Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 33

  • 2 days ago
00:00You are going to be competing for seven Aztec medallions
00:05of the ancient tribes.
00:06Earning one will give you the chance for immortality.
00:10One fall to a finish here.
00:14Standing moonsault. He got it!
00:16Felix has won the first medallion.
00:20Don't make me call security. You don't belong here.
00:22You offered an opportunity to any man who has faced
00:27Prince Puma for the title.
00:28Let me fight!
00:31So the mighty Drago has found a loophole.
00:34You must win it.
00:35If you don't, not only will you still be banished
00:37from my temple, but you will have to leave your mask behind.
00:41So much riding on it, and Drago pulls out all the stops.
00:44Drago looking to get his revenge.
00:46He got it!
00:47He got it!
00:50Every man prays.
00:54Come on!
00:55Mil faces Drago, and the winner of that match
00:59goes on to face the champion at Ultima Lucha.
01:01Wise choice.
01:03Even the monster you hide in that cell
01:06is no match for Mel Mortis.
01:21It is what it is.
01:36Welcome once again to Lucha Underground.
01:38Of course, I am Vampiro, and of course,
01:41this is my partner in crime, my brother, Matt Stryker.
01:44Ryo backs, schooled it one more time,
01:46and hey, big news.
01:48We are coming to the last matches
01:50of the first year of Lucha Underground.
01:53It's on the horizon, and they will be decided
01:56at Ultima Lucha.
01:57That's right.
01:58Alberto El Patron directly blames Johnny Mundo
02:00for derailing Alberto's championship aspirations
02:04when Johnny slammed Alberto's face
02:07through a plate glass window.
02:08In the closing moments of last week's battle
02:11that went all night long
02:13between the Lucha Underground champion,
02:15Prince Fuma, and the challenger, Johnny Mundo,
02:17we saw the return of Alberto El Patron.
02:20We can now announce that revenge will be Alberto El Patron's
02:24as Alberto faces Johnny Mundo at Ultima Lucha.
02:28And it's about to get kicking and jumping off
02:30right now here in the temple.
02:31Let's take it to the ring.
02:38The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
02:41Currently in the ring from Monterrey, Nueva Leon, Mexico,
02:46she is Sexy Star!
02:50Heart, determination, bravery, and skill.
02:55These are just a few words used to describe Sexy Star.
02:59You forgot the most important one, beauty.
03:01Sexy Star has earned the respect of the faithful
03:05here in the temple with her in-ring work.
03:08And her opponent from Puebla, Mexico,
03:17What's the first time seeing Sexy Star
03:18back here in the temple after you, Vampira,
03:21showed such chivalry in saving Sexy Star?
03:23But another return here.
03:25Superfly's return to the ring in action.
03:28And Vamp, you had a very controversial,
03:30exclusive interview with Superfly.
03:32Let's go to it. It was earlier today.
03:38Three weeks ago, you returned to Lucha Underground
03:41and you interfered in Pentagon Jr.'s match with Sexy Star.
03:44He's going to tap.
03:46Just the hold now.
03:48That's Superfly.
03:49We haven't seen him since Pentagon broke his arm.
03:55Superfly attacks Sexy Star.
03:58Now, I thought you were coming for the man
04:02who broke your arm,
04:03but instead you came for the woman who took your mask.
04:06I got to know. Everybody wants to know why.
04:11Sexy Star stole something from me.
04:14That's why I decided to steal something from her.
04:16I wanted her to feel the same pain I felt,
04:19but unfortunately, you got involved.
04:23Now, Pentagon going for the arm. Here we go.
04:25We've seen Pentagon do this before.
04:30Vampira's in the ring!
04:33And you saved her so she wouldn't break her arm.
04:37Sexy Star didn't steal your mask.
04:39She beat you fair and square,
04:42and that was by the orders of Dario Cueto.
04:50Dude, she beat you one, two, three.
04:52It's as simple as that.
05:04Dude, let's be honest.
05:06Dude, let's be honest, man.
05:07She's already beaten you and taken your mask,
05:09so instead of worrying about what I'm doing,
05:12why don't you put your attention
05:13to where it needs to be and focus on her?
05:33Some hard-hitting, in-depth stuff, huh?
05:35Crazy, right? It's got an attitude,
05:37but I'm telling you, man, I just can't.
05:40I don't get it.
05:42I'm not into seeing somebody slugging it out with a woman,
05:44but, you know, it is Sexy Star.
05:46What can I tell you?
05:48Well, I've said it time and time again.
05:49Don't feel bad for Sexy Star.
05:50She chooses these fights, and she does quite well.
05:54Superfly now with his athleticism.
05:56Kick, Sexy Star, down now.
