Lucha Underground Season 1 Episode 25

  • 2 days ago
00:00You better find a way to work together because I am making you a trios team.
00:05I want this trio status to be a very important part of my team.
00:08The unlikely trio advance to the finals.
00:11There's one more team in the tournament and will be no disqualification.
00:18Ben Helico, Ivelisse, and Son of Havoc are fighting with every fiber in sight.
00:26What the hell was that?
00:27This team has not worked together in three months, but tonight is different!
00:32Here's your first Lucha Underground Trios champion!
00:39I remember the first time we spoke. You impressed me that night.
00:42But tonight, it's a whole different story.
00:44Will Aerostars lead the dragon and earn my unique opportunity?
00:49Or will it be Drago?
00:50Ring the bell!
00:53This is the biggest match in both of these luchadores' careers,
00:56in their fifth match of a best-of-five series.
00:59We've seen this before. The Dragon Slayer, the Tale of the Dragon 2.
01:03Drago wins! Drago wins!
01:05For this unique opportunity, I'm gonna give you a shot for the Lucha Underground Championship.
01:11But if you don't win, you will be banned from my temple forever!
01:35Boys, you know what a layup is?
01:40A layup is something that should be very easy.
01:43A gimme, if you will.
01:46A layup is what I gave you last week,
01:49when I handed you the trio's title on a silver platter,
01:54but you couldn't even beat two losers and one girl with one leg.
01:57A team that hates each other and has just suffered the beating of a lifetime,
02:01and yet you couldn't get the job done!
02:06It's time I give you some real motivation.
02:10Go ahead.
02:36Allow me to introduce you to...
02:42my brother.
02:44He's not nearly as patient or forgiving as I am.
02:48Disappoint me again, and you can apologize in there.
02:57To him.
03:24Hello, everybody, and welcome to Lucha Underground.
03:26I'm Matt Streitner, alongside Vampiro.
03:28A very special thanks to our musical guest tonight,
03:31Sergio Mendoza y la Orquesta.
03:33And Vamp, tonight is about a very unique championship opportunity for Drago,
03:39who seems to be torn on what should be the happiest day of his life.
03:42Man, Drago has got to fight for his life.
03:45There is no option, there is no tomorrow.
03:47If he does not become the Lucha Underground champion,
03:50he is banished for life from the temple, Matt.
03:53All of this comes your way tonight.
03:55It's our main event. Let's kick things off.
03:57Let's go to the ring with the lovely Melissa Sanchez.
04:03The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
04:06Currently in the ring, from Mexico City, Mexico...
04:15Over the duration of Lucha Underground,
04:17Phoenix has earned the ovation of the believers in the temple,
04:21with wins over names like Mil Muertes,
04:23as well as an inspired performance in Aztec Warfare
04:27that yielded our first champion, Prince Fuma,
04:29whom we'll see later tonight.
04:31And his opponent, from Tacoma, Washington...
04:39Here comes a luchador that we are still getting to know.
04:42Introduced to us several weeks ago,
04:44alongside his partners Big Rick and The Mac,
04:47now our first look at Killshot in singles action.
04:50Tell by the movements and the poise of Killshot
04:53that he is a very cerebral, stealth-like luchador,
04:58and of course the name Killshot implies accuracy and finality.
05:01It does, and that bullet thing on his brain,
05:03I'm not sure what that's all about.
05:05Killshot stands on the seal.
05:07For those of you joining us for the first time,
05:09that Aztec seal in the middle of the ring
05:11carries great importance to the history of Lucha Libre.
05:14Brother, he's got those tattoos on his stomach,
05:16he's got the MMA-looking shorts, he's got the bullet on his head.
05:19Talking about Killshot, who impressed us tremendously
05:22through the duration of the trios tournament,
05:24and it says a lot about Killshot and all the luchadors
05:27to be able to go from trios to singles to tag team,
05:30very versatile roster here in Lucha Underground.
05:33We know from watching Phoenix that he enjoys a speed
05:36and athletic advantage over most of his opponents.
05:39Killshot has shown us some hints of that,
05:42and it looks like Killshot may have a height advantage.
05:44We'll see how that comes into play.
05:46But it's definitely showing that Phoenix
05:48is a lot more comfortable here in the temple,
05:51a lot more quick, a lot more educated in his moves, let's say.
05:55Great reversal there.
05:57Looking fresh in that sweet get-up that he's gone on.
06:00You can feel that the pace of this match,
06:02it's almost like these two race cars are just revving their engines.
06:05Both luchadors have respect for one another.
06:07They're unfamiliar with one another,
06:09but as soon as that familiarity comes into play,
06:11we're going to see some lucha.
06:12Here we go now, Phoenix on the move using the ropes.
06:14Dropped down by Killshot, forces Phoenix to jump over.
06:16Link front to get out of the way.
