Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 30

  • 2 days ago
00:01Sexy Star and Superfly, they're friends!
00:04So, this match is gonna be...
00:07Mask vs. Mask!
00:09La caceta, la caceta, la caceta!
00:12Dario's throwing centuries of tradition out the window.
00:15This is very bad luck.
00:20Sexy Star said, I am gonna get you!
00:23I have given the crew a shot at your belts.
00:26But her leg is still broken.
00:29I'm willing to flex if you wanna retain your title in a ladder match.
00:33Nothing's standing in Castro's way.
00:35The crew are going to be the Lucha...
00:37Wait a minute!
00:41Here are your winners, and still Lucha Underground Trios champions!
00:49This match is all about doing the right thing,
00:51and Sexy Star does not like bullies.
00:53She has stood up against them all her life,
00:55and she is not gonna back down.
00:57Nicely done! Sexy goes over to three!
01:02Sexy Star is victorious!
01:04And now Pentagon has to answer to his master!
01:19I'm confused. I thought you quit.
01:22I did.
01:23So why are you here? I'm a busy man.
01:27Black Lotus has come here to kill your brother.
01:30And this time, she's been trained by you-know-who.
01:35El Dragon Actica?
01:40It was your job to take care of her.
01:42The dragon got to her first.
01:44That's impossible. He wouldn't dare to step foot in this temple.
01:49He must have somebody on the inside.
01:52He's really good at breeding loyalty.
01:54In fact, he's promised to erase my debt from Mexico if I agree to protect her.
02:03And what did you say?
02:05I said yes.
02:07But don't worry. A guerrero is only truly loyal to the highest bidder.
02:17I want Black Lotus on a silver platter.
02:22So, what does that cost me?
02:34How about round-the-clock protection from Mexico?
02:46Now that we got that out of the way, why don't you tell me what you really want?
03:17Hey, everybody. It is true. This is Lucha Underground.
03:21And I would like to say thank you to those riled backs for schooling it once again.
03:25I am Vampiro. I side with my friend, my partner in crime, my teacher, my brother, Matt Stryker.
03:30That's right, Vamp. And we're all very excited,
03:32because tonight, for the first time ever here at Lucha Underground, we'll have a submission match.
03:36The only way to win is by submission.
03:38It'll feature Pentagon, the man who has been breaking arms for months against Sexy Star.
03:44And Joe, that's not all. The trios, titles will be on the line tonight.
03:47But you know what? There's so much to get through. There's too much to get through.
03:50So let's just bounce on out of here and jump into the ring. Like, right now.
04:03The following Lucha is scheduled for one fall.
04:06Introducing first, from Parkland, Washington, Jack Evans!
04:14Oh, here comes a luchador that is brash, cocky, and outspoken, though he can back it up in the ring.
04:20And that's what many people say is so frustrating about Jack Evans.
04:25Would it be safe to say that Jack Evans kind of wrote the book on a lot of what we're seeing here?
04:31Jack Evans, innovative in his style, and he really embodies the 21st century luchador.
04:37Jack's like impurity still.
04:39Of course, the term gringo used for non-Spanish or Mexican wrestlers that partake in Lucha Libre.
04:46Do you know what gringo means?
04:47Please, educate.
04:48Well, when the military was invading and defending the United States along the border, they were green.
04:54So the Mexicans would say, green-go home, green-go, green-go.
04:57There's the origin.
05:05And his opponent, from Mexico City, Mexico, Argenis!
05:15Here comes a luchador that has led with his heart and his ability as the believers in the temple rise for the return of Argenis.
05:23But no doubt about it, Argenis seemingly fully recovered from having his arm busted just a little while back by Pentagon Jr.
05:31Argenis makes his way down.
05:33This will be an exciting, fast-paced match.
05:36And Jack Evans has his training in the Hart Family Dungeon.
05:39That lends itself to Jack's mat-based abilities as well as his submission ability.
05:44How's that going to come into play?
05:45What? Hang on.
05:47Our owner, Dario Puedo.
05:49You come from a great family of luchadores, but let's face it.
05:54Nobody really cares about you.
06:00And Jack Evans, you've had one fight with us, and even though it was impressive, you still lost.
06:07So, why would I care about this match?
06:12Because Dario Cuento is going to make it interesting!
06:18Whichever one of you is able to pull out a victory will get this.
06:24One of the seven Aztec medallions, which will bring great fortune to the man who claims it.
06:32Let's do this!
06:34All these medallions that Dario holds up.
