General Hospital 10.04.2024

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00:00You know, I can't put my finger on it, but something is different around here.
00:19Good different or bad different?
00:21Definitely good.
00:23It's quiet.
00:24Well, the kids are all at school.
00:29Tracy is out on a ride.
00:30Olivia is at the MetroCorp.
00:31Somehow, all of the planets have finally aligned, and we have this entire place to ourselves.
00:37Well, I have the afternoon off work.
00:39Things can't get any more aligned than that.
00:42Could you ignore that, please?
00:45I can't.
00:46Sven's at school.
00:47They're sending her home.
00:48Are you suggesting that someone at General Hospital altered Heather Steltz's results?
00:50Come on, Rick, it wouldn't be the first time.
00:55Well, who would do that?
01:03Somebody who wants Heather kept behind bars, right?
01:07Lab tech?
01:12Maybe somebody who had a little bit more authority?
01:16somebody who could go in and out of any room in the hospital without being
01:23stopped and it's also got to be somebody who is so invested in keeping Heather in
01:28prison that they'd be willing to risk anything to keep her behind bars
01:33yeah I saw you sorry to disturb you a long time
01:47and then the doctors need to do a secondary screening of Lucky's liver
01:50function to make sure everything's okay and then they can move forward with
01:53transplant but Lulu's gonna be okay it's looking that way
02:16of course absolutely we're out we're on our way
02:35oh that's fine physically fine okay so she's not sick or hurt no and why they
02:41call she had a boy in her class what no Violet wouldn't do that her teacher saw
02:47her do it what's she trying to fight or something no Violet wouldn't tell the
02:52teacher what happened since when does Violet not talk about anything
02:56something's up I'm gonna go get her let's go might both of us to get the
03:01truth out of her so is there someone at the hospital in
03:04the hospital staff that was maybe attacked by Heather because that person
03:07would definitely want to make sure that she stayed where she was you know
03:10Heather and her hook put me in the hospital so I won't exactly be shedding
03:14any tears if she stays right where she is I'm sorry I'm just I'm just saying
03:18it changes a very big place and there are probably a lot of people who weren't
03:22too excited about the prospect of running into Heather at the supermarket
03:25okay that's a fair point but if I'm gonna prove that GHS tests are
03:29untrustworthy connect them to somebody might be helpful okay well you go ahead
03:33and try to prove your grand conspiracy in the meantime your client Heather will
03:37be rotten and Penn and Bell if I connect the dots real fast if you
03:43accuse a hospital employee of tampering with a lab test every lawyer GH has is
03:48gonna come a-runnin and nothing about your case will move fast so you think I
03:53should ditch the whole tampering theory if you want things to move quickly I
03:59think you should give GH an easy out just tell him up front that you think
04:04it's probably just an honest lab mistake right you do that and the
04:10hospital is sure to agree that it was a faulty test when did you become such an
04:15expert in legal strategy just giving you an alternative you want to do it your
04:19way do it your way I don't care I have no dog in this fight oh that's what I
04:25think you do so be protecting I can't wait to hear all about your life I want
04:40pictures videos all of it especially embarrassing stuff that's most of it I'm
04:46just gonna reschedule no no no don't do that go hang with your friend we've got
04:50plenty of time to catch up well it's gonna take a lot of time to get you
04:54fully caught up I'll block out three hours all right okay see you I will text
04:59you oh my gosh I know we talked about you coming back for a while now but
05:05until you text me and told me the plane had landed I just didn't believe it it
05:08was time it was time oh let's sit down talk so was it hard leaving Boston I
05:15didn't have many ties there I mean Boston's great but I was working like
05:19all the time it's not like oh turns out it wasn't it made me a better doctor but
05:24I don't want to live like that I miss my family you're here and like I could
05:30stay as long as you like just be warned Donna is really into crafts and you're
05:34gonna find beads and glue everywhere mm-hmm keep an eye out yes thank you oh
05:39thank you I'm so glad you're home I know it's hard for you to be in Port
05:44Charles I'm sorry though they didn't stick around after mom's funeral okay I
05:48get it I just want you to be okay yeah I know you're excited about the job and
05:57everything it's just after everything you've been through are you sure you're
06:02up for it can't tell you how happy I am that your
06:06homestead I'll never be able to repay Jason or Anna or Carly for everything
06:12they did to get me back here well even though you got all that help I heard it
06:16get back I'm sure your dad would be very proud you did this for your sister dad
06:23might be relieved but I'm so sure he'd be proud why would you say that yes we
06:29both know I should be in here all along
06:46thanks but I still need to work on that bridge no that's not a perfect to me I'm
06:53glad but I needed to sound perfect to both of us that's fair well what are you