05:57Superfly with a big elbow.
05:59Cover here. Referee is down.
06:00Quick two-count early on.
06:02Of course, it was Sexy Star that defeated Superfly
06:05and forced Superfly to unmask.
06:07Many luchadores usually end their careers that way,
06:10but not Superfly.
06:11Now a reborn Superfly here.
06:14I pointed that out. You know, I'll use Conan as an example.
06:17I'll use many great people who have lost their masks.
06:19It's almost like a rebirth, as you said,
06:20because the people want to see who is behind that,
06:23and it's almost like a new life.
06:25It almost motivates you new because it's like a snake.
06:27You shed your skin, and you got a second shot.
06:31Going back to your interview,
06:33Superfly said he doesn't blame Pentagon
06:36for breaking his arm, trying to break his arm.
06:38He blames Sexy Star for taking his mask,
06:41and that right there was evident
06:42with Superfly attacking Sexy's mask.
06:44Well, he did get his arm broken, but, hey, man,
06:46it is what it is, and Dario Cueto gave the order.
06:48He lost. Stop being a bitch
06:50and just get on with life, brother.
06:52Great advice from Vampiro.
06:54Back to the action now.
06:58Superfly with a stomp to the hip.
07:00That'll slow down Sexy Star's speed.
07:04Whip in now, Sexy Star keeping the arm, big, hard kicks.
07:09Sexy Star with the knee lift.
07:12Sexy now, cover here.
07:14Not enough.
07:20And as if the stakes weren't high enough
07:22each and every week with so many great opportunities
07:25here in Lucha Underground, now with Ultima Lucha,
07:28all of the Lucha-dores really have to step up their game.
07:32We're gonna have a great six weeks of Lucha
07:34here in Lucha Underground.
07:38It's been a hell of a first year, my brother,
07:40and I've been nothing but proud,
07:42and thank you for teaching me and guiding me
07:44and letting me enjoy this journey with you.
07:46We're on the journey together, my friend, all of us.
07:52Sexy Star into the ropes now.
07:54Take down there by Superfly.
07:56Goes for a cup chip on his shoulder.
07:58He has been so aggressive since he's lost his mask,
08:02but hey, man, this is the wrong person to take it out on.
08:05Even though she did defeat him,
08:08it's just, he's being led by stupidity here.
08:11She's not gonna play that game.
08:12Well, I like Superfly's strategy.
08:14You know, he seems to be going high and going low.
08:16A shot to the jaw and then a shot to the hamstring.
08:19Yeah, okay.
08:20Really cutting down Sexy Star.
08:21And she's gonna do nothing to piss her off.
08:22Don't forget, she has overcome adversity all her life.
08:26Yeah, but how much adversity can one deal with?
08:29You know, one time, two times, okay,
08:31but week in and week out, Sexy has to overcome the odds.
08:34No doubt about it, but hey, man,
08:35it's not week in or week out, she's given her whole life.
08:37It's year after year, which is why she is a hero.
08:40Hang on, my straw cradle here.
08:42No, but do these constant adversities
08:44eventually take their toll?
08:45Too many miles on the car, eventually the car breaks down.
08:48It's usually in the worst part of town.
08:50Yeah, you know what?
08:50Once again, you hit it on the head, bro.
08:53Which is why, oh gosh.
08:57Accepted it and retired and left everything in the past.
08:59When your time is up, your time is up, bro.
09:01You gotta let it go and change the page.
09:03Well, the time is now for Sexy Star and Superfly
09:06and the entire Lucha Underground locker room.
09:09Sexy's got too much,
09:11it's not like she has too much to prove.
09:13She's just got too many people who believe in her.
09:16Why is that a bad thing?
09:17It's a great thing.
09:19Going back to what you said,
09:20where, how much adversity is she gonna overcome?
09:23But if Sexy's constantly trying to validate
09:27and impress those that believe in her, cover here.
09:29You know, at what point is it detrimental?
09:34She's on a mission and we one day need to see that
09:36going around her waist.
09:37There's a lot more for Sexy Star to come, I'm hoping for.
09:43Fly on the move.
09:45Sexy with a, whoa!
09:47Superfly landed on his feet but his knees buckled
09:51and that gives Sexy Star time and opportunity
09:54and that is all this young lady needs.
10:04That was extremely unorthodox and dangerous.
10:12The impact of him landing on his feet like that
10:14could break his back.
10:16Action still going on outside the ring.
10:18Courting hold now.
10:19Sexy able to reverse it into an arm drag.
10:22Passed by, Fly blocks it, hits the back elbow.
10:26That sends Sexy down.
10:27Fly gets back into the ring to break the count
10:29and the action continues.