06:36Of course, Phoenix earned the first medallion in an incredible seven-way match.
06:40But after what happened last week, who knows if we'll ever see Phoenix again.
06:44These medallions that Dario references, he says that they will bring power, fame, and fortune.
06:50Vamp, your thoughts?
06:51I've also heard immortality comes along with that medallion, man.
06:56Ring the bell!
07:00Alright, we're underway now.
07:01Jack Evans and Argenis.
07:03And of course, Argenis has Lucha Libre in his blood.
07:07Three of his brothers compete currently.
07:09Currently, Mr. Seize, Argos, and Mini Murder Clown.
07:12Argenis paving the way here in Lucha Underground.
07:15Who knows who's going to follow Argenis?
07:20Jack Evans has said more than once he's the future of Lucha Libre.
07:23Man, I'm telling you, he spent years in Japan.
07:26Years in the Hard Dungeon.
07:27Years in Mexico.
07:29Jack is a seasoned warrior.
07:31Don't be fooled by that shaggy dude look he's put on tonight.
07:34Jack enjoyed success in tag team wrestling.
07:37Two-time tag team champion.
07:38Once with Extreme Tiger and once with our very own Angelico.
07:41But now Jack Evans on his own here in Lucha Underground.
07:44Brother, that was vicious.
07:49Man, you gotta agree with me, Matt.
07:52Please, for once, are you feeling that charisma and that confidence?
07:56Jack's awesome.
07:58I'm all for being comfortable in your environment.
08:01But you can't take your eyes off your opponent.
08:03Especially in Lucha Libre.
08:04It's such a fast-paced style.
08:06Where a move can be hit so quickly.
08:08And a three count can come from out of nowhere.
08:10You definitely should pay attention.
08:12Like that right there.
08:13Great powerbomb counter by Argenis.
08:17These kids.
08:18I call them kids.
08:20And with no disrespect.
08:21But every single week we're just seeing something new, man.
08:24Every week there's something different.
08:26Jack does the clothesline now.
08:29Oh, man.
08:33Look at the footprint on his lower reverse back muscle.
08:41Vamp, you might like this.
08:42I did my research.
08:43Argenis is from one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Mexico City.
08:48Have you ever wandered through the streets there?
08:50Yes, I have.
08:51And Tepito is very famous, man.
08:53You're just walking down the street.
08:55You pretty much know you're going to get robbed if you hang out there.
08:58It's past 6 o'clock at night.
09:00You come from Tepito.
09:01You're a brave boy, let me tell you.
09:03Well, the brave boy, Argenis, flat on his back.
09:05Jack Evans now.
09:06Remember what's at stake here.
09:08One of Dario Cueto's medallions that Dario has promised can lead to great fortune here in the temple.
09:16Cover here.
09:17Referee is down.
09:18Not enough.
09:21Are you serious?
09:22Jack's a pretty good sized boy, you know what I mean?
09:24He's got some size on him.
09:25That's not an easy move to pull off what he just did.
09:27And if you dissect the career of Jack Evans, we talked briefly about it starting in Canada
09:32and then it made its way to the States, then to Japan, then to Mexico.
09:35Internationally known, and those styles are evident in Jack Evans' in-ring ability.
09:40Don't forget, I toured Italy with Jack for a period of time.
09:43And he was a rock star in Europe, too.
09:48Took his eyes off the prize for a second and suffered.
09:50And now the native of Parkland, Washington, flat on the mat.
09:54Our head of set is Jack in now.
09:56Goes for the clothesline.
09:57Jack, crucifix flips over here.
09:59Nicely done.
10:00Look at this.
10:01Beautifully done into the submission hold.
10:03Wow, little Gracie jiu-jitsu there.
10:05With our submission match coming up later tonight,
10:08there's really a spotlight on all the submissions that we'll see tonight.
10:11Have you ever seen a reverse flying armbar before?
10:14What the hell was that?
10:18You know, Jack trains jiu-jitsu in Mexico City.
10:20He's a blue belt in jiu-jitsu.
10:22So you'll see some of that shining through here.
10:24No doubt about it.
10:25I know the school he trains at.
10:26I've been there for years.
10:27He also does muay thai, as you can notice in the knees he throws.
10:30That elbow to the cranium.
10:34Evans sends Argenis in now.
10:36Argenis takes a hard turnbuckle.
10:38Staggers out.
10:40Cartwheel back elbow there.
10:44I've got to say it.
10:45I said it, and I'll say it again.
