3ll4 Nunc4 lo S4br4 Capitulo 6
00:00:00Are you ready?
00:00:02You can do this!
00:00:04It's not your time yet
00:00:06I wouldn't be here
00:00:08I can't!
00:00:10I love you
00:00:12I need you
00:00:14I love you
00:00:16I need you
00:00:18I need you
00:00:20I need you
00:00:22I need you
00:00:24I need you
00:00:26I need you
00:03:02It is come on also
00:03:04June dammit um Aleta me Maleta sientate no tengo mi maleta vamos sientate
00:03:13Cuidado a mi cabello
00:03:20Oye que es lo gracioso
00:03:23Oye June sabes que esta es tu casa cierto yo me iré a la mía adiós
00:03:33No te vayas porque no suéltame
00:03:42Mala mala niña eres de lo peor me iré ahora
00:04:46Todo esto es tuyo
00:05:02Esto es jugo natural
00:05:43Mas te vale recordar esto mañana no quiero que lo olvides
00:05:53Gomez muy bonito eres bonita mucho
00:06:49The very mañana
00:07:22Conocemos no te atrevas a hablar
00:07:29Recuerdas lo que sucedió ayer
00:07:33Si un poco
00:07:35Explícame porque bebiste demasiado
00:07:38No hubiera sido difícil negarte
00:07:41Como si fueras un novato que nunca ha bebido te obligaron a beber
00:07:46No, no sucedió así porque te embriagaste tú no eres así bueno
00:07:55Quería hacerlo bien hacerlo bien
00:07:58quería encajar y
00:08:00adaptarme bien para que no te preocuparas pero fracasé lo lamento mucho
00:08:08No supe enseñarte es bueno encajar pero debe saber que tanto puede soportar
00:08:17Además nunca me preocupo por ti lo haces bien
00:08:23Sé que estás haciendo lo correcto
00:08:26Porque me preocuparía por alguien que tiene éxito de hecho lo hiciste muy bien ayer
00:08:33Que esto no vuelva a suceder si
00:08:38Es para ti
00:08:41Y dime estás bien sí
00:08:48Porque estabas en ese lugar
00:08:50Yo estaba de paso por ese lugar
00:08:57Vamos a trabajo justo ahí sí vamos
00:09:08La razón por la que los llame aquí es porque el presidente hizo una petición específica
00:09:14Tienen datos comparando entre la industria cosmética de las marcas globales y la nuestra algo sobre la gestión de productos o de almacén
00:09:20si tenemos pero los datos aún no son concluyentes cuánto tiempo tardarían si trabajan juntos
00:09:27No lo sé
00:09:28Para ser honesto sería imposible terminarlo hoy háganlo y envíenmelo lo antes posible
00:09:34después de que presentamos el proyecto para europa está muy interesado en estos números
00:09:39pueden irse ahora
00:09:45Señor hay algo que me gustaría decirle si adelante con este proyecto yo pienso yo se lo diré
00:09:56Yo le diré sobre eso son
00:10:20Que sucede
00:10:23La madre de la gente john vive sola y para ella sería muy difícil mudarse a europa en estos momentos
00:10:30ella es hija única así que
00:10:33decidió rechazarlo
00:10:37no podemos hacer nada
00:10:39que podemos hacer
00:10:41encuentra una solución
00:11:10Para tenerlo a tiempo
00:11:13Será difícil empezar de nuevo
00:11:15pero podríamos modificar este vestido podríamos agregar un poco más de no
00:11:21este está bien en serio
00:11:25Pero el vestido tiene que estar listo a tiempo cueste lo que cueste
00:11:34Me iré ahora buen trabajo hoy que hora es
00:11:46Envíe los formularios del reporte llena los datos y envíamelo cuando esté listo si señor
00:11:54Si te sientes incómoda no tienes que hacerlo aquí está bien señor hazlo donde quieras
00:12:02Voy a salir un momento de la oficina
00:12:17Son tienes mucho trabajo necesitas ayuda no está bien tuve a casa
00:12:32Hola John mi buen amigo no puedes comportarte bien por supuesto que no esta es mi esencia
00:12:40Un vas de salida quiere cenar a cenar si
00:12:49Acaso eso fue un sí oye
00:13:17Es solo que hoy no quería cenar solo en mi casa
