:26:59And also the texture is a very important factor
00:27:01for the amount of product.
00:27:03And can you try a little on me?
00:27:05How do you see the texture?
00:27:07And the color?
00:27:08Intense color.
00:27:09This is the number ...
00:27:10What numbers do the colors have?
00:27:12One is pink,
00:27:14two is orange,
00:27:16three is beige,
00:27:17and four is red.
00:27:20You can call the colors as you want.
00:27:22You just have to make sure
00:27:24that no company has patented it.
00:27:26Because all that can cause you problems.
00:27:29So when I think of a name,
00:27:31I must patent it?
00:27:32That's right.
00:27:34Look for a name.
00:27:35So you must avoid names like these
00:27:37because they are patented.
00:27:38Interior Kinde.
00:27:40Come in.
00:27:47Hello, sit down.
00:27:54All set.
00:27:55Did you have a good lunch?
00:27:57Sorry I left like this.
00:28:00About the team ...
00:28:03You should have asked me before saying anything.
00:28:05Well, I thought you had already told her.
00:28:07I think it would be very good if she went.
00:28:10Because she is one of the best.
00:28:12I was not sure to tell her.
00:28:14Why don't you know?
00:28:19People like her are very few.
00:28:23Doesn't she feel comfortable with you?
00:28:29And did she tell you?
00:28:32Not at all.
00:28:33I just don't want to have problems.
00:28:35It would be good if she went.
00:28:37But it's okay.
00:28:39You decide.
00:28:42Well, then let's think of someone else.
00:28:45There are more options.
00:28:58Well, I'll change the work assignments.
00:29:01Tell me, Kang.
00:29:02Why now?
00:29:04I've been watching them and that's why I want to try something.
00:29:07And I think some have had a better development in other areas.
00:29:11In other areas?
00:29:13I think our apprentice is not working as we expected.
00:29:16I think everyone has worked hard and we demand the same of the newbies, even if they are learning.
00:29:23Miss Kang will now be the apprentice's tutor.
00:29:30So who will be in color cosmetics?
00:29:34Who will take the assignments?
00:29:36I'll let you know when I make a decision.
00:29:38Miss Joo and Joon will work on it in the meantime.
00:29:43Why don't I continue with Chae in the meantime?
00:29:46We can't ignore anyone if we want to meet our launch goals.
00:29:51We don't know how long it will take to make that decision.
00:29:55We can't remove areas when we don't have staff, so I don't want changes.
00:30:01Was your apprentice working so hard to help you?
00:30:05Was it enough to not be able to be without him?
00:30:08Then do the work of an assistant.
00:30:11He worked hard to be an apprentice.
00:30:14His work has been good.
00:30:19Miss Joon, I can understand what you're saying, but this decision is to improve the performance of the team and not affect anyone.
00:30:30It will also help you a lot to develop your career.
00:30:33It's never too late to learn.
00:30:39I will soon decide who will be in the missing place and you can continue.
00:30:43From now on, that will be the change and Miss Kang will take care of it.
00:30:48Now Mr. Chae will be with Miss Kang.
00:30:52Of course, manager.
00:31:06Miss Joon.
00:31:07Ah, Song.
00:31:10Do you have a lot of things to do?
00:31:12Well, no.
00:31:13It's not too much for now.
00:31:15Do you think you can finish it soon?
00:31:16Before tomorrow?
00:31:18First I have to check.
00:31:25Were you going to tell me something?
00:31:26No, it was nothing.
00:31:28We can talk later.
00:31:48Why did they cancel my dress?
00:31:49I already said I wanted it.
00:31:51We had to do it because of an internal matter.
00:31:54But if I get married in just a month ...
00:31:56I'm sorry.
00:31:57And what kind of internal matter is it?
00:31:59Are you closing the store?
00:32:00Well, we're going to compensate your dress with ...
00:32:02What do I need to have my dress?
00:32:07Is there really no solution to my request?
00:32:09Is this how you handle things?
00:32:12You guys find the solution.
00:32:22Find another wedding dress store.
00:32:25I need a serious place.
00:32:31I'm leaving.
00:32:32Good night everyone.
00:32:33Good night.
00:32:34See you.
00:32:49Like this tone ...
00:33:07What's going on?
00:33:08I'm sorry.
00:33:09I knew you'd say something like that.
00:33:11But it's my fault.
00:33:13And I think this decision is not fair.
00:33:16I knew you'd say something like that.
00:33:20But it's not your fault.
00:33:22That he thinks we're together.
00:33:25Your job is good.
00:33:29Take advantage of the fact that you're with Kang.