10:46Jack is definitely the guy who set the standard for a lot of these submissions.
10:51Set the standard for a lot of these young kids.
10:53Jack is a predecessor to what's going on here.
10:56Jack has been doing this for years, and he's going to show it tonight.
10:59Went for the handspring again, but this time was caught in a German suplex.
11:03Now this is the opportunity that Argenis needs.
11:07Argenis now on the move.
11:09Sends Jack Evans to the floor.
11:11Well, was that a decapitation attempt?
11:14I would say so, yes.
11:17Oh, the high flying style we've come to take for granted here at Lucha Underground.
11:22That's so dangerous.
11:23You see how they just go there with their arms spread open, and they can't turn over.
11:26They've got no way of knowing when they're going to fall.
11:35Oh, Jack Evans still has some life.
11:41It doesn't have to be pretty in order to be effective.
11:43Watch out.
11:44Hang on a minute.
11:45Hang on a second.
11:46Argenis too powerful.
11:49Technics for everybody.
12:02Good Lord.
12:08Man, he just got rocked.
12:10Jack's shoulders are down.
12:11Lefty Borden is in.
12:15Why do you call him Lefty?
12:16He's everything but his right hand.
12:18Counts with his left hand.
12:20Real name is Justin Borden, but I like to give people nicknames.
12:24Jack is like out on his feet, man.
12:26This is kind of like turning a little bit vengeful, a little personal.
12:30Don't forget your focus, man.
12:32You take that medal, dude.
12:33Forget about kicking his ass.
12:34Well, let's not lose sight of what we're building to here in each and every match.
12:37The Lucha Underground Championship.
12:39Every victory brings you closer.
12:40Oh my God.
12:41His hand is closer.
12:43Look at the way he had him hooked.
12:50Oh, yeah.
12:51Jack is out, man.
12:52Eyes rolled up on his head.
12:53Arms bent behind his back.
12:54It's called a train wreck, isn't it?
12:56Jack barely kicked out, but still has some life left, whether you like him or not.
13:00Got to respect Jack Evans' fighting spirit here.
13:03Going for the backslide with the bridge.
13:05Very unique.
13:06Jack Evans is out.
13:14And now Jack Evans will receive one of the seven sacred medallions
13:20that Dario Cueto has cryptically alluded to over the past few weeks.
13:25We still don't know what those medallions signify exactly,
13:28but let's switch gears.
13:30Tonight, our huge main event,
13:32a submission match between Pentagon Jr. and Sexy Star.
13:36You'll only see it here on Lucha Underground.
13:50Hey, we got good news.
13:53Look, the Golden Warrior is always looking for a little more gold,
13:56so Mr. Cueto was generous enough to give us a trios title match tonight.
14:00All we have to do is find a third partner.
14:02How about my cousin?
14:04The Mack.
14:06You in?
14:07Hell, yeah. Why not?
14:09Ha! I'll tell you why not.
14:12Because why would they choose you for a partner when they can have me?
14:17Well, hold up, hold up now.
14:19What makes you the best man for the job?
14:27No, no, no, no, no, no.
14:28Stay out of this.
14:56Welcome to the team!
15:13I talked to Dario.
15:19He agreed to let you compete in the temple.
15:24What about Matanza?
15:26All in good time.
15:27I'll get the key, I'll free the monster,
15:30and then you can kill him in front of the world.
15:35Now get ready, because your first match is tonight.
15:38Your first match is tonight.
16:04Now, now!
17:08I am the queen!
17:10The following lucha is scheduled for one fall,
17:13and is for the Lucha Underground Trios Championship!
17:20Introducing first, the challengers,
17:23the team of the golden warrior,
17:27de la Vardavari,
17:29Big Rick,
17:31and, they call him,
17:36Well, Vamp, you alluded to it,
17:37and while many people may think
17:39that this is a hodgepodge team thrown together,
17:42it shows you that they're given a trios title match.
17:45That has to mean that Dario Cueto desperately wants to see
17:49Angelico, Iblis, and Son of Havoc
17:51lose the titles and return to their dysfunctional ways.
17:55Brother, I agree with you, man,
17:56but, you know, maybe Big Rick is working for de la Vardavari.
17:58I don't know about Cage.
17:59You know what I'm not liking here?
18:00I hate it.
18:01And that guy's just pissing me off,
18:02just the way he walks.
18:03He's coming to the ring drinking,
18:05Big Rick is smoking.
18:06I mean, I'm not feeling it,
18:08but, hey, who am I?