00:13:21Este es el sándwich que te gusta y tu leche de fresa favorita
00:13:32Qué pasa falta algo creo que no traje servilletas estoy bien
00:13:40Solo es trabajo
00:13:41Si sabes que es lo que estoy pensando ahora es tan satisfactorio ser tu novio
00:13:50Solo come bien
00:13:54Parece que ahora tienes que escribir muchos reportes
00:13:58Por lo visto la compañía está preparando un proyecto muy grande el presidente solicitó mucha información
00:14:06El presidente
00:14:09Estás en el camino rápido hacia el éxito
00:14:12un importante agente joven
00:14:15directo hacia la gerencia porque
00:14:18quieres que sea tu guía
00:14:20estaré agradecido si lo haces
00:14:23te seré siempre fiel
00:14:26Eres invencible
00:14:29Muchas gracias disfruta tu cena
00:14:43Si diga me
00:14:53Es usted hijo del señor lee si
00:14:59Les dije que mi hijo trabajaba en una gran compañía como no pudieron creerme
00:15:05Mi hijo se graduó de la universidad más prestigiosa de corea
00:15:12Qué fue lo que sucedió pues el señor lee fue víctima de un asaltante el agresor es el hombre a su lado
00:15:19Callate pero su padre podría llegar a un acuerdo yo nunca accedió a un acuerdo entonces que
00:15:26Lo quiere enviar a prisión
00:15:28Usted cometió intento de fraude con él no sabe eso y yo fui agraviado también
00:15:35este hombre
00:15:36buscaba la manera de ganar dinero así que le recomendé un esquema de inversión
00:15:41pero no sabía que era estafa y salí estafado también fui una víctima oficial
00:15:46además porque tiene esa actitud no me agrada su actitud yo soy la víctima aquí
00:15:54Increíble siéntese siéntese
00:15:59Escuche descubriremos la verdad después de hacer una investigación
00:16:03Lo llamamos aquí porque él dijo que usted podría ser su fiador sólo así lo dejaremos ir puede hacerlo
00:16:14No debimos haber aceptado ese acuerdo por qué se te ocurrió aceptar esa miserable cantidad de dinero
00:16:21Que no fuiste a una gran universidad
00:16:24Acaso me golpearon para nada
00:16:26Oye vamos por algo de comer estuve ahí horas y tengo hambre
00:16:32Oye para donde vas
00:16:41Dame dinero damelo antes de que te vayas DJ necesito dinero
00:16:46Si hubiera obtenido un mejor trato hubiera resuelto mis problemas
00:16:49Pero eso no sucedió por tu culpa
00:16:53Me debes dinero
00:16:55Puedes darmelo ahora
00:16:58O mejor
00:17:01Quieres que vaya a tu oficina
00:17:04Sigues en ese edificio brillante
00:17:09Envíame tu número de cuenta
00:17:31Yo invitaré la próxima vez si insistes
00:18:00Cuídate si igual tú adiós
00:18:27La hermana del intento suicidarse por mi culpa
00:18:38Después de eso él me pidió
00:18:43Que me casara con ella
00:18:45Fue más una orden
00:18:48No tengo otra opción tengo que casarme
00:18:52No puedo escapar a menos que ellos me liberen tengo que vivir así
00:19:01Siempre atrapado
00:19:07Así que no dejes que arruine tu oportunidad
00:19:11Yo tampoco iré
00:19:14En este momento
00:19:16Soy desagradable para ti no es así
00:19:20Tarde o temprano ya no te importaré
00:19:23No pierdas esta oportunidad sólo por lo que hemos vivido
00:19:32Siempre has querido una oportunidad así
00:19:36Piensa lo que es bueno para ti
00:19:52Hay que bonita
00:19:59Y te ves muy bonita te gustó el vestido jayun tus vestidos son los más bonitos del mundo tú lo eres más
00:20:08Feliz cumpleaños jayun gracias
00:20:11Lo usarás para tu cumpleaños no quiero usarlo siempre pero puede arrugarse pero puedes plancharlo
00:20:30Mamá no puedes hacer vestidos
00:20:34Quieres que haga uno para ti mi tía hace vestidos muy bonitos y mi tío hace maquillaje y esas cosas
00:20:42Pero tú siempre estás en casa a qué te refieres jayun yo estoy muy ocupada educándote y soy muy feliz