10:30Fly limping there.
10:34Cross body block, Fly able to throw Sexy off
10:36but Sexy uses the momentum to create space.
10:38Fly in on the move now, Sexy creating space
10:41and here comes Sexy Star.
10:42Banderas onto the apron now
10:44and again, Fly having trouble putting weight
10:46on that left leg.
10:47Wow, so dangerous.
10:50That's gonna slow Superfly down.
10:53Look at the placement.
10:54Listen to the impact, those nasty kicks from Sexy Star.
10:59And now Sexy Star bringing Superfly into position.
11:07What does Sexy Star have in mind here?
11:10Stomp a mud hole on his ass for being such a dick in a match.
11:14Unique cover, not enough.
11:16Fly barely kicking out there.
11:18Referee checking on Superfly
11:20and determines that Fly can continue.
11:25Sexy ducks the clothesline.
11:26Superfly is definitely bringing it up
11:27the aggressive side and saying,
11:28ooh, that's Sexy Star.
11:31Sexy looking up for it.
11:32Nice suplex there with the bridge.
11:34Shoulders are down.
11:39And ever since the awkward landing from Superfly,
11:44it's been totally Sexy Star.
11:46Ooh, damn.
11:48You know, at one point, these two were friends
11:50and now they become even better rivals.
11:55Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.
11:57Powerbomb, holding on,
12:00going for a second one perhaps.
12:03Sit out this time, is it enough?
12:05Shoulders are down.
12:06Superfly is your winner.
12:07He is your winner, Superfly.
12:13In the back of Sexy's head,
12:14head stopped the mat.
12:15It was just enough to keep her shoulders down
12:17for three seconds.
12:18You won the match, dog.
12:20You won the match.
12:22Trying to unmask Sexy Star now.
12:24Trying to get revenge for what Sexy did
12:26and Sexy fights out.
12:34Sexy still on her feet until finally collapsing
12:38at the feet of the believers here in the temple.
12:40Ladies and gentlemen, our owner, Dario Cueto,
12:42has been offering Aztec medallions
12:45to the winners of matches.
12:46Cueto claims that earning one
12:49could afford a luchador a chance at immortality.
12:52Coming up next, five world-class luchadors enter the ring,
12:56but only one leaves with a medallion.
12:59You are not going to want to miss this.
13:01Lucha Underground is coming back next.
13:43The following lucha is scheduled for one fall
13:47and is a five-way match
13:49for one of the seven Aztec medallions.
13:53Introducing first,
13:55from Jalapa de la Cruz, Mexico,
13:59Pentagon Jr.
14:02Well, here comes the man whose dark side
14:05has been brought to light.
14:07No one is safe when Cienfuegos
14:10No one is safe when Cienfuegos, Pentagon Jr.,
14:14enters the temple.
14:16Van, do you have any comments here?
14:18I will say nothing.
14:21Of course, these medallions from Dario Cueto,
14:23two have already been earned.
14:24Jack Evans has earned one.
14:26Phoenix has earned the other,
14:27but after what we saw happen to Phoenix,
14:29we're not sure we're going to see Phoenix again.
14:34Wow. What's he doing? Let's see.
14:37This is what we talked about before,
14:38the intimidation factor.
14:41Pentagon able to intimidate lesser people with his style.
15:06Look, I'm ready, I'm prepared,
15:10and that's why I'm the only fighter
15:14who has zero fear!
15:18Zero fear! Zero fear!
15:21Master, I want to destroy the man
15:27who took the best of the sacrifices
15:31I had for you.
15:34And that's you, vampire!
15:40It was you!
15:41And now I want you to come up here
15:46and face me!
15:48Come up, bastard!
15:50Come up!
15:51Come up!
15:58This is a fight!
16:02This is a fight!
16:08This is a fight!
16:11This is a fight!
16:21Nice, Marilou!
16:23Come on, Marilou!
16:26Neymar, Aza Snorred!
16:28Watch your corner!
16:31Marilou! Marilou!
16:34Marilou! Marilou!
16:36Marilou! Marilou!
16:38Marilou! Marilou!
16:40Marilou! Marilou!
17:01More, no thank you.
17:10Let's go!
17:16All right, bud, guys, I'll tell you what, man, let's go to commercial with, uh, Pentagon exiting now.
17:30We're going to come back with a four-way match for one of Dario Cueto's Aztec medallions.
17:35Guys, let's go to commercial.
17:36All right?
17:47Good? All right. Good, right?
17:50Okay, so welcome back to Lucha Underground.
17:53Um, Pentagon has exited the temple.
17:56We now have a four-way match.
17:58Aerostar, Marty the Moth, Cage, and the Mac all for a very valuable medallion.