18:13Let me give you a little different look
18:14into the world of Lucha Libre here on Lucha Underground.
18:17De la Vardavari, we've discussed his great personal wealth.
18:22Now returning to the ring,
18:23he's acquired the services of Big Rick,
18:25and a guy like Cage just simply wants to beat people up.
18:29So, that's how these three will work together,
18:32I can only imagine.
18:33How much do you think I've got to pay Cage
18:34to hit that de la Vardavari guy?
18:37And their opponents,
18:39they are the Lucha Underground Chios champions,
18:44the team of Ivelisse, Angelico, and Son of Heaven.
18:53Now, pound for pound,
18:54with a team of Big Rick, de la Vardavari, De Lauris,
18:57and Cage are definitely the hugest guys
19:00we've got in the ring right now.
19:01They're much heavier, much bigger,
19:02much stronger than our champions
19:04who are on the way to the ring as we speak.
19:06Yeah, but one thing we've proven here at Lucha Underground,
19:08if you're joining us for the first time ever,
19:10here's an old saying,
19:11it's not the size of the fighter,
19:12but the size of the fight that he will bring.
19:14Angelico, Ivelisse, and Son of Heaven
19:17have overcome personal odds
19:19to earn professional success.
19:26Remember, Ivelisse injured her ankle
19:28in the trio's tournament finals.
19:29No, she still has a cast on,
19:31she's got the belt on,
19:32and she's got that look of a bitch on her face.
19:35So, she's back in business.
19:37And as you see, Angelico has to take Ivelisse's crutches down.
19:42Ivelisse and Son of Havoc, estranged lovers, if you will.
19:46The relationship has dissolved.
19:48It is now purely professional.
19:50And we touched upon how de la Vardavari, Cage,
19:53and Rick have not teamed together.
19:55On the contrary, Havoc, Angelico,
19:58and Ivelisse have been together for quite some time.
20:01They know each other very, very well.
20:04If you have to give the advantage,
20:06I believe it goes to the champions
20:08just based on familiarity.
20:09You're looking at three trains over there,
20:11ready to wreck hell.
20:12Come on, man, each guy here is over 260 pounds.
20:15You got one over here who's limping,
20:17so I think I'm gonna have to put my money
20:19on the team of Big Rick.
20:21Well, we touched on it in the Jack Evans match.
20:24Angelico has enjoyed great tag team success.
20:27Would you, would it be safe to say, Matt,
20:29that Angelico is definitely one of the fastest rising stars
20:34in Lucha Underground?
20:35I think his ascent has been cemented.
20:38I think Angelico has established himself
20:40as a star here in Lucha Underground.
20:42That's one great thing about this entire locker room
20:45is that anyone on any night can win a match.
20:48Here we go.
20:50Angelico's gonna use his long legs,
20:52his height, his striking ability.
20:54Cage obviously will use his power
20:56as well as Cage's unique ability to hit high-flying moves
20:59for a guy his size.
21:00Man, this is just going back and forth.
21:02Angelico is not intimidated at all by the machine.
21:08I don't know about that.
21:09Back elbow now, went for the hip toss.
21:11Intimate breaker.
21:14Cage is just looking at him like,
21:16would you stop running?
21:18Just fight?
21:23Cage taking Angelico to a neutral corner
21:25to inflict offense.
21:29Cage now sends Angelico across the ring,
21:31follows in, but is met with a back elbow.
21:34That sends Cage back to the middle of the ring
21:36and creates space.
21:37Angelico lands on his feet, ducks the clothesline.
21:44That was the over lean.
21:47Tag made there by Son of Havoc.
21:51And again, the dysfunction that we've spoken about
21:53with this team is on display.
21:59Turn around, dude.
22:03And that precious time wasted arguing,
22:06Cage took advantage.
22:08And now Delevar Davari, who made a tag,
22:10the referee is allowing this to go.
22:12Yeah, that was kind of like, the referee didn't even see that.
22:14You know, they've been here two months now
22:16since they won those titles,
22:17and they still can't get along, dude.
22:19Well, there are some that say in six-man
22:21as well as traditional tag matches,
22:23there should be two referees,
22:24one in the ring, one on the floor.
22:25But right now, there's only one referee,
22:27and he can only do so much.
22:28Back to the action now.
22:29Son of Havoc with the tilt-and-roll
22:30and scissor on the Golden Warrior.
22:39Back elbow there.
22:43Listen to her voice.
22:44Handspring, back elbow there.
22:47Leg trip.
22:48Nicely done.