00:33:31Because she is also excellent.
00:33:33Watch what she does.
00:33:34Yes, I will make an effort.
00:33:36I will work twice as hard to learn a lot.
00:33:40Miss, I ...
00:33:43Well, the weather is fine.
00:33:45Are you going for a walk now?
00:33:48I'm tired.
00:33:50But let's go for a walk soon.
00:33:53I need to rest.
00:33:55Yes, it's fine.
00:33:57Get home safe.
00:33:58Thank you, be careful.
00:34:15You're here.
00:34:44You're here.
00:35:07You should have come in.
00:35:10I didn't feel comfortable.
00:35:12I'm going to look for other houses without the owners.
00:35:18Could you take a day off this week?
00:35:22There's a problem with my dress.
00:35:25I'll change stores.
00:35:27I'll check my schedule.
00:35:30You won't ask anything?
00:35:32I haven't told you why I'll change.
00:35:34I think it must be for a good reason.
00:35:43What do you mean you're not interested?
00:35:46It's about my wedding dress.
00:35:49You're not even curious?
00:35:51I have too much work.
00:35:54We're about to start the expansion project.
00:35:59Well, I'm leaving.
00:36:00Don't worry.
00:36:02Get some rest.
00:36:10What's going on?
00:36:14Is work the only important thing?
00:36:18But that's not all.
00:36:22It's me.
00:36:37I think this packaging is great for the new edition.
00:36:41This product is great.
00:36:44Which one?
00:36:55This one.
00:36:57Is it hard to change?
00:36:58A little.
00:37:00Sometimes the habit is stronger.
00:37:03You're lucky, Hyungsung.
00:37:05You're very popular.
00:37:06Maybe you can be my apprentice.
00:37:08But if that happens, Kang will miss you.
00:37:10What if he's everyone's apprentice?
00:37:12Excuse me.
00:37:13Let's go, Hyungsung.
00:37:14Sure, let's go.
00:37:19I'll take Hyungsung with the sales team.
00:37:21Take advantage of the fact that you'll see the boss, Kim,
00:37:22and ask for an increase in sales.
00:37:24We need you to keep promoting our brand.
00:37:29You can do it.
00:37:31Okay, see you later.
00:37:40Yes, Director.
00:37:44The director wants to see me.
00:37:45My name is Hyungsung A.
00:37:47Yes, just a moment, please.
00:37:51Sir, Ms. Hyungsung A is here.
00:37:54Of course.
00:38:09You're here.
00:38:10Hello, sir.
00:38:11I brought you the products you asked for.
00:38:16Very good.
00:38:17Thank you very much.
00:38:20Could you think about the offer?
00:38:21About the project in Europe?
00:38:26You can still think about it.
00:38:28But don't stop considering this offer.
00:38:30It's a unique opportunity.
00:38:32If you say yes, we'll fix your documents
00:38:34and you'll be on your way to Europe.
00:38:38See you later.
00:38:45Yes, I'm busy.
00:38:47Yesin is working, right?
00:38:49Did you really call me for that?
00:38:50Of course he's working.
00:38:51Two of these, please.
00:38:52Yes, of course.
00:38:54See you later.
00:38:56Also, two of these.
00:38:58Pack them with the drinks I chose earlier.
00:39:00Right away.
00:39:05They decorated this place very well.
00:39:09Did you choose these ornaments?
00:39:18I brought some tea.
00:39:22For you.
00:39:23You'll like it.
00:39:25Oh, what a lovely color.
00:39:27You're so kind.
00:39:29No, I'm interrupting your work break, okay?
00:39:33Oh, it's nothing.
00:39:34You're always welcome.
00:39:37And what do I owe the visit?
00:39:40Well, I wanted to come because you're always very considerate.
00:39:47I brought you a gift of thanks.
00:39:49I hope you like it.
00:39:51They're facial care products.
00:39:54It's the brand I use.
00:39:56Oh, that's great.
00:39:57Oh, I was so lucky.
00:39:59I was a little nervous because each person uses different products.
00:40:03I appreciate it.
00:40:10And the decorations, did you choose them or your girlfriend?
00:40:17It looks great.
00:40:19I chose them and I'm single.
00:40:25And why is that?
00:40:27It shows that you're a very kind boy.
00:40:30Aren't you interested in meeting someone?
00:40:32Yes, but, well, it hasn't been easy.
00:40:38When you propose, you'll make it.
00:40:41Well, maybe you haven't met the right person.
00:40:46If you're not indiscreet, what kind of girl are you?
00:40:48Maybe I know someone who could be good for you.