18:03You want to add anything here?
18:06Let's go to the ring.
18:08All right, it's going to be the aerial style of Aerostar, the unpredictability of the Mac,
18:13the insanity of Marty the Moth Martinez, and the power of Cage.
18:17One of these men will join Jack Evans and Phoenix as a holder of a sacred medallion.
18:22There's a schoolboy in the background there.
18:24One fall to a finish here.
18:26Mac and Cage trading.
18:28Aerostar and Marty the Moth Martinez.
18:31And based on the previous two winners of the medallions, Jack Evans and Phoenix,
18:35a high flyer seems to enjoy success in these type of matches.
18:39Perhaps Cage or Mac will change that.
18:43Nicely done there.
18:45And Mac showing strong fighting spirit.
18:53Brother, I'm sorry. Mac, I'm focused. I apologize.
18:56Again, everybody at home, I don't even know what to tell you.
18:59You won't apologize. A guy gets in your face, you do what you gotta do.
19:02Brother, I'm on TV, man.
19:04Let's get back to work, man, all right?
19:06The action coming right over here now.
19:08No reprieve for you.
19:10Mac fighting back on Cage.
19:12Yeah, what is going on, man?
19:14You guys, man.
19:15Seems like they got a personal beef.
19:17The wild eyes of the Mac tell you...
19:20Oh, gosh!
19:21Quite a bit.
19:22Back in the ring now.
19:23Aerostar and Marty the Moth Martinez.
19:25And if you're unfamiliar with Marty the Moth Martinez,
19:27he's petitioned for a roster spot.
19:30His first match here was against our champion, Prince Buma.
19:34So, Marty the Moth has been thrown to the fire here,
19:37and we all know that moths are attracted to this sort of thing.
19:39Well, hey, man, you know, I hate to change subjects quick like this,
19:42but being a guy who's involved in security and stuff like that
19:45and profiling weirdos,
19:47he's got all the makings of a stalker,
19:50some kind of weird dude claiming to have Aztec blood.
19:54He's just been following everybody around.
19:56He's just doing these weird things.
19:58If I was anybody in authority here,
20:00I'd watch out, dig a little deeper and see who this guy is.
20:03Oh, Marty the Moth showing that he belongs here at Lucha Underground.
20:09I thought that he was having a seizure
20:11when he was moving his arms up and down like that,
20:13but I guess he's telling everybody he can fly,
20:15and he's certainly proved it.
20:16Aztec pie.
20:18Aztec pie?
20:19What the hell is that?
20:21Aztec pride.
20:22Oh, I said pie.
20:23I said, where can I get some?
20:25Well, at least you haven't lost your sense of humor, Roy.
20:28Arrowstar hasn't lost a beat at all.
20:32The three luchadores are on the floor.
20:34Cage rolls in now,
20:36and I'm sure that the type of guy Cage is,
20:38he wouldn't mind a count-out victory here,
20:40but there will be no disqualifications or count-outs.
20:43There must be a winner.
20:44Hey, man, I'm going to disagree with you on that.
20:46Cage is not one for counting out anything.
20:48He's for knocking out.
20:49That's why he's a machine, brother.
20:51Here we go, Arrowstar and Cage.
20:53Yeah, that's what I thought.
20:55It's time.
20:58Cage's power well-documented here.
21:00Doing some bicep curls.
21:03Oh, my gosh.
21:06What the hell is that?
21:11Cage's upper body strength,
21:13as well as his lower body strength,
21:15probably perhaps the most complete physical specimen
21:17that we have in the lucha underground locker room,
21:20with respects to guys like Prince Puma and King Cuerno.
21:24But now we got the most unstable, psychotic,
21:27against the most physical.
21:31Crazy strong and crazy crazy.
21:35You know, these Aztec medallions that Dario says
21:37promise immortality,
21:39that's not just hyperbole with Dario.
21:41You have to believe that these medallions
21:43are extremely significant.
21:44Look at the way the guys are fighting.
21:47Vamp, do you have any insight on these Aztec medallions
21:49and their significance in history?
21:51I'm just, I'm sorry, man.
21:53My mind's going.
21:54I can't even.
21:55I'm like a fan.
21:56I am lost.
21:57Don't say sorry.
21:58This is like a blender of action.
21:59This is insanely cool.
22:01To complete the thought,
22:02perhaps the answers will come at Ultima Lucha.
22:04Arrow star.
22:05Yeah, dude.
22:06I mean, I'm sorry, man.
22:07I want to be with you, brother.
22:09No, not enough.
22:11But this is just the best that lucha underground has to offer,
22:14and the fans are popping like me.
22:24Big Mac has way too much girth
22:26to be whipped out of the corner by Arrowstar.