22:50One, two, no!
22:57A little bit of a save there.
23:08Well, looks like Evil East wants a tag.
23:12But Son of Havoc has things well in control.
23:15Havoc on the move now.
23:16Tag made by Angelico, returning the favor.
23:21Cage tagged in.
23:29Wow, they've been going at it since day one, these two.
23:34Angelico had no choice.
23:36Nicely done there.
23:40What's he doing?
23:44The first thing that he's done that I've liked.
23:48Well, you didn't think Angelico would stay at that part of the ring
23:50and not suffer.
23:54Cage now tags in Big Rick.
23:57Evie's just like,
23:58okay, you don't want me in the ring?
24:00I'm gonna take a seat.
24:06Cover here by Big Rick.
24:10Well, they're not gonna tag her in,
24:11so she says,
24:12F this.
24:13But now this essentially makes it a three-on-two
24:15with the trio's title on the line.
24:18Can I please point something out?
24:21Getting hit by a forearm by Big Rick,
24:23I'm pretty sure it was getting like a Louisville Slugger
24:26in the face.
24:29Big knee now, now Angelico.
24:33Oh, jeez.
24:34Dire straights.
24:35That's an ass whooping.
24:43Tag in the Golden Warrior,
24:45the financier,
24:47the benefactor,
24:48Delavar Daivari.
24:50Money scoops.
24:51Very affluent Persian family
24:53here in the Los Angeles community.
24:55They own a ton of real estate.
25:00Wow, that was kind of interesting.
25:03Just threw him back.
25:04Cover here.
25:06Way to track the arm by Daivari.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:10I just can't imagine waking up to that voice.
25:14Angelico isolated in the corner.
25:17Oh, wow.
25:18Big body blows by Big Rick.
25:22I have no idea how much that hurts.
25:24It doesn't look like it's very comfortable.
25:28Rick now.
25:29It's like he may be setting Angelico up for a suplex.
25:32Power of Big Rick on display.
25:34Backs Angelico into his part of town.
25:37Needs to make room for Cage to get in after the tag.
25:39What's going on here?
25:42Well, how about that?
25:48All the blood rushing to Angelico's head.
25:50We've seen this from Cage before.
25:52Look at the legs.
25:53Look at the legs.
25:56Suplex and down goes Angelico.
26:04And it's interesting, Vamp.
26:05Every time Cage knocks Angelico down,
26:07he picks him up to inflict more punishment.
26:10Normally, you want to keep your opponent on the mat,
26:12but not in Cage's case.
26:13It may have backfired, though.
26:15It may have backfired, but Evie,
26:18she's throwing her crutches.
26:19She's bitching here and there.
26:20She's not letting her team focus.
26:21I mean, not a good tactic.
26:24Even the believers are helping Evelisse out,
26:26but back to the action in the ring.
26:28Oh, my God.
26:29Cage with a cover after the powerbomb.
26:31Is this it?
26:32Do we have new champions?
26:38Great, great conflict in styles here.
26:43Putting it out on Angelico's back.
26:45The ultimate sign of disrespect.
26:47Angelico fighting out of the powerbomb.
26:49Goes into a scoreboard.
26:51Stacked shoulders.
26:56So quick.
26:57So quick.
26:58So powerful with those kicks.
27:02Big flying knee.
27:03Cage is down.
27:04Angelico needs to realize where he is.
27:06And make a tag to Son of Havoc.
27:08You have no idea.
27:09Don't get fooled by Angelico's body size.
27:12He hit him like a catapult.
27:13Now he puts the tag to Big Rick.
27:15And Big Rick shuts Son of Havoc down.
27:17That is smart tag team wrestling.
27:20Very smart.
27:21Very, very smart.
27:28Big Rick is just...
27:29You think he's enjoying collecting that paycheck?
27:32And now the Shah of the temple,
27:33Delivar Daivari in with a big back body drop.
27:43And now Big Rick has the handheld power.
27:46She better watch out.
27:55There's Tejano.
27:57Tejano has a personal issue with Daivari.
28:06Angelico's still legal,
28:08but Son of Havoc makes the tag here.
28:13It seems like this team is trying to get
28:15from dysfunction into complete,
28:18organized chaos.
28:20Son of Havoc high.
28:21Son of Havoc.
28:22Son of Havoc.
28:23Son of Havoc.
28:24Son of Havoc.
28:25Son of Havoc.
28:26Son of Havoc.
28:27Son of Havoc.
28:28Son of Havoc.
28:29Son of Havoc.