06:58even doing out here it's a change of pace it's nice fresh air sound of the
07:05birds the wind kids laughing people talking you know so you like to play
07:14life when I play outside I feel like I'm part of this big orchestra that's
07:20it's always playing but when we forget to listen to and here I thought it was
07:25just about the acoustics I'm glad that I ran into you I felt terrible that the
07:31performance at the gallery got canceled wasn't your fault no but I've been
07:34working overtime to get Harry and Akai shows back on the book and I finally did
07:38and I would love to rebook you
07:43thank you for the offer but I have to pass why I know how much you care about
07:51Ava well she pushed uncle Sonny's pregnant daughter out of the window and
07:55killed her baby I never worked for that woman now
08:00I'm not protecting it if you want to continue with your heart no no no no you
08:06know what you're right I don't need to find out whoever did this
08:10really it's two seconds ago you were Columbo now you're gonna walk away no
08:16I'm just re-evaluating the new information what new information the
08:22fact that you don't want me to know who did this I already told you no no no I'm
08:26not gonna pressure you into telling me who it is well that would be a waste of
08:31time because there isn't anyone you know I think I've gotten to know you pretty
08:37well here Ava and I know that you wouldn't stick your neck out for
08:41anybody so this person must mean a lot to you
08:46guess I'm just gonna have to figure out Heather's case with what I've got see
08:52you later
08:56you question my skills as a surgeon not at all I just know it's not easy for you
09:01being back in Port Charles when I saw the opening for a trauma surgeon at GH I
09:05didn't think about it I just applied okay and now that you're back give me a
09:08minute okay well there's anything I can do to make it easier for you please let
09:12me know just you being here easier and better and you and the bees glue
09:33know any Billy Eilish you know I can't put my finger on it but something is
09:40different around here good different about different definitely good listen
09:46it's quiet well the kids are all at school and Tracy is a ride Olivia's at
09:53the Metro Corp somehow all of the planets are finally aligned and we have
09:57this entire place to ourselves well I have the afternoon off work things can't
10:02get any more alive than that
10:07did you ignore that please
10:11so in school you're sending her home are you suggesting that someone a general
10:18hospital older had this test results it wouldn't be the first time well who
10:23would do that somebody who wants Heather kept behind bars
10:28lab tech
10:34maybe somebody who had a little bit more authority somebody who could go in and
10:41out of any room in the hospital without being stopped and it's also got to be
10:47somebody who is so invested in keeping Heather in prison that they'd be willing
10:50to risk anything to keep her behind bars
10:55yeah I saw you sorry to disturb you a long time
11:09and then the doctors need to do a secondary screening of Lucky's liver
11:12function to make sure everything's okay and then they can move forward with
11:15transplant Lulu's gonna be okay
11:45of course absolutely we're out we're on our way
11:57oh that's fine physically fine okay so she's not sick or hurt no and why'd they
12:03call she had a boy in her class what no Violet wouldn't do that her teacher saw
12:09her do it what so she trying to fight or something
12:13no Violet wouldn't tell the teacher what happened since when does Violet not
12:16talk about anything something's up I'm gonna go get her
12:22get the truth out of her so is there someone at the hospital in the hospital
12:27staff that was maybe attacked by Heather because that person would definitely
12:29want to make sure that she stayed where she was you know Heather and her hook
12:33put me in the hospital so I won't exactly be shedding any tears if she
12:37stays right where she is I'm sorry I'm just I'm just saying it changes a very
12:41big place and there are probably a lot of people who aren't too excited about
12:45the prospect of running into Heather at the supermarket okay that's a fair point
12:48but if I'm gonna prove that GHS tests are untrustworthy connect them to
12:52somebody might be helpful okay well you go ahead and try to prove your grand
12:57conspiracy in the meantime your client Heather will be rotten in Pennville if I
13:01connect the dots real fast if you accuse a hospital employee of tampering with a
13:07lab test every lawyer GHS is gonna come a-running and nothing about your case
13:12will move fast so you think I should ditch the whole tampering theory if you
13:20want things to move quickly I think you should give GH an easy out just tell him
13:25up front that you think it's probably just an honest lab mistake right you do
13:30that and the hospital is sure to agree that it was a faulty test when did you
13:36become such an expert in legal strategy I'm just giving you an alternative you
13:41want to do it your way do it your way I don't care I have no dog in this fight
13:44oh that's what I think you do so you're protecting
13:58I can't wait to hear all about your life I want pictures videos all of it
14:04especially the embarrassing stuff I'm just gonna reschedule no no no don't do
14:11that go hang with your friend we've got plenty of time to catch up well it's