00:40:54Let's see.
00:40:55What kind of girl?
00:40:59But there's something about you that I like.
00:41:01What is it?
00:41:20It's hot.
00:41:21It's hot.
00:41:24It's hot.
00:41:30But there's something about you that I like.
00:41:38He meant me.
00:41:42But he does have a good taste.
00:41:48I was just thinking out loud.
00:41:53Is he someone I know?
00:41:59Why do you ask?
00:42:01Maybe he just lied to you.
00:42:05You're not pretty.
00:42:07And your aunt is?
00:42:10And your uncle is?
00:42:12And what about you?
00:42:13Me too.
00:42:14And why am I not?
00:42:15Ask Grandma.
00:42:16She told me.
00:42:17A daughter is supposed to support her mother.
00:42:20She can't lie.
00:42:23The green light.
00:42:24Let's go, Mom.
00:42:52Hello, how are you?
00:42:53This is Hyun Sun.
00:42:54Come on in.
00:42:55Nice to meet you.
00:42:56Come on in.
00:42:57See you later.
00:42:59Let's go.
00:43:01See you later.
00:43:05Good afternoon.
00:43:06How are you?
00:43:07Go over there and introduce yourself to the girls.
00:43:11Hello, I'm Chae Hyun Sun from CLAR.
00:43:14Hello, everyone.
00:43:15Good afternoon.
00:43:16How are you?
00:43:18How are you?
00:43:19Nice to meet you.
00:43:20Nice to meet you.
00:43:21Nice to meet you.
00:43:22Nice to meet you.
00:43:24Nice to meet you.
00:43:25I'm Hyun Sun from CLAR.
00:43:28Nice to meet you.
00:43:30Boss Kim.
00:43:31This is our CLAR apprentice.
00:43:34Oh, new apprentice?
00:43:36He works very well and is new to my team.
00:43:39Introduce yourself.
00:43:41I'm Chae Hyun Sun, CLAR apprentice.
00:43:43Oh, I'm Boss Kim.
00:43:44Nice to meet you.
00:43:45I'm glad you came.
00:43:46This is the sales area.
00:43:48This is my first year at CLAR.
00:43:50So that means you've already seen our branches.
00:43:53Have you ever been to the market?
00:43:55Only once when I was an apprentice.
00:43:57But that's not enough.
00:43:59Are you free today?
00:44:02I think so.
00:44:04It depends on your tasks.
00:44:05Go to your schedule.
00:44:07I don't have anything urgent today.
00:44:10Very good.
00:44:11Hey, Jin!
00:44:12Are you going to a branch today?
00:44:15Take the new one with you, please.
00:44:17Teach him well.
00:44:27Put the samples in the car.
00:44:40As a marketer, it's not enough to be in the office.
00:44:43You need to go out and see the action.
00:44:46Buckle up and watch.
00:44:57There are three boxes for you.
00:45:01Here, sign it.
00:45:06Okay, see you.
00:45:07Yes, thank you very much.
00:45:17Let me help you.
00:45:19No, I can do it myself.
00:45:24Is that how things are?
00:45:26Is it that easy for you to leave me?
00:45:29Even if we broke up, it shouldn't be like that.
00:45:31Tell the director that I won't join your team for Europe.
00:45:36It's all I want from you.
00:45:38Is it because of Choi Hyun-soon?
00:45:41She told you not to go.
00:45:46I'm sorry.
00:46:16I'm sorry.
00:46:42Let's go.
00:46:46Hello, how are you?
00:46:50Good afternoon.
00:46:52Put it in the box.
00:46:56Do you like coffee?
00:46:57Of course.
00:46:59How are you?
00:47:01Don't tell me.
00:47:02Are you an apprentice?
00:47:03Yes, he's Clark's apprentice.
00:47:05He's in the marketing department, but he's only been to the stores.
00:47:12No, I'm fine, thank you.
00:47:13If they offer you something, you accept it, you hear?
00:47:17But what do you say?
00:47:19If you want a whole lot.
00:47:23But good.
00:47:24Coffee does help you survive the day.
00:47:27Teach him.
00:47:28Show him how they work here.
00:47:30With a lot of attention.
00:47:32Very good.
00:47:33Let's start.
00:47:37Please teach me.
00:47:38Show me.
00:47:41The sample policy.
00:47:43The samples are always 5.1 or 4.1, and based on that...
00:47:49What are you doing?
00:47:50Aren't you going to take notes?
00:47:54Can I take pencil and paper?
00:48:02So, the sample policy is...
00:48:05That's right, 5.1 or 4.1, but it should be different.