22:28Arrowstar has to soften Mac up.
22:29Mac reverses it now,
22:30sends Arrowstar the length of the ring,
22:32and now the Mac truck coming in,
22:34met with a huge forearm.
22:36And this is a huge clash of styles.
22:39Samoan drop and the kip up.
22:42If he does the elbow, I'll lose it.
22:44Samoan shot there.
22:50Get him, Mac.
22:51Get him, Mac.
22:54What do you make of this dude?
22:56Which dude?
22:57Marty the fly.
22:58The moth.
22:59Well, I mean, he came to lucha underground
23:01and was quite annoying,
23:02but he's certainly proven himself inside the ring.
23:04And personality aside, for me,
23:06it matters what you can do in the ring.
23:08I don't care about your personality.
23:09Hang on.
23:10Cover here.
23:12I don't care who your friends or enemies with.
23:14To me, it matters what you do inside the ring.
23:16I think it's a little weird, dude.
23:18Aren't we all?
23:19Well, yeah.
23:23Cage using his strength there.
23:25Plop going for yet another cover.
23:33Mac, moth, Cage.
23:37Lucha underground, brother.
23:38Only here.
23:40You can feel the ebb and flow of the fight.
23:43Mac lands on his feet, switches, kicks.
23:46And you can tell the importance of these opportunities,
23:48these medallions that Dario's offering,
23:50based on the way these guys are fighting.
23:54This is just...
23:56Marty showing agility.
23:58And some lucha libre acumen.
24:00Well done by the moth.
24:01Claims to have Aztec blood in his veins.
24:05This has been like...
24:06I mean, that hasn't been DNA verified,
24:09Well, he's missing the gene.
24:10He should be wearing a helmet, and...
24:14Just in case he falls down.
24:15Cover here.
24:17Ooh, with the bent leg hook.
24:21And the Mac is kicking out slower and slower.
24:24Perhaps the gas tank running low.
24:27But he is kicking out, man.
24:28Don't forget what's on the line here.
24:30All joking aside, serious business.
24:32Lucha underground.
24:33Coming to an end.
24:34Everybody wants to come out on top.
24:36This is a fight to the finish.
24:38Cage with a discus clothesline.
24:41Mac flattened out.
24:43Cage rolls Mac over.
24:45Cover here.
24:46Referee is down.
24:48So close!
24:52Cage from one to another.
24:53Goes right now over to Marty the Moth
24:55and tells you that Cage is a thinking man's luchador
24:58in this match.
24:59Cage is definitely impressed.
25:01If we had an MVP for this year,
25:03I would have to put it on Cage.
25:05That's just my personal opinion, though.
25:07I think the Lucha underground champion,
25:08Prince Puma, would have a gripe.
25:10I think that Sexy Star and, dare I say,
25:12even Pentagon would have a gripe.
25:14All year long, all of these luchadors
25:16have really shown quite a bit.
25:18And now the thinking machine Cage
25:20in there with Aerostar.
25:24He's trying.
25:25Dropkick staggered Cage.
25:28All right, there you go.
25:30And Cage still on his feet.
25:33Not enough.
25:34Double whip sends the big man in.
25:36Breaks the clothesline.
25:38And it's two of his own.
25:47Now Mack pulls Cage to the outside.
25:50Oh, crud.
25:54And Cage throws Mack headfirst into the ring post.
26:00And the highs and the lows,
26:01the peaks and the valleys,
26:03the bipolarity of this match
26:05is really gripping.
26:07It has everyone on the edge of their seat here.
26:12Oh, boy.
26:13Mack able to kick and get back on his feet.
26:17And Sparta!
26:18That was dope!
26:20Right onto the ring apron.
26:30And now the Mack.
26:33Big frog splash onto Cage in the outside,
26:36but in the ring.
26:38Marty the Moth Martinez and Aerostar.
26:41And Marty is going to choose to take his offense
26:44and talents to the floor, it seems.
26:47Turns his body now.
26:48Maybe the moth is going to fly.
26:52What the?
26:53Aerostar takes advantage of Marty's grandstanding.
26:57And we've seen this from Aerostar before.
26:59He questioned, how is he going to make up this distance?
27:01And Aerostar pulls things out just like this.
27:07Great ingenuity by Aerostar.
27:09The man from the cosmos.
27:12Rocket ship down.
27:14Sputnik has landed.
27:15He does it.
27:17And your winner...
27:20Splash that moth like a bug.
27:22Aerostar now joins Phoenix and Jack Evans
27:25as holders of three of the seven sacred medallions
27:29that Dario Cueto has implied will offer immortality.
27:35Ladies and gentlemen, the man from El Intramundo
27:38takes on the man from beyond the grave.