28:30Son of Havoc.
28:37And Son of Havoc!
28:41Somehow, someway,
28:42Team Havoc continues to keep their Trios titles,
28:45but next up,
28:46first time ever,
28:47Sexy Star versus Pentagon Jr.
28:49in a submission match
28:50here in Lucha Underground.
28:52Don't go away.
29:01Don't go away.
29:12Bring her in.
29:21Delivery for me.
29:22What do you want her?
29:25I have something special in mind.
29:28I have a spot for her
29:31right across from my brother.
29:39So he never gets lonely again.
29:47Lucha! Lucha! Lucha!
29:51The following lucha
29:53is a submission match.
29:56The only way to win
29:57is to make your opponent submit.
30:01Introducing first,
30:03from Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico,
30:07Pentagon Jr.
30:13Well, the cobblestone of broken bones
30:15that lines Pentagon's path of destruction
30:19leads this luchador to this fateful night.
30:22A submission match
30:24that has to play into Pentagon's fate.
30:27No doubt about it.
30:28As we've seen,
30:29he is definitely leaving a body trail here.
30:32He's running a mission,
30:33I don't know, to his amo,
30:34to his maestro, to his boss.
30:36I don't know.
30:37He's hurting people.
30:39Think of what it means to submit,
30:41to say, I quit,
30:42to say, I have no more fight left in me.
30:45One of these luchadors here tonight
30:47will have to utter those words,
30:49and if you're a betting man,
30:51you have to throw your money on Pentagon.
30:55And his opponent,
30:58from Monterrey, Nuevo Leo, Mexico,
31:01she is Sexy Style.
31:07Well, Pentagon has gone as far
31:09as to try to break Melissa Santos' arm,
31:11so it shows you that Pentagon
31:12is an equal opportunity herder,
31:15if you will.
31:16But if there's anyone that can defy the odds,
31:19if there's anyone that can embody
31:20the fighting spirit of the temple,
31:22here she comes, Sexy Style.
31:25Matt, she has a win over Pentagon,
31:27but let me say something, man.
31:28He just pointed out
31:29that he is an equal opportunity herder.
31:32Breaking a woman's arm,
31:33that is not the way to go.
31:34That is going way too far.
31:36Well, Sexy Style is a luchador
31:38independent of gender.
31:40Folks, you don't want to go anywhere.
31:42The first ever submission match
31:44in lucha underground history
31:45comes your way in its entirety next.
32:00Welcome back to Lucha Underground,
32:02and let's hear from Pentagon.
32:08Sexy Star!
32:11Esta noche
32:14te prometo
32:16que te voy a romper
32:20porque ese
32:22será un gran sacrificio
32:25para mi maestro
32:27porque yo soy el...
32:30Sexy has to start this thing.
32:32Marty Elias rings the bell,
32:34and here we go.
32:36She has no choice.
32:38We're going to pay close attention
32:40to the body parts
32:41that are worked over throughout the match
32:43to see if we can get an inkling
32:45as to the submission.
32:46We know that Pentagon favors
32:47using an arm submission.
32:49We have no idea
32:50what Sexy Star has in her bag of tricks.
32:52Come on, man.
32:53He doesn't have an arm submission.
32:54He breaks people's arms.
32:55That's a big difference.
32:57That is called crossing the line.
32:59I don't know what Sexy is trying to prove.
33:01She's already won a hearse.
33:02She's already made her mark on the world.
33:04She does not need to do this kind of match.
33:06Putting herself in danger like this
33:08could jeopardize her career.
33:09Doesn't need to, but wants to,
33:11and there is the difference.
33:17That right there is not happening.
33:20There is no way that should be going on.
33:23I get what you're saying,
33:24but Sexy Star signed a contract
33:26and chose to be in this match.
33:29You can't have any sympathy for Sexy.
33:35But right now,
33:37Pentagon firmly in control in this submissions match.
33:42Drop toe hold now,
33:43sends Sexy down,
33:44and now Pentagon going for the arm.
33:45Here we go.
33:46We've seen Pentagon do this before.
33:48Sexy Star wise to counter now,
33:49traps the leg,
33:50gets up to a vertical base,
33:51goes for what could be
33:52a front guillotine choke hold maybe.
33:54Sexy's placement of her hands, though,
33:56does not dictate that.
33:57Using the knee now
33:58to force it against Pentagon's face.
34:02We don't know how versed Sexy is in MMA
34:04or submission catch wrestling,
34:06but she holds on well here.