00:20:54Te gustaría que trabajara
00:20:56como tu tía
00:20:58Claro que no si educarme te gusta es lo que debes hacer ma
00:21:04por supuesto
00:21:14Entonces no hay nada mal con la máscara de pestañas nada cambió
00:21:19El proceso y el espesor son los mismos que antes
00:21:23Quieres que haga el contenedor más grueso
00:21:27Pero que hay del costo no hay mucha diferencia
00:21:32Entonces dígale al fabricante que yo
00:21:39Te veo abajo
00:21:50Muchas gracias
00:21:52Debería pagar yo y no cuando regresaste a corea no te faltaba más tiempo para volver aún tengo unos meses
00:22:01vine porque tengo una noticia
00:22:04Como hace estado
00:22:07Escuché que tu trabajo es excelente como siempre
00:22:11Gracias lo hago lo mejor que puedo
00:22:13recuerda no
00:22:15presionarte demasiado
00:22:17Para que trabajes más duro cuando vuelva
00:22:21El puesto de gerente en tu equipo está disponible y estoy interesada
00:22:31Lo sabías estás involucrada en el proyecto de europa no bueno si me hicieron una oferta
00:22:39Pero no lo sé pero por qué
00:22:43Es una gran oportunidad tienes que hacerlo
00:22:48Hay algo que te mantiene aquí
00:22:51familia novio
00:22:56Solo me pregunto si en realidad estoy capacitada para ir y llevar el peso de todo
00:23:11Ella es la gerente joy cuando regreso quien dices que es es de la división europea es una persona importante
00:23:29Hola hola soy la que los llamó bienvenidos pasen por aquí
00:23:41Agente jun si señorita de adentro por más regalos enseguida voy
00:23:59Abre estos también tenemos que organizarlos para que no haya confusiones después porque puede ser un caos
00:24:20No podemos contactar al modelo
00:24:25Entonces no tenemos modelo masculino
00:24:29Dicen que se fue pero no hemos podido localizarlo
00:24:33Y no hay sustituto que dijo la agencia todos los modelos principales tienen proyectos los que están disponibles
00:24:39No son adecuados
00:24:43No podemos hacerlo sin el modelo es lo principal lo sé debería prepararme entonces me veo elegante
00:24:53Está bien si me dicen que no me siento más incómodo si no dicen nada
00:24:58invitaste expertos de belleza de internet si a algunos debería preguntarles primero llámalos donde está la lista la lista la tiene
00:25:08Jun ven acá si tú tienes la lista espera espera espera un momento
00:25:19Déjame ver
00:25:21bien yo yo da la vuelta vamos
00:25:24miren él es perfecto no necesitamos a nadie más tiene buena complexión prácticamente es un modelo
00:25:32no lo crees señor
00:25:35Te parece bien no te obligaremos no te presiones
00:25:41Puedes hacer lo que quieras
00:25:46Parece que no quiere hacerlo consigue a uno de los clientes yo lo haré
00:25:53Lo haré lo voy a intentar excelente decisión estamos salvados gracias y vamos a que te vistas
00:26:00Ayudarle con eso son si ven conmigo bien iré a preparar todo si
00:26:07haré una última revisión
00:26:18Como sientes el vestuario bien muy bien dame eso
00:26:24Por favor no tenemos mucho tiempo
00:26:33Tienes una excelente complexión mejor que muchos modelos de belleza me alaga arreglaré tu cabello primero bien
00:27:00¿Estás listo?
00:27:30Welcome everyone. First of all, I want to thank all our important customers for making a space in your agenda to come to our event.
00:27:45This event is a beauty class for all of you, which will be directed by makeup artist Jeon Kyung Hong.
00:27:53Before we start, let's watch a short video that we prepared for all of you.
00:28:00Welcome to the VIP makeup class, Claire.
00:28:12We need the makeup artist and the model.
00:28:15Jeon just got her hair done.
00:28:18Jeon, help her with her face then. Can you do it?