06:18Now Killshot on the move.
06:19Phoenix with a drop kick right there.
06:21Killshot onto the floor.
06:23We've come to learn there is no reprieve.
06:25Phoenix now well in his element. No!
06:28Phoenix is so close.
06:30Oh, nicely done. Great!
06:33Welcome to Lucha Underground, Killshot.
06:38It's almost like Phoenix has matured
06:41after that series of brutality that he went through with Rio Muertes.
06:45Would you agree?
06:46He's definitely not the nervous kid that we saw at the beginning.
06:49Sometimes nerves can get the best of you, of course.
06:51This is the first time these luchadors have ever met inside the ring,
06:55so of course they're going to be a little apprehensive.
06:57There's going to be respect,
06:58but you have to take chances to make it in this sport.
07:01Killshot now.
07:03There you go!
07:05Matt, I said it before, and I got to give love and props to my boy.
07:09Rest in peace, Hector Darzon. Brings back memories.
07:12Of course, many of these moves were made famous by great luchadors,
07:15and there's also a lot of moves that are being innovative on the fly,
07:19moves we've never seen before.
07:20I wanted to ask you that, man. You've been in the ring, bro.
07:22Do you think that these guys are just so adrenaline-fueled
07:25that it is what it is at the time?
07:27I think it says a lot about the state of wrestling,
07:29the state of lucha.
07:30Every wrestler is evolving to be the best,
07:32and it's no different here in lucha underground.
07:35Wow. Oh, my God.
07:36Went for the kick, but Killshot was quick enough to get out of the way.
07:47You know what that's called?
07:48That's just a straight-up pinch slap.
07:50There's no other way to put it, man. I'm sorry.
07:52Reminds me of the Japanese strong style that is very popular.
07:55Went for the DDT. Caught.
07:57And now this may turn into a choke here as Killshot switches the arms there.
08:01Nicely done.
08:09Everybody's got the Japanese logos, Japanese kick pads,
08:13Japanese this, Japanese that in lucha underground.
08:16That's so fresh.
08:17Well, of course, we pay homage to all the great styles,
08:19the Japanese style, the Jalibre style of the world,
08:21the sport style, the American style.
08:23Call it what you will.
08:24It's wrestling any way you look at it.
08:26It's what we bring you each and every week.
08:28Phoenix seems to be liking this.
08:29It's almost somebody who's his equivalent in size and style, would you say?
08:33He's kind of maybe wrestling this kind of match.
08:38Killshot able to switch his hips.
08:41Rolls now. Caught him in the cutter. Beautifully done.
08:44But does Killshot have enough to go for the cover?
08:47He's got to go for the cover, man.
08:50We all know who Phoenix is, and if you don't take advantage of this,
08:53Phoenix will always rise from the dead.
08:56He'll bring up a great point.
08:58The whole wrestling world, the whole lucha world knows who Phoenix is.
09:01But with a victory here, Killshot can make his name in everyone's mouth as well.
09:15Back to the action now. Killshot and Phoenix.
09:17Killshot on the ropes here. Phoenix comes running.
09:19Passed by by Killshot. Looks like he's catching, going for it.
09:22A lung blower. Beautifully done.
09:24Cover here. Is it enough? Two? No!
09:27Abra mas accion! Just close enough, but still not enough.
09:31That was very impressive, but once again, Phoenix will not quit.
09:35Mil Muertes took this kid to the brink of death,
09:38but it's going to take a little bit more than that from Killshot.
09:42Keep your eyes on Phoenix now.
09:44Let's not lose sight of the fact that every win puts you one step closer
09:48to the lucha underground title opportunity.
09:50That's what Drago has tonight,
09:52and each and every one of these luchadores are fighting for just that,
09:55to become champions.
09:57It's going to take a little bit more than that from Killshot.
10:00It's going to take a little bit more than that from Killshot.
10:03It's going to take a little bit more than that from Killshot.
10:06It's going to take a little bit more than that from Killshot.
10:09Each and every one of these luchadores are fighting for just that,
10:11to become champions.
10:13Am I the only one who noticed that he just got his head kicked off his body?
10:16Back and forth, this match has gone with no real advantage to either luchador,
10:20and again, it may be cliche, but the first mistake is going to yield a victor here.
10:25Ooh, that may be it right there!
10:28Wow, kicked him right in the pussy.
10:35Killshot becoming very familiar with his surroundings,
10:38athleticism, internationally renowned.
10:41Ooh, spinning backfist, Killshot still on his feet.
10:46Oh, man.
10:49I thought that was it.
10:51That's his call, good night, Irene, but nobody's going to sleep!
10:55You think this is getting a little personal here?
10:57Well, you can see how these luchadores are taking advantage of their opponents' placements and mistakes.
11:03And I think every match is personal at some point.
11:08Oh, fire driver, Phoenix has used this to win many matches.
11:12Is there another? Yes!
11:15And your winner, Phoenix!
11:20Well, this is the first time we are seeing the high flying Killshot in singles action.
11:24He made quite the impression in the trios tournament,
11:27taking on one of our hottest stars here tonight, Phoenix.
11:30Killshot was still impressive, but Phoenix is victorious.
11:35Still to come tonight, The Machine Called Cage and King Cuervo both think Hernandez screwed them
11:40in their bid to become the Lucha Underground champion.
11:42But tonight, they'll get their chance at revenge.
11:45Those three will compete in a three-way match. Stick around.
11:53Drago, I knew I'd find you here.
12:00You know something, Drago?
12:03You never said thank you to me.
12:07I have given you the opportunity of a lifetime.
12:10A chance to win the Lucha Underground title.
12:13And from what I know about dragons, there's no greater prize than gold.
12:20I know you're upset about the stipulation, but it's tailor-made for you.
12:25For a millennia, your spirit has refused to die.
12:28Drago, you have survived time and time again, while your kind have gone extinct.
12:36I have no reason to believe you won't survive tonight.
12:39So you don't have to thank me.
12:42But I have a feeling, after tonight, you will.
12:59I know what you're thinking.
13:02You're having second thoughts about ending a man's career.
13:09Well, I'm here to tell you.
13:12Sending Drago away is a small price to pay to keep Drago alive.
13:17And I'm not going to let you do that.
13:20I'm not going to let you do that.
13:23I'm not going to let you do that.
13:26It's a small price to pay to keep that title.
13:29Weak men worry about the feelings of their foes.
13:32Warriors think of nothing but victory.
13:39And only a warrior deserves to be my champion.
13:56You have a problem, bro?
13:58I was just worried that your boy Puma...
14:00I don't care about Puma.
14:02I want to know why you're going to throw me a match tonight.
14:05Both Cage and Cuerno have a legitimate gripe with you.
14:09Each one feels you cost them the chance to be champion.
14:12So you're going to let them jump me two-on-one?
14:15Well, how about this?
14:19What if I give them each a singular motivation in tonight's match?
14:24Let's face it.
14:25Since you're the only reason why Prince Puma is still champion,
14:29you have a claim for the title, too.
14:32So let's make your three-way...
14:36a lucha to determine the number one contender.
14:44I like the way you think.
14:55The following lucha is scheduled for one fall
14:59and is a four-way match.
15:03Introducing first, from Hollywood, California,
15:08Famous B!
15:11Hey, Ricky, I'm back, baby.
15:14I had a minor setback, but I'm still getting here.
15:17And from Venice Beach, California,
15:21From Venice Beach, California,
15:24Ricky Mandel.
15:31And from Argrigento, Sicily,
15:35Vinny Massaro.
15:42And from Mexico City, Mexico,
15:49These four luchadores have one major thing in common.
15:52They were all victims of Pentagon Jr. and had their arms broken.
15:55Now they're back, seem to be healed,
15:57and Dario Cueto has matched them up against each other.
16:00Well, based on the severity of all four luchadores' injuries,
16:03it's safe to assume they're all still recovering,
16:05but Dario Cueto's money is a great incentive to healing.
16:13All of them, of course, suffering right arm injuries.
16:16What the hell is going on?
16:18That's Tejano. Whoa!
16:21That's just a blue-collar brawler, Tejano.
16:30Wow. Cleaning house. There goes Ricky Mandel.
16:33Boom! By the bagel.
16:35Tejano has had some beefs here in lucha underground,
16:38and I guess the way Tejano handles his beefs is to dance with.
16:42Hey, why not? Throw the referee.
16:44What the hell? Look at the trash.
16:46Now he's taking the smile on Tejano's face.
16:53Tejano's making some sort of statement here.
16:56There has to be some type of motivation.
16:59He just annihilated everybody.
17:17Pero quieren pelear con el Tejano.
17:19Yo te invito a que vengas al templo.
17:24I will give you the beating of your life!
17:28Yes! Oh, damn!
17:40Cueto, Cueto. Miss Cueto, Miss Cueto.
17:43I've been camping out here for a week.
17:45Just to see you. And maybe Prince Puma.
17:48Dude, that guy's awesome.
17:49Sorry, no time for autographs.
17:51I'm not here for an autograph.
17:52Well, if you want tickets, you have to request them online.
17:54I don't want to watch the show.
17:56I want to be part of the show.
17:58Hold on.
18:00My name is Marty the Moth Martinez.
18:05And I have Aztec...
18:07Hey, I have Aztec blood running through my veins.
18:09The moth, is it?
18:11Yeah. The moth is my spirit animal.
18:13And this temple, my destiny.
18:16Look, this temple is open to anybody.
18:20But I'm sorry, if I let you compete,
18:23I think you would just get squashed like...
18:26Like a moth.
18:28But thanks for being a fan.
18:31Cueto, seriously. Cueto.
18:33I have to call you back. I have to call security to get this crazy fan out of the temple.
18:36I can't believe people.
18:44The following lucha is scheduled for one fall.
18:47And is a three-way match
18:50to determine the number one contender
18:53for the Lucha Underground Championship.
18:57Introducing first,
19:00from the highlands of Guerrero, Mexico,
19:04Quique Cueto.
19:08Berno has had championship opportunities.
19:11Would love to get back to the big match.
19:14And from the 559,
19:18they call him Cage.
19:22When Cage arrived here at Lucha Underground,
19:24he called out the champion, Prince Puma.
19:27This is another luchador that would love nothing more
19:29than an opportunity to be champion.
19:31And from Houston, Texas,
19:34The newly signed international superstar Hernandez
19:37is here and setting his sights on gold.
19:40Hernandez has helped Prince Puma defend his title against King Cueto
19:43and the machine called Cage.
19:45Both blame Hernandez and want some revenge.
19:47But that doesn't matter because this match here
19:49is a triple threat match.
19:51The winner gets a title shot, Matt.
19:53And of course, all of these men know
19:55to become number one contender
19:57gives you a shot at the championship.
19:59And the winner gets a title shot.
20:01That's what it's all about for these guys.
20:03And here we go.
20:04Maddy, this is the first time we're going to see
20:06Hernandez in a singles match, by the way,
20:08here at Lucha Underground.
20:10You'll see that Cage and Hernandez
20:13should vie for the power advantage in this match,
20:16whereas Cuerno will clearly have the speed.
20:18But let's not forget, we've seen Cage
20:20pull out some very interesting athletic moves
20:22for a man his size.
20:24No doubt about it.
20:25And we're going to...
20:27You got to remember,
20:28Everybody here wants one thing.
20:30There's no friends in this ring.
20:31Someone's going to get hurt.
20:32They're big guys, a lot of experience.
20:34They're pissed off at each other.
20:36It's going to be interesting.
20:38Hernandez down now.
20:39Cage with the athleticism.
20:41That's so impressive.
20:42Here we go, here we go, here we go.
20:44Opting not to go for a cover,
20:46letting Cuerno inflict some damage.
20:48Cover here, but Cage realized.
20:50Oh, nicely done.
20:51Into a pin.
20:53Remember, the first fall will yield the win.
20:55Matt, let me ask you something, man.
20:56What's up?
20:57Hernandez and Conan are good friends.
20:59If Hernandez pulls this off...
21:00Hang on a second.
21:01Schoolboy here, shoulders down.
21:03Hang on.
21:06No, la lucha continua.
21:07I'm sorry.
21:08Go ahead.
21:09If Hernandez pulls this off,
21:10what kind of position does that leave Conan in?
21:12It's a good question, but it remains to be seen.
21:15Back to the action now.
21:16Cuerno's speed against Cage's power
21:18over the shoulder of Hernandez.
21:20That was a straight-up interesting shot
21:22to the mug right there.
21:23I like that.
21:24Strategy there.
21:25Kick the leg before you whip the big man off.
21:27It increases your chances of moving Cage.
21:32Is Hernandez recouping,
21:33or is he letting these two go at it?
21:35We're gonna find out together.
21:41How quickly can these two recuperate?
21:43As soon as Hernandez comes in,
21:44it's like they're thinking on the same wavelength
21:46right off the bat.
21:47Well, it says a lot about the threat that Hernandez poses,
21:50and Cuerno and Cage both realize it,
21:52but there are no threats, like you said.
21:54Nice German suplex there.
21:57Still not enough.
21:58He threw Cuerno across the ring.
22:00What does he have next in mind for King Cuerno?
22:03Nothing nice.
22:04We've seen Cuerno in Cage matches, title matches.
22:06Cuerno is poised and has a great opportunity here.
22:10Oh, that was a kick to the lower abdomen.
22:15Hernandez firing up.
22:18Now, while this may be the first time
22:20the Lucha Underground fans are seeing Hernandez
22:22here in the temple,
22:23his reputation as an international superstar
22:25absolutely precedes him,
22:26and that has to be why Dario Cueto
22:28put Hernandez in this match
22:29so early in Hernandez' Lucha Underground contract.
22:34The only bad thing about Hernandez
22:37is that he's friends with Conan.
22:38That's probably the only negative thing against him.
22:41The first time seeing Hernandez in singles action.
22:44Brother, he's a big guy.
22:46If he gets pissed off and he chops him back...
22:48Oh! I told you.
22:52And the charisma and appeal of Hernandez.
22:56Brother, he's got to go for the win, man.
22:58He wants to get that title shot.
23:00Oh, nice!
23:01You know, listen, when Cage first came on the scene,
23:03I'll admit I didn't like him,
23:04but week in and week out,
23:05the kid is really impressing me
23:06with what he can do in the ring,
23:07and that's really what it's all about, man.
23:09Personalities aside,
23:10it's about if you get the job done.
23:13Exactly, man.
23:14When he came on the scene, I didn't like him,
23:15and guess what?
23:16I don't like him now.
23:17Listen, you never know, man.
23:18A lot of these guys that you see
23:19walking around all jacked up and stuff,
23:20there has to be something that triggered them
23:22at a young age to get that way.
23:24It may be insecurity.
23:25I think he was born that big, Matt.
23:27Cage and Cuerno are working together here,
23:29but, Vamp, at what point do they start
23:30to go at it with each other?
23:31Right now.
23:33It's heating up.
23:34Cuerno doesn't back down for too many things,
23:36and if you start getting in his face,
23:37he's got to take them back steps.
23:38You know what that means in the street, Matty.
23:40You're going to get knocked the F out.
23:43Discus clothesline.
23:45Big boot now,
23:46and Hernandez finally getting some sort of offense,
23:48but arguably the smartest guy in the ring,
23:50Cuerno, was ready.
23:52Hang on a second here.
23:54Oh, wow!
23:57Intestine buster,
23:58and Hernandez's face tells a great story.
24:01Is that what it's called?
24:02It is what it's called now.
24:03Oh, my God.
24:06Here we go.
24:07Slug it out, brother.
24:08Slug it out.
24:09Let's see.
24:10I want to see this.
24:12What the hell is that?
24:15My father is here!
24:19Did he just call himself a moth?
24:22I got two words.
24:23Go away.
24:32Are you kidding me?
24:34Yeah, I mean, this guy's clearly unstable.
24:36Let's get the camera off him and back to the match.
24:41Well, the distraction gave Hernandez the opportunity
24:44to free himself of cage,
24:45and now Hernandez has isolated
24:47the smallest member of this match,
24:49albeit the most athletic, King Cuerno.
24:52Shoulders are down.
24:53Referee floats over.
24:54Two, three.
24:55Hernandez is the number one contender!
24:58Here's your winner, Hernandez!
25:05Conan is sitting there,
25:06and his small brain is on override,
25:09and you know he's evil and dirty,
25:11and he's got an agenda,
25:12and he's got no corner to hide in now.
25:14Still to come, our main event.
25:16Prince Puma defends
25:17his Lucha Underground Aztec Gold Championship
25:20against Drago.
25:21If Drago does not win the championship,
25:24Drago will be banished from the temple.
25:31Hey, everybody, this is Vampiro at the temple
25:33in Boyle Heights, Lucha Underground, ringside.
25:36Thank you very much for riding with us
25:38on the El Rey Network.
25:41I'm gonna introduce to you now
25:43the first-ever Lucha Underground Trios champions,
25:51my homeboy, Son of Havoc.
25:56Please tell us how it feels to be champions.
25:59It feels great to be Trios champions.
26:02I mean, no one thought we could do it.
26:04Cover here!
26:05One, two, three!
26:08But once I stepped up as team captain
26:12and told them what to do...
26:14Look at Ivalice pointing to the corners.
26:16We finally got on the same page.
26:18Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
26:19Team captain?
26:21If anyone is the team captain, it's me.
26:25I single-handedly advanced us in the tournament.
26:28There it is!
26:29Son of Havoc!
26:30Referee down!
26:32Hold on a second.
26:33The only reason we have these titles
26:35is because of my death-defying leap from the office
26:39all the way into the ring.
26:41He won't shut up about his big leap.
26:44It's a crossbody,
26:46the most basic move in wrestling.
26:48Basic move.
26:49It was the crossbody.
26:50I mean, I thought it was pretty cool.
26:52No one asked you.
26:54Okay, okay, okay, okay.
26:56So, does this title win
26:57mean anything better between the three of you?
27:00Well, let me say this.
27:02Winning the titles was definitely a career highlight.
27:05Angelico, Son of Havoc, and Ivelisse
27:08are the first-ever Lucha Underground Trios champions.
27:13But outside the ring, he hasn't got any better.
27:17You spoiled Dario Cueto's plans
27:19for his boys to walk out with the belts that night.
27:21Now, the crew is gonna want another opportunity.
27:24Big question, because I see a cast.
27:27Evie, can you even go?
27:29Ivelisse alone in the ring.
27:31When it's my time to fight, I'll fight.
27:34Me, too.
27:35The three of us might not like each other,
27:37but we fight together.
27:39I was just gonna say that.
27:41You weren't.
27:42Yes, I was.
27:43That's how you always are.
27:44No one is talking to you.
27:45Why do you always have to get in it?
27:47Hey, I'm gonna try to wrap it up.
27:48Shut up!
27:49What's your problem?
27:50Ivelisse, this is for TV.
27:52This is Vampiro here, Boyle Heights,
27:54Lucha Underground, the temple ringside.
27:56See you next time.
27:57If you listen to me, things will go.
27:59Shut up!
28:01Man, I don't know how those dudes deal with her.
28:03Forget them.
28:04Back to business, Matt.
28:05Now is the time.
28:06Drago has a championship match
28:08against the only luchador to ever hold
28:10the Lucha Underground title, Prince Puma,
28:12but if Drago cannot win the championship,
28:15Drago is gone.
28:16Man, this one is way too close to call, Matt.
28:19Drago has showed us time and time again,
28:21like in his best-of-five series,
28:23you cannot count him out ever.
28:26That's right.
28:27Drago came from behind to win the best-of-five series
28:29and earn this unique opportunity,
28:31but it's with a twist.
28:32Let's go to our ring announcer, Melissa Santos.
28:35The following lucha is scheduled for one fall
28:39and is for the Lucha Underground championship.
28:46If Drago loses per the order of Dario Cueto,
28:51he could no longer compete in the temple.
28:55Introducing first, from El Inframundo,
29:02For everything that this talented luchador
29:05has worked for over the course of the past few months,
29:08it all comes to a head tonight.
29:10Imagine the pressure.
29:12Imagine what must be going on inside this man's mind.
29:15He has to put it all aside
29:17to become Lucha Underground champion.
29:20That is a pretty long walk
29:23down the steps of the temple, Matt,
29:25in the faithful and behind Drago,
29:26but this could be the last time he takes that walk.
29:29And his opponent, from Boyle Heights, California,
29:35accompanied by Conan,
29:38he is the Lucha Underground champion,
29:43Brent Puma!
29:47Perhaps one of the most fighting champions
29:50in all of our great sport,
29:52and with every successful defense,
29:54the Lucha Underground title becomes more and more esteemed,
29:58and there you can see, just over our champion's shoulder,
30:02the mastermind, the man, Conan.
30:05That's like a dark cloud following a star, man.
30:15Expect this to be a classic Lucha Libre match
30:18with high stakes.
30:21When we come back, it's Drago
30:23versus the Lucha Underground champion,
30:25Prince Puma, for the title.
30:26And if Drago does not win,
30:28he has to leave the temple forever.
30:44Welcome back.
30:45This is our main event
30:46for the Lucha Underground Aztec Gold Championship.
30:49Champion Prince Puma in the orange,
30:51the challenger, Drago,
30:52right there to the left of your screen.
30:54And, Vamp, if they're just joining us at home,
30:56talk about what Drago must be going through.
30:58What are the stakes?
30:59Seer, because his career is on the line.
31:02This is something that can change this man's life forever.
31:06Drago won the best-of-five playoff series,
31:08and now sudden death, literally, for this man's career.
31:12Every time his shoulders touch the mat,
31:14his career could be over.
31:15Here we go.
31:17Nice show of sportsmanship there.
31:20Drago, big statement of character there.
31:25You think of all the great risks that Drago has done
31:28throughout his career here in Lucha Underground.
31:30Jumped from heights, put guys through tables,
31:32came from behind in the best-of-five series.
31:34He calls himself the last living dragon,
31:36but he may be on the brink of extinction.
31:42Puma held on now.
31:45Classic Lucha libre there.
31:48Passed by.
31:51Drago's athleticism.
31:53Puma's quickness.
31:56There you go.
32:03The bump to create space now.
32:05Drago on the move, uses the rope, springboard,
32:07caught in the electric chair position,
32:09but rolls through into offensive maneuver.
32:15Eyes on Drago.
32:21Crazy tope.
32:24Matt, the fans are on their feet,
32:26and I will tell you this,
32:27this is the first time that these two guys have met.
32:30Scary thing.
32:31It could be their last.
32:33Get it together, baby.
32:34Put him in the ring.
32:35You know what you gotta do.
32:36Notice that Conan goes right over to his charge.
32:38Puma, a few quick instructions, and then Conan backs away.
32:42You know what you gotta do, Puma.
32:43Get the hell out of there.
32:45Marty Elias begins his count.
32:47Puma back in.
32:48Drago to follow.
32:49Championship does not change hands
32:50on account of disqualification.
32:52Pinfall, submission, or referee stoppage
32:54are the ways to win.
32:56Let me tell you something about Conan, brother.
32:58He does not care if Drago finishes his career.
33:01He just wants his meal ticket to keep that championship.
33:04You gotta remember, man, look at Conan.
33:05He just ain't nothing without Puma, period.
33:07There you go, Puma.
33:08You know what you gotta do.
33:10You know what you gotta do.
33:12Drago staying close to his slightly quicker opponent,
33:15trying to work the legs.
33:16Smart strategy.
33:18It is a smart strategy.
33:19He's gotta be more aggressive, man.
33:20He's gotta take it.
33:21Man, his career is on the line.
33:23Be a champion, but also save your livelihood, bro.
33:26You also have to think maybe Puma's
33:28in a tough spot emotionally.
33:29I mean, yes, he wants to defend his title,
33:31but at the same time, do you want to end
33:33one of your peers' careers?
33:35What would you do?
33:36The championship matters more.
33:38The money matters more.
33:40Hey, man, if you step up to the plate,
33:42you gotta take it.
33:43You know what I mean?
33:44If you accepted the conditions,
33:45don't cry and bitch about it when it's over.
33:47Come on, baby, fly out there.
33:49There you go.
33:50There you go, Puma.
33:51He's being on the move.
33:54We have been waiting all night long
33:56for the champion to wake this crowd up,
33:58and he certainly has, Matt.
34:00It's a champ!
34:01What a night!
34:05It's only gonna get rougher.
34:07Please, please, please, Puma.
34:10Stay away from Konan.
34:13Puma now puts the challenger back into the ring.
34:16And Osagirago keeps rolling,
34:17trying to stay away from his opponent.
34:19Puma takes advantage, cover here.
34:21Not enough.
34:22But a big change in the champion.
34:24He's actually going for the win
34:25a lot quicker than he would normally.
34:27Catch your breath, catch your breath.
34:28You know what you gotta do.
34:29Watching Puma mature has certainly been a delight
34:31week in and week out here.
34:37Man, this is nerve-wracking, brother.
34:38I'm nervous, man.
34:39I don't want it.
34:40I don't know what to think, Matt.
34:47Like, I'm nervous for Drago, brother.
34:49I don't want this to happen.
34:50This is too extreme.
34:51It's crazy.
34:52Finish him off, baby.
34:53You got him exactly what you wanted.
34:54Your career cover here.
34:56Come on, rapper.
34:58Drago kicked out with authority there.
35:00He's almost there.
35:01He's almost there.
35:02I think he woke up.
35:03Drago keeping his shoulders off the mat.
35:05First thing you learn as a wrestler.
35:09Nicely done there.
35:11Submission stretch here.
35:13Take the air out of your lungs so quick.
35:16This is so painful.
35:17A lot of people don't believe it,
35:18but I'm telling you, man.
35:19There's pressure everywhere.
35:20And then compounded by that.
35:22Oh, look at that.
35:23A little bit of a...
35:25That's a move that Drago likes to use to defeat opponents.
35:30These are two warriors in the ring.
35:32Do you agree with me?
35:34Do you agree with me that they deserve
35:35the applause of the world?
35:37The applause don't pay the mortgage.
35:38Do you agree with me that Kona should stay the hell
35:40out of the limelight in this one?
35:41That's where you and I disagree,
35:42but back to the action here now.
35:44Puma now has Drago in the corner,
35:46sends Drago in.
35:47Puma has been firmly in control for the past minute
35:49or two of this championship.
35:50No, Drago needed that right there.
35:52It's all good, Puma.
35:53It's all good.
35:54He's got to fight for his life, man.
35:55He's got to realize that this could be it for him.
35:58He's got to turn it up.
36:01Quick dips out of the way now.
36:04Look at that.
36:06Nicely done there.
36:07But Puma was able to kick out off of Drago
36:10before the referee could even make the count.
36:12He's got to capitalize on this, man.
36:14He's got to capitalize.
36:15Big clothesline there from Drago.
36:17Now Drago getting ahead of steam here.
36:21That's the clothesline.
36:22Drago on the move now.
36:23Using the ropes for momentum.
36:24Tilt-a-whirl into the arm drag.
36:26Nicely done there.
36:27Drop toehold from Drago.
36:29Here we go, here we go, here we go.
36:30We've seen this before from Drago.
36:32No, we have not.
36:33This is unique.
36:34Oh, great submission hold there.
36:36But you have to notice that Puma is very close to the ropes,
36:39and Konan is going to let Puma know that.
36:41The foot is right there.
36:44Squeeze it, kid, you got it.
36:45We got a new champ.
36:46Puma looking into the eyes of Konan,
36:48just switches his hips just enough
36:50to get to the ropes to force the break.
36:54That, my friend, is the advantage
36:56of having Konan at ringside.
37:00Make him think he's got you.
37:02I've never seen Konan move so fast in the last 50 years.
37:04He was scared.
37:06And it seems to me that Drago is taking less risks in this match
37:09because Drago understands that one mistake.
37:14Well, we've seen Drago over the last couple of months
37:17be in those long series of matches
37:19where he has had a win to get to this point.
37:21Maybe his philosophy has changed a little bit.
37:26He's got him hooked nice under the chin there.
37:30Great reversal there by Puma.
37:33Puma is so strong.
37:35Shoulders are down.
37:36Is this the end?
37:46Nicely done there from our champion, too.
37:52He's fighting for his career.
37:53Puma won't be that easy.
37:55Somebody has got to be starting to think in their mind,
37:57hey, man, I could be close to the end here.
38:01Well, the thing is that Puma hasn't been close to the end
38:04in quite some time.
38:05He's been on a great winning streak.
38:07The reason, Puma's the champion.
38:09Yeah, exactly.
38:10Finally, you said it.
38:11The reason he's the champion is he won't give up.
38:13No, wait a minute.
38:18Here we go.
38:19Now, this is what we need from Drago
38:20for Drago to keep his career.
38:22Rewind Rana.
38:23Puts the champ down.
38:24Cover here.
38:29That's right.
38:30Fans are off of their seats.
38:32You know, we talk about it every week.
38:33You can feel the ring start to tilt.
38:35You can feel the momentum.
38:36And right now, if you listen to the believers,
38:38it may start to come in Drago's favor.
38:43Both of these guys are adrenaline junkies.
38:45You know that once the crowds start going,
38:47they're going to turn it up.
38:48The ebb and flow of the most important match
38:51in Drago's career.
38:53This is so serious, man.
38:57Take a real swing.
39:01It's almost like every shot has more authority.
39:03Have you noticed that?
39:04Well placed, well thought out.
39:06Just not thrown at random.
39:08Puma kicking, trying to get out of the fireman's
39:10carry position here.
39:12Sends Drago into the ropes.
39:13The champ goes for a kick.
39:14It's blocked.
39:15Goes for the big right hand.
39:16Knock him out.
39:21Anything you can do, I can do better,
39:23they seem to say.
39:25Extremely aggressive shots.
39:29Oh, my God.
39:30Is it enough?
39:34Senior official Marty Elias assigned to this contest.
39:39Puma just smoked Drago.
39:42This is awesome!
39:45This is awesome!
39:47This is awesome!
39:48The sad thing is, is that may be the last time
39:50that Drago hears those chants in this temple.
39:54May be the last time Conan hears him chant
39:56as Puma's mentor.
40:00This is nerve-wracking, Matt.
40:02We are going to see something historic here.
40:05Matt, if this is the only way that Drago knows
40:08how to make a living, how to earn money,
40:10you have to believe that there's so much going on
40:12in this guy's head.
40:13I mean, how can he focus on this match?
40:17Well, Matt, if he wins that title, brother,
40:19he's going to make a hell of a lot more.
40:25The rumblings of the believers.
40:28Oh, hang on.
40:29What happened there?
40:33Dude, he just smoked the referee.
40:38Drago, the destroyer.
40:40Hang on a second.
40:42One, two, three, four, five!
40:50What the...
40:52There's Hernandez, the number one contender.
40:54The new number one contender to Puma's title,
40:58friends of Conan.
41:02Who is Hernandez going for?
41:03What the hell is going on?
41:10Remember, Hernandez will face the winner of this match.
41:17Hernandez rocked Drago.
41:19Puma doesn't want to win like this.
41:20You know that.
41:25Listen to the believers.
41:30Puma seems conflicted here,
41:32but understands that the championship
41:34is of most importance.
41:36Shoulders down.
41:43Here's your winner,
41:45and still Lucha Underground champion,
41:48Prince Puma!
41:53A bittersweet moment for our champion.
41:56Prince Puma has retained,
41:58but now the subplot here
42:01is the career of Drago here at the temple.
42:05Puma does not want a victory like this.
42:08He is a man of honor.
42:09Well, Conan understands the business aspect of the sport.
42:12He understands that keeping the title
42:14keeps the checks coming in,
42:15but there's a human element here.
42:17We're all brothers.
42:18If we've ever shared a locker room together,
42:20if we've ever put on a pair of boots,
42:22we understand.
42:23No doubt, man, and look at this.
42:25Puma is saying, I'm sorry.
42:27I am sorry.
42:28He does not want this victory.
42:30While it's unheard of in Lucha Libre,
42:32unheard of in professional wrestling,
42:34Dairo Cueto is going to keep his promise
42:38to the man that's under that mask.
42:41Thank you for everything that you've given to Lucha.
42:44Thanks for the memories.
42:48What a man, what a character, what an idol.
42:51No doubt about it.
42:53Drago! Drago! Drago!
42:56Drago! Drago! Drago!
42:59Drago! Drago! Drago!
43:02Drago! Drago! Drago!
43:05Drago! Drago! Drago!
43:08Thank you, Drago!
43:12Ladies and gentlemen,
43:14every chapter has an ending and a new beginning.
43:18For Vampiro, I'm Matt Stryker.
43:20For everyone here at the temple, good night.
43:22From Lucha Libre.
43:24Thank you, Drago!
43:29Thank you, Drago!
43:32Thank you, Drago!
43:41We will meet again.
