Big Brother S26 E35 (2024)

  • last week


00:00:00Two sides left in the house, two allies up on the block, and a special two-hour live
00:00:09eviction episode that will determine the final four.
00:00:13Welcome to Big Brother.
00:00:16Previously on Big Brother.
00:00:21With a dynamic double taking out the blondes.
00:00:24Maya, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
00:00:29Angela, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
00:00:33The final five!
00:00:35There was a line in the sand between the final five.
00:00:41On one side were besties Kimo and Rubina against the trio of Mackenzie, Cam, and Chelsea.
00:00:49I feel good with Chelsea in this game because she has done nothing but prove with her words
00:00:54and her actions, she wants to protect me.
00:00:57The odds were stacked against them all at the head of household competition.
00:01:03But the construction project manager constructed her eighth comp win of the season.
00:01:08I'm in the top four, baby!
00:01:11Her targets were a no-brainer.
00:01:14The next phase of the plan is to take out Kimo or Rubina.
00:01:17But after Rubina went for a hail Mackenzie.
00:01:20Chelsea wanted me to try to put up.
00:01:26It seemed there could be trouble in paradise.
00:01:29I am flabbergasted.
00:01:31Chelsea doesn't want to target me, right?
00:01:34Chelsea quickly squashed Mackenzie's doubts.
00:01:38She had told me.
00:01:40You were asking if she would take the shot at me.
00:01:42That's not a compliment.
00:01:43I didn't think so.
00:01:44Chelsea is my girl, and if she's saying that it did not go down like that, then I'm gonna
00:01:48believe her.
00:01:49And the best buddies became block buddies.
00:01:54I have nominated you, Kimo, and you, Rubina.
00:01:57Kimo is my target, but right now, either could go, especially since there's still a veto
00:02:02to play.
00:02:03Tonight, BB Comets are back.
00:02:06Will the veto save one of the nominees?
00:02:09And by night's end, another eviction will bring us to our final four.
00:02:14Plus, is there romance blossoming in Jewry?
00:02:19This might be the biggest twist of the season.
00:02:21All this right now, live on a special two-hour, Big Brother.
00:02:41Good evening.
00:02:42I'm Julie Chen Moonves.
00:02:44Welcome to Big Brother.
00:02:47It is day 80 inside the Big Brother house, and we are just 10 days away from crowning
00:02:52the winner.
00:02:53Tonight, allies Kimo and Rubina sit side-by-side on the chopping block, but as this season
00:03:01has proven, anything can happen when the power of veto is up for grabs.
00:03:06Should either nominee win the veto, they could save themselves, forcing head of household
00:03:11Mackenzie to choose one of her allies, Chelsea Rackam, to put up on the block.
00:03:17So who will win the power of veto, and who will be the next house guest joining the jury?
00:03:23We'll all find out live in the next two hours.
00:03:27But first, Mackenzie was loyal to her allies with her nominations, but is she having a
00:03:35change of heart?
00:03:38This nomination ceremony is adjourned.
00:03:44I nominated Kimo and Rubina this week because right now in the house, it seems to be Chelsea
00:03:51Kamenai versus Rubina and Kimo.
00:03:55My target is Kimo.
00:03:56I believe that he is the least likely to take me to the end, and my main goal right now
00:04:01is to get Chelsea and I sitting together at the end and then winning.
00:04:07Take home that $750K, baby.
00:04:12It's really scary being on the block yet again, especially because I've not been assured that
00:04:17I'm a pawn this time around.
00:04:20But coming out of a very critical veto during double eviction and winning it makes me very
00:04:27excited to take on this next veto.
00:04:29I'm revved up.
00:04:30I'm going to gun for it.
00:04:31So bring it on.
00:04:34With Mackenzie winning HOH this week, we are in a great position for myself, Chelsea, and
00:04:38Mackenzie to make it to the final three.
00:04:40We are looking to target Kimo.
00:04:42Socially, Kimo is the bigger threat than Rubina.
00:04:46So next, looking forward to this veto, keeping noms the same, and then getting Kimo up out
00:04:50of here this week.
00:04:51I don't know why he gets so nervous.
00:04:52It could have been either.
00:04:53It could have been either way.
00:04:54Oh my gosh.
00:04:55I am feeling so great that Kimo and Rubina are on the block and not me.
00:05:08Rubina's been all up in Mackenzie's ear, trying to drive a wedge between Mackenzie and I.
00:05:13But luckily, my girl Mackenzie did not believe Rubina.
00:05:16She held strong and stayed faithful to me.
00:05:20I see you.
00:05:21You see me.
00:05:25How you doing?
00:05:30How are you doing?
00:05:38Seventh time on the block.
00:05:48And then, it's me versus you.
00:05:53Versus the scenario.
00:05:54I know.
00:05:56So, one of us has to win.
00:06:00I know, but I do feel like best case scenario, truly, you, me, or MJ wins.
00:06:10I know.
00:06:11Even MJ.
00:06:12Because I think she would consider using the veto.
00:06:17If I win it, I'm not afraid to take you down.
00:06:20I'm not afraid to take you down.
00:06:21I'm not afraid to put another person up to ensure you're safe and make you feel that
00:06:25I just know that.
00:06:32Mackenzie tells me that she is considering taking me off the block if she wins the veto.
00:06:37And if that's the case, I'm thinking the most obvious choice to go up there is Chelsea.
00:06:42Her social game plus her wins and comps, she needs to go.
00:06:47And if we can put a bigger threat on the block in place of me next to Kimo, maybe we'd have
00:06:56a fighting chance.
00:06:57There's so many ways this could go.
00:07:00Like, if people are actually thinking about...
00:07:03End game.
00:07:06There are a lot of options, and it really ain't over till it's over.
00:07:18Can we do the tortilla thing?
00:07:20Oh, the slap!
00:07:22I've been wanting to do that.
00:07:24Let's do it.
00:07:25There's a trend where two people fill their mouths with water and slap each other with
00:07:31tortillas, and whoever spits out the water first loses.
00:07:35With no TV, no books, no nothing but our own imagination, this is what we choose to entertain
00:07:42ourselves with.
00:07:44Because why not?
00:07:49My strategy going into this tortilla challenge is to go as hard as I can!
00:07:56Oh my god.
00:07:57But first, let me level the playing field here.
00:08:01You got an apple box.
00:08:03What goes around comes around, and if this is the only way I can get back at you for
00:08:06putting me on the black McKenzie, this is what I'm gonna do.
00:08:09Let's go.
00:08:12There it is.
00:08:13That's the point.
00:08:14You gotta hit her back.
00:08:18You gotta hit harder than that.
00:08:20Let me go.
00:08:24There it is.
00:08:26There it is.
00:08:31Yeah, yeah.
00:08:32Hit her head.
00:08:43Honestly, small but mighty.
00:08:47Spit it out the same time as you.
00:08:49Oh no.
00:08:50Oh no.
00:08:54Every competition matters at this point in the game.
00:08:57No, I know.
00:08:58Do you think if one of us wins a veto, do we put it on Rubina?
00:09:09And above you.
00:09:11And we can see who we are for the rest of the week.
00:09:15Rubina is strictly a pawn this week.
00:09:18And if I win the power of veto, I am debating on pulling Rubina off the block because I
00:09:25do want to repair that trust that I may have broken with her by placing her up there in
00:09:30the first place.
00:09:31Next week, Rubina could be HOH or be the sole vote to evict somebody, and I want to ensure
00:09:38that she's on my side.
00:09:40What happened?
00:09:46One, he would know he'd be safe.
00:09:47And two, I would tell him, I'd be like, Cam, I understand.
00:09:50We have your back.
00:09:51We're trying to take you.
00:09:52But we're also, we still have to watch ours.
00:09:55Hold up.
00:09:56Wait a minute.
00:09:57Are we really talking about using the veto, putting Cam up just to appease Rubina?
00:10:03To me, this is just further confirmation that Rubina has the ability to get in McKenzie's
00:10:08ear, and I don't like that.
00:10:11I think we should cross that bridge when we get there.
00:10:15But yeah.
00:10:16I would love it.
00:10:17I would love it.
00:10:25How are you feeling about Kimo and Rubina?
00:10:30I feel fine.
00:10:31I mean, as long as it's not us, I'm not really tripping.
00:10:35I don't want to straight up tell Cam that McKenzie's been playing with the idea of putting
00:10:39him on the block.
00:10:40So, I just need to make it very clear how important it is for him to win this veto.
00:10:47That's when I got nervous running back in.
00:10:49Because Rubina would just be in her ear.
00:10:54She's trying to pull a fast one, though.
00:10:57Getting on McKenzie's side, and she's trying to get in her head.
00:11:01Right now, you think?
00:11:02I think so.
00:11:05The biggest thing is neither of them winning tomorrow, and then her not winning a veto
00:11:10next week.
00:11:13That's it.
00:11:15You just have to win.
00:11:18I think Chelsea's overthinking this.
00:11:20Even if Rubina is trying to get into McKenzie's ear, I doubt she'll be able to convince her
00:11:25to go against the two of us.
00:11:26But the fact of the matter is, if Kimo or Rubina take themselves off the block with
00:11:30the veto, there is only two options, and that's myself or Chelsea.
