Kissyfur Just in Time Three’s a Crowd (Season Two)

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:30Avec le soutien de Denix
01:01Où est ce bébé ?
01:03N'est-ce pas qu'il sait que c'est rude de garder une dame à l'attente ?
01:08Oh, c'est vrai !
01:10Deux dames font que c'est deux fois plus rude !
01:16Bonjour, mesdames. N'est-ce pas que...
01:18C'est à l'heure que vous avez apparu !
01:20Nous avons attendu toute la matinée !
01:22Nous avons des choses à faire !
01:24Un beau jour !
01:27Un beau jour ?
01:33D'accord, les enfants, le soleil est arrivé et c'est l'heure de commencer l'école.
01:40Vous avez une idée où est Kissy-Fur ?
01:42Ou Lenny ? Ou Stucky ?
01:45Ici nous sommes !
01:51J'espère que vous avez une bonne excuse pour être en retard.
01:54Nous aussi !
01:56Eh bien, nous ne sommes pas en retard aujourd'hui.
01:59Nous sommes en retard pour demain.
02:02Hey !
02:15Hey ! Il y a quelqu'un là-bas ?
02:21Ça sent pas dangereux !
02:24C'est pas dangereux ?
02:26C'est pas dangereux !
02:28Ça sent pas dangereux !
02:36Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
02:39Hey !
02:55Hey ! Everybody ! Come see what I got !
03:00What's going on here ?
03:03I bet you don't have anything like this !
03:06Hey ! Calm down !
03:09Everybody will get a chance !
03:11My word Charles ! What is that thing ?
03:14It's a clock ! You use it to tell time !
03:18How would you know ?
03:20We used to have them in the circus, remember dad ?
03:23Sure do son !
03:25We used clocks for meals, waking up, going to sleep, putting on our shows, everything !
03:31We could sure use a little bit of that around here !
03:34Oh, we don't need a clock Miss Emmylou !
03:36We tell time by the sun and the tides and all that !
03:40Well, it certainly would be nice to have the kids to school on time !
03:44And the paddle cab running on schedule !
03:47I don't think it would hurt to try the clock !
03:49I think it's an excellent idea !
03:52Let's take a vote ! All in favor of running on clock time, say aye !
03:56Aye !
03:58All opposed, say no !
04:00The ayes have it !
04:02I think you should keep the clock !
04:04Hey ! Hold on there !
04:07I found it and I'm gonna be the one to keep it !
04:17All right, all right, everybody up !
04:19Wakey, wakey ! Up and at'em !
04:22Rise and shine !
04:23Morning sure is a nice quiet time of day when you can...
04:28Yeah, I'm in here !
04:30But you shouldn't be !
04:32It's time for work !
04:34And it's time for school !
04:38I guess we're on clock time now !
04:45Just look at that, Floyd !
04:48It's a regular gravy train !
04:51All right !
04:53It's a regular gravy train !
04:56All right ! Let's get it right this time !
04:59You pounce, I'll grab !
05:02Why can't you pounce and me grab ?
05:09The clock !
05:11We'd better hurry or we'll be late for school !
05:15Maybe I shouldn't listen to you no more !
05:18Shut up, luggage lips ! Listen to my stomach growl !
05:24Well, things are so much better now that we're using the clock !
05:33Now get it right this time !
05:35You grab and I pounce, right ?
05:39You're hopeless, Floyd ! Now get ready !
05:47Morning, ladies !
05:50Just in time, Gus !
05:52Thanks to the wonderful job Charles is doing !
05:56Now !
06:08Hey ! You should have seen your old man today, Lenny boy !
06:12I run this swamp !
06:15You really make it tick, huh, Dad ?
06:18Yeah !
06:22Hey ! Just watch out for the booby traps !
06:27That's really neat, Dad ! You're really king of the mountain now !
06:31Hey ! King Charles ! I like the sound of that !
06:40Well, good night, Pops !
06:48Oh, no !
06:55It's okay !
06:57Scared me for a minute there !
07:01Well, I guess it's time for bed, huh ?
07:19But how can there be time for school ?
07:23Yes, the sun's not even up yet !
07:26I don't know if this clock thing is such a good idea !
07:33Excuse me ! All right, children, let's get started !
07:37But Miss Emmylou, it's still dark out !
07:41Hey !
07:43School's out ! School's out !
07:46But Charles, school just began !
07:56It's a little early, isn't it, Charles ?
07:59Don't matter ! Just get going !
08:02Hey !
08:04Where are your passengers ? They're late !
08:08Time for school ! Move, move, move !
08:15Oh, tide !
08:17Oh, it's too early in the day for this !
08:27You can't go yet ! Stay put !
08:30But the tide's in, Charles !
08:33No, no ! It's not time !
08:45This whole clock thing just isn't working !
08:48You just said a mouthful, son !
08:50You were right, Dad ! We already had a way of telling time !
08:54By the sun and the tides !
08:56I vote we get rid of the clock !
08:58Oh, yeah ! I'll second that !
09:08Hey, Charles !
09:10We took a vote and the clock has got to go !
09:13No ! I'm in charge of the clock !
09:16A vote is a vote ! Now stand aside !
09:18This clock is going out of here tonight !
09:24That's what you get for messing with the clock !
09:27Like my dad said, the clock goes !
09:40Look at all them critters !
09:43And look !
09:45That big bear is just hanging from the tree !
09:48He can't get in our way this time !
09:52Got you, chubby !
10:02Hold on ! Somebody get me out of this thing !
10:08Hold still so I can chop you !
10:11Oh, non ! Les gators !
10:19Regarde ce que je peux faire pour un prix !
10:241, 2, 3, allez-y !
10:33Oh, je vais le couper !
10:35Mais qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé avec le 3 ?
10:38Je ne sais pas, Charles !
10:40Je ne sais pas, Charles !
10:42Je ne sais pas, Charles !
10:44Je ne sais pas, Charles !
10:46Je ne sais pas, Charles !
10:48Je ne sais pas, Charles !
10:51Mais qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé avec le 3 ?
10:58Hey ! Les gators ont pris mon clock !
11:01Charles, mon garçon, c'était soit le clock, soit toi !
11:09Je suis tellement contente que tout est de retour !
11:13Moi aussi !
11:15Moi aussi !
11:18On a juste assez de temps pour prendre un petit-déjeuner !
11:22Prêt ? Et...
11:25Ferme-la !
11:27C'est les gators !
11:30De cette façon !
11:32Arrête de rigoler, idiote !
11:34On ne mangera jamais de nouveau !
11:39Hey, ce clock était bon pour quelque chose !