00:48:11How are you? Did you sell a lot?
00:48:13Is the manager here?
00:48:14Did he bring us something good?
00:48:16Of course I brought something good, here I am.
00:48:19And this boy?
00:48:21He's a Clark apprentice.
00:48:23Oh, an apprentice.
00:48:25I bet you are.
00:48:26How old are you?
00:48:28I sold a lot of Clark products today.
00:48:30Why didn't you buy me a cup of coffee?
00:48:32Do you like coffee?
00:48:33No, seriously, I really don't want coffee.
00:48:36No, really, I'm fine, thank you.
00:48:37Hey, look!
00:48:38A Clark apprentice is here!
00:48:41Hello, how are you?
00:48:42Nice to meet you.
00:48:44How are you, ladies?
00:48:46We'll meet later.
00:48:48A meeting?
00:48:49I don't know, do you think it's a good idea?
00:48:56Yes, of course, I'm here.
00:48:57Of course, yes.
00:49:01I'll take my things and go home.
00:49:05Of course, I understand.
00:49:06See you tomorrow.
00:49:07Good night.
00:49:42Hyun Sung.
00:49:51Okay, we'll put this one, and now this one.
00:49:53I'll go first.
00:49:57Did you really eat dinner?
00:49:58You seem to have lost weight.
00:50:00I worked outside the office.
00:50:02You should have gone home and not come.
00:50:05I promised to come to the recital, but I didn't make it.
00:50:08So at least I came to see you.
00:50:10Because my little niece wanted to see me.
00:50:13Isn't that right?
00:50:15If you're very tired, it's okay to go home.
00:50:17We can see each other another day.
00:50:19I prefer you to rest.
00:50:25Seriously, how old are you?
00:50:26Seriously, how old are you?
00:50:27Kids these days grow up very fast.
00:50:29She looks like she's 17.
00:50:35Are you sure you're okay?
00:50:38You don't look very well.
00:50:41Honey, can you check Hyun Sung's signs?
00:50:43No, don't worry, I'm fine.
00:50:45Yes, I'm fine.
00:50:46I'm still going to check your signs before you leave.
00:50:50Well, thank you.
00:50:51He's tired.
00:50:53Even if I check your signs, it won't help.
00:50:58You must have been rejected.
00:51:01I can tell.
00:51:03And not crying is even worse.
00:51:05But love is always painful.
00:51:07I wonder what she'll be like when she grows up.
00:51:12So you're like this because of a girl?
00:51:14No, not at all.
00:51:16She's just a girl and she's playing.
00:51:19I'll go get some water.
00:51:22I'll go get some water.
00:51:23Wait, I'll go.
00:51:32I have to play.
00:52:02What are you doing here?
00:52:03The sales team wanted to see me.
00:52:08Did you come alone?
00:52:09Miss Kang is busy.
00:52:14Are you okay?
00:52:16Aren't you going up?
00:52:17Yes, just a moment.
00:52:19I have to go.
00:52:21See you.
00:52:22Yes, see you.
00:52:51Don't worry, Miss.
00:53:00Don't forget my farewell party.
00:53:21You're not leaving before midnight, are you?
00:53:24What song did you order?
00:53:25The Ground B song.
00:53:27And your song?
00:53:28I brought Unconditionally.
00:53:32Write down your address and emergency contact.
00:53:39Why do you need that information?
00:53:43Let's go.
00:54:12I'm going home to rest.
00:54:17Miss Kang.
00:54:19Hasn't Hyun Soon arrived yet?
00:54:21No, maybe he's in a meeting.
00:54:25It's obvious that they want to make a new move on him.
00:54:28Yes, you should have stopped them then.
00:54:30He has to learn to take care of himself.
00:54:33Well, I'm leaving, guys.
00:54:37Sometimes it can be very cold, right?
00:54:39I'm glad you weren't my tutor.
00:54:42Are you leaving too?
00:54:44See you.
00:54:45Good night.
00:54:46See you.
00:54:47Good night.
00:55:11Let's toast!
00:55:16I propose a toast.
00:55:18To all the women of our company.
00:55:20You are the best!
00:55:23To have fun!
00:55:25To the women!
00:55:26To have fun!
00:55:27Yes, yes.
00:55:28Don't do it anymore!
00:55:31Don't do it anymore!
00:55:33Don't do it anymore!
00:55:37Don't do it anymore!
00:55:40Don't do it anymore!
00:55:45Hey, can I serve you another drink?
00:55:49Yes, thank you.
00:55:52Oh, how nice!
00:55:53Of course!