00:11:34So winning this veto is more important than ever.
00:11:37Are you nervous?
00:11:38Yeah, I'm nervous.
00:11:39It's in our hands to go do it.
00:11:47Up next, it is the Power of Veto competition.
00:11:51Can Kimo or Rubina win and save their game?
00:11:55And later, who will be evicted and who will be left to battle on in the final four?
00:12:02Stay with us.
00:12:20Welcome back to Big Brother.
00:12:22For the first time in the history of this game, the Power of Veto has been used each
00:12:28and every week.
00:12:30Will this historic streak continue?
00:12:43What's wrong?
00:12:44I was thinking today, and love, love, love, love Kim.
00:12:47Love him.
00:12:48Love him to death.
00:12:49But I was like, what has he done for mine or your game?
00:12:55Rode on my back.
00:12:56He rode on your back.
00:12:57You and I both have won in positions when we needed to and to keep him safe.
00:13:03His ass would have been grass if we haven't won all these.
00:13:05Chelsea and Cam are definitely my closest allies in this game.
00:13:09But when you work as a team, I feel like everyone needs to pull their weight.
00:13:14And he's just not.
00:13:16So I better see him trying his dang hardest in that Veto competition.
00:13:21No free rides around here.
00:13:23Just depends on what this Veto is.
00:13:26Best case scenario is he wins.
00:13:34Hey everybody, it's time for the Veto competition.
00:13:37Let's suit up and Big Brother will call us individually when it's time to compete.
00:13:46Crazy eyes.
00:13:47I'm a baby.
00:13:48I'm a baby.
00:13:49I'm a baby.
00:13:50If the buttons are busting, so is the Pee Pee Comics.
00:13:58I made it to Pee Pee Comics!
00:14:02I'm so excited.
00:14:04I finally made it.
00:14:06Not all heroes wear capes.
00:14:08But today, I'm wearing a cape.
00:14:11I finally made it.
00:14:13Not all heroes wear capes.
00:14:15But today, I am.
00:14:17Because this is the legendary BB Comics.
00:14:20I've always wanted to play this.
00:14:22And I cannot wait to see everyone's comics.
00:14:25But especially mine.
00:14:27Attention nerds.
00:14:29The next batch of brand new BB Comics are about to hit the shelf.
00:14:33Unfortunately, some AI-generated bootleg comics have been circulating and gotten mixed up with the real ones.
00:14:40It's up to you to sort through all the BB Comics and make sure only the correct ones get selected for the big launch.
00:14:47Here's how it works.
00:14:51Hit the button to start your clock, then fly down the zip line to peek inside the BB Comics Studio.
00:14:56Grab the matching comic books and place them on your laptop screen so each one exactly matches the BB Comics Studio wall.
00:15:04But be careful.
00:15:05It can be tricky spotting a real cover from a bootleg.
00:15:09When you think you have all the comics placed in the correct order, hit your button.
00:15:14If you're correct, your time will stop.
00:15:16If you're incorrect, a buzzer will sound, your clock will keep running, and you must figure out what is wrong.
00:15:23The player who matches their website to the BB Comics Studio wall in the shortest amount of time will win the golden power of Vito.
00:15:31Are you ready to play BB Comics?
00:15:40This is so hot. I'm terrified of heights. I really am a superhero today.
00:15:49I have to win this Vito because I'm on the block and especially next to my bestie in the house.
00:15:55The only chance is one of us winning this Vito.
00:15:58I love it.
00:16:00Oh my goodness. I am Volkemo.
00:16:05I'm so hot.
00:16:10And it's true. All is fair in love and war.
00:16:15The first thing I want to do is figure out the order these comics go in and then I want to focus on the details.
00:16:27That's a big hot dog.
00:16:29Kenny's a hot dog.
00:16:31I'll say this.
00:16:32It really was eating him up being here, but I'm glad he was finally able to catch up with his family.
00:16:39What's different?
00:16:41She's a heavy hitter. No way.
00:16:44What is different?
00:16:46Leah is the chubby chaser and she would love it.
00:16:49I don't know. She might be taking these guys to jail or she might be taking them on a date.
00:16:55Some of these are really obvious and some are not at all. A trash can.
00:16:59In one version of Leah's comic, there's a trash can behind her.
00:17:02In the other version of Leah's comic, there is no trash can.
00:17:06But I'm not sure which is real and which is fake.
00:17:09So I need to go back on the zip line and check.
00:17:13No trash can.
00:17:15Hi, dear.
00:17:17How's your salami?
00:17:18Ruben's giving super model villain vibes, you know what I mean?
00:17:22Sweet Kenny K, you might want to stay away from the charcuterie thief.
00:17:27She's freaking eating my shit.
00:17:32One version of Brooklyn's comic says, hide your salami.
00:17:35And the other version of her comic says, hide your pastrami.
00:17:43Okay, I think I have all the real comics in the right order.
00:17:46Time to see if I'm right.
00:17:48Thought so.
00:17:50Okay, clearly I got something wrong.
00:17:53Clearly I got something wrong.
00:17:55I know I have the order right, so it has to be the details.
00:17:59What is it?
00:18:01I'm trying to figure out the difference between Lisa's two covers.
00:18:04But I'm so distracted by the critterness of the Glitter Critter.
00:18:10I realize in the real version of Lisa's comic, she's wearing a blue collar.
00:18:14And in the fake version, she's wearing a yellow collar.
00:18:20I don't understand it. I'm still getting it wrong.
00:18:23I've already spent way too much time out here.
00:18:26I have to figure this out and fast.
00:18:28Do I have somebody wrong order?
00:18:31I wish my superpower was endurance.
00:18:43Oh my goodness.
00:18:47I need to swap Matt and T-Core's comics.
00:18:50That's what's wrong.
00:18:56Oh my goodness.
00:18:59I feel like I did really well up until the very end there.
00:19:03I just hope all that time it took me to figure out what I had wrong doesn't cost me the veto.
00:19:16Let's do this thing.
00:19:18Oh my gosh.
00:19:20But we're working on it.
00:19:22I went to win the Power of Veto this week because even though I nominated Rubina,
00:19:27if I win this Power of Veto, I could easily take her down
00:19:31and re-instill that trust I may have broken by placing her up there in the first place.
00:19:36And I'm just going to go out there and win BB Comics so I can have the option to do so.
00:19:42One, two, three.
00:19:44Oh, oh, okay.
00:19:45My plan is to get the difficult part out of the way first.
00:19:49So I'm starting by identifying the differences between the comics
00:19:53and then confirming which one is the bootleg versus the actual comic.
00:19:57Oh, wow!
00:20:00Mackenzie, damn!
00:20:02You are one sexy robot, girlfriend!
00:20:06She will Control-Alt-Delete you, which is true.
00:20:10I see that the difference between the two is that the scientists that made me
00:20:14are either in the window or not.
00:20:17Oh, doctor? Oh, gosh.
00:20:21T-Core, baby girl.
00:20:23Okay, damn, T-Core!
00:20:25Not only is she fine in real life, but in this comic, she looks hot!
00:20:30Crow Sleigh, 100% iconic.
00:20:33In T-Core's comic, I see that she has captured a man that looks exactly like my father.
00:20:39But in one version, he's on the left, and in one version, he's on the right.
00:20:44When I ride past the studio wall, I see them.
00:20:47In the correct comic, my dad is on the right side.
00:20:54Glasses are the same color. What's happening? Maroon.
00:20:57Quinn Sanity. This comic is perfect for him.
00:21:01He does go a little cuckoo crazy, and I love it.
00:21:05And his hair? Beautiful.
00:21:07I realize that the difference is actually the color of the writing in the bottom corner.
00:21:13In one, it's yellow, and in the other, it's pink.
00:21:17Pink or yellow?
00:21:21Oh, yellow. Okay.
00:21:28Oh, gosh. She's ready to go nuclear. Always.
00:21:33I look at Angela's comic, and the first thing I realize is that she is this huge, giant, atomic, scary mom.
00:21:42I see that the difference is the fact that there are the nuclear balls, or there's no nuclear balls.
00:21:49And then I look even closer.
00:21:51Oh, poor Matt.
00:21:53And she's just holding a tiny, little, terrified Matt.
00:21:58Matt looks like a helpless, scared child.
00:22:01I need to go figure out which one is the real one and which one is the bootleg.
00:22:08No balls.
00:22:09Sliding past the BB Studio wall, I see that the correct one has no nuclear balls.
00:22:15Okay, I literally don't remember where these go, but I'll figure it out in a second.
00:22:22Crazy eyes. Oh, stop sign or no stop sign?
00:22:24Oh, Matt. My poor baby boy.
00:22:29They did him well on his abs. They did him well on his long, luscious hair.
00:22:33But he looks crazy.
00:22:35Oh, I'm gonna cry. It's so funny.
00:22:38I see in one version of Matt's comic, there's an angry man holding a stop sign.
00:22:42And in the other version, the angry man is not holding a stop sign.
00:22:46So, I need to go find out which is correct.
00:22:49And, lo and behold, when I ride past that window, I see not only crazy eyes, but a crazy man holding a stop sign.
00:23:02Stop sign. I don't know where.
00:23:07Oh, too good.
00:23:10Oh, yeah, Rubina. Girlfriend.
00:23:12What is yours?
00:23:14Rubina's comic is the one comic that I am just struggling.
00:23:18To find the difference on.
00:23:20I have no idea what Rubina's comic is hiding.
00:23:23And I'm getting fed up.
00:23:26No idea.
00:23:27So, I finally figure out the difference between Rubina's comics.
00:23:31And it's that there is no stripe in the road or that there is a stripe in the road.
00:23:36So, I rush up to that window, ride the zip line, and I see that there is indeed no stripe on this road.
00:23:44And I place that comic.
00:23:46No stripes.
00:23:48Go ahead, Angela, Cedric.
00:23:50Go ahead, Angela, Cedric.
00:23:54Now that I've gotten all the correct comics, I just got to get them in the correct order.
00:24:04Oh, yeah.
00:24:06I really want to win this veto today, not only to add to my resume, but to make sure Kimo and Rubina can't take themselves off the block.
00:24:18I love that I'm the chameleon blending in, sneaking up.
00:24:22And by the time anyone sees me coming, it'll be too late.
00:24:25In one of my comics, the bad guy is wearing a black jacket.
00:24:29In the other version, the bad guy is wearing a green jacket.
00:24:36Young Cedric looking like he just graduated top of his class in middle school.
00:24:41One of Cedric's comics has Frankie the Flamingo.
00:24:44In the other comic, Frankie the Flamingo is nowhere to be found.
00:24:50I'm pretty confident about the comics that I have on the laptop.
00:24:53Now I need to hit the button and see if I'm right.
00:24:57Clearly, there's something wrong. I got to figure out what it is.
00:25:01The lights are on.
00:25:05This competition might not seem all that physical, but it is.
00:25:34And if you don't figure it out quickly, it can become really exhausting.
00:25:37When you start to second guess yourself, you start thinking details are wrong.
00:25:41So you have to climb the ladder again, do the zip line, jump all the way down, run back over to the laptop, check that, make sure the order is right.
00:25:50Then you got to go back up the ladder again, do the zip line again.
00:25:53And it just goes on and on and on and on.
00:25:56Look, I love being the chameleon, but right now I wish I had some super stamina.
00:26:01I'm so confused on what is wrong.
00:26:03Trash can, lights, red, yellow. No trash.
00:26:07I realize there's no trash can behind Leah on her actual comic.
00:26:11I know Mackenzie said she would use the veto on me, but nothing is a sure thing in this house.
00:26:37So I just got to do my best to win the veto and secure my own safety.
00:26:48My plan is to get the order of the comics correctly first.
00:26:52Rubina, chill out.
00:26:54And then go from there and see what the differences are.
00:26:57Stop sign.
00:26:59Oh my God, of course it's glitter. Of course it's glitter.
00:27:01Roller skates. Oh, the roller wrapper. That's me.
00:27:06Okay, relax. That's exciting.
00:27:08It's the roller rubble. Hello?
00:27:12What is the difference between me and me?
00:27:15Fighting crime on roller skates? Why isn't that a thing?
00:27:18He'll tuck you up. Oh my gosh, that's accurate.
00:27:21The instigator, the one and only Tucker. Dang, I tuck and miss that guy.
00:27:29I'll instruct some legs. Trash can.
00:27:35Maybe we just try it.
00:27:41Oh my God.
00:27:46Oh man, something's wrong up here.
00:27:51Oh man, Rubina.
00:27:52I cannot figure out what the problem is here.
00:27:55Every order I try is wrong and every comic I swap is wrong and it's all wrong.
00:28:03Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
00:28:11That worked out.
00:28:16If Tucker's the one that I mess up, I'm gonna be mad.
00:28:30Kimo and Rubina are on the block and I like it that way.
00:28:34But Mackenzie's been talking about possibly changing the nominations and that is a big no.
00:28:39So I need to make sure I win Veto to ensure nothing changes.
00:28:44Okay, this sexy little girl. Who this sexy little girl?
00:28:47Even though I'm dressed in a microchip, I still look kind of cute.
00:28:52Somebody better wipe me up.
00:28:53In one version of my comic, the lights are on in the house.
00:28:57In the other version, the lights are off.
00:29:00Trash, scare guy at the top.
00:29:03He's a real wiener. New. He's a real wiener. New.
00:29:06You know, I never imagined seeing Kenny as a wiener.
00:29:13In one version of Kenny's comic, he is smothered in ketchup.
00:29:17In the other version of his comic, he's smothered in mustard.
00:29:20Pause button.
00:29:21Meet Dr. Will Joseph.
00:29:24Dr. Will wouldn't meet you if you were the last person on earth.
00:29:28In one version of Joseph's comic, there is no rewind symbol.
00:29:32In the other version, there's a rewind symbol.
00:29:35Red or yellow. Red or yellow. Red or yellow. Trash. Scary guy.
00:29:38Oh, pink or yellow. Pink.
00:29:41Red or yellow. Pink or yellow. Red or yellow. Pink.
00:29:44So, red. Pink. Scary guy. No trash.
00:29:48I'm pretty certain about everybody's cover, so let's buzz in and see if I'm right.
00:29:55I see now. In the correct version of Rubina's comic, there is no yellow traffic light.
00:30:01It's Rubina.
00:30:03That should be it. Time to buzz in.
00:30:11Where'd it go? That's still not right.
00:30:14What in the world? I am so frustrated right now.
00:30:18I thought that that was it. What is wrong here?
00:30:22Cam, it's black and it's salami.
00:30:25And then I see it. I forgot to swap Brooklyn's cover.
00:30:30The correct version says Hydro Salami.
00:30:33The fake version says Hydro Pastrami.
00:30:46Finally, I got it right.
00:30:48Now I just hope I did well enough to win to make sure Mackenzie doesn't do anything crazy this week.
00:30:55Superhero out.
00:30:56It's time to find out who removed the bootleg comics the fastest and won the golden power of Vito.
00:31:02Not feeling too great about how I did, but I just gotta hope Kimo and Rubina did a lot worse.
00:31:08So come on, Mackenzie and Chelsea. Hopefully, y'all win this thing.
00:31:12Let's see the top three players in no particular order.
00:31:16Kimo, Chelsea, and Mackenzie, one of us will win the golden power of Vito.
00:31:23I'm shocked.
00:31:25Top three? What?
00:31:28Maybe I really have a shot at winning this.
00:31:31Top three? Oh my God.
00:31:34I don't know.
00:31:36I don't know.
00:31:38I don't know.
00:31:40I don't know.
00:31:41Maybe I really have a shot at winning this.
00:31:44Top three are myself, Chelsea, and Kimo.
00:31:51Cam is yet again not in the running.
00:31:54I could not have Kimo win this competition.
00:31:59So now, as always, I have to hope that Chelsea or I pulled this one out and not Kimo.
00:32:06Because what the f***, Cam?
00:32:09In third place with a time of 30 minutes and 27 seconds is...
00:32:22Good job, Kimo.
00:32:24Wait a minute.
00:32:26Not only did Cam not crack the top three, it took him more than 30 minutes.
00:32:32Are you kidding me, Cam?
00:32:33Now I've got to hope I beat Mackenzie because she's been toying with the idea of changing nominations and I can't have that.
00:32:40With the golden power of Vito on the line, it all comes down to this.
00:32:45I think I'd be happier if Mackenzie won.
00:32:48Because I know that there is a chance that Mackenzie will use this Vito to pull me off the block and put someone else up there instead.
00:32:56Either myself or Chelsea will take home the golden power of Vito.
00:33:00So it's down to Chelsea and I. And yes, Chelsea is my girl.
00:33:06I want us in the final two.
00:33:08But I still want to win this comp and hold all the power this week.
00:33:13That way, any decision I make, I can reap the benefits of.
00:33:17In first place with a time of 13 minutes and 51 seconds...
00:33:27Let's go, Mackenzie!
00:33:30Congratulations, I have won the golden power!
00:33:36Oh yeah, baby! I got my third golden power of Vito.
00:33:43And not to mention, it's from BB Freaking Comics!
00:33:48Let's go!
00:33:49Well, Rubina, you did not come out on top.
00:33:56But there's still a chance that Mackenzie decides to use this Vito on you and puts up a bigger threat instead.
00:34:04The Mackenzie! The Mackenzie!
00:34:06Dang! 13 minutes and 51 seconds is crazy.
00:34:09I am so bummed I didn't win this power of Vito.
00:34:12But now I'm just hoping that Mackenzie does not want to go through.
00:34:16That was so much fun.
00:34:18That was really cool.
00:34:20That was so fun. How did y'all go about it?
00:34:22I got the whole order right, put them all up, then deciphered all of the different ones.
00:34:28What did you guys do?
00:34:30I did the order.
00:34:32I did the order.
00:34:34I did the order.
00:34:36I did the order.
00:34:38I did the order.
00:34:40I did the order.
00:34:42I did the order.
00:34:43What did you guys do?
00:34:45I did the order and then I looked for the differences by just holding up each.
00:34:49But then I got tired and I was like, let me take some breaks.
00:35:01You are an ex-D1 athlete of multiple years.
00:35:06Never, ever, ever as an athlete do you give up or take breaks.
00:35:13Do better.
00:35:15Do better.
00:35:18How many did you get on before you took a break?
00:35:21Oh, there was one time where I thought I had it right and I just was looking at it and I was like...
00:35:30I'm gonna die watching his back.
00:35:32I was defeated.
00:35:36I mean...
00:35:39In the everlasting...
00:35:41Is he in the roaming class at this point?
00:35:43I'm telling you he still has to be.
00:35:45There's no way.
00:35:47That took him over 30 minutes to do.
00:35:50There's no way.
00:35:51That was it.
00:35:52Not yet.
00:35:53I'm like, bro.
00:35:55I literally carried him the whole time.
00:35:58I'm like, bro.
00:36:00I literally carried him the whole time.
00:36:01I literally carried him the whole freaking MSOFU.
00:36:05He even said he stopped.
00:36:08He seemed like my whole thing this season was to not make any moves.
00:36:11I wanted to coast.
00:36:12Nobody saw me as a threat.
00:36:14Everybody saw me as a friend.
00:36:15People carried me when all I was doing was getting blood on their hands and keeping me safe.
00:36:19He will win.
00:36:22I was already under assumption that Cam might have been throwing comps.
00:36:27And then after today, that speculation has gone way up.
00:36:32And truth of the matter is Cam hasn't had any power or had to make any hard decisions like Chelsea or I.
00:36:38So we are seen as bigger threats who have more blood on our hands comparative to him.
00:36:43That doesn't make us look good.
00:36:45But it does make him look good.
00:36:47And it's making me think about using the power of veto on Raveena even more.
00:36:57Because I'm over it.
00:37:02Cam, if you are throwing these comps, not only is it pissing me off,
00:37:07it's giving Mackenzie more of a reason to put you up on the block.
00:37:11And if Raveena is able to weasel her way back into Mackenzie's ear, you could be going home.
00:37:17This is not good.
00:37:18Not good.
00:37:26Up next, we pay a visit to the jury house.
00:37:30What will be revealed that leaves Angela speechless?
00:37:35Then, will Cam's competition catastrophe come back to bite him?
00:37:39And later, the live vote and eviction.
00:37:42Stay with us.
00:37:49Welcome back to Big Brother.
00:37:51BB Comics is always memorable.
00:37:55But Cam's performance was anything but.
00:38:04Hi kids!
00:38:06It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:09It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:11It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:13It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:15It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:16It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:18It's Auntie Chelsea!
00:38:22Y'all ready?
00:38:26Your auntie needs to vent for a second and then I'll feed you guys.
00:38:32Avi just played in the iconic BB.
00:38:38Y'all see that?
00:38:40Pay attention or else you won't get this.
00:38:43Here's what I realized.
00:38:46Y'all uncle, he didn't even come in top three.
00:38:52It took him more than 30 minutes to do that comp.
00:38:56And so right now, just between me and you,
00:39:00your uncle, I think he's playing us.
00:39:03I know.
00:39:05I just need to let y'all know if y'all uncle Cam come up in here trying to talk all that talk,
00:39:10report back to me.
00:39:13There you guys go!
00:39:17I don't really know what's going on with Cam right now.
00:39:22But it sure does feel like he's throwing these comps to let Mackenzie and I get the blood in our hands.
00:39:28So Chelsea needs to get to the bottom of this.
00:39:31It took Cam more than 30 minutes to finish this competition.
00:39:36So something's off.
00:39:38And do I look like Boo Boo to Boo?
00:39:42Hold on one second.
00:39:44Always has to come in a rush.
00:39:47Always has to come in a rush.
00:39:49I apologize to all my friends and family again for my performance today.
00:39:55There is no way you're not following these comps.
00:39:58Do you know what's on the line?
00:40:00I was looking at the things.
00:40:02I swear I'm not doing it though.
00:40:04What is your ideal competition?
00:40:06There is no ideal competition.
00:40:09You're just bad at all of them?
00:40:13I don't know what to tell you.
00:40:14I play sports.
00:40:16So do I.
00:40:18I don't hang from zip lines and look at comics.
00:40:22I don't.
00:40:24Looking at comics and placing them on a board is easier than day one freaking football.
00:40:29It's not.
00:40:31Football is easy.
00:40:33Baby comics, come on.
00:40:35Cam, keep your ish together.
00:40:37I will.
00:40:39Do I really believe Cam's not throwing comps?
00:40:41Ain't no way.
00:40:42But that is not important right now.
00:40:45At the end of the day, I want to go to the final three with both Cam and Mackenzie.
00:40:49Because I believe they will both take me to the final two.
00:40:52So Cam needs to get in front of this.
00:40:54And you know what? Mackenzie's freaking on to it.
00:40:57I swear.
00:40:59She told me she's like, I miss because he's definitely throwing those comps.
00:41:02I'm not though.
00:41:04Why would I do that?
00:41:06She's mad.
00:41:08She considered it.
00:41:09She is.
00:41:11She's just going to be stupid.
00:41:13America, let me be the first to tell you that these competitions are way harder than they look.
00:41:19And I am not throwing these comps.
00:41:21I just am doing terrible.
00:41:23Honestly, I think Mackenzie's just getting very paranoid.
00:41:25She can't play in the HOH next week.
00:41:27So hopefully she doesn't make a rash move that messes up all the work we've been doing in the past weeks.
00:41:32Listen, she's going to do what she's going to do.
00:41:34But she's going to shoot herself in the foot by overthinking it.
00:41:50What's up, Lori?
00:41:53If Mackenzie's thinking of putting me up as a renom because she thinks I'm throwing comps, I need to nip all of these accusations in the bud.
00:42:00When I tell you, I was so frustrated yesterday.
00:42:06Cam, how did you not win that one?
00:42:07Listen, listen. This is actually what happened.
00:42:10I started off really fast, but my order between Quinn and Kenny's was wrong the whole time.
00:42:17Cam will be true.
00:42:19Shut up. Shut up.
00:42:22Do you not think that it is more frustrating for me to lose?
00:42:26I hope it is. I hope it is.
00:42:28Okay, so rubbing it in doesn't make it better.
00:42:31Honestly, you know what it feels like though?
00:42:33You know what it feels like?
00:42:35Have you ever heard of the yips?
00:42:37Like, you get in your head a lot.
00:42:40When it's down to a crucial moment?
00:42:42No, it's like really easy things you get in your head so much.
00:42:46Oh, because you're overthinking it? Because it's so easy?
00:42:49I think I have the yips, personally.
00:42:53But, I'll get through it.
00:42:57Yeah, you'll get through it.
00:42:59Yeah, I don't know.
00:43:01I do think he threw that comp.
00:43:03He says he did and that he's embarrassed, but that competition was not that difficult.
00:43:07All in due time.
00:43:09Yeah, everything happens for a reason.
00:43:12Right now, in my head, I'm figuring out if I want to use the veto on Rubina and put up Cam.
00:43:20Do I want to check him? Yeah.
00:43:22Because I'm starting to get pissed off and I'm not going to let him ride on our coattails.
00:43:26The man has done nothing for me in this game.
00:43:33So, maybe he can be a pawn for me.
00:43:36I just want to win something.
00:43:40I want to win something.
00:43:51Up next, it's the veto meeting.
00:43:54Will the power of veto be used for an unprecedented 12th time in a row?
00:44:00And later, the live vote and eviction determines the final four.
00:44:05Stay with us.
00:44:29Welcome back to Big Brother.
00:44:31Cam has played under the radar the entire game.
00:44:35But will his season-long case of the yips be his undoing?
00:45:00Hey, everyone. It's time for the veto meeting.
00:45:12This is the veto meeting.
00:45:15Kimo and Rubina have been nominated for eviction.
00:45:19But I have the power to veto one of the nominations.
00:45:24I know that it's getting down to a lot of people.
00:45:27I know that it's getting down to the wire here.
00:45:30It's really, really difficult for me to make any decision.
00:45:33I have to go with my gut.
00:45:35I do have to look out for myself.
00:45:39I have decided...
00:45:43not to use the power of veto.
00:45:57This veto meeting is adjourned.
00:46:10I decided not to use the power of veto.
00:46:14And I'm just giving Cam the benefit of the doubt here.
00:46:17Maybe he does just suck at cops.
00:46:21And at the end of the day, putting Cam up to try and win
00:46:24at the end of the day, putting Cam up to try and repair the trust with Rubina
00:46:28would have gotten unnecessary blood on my hands.
00:46:30And that is the last thing I need going into next week
00:46:33when I can't compete in the HOH competition.
00:46:40Even though I thought Mackenzie would use this as an opportunity
00:46:44to make a big move,
00:46:46unfortunately, I'm still on the block next to Rubina, my bestie.
00:46:49I don't want to go too hard against Rubina in trying to stay,
00:46:55but Final Four is right there,
00:46:57and I need to put in all the work that I can
00:47:01to make sure that I stay and that I survive to next week
00:47:04because I didn't come to lose.
00:47:08I was really hoping Mackenzie would go through with using the veto on me,
00:47:14but she didn't.
00:47:15She didn't.
00:47:17I could not and would not campaign against my bestie,
00:47:21but I will campaign for myself
00:47:23and make sure that people see the benefit in keeping me here.
00:47:28Woo! Mackenzie decided to not use the veto,
00:47:32so the chameleon is still in action.
00:47:34Mackenzie having doubts about me definitely made me nervous,
00:47:37but I was completely honest with her about not throwing comps,
00:47:39and she kept me off the block.
00:47:41She kept the nominations the same,
00:47:43and now we get to focus on getting Rubina or Kimo up out of here.
00:47:52You okay?
00:47:57Just sucks.
00:47:59I love him. I hate to see him go.
00:48:04Now Mackenzie's expecting a unanimous vote against Kimo,
00:48:08but ya girl has not forgotten about Rubina
00:48:12trying to work Mackenzie over the past couple weeks.
00:48:14She's still a threat to my game,
00:48:16and I know she's gonna be gunning for this HOH,
00:48:18so I'm not closing the door on sending Mackenzie's pawn packing.
00:48:28Up next, you'll hear from the jury house.
00:48:31The house guests hear from their loved ones,
00:48:34and another house guest hears the dreaded words,
00:48:36you are evicted.
00:48:38Stay with us.
00:48:55Welcome back to Big Brother.
00:48:57One by one, the jurors arrive to join Quinn at the jury house,
00:49:02and it turns out that news of janky world and a double eviction
00:49:07isn't the most surprising thing he learns.
00:49:14Come on, I gotta stay in shape.
00:49:16This is getting bad.
00:49:18I need friends.
00:49:20I'm so excited for human contact.
00:49:22I'm going crazy, but I would rather die
00:49:25than see Leah get evicted right now.
00:49:28If I can't win, I hope that she does.
00:49:33Hey Quinn, you expected me?
00:49:35Shut up!
00:49:37I thought you were gonna win, dude.
00:49:39What can I say?
00:49:40Obviously, I wish I could still be inside the house,
00:49:44but I'm pretty okay with the choices I made.
00:49:47Give me the beats, give me the tea.
00:49:49I think it'll be ten times better if I just show up.
00:49:52Ainsley left this week, and something else came in.
00:49:56Hi there, you can just call me janky.
00:49:59I'm giving you all a one-week fun pass to janky world
00:50:02where the fun literally never stops.
00:50:05The door to the Big Brother house is now locked.
00:50:08Yeah, no, we were all outside for the entire week.
00:50:11I'm so disappointed I missed this.
00:50:15Congrats, Leah!
00:50:17You are the new Head of Household!
00:50:22Oh my gosh, that's so cool.
00:50:24That's my dog. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for her.
00:50:26That's cool.
00:50:28Obviously, you know I'm hitting.
00:50:30So who else do you think she put up?
00:50:32She's probably pretty annoyed with Chelsea
00:50:34for putting me on the block.
00:50:38The second house guest that I'm nominating is...
00:50:41Leah knows how to get it done!
00:50:44That's crazy, Rubina and Kimo.
00:50:46Let's get into this veto.
00:50:48Congratulations, Angela, you have won the golden power of veto!
00:50:53Oh my God.
00:50:55I have decided to use the veto on Kimo.
00:50:59A veto being used like every week, that's great, you know?
00:51:02T-Core, I'm so sorry.
00:51:04To me, you have Chelsea's vote to stay.
00:51:07You have Kimo.
00:51:09He's drunk.
00:51:11If he's not going to vote to keep you.
00:51:13By a vote of four to one, T-Core,
00:51:17you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
00:51:20I think that Leah putting up T-Core
00:51:22was a testament to the fact
00:51:24that she's willing to make big moves.
00:51:26Do you think Chelsea voted for you, say?
00:51:28That would be my guess.
00:51:30That's some weak stuff from Kimo.
00:51:33That's crazy!
00:51:35I believe that Chelsea is playing the best game thus far.
00:51:39I think the fact that, you know,
00:51:41she managed to insulate herself
00:51:43to continue to stay off the block,
00:51:45and she has two HOHs under her belt on top of all of that.
00:51:48Alrighty, so that was my crazy week!
00:51:55Who do you think the next juror is going to be?
00:51:58Do you think they finally get Angela out of the house?
00:52:01For sure, for sure, possibility.
00:52:04I want to see Leah as the next jury member.
00:52:09Purely out of pettiness,
00:52:11because Leah put me on the block.
00:52:16Hey, Leah!
00:52:18Oh my gosh!
00:52:20Come on out, dude!
00:52:22Big Leah fan, guilty as charged.
00:52:24Officer, take me away.
00:52:26So to see her walk through the door,
00:52:28I'm like, oh my gosh, she is devastatingly cute.
00:52:30That's right, I remember that.
00:52:31It's so exciting.
00:52:33Being put up by Mackenzie was mostly the blind side,
00:52:37because her and I had been so close the entire game.
00:52:39So getting evicted from the Big Brother house
00:52:42is obviously very saddening, disappointing,
00:52:45but of course it's great to see Quinn.
00:52:47Boy, do I have news for you,
00:52:49because it's a double eviction,
00:52:51and I don't even know who the heck it is.
00:52:53Oh my gosh, a double.
00:52:55I feel like Cam or Mackenzie have to be targeted.
00:52:57Seeing Leah here makes me feel like Angela might be next.
00:53:00Hello, house guests!
00:53:02I bet you missed me!
00:53:07Oh, Leah!
00:53:09My eviction did not come as a surprise.
00:53:11Chelsea is obviously the one responsible.
00:53:16So I definitely do not want to see Chelsea win.
00:53:19They got me good!
00:53:21You want to see it?
00:53:23Lead the way, lead the way!
00:53:25It's so juicy!
00:53:27Guys, it was a crazy week, to say the least.
00:53:29All right, let's go!
00:53:31Congratulations, Mackenzie!
00:53:33You are the new head of household!
00:53:35Oh, wow!
00:53:37I know!
00:53:39So you're feeling pretty good about the odds, then.
00:53:41Yeah, I'm geeked!
00:53:43I don't feel so well.
00:53:45What is happening to me?
00:53:47I can't see!
00:53:51Sing with me!
00:53:53Oh my gosh!
00:53:55Watching him literally combust in front of me
00:53:57was so sad!
00:53:59Your head spun!
00:54:01He went blind in front of you!
00:54:03He had good intentions.
00:54:05No, he did not.
00:54:07The first house guest I have nominated is...
00:54:11The next house guest I have nominated is...
00:54:14She tells me.
00:54:16I'm going up as a pawn.
00:54:20I have you. Kimo needs to go.
00:54:24You won the Golden Power Award!
00:54:27Tucker, who?
00:54:29Because she's the con piece of the season.
00:54:31Right, two vetoes in HOH and two AI arenas.
00:54:36Leah, I'm going to have to name you as your replacement.
00:54:39Not with you.
00:54:41Look how mad I am.
00:54:43Oh, look at her fake tears!
00:54:45I know!
00:54:47That was the lowest budget acting of the season.
00:54:49I'm not sold!
00:54:51I never anticipated Mackenzie to be the one to go after me,
00:54:53but I think that she is an incredible competitor.
00:54:55She has earned her spot and saved herself multiple times
00:54:57with her work in this house,
00:54:59and she may just have my vote.
00:55:01So, Leah, I knew that you were potentially going to be a renom,
00:55:04and Mackenzie started to kind of go in on me
00:55:07about all the things and the reasons why.
00:55:09And then she says,
00:55:11you know that Leah and Quinn have a thing.
00:55:15And I'm like, no!
00:55:17She doesn't have a thing for Quinn!
00:55:20Now I'm just like, I want to laugh out loud.
00:55:25But I can't.
00:55:27That'd be crazy!
00:55:29A crush on Quinn?
00:55:31That unfunny narcissist!
00:55:33All right, Angela.
00:55:35Sounds like you're still holding on to some issues, Quinn.
00:55:38I will say, though,
00:55:41that a crush on Quinn was never so ridiculous to me.
00:55:54Crush me, Leah!
00:55:56This might be the biggest twist of the season.
00:55:58I know!
00:56:00I'm sorry, I'm blown away right now.
00:56:02I feel like I can't breathe.
00:56:04I am blushing.
00:56:06I'm going to throw up, honestly,
00:56:08at the prospect of Leah stepping up.
00:56:10And she's like, listen here, Angela.
00:56:12She had no faith that I could pull this off.
00:56:14And I know America at home didn't believe it either.
00:56:17I didn't even believe it!
00:56:19So that's that.
00:56:21I really can't.
00:56:23I know!
00:56:25With a score of four to zero,
00:56:29you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
00:56:31First you-nan vote of the season, baby!
00:56:33I was kind of thinking it was going to go in a tie.
00:56:35I thought so, too.
00:56:37Your turn!
00:56:39Okay, everyone.
00:56:41Congratulations, Chelsea!
00:56:43You are the new head of household!
00:56:46She's clutch.
00:56:48I'm sorry, Angela. I'm sorry, Kimo.
00:56:50I have to see you guys sit there.
00:56:52Let's play in this veto, and I love you both.
00:56:55I'm sorry.
00:56:57Two minutes left.
00:56:59Oh, congratulations!
00:57:07He does it. He pulls it off.
00:57:09Oh my gosh!
00:57:11I believe that Chelsea has had the best gameplay thus far.
00:57:14But I also think that Kimo would be another great representation.
00:57:18He's been a fighter from the beginning
00:57:20and has been constantly underestimated as well.
00:57:22Whoever she doesn't put up
00:57:24paints a picture of which side she trusts more.
00:57:27Rubina, love you.
00:57:29You know where I stand.
00:57:31Oh, okay.
00:57:33You see which side she trusts more.
00:57:35The question is, do you think Mackenzie is closer with Cam or Chelsea?
00:57:38Chelsea. Chelsea.
00:57:40Chelsea, 100%.
00:57:42But Chelsea is a threat to her.
00:57:44Yes, she is.
00:57:46Because she's been the mastermind without a doubt.
00:57:48And Cam's a floater.
00:57:50Who would she stand better to win against?
00:57:52I think the one person who shines brightest as who I want to win is Chelsea.
00:57:57She is the smartest person in that house.
00:58:00By a vote of three to zero,
00:58:03Angela, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
00:58:07Thanks, guys.
00:58:09And that concludes my crazy night.
00:58:12What a crazy night!
00:58:14That was so good.
00:58:16That was awesome.
00:58:18I want to see this house.
00:58:19Show us the house, Quinn and Ticor.
00:58:22Let's go. Let's do it.
00:58:28Up next, the house guests get a much-needed surprise from the outside world.
00:58:34Stay with us.
00:58:50Welcome back to Big Brother.
00:58:57The final five have been locked away from the outside world and their loved ones for 80 days now.
00:59:04It's time to surprise them with some words of encouragement from those who know them best.
00:59:10Make sure you enunciate.
00:59:12Hello, house guests.
00:59:14She's the greatest. She's a wonder.
00:59:16Don't forget to love one another.
00:59:17The best part of BB.
00:59:20We love you, Julie.
00:59:26I mean, you all have singing careers.
00:59:30Whoever doesn't take home the grand prize, my goodness, thank you so much.
00:59:35I am so touched.
00:59:37My heart is just overflowing right now.
00:59:39Would it be wrong to say you five are my favorite house guests?
00:59:42All right. It would be wrong. Just keep it between us.
00:59:46Now, you all have been in there for 80 days, and it looks like you're ready for another 80.
00:59:52No? How's everyone doing?
00:59:56Well, you know, we are just 10 days away from crowning the winner
01:00:00and seeing who goes home with the $750,000 grand prize.
01:00:07And guess who?
01:00:08The $750,000 grand prize.
01:00:11And guess what?
01:00:13There are some people from home
01:00:18who want to cheer each of you on as we roll toward finale night.
01:00:23Let's all take a look.
01:00:25Hi, Rubina. I love you. I'm proud of you.
01:00:29Aunties and brothers misses you.
01:00:32Remember, believe in yourself because possibilities have become reality in you.
01:00:38And double hi.
01:00:40Hi, Phuong. Oh, my gosh. I miss you so much.
01:00:43I had to get a matching cardigan.
01:00:45But it's been so weird not having you around.
01:00:47But it's been also so cool seeing your energy in the house.
01:00:50So we're all rooting for you.
01:00:52And I love and miss you so much.
01:00:54I love you.
01:00:56Bye, baby girl.
01:00:58I miss you more than I thought possible.
01:01:00You're doing an amazing job.
01:01:02Keep staying strong. Keep winning.
01:01:04Keep being you. I love you.
01:01:05Hey, Kenz. Love and miss you so much. Can't wait to see you soon.
01:01:09Hey, Munchkins. It's been a long summer without you.
01:01:12Just want you to know you're playing really well.
01:01:14Keep your head straight.
01:01:16Play tough. Win those comps.
01:01:18We love you a little bit.
01:01:20Bring your home band back.
01:01:22Hey, Kimo.
01:01:24Bro, like everybody down here, bro, is supporting you.
01:01:27So just know that we always love you.
01:01:29We always have. We always will no matter what, bro.
01:01:31Okay? This is coming from your official big brother.
01:01:35Kim, my baby, I love you so much.
01:01:38You're doing a great job creating songs, making a lot of friends.
01:01:42Keep pushing forward. We're all rooting for you.
01:01:45We love you. Bye.
01:01:47I know that I'm not one of your dogs from the crib,
01:01:49but I am your second oldest fan.
01:01:51And on behalf of the less cool people in your circle,
01:01:54just wanted to let you know how proud we are of you
01:01:56and the fact that you figured out how to chase the joys in life
01:01:58all while staying true to your authentic self.
01:02:01King of the jungle, baby.
01:02:03Come on, Cleo.
01:02:05Come on.
01:02:08Hey, Chels.
01:02:10It's your family here, including Junior.
01:02:12We love you.
01:02:14Keep doing your thing. You're playing well.
01:02:16We want you to get that big cash prize.
01:02:20All right?
01:02:22So we're looking forward to seeing you.
01:02:24We love you. All right.
01:02:25Love you.
01:02:27Love you, Chels.
01:02:29Love you, Chels.
01:02:33Junior, Junior, Junior, Junior.
01:02:40Chelsea, let me start with you.
01:02:44How does it feel seeing your family?
01:02:46Oh, my gosh.
01:02:48Auntie Julie, I'm going to cry my eyelashes off.
01:02:50I love my family, but it was great to see my dog.
01:02:53Junior's a cutie, I'm not going to lie.
01:02:57Kimo, what does hearing from your mom and your big brother mean to you?
01:03:02The world.
01:03:06I miss them so much.
01:03:08Love you all at home.
01:03:10Oh, my goodness.
01:03:15Your mom looks like your sister.
01:03:17Let's start there.
01:03:19She's such a queen.
01:03:20How are you feeling?
01:03:22I mean, as everybody in this house probably knows,
01:03:25my family is my absolute best friend and best support system,
01:03:28so it has been so hard being away from them,
01:03:31but I know they are rooting me on,
01:03:33and hopefully this man-bag will bring it home,
01:03:35and I love them.
01:03:37Only the Lord knows.
01:03:39Cam, let me turn to you.
01:03:41Cam, does hearing from your dad motivate you?
01:03:45Come on, that's my dog.
01:03:47You already know that's my dog.
01:03:48I haven't heard from my pops.
01:03:50I'm glad that he's doing well.
01:03:52I was just, you know, scared.
01:03:54I haven't talked to him in a minute, but that's my dog.
01:03:56I'm so happy.
01:03:58He says he's the second oldest person.
01:04:00Who's the first?
01:04:02Your grandfather?
01:04:04Oh, no, no, no.
01:04:06Probably talking about my stepmom.
01:04:08I don't know who he's talking about.
01:04:10Well, let's not give away any ladies' ages.
01:04:12I'm going to move on to Ravina.
01:04:15Ravina, how important is your family to you?
01:04:16Dad, where's Butters?
01:04:18I don't know.
01:04:20Well, I do want to say this.
01:04:22I hope those messages helps inspire
01:04:24each and every one of you
01:04:26as you all head into the final stretch
01:04:28because I'm going to be back shortly
01:04:30with a live vote and eviction.
01:04:34Up next, Kima and Ravina struggle
01:04:36to find a way to stay in the game.
01:04:39Stay with us.
01:04:47Welcome back to Big Brother.
01:04:49With the clock ticking down
01:04:51to eviction night,
01:04:53who stays and who goes
01:04:55comes down to who has the best pitch.
01:05:00Oh, yeah.
01:05:02I just wanted to check in
01:05:04because I haven't been able to, like,
01:05:06chat with anyone about anything
01:05:08and moving forward, like, obviously.
01:05:10And, honestly, I don't know.
01:05:12I don't know.
01:05:13I've wanted as many women
01:05:15to go as far as possible
01:05:17since I got into this house.
01:05:19And it just so happens
01:05:21that two women can control the vote
01:05:23and keep me here this week.
01:05:25Just want to check in about
01:05:27how you feel going forward
01:05:29goal-wise towards the end.
01:05:31I think y'all know how I feel.
01:05:35Like making hard decisions at the end
01:05:37to see two women sitting at the end.
01:05:41I think I stand strongly
01:05:43with you right now
01:05:45than I would with Cam
01:05:47because I think we are very solid on the girls.
01:05:49Would I really take Rubina over Cam
01:05:51to the final three?
01:05:53I don't know yet.
01:05:55But I want to keep Rubina this week.
01:05:57Meaning, next week,
01:05:59she could be a veto holder
01:06:01and have to decide between Cam or I.
01:06:03And I want her to pick me.
01:06:05Because, like, I say Cam
01:06:07and I know you guys are close.
01:06:09Yeah. Right.
01:06:11I would like to see a woman
01:06:13win Big Brother.
01:06:15I'm being 100% truthful.
01:06:17I would love to see a woman
01:06:19win Big Brother.
01:06:21And I would love for that woman
01:06:23to be me.
01:06:25I want the final three
01:06:27to be Cam, Mackenzie, and myself.
01:06:29But if Rubina has to decide
01:06:31who goes to the final three
01:06:33and an all-female alliance
01:06:35is what helps me get there,
01:06:37then I'm going to tell Rubina
01:06:39what she wants to hear.
01:06:41And now it's coming down
01:06:43to me.
01:06:45Now that I've got Rubina feeling
01:06:47like I'm in her corner,
01:06:49I need to go back to Cam,
01:06:51let him know what was discussed
01:06:53so he doesn't hear from Mackenzie.
01:06:55I want Cam to know that,
01:06:57of all people, I got his back.
01:06:59What happened?
01:07:01So, um,
01:07:03Mackenzie called me upstairs.
01:07:06I called Rubina.
01:07:08And Rubina's like,
01:07:10I know you and Cam are close,
01:07:12but I don't know.
01:07:14Mackenzie's just playing the whole
01:07:16blah, blah, blah.
01:07:18Mackenzie is.
01:07:22Yeah. Yeah.
01:07:24I'm well aware of that.
01:07:26I didn't even have time to
01:07:28tell Cam that Mackenzie was
01:07:30playing both sides.
01:07:32He came to that conclusion
01:07:34by himself, so I'm just going
01:07:36to keep brushing my teeth
01:07:38and let him trust me more
01:07:40than Mackenzie.
01:07:42I thought for sure it was
01:07:44myself, Chelsea, and Mackenzie
01:07:46as the final three,
01:07:48but hearing these rumors
01:07:50of Mackenzie talking to Rubina
01:07:52about having her in the final
01:07:54three makes me very curious
01:07:56of if Mackenzie's playing
01:07:58both sides.
01:08:04I just want to pick your brain
01:08:06and see where you're at.
01:08:08I need two votes this week,
01:08:10so I'm going to start
01:08:12with talking to Cam,
01:08:14and I genuinely think
01:08:16that we're great for each
01:08:18other's games,
01:08:20especially in endgame.
01:08:22I feel like out of everyone,
01:08:24you are the best for my game.
01:08:26Like, I can see myself
01:08:28saying that as well.
01:08:30I would love for you
01:08:32to be here, personally.
01:08:34I've been here for my game a lot.
01:08:36Kimo's actually kind of right.
01:08:38You know, seeing us as a final two,
01:08:40I think my chances will be pretty good.
01:08:42Truth be told, I will take
01:08:44my social game over anybody's,
01:08:46and there's still competitions
01:08:48to be won and moves to be made
01:08:50to round out my resume.
01:08:52And after hearing the rumors
01:08:54about Rubina trying to start
01:08:56an all-girls final three,
01:08:58or do...
01:09:00I mean, you've already said enough.
01:09:10How are you?
01:09:12I mean, you know, nervous.
01:09:16Because I think
01:09:18Mackenzie is the biggest threat
01:09:20to all of our games.
01:09:22She's sitting next to anybody
01:09:24in the final two.
01:09:26She's winning this game.
01:09:28I think I can be
01:09:30a benefit to you in terms of
01:09:32if I win HOH.
01:09:34Yeah, I think you could be
01:09:36a benefit being here.
01:09:38And I do believe you
01:09:40about alignment
01:09:42of what next week could look like.
01:09:44So this is very, very, very hard.
01:09:46Next week, we're down to four people,
01:09:48and if there's a scenario
01:09:50that Mackenzie and I are
01:09:52on the block next to each other,
01:09:54which is highly likely,
01:09:56and Kimo is the sole vote,
01:09:58the ship has sailed,
01:10:00and Kim and Mackenzie
01:10:02are wanting to keep Rubina.
01:10:04I don't want your journey
01:10:06here to be over.
01:10:09How are you feeling?
01:10:11About tomorrow?
01:10:15I don't really know.
01:10:17I'm feeling Rubina.
01:10:19Getting rid of her?
01:10:23We can swing in the end.
01:10:25I know.
01:10:28That's what it's like.
01:10:31And if one of us win HOH
01:10:34and she wins a meet-up,
01:10:38we're sitting next to Kimo,
01:10:40and she's been targeting Kimo
01:10:42for weeks now.
01:10:44If we are sitting next to Rubina,
01:10:46then she's going to keep Rubina.
01:10:48Whoa! Hold on.
01:10:50You've been thinking, Cam?
01:10:52This is just fresh to my ears.
01:10:54Cam is starting to lean
01:10:56on Rubina this week,
01:10:58and that plan is actually
01:11:00starting to make a lot of sense.
01:11:20If it's me and Mackenzie
01:11:22on the block next week,
01:11:24I know Kimo would vote to keep me.
01:11:26I don't know about the women going far,
01:11:28but if it's me and Mackenzie,
01:11:30I don't know which woman she's wanting to keep.
01:11:32I think I want to make this move,
01:11:34but not without Mackenzie being informed.
01:11:36I don't want to blindside her.
01:11:38That's kind of where I'm leaning,
01:11:40to be honest.
01:11:45Still on the same page, right?
01:11:50What do you think?
01:11:52I thought...
01:11:54I thought we were getting Kimo out.
01:11:56I'm thinking about
01:11:58who do I feel more comfortable
01:12:00winning a competition against?
01:12:02That's where I'm looking at.
01:12:04My thing is,
01:12:06Kimo hasn't done well
01:12:08on any of the mental stuff, really.
01:12:10I've seen Kimo do better
01:12:12in under-pressure situations,
01:12:14physical and mental.
01:12:16On paper,
01:12:18y'all have beaten Rubina
01:12:20more than y'all have beaten Kimo.
01:12:22Kimo has a jury vote.
01:12:24And if Rubina is in that situation,
01:12:26who's gonna vote for her?
01:12:28Angela's not gonna vote for Rubina.
01:12:30Yes, she would.
01:12:32You think Angela will vote for Rubina?
01:12:38Mackenzie is pushing back about keeping Kimo,
01:12:40but we have the votes here,
01:12:42and if we both vote to keep Kimo,
01:12:44she really can't do anything.
01:12:46So as long as we're on the same page
01:12:48to execute this plan,
01:12:50we should be good to go.
01:12:52Do you really have no preference
01:12:54between the two?
01:12:56She's safe.
01:12:58And that is just because
01:13:00I think that if it came down to
01:13:02her making a choice,
01:13:04she would keep me over Kimo.
01:13:06I don't think he's feeling too safe, Rubina.
01:13:08I know.
01:13:10I get that because she's the one
01:13:12that wants all girls.
01:13:14And I understand that.
01:13:16But he should know that we have his back.
01:13:18I know.
01:13:20What I get annoyed about
01:13:22is that we have carried him.
01:13:24I just don't see what his change-up is
01:13:26if his house is what's best
01:13:28for Cam's game.
01:13:30And honestly, after carrying him
01:13:32throughout this season,
01:13:34he doesn't get to start calling shots now.
01:13:36If you wanted to make a decision
01:13:38to keep Kimo,
01:13:40well, you don't.
01:13:42My thing is that Kimo went to him
01:13:44with a final two.
01:13:46Why are we going to keep somebody
01:13:48who would choose him over us?
01:13:50Clearly, keeping Kimo is best
01:13:52for Cam's game,
01:13:54and keeping Rubina is best
01:13:56for my game.
01:13:58I don't know which way I'm leaning
01:14:00in this moment,
01:14:02but how did Kimo and Rubina
01:14:04all of a sudden become
01:14:06a $750,000 decision?
01:14:11Up next,
01:14:13Kimo and Rubina.
01:14:15One will head to the jury house.
01:14:17One will become a member
01:14:19of the final four.
01:14:21The live vote and eviction next.
01:14:23Stay with us.
01:14:25Welcome back to Big Brother.
01:14:27Kimo has survived the block
01:14:29seven times.
01:14:31Will he keep his streak alive?
01:14:33Rubina was hoping
01:14:35to be saved by the veto.
01:14:37Now, she's putting all her hope
01:14:39in her fellow houseguests.
01:14:41Let's take a look.
01:14:45you're up.
01:14:49you're up.
01:14:52you're up.
01:14:54Rubina is putting all her hope
01:14:56in her fellow houseguests.
01:14:58Let's head to the living room
01:15:00and talk with the two nominees.
01:15:02Hello once again, houseguests.
01:15:04It's that time.
01:15:06Time for the live vote and eviction.
01:15:08Kimo, Rubina,
01:15:10in just moments,
01:15:12your housemates will cast
01:15:14their votes to evict live,
01:15:16but before they do,
01:15:18you each have a final chance
01:15:20to sway their votes
01:15:22to cast their votes.
01:15:24It's been such an exciting summer
01:15:26playing this amazing game with you all
01:15:28and living out this lifelong dream.
01:15:30I'm not quite done living out this dream.
01:15:33I will always encourage you
01:15:35to do whatever is best for your game,
01:15:37and if I can fit in that picture
01:15:39and help be a benefit
01:15:41and an asset to your game
01:15:43as we're very, very near the end,
01:15:45then I kindly ask you
01:15:47to consider keeping me in this game.
01:15:49I respect your decision
01:15:50as a friend,
01:15:52and to all of the people back home in Hawaii
01:15:54and my Ohana friends,
01:15:56love and miss you all.
01:15:58Thank you, Kimo.
01:16:02Thank you, Julie.
01:16:04I just want to start off by saying
01:16:06how humbled, grateful, and blessed
01:16:08I really feel to be here with you all.
01:16:10No matter what happens,
01:16:12we're made it to the final five,
01:16:14and I'm so proud of all of us
01:16:16because only we know the blood, sweat,
01:16:18and tears it takes to be in this house.
01:16:20It's really the experience of a lifetime
01:16:22and one of the craziest things I've ever done,
01:16:24and thank you for your consideration
01:16:26in keeping me, Rubina,
01:16:28your friendly neighborhood Filipina.
01:16:30A rhyme, all right.
01:16:33Thank you, Rubina.
01:16:35Thank you, Kimo.
01:16:37All right, everyone,
01:16:39it's time for the live voting to begin.
01:16:41As always, the two nominees
01:16:43are not allowed to vote.
01:16:45Mackenzie, as current head of household,
01:16:47you will only vote in the event of a tie.
01:16:48One at a time,
01:16:50Cam, then Chelsea,
01:16:52will enter the diary room
01:16:54and cast their vote to evict.
01:16:56Cam, please go to the diary room now.
01:17:07With only days left in the game,
01:17:09did Kimo's pitch to Cam
01:17:11make an impression?
01:17:13Hello, Cam.
01:17:15How we doing?
01:17:16Very well, thank you.
01:17:18Please cast your vote to evict.
01:17:20I vote to evict Kimo.
01:17:24Shout-out my dogs at the crib.
01:17:28Chelsea's vote will either
01:17:30seal Kimo's fate
01:17:32or send the eviction decision
01:17:34to Mackenzie.
01:17:36Hello, Chelsea.
01:17:38What's up, Auntie Julie?
01:17:40Tell Auntie,
01:17:42who do you vote to evict?
01:17:44I sadly, sadly vote to evict Kimo.
01:17:48Thank you, Raquel, Marcus, Cam, Kaz, Mel, Larry!
01:17:50I love y'all! Rancho Cucamonga!
01:17:52I'm in this, baby!
01:18:01All of the votes are in.
01:18:03Let's give the news to the houseguests.
01:18:07the votes are in.
01:18:09When I reveal the vote,
01:18:11the evicted houseguests
01:18:13will have just a few moments
01:18:14to gather his or her belongings
01:18:16and walk out that front door.
01:18:19By a vote
01:18:21of two to zero,
01:18:25you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
01:18:45Oh, my water.
01:18:47I don't know where it is.
01:18:49Oh, well, anyway, it's the blue one.
01:18:51I got you.
01:18:53Oh, dear.
01:18:54Oh, perfect, perfect.
01:18:56I love you.
01:18:58I love you all.
01:19:00Good luck.
01:19:02You're all so amazing.
01:19:04Big Brother house, I will miss you.
01:19:06I love you all.
01:19:08Love you, Kim.
01:19:10Love you so much.
01:19:12Love you all so much.
01:19:14Good luck.
01:19:26Oh, Kimo.
01:19:35Love you, Kim.
01:19:37Yes, Kimo.
01:19:39I love a game.
01:19:41You survived seven times.
01:19:43The eighth time you did not.
01:19:45You were sitting next to
01:19:47your closest ally left in the game.
01:19:49Why do you think they voted
01:19:51you out and not Rubina?
01:19:53Well, because I was going to win this game.
01:19:55You know what I mean?
01:19:59No, you know, I mean, at this point,
01:20:01the numbers are so small and,
01:20:03you know, it's a tough choice
01:20:05either way we go.
01:20:07I am so happy that Rubina stayed
01:20:09and that she's able to continue on.
01:20:11I'm rooting for her.
01:20:13I'm rooting for everyone.
01:20:15But, yeah.
01:20:17We heard you make a pretty good case
01:20:19to Cam saying, listen,
01:20:21I'm not going to make a mistake
01:20:23by voting you out tonight.
01:20:25Of course! Hello!
01:20:27But, you know, everybody's going to do
01:20:29whatever's best for their game
01:20:31and I respect any decision that's made.
01:20:33Early on in the game,
01:20:35you and your best buddy in the house, Teeqor,
01:20:37were in a pretty good position
01:20:39and you folded in Rubina and Tucker
01:20:41and now she's the only one left in there.
01:20:44When did things start going wrong
01:20:46for you and your allies?
01:20:48I think because we were so tight
01:20:49and because we were so visibly,
01:20:51like, you know, tight with each other,
01:20:53that just became a threat to everyone.
01:20:56You know, I mean, we're a strong trio.
01:20:58The numbers are, you know.
01:21:00But for me, like, being in this house,
01:21:02I needed people. Like, I need people.
01:21:04You know, we all kind of needed people
01:21:06and, you know, the target just ended up on us
01:21:08because friendship, you know.
01:21:10The strongest alliance.
01:21:12All right. Big Brother is very personal to you.
01:21:14You watched it growing up
01:21:16with your big brother
01:21:17who is no longer with us.
01:21:19Was this experience
01:21:21everything you hoped it would be?
01:21:23Yes! I'm so happy
01:21:25that I got this opportunity.
01:21:27Thank you to everyone that allowed this to happen.
01:21:29To you? Oh, my goodness.
01:21:31Yeah, it meant the world to me.
01:21:34I just know that he was so proud
01:21:36of me just doing it in the first place
01:21:39and how far I got,
01:21:41like an island kid, top five.
01:21:43Hello! What?
01:21:45Quick final.
01:21:49Quick final thoughts
01:21:51before we send you to jury?
01:21:53This has been such a wild
01:21:55and incredible experience.
01:21:57I'm Mahalo and thank anyone and everyone
01:21:59who got me to this point.
01:22:01You were one of the first people
01:22:03I could relate to on television.
01:22:05So actually being in your midst,
01:22:07hello, this is so special!
01:22:09So thank you to everyone
01:22:11and I'm excited to see whoever
01:22:13takes home the prize
01:22:15and wins this incredible game.
01:22:17It's out Sunday, October 13th
01:22:19when you and the rest of the jury vote.
01:22:21Thank you, Kimo.
01:22:23Aloha. Aloha.
01:22:25Up next, we check in with the final four
01:22:27as they prepare for the final push
01:22:29to finale night.
01:22:31Stay with us.
01:22:45Welcome back to Big Brother.
01:22:47Back to the living room
01:22:49and talk with the final four.
01:22:51Hello again, house guests.
01:22:53Or should I say,
01:22:55hello, final four.
01:22:59Please allow me to be the first
01:23:01to congratulate all of you
01:23:03on this monumental accomplishment.
01:23:05And house guests,
01:23:07I really, really want you
01:23:09to enjoy this moment
01:23:11because things are about to get harder
01:23:13as you head into the final stretch.
01:23:15Soon, one of you
01:23:17will be a part of Household.
01:23:19One of you will win
01:23:21the final veto of the season
01:23:23and one of you
01:23:25will be sent to the jury
01:23:27leaving the final three
01:23:29to face off live on finale night.
01:23:31For now,
01:23:33I wish you all a great night.
01:23:35Goodnight, house guests.
01:23:37Goodnight, Audrey.
01:23:39Tune in Sunday at 10 Eastern,
01:23:419 Central, 7 Pacific
01:23:43following the AMA's
01:23:4550th anniversary special
01:23:47of Household Competition plays out.
01:23:49Who will win?
01:23:51Which two house guests will be nominated?
01:23:53Plus, it is the final
01:23:55veto competition of the season.
01:23:57And once again,
01:23:59there will be no Wednesday show next week.
01:24:02But, next Thursday
01:24:04at 8, 7 Central,
01:24:06it is another action-packed eviction night
01:24:08that will determine the final three.
01:24:10Plus, season 25 winner Jag
01:24:13will join us live
01:24:15to break down this season.
01:24:17For now,
01:24:19let's eavesdrop on the final four.
01:24:21From outside the Big Brother house,
01:24:23I'm Julie Chen Boonvez.
01:24:25Love one another.
01:24:36final HOH.
01:24:38I will pass down the baton.
01:24:40The baton.
01:24:42One last time.
01:24:47She's like throwing in the last beat.
01:24:49I'm like, dang, girl.
01:24:53You're stressing me out.
01:25:13Oh my gosh.
01:25:15You wrote a book.
01:25:16It's a memoir that your mother,
01:25:18Lisa Marie, started
01:25:20before she died.
01:25:22From here to the great unknown.
01:25:24I knew that Graceland was a place
01:25:26that she felt free.
01:25:28When did you know
01:25:30that drugs were a problem for your mother?
01:25:32She was taking up to 80 pills a day.
01:25:34Your grandmother, Priscilla,
01:25:36also wants to be buried here with Elvis.
01:25:38Who do you think she will be?
01:25:40An Oprah special,
01:25:42The Press Release,
01:25:44Tuesday at 8, 7 Central on CBS.
01:25:46And a CBS Wednesday.
01:25:48Your challenge is to reach the summit.
01:25:50That's how you do it!
01:25:52They believe I'm in with them.
01:25:54That's a win-win for me.
01:25:56I love this!
01:25:58Survivor and The Summit,
01:26:00new Wednesday starting at 8, 7 Central on CBS
01:26:02and streaming on Paramount+.