00:28:22Yes, well, I don't... Yes, I can.
00:28:27Good, follow me.
00:28:29Thank you for doing it.
00:28:36Ignore my clumsy, okay?
00:28:38You'll be fine, don't worry.
00:28:59Jeon, can I ask you something?
00:29:26Are you going to Europe?
00:29:29How do you know?
00:29:38I don't care about your decision. I'll support you. I wanted you to know.
00:30:00You need the model now.
00:30:05Hurry up.
00:30:30Welcome to the VIP makeup class, Claire.
00:30:34Now, let's move on to the next stage of the VIP makeup class.
00:30:45Is today's model attractive?
00:30:48I'm excited.
00:30:49How about we cheer her up with a round of applause?
00:31:00We need to highlight three points of the face with the base.
00:31:04The first one, the forehead.
00:31:07Then the bridge of the nose.
00:31:09And at the end, the triangle of the face.
00:31:12Keeping the amount to a minimum, the shadow has to be a brighter tone than the skin.
00:31:17How many?
00:31:18Yes, just one.
00:31:20Go with the texture of the skin and do it in a smooth way.
00:31:23Now, could you look at the audience?
00:31:30Kim, you're doing great.
00:31:32The secret to applying makeup is in the amount.
00:31:34I could do it too.
00:31:36Never, never.
00:31:38You can say never, because you have to say never.
00:31:41Leave it like that.
00:31:42And it could look strange because of the difference in tones.
00:31:45We'll illuminate the neck with the same tone to give it that three-dimensional effect
00:31:50and to highlight the aesthetic and natural shapes of each person using the product.
00:31:55It doesn't matter what you decide.
00:31:58I'll support you.
00:32:00If you apply it vertically and horizontally, it will look better on the skin,
00:32:04highlighting what has to be highlighted and hiding imperfections.
00:32:08Now I'll show you on the lips.
00:32:16Good afternoon.
00:32:18Can I have your invitation?
00:32:22Here it is.
00:32:23Follow me, please.
00:32:25This way.
00:32:35Excuse me.
00:32:52Excuse me.
00:33:20Do you remember me?
00:33:24We met at the store the other day.
00:33:27Don't you remember?
00:33:30How are you?
00:33:32I thought you were a store employee, but you work for the company.
00:33:38Team Clark?
00:33:41Agent Song?
00:33:45I have to go.
00:34:05Miss, are you going to class?
00:34:09I'm done.
00:34:31I'm here.
00:34:36I want fern roots and bellflowers.
00:34:41Very good.
00:34:43They're for my husband's lucky anniversary.
00:34:45I want them to be pretty.
00:34:49I'll pick them for you.
00:34:53What about your daughter?
00:34:56I'll see her soon.
00:34:58By the way, don't you think she should get married?
00:35:02I have a nephew who lives in Seoul.
00:35:06Do you think we should get them together?
00:35:08She's only 28.
00:35:10She's too young to get married.
00:35:12Stop talking and give me my things.
00:35:17Why is everyone so interested in their marriage?
00:35:21She's my daughter.
00:35:23By the way, will she come or not?
00:35:32Are you here yet?
00:35:34I just got here.
00:35:36I'm sorry.
00:35:38I'm sorry.
00:35:40I'm sorry.
00:35:42I'm sorry.
00:35:44I'm sorry.
00:35:47Try not to argue with her.
00:35:51I know. Don't worry.
00:35:53We won't open today.
00:35:55Have a good night.
00:35:57Okay. I'll call you.
00:36:16I'm sorry.
00:36:46I'm sorry.
00:37:16I'm sorry.
00:37:46I'm sorry.
00:37:56Dear wife.
00:38:01Are you home?
00:38:04Honey, where are you?
00:38:10Honey, when did you get here?
00:38:14You got rid of these.
00:38:17And dad's pictures.
00:38:20Why do you sleep in the living room when you have your own room?
00:38:24You just got home and you're already complaining?
00:38:28Besides, all these things represent your father.
00:38:33I can't throw them away.
00:38:35They're my treasure.
00:38:43I'm sorry.
00:39:04Let's see if it's true.
00:39:09Oh, it's firm and great.
00:39:11Very good job. Excellent.
00:39:13Well, it's done.