27:40The winner will earn a championship main event match
27:43at Ultima Lucha.
27:45That match is still to come, only here on Lucha Underground.
27:54Cover up.
28:05You idiot!
28:06What's wrong with you?
28:08I'm supposed to cover up.
28:09Guys, break it up.
28:11We've got to get on the same page here.
28:14We are on the same page.
28:17If you ever hit me like that again, God help me, I'll...
28:20Oh, sweetheart.
28:23God can't help you.
28:29Because sooner or later,
28:34death will come to all three of you.
28:41And there's nothing you can do about it.
29:23The following lucha is scheduled for one fall,
29:25and the winner will earn a championship match
29:28at Ultima Lucha.
29:31That's a win!
29:33I knew I could do it.
29:35You've won it!
29:37I knew I could do it.
29:39I knew I could do it!
29:41It's a win!
29:43I knew I could do it!
29:45It's a win!
29:46We won!
29:47It's a win!
29:48We won!
29:50will earn a championship match at Ultima Lucha.
29:54Introducing first, from El Inframundo, Drago.
30:00Well, two weeks ago, this exciting luchador
30:03earned the number one contendership,
30:05but the doings of Dario Cueto continue to stack the deck
30:09against this talented luchador,
30:11this time in the form of Mil Muertes.
30:13Nothing is ever as it seems with Dario Cueto,
30:17but Drago is here to fight for the greatest prize
30:20in Lucha Libre, the Lucha Underground Championship
30:23at Ultima Lucha.
30:26If he wants a shot at Prince Puma's title,
30:28he's gonna have to beat Mil Muertes.
30:33Tonight, it's death versus the dragon.
30:35Drago has overcome so many odds to return here to the temple.
30:40Wants one more.
30:41Hang on a second.
30:44Oh, that's Hernandez.
30:59With all the years that Hernandez has in this fight,
31:01he's obviously bitter,
31:03especially when he was so close to being number one contender.
31:07And I guess if he can't be number one contender,
31:09he sure as hell doesn't want Drago to have it.
31:13He is gonna take his head off.
31:20This is not the match.
31:21Drago versus Mil Muertes is tonight's main event,
31:25the winner earning a spot at Ultima Lucha,
31:27but after this attack by Hernandez,
31:31will Drago be able to compete?
31:33We'll find out.
31:34Darkness devours the temple
31:36when Lucha Underground returns.
31:38Don't go away.
31:49Welcome back to Lucha Underground.
31:51Senior official Marty Elias checking with Drago
31:53if Drago wants to compete,
31:54and you best believe Drago says yes.
31:57You could be a demon, you could be an angel,
31:59you could be a dragon.
32:00If your wing is broken and you cannot fly,
32:02it does not mean that you're not going to continue the fight.
32:04Believe me, that beating has only provoked
32:07devastation inside this man's soul.
32:09And his opponent, accompanied by Katrina,
32:15from beyond the grave,
32:18Mil Muertes!
32:22Lately, we've seen a renewed vigor
32:26and aggression in this man, Mil Muertes.
32:29Now, Mil and Drago have fought once before
32:33here in Lucha Underground.
32:34Mil Muertes was victorious,
32:36but this is a different Drago.
32:39Yeah, but this is a different Mil Muertes.
32:42As you see, Katrina leads the man of a thousand deaths
32:46down the concrete steps into the temple of war.
32:49This is definitely a different Katrina.
32:52Darker, sleeker, sexy, dangerous,
32:57and in control.
32:58That smile is like an agenda,
33:00letting us know that there is something up.
33:03Vamp, we've talked about what Drago has overcome,
33:06but in your professional opinion,
33:07can Drago overcome this?
33:09Well, I'm going to have to throw that word
33:11professional out the window,
33:12because when you're dealing with somebody
33:14who's called Mil Muertes
33:15and another guy who comes from the obscuridad,
33:18the inframundo,
33:20there's nothing professional about it.
33:22This is the clash of darkness.
33:25Is there going to be light? I don't know.
33:27Kneels upon the seal.
33:30Legend says that he gains his strength
33:32from the Aztec seal.
33:34As he clenches his fist,
33:35Mil Muertes prepares to acrobatic.
33:39The ceremonial disrobing of Mil Muertes.
33:43Every piece Mil takes off has significance.
33:45The order in which they are removed has significance.
33:49Here we go.
33:50Referee Marty Elias will call for the bell.
33:52This, our main event here on Lucha Underground.
33:55Here we go.
33:56Drago! Drago! Drago!
33:59Mil will obviously have a power advantage.
34:02Drago's going to need to use his speed.
34:04Here we go.
34:08The ring is being moved.