14:13gonna take a lot of time to get you fully caught up I'll block out three
14:18hours all right okay see you bye I will text you oh my gosh I know we talked
14:25about you coming back for a while now but until you text me and told me the
14:28plane had landed I just didn't believe it it was time it was time oh let's sit
14:33so was it hard leaving Boston I didn't have many ties there I mean Boston's
14:39great but I was working like all the time oh turns out it wasn't it made me a
14:45better doctor but I didn't want to live like that I miss my family here and like
14:51a stay as long as you like just be warned Donna is really into crafts and
14:56you're gonna find beads and glue everywhere mm-hmm
14:58yes thank you oh thank you I'm so glad you're home I know it's hard for you to
15:05be in Port Charles I'm sorry that I didn't stick around after mom's funeral
15:09okay I get it I just want you to be okay we got there I know you're excited about
15:19the job and everything it's just after everything you've been through are you
15:24sure you're up for it can't tell you how happy I am that you're home sir I'll
15:30never be able to repay Jason or Anna or Carly for everything they did to get me
15:34back here well even though you got all that help I heard it was hell to get
15:39back I'm sure your dad would be very proud you did this for your sister dad
15:45might be relieved but I'm so sure he'd be proud why would you say that yes we
15:51both know I should be in here all along
16:09thanks but I still need to work on that bridge no that's not a perfect to me I'm
16:15glad but I needed some perfect to both of us that's fair well what are you even
16:20doing out here it's a change of pace it's nice fresh air sound of the birds
16:27the wind kids laughing people talking you know so you like to play surrounded
16:35by life when I play outside I feel like I'm part of this big orchestra that's
16:42it's always playing but when we forget to listen to and here I thought it was
16:46just about the acoustics I'm glad that I ran into you I felt terrible that the
16:53performance at the gallery got canceled no but I've been working overtime to get
16:57Harry Nakaya shows back on the book and I finally did I would love to rebook you
17:05thank you for the offer but I have to pass why I know how much you care about
17:12Ava well she pushed uncle Sonny's pregnant daughter out of the window and killed her
17:17baby I never worked for that woman now I'm not protecting if you want to continue with
17:26your heart you're right I don't need to find out whoever did this really it's two
17:34seconds ago you were Columbo now you're gonna walk away no I'm just re-evaluating the new
17:41information what new information the fact that you don't want me to know who did this I already
17:47told you no no no I'm not gonna pressure you to tell me who it is well that would be a waste of
17:53time because there isn't anyone you know I think I've gotten to know you pretty well here Ava and
18:00I know that you wouldn't stick your neck out for anybody so this person must mean a lot to you
18:07guess I'm just gonna have to figure out Heather's case with what I've got see you later
18:14you question my skills as a surgeon not at all I just know it's not easy for you being back in
18:24Port Charles when I saw the opening for a trauma surgeon in GH I didn't even think about it I just
18:28replied okay and now that you're back give me a minute okay well there's anything I can do to
18:33make it easier for you please let me know just you being here and better and you and the bees
18:42know any Billie Eilish you know I can't put my finger on it but something is different around
19:02here good different about different definitely good listen it's quiet well the kids are all at
19:12school and Tracy is a ride Olivia's at the MetroCorp somehow all of the planets are finally
19:18aligned and we have this entire place to ourselves well I have the afternoon off work things can't
19:24get any more alive than that
19:29did you ignore that please
19:34so in school you're sending her home are you suggesting that someone a general hospital
19:40older than this test results it wouldn't be the first time well who would do that somebody
19:47wants Heather kept behind bars okay lab tech
19:56maybe somebody who had a little bit more authority somebody who could go in and out of any room in
20:04the hospital without being stopped it's also got to be somebody who is so invested in keeping
20:11Heather in prison that they'd be willing to risk anything to keep her behind bars
20:15yeah I saw you sorry to disturb you a long time
20:30and then the doctors need to do a secondary screening of Lucky's liver function to make
20:35sure everything's okay and then they can move forward with transplant Lulu's gonna be okay
20:40it's looking
21:10of course absolutely we're out we're on our way let's fight physically fine okay so she's not
21:22sick or hurt no and why'd they call she hit a boy in her class what no Violet wouldn't do that her
21:30teacher saw her do it what so she she kind of fight or something no Violet wouldn't tell the
21:36teacher what happened since when does Violet not talk about anything something's up I'm gonna go
21:42get her both of us get the truth out of her so is there someone at the hospital in the hospital
21:49staff that was maybe attacked by Heather because that person would definitely want to make sure