00:55:57All of it!
00:55:58All of it!
00:55:59All of it!
00:56:00All of it!
00:56:01All of it!
00:56:07All of it!
00:56:08All of it!
00:56:09All of it!
00:56:34Are you still at the meeting?
00:56:59Where are you?
00:57:01I'm here.
00:57:08To have fun!
00:57:10To have fun!
00:57:13To celebrate!
00:57:15Come here!
00:57:16Come here!
00:57:18To celebrate!
00:57:20We are alive!
00:57:28I love you.
00:57:33Well done!
00:57:34Who's next?
00:57:36Come on!
00:57:42I'm dizzy.
00:57:43I'm dizzy.
00:58:04We'll make a marketing team.
00:58:06And this team will be in Europe for three years.
00:58:09Songa is a candidate.
00:58:13I guess she hasn't told you.
00:58:19It's okay.
00:58:20Try to convince her to go.
00:58:23She thinks I recommended her and that's why she refuses to go.
00:58:26But she's very capable to do the job.
00:58:29She can make her own decisions.
00:58:32That's why I think you don't know her yet.
00:58:36When she's indecisive about something,
00:58:39she can't see the other factors.
00:58:42If you're really interested,
00:58:47help her get it right.
00:58:59What am I going to do if you leave?
00:59:02What am I going to do if you leave?
00:59:05I'm going to be without you by my side.
00:59:09What am I going to do without you?
00:59:17I guess you know a lot.
00:59:22Come on.
00:59:24Where is she?
00:59:28Where did she go?
00:59:29Come on.
00:59:30Don't stay. Who's our number one?
00:59:32Chico Club!
00:59:34Who is it?
00:59:35Chico Club!
00:59:37Who is it?
00:59:38Chico Club!
00:59:41Chico Club!
00:59:43Let's continue the party!
00:59:45Hey, are you serious?
00:59:48Of course.
00:59:49Okay, I'm going wherever the Club apprentice goes.
00:59:53I want to go!
00:59:55Apprentice, attention!
00:59:57At ease!
00:59:58Shall we go for the third round?
01:00:00Yes, let's go, sir.
01:00:02Ah, the Club apprentice.
01:00:04Then let's go, follow me.
01:00:06Come on.
01:00:07Let's go.
01:00:08What's going to happen?
01:00:09What's going to happen?
01:00:10Am I going to fall?
01:00:17And now what?
01:00:19What does she want to say?
01:00:21Let's follow her.
01:00:22To one side.
01:00:28I heard it.
01:00:31You two are the best.
01:00:34I don't remember her.
01:00:38What are you doing?
01:01:20Why did you take so long?
01:01:54I missed you a lot.
01:01:57I'm sorry.
01:01:58I'm sorry.
01:01:59I'm sorry.
01:02:00I'm sorry.
01:02:01I'm sorry.
01:02:02I'm sorry.
01:02:03I'm sorry.
01:02:04I'm sorry.
01:02:05I'm sorry.
01:02:06I'm sorry.
01:02:07I'm sorry.
01:02:08I'm sorry.
01:02:09I'm sorry.
01:02:10I'm sorry.
01:02:11I'm sorry.
01:02:12I'm sorry.
01:02:13I'm sorry.
01:02:14I'm sorry.
01:02:15I'm sorry.
01:02:16I'm sorry.
01:02:17I'm sorry.
01:02:18I'm sorry.
01:02:19I'm sorry.
01:02:20I'm sorry.
01:02:21I'm sorry.
01:02:22I'm sorry.
01:02:23I'm sorry.
01:02:24I'm sorry.
01:02:25I'm sorry.
01:02:26I'm sorry.
01:02:27I'm sorry.
01:02:28I'm sorry.
01:02:29I'm sorry.
01:02:30I'm sorry.
01:02:31I'm sorry.
01:02:32I'm sorry.
01:02:33I'm sorry.
01:02:34I'm sorry.
01:02:35I'm sorry.
01:02:36I'm sorry.
01:02:37I'm sorry.
01:02:38I'm sorry.
01:02:39I'm sorry.
01:02:40I'm sorry.
01:02:41I'm sorry.
01:02:42I'm sorry.
01:02:43I'm sorry.
01:02:44I'm sorry.
01:02:45I'm sorry.
01:02:46I'm sorry.
01:02:47I'm sorry.
01:02:48I'm sorry.
01:02:49I'm sorry.
01:02:50I'm sorry.
01:02:51I'm sorry.
01:02:52I'm sorry.
01:02:53I'm sorry.
01:02:54I'm sorry.