34:10The ring is shaking.
34:12What a beast.
34:14Mil Muertes will definitely try to keep the distance close
34:17between himself and his smaller, faster opponent.
34:19Drago uses the speed to get out of the way now
34:21and takes advantage of Mil Muertes.
34:23Waist lock now, trying to gain control.
34:26Mil way too heavy for that.
34:27Grasp Drago's hands and regains control of his own body.
34:31Mil standing switch now, trapping Drago's arm,
34:34lifting Drago, kicking the legs,
34:36staying at a vertical base here.
34:37Drago does not want to go onto the mat with Mil Muertes.
34:41Very, very smart strategy.
34:43If somebody picks you up like that from behind
34:44and kicks you in the leg so you don't go down.
34:47The modification on the sliced bread
34:49and Mil Muertes just sits up as if nothing happened.
34:55Drago on the move now.
34:57Big kick to the head.
34:59Mil still standing.
35:01Nice overhead belly-to-belly suplex by Mil Muertes now.
35:04Mil now trying to create space using speed of his own.
35:07Katrina is not even moving, not flinching.
35:09She isn't paying attention.
35:10She is in control, no doubt about it.
35:12She's kind of relaxed.
35:14Speed times mass equals force,
35:15and that's what Mil Muertes is bringing to this fight.
35:19Yeah, well, sexiness, darkness, and long black tights
35:21brings devastation to Lucha Underground,
35:25and Katrina is certainly doing that.
35:28The blood-red lips of Katrina
35:30for which unholy words are spoken.
35:37Now Mil throws Drago into the corner
35:39and starts to beat the life out of Drago.
35:43An attempt at decapitation there.
35:46Mil is on a mission.
35:48Of course, Mil Muertes' goal since day one
35:51has been the Lucha Underground championship,
35:53and whatever souls may be watching,
35:56and whatever souls Mil has to collect on his path,
36:00it doesn't bother Mil at all.
36:02What kind of demons are inside his head?
36:04Well, we've talked about the origin and lineage
36:06of Mil Muertes, what he endured as a child,
36:08being abandoned and all those things,
36:10and that yields this dark psyche that we see here.
36:13But how much does she have to do with that?
36:15That question is something that we try to answer
36:17each and every week, but back to the action now.
36:20Drago with a stuff kick, bends Mil over.
36:22Kick makes Mil stand back up straight.
36:24Drago now on the move.
36:26What's he going for here?
36:27Looks like he was going for a tilt-a-whirl.
36:28Lands on his feet here.
36:29Shoved by Mil Muertes to create some space.
36:31Drago now taking advantage of the space created here.
36:34Head scissors sends Mil into the corner.
36:39Like that polar thrust right there.
36:46I'm sorry, Matt. That wasn't a spear.
36:48That was a train hitting a Volkswagen.
36:51Get the garbage!
36:53Get the garbage!
36:56Get the garbage!
36:58Of course, both of these men competing
37:00for an opportunity to face
37:01our current Lucha Underground champion,
37:03Prince Puma, Ultimo Lucha.
37:05Puma has held the championship with successful defenses
37:07since Aztec Warfare.
37:09Cover here.
37:11As dark as Drago has come back.
37:13New colors, new attitude.
37:15Do you think that Mil is trying to send a message
37:18that he is the one who controls the underworld?
37:20I'm not so sure about the messages in Mil's mind,
37:23but the obvious message that Mil is sending,
37:25hang on, cover here,
37:27is that Mil wants to be Lucha Underground champion.
37:30All the power and prestige and glory
37:32that come with that title
37:33that are currently sitting around the waist of Puma
37:36and sitting in the wallet of Conan,
37:38that is what Muertes and Katrina want.
37:40No doubt about it, but you know, Drago,
37:42he's dying to get another shot
37:44because he feels that Hernandez cost him that
37:46against Prince Puma.
37:47He wants another go.
37:49He wants another go. Don't be fooled.
37:51In spite of Hernandez trying to jump Drago before the match,
37:54Drago seems to have really battled back
37:56and shown resiliency, and that heart, that pride,
37:59that determination is what makes the believers
38:01here in the temple love this man, Drago.
38:04Here we go.
38:05Nicely done.
38:07Big height, big distance, big power, big drop.
38:11But like a man coming back from the dead,
38:15Mil Muertes just sits up.
38:17Crowd chanting,
38:19Drago, Drago, Drago, Drago, Drago!
38:25Kneeled back to his feet now.
38:34Watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out!
38:36Second here.
38:39Crowd chanting,
38:41Drago, Drago, Drago, Drago!
38:46Brother, he is just beating the shit out of the building
38:49and a dragon.