21:51that she stayed where she was you know Heather and her hook put me in the hospital so I won't
21:57exactly be shedding any tears if she stays right where she is I'm sorry I'm just I'm just saying
22:02it changes a very big place and there are probably a lot of people who weren't too excited about the
22:07prospect of running into Heather at the supermarket okay that's a fair point but if I'm gonna prove
22:11that GHS tests are untrustworthy connect them to somebody might be helpful okay well you go ahead
22:17and try to prove your grand conspiracy and in the meantime your client Heather will be rotten
22:22and Penn and Bill if I connect the dots real fast if you accuse a hospital employee of tampering
22:29with a lab test every lawyer GHS is gonna come a-running and nothing about your case will move
22:34fast so you think I should ditch the whole tampering theory if you want things to move quickly I think
22:44you should give GH an easy out just tell them up front that you think it's probably just an honest
22:50lab mistake right you do that and the hospital is sure to agree that it was a faulty test when did
22:58you become such an expert in legal strategy I'm just giving you an alternative you want to do it
23:03your way do it your way I don't care I have no dog in this fight oh that's what I think you do so
23:11you're protecting I want pictures videos all of it especially embarrassing stuff
23:28I'm just gonna reschedule no no no don't do that go hang with your friend we've got plenty of time
23:34well it's gonna take a lot of time to get you fully caught up I'll block out three hours all
23:40right okay I will text you oh my gosh I know we talked about you coming back for a while now but
23:49until you text me and told me the plane had landed I just didn't believe it it was time it was time
23:53oh let's sit down talk so was it hard leaving Boston I didn't have many ties there I mean
24:01Boston's great but I was working like all the time it's not like oh turns out it wasn't it made
24:07me a better doctor but I don't want to live like that I miss my family you're here and like a stay
24:14as long as you like just be warned Donna is really into crafts and you're gonna find beads and glue
24:19everywhere mm-hmm yes thank you oh thank you I'm so glad you're home I know it's hard for you to
24:27be in Port Charles I'm sorry that I didn't stick around after mom's funeral okay I get it
24:32I just want you to be okay yeah I know you're excited about the job and everything it's just
24:43after everything you've been through are you sure you're up for it can't tell you how happy I am
24:50that you're home sir I'll never be able to repay Jason or Anna or Carly for everything they did
24:56to get me back here well even though you got all that help I heard it was hell to get back I'm sure
25:03your dad would be very proud you did this for your sister dad might be relieved but I'm so sure
25:09he'd be proud why would you say that yes we both know I should've been here all along
25:26thanks but I still need to work on that bridge no that's not a perfect to me I'm glad but I needed
25:38to sound perfect to both of us that's fair well what are you even doing out here it's a change
25:45of pace it's nice fresh air sound of the birds the wind kids laughing people talking you know
25:54so you like to play surrounded by life when I play outside I feel like I'm part of this big
26:03orchestra that's so it's playing but when we forget to listen to and here I thought it was
26:08just about the acoustics well I'm glad that I ran into you I felt terrible that your performance at
26:15the gallery got canceled wasn't your fault no but I've been working overtime to get Harry and
26:19shows back on the book and I finally did I would love to rebook you
26:24thank you for the offer but I have to pass why I know how much you care about Ava well
26:35she pushed uncle Sonny's pregnant daughter out of a window and killed her baby I'd never work
26:41for that woman now I'm not protecting it if you want to continue with your you're right I don't
26:52need to find out whoever did this really it's two seconds ago you were Columbo now you're gonna walk
26:59away no I'm just re-evaluating the new information what new information the fact that you don't want
27:06me to know who did this I already told you no no no I'm not gonna pressure you to tell me who it
27:13is well that would be a waste of time because there isn't anyone you know I think I've gotten
27:20to know you pretty well here Ava and I know that you wouldn't stick your neck out for anybody so
27:27this person must mean a lot to you guess I'm just gonna have to figure out how this case with what
27:33I've got see you later you question my skills as a surgeon not at all I just know it's not easy
27:45for you being back in Port Charles when I saw the opening for a trauma surgeon in GH I didn't
27:49think about it I just applied okay and now that you're back give me a minute okay well there's
27:54anything I can do to make it easier for you please let me know just you being here easier and better
28:00know any Billie Eilish you know I can't put my finger on it but something is different around
28:24here good different about different definitely good listen it's quiet well the kids are all at
28:34school and Tracy is a ride Olivia's at the Metro Corp somehow all of the planets are finally aligned