34:08Yeah, but she's in deep water here,
34:09but you know what?
34:10That's why Sexy Star is loved by everybody,
34:12including myself.
34:13I am a fan,
34:14but let me tell you something.
34:15My own 14-year-old daughter
34:16looks up to her.
34:17She's an idol for so many people.
34:19It's amazing.
34:20The world is changing.
34:21So many great idols for young girls,
34:23young men and women everywhere.
34:24Ronda Rousey, Danica Patrick, Sexy Star.
34:26Pick your poison,
34:27and right now, Sexy trying to win.
34:29Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out.
34:30And now, Pentagon in control.
34:38Taking advantage, man.
34:39Again, back to the arm.
34:41Sexy rolls out of harm's way.
34:43Now, Sexy Star on the move,
34:44off the ropes.
34:45How close is Sexy can go?
34:48Step-by-step with the big boys.
34:50Sexy Star in her element here.
34:53Nicely done.
34:57Sometimes the greater the sacrifice,
34:58the greater the reward.
35:07Crazy, crazy.
35:10I don't know what Sexy's trying to prove.
35:12Pentagon seems to be favoring his left elbow.
35:15Make a note of that as the match rolls on.
35:20Vamp, you're well-versed
35:21in a lot of hand-to-hand combat.
35:23What would be the easiest,
35:24most practical submission
35:26to try to apply in this type of match?
35:28Wear them down,
35:29and when they're starting to breathe heavy,
35:30go for a choke.
35:31Could be a guillotine,
35:32could be a reverse choke, anything.
35:34Just go for a choke, man.
35:35You take the air out of it,
35:36doesn't matter how big you are,
35:37how strong you are.
35:38Once you can't breathe, it's over.
35:41You know, a lot of people in the locker room
35:42take exception to Pentagon's methods.
35:45Breaking guys' arms takes away their livelihood.
35:47Pentagon broke Superfly's arm.
35:51Sexy Star came to Superfly's aid,
35:53and that really put the entire locker room
35:56on a heightened level of awareness.
35:58No doubt about it.
35:59It's kind of like,
36:00what is going to happen next?
36:02You know what I mean?
36:03Now that you've crossed that line,
36:04it's almost like you're accepting the fact
36:06that you're going to get hurt
36:07and this could end your career.
36:09Vamp, in a lucha locker room,
36:10a victory is one thing,
36:11but taking away a guy's ability to compete,
36:14how does that resonate amongst the luchadores?
36:17Yeah, man, it's not just lucha,
36:18you know what I mean?
36:19Anytime that you purposely hurt somebody's livelihood,
36:22that is looked down upon.
36:23And in any sports culture, you know that.
36:27Right now, Sexy Star right here,
36:29out in front of us.
36:30And she's whooping his ass.
36:31Trying to soften up the head and neck of Pentagon.
36:33Back into the ring now.
36:35Referee follows.
36:36You'll notice there was no count on the outside.
36:38The only way to win this match is by submission.
36:43Yeah, definitely the fans are enjoying the match.
36:47The quality of match that we're getting to see.
36:50Nice kick there by Sexy.
36:54Here we go now.
36:55What's Sexy going for here?
36:58That's tight.
37:00I don't think Sexy's going to get a submission here,
37:02but she will wear down the neck and knees of Pentagon.
37:06She just puts her leg in and sits back
37:08and hooks him around the neck like that.
37:10You never know.
37:11She's not in the right position.
37:13Well, I don't know if it's because of her body size,
37:16or whatever it is.
37:17She should not have never let go of the neck.
37:19Pentagon simply just took a leg out of the table there
37:22and forced Sexy to collapse.
37:26Who cares, man?
37:27She's going for it.
37:34What are you doing?
37:35What are you doing, dude?
37:36Oh, boy.
37:39He's been in a trench there.
37:42Oh, my God, dude.
37:47Pentagon, with his power,
37:48shifts Sexy onto his shoulder now.
37:50What does Pentagon have in mind?
37:54Sexy was able to turn it around here.
37:57Sexy needs to lock her arms
37:58to get some sort of Fujiwara armbar on there,
38:01try to hyperextend the elbows.
38:02She's got to sit out.
38:03She's got to sit out.
38:04She's got to get up higher and sit out.
38:06Get her back off of him.
38:07You can see there's no hyperextension of the joint there,
38:10and Pentagon will not submit.
38:12And, Vamp, as this match rolls on,
38:14it's becoming obvious that Sexy Star
38:17may not have the submission prowess
38:19that she needs to have a victory in this match.
38:21I agree.
38:22Maybe she just went a little bit overboard with the eagle.
38:26Well, you brought it up before
38:27that anyone can grab a choke,
38:29and a choke can come out of nowhere,
38:31as did that kick.
38:32Oh, my God.
38:34You know what?
38:35I love Sexy Star,
38:36and I'm with the fans.
38:37Jaws open.
38:38She just got rocked.
38:40I'm sorry, dude.
38:41It's just not right, man.
38:42A kick like that will make a competitor loopy,
38:45give you jelly legs.
38:46Once you're there, your equilibrium is destroyed,
38:49and now you are a sitting duck.
38:51Pentagon, look at Sexy,
38:52scrambling, going for the ropes,
38:54trying for reprieve.
38:55Pentagon now rolling Sexy over.
38:58All the pressure on Sexy's knees and ankles here.
39:07But a Sexy Star has never given up in her life.
39:12Modification on the heel hook by Pentagon,
39:14but Sexy very close to the ropes.
39:16The ropes will force the break.
39:18If Sexy can get there.
39:21Sexy finds reprieve.
39:22She is a warrior.
39:23She has been beaten down before in her life,
39:25but every circumstance that's been thrown at her,
39:28there's no way she's going to tap out.
39:30Not like that.
39:31She can't.
39:32That's Sexy Star, bro.
39:33Again, another thrust kick.
39:37You can see Sexy favoring her left ankle.
39:46Smart, smart on Sexy Darts.
39:48Pentagon on his way out here.
39:50Pentagon out of the way.
39:51Sexy using her environment here.
39:53Wow, where's she going?
39:54Where's she going?
39:56Taking out all the stops.
39:58That's what Sexy Star does.
40:17Sexy Star showing fight.
40:26She is slugging it out.
40:28And you know something,
40:29a point we haven't made,
40:30that a submission or a concession can come
40:32if Pentagon or Sexy can't answer the referee's instructions.
40:37And Sexy's been laying in some heavy right hands
40:39and now turns it over to a single leg bust and grab.
40:42Traditional submission maneuver in Lucha Libre and pro wrestling.
40:46She's got him.
40:47It's hooked.
40:48It's a knee.
40:49No, she's got him.
40:50Sexy's got the pressure on the knee.
40:52He's going to tap.
40:53He's going to tap.
40:55Sexy Star's forearm, it's turned up.
40:57It's digging into Pentagon's calf.
40:59It's digging into Pentagon's calf muscle.
41:02Sexy switches the hold now.
41:05That's Superfly.
41:07We haven't seen him since Pentagon broke his arm.
41:15Why would Superfly attack Sexy Star?
41:18Dude, well, she took his mask.
41:20She took his livelihood.
41:23But the ref can't call for a DQ.
41:25This is a submission match.
41:27Where the hell is he?
41:30Pentagon is a coward for going after Sexy after what Superfly just did.
41:38Superfly serves Sexy Star up on a platter.
41:41This is mad.
41:42This is straight up.
41:43The package.
41:44Power driver.
41:45No way.
41:46No, no, no, no.
41:47Three up, three down driver from Pentagon.
41:51And now Pentagon is ready.
41:54Look at this unique here.
41:56This surfboard.
42:01Hear the screams of Sexy Star.
42:04Now the pressure on the head and the neck.
42:07Sexy's digging up.
42:09Here's your winner, Pentagon Jr.
42:15Pentagon Jr. showing his versatility by using a different submission hold.
42:19That is so weak.
42:21Pentagon is victorious.
42:22And now it seems that the story isn't ending yet.
42:26We've seen this before from Pentagon.
42:38Pentagon is in the ring.
43:09Vampiro seems to be conflicted.
43:13Although the cheers of the people will make Vamp's blood boil
43:17and remind him of what he used to be.
43:20The man that is Vampiro has made a different choice.
43:26As the servant was preparing for a sacrifice to the dark church of the poisoned mind,
43:32an unexpected force of light intervened.
43:36Now the question remains, what comes next?
43:40For Vampiro, I'm Matt Stryker.
43:42This has been Lucha Underground.
43:45Good night, everybody.
43:49He's hurting people and he's costing families money, man.
43:53There is no mind who won't cross.
43:54I know that all too well what he's going through is mind and it's not good.
44:01I gotta go to therapy.
44:02I got demons.
44:03I can't sleep at night.
44:04I did bad things to good people and I had to go to dark places.
44:10Something bad is coming.