38:50No disqualifications, no count-outs.
38:52There must be a winner.
38:54Crowd chanting,
38:56Drago, Drago, Drago, Drago!
38:57See, it's not me.
38:58Don't censor that.
38:59It's the audience.
39:00They are saying, what is this that we are seeing?
39:02It's a beating from the other side of the darkness.
39:06Great shot there by an overhead camera.
39:09Well, if he thought he was unstoppable before,
39:11since his comeback, he is a wrecking ball.
39:13He is a machine of destruction.
39:15And how about this, though?
39:17Drago crawling from the remains,
39:19pulling himself up from the shrapnel,
39:22and Mil Muertes does not allow Drago to get to his belt.
39:25He just smeared him so hard
39:27that the walls of the temple are shook.
39:29Well, I think Mille understands
39:31that Drago has this never-say-die attitude
39:33akin to what Phoenix had,
39:35and we all know what Mille did to Phoenix.
39:37Yeah, well, Drago,
39:40Drago's got his whole life on the line, man.
39:42If he doesn't come through, he's done,
39:43and Mille Muertes just wants to destroy everything.
39:47I'm loving it, I'm loving it, I'm loving it.
39:49Back into the ring, Mille Muertes absorbing the energy
39:52of his surroundings and the slick, sly smile of Katrina.
39:56We want Davos!
40:00Now Mille Muertes controlling the head and throat
40:03of his opponent.
40:04Backs Drago into a corner and keeps the space very close.
40:08This is conducive to strikes.
40:10Look at the look on her face.
40:13She can almost taste that Aztec gold.
40:17Back out onto the floor now.
40:25Guys, we'll try to stay with you as best as we can.
40:28Mille Muertes is over here at our broadcast table,
40:30trying to use the table as a weapon.
40:35Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
40:39Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
40:43Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
40:47Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
40:51And again, Mille kneeling on the seal.
40:55Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
40:59Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
41:03Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes, Mille Muertes!
41:06Just as we try to get settled back here
41:08at our broadcast position,
41:11Mille sends Drago's carcass into the ring,
41:14and listen to the believers come for Drago.
41:17Drago, Drago, Drago!
41:21We'll get Vampiro back on headset in a minute here.
41:24Drago, Drago, Drago!
41:27You back on? You back on?
41:29Yeah, yeah, but, I mean, where's our dudes, man?
41:31All right.
41:32Back to the action now.
41:34Drago now.
41:37With a revitalized energy here.
41:39Springboard DDT.
41:41Muertes is down. Drago is down.
41:43This is the opportunity that Drago needs.
41:46A championship match is on the line.
41:49Mille Muertes pulls himself up.
41:51Drago still flat on the mat.
41:53Drago beginning to stir now.
41:55One of these luchadores will go on
41:57to main event Ultima Lucha.
41:59Which one will it be?
42:00Both men back to their feet now.
42:02Drago on the move.
42:05Roll through.
42:06We've seen Drago use this before.
42:08The dragon's lair.
42:10The whip of the tail.
42:11Great reversal from Mille Muertes.
42:13I'm sorry, Matt.
42:14I'm back on the air here.
42:15They busted up everything.
42:16People want to fight me all night long.
42:18I'm in the midst of this,
42:19and then Mille's just stomping a new mud hole,
42:21and Drago is crazy.
42:23As Katrina raises the stone high,
42:25Mille Muertes goes back on the offensive.
42:28What a way...
42:31to set things up for the end of the year.
42:34Big right hand here now.
42:37Captured by Mille Muertes.
42:39Goes Mille out of line.
42:40Ooh, flat liner there.
42:42Mille's used this to win many, many matches.
42:45And another one!
42:47Here's your winner,
42:50Mille Muertes!
42:54Mille Muertes is on the mat.
42:57Mille Muertes is on his way
42:59to Ultima Lucha,
43:01and can anything stop the man of a thousand deaths?
43:04Mille Muertes!
43:06Mille Muertes!
43:08Mille Muertes!
43:10Mille Muertes!
43:12And now, if we see this scene at Ultima Lucha,
43:15it will mean that we have a new champion.
43:17The lick of death
43:19from the lovely, seductive Katrina
43:22signifies victory for Mille Muertes.
43:26Come on!
43:48Every match, every win, every loss
43:50since the start of Lucha Underground
43:52has built to this.
43:53The main event for Ultima Lucha has been set.
43:56Now, many have called Lucha Underground champion
43:58Prince Puma death-defying.
44:00Come Ultima Lucha,
44:02Puma may have to do just that,
44:04as the creeper, the mortal maker,
44:06the man of a thousand deaths,
44:08Mille Muertes, is coming for the Aztec gold.
44:23Subs by