00:39:15Why do you order these things if you can't assemble them?
00:39:18Why do you think? Because they're cheap.
00:39:20Are you not doing well with the financial business, Kim?
00:39:23What happened with the money?
00:39:25What do you think happened?
00:39:27I bought you dinner and drinks when you were at school.
00:39:30I spent it all.
00:39:32I don't remember you buying me anything.
00:39:34I did. I think you forgot.
00:39:36Good. I'll think about it on the way.
00:39:41What's going on?
00:39:45What is that? Why do I always have to do it?
00:39:49Hey, listen. Call someone to help you.
00:39:53Why did you call me?
00:40:12I hope your father enjoys the food.
00:40:16He loved the turnip sprouts.
00:40:24And how have you been?
00:40:28I've been fine.
00:40:30And you?
00:40:32I've been fine.
00:40:34And you?
00:40:36I've been fine.
00:40:38And how have you been?
00:40:45If you hung up like that, you should have called again.
00:40:49Aren't you interested to know if your mother is alive or dead?
00:40:57Did something happen last time?
00:41:01You seemed to be crying.
00:41:08Let's do this in a temple next time.
00:41:12What are you talking about?
00:41:15It's been 13 years.
00:41:17You're still young.
00:41:21You should start over.
00:41:23You mean I should leave your father and get married again?
00:41:28Who are you going to leave? He died a long time ago.
00:41:31You're a wretch. You don't have a heart.
00:41:36Your father means everything to me.
00:41:39How can you ask me to leave him and look for another man?
00:41:44What kind of daughter are you?
00:41:46Do you want to leave me to go with your boyfriend?
00:41:50What was he like, Dad?
00:41:56He was such a good person.
00:41:58Why are you so devoted to him?
00:42:01What are you talking about?
00:42:03Of course he was a good person.
00:42:06He was one of the best and most honest men I've ever met.
00:42:10He loved me above all and he was always good to you.
00:42:14I can't believe you're so ungrateful to him after what he did for you.
00:42:25Where are you going?
00:42:27You haven't finished your dinner.
00:42:29I'm done.
00:42:37He always does the same thing.
00:43:03I'm sorry.
00:43:21Thank you very much.
00:43:24I think it was worth raising these little ones.
00:43:28I understand. Why did you invite us to dinner when we were at the university?
00:43:32That's right. I bought them a lot of dinner.
00:43:35Why don't you remember?
00:43:37As far as I remember, you only bought dinner for the girls at the university.
00:43:41You're right.
00:43:42But you can't deny that you were always my favorite among the boys.
00:43:46By the way, about the money I spent on you in the past,
00:43:50you can pay me back when you visit me until the day I die.
00:43:54That's very cruel, don't you think?
00:43:57I didn't even drink that much.
00:43:59I'll pay you in cash.
00:44:00No, no.
00:44:01Anyway, death can be accidental.
00:44:05And I will die of hunger.
00:44:07You will be responsible for not dying alone.
00:44:10Me too?
00:44:11I'll get bored if I see the same person all the time.
00:44:14So you dare to be picky?
00:44:15I'm very good at making plans.
00:44:17It's like you're a usurer.
00:44:19Oh, it's not possible.
00:44:22No, this won't work.
00:44:25What we must do is find a woman who is perfect for you.
00:44:29There must be an angel out there who accepts you as you are,
00:44:32and can support you for the rest of your life.
00:44:34Do you have a particular preference?
00:44:37No, none.
00:44:39Very well.
00:44:40That's smart.
00:44:49I'm here at the reception.
00:44:53Don't worry, I'll wait for you.
00:45:24By any chance, did you come to see me?
00:45:30I don't think so.
00:45:33What brings you here?
00:45:35Oh, if you want, I'd like to invite you to dinner.
00:45:39Sir, you have a meeting.
00:45:41Cancel it.
00:45:43He planned it a month ago, he can't do it.
00:45:52I can make the impossible possible.
00:45:54That's right, I can do anything.
00:45:57No, don't do it, don't do it.
00:46:00The truth is, I already have plans.
00:46:05It won't be today, but we'll see each other soon.
00:46:09The lipstick you were looking for will be out soon.
00:46:13When it's available, you can come whenever you want.
00:46:16I'll get ready and wait for you.
00:46:35What brings you here?
00:46:38The temporary store.
00:46:40I've decided to do it.
00:46:43No, very good.
00:46:44You'll do amazing.
00:46:46I don't know if I made the right decision.
00:46:48I don't know if I can run a bigger business.
00:46:51You'll do great, I guarantee it.
00:46:56You look thinner.
00:46:58Is everything okay?
00:47:03I'm fine.
00:47:07It's true, nothing happened.
00:47:10Do you want me to fix a date?
00:47:12You do it.
00:47:14What happened to the date that Yun Sun mentioned to you?
00:47:18I don't know.
00:47:24By the way, is it easy to reproduce a discontinued product like a lipstick?
00:47:29Of course not.
00:47:31We have to revive a line that no longer exists.
00:47:34The process is complicated and not always successful.
00:47:37The truth is difficult.
00:47:40Why do you ask?
00:47:42Nothing, let's eat.
00:47:47I'll be right there.
00:47:51Where's Agent Yun?
00:47:54She went with the training team.
00:47:58Agent Yun, come to the store with me.
00:48:00It's urgent, we have to go.
00:48:12Yes, perfect.
00:48:18Sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
00:48:29Are you an employee?
00:48:30Yes, I'm Agent Yun Sun of the CLAR team.
00:48:33I thought you'd be interested in the products.
00:48:35She knows everything about CLAR cosmetics.
00:48:39Yes, nice to meet you.
00:48:49It tastes better if I eat it like this.
00:48:51You ate too much.
00:48:53The cafeteria food is never enough.
00:48:58Agent An...
00:49:00What are you thinking about?
00:49:03Why is Manager Li taking Song Hwa everywhere?
00:49:07Is there something behind this?
00:49:09Song left with Manager Li?
00:49:11Yes, they had to go to an emergency store.
00:49:15It's never good to deal with urgent matters.
00:49:17That brings bad luck.
00:49:20I'm sure something mysterious is going on.
00:49:25You must be tired of thinking so many theories.
00:49:27I feel more exhausted when you talk.
00:49:30I'm Che Hyun of CLAR, who is it?
00:49:32Hi, it's me, Kim.
00:49:34Oh, yes, yes.
00:49:35Isn't Agent Yun here?
00:49:37She's working outside, but she can tell me.
00:49:53We pay special attention to the organization of the products.
00:49:56As you can see, the outliners are here.
00:49:59At the front, the entire face care line.
00:50:02And since lipsticks are the main products,
00:50:05we put them near the entrance so they can see them.
00:50:08Would you like to see it?
00:50:12I saw it with my own eyes that you took it.
00:50:14Let's see what's going on.
00:50:15It's wrong.
00:50:17Show me your pockets.
00:50:19Why should I?
00:50:20If you keep this up, I'll call the police.
00:50:22Then call them.
00:50:24What's going on?
00:50:27This girl stole something and insists she didn't do it.
00:50:30I didn't steal it.
00:50:32Let me see your pockets then.
00:50:34Why should I show them?
00:50:36To prove I'm telling the truth?
00:50:39Are you sure you did it?
00:50:40Yes, I'm sure.
00:50:42Are there security cameras?
00:50:44Yes, but they're in a blind spot,
00:50:46so maybe the camera didn't record it.
00:50:50Let them go.
00:50:51This is not so important now.
00:50:53Let them go?
00:50:54What's going on?
00:50:59What's going on?
00:51:03This girl stole something, sir.
00:51:05I told you I didn't do it.
00:51:08Are you honest in saying you didn't steal it?
00:51:10Yes, I didn't steal anything.
00:51:12I told you.
00:51:20I don't know. You tell me.
00:51:21She said she didn't steal anything.
00:51:24Tell me what you know.
00:51:27She's innocent.
00:51:30Is she?
00:51:36I know these things catch your attention.
00:51:41Please fill a basket with groceries.
00:51:43Yes, sir.
00:51:50I want to make a deal with you.
00:51:54If you tell me the truth,
00:51:56I'll give you everything in that basket.
00:52:10You'll give me everything in the basket?
00:52:12Shut up!
00:52:13Of course.
00:52:15Another basket.
00:52:34It's okay.
00:52:35Here it is.
00:52:36I just wanted to try it.
00:52:41Leave it.
00:52:55Can I take what's in the basket?
00:52:59She said if she told me the truth,
00:53:00she'd give me all this.
00:53:02And what did you do?
00:53:04She confessed that she stole it thanks to me.
00:53:06You say she stole it?
00:53:08You betrayed your friend?
00:53:10You lost your chance while you doubted your superficial relationship.
00:53:14If you ask for something when you haven't given anything,
00:53:16you become a thief too.
00:53:18Don't you think so?
00:53:20What nonsense!
00:53:28Young people and old people are alike.
00:53:30They say they're friends, but when there are benefits in between,
00:53:33they are the first to betray you.
00:53:37That's why we shouldn't let strangers into our homes.
00:53:43Things outside should stay outside.
00:53:49It's time to go.
00:54:01Let's go.
00:54:16So what happened was that the lipstick packaging was badly printed.
00:54:21Yes, the past was for a limited edition,
00:54:23so Jun sent them the new label, but they printed the past.
00:54:27I'm sorry.
00:54:28I should have paid more attention.
00:54:30The event wasn't in two days.
00:54:32The director is supervising everything in detail.
00:54:34Could we send them tomorrow if we print new packaging today?
00:54:37They said it wasn't possible.
00:54:40Then we have to find a solution.
00:54:43Well, let's tell the manager Lee.
00:54:49That's what Sohn did when they made a mistake with the leaflets.
00:54:52Can't we do it now?
00:54:54I don't see why not.
00:54:55We can send them urgently that way.
00:54:58Are labels fast?
00:54:59Yes, I'll ask them to be faster.
00:55:01Sticking them is the problem.
00:55:02Can't you do it at the factory?
00:55:04Getting staff is another problem.
00:55:06And I can't go.
00:55:08I can go.
00:55:10We have to send it anyway.
00:55:12Can I go, Agent Kang?
00:55:14Well, if you want to work more, that's fine.
00:55:16Why do you say that?
00:55:19We'll do the labels.
00:55:22I'll tell the factory to get staff,
00:55:24and we'll see if it's necessary for you to go, Sohn.
00:55:26I'll tell the manager Lee.
00:55:27Yes, okay.
00:55:44Go ahead.
00:55:52Why do you put up with this?
00:55:54You said they wouldn't let you go.
00:55:59Why do they have to treat you like that?
00:56:03What do they have?
00:56:05Instead, I can live like a decent human being in a proper world.
00:56:10I have to pay my debt.
00:56:13I think with everything you've done, you've paid more than enough.
00:56:18If not, that's enough.
00:56:20The question is, do you really need this position?
00:56:26If I put up with being humiliated by a few people,
00:56:29no one will think I'm the son of a criminal.
00:56:34It's because your father is...
00:56:36I'm going to make it, no matter what.
00:56:38I'll stick to it.
00:56:43That's why I need you.
00:56:45You haven't changed a bit in these two years.
00:56:49You're still the same teenager who has nothing.
00:57:29I took the liberty of putting small pillows on your benches,
00:57:32so you don't get so tired.
00:57:35Yes, thank you very much.
00:57:37I tried to get more workers, but only two were available.
00:57:41And they only work until nine.
00:57:47Thank you for doing this.
00:57:49You're welcome.
00:57:50And the labels?
00:57:51The labels? Here they are.
00:57:54Well, good luck.
00:57:59When will they finish? It looks like they'll be working all night.
00:58:07Well, let's get started.
00:58:15I'm tired.
00:58:17I'm tired.
00:58:18When will we finish?
00:58:22Are you going to buy us coffee?
00:58:24Sure, coffee. Yes, of course.
00:58:28Oh, I think I made a mistake.
00:58:30Twice, three times, ask me again.
00:58:34Is this excitement because of this season?
00:58:38Meeting you is another reason to be excited.
00:58:43Luckily, the seats are comfortable.
00:58:46Yes, yes.
00:58:47My heart is full of anticipation.
00:58:49Today is the day I want to fully enjoy.
00:58:53My heart is full of excitement.
00:58:56So, Hyun is in the factory right now?
00:58:59Yes, they hired workers, but they're not enough.
00:59:02So he went to help.
00:59:04He offered himself quickly to save your job.
00:59:06You trained him very well.
00:59:09I should have trained my student like that.
00:59:22I don't want to be rude, but we have to go.
00:59:27I'm sorry, you can go.
00:59:32But can you do all this by yourself?
00:59:36I don't think I can finish.
00:59:38I can do it. I have to try.
00:59:41I'm glad you're optimistic.
00:59:43Well, finish soon.
00:59:46Let's go, let's go.
00:59:48See you soon.
00:59:51It's so attractive that I feel bad.
01:00:03I can do it.
01:00:11Are you still putting labels?
01:00:22How many do you need?
01:00:26Well, I'm almost done.
01:00:27I need an hour or two.
01:00:32I heard this was your idea.
01:00:34Good job.
01:00:38It's all thanks to you.
01:00:41I'll have to do it right when you're gone.
01:00:48When I'm gone?
01:00:50Yes, when you're gone.
01:00:57But I'm staying here.
01:01:02I'm not leaving.
01:01:05I'm not going to Europe.
01:01:18I'm sorry.
01:01:23Will you stay?
01:01:27Can you do it?
01:01:32Why not?
01:01:42Are you still there?
01:01:43Sorry, I...
01:01:51I'm sorry, please wait a second.
01:02:23Don't worry.
01:02:24Don't worry.
01:02:26Don't worry, John.
01:02:27Don't worry.
01:02:28Don't worry.
01:02:34Thank you so much.
01:02:36The water in Europe tastes awful.
01:02:40She's not going.
01:02:41She's not going.
01:02:42She's not going.
01:02:50She's staying.
01:02:55She's staying.
01:03:03Dark hair.
01:03:05Her height.
01:03:06European song.
01:03:24She's staying.
01:03:49She's staying.
01:04:25A beer.
01:04:32You haven't changed a bit in these two years.
01:04:34You're still the same.
01:04:37The teenager.
01:04:40Who has nothing.
01:04:55That does belong to me.
01:05:17Can I ask why you decided not to go?
01:05:24Because it's not what I want to do.
01:05:28I like what I do.
01:05:38I think Korean food is better.
01:05:54I'm sorry.
01:06:24I'm sorry.
01:06:54I'm sorry.
01:06:55I'm sorry.
01:06:56I'm sorry.
01:06:57I'm sorry.
01:06:58I'm sorry.
01:06:59I'm sorry.
01:07:00I'm sorry.
01:07:01I'm sorry.
01:07:02I'm sorry.
01:07:03I'm sorry.
01:07:04I'm sorry.
01:07:05I'm sorry.
01:07:06I'm sorry.
01:07:07I'm sorry.
01:07:08I'm sorry.
01:07:09I'm sorry.
01:07:10I'm sorry.
01:07:11I'm sorry.
01:07:12I'm sorry.
01:07:13I'm sorry.
01:07:14I'm sorry.
01:07:15I'm sorry.
01:07:16I'm sorry.
01:07:17I'm sorry.
01:07:18I'm sorry.
01:07:19I'm sorry.
01:07:20I'm sorry.
01:07:21I'm sorry.
01:07:22I'm sorry.
01:07:23I'm sorry.
01:07:24I'm sorry.
01:07:25I'm sorry.
01:07:26I'm sorry.
01:07:27I'm sorry.
01:07:28I'm sorry.
01:07:29I'm sorry.
01:07:30I'm sorry.
01:07:31I'm sorry.
01:07:32I'm sorry.
01:07:33I'm sorry.
01:07:34I'm sorry.
01:07:35I'm sorry.
01:07:36I'm sorry.
01:07:37I'm sorry.
01:07:38I'm sorry.
01:07:39I'm sorry.
01:07:40I'm sorry.
01:07:41I'm sorry.
01:07:42I'm sorry.
01:07:43I'm sorry.
01:07:44I'm sorry.
01:07:45I'm sorry.
01:07:46I'm sorry.
01:07:47I'm sorry.
01:07:48I'm sorry.
01:07:49I'm sorry.
01:07:50I'm sorry.
01:07:51I'm sorry.