28:40and we have this entire place to ourselves well I have the afternoon off work things can't get
28:46any more alive than that
28:51did you ignore that please
28:55send in school you're sending her home are you suggesting that someone a general hospital
29:02altered have this test results it wouldn't be the first time well who would do that somebody
29:09who wants Heather kept behind bars lab tech
29:17maybe somebody who had a little bit more authority somebody who could go in and out of any room in
29:26the hospital without being stopped and it's also got to be somebody who is so invested in keeping
29:33Heather in prison that they'd be willing to risk anything to keep her behind bars
29:37yeah I saw you sorry to disturb you a long time
29:52and then the doctors need to do a secondary screening of Lucky's liver function to make
29:56sure everything's okay and then they can move forward with transplant Lulu's gonna be okay
30:02it's looking
30:32of course absolutely we're out we're on our way oh that's fine physically fine okay so she's not
30:44sick or hurt no and why'd they call she had a boy in her class what no Violet wouldn't do that her
30:52teacher saw her do it what so she trying to fight or something no Violet wouldn't tell the teacher
30:58what happened since when does Violet not talk about anything something's up I'm gonna go get
31:04her both of us to get the truth out of her so is there someone at the hospital in the hospital
31:10staff that was maybe attacked by Heather because that person would definitely want to make sure
31:13that she stayed where she was you know Heather and her hook put me in the hospital so I won't
31:19exactly be shedding any tears if she stays right where she is I'm sorry I'm just I'm just saying
31:24it changes a very big place and there are probably a lot of people who weren't too
31:28excited about the prospect of running into Heather at the supermarket okay that's a fair
31:32point but if I'm gonna prove that GHS tests are untrustworthy can I send to somebody might
31:36be helpful okay well you go ahead and try to prove your grand conspiracy in the meantime
31:42your client Heather will be rotten in Pennville if I connect the dots real fast if you accuse
31:49the hospital employee of tampering with a lab test every lawyer GH has is gonna come a-runnin
31:54and nothing about your case will move fast so you think I should ditch the whole tampering theory if
32:04you want things to move quickly I think you should give GH an easy out just tell him up front that
32:09you think it's probably just an honest lab mistake right you do that and the hospital is sure to agree
32:16that it was a faulty test when did you become such an expert in legal strategy just giving you an
32:23alternative you want to do it your way do your way I don't care I have no dog that's right I think you
32:31do so you're protecting I can't wait to hear all about your life I want pictures videos all of it
32:48especially embarrassing stuff I'm just gonna reschedule no no no don't do that go hang with
32:55your friend we got plenty of time to catch up well it's gonna take a lot of time to get you
33:00fully caught up I'll block out three hours all right okay see you I will text you oh my gosh I
33:08know we talked about you coming back for a while now but until you text me and told me the plane
33:12had landed I just didn't believe it it was time it was time oh let's sit down talk so was it hard
33:19leaving Boston I didn't have any ties there I mean Boston's great but I was working like all the
33:26life turns out it wasn't they made me a better doctor but I don't want to live like that I miss
33:32my family you're here and like a stay as long as you like just be warned Donna is really into crafts
33:39and you're gonna find beads and glue everywhere yes thank you oh thank you I'm so glad you're
33:46home I know it's hard for you to be in Port Charles I'm sorry that I didn't stick around
33:52after mom's funeral I know you're excited about the job and everything it's just after
34:05you've been through are you sure you're up for it can't tell you how happy I am that you're
34:12homesick I'll never be able to repay Jason or Anna or Carly for everything they did to get me back
34:18here well even though you got all that help I heard it was hell to get back I'm sure your dad
34:25would be very proud you did this for your sister dad might be relieved but I'm so sure he'd be
34:31proud what would you say that yes we both know I should be in here all along
34:50thanks but I still need to work on that bridge no that's not a perfect to me I'm glad but I
35:00needed some perfect to both of us that's fair well what are you even doing out here it's a
35:06change of pace it's nice fresh air sound of the birds the wind kids laughing people talking you
35:15know so you like to play surrounded by life when I play outside I feel like I'm part of this big
35:25orchestra that's so it's playing but when we forget to listen to and here I thought it was
35:30just about the acoustics well I'm glad that I ran into you I felt terrible that the performance at
35:37the gallery got canceled wasn't your fault no but I've been working overtime to get Harry and Akai
35:41shows back on the book and I finally did and I would love to rebook you thank you for the offer
35:51but I have to pass why I know how much you care about